How are they Stealing your Spiritual Energy -  Energy Blockage Possession of a human being - The Energy Vampirisation of Orgasm Energy from Sex Workers Sex Addiction Implant Energy Blockages at a Strip Club absorbed by Black Magicians and sent to Dark Gods, people who have learned to get out of the body and live eternally, immortally, in private universes on the Astral Plane

This is an article, based on a recent report I received regarding an Energy Blockage situation. The woman observed this situation to be ongoing with her soon to be “ex-husband” for many years, and in her estimation, was due primarily to a psychic cording, energy connection, linking to Sex Addiction Implant Energy Blockages and energy blockage attachment that were implanted when her husband repeatedly visited Energy Addiction Sex Blockage Sex strip-clubs.

This article is direct from the woman’s (named “M”) own statements from personal correspondence. She has provided several sketches of what she observed in her “husband” usually during Sexual activity, when the Energy Blockage “took control” and "Possessed" his body temporarily.

The sketches show what she saw with her psychic vision - an iguana-like reptilian Energy Blockage attached to his shoulder, and also a dark greenish-grey energy field surrounding his aura, which is really the overshadowed energy body of a larger reptilian Energy Blockage (4th dimensional) outside of his body that entered through energy cords “from the back” of her husband.

“M” also noticed other things that she discovered when doing her own healing work, Meditation, as well as tracing back the origin of the iguana-reptilian Energy Blockage, via a type of Black Magician energy vampire higher level energy blockage technology outside of the body connected to the Antahkarana and energy cords connecting to the Antahkarana column of energy in the infinity of chakras above the head outside the planet.

 One of the key issues is the Sex Energy Vampire Black Magician's energy blockage technology and higher level control of the Sexual addiction implant blockages implanted inside the body but controlled by energy connections from the Chakras above the Head of humanity from outside the Planet!

Normally Energy blockages are created to syphon, vampirise, steal, Spiritual Energy from people and send that energy to a hierarchy of vampires on this planet and then to vampires outside of this planet, the whole planet being the energy source of Dark Gods, people who have learned to leave the body and live eternally outside the body in private universes on the Astral Plane.


 Cording from energy blockages outside of the planet in the Antahkarana connecting with energy cords into places like Sex strip clubs that are targetted with a type of energy blockage technology linked in via Higher Level Control Energy Blockages connected into the building with interdimensional energy cord connections that allow linking and direct energetic access to the persons in the strip club in order to drain their vibrant orgasm energies.

There is also a French Clairvoyant’s perception of how certain ET-looking entities attach to the human energy field and shift the energetics of their system by directly linking into certain chakras and energy centers.

Excerpt from M:

I actually saw this electrical iguana shaped energy blockage over my soon to be X husband’s right shoulder when we were having Sex in 2012. There was also an energetic white cubic form energy blockage that sat behind this iguana form controlling it. I could clearly sense the white cubic form energy blockage but did not physically see with my human eyes. I did see the rest of this with my physical eyes.

During this intimacy with my husband, he suddenly became very robotic and mechanical which was actually not that unusual. However, this time as this started to happen, this electric blue outline of an iguana formed energy blockage appeared over his right shoulder. I was reclined on the edge of our bed and my husband was standing over me having intercourse with me as this was happening.

I then immediately saw a gray, overshadowing reptilian energy blockage take over his body from behind him. I could actually see the energy blockage and then I could see its outline around my husband’s body as this ‘takeover” took place.

It was like this thing had been waiting for the right moment to come in to take my husband over and he just came in and overtook my husband’s consciousness and physical body for the orgasm event. It was very creepy.



As this happened my husband became very robotic as he methodically attempted to finish having Sex with me. However, I immediately sat up and said, “What is that?” as I pointed directly to the iguana shape Energy Blockage that was possessing my husband which was implanted in him when he visited Sex Clubs.

I could tell the Energy Blockage was surprised that I could see it. It moved backwards and started fading in a stunned and annoyed sort of way. It did seem annoyed and surprised that I was pointing at it and basically calling it out. I also made my husband get off of me immediately. This whole experience from when I first saw the iguana shape over his shoulder to the end took about 45 seconds to a minute to happen.

This event was one of several events that included events and evidence that helped me discover and shed light on the traumatizing reality and truth that my husband was not only a Sex addict who had been acting out Sexually for the past 20 years of our 23 year marriage but I also realized he was energy blockage reptilian possessed or demonically possessed and was driven by what I would call a demonic-reptilian interface energy blockage or a “reptilian holographic insert energy blockage” and other Sexually deviant energy blockages.

