Energy Enhancers all over the world have this slogan. We believe that we can
change the world first by changing ourselves. We believe that we can change it
in our lifetime. This is not just a dream on our part. We believe that we have a
whole technique to create more energy, a whole science, as it were, to make this
There is a great battle going on all over the world, that in the final analysis,
regardless of all appearances to the contrary, that battle is one for men’s
hearts and minds and souls. That battle is being fought in every country of the
world and, therefore, it involves the whole of mankind. The outcome of that
battle is almost certainly going to be decided in the lifetime of people who are
living now. This is a turning point in our history.
There have before been moments in man’s history when the pattern of life for
generations ahead was decided by what certain people did at that moment. The
world in those days was generally conceived to be the known world, which was
really only a small part of the surface of the globe, and involved only a
relatively small section of the human race. Today as a result of improved
methods of Meditation, communication, ease of transport, etc., when we talk of
the world, we mean the world—every country in it.
We talk of building an Energy Enhancement World in this period in which we live,
we mean the whole of the world—not the whole of the world with the exception of
the United States or the United Kingdom, or wherever you might happen to come
from. We are right in seeing the battle in these terms.
Our aim is an Energy Enhancement World.
Our Aim is a World filled with
Happy, Healthy, Enlightened People..
These words are in the mind of every Energy Enhancer all the time. We are out to
change the world and we have a world to win. We have a clear goal, know what we
are trying to work toward, something to which we aspire, something which we feel
to be a goal, capable of realization...
Without Yoga, no Meditation!
Without Meditation, no Yoga!!
Yoga is bottom up.
Meditation is top down.
Here is Yoga, Plus!!
Short starter..
Practise these techniques
Initiation 1 Agnisar Kriya
Initiation 2 Hatha Yoga DVD Download by Satchidanand
Initiation 3 Pranayama 1 - alternate nostril breathing
Initiation 4 Bandhas
Initiation 5 Pranayama 2 - Kumbhaka
Initiation 6 Nauli after mastering agnisar kriya
Initiation 7 Bhastrika
Initiation 8 Pawan Muktasanas Video
Initiation 9 Meditation Video Initiation 1 (of Eight Initiations) Of Level 1 of
the Energy Enhancement Course
Initiation 10 Devi Dhyani's Third Eye Class
Initiation 11 Sambhavi Mudra
Initiation 12 The Yogic Fat Burning Diet
Initiation 13 Diet Supