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Against Satanism and the Against Satanism Video Site
I would like to invite you to join the paid plan of the Satchidanand Substack. As well as getting Free! 52 incredibly important Spiritual books Against Satanism about the Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course you also get the History of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires on this planet for the last 10,000 years...
"You are a slave, Neo" - Morpheus.
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course is the only path out of the Matrix because it gives you direct knowledge of the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth of your psychic mind control imprisonment.
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Meditation is also the Secret of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire control of the World for 10,000 years.
A Secret which has been censored from all texts, all knowledge bases. The secret of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Mind Control...
The Energy Enhancement weapon against Satanic Mind Control is the Truth and the revelator of the Truth - the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockage Mind Control..
So join the Paid Substack for only 8 dollars a month or any donation to the Work you wish to give to get 52 Free! Books but also get energised; Wake Up! by getting access to the Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course and Free! Energy Enhancement Level 0 techniques to strengthen and support the Meditation process.
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Your imprisonment is not only the "Fake News" of the mainsteam media. Your History is also fake as written by an Academia created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires whose scion leaders of both sides of each war create the victors.
"History is written by the Victors"
Fake History, Fake Economics, Fake Science, Fake Economics, Fake Religion, Fake Sentimentality because Satanism is really the destruction of the Heart and Conscience - the Creation of Psychopathy... by Satanic Ritual...
Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.
72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee.
Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice.
Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, Facebook, Twitter, International Companies, Vatican, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids, Eugenics..
The key is that the Satanic Religion and is current recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sexual Ritual OTO - Ordo Templi Orientis - are Fake Gangs, created by men as a 10,000 years old technique to create psychopathic leaders and their minions, and thus conquer the world.
All Rituals, Religions, Education, Secret Services and Political Movements have been scientifically Engineered to create Fake Gangs for 10,000 years. It's what the old Roman Empire, The Babylonian Empire of Satanic Nimrod, and the Cult of Apollo and the Byzantine Empire did before.
As you know, every Gang has Blackmail Rituals before you can join. Making your Bones with the Mafia means you must murder someone before you can join. Drug Cartels like MS13, secret groups within the Masons, the Hellfire Club, all have their Rituals before you can progress.
Epstein did not kill himself. He videoed Scientists from MIT and Harvard, Oligarchs, Politicians etc, Pedophiling young girls then Blackmailed them into doing the work of his Trillionaire sponsors - MKULTRA, Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids. As their willing victims are given access to stealing higher quantities of money, so they must go to the next level of Ritual. First it is 15 year old girls who look 25. Then it's 12 year olds, 5 year olds, and then its the murder of children, babies!
All to create a Satanic Society of Total Control through Human Sacrifice, poverty, lack of education, poison in the air, water and food. Lack of infrastructure, education and Total Control of the Media.
All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Meditation techniques - Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society JFK (27 April 1961)
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
JFK (27 April 1961)
The wicked foundations of Clown World
Clown World is built upon a series of intellectual pillars that range from Darwin, Diderot, and Freud to Einstein, Keynes, and Foucault. The first thing that rapidly becomes apparent when one regards them as a set is first, that they are all frauds. The second thing one realizes is what a collection of seriously evil sexual deviants they tend to be:
A French-American professor has accused fellow intellectual Michel Foucault of being a "paedophile rapist", a report by The Sunday Times said.
In an interview, Guy Sorman said he found out about Foucault's behaviour after visiting the late philosopher in Tunisia where he was living in 1969.
"Young children were running after Foucault saying 'what about me? take me, take me'," he said to The Sunday Times. "They were eight, nine, ten years old. He was throwing money at them and would say 'let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place'. He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised."
Sorman argued that Foucault was able to get away with this because of the racial element of his affairs.
"Foucault would not have dared to do it in France… There is a colonial dimension to this. A white imperialism," Sorman said.
In the interview Sorman said he "regrets" not reporting this "extremely morally ugly" behaviour to the police. He added that the press had been aware of Foucault’s conduct but were reluctant to publish stories due to his status as France’s "philosopher king" alike to that of a "god".
The philosopher who died in 1984 signed a petition in 1977, which sought to legalise sexual relations with children aged 13 or above.