Needless to say, I never had Sex with him again after this event. I have also discovered many disturbing details regarding his Sexually deviant behaviors and they were consistently quite sadistic in nature. The loss of energy vampirised from his energy body by the implant sexual addiction blockage and sent back by energy cords, energy connections to the Black Magician and his
Dark Gods, - people who have learned to get out of the body and live eternally, immortally, in private universes on the Astral Plane, usually degenerates the person being vampirised by reducing his control over the other sexual implants in his body, and by weakening his protection, allowing other Demons to be implanted into his energy system.



He has been driven by a need to violate others without their knowing it in ways that he knows they would find very invasive and disturbing if they knew what he was doing.

The way he stores memories is also void of sentiment or nostalgia. It is fact based memories and very few details that include emotional memories of meaningful events. A robotic memory is dominant with him.

Later in meditation, after this iguana energy blockage event had happened, I was trying to understand what I had seen and so I asked about it in meditation and was able to see the events and the dynamics of how this had happened. I saw several situations where my husband was doing things that had allowed this Energy Blockage and other
Energy Blockages and some “alien technology energy blockages” to come into his field.

The main Energy Blockage and the energy blockage technology that was connected to or linked to the iguana/reptile that I saw over his shoulder he had actually “contracted” in a strip club. I was shown or just saw the whole scene of how my husband got this Energy Blockage attachment and the related technology that went with it.

He got this Energy Blockage during a lap dance in a strip club, where he was also paying to be Sexually serviced by a stripper/prostitute. As he was in the midst of this particular event, the stripper was over him and on his lap Sexually servicing him and he leaned his head back and his Sexual field opened up very widely directly over and above his body and even over the event itself.

It opened in the form of what looked like a large hourglass cone shape energy blockage that was swirling a bit as it opened. These very nasty entity energy blockages and cording devices and other things that were inside of the the stripper's energy field or that were connected to her field were implanted, literally dumped into my husband’s energy field during this opening of his Sexual field with her field and the field of the event itself.

I saw that the stripper had gotten some of these energy blockages from her childhood experiences and many more of them were entities and other creepy energy blockages that she had been implanted with picked up or contracted from the many Sexually deviant men that she had serviced and the atmosphere she worked in.


I also knew some of these were actively being directed by and were connected/corded to energy blockages outside of her also living outside of the planet in the Chakras above the Head. I could clearly see that there was an Energy Blockage Entity Demon that worked through her and that was driving her from outside of her field to implant vampirise and degenerate, turn into an Orc, all the people she serviced.

It was type energy blockage technology from outside of the planet in the Chakras above the Head where people that live outside the body like Sauron lived outside the body yet controlled his Orcs, live in External Universes they create high up in the Chakras above the Head where they store all the Energy they Steal from Sex and Drugs enabling them to live eternally without any connection with God by vampirising the Energy of their human cattle for thousands of years, the political machinations of controlling society by the "oligarchic Principle of Poverty" we are now seeing in Europe as cheap oil is banned, necessary to prevent humanity evolving, that was actually linked, corded into her and into her field and even into to the strip club itself and what was going on in this place.


Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families which have existed running Global Trading Companies for thousands of years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship, are corded into through Satanic Ritual, all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, from their Phoenician Colonies in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Rome, Venice and London, marrying in to, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family. Their sons and daughters pretending to be natives of Europe, Britain, America, India, Israel and China, using their Satanic Mega Trillionaire inheritances to get into positions of power to manage and control their human cattle in every country in the World!!

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I could see this larger energy blockage technology was there for the purpose of stealing Sex Energy, cording the men or people (there were a few women too) that she was servicing Sexually in these acts of prostitution.

It was some sort of unconscious past life contract she had with black magicians that hovered above this time event.

I could actually see a rounded disked shaped energy blockage hovering in a dimension that seemed to be directly above and slightly to the right of the physical space above the strip club in the Antahkarana and this event field itself. I saw my husband and others physically in the strip club committing these acts.

I also saw the energy blockage technology that was being used to cord these people that were susceptible to these sorts of addictive and/or deviant energy blockage processes. This big energy blockage and its technology hovered above it all and it was there for the specific purpose of cording people.

The things that have happened in my marriage have been traumatizing and at the same time are quite interesting. As I look at it all now in hindsight with a little distance, it is clear that something much larger then my husband’s and my situation is going on.