Don't be misled. Whatever aspect of Clown World rhetoric happens appeals to you, be it free trade, freedom of expression, libertarianism, judeo-christianity, equality, tolerance, or respect, it's really all about pedos and human sacrifice. It's literally all designed to lead there in the end.
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 4 - SATANIC HOMO-OCCULTISM SATANIC HITLER - THE HOMOSEXUAL ROOTS OF FASCISM - Black Magician Homosexual Hitler created homosexual Cults based upon Black Magic - taught to him by Guido von List and the Armanen Order, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Ariosophy, The Thule Society, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and Friedrich Nietzsche by Swami Satchidanand
Tantra And Homosexuality Sodomy Rituals In Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism, Forced Pederasty, Tantra, Sodomy, Anal Sex
Ex-Banker Claims He Was Invited To Take Part In Child Sacrifice Rituals page 29…
The Alchemical Homunculus And The Jewish Golem And The Creation Of Evil Energy Blockage Implants - The Nature Of Good And Evil 49 Homosexual Ritual And The Cult Of Cybele And The Cult Of Moloch 78 Tantra And Homosexuality In Satanic Ritual - The Satanic Left And Spiritual Right Hand Paths Of Awakening The Kundalini 144 In The House Of The Strong Man, Satanic Sodomy Is The Key - The Sodomic Ritual Implantation Of Energy Blockages As Part Of The 10,000 Years Satanic Science Of Mind Control Through Sub-Personalities Created Through Hypnotism, Drugs And Tantric Sex 152 The Role Of Pagan Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism In Leading The Fall Of The Roman Empire And The Degeneration Of Hitlers Germany 22
The Nazis 224 The Nazi Hatred Of Judeo-Christian Anti-Homosexual Morality - "Homosexuality Is The Backdoor To Satanic Ritual" 258 Homosexuality And Islamist Terrorism 289 American Homo Fascism 298 Theosophy 316 Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels And Ariosophy 323 These Rituals Define Satanism.. Loveless Ritual Sex, Sodomy, Pedophilia, Ritual Drugs, Ritual Blood Sacrifice, Ritual Human Sacrifice, Ritual Torture, Ritual Burning Alive, Ritual Cannibalism, Ritual Castration Ritual Sex, Masonic Palladian Rite, Oto Rituals 345 Energy Enhancement And Tantra By Satchidanand - What Is Tantra? 443 Satanists Pizzagate, Spirit Cooking, Marina Abramovic, Satanism Worldwide For 10,000 Years 467
This means Pedophilia Sex Rituals and a means of Totalitarian Fear Control of Human Sacrifice.
As presently occurs in Totalitarian No-Soul Communist China. Christians, Buddhists and Falun Gong are executed in special organ harvesting vans - Human Sacrifice.
They have ten of these vans in every city and they work all day long taking fresh organs to the airport for implantation in Japan. The organs harvested and sold to Rich Oligarchs Worldwide
SATANIC HOMO-OCCULTISM AND THE HOMOSEXUAL ROOTS OF FASCISM - Black Magician Homosexual Hitler created homosexual sodomy ritual SS Sodomy Sodomy Cults based upon Black Magic - taught to him by Guido von List and the Armanen Order, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Ariosophy, The Thule Society, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Because the Torah and the Bible prohibit Homosexuality, in order to introduce Satanism and its Satanic Rituals, Hitler decided to destroy Judaism and Also he changed Christianity - Jesus - into a Sun God associated with Odin by sending all clerics to the death camps along with all the Ritual burning holocaust six million Jews.
After that he allied with Islam because Islam promotes a warrior Spartan Pedophilia and Sex Slavery of Women - "Women for breeding, boys for love" See, Thousands of child prostitutes in every city of Britain - Rochdale child sex abuse ring
Hitler's NAZI is National Socialism, an offshoot of No-God Communism - You can see this plan occurring in Western Civilisation everywhere, NOW!!
Not only History but also
Fake Economics - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 5 - Satanic Economics and the Satanic Principle of Poverty by Professor Hudson Published Feb 2019
We know the effects of meeting one psychopath and the destruction he can wreak in our lives. Wisdom teachings teach how to overcome their strategies and,"stay away from evil".