It makes so much more sense than it ever has before, as the bigger picture is emerging. Something much larger is going on and it is effecting many people - everyone in the whole world.

I have had two “love bite” relationships where I was corded by people that I thought loved me, but turned out to have feet of clay, Only Lust! Only Sexual Cords connecting with Sex Blockages! That have both been very traumatizing and difficult experiences to go through.

I have done much work now to resolve my unresolved trauma. The first relationship was a short, less then two years, a marriage in my early twenties to a psychopath. I am in the process of divorcing my current husband of 23 years now.

He is not a psychopath but does have a splintered soul of many subpersonalities and has he been a very convincing fraud and fake, nice guy.

Realizing how I was fooled by him, who he really was really choosing to be and what he has really had going on all these years has also been extremely educational, eye opening, and enlightening to witness. I have seen a whole new level of some of the darker things that are going on in our world now.

With The Kindest Regards,


“M” continues in next correspondence for more detail:
Hopefully by sharing this information and experience, others will be more able to see and perceive these energy blockages also. I have learned that these energy blockage entities do not like being seen for what they really are. It is a dis-empowering experience for them. Therefore seeing this all for what is, using meditation, seems to be one of the easiest ways to transform and transcend its ability to influence our lives.

One of the things that has surprised me the most about all of this is the dimensionality aspect of it. We have been conditioned to see and perceive the “alien” and “UFO phenomena” in a way that is actually quite misleading and limiting, when it is all Energy Blockages and cords to control us!

I am doing much better and working daily to heal and to be my most whole and authentic self and to move on with my life. That does not mean that there has not been significant amount of unnecessary damage. I do have to say that this “Alien love bite cording” thing and all of the manipulative, deceptive agendas that go along with this on a very practical level–seems to be rather wasteful.

In many ways the experience of having all our lives deviated by this satanic force that is cruel, limiting in annoying ways, seems ultimately unnecessary and wasteful. While I do understand the concept that so many spiritual teachers suggest that we signed up for this suffering to make us stronger–I just do not agree.

Something about that is off. I don’t see this as a grand spiritual lesson that we signed up for before we came here, that is intended to somehow make us better or stronger through being traumatized or through suffering of some kind. I see this as a nuisance, like mosquitos that swarm on a beautiful tropical island.

We may sign up for the vacation and we then educate ourselves about the local parasites and predator that are present in this environment, we keep our eyes open and take action to prevent ourselves from being bitten, harmed or distracted by them. We don’t allow them to deviate us form enjoying a good life or a good vacation.

And yet, you are on the Island and you can't get off! After school and University we are always unhappy due to everyone having these similar bad experiences.

It seems that God wants us to take the next step into meditation in order to master the psychic plane of Energy Blockages, and thus gives us these experiences to force us to Master this dimension.

It is not enough to be told about these experiences.

It is not enough to experience these experiences.

It is necessary to master these experiences by not entering into these paths ever again. "You have been down that road before, Neo, and you know where it ends"

And even that is insufficient!

By entering into this planet, you have entered into one of those roads.

To really Master these experiences you need the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages.

You needs to Master Energy Cords in Level 4 of Energy Enhancement!

Implant Sex and Drug Addiction Blockages are programmed to use Energy Connections between people which are naturally formed between every human being in order to drain their energies back to the person who implanted them, either in this lifetime or in any previous lifetime, no matter how far they are away.

We have seen in meditation that the implanters of
Sex and Drug Addiction Blockages have thousands of energy connections coming to them from the thousands of people whom they vampirise, rather like a telephone exchange.

They manage to get so many connections by implanting people who act as their helpers, their collaborators, their fellow Initiates, to implant people they meet. Any energetic psychic connection between the victim helper and the victim - the sacrifice - is channeled back to the original implanter.

Usually implant is implanted upon implant as many people have already been implanted in previous lifetimes. These people already addicted and are easier to recognise by the helper/collaborator and to implant over the original implant.

There are many young ladies and young men who act as the helper/collaborator of the implanter of Sex and Drug Addiction Blockages. These many evolved helpers unconsciously even implant and vampirise their own children, the mothers and fathers sending the energy of their own children back to the original implanter.

The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.

Implant Sex and Drug Addiction Blockages and the people who implant them congregate any public place where people go - like walking down the street, Malls, supermarkets, plays, concerts and bars, also in clubs, churches and workshops. 