Satanism, - “The Old Religion” - is when all the psychopaths get together in one group to wreck the world to their benefit. Energy Enhancement Wisdom teachings describe the historical problem and the means to overcome it. "Vampires hate the light of Truth".
The key is that the Satanic Religion and its recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sexual Ritual Ordo Templi Orientis are Fake Gangs, created by men as a technique to conquer the world.
The Ancient Satanic Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Global Warming, Eugenics..
And Banking Infiltration by Satanic Banksters supported by the False Fabulous Science of Economics..
And this book pricks the bubble of Fake Satanic Economics because Godly people could never set up the World banking and economic system described in these pages.
Only Satanists could create a system which is against the evolution of Humanity to the Stars.
Instead, the Satanic Banksters promote the Principle of Poverty, barefoot, back on the reservation, in debt to the company store.
Companion Volume to Volume 5 - Satanic Economics and the Satanic Principle of Poverty - The Babylonian Woe - the History of Money and the Satanic Phoenicians Mega Trillionaires who created it.
Meyer Amschel Rothschild, who founded the great Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire international banking house of Rothschild which, through its affiliation with the European Central Banks, still dominates the financial policies of practically every country in the world by owning 100% of the Central Banks of the World, 70% of all banks, 70% of International Companies said: 'Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.'
In this time, as today, the people were almost entirely at the mercy of the Satanic private persons controlling their money, who then controlled the inflow of precious metals, silver and gold, the foundation of the people's money. The Satanic policies of these controllers from their standpoint as internationalists, with Banks and secret agents in both countries, were necessarily directed towards the creation of war against the well-being of mankind. Frequent wars were above all the prime essential..
1. Arms sales - The selling of weapons and war materiel to both sides of the war.
2. Chaos towards the destruction of the natural system of rule previously defined, which had been the protection of the people, to create the Satanic recruiting process of despair, nihilism, and then Satanism in the people - The Test.
3. War booty towards the reinjection into the system of hoarded coin and bullion, and consequent reinflation of the money supply;
4. The buying of property, farms and businesses in the defeated country for cents on the dollar.
5. Not the least important, the enslavement of the defeated populace and prisoners of war - gathering of a new crop of slaves for working the poisonous heavy metal mines to replace those stocks of silver and gold, so necessary to the foundation of their money power, and the maintenance of their international hegemony in consequence...
Fake Science, - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 9 - The Satanic Suppression of Science
Satanic Secret Agents, Aristotle; Contarini, Pomponazzi and Giorgi; Sarpi, Galileo and Kepler; Conti, Newton against Leibniz - The Satanic Corruption of Science by the Satanic, Slave Trading, Drug Running, Bankster run Venetian Empire to suppress Steam, Tesla, Fission and Fusion.
Satanic Control comes from the Satanic, "Policy of Poverty" and the Satanic, "Policy of Poisoning" by means of the, "Borgia Cup" and indeed Satanism itself which is a form of Mind Control to create the Psychopaths who will follow any orders.
These policies are designed to weaken the opposition to the Satanic Religious leaders whose aim is to continue ruling humanity as they have ruled the Human Herd for 10,000 years since Satanic Babylon in order to Steal their Spiritual Energy.
All religions are created by the Fascist Peerage Robber Barons whose Genealogy goes back to Satanic Babylon and their created Religions of Satanism, Luciferianism, the Cult of Apollo, Dionysus, Isis, Horus, Osiris have been created to control the upper levels of society for the real Peerage Robber Baron Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire owners for thousands of years. Because if you believe a Satanic created, infiltrated religion, you will believe anything, do anything for the comparmentalised top of the Hierarchy.
Yet, "False Gold is there only because Real Gold Exists" - Tamil Siddar Alchemist Thiruvalluvar
If a member of the Peerage Fascist Robber Baron Elite partakes of the normal Satanic Rituals extant for thousands of years designed to reduce people to the level of a psychopathic beast of..
1. Animal and human sacrifice rituals.
2. Canibalism rituals.
3. Drug rituals,
4. Sex rituals - homosexual sodomy rituals - pederasty rituals - bestiality rituals - torture rituals.
5. The castration rituals of Cybele and Attis.
and then you have your pictures and videos taken by Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, or Jimmy Savile, of you doing it, then you tend to follow orders!!
Rather than concentrating on problems with food, security and housing which poverty induces in all, only wealth and education can lead humanity to evolutionary meditation the foundation of Human Evolution to the Stars.
Realise that Austerity is not an accident.
Everything must be planned.
If Austerity can be planned and executed for the USA and Europe over 50 years since the assassination of John Kennedy then wealth too can be planned!! Fake Climate Change was created to make a Society of Austerity when we need the infinite energy of the Stars to evolve.
Only wealth can lead Human Evolution to the Stars, therefore anti-evolutionary Satanism created by the Robber Baron oligarchic elite for the purpose of creating poverty, so as to maintain their control over thousands of years, has acted to degrade every part of human society including science as the Satanic Frankfurt school has acted to similarly degrade philosophy, music and art, and the Satanic Robber Baron Drug trade has acted to destroy all culture and civilisation and the poisoning of air, food and water by fluoride, genetically modified foods, glyphosate and other pesticides, and incinerator dioxins and VOC's to destroy the health and energy of all humanity.
In order to secure acceptance for their Satanic ideas, the Satanic Venetian Party seeks to control the way people think. If you can control the way people think, say the Satanic Venetians, you can control the way they respond to events, no matter what those events may be.
It is therefore vital to the Satanic Venetians to control philosophy and especially science, the area where human powers of hypothesis, the higher hypothesis and creative reason become a force for improvements in the order of nature.
It is therefore vital to the Satanists to control and supress science because Science is the source of all Wealth creation which can lift Humanity from the level of a beast to Enlightenment itself.
Fake Philosophy - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - Pedophile Plato and No-Soul Aristotle - The Foundations of Western Philosophy!
The inspiration for the fascist state comes from Plato, the male supremacist and apologist for pederasty. Plato is revered as the preeminent classical philosopher, although his apparent advocacy of man/boy sex is not commonly known. A prototypical statement by the philosopher is recorded in George Grant’s Legislating Immorality: “Through the nightly loving of boys, a man, on arising, begins to see the authentic nature of true beauty” (Grant, 1993:24).
Plato’s Republic is his best known work.
The following is a summary of the Republic from W.K.C. Guthrie’s A History of Greek Philosophy:
The Republic (c.370 BC) advances many of Plato’s principal ideas, notably those concerned with government and justice. Composed as a debate between Socrates and five other speakers, The Republic is best known for its description of the ideal state (based on Sparta), which Plato argues should be ruled by Totalitarian Dictator philosopher-kings (Guthrie in Grolier).
As we have noted, the Spartan society was dominated by a pederastic warrior cult that featured mandatory induction of twelve-year-old boys into homosexual partnerships with adult men. Like all such cults, the Spartan military was rigidly hierarchical and elitist. Plato’s concept of the “philosopher-king” is that of an autocratic dictator leader appropriate to such a society. The Totalitarian Dictator Philosopher-King rules over a kind of fascist utopia. Interestingly, Plato’s idealized society in the Republic includes the elimination of the family as a social unit and the elimination of private property.
READ - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The Satanic Foundations of Western Philosophy by Satanic Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato's Republic - "The Concealment of Wickedness and Human Sacrifice" and Satanic No-Soul Aristotle.
Fake Religion - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 8 -The Satanic History of the World Part 4 Published Jan 2020
The Cancer of The Venetian Empire - The Phoenician Empire - Merges with the Satanic Catholic Church
The reputation and good behaviour of hundreds of millions of good Catholics in no way is questioned by highlighting the deliberate actions of a few thousand dedicated Satanists, Baalists and Luciferians who have caused world wars and sacrificed millions to demon gods.
The Roman Cult and associated networks of Sabbatean and secret Satanic organisations since the 14th and 15th Centuries is the only time in the history of civilization whereby a “sacred” religious ceremony was established for the systematic and widespread encouragement of its clergy to Satanically ritualistically abuse children...