Bad people, implanters or their workers congregate in schools as teachers or in children's hospitals as doctors where the helpless are implanted for a life of addiction just by looking or even in rituals at the dead of night. Thus Jimmy Sa vile worked in Broadmoor and children's hospitals.

Implant blockages can be programmed to be implanted from web sites.

Sexual implant blockages from sex sites or pornographic books and magazines and videos, or from Sexual groups or clubs or prostitutes or from any partner who has already been implanted - really from anything in that milieu.

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Pornographic videos which spread the sex stimulant implant virus.

Sexual congress radiates sexual energy as well as sexual implant blockages.

A young lady virgin who gets involved with pornography will start with a lot of sexual energy - a hip.

A rosehip has many seeds, is juicy, sweet and filled with vitamin c.

She will be very popular until her sexual energy is drained, usually by video shoots where she will have to make love and climax with five men, one after the other. This virgin sexual energy radiance is highly prized by pornographers to attract, to piggyback sexual implants.

As the actors in these pornographic videos get drained, so they radiate less sexual energy, require more stimulation, more drugs to get the same response - a haw. The hawthorne berry is small, incredibly bitter and poisonous. The genesis of the whore.

The purveyors know this. They know their product. They know what radiates sexual energy the most. They know who radiates the most. They cut the stimulation parts together to get people wanting more. They cut climaxes together for the connoisseur.

They implant, implant, implant!!

Bars and public houses contain alchohol and nicotine implant viruses as well as sexual implant viruses.

Any addict will implant you with the drug addiction Implant Sex and Drug Addiction Blockages.

The helper/collaborators spreading the sexual implant virus are usually beautiful sexual partners although the suppliers of drugs for drug addiction implants - the man - are also complicit.

As the amount of implants grow, as the need for stimulation due to an inherent lack of energy - because it has all been vampirised - grows, so the subject is coarsened and perverted - DEGENERATED AND DRAINED OF ENERGY.

There is always more energy in the undrained innocent.


As the addiction disease progresses, more and more stimulation is needed to provide the same response. There is a search for more energy. Thus sex, drugs, bondage and sado masochism, homosexuality, pederasty, sexual ritual, human sacrifice.

This is the field of the Marquis de Sade, Giles de Rais and Madame Bathory.


Rock and Roll - the radiation of Spiritual Energy - When the energy gets less, then drugs will, "crank up" the Spiritual Energy with the same results as in Sex - Jimmy Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton - Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!



Eventually Vampirism - Chinese sexual tantra teaches how to steal sexual energy from your partners. High level Taoist Martial Arts use Implantation of Blockages beneath the Base Chakra to defeat their opponents. How to steal energy from others, thus the genesis of implant energy blockages - how to make them, how to drain the World - 7 billion people - of their energy.

The drained die easy.

Early death.

"If there had been two things like sex, I never would have become Enlightened!" - Gurdjieff


Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!

The Suck-ubus Succubus

The Suck-ubus Succubus Hookers

We have beautiful women and men prized by Black Magicians to suck, vampirise, steal, Spiritual Energy from their partners for all their lives by being implanted with the Succubus Demon by the Black Magician at an early age so that this Demon, in conjunction with their subpersonalities unconsciously who always have a greater apprehension of the psychic, or even in conjunction with their Soul infused personality, consciously, will connect by means of energy connections, chakra to chakra, to "Hook" their prey, suck their energy, suck the energy of the orgasm, and pass on the vast majority of the Spiritual Energy to the Black Magician who originally implanted them whilst taking a tithe of the energy for themselves.

And then, two people both succubus - female - and incubus - male - get together to vampirise each other of their Spiritual Energies - to degenerate each other... and one degenerates faster than the other or both together...

As they move in their relationship from great passion to a long term relationship so the energy of the partner or each partner is sucked and the energy level decreases. As they lose energy, so addiction blockages and other demons are allowed to overcome their psyche. They begin to degenerate into Orcs. Some become addicts, alchoholics. As they lose energy, so their minds become weaker and their decisions become worse, further degenerating the relationship. The degeneration of the partner becomes more and more obvious.

Eventually the beautiful woman or man comes to despise the failings of the partner brought on by them sucking their partners dry. They finish the relationship. They search for another victim without any realisation that this is the life cycle of every one of their relationships.

Can't live with them, can't live with them, becomes their mantra.

Older but not wiser they finish their relationship career living with a cat or a dog.