Saint Francis of Assisi was the son of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire family importing drugs, cloth, spices, silver and gold from China and India into Europe banned by the Emperor of Constantinople then conjoined with the Satanic Catholic Pope to share the business under the Fake Franciscan order of monks - Sea Seclorum, gave secret military and naval technology to King John III of England who created 40 advanced Oaken ships and together they sacked Constantinople in 1204 bringing the loot back to Venice where Saint Francis became the Doge of Venice.
Himmler was Head of the Military Arm of Catholicism, the Jesuits. Hitler was supported by Pope Pius XII. The SS Knights of the Golden Sea Seclorum based on the Jesuit Order were an Order of the Catholic Church.
And Much, Much, More..
Fake History, Fake Science, Fake Economics, Fake Philosophy, Fake Religion, Fake Meditation - "Traditional Meditations have been designed to fail"
52 FREE!! ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION BOOKS AGAINST SATANISM Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts, 52 FREE!! BOOKS, Access to the Advanced Techniques of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and support the Work of Freeing the Mind of Humanity with the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course, consider becoming a paid subscriber.
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There is a translation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika which I studied as a young man as part of my studies of Hatha Yoga by my Guru, Theos Bernard who through yoga, pranayama and meditation became accepted as a Rinpoche, Tibetan Reincarnation when he came to the gates of Tibet.
Through the practise of Hatha Yoga from the age of fourteen and the study of Pranayama and Agnisar Kriya at age 21 and then the study of meditation and Shambhavi Mudra at age 28 I gradually built up the happy power of samadhi within my being and became a healer with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers of Great Britain.
My Guru, Swami Satchidananda said that when he was young he could touch a person and take away their Heart disease or Cancer. But later he found the same people coming back with the same problem. By this he learned that the people had to change themselves, their attitudes, their lives before the disease, a product of all that, could be truly healed.
“I am just a mid-wife or a guide and it is you who must walk every step of the path by yourself” Zen Master Hogen
And for this reason, people need to learn to do it for themselves with the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course - or come visit us in India of Iguazu Falls, Brazil.
In reality, Illumination is the final healing required. Although the normal miracle can show what is possible, this should only show the way. So then he started teaching yoga and meditation. Healing came in from the side.
With the addition of Energy Enhancement, came the finish of all the problems associated with Energy Blockages and Karma from All your previous lives, the bane of every healers life yet at the same time their reason for existence.
I can now say the same for every man and woman on this planet, "Energy Blockages, the Shadow, are the bane of every persons life yet at the same time their reason for existence"
In order to evolve we need to understand that Energy Blockages are the reason for all your problems.
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course, is the ONLY solution.
Satchidanand - "who can know the true greatness of the Raja Yoga. Knowledge, mukti, condition, and Siddhis can be learnt by instructions from a guru alone" Hatha Pradipika 4.8
Can I help you in any way with more information about the course?
Successful people make decisions quickly.
And change them slowly.
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Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts, 52 FREE!! BOOKS, Access to the Advanced Techniques of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and support the Work of Freeing the Mind of Humanity with the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course, consider becoming a paid subscriber.atchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts, Free! Books and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
FREE! BOOK... - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand
Save your life with Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation course.. Book One, Sutra One - “Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...”
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
Each desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.
In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?
This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...
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Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
There is great wisdom and truth within Satchidanand's books, website and energy enhancement teachings. I feel that Energy Enhsncement is the most important work I have ever embarked upon in my life. I am learning a tremendous amount of spiritual knowledge in addition to gaining a much greater understanding about our world. This is the second paperback book I purchased from Energy Enhancement.
However since this is a book about Level 1 initiations I recommend getting this book first. I like having this book to refer to while listening to initiation videos, for study, review, and writing notes. I plan to purchase all three of the currently available Energy Enhancement books in paperback form. Thanks to Satchi's great teachings and the experiences I have had while doing the level 1 initiations I feel renewed happiness, optimism, & hope. I highly recommend this book for all genuine truth seekers, especially for those working on the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course!!!
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
This is an excellent start to the energy enhancement system! Swami Satchidanand has done an excellent job in integrating different spiritual systems and extracting essential wisdom for seekers. Swami Satchidanand has studied with many of the top spiritual masters and this definitely shows in his ability to motivate others. The other review gives a skewed review IMO, I have experienced his online course, the book is an excellent start to the advanced material. People see what they want to see in spiritual teachers and responses can be polarised, clear your own mirror first to see the truth.