The purpose of this missive can become useful to students of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course by realising that I might be talking about you.

If this strikes a chord then look for the implanted succubus demon within yourself, usually the demon is implanted into the base chakra, coccyx, perineum, vagina, clitoris, penis and the blockage is supported by blockages in the chakras below.

Remove all demons!

Remove the Succubus and incubus Demon by means of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process.

Everyone is Already the victim of these Implant Addiction Energy Blockages.


How are they Stealing your Spiritual Energy - The Energy Vampirisation of Orgasm Energy from Sex Workers Sex Addiction Implant Energy Blockages at a Strip Club absorbed, stolen, vampirised, syphoned off, by Black Magicians and sent to Dark Gods, people who have learned to get out of the body and live eternally, immortally, in private universes on the Astral Plane


Psychic Self-Defense for Astral Sex Lilith Succubus Hungry Whores in the Virtual World

Astral Sexual Addiction - The Addiction Ecstasy of Out of Body Sex Pleasure -Stealing your spiritual Energy with VAMPIRE ADDICTION IMPLANT BLOCKAGES and VAMPIRE SEXUAL ADDICTION IMPLANT BLOCKAGES




Meditation has helped me in healing this current trauma and it has addressed the underlying issues, and limiting reactive patterns that were set up for me through early childhood experiences brought on by my Karma in previous lifetimes - See Level 3 of Energy Enhancement where we Master Karma!

I think these Karmic experiences set up survival mechanisms in me that made me more vulnerable and susceptible to being targeted by this type of abuse in my relationships. I knew I needed to learn more!

My natural nature is highly empathetic, compassionate and open, and the blind-spots these early traumas created made me an easy target, it seems.

Through Meditation I was able to reprocess a lot of the automatic response patterns that I was not aware that I even had. The results have been amazing and confirmable through real-life situations.

During Meditation I had two very factual based memories come up of myself being ritually abused around the age of three months.

This happened while I was in the care of a babysitter who was “prostituting” me out to a clergy type person in Raliegh, NC and my memory suggests that it was actually surprisingly an unsuccessful event for the people doing it.

I think this experience is part of the reason that I am able to perceive the things I am able to perceive now.

It seems I may have been targeted at a very early age by this demonic force.

The abuse only happened twice because my highly intuitive mother, who was 19 years old at the time, quickly sensed that something was horribly wrong and quit her job and took me out of the care of this person.

She did not know what had actually happened however, when I asked both my parents about this time in my life. After the memory came up in meditation, they both confirmed that they had intuited that something was off with this the babysitter and they both noticed that I had become oddly sick and had changed after being in her care for only a couple of months and they both knew they had to take me out of her care.

 Thank goodness for parental intuition. I do not understand why I was targeted at such a young age or continued to be targeted and I don’t think it’s because I am some special person or anything like that. However, something in me knows that none of this is just random occurrence. There are reasons or circumstances behind why people are targeted which always come from the Karma of previous lifetimes

It says in the Hindu Bible, a conversation between God or Krishna, and Arjuna or the good part of you, in the Baghavad Gita Chapter 16


I am rich and born in a noble family. I am the greatest. I shall perform sacrifice, I shall give charity to show off, and I shall rejoice. Thus deluded by ignorance; (16.15)
Bewildered by many fancies; entangled in the net of delusion; addicted to the enjoyment of sensual pleasures;
psychopaths fall into a foul hell. (16.16)

Self-conceited, stubborn, filled with pride and intoxication of wealth; they perform Yajna, religious sacrifice, only in name, for show, and not according to scriptural injunction. (16.17)

Clinging to egoism, power, arrogance, lust, and anger; these psychopathic malicious people hate Me (who dwells) in their own body and others' bodies. (16.18)

I hurl these
psychopathic haters, cruel, sinful, and mean people of the world, into the wombs of other demons or psychopaths again and again. (16.19)

O Arjuna, entering the wombs of demons or
psychopaths birth after birth, the deluded ones sink to the lowest hell without ever attaining Me. (16.20)

Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading to the downfall (or bondage) of THE Jeeva personality. Therefore, one must (learn to) give up these three. (16.21)

Look at 16.19 and 20 again.

I hurl these haters, cruel, sinful, and mean people of the world, into the wombs of demons or <> psychopaths or pedophiles again and again. (16.19)

O Arjuna, entering the wombs of demons or psychopaths or pedophiles birth after birth, the deluded ones sink to the lowest hell without ever attaining Me. (16.20)