FREE! BOOK... Super Energy And Sacred Symbols for Perfect Wisdom Enlightenment by Satchidanand
Satchidanand's book challenges assumptions about society's spiritual roots and made people look at them in new ways."
Satchidanand dedicated Super Energy And Sacred Symbols for Perfect Wisdom Enlightenment to "the proposition that concealed within the emblematic figures, allegories and rituals of the ancients is a secret doctrine concerning the inner mysteries of life, which doctrine has been preserved in toto among a small band of initiated minds and hidden from the rest of humanity."
"The result is a gorgeous, dreamlike book of mysterious symbols, concise essays and guided meditations evoking colorful renderings of mythical beasts rising out of the sea, and angelic beings with lions' heads presiding over somber initiation rites in torch-lit temples of ancestral civilizations that had mastered latent powers beyond the reach of modern man."
"The greatest knowledge of all time should be available to the twenty-first century not hidden in Myth and Symbol and ancient libraries where books go to die"
"Within this book, are the sacred colors, shapes and symbols of the Western Mystery Tradition. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the wisdom contained herein is infinite. As a reference book for symbols and sacred art, as a gateway into the Western Mystery Tradition, or simply as a pleasant read, this book is well worth adding to your library. You will turn to it again and again, and walk away pleased each and every time."
The Biggest and most Controversial Book of the Century.
The One Book which can Totally Unite the World!!
This Energy Enhancement Book gives the Secrets of Illumination and the Meditational Unity of All the World's Major Religions from their Sacred Symbols. Ancient Egyptian, Masonic, Ancient Greek, Alchemical Taoism, Hindu, Sufi, Zen Buddhism, Christian - Symbols are Legominisms - Ancient Secrets of One Meditation to Create Perfect Illumination - Passed Down from All the Ancient Spiritual Masters from Time Immemorial - Which are the Energy Enhancement Initiations - Guided Meditations indicating..
How to get into Alignment with a Stream of Energy from
Kundalini Chakra in the Earth’s Center To the Central Spiritual
Sun "Brighter than 10,000 Suns" in the Center of the Universe.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it — Matthew 13:45-46, King James Version
Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found, and hid. In his joy, he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field — Matthew 13:44, World English Bible
FREE! BOOK... Energy Enhancement Book Two Totally Remove Every Energy Blockage Soul Sucking Energy Cord Connections Master Attachment Desire Infinite Energy Quantum Immortality
Hi, I've been reading through all the 4 e-books in a couple of days, FWIW I found the site through googling words "gnostic" and "chakra" and came to an article on the site. I once literally didn't believe the time when I stopped to go to sleep, that I had been pretty much just reading for 12 hours straight! (including of course every one of the submissions relating to the Argentine junta torture, I felt you were just GODAMNN DARING someone to skip! even just that reading time duration yet relentessly personal nature of trauma all by itself would mean never being the same again after finding your website!)
I'd like to receive the video course, but also wonder whether you would provide some perspective for me on some odd things that have happened to me that I didn't understand, I was amazed to read in the book the experience of [Dan, I think] and realizing what has happened to me may be similar and you can help me understand it after feeling very alone with these things. I will write it in a longer form in new email if you will be willing to read and comment, I will just say now that I think one strange day as an ignorant know-it-all teenager, 17 I think (21 years ago now) when I defaced every 7th page of a copy of the New Testament with inverted pentagrams may have something to do with it all! In between reading all the books back to back I slept with, for the first time really, asking to be shown in dream what stops me from working on my projects (I perfectly fit your description of a head in the clouds dreamer feeling revolt against being born a human animal, the two triangles not being integrated)
And I had by far the most vivid dream I have ever had and only one I can remember where "I" was killed in it (brief nothing then a bizarre future life continuation of dream) which started from recognizable home street surroundings (unusual for me in dreams) but meeting an intense man (?) controlling me by thick cord to make me sway around or whatever he wanted Regards, Peter
Download The Above Book.. Energy Enhancement Book Two - Totally Remove Every Energy Draining Energy Blockages and the Soul Sucking Energy Cord Connections. Master Attachment and Desire. Access Infinite Energy and Quantum Immortality! Live Forever!
Meditate and get Rich Volume 1..
One of the forgotten Secrets of Wealth and Richness is the Alchemical transmutation of lead into Gold.
Understand the Ancient formulas of Alchemy to release the Sources of Internal and External Wealth.
Meditate and get Rich Volume 2..
In this book we find two classics of the Wealth cannon.. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles and Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill together with Satchidanand's pithy text..
The Energy Enhancement Infinite Wealth Home Training Program is given Free! when you buy Level 2..
Here below we have the technical foundations of the Wealth program in the Siddhi Program.
Currently we have a nine hour Siddhi program given Free! with Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 4 - The Opening of the Heart.
Later an expansion of Energy Enhancement Infinite Wealth Home Training Program into a 26 hour course..
Free! Book - Opening the Third Eye..
Free! Book - Eliminating the Shadow.. In this book, Satchidanand trashes the greatest most intellectual investigators and descriptors of the Shadow and the Shadow Subpersonalities.
Great People - The Highest of All Humanity - Jordan Peterson, Carl Jung, Niezsche, and every Psychotherapy, Psychological therapist who can describe the problem of the Shadow, talk about the problem of the shadow but have no Practical solution to the Shadow. All of those guys Failed to Solve the Problem of the Shadow. None of these guys have Any practical solution for the Shadow.. And it is the Shadow Subpersonalities which is the Source, The Fount, of All Evil on this Planet... And the Source of All Evil within You!!
Carl Jung says.. “There is no generally effective technique for assimilating the shadow. It is more like diplomacy or statesmanship and it is always an individual matter. First one has to accept and take seriously the existence of the shadow. Second, one has to become aware of its qualities and intentions. This happens through conscientious attention to moods, fantasies and impulses. Third, a long process of negotiation is unavoidable.” (Carl Jung)
As Jung notes in the passage above, he thought there is no general technique to integrate the shadow, even though the Buddha and Jesus Christ exemplified the Ancient Meditation Technology which is the only means for removing the Shadow. For thousands of years great souls have come to earth to demonstrate otherwise, that enlightenment is, "Tat tvam asi" Thou art that!! You are a part of the Universe and have nothing else to seek.
Energy Enhancement Meditation including Level 1 Alchemical VITRIOL to Ground Pain and Trauma from Memories and the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages by Purifying them then Integrating them with the Soul to create ONE Soul Infused Personality creating Spiritual Insight – combined with psychological knowledge Energy Enhancement is THE complete way of processing and integrating your Shadow Side into wholeness.
I am writing today because this is so important.
Only Energy Enhancement can Annihilate Evil on Earth and change this Planet into a Planet of Love and Light in this Place, for You, for Me, for the Entire Human Race.
It is about The Energy Enhancement Elimination of All Evil on this Planet.
You remember my latest book, Eliminating the Shadow Subpersonalities..
It is beneficial for everyone to heal themselves by removing ALL blockages using Energy Enhancement advanced techniques. Not just a handful.
Because the Shadow Subpersonalities are the Source, the Fount, of All Evil on this Planet.
The Shadow Subpersonalities are essentially Evil because they are cut off from the energies of God and thus from Good, because Only God is Good!!
Shadow Subpersonalities are virtual machines existing within the mind computer but with no access to God, "They are minds of metal and wheels" - Tolkien, with no access to genius because the geni etymologically, is the Soul.
Shadow Subpersonalities, cut off from the energies of God, can only live off the Soul infused Personality or the Essence within themselves or that Energy within other people.
Shadow Subpersonalities Vampirise the Energy of God and devise Evil schemes to get it.
Strategies, - the Strategies of the Vampire are all Attention Seeking schemes to Vampirise your Energy. The Poor Me Addictions, the Violator Bullying, the Selfish Competitive Black Star, the Sabotaging Self Destructor, are all Drama Queens - just a little Evil to destroy lives - Your Life, the Lives of your family, your City, and your Country.
You can see all these strategies busily at work in the people around you. You might even see them at work in yourself. Know that these strategies are even now turning you against the One Course which can Remove them.
The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process Can Easily Remove All your Strategies and Subpersonalities!
Most people are just a little evil, but over many lifetimes, as the number and power of Subpersonalities grow within you, so that the Demon on your left shoulder, debating with the Angel on your right shoulder becomes so powerful that you become more and more Evil.. Until you are entirely taken over by Evil.. Possessed by Evil, a Servant of Satan!!
You can see in the picture below that most people are controlled by Shadow Subpersonalities.
Free!! Book The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 - The Karma Cleaning Process - Remove Even Deeper Subpersonality Energy Blockages Click Below..
These Evil Shadow Subpersonalities band together to take you over and repress the Soul infused Personality. They are then Evil psychopaths and this is bad enough. But when these Evil Shadow taken over people band together into groups, Satanic Evil Religions, Bloodline Families and Bloodline Races, Secret Societies, Cartels, Banksters - giving courses on how to repress further the soul infused personality - how to become even more Evil - then this is what and why I write in my Against Satanism series of Books - currently Eleven volumes available for FREE!! when you sign up for the newsletter
Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis, Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism, Protestantism, the Illuminaughty, Sabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism, Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading.. The Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 11 by Satchidanand.
To understand how and why Evil has taken over this Planet, and how Energy Enhancement can free this Planet from All Evil... READ THE AGAINST SATANISM SERIES OF ELEVEN BOOKS!!
With Energy Enhancement Remove All these Evil Subpersonalities within you whilst you have the chance..
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course is designed to
1. Open the Third Eye,
2. Use Alchemical VITRIOL to Remove Negative Energies,
3. Annihilate Negative Emotions,
4. Eliminate Gross Bodily Infirmities,
5. Access Infinite Spiritual Energy from the Chakras Above the Head,
6. Accelerate your Evolution,
7. Speeed Up!! your Process,
8. Enable your Enlightenment,
9. Intimate your Illumination,
10. Persue your Purification,
11. Blow up your Blockages,
12. Vibrate your VITRIOL,
13. Charge your Chakras,
14. Promote your Protection,
15. Subdue your Subpersonalities,
16. Sedate your Shadow,
17. Create Blooming Health,
18. Walloping Wealth,
19. Total Removal of All Blockages,
20. Total Removal of All Subpersonalities,
21. The Attainment of Goals, whatever you want, by removing the blockages preventing attainment of the goal.
22. Integration with the Soul,
23. One Soul Infused Personality,
24. Illumination,
25. Enlightenment,
26. Psychic Powers,
27. Eliminate all Evil in You and throughout the Whole Planet,
28. The Whole Universe of Love, Light, Happiness,
29. Genius - the Creation of Beauty, Abundance,
30. Invincibility, Strength, Goodness, God, and Heaven Here on Earth - NOW!!!!
Only Energy Enhancement can Annihilate Evil on Earth and change this Planet into a Planet of Love and Light in this Place, for You, for Me, for the Entire Human Race.
The best way to get around the internet censors and their shadow banning and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I broadcast and Free download access to the 52 Spiritual Books I publish.
Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts, 52 FREE!! BOOKS, Access to the Advanced Techniques of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course and support the Work of Freeing the Mind of Humanity with the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course, consider becoming a paid subscriber.
My work is entirely reader-supported and the incredible Energy Enhancement Meditation Course supported so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, throwing some money into my hat, buying my hard copy books on Amazon Everyone, has my permission to republish or use any part of my work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.
What We See when we Remove an Energy Blockage is the Secret of Infinite Energy, Secret of Eternal Life, the Secret of Immortality. Energy Blockages are Satanic, and it is this we see directly when we remove the blockages with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course.. Energy Blockages do not exist alone, they are part of a network of evil, a network of control, which is designed not to allow people to understand the nature of that control, the purpose of that control, so as to maintain that control and the flow of energy - stolen from all human beings - to allow an elite of Black magicians, Sorcerers, Enchanters, Warlocks, Witches, Necromancers, Devils, Dark Gods... to live forever, Immortally, in private Universes, outside the body and then to download into a body from time to time, to maintain their Plantation, their Farm, their Property, to maintain the flow of stolen spiritual energy to them from every human being on this planet - Eternally. This is why I wrote Eight volumes of Against Satanism..
See this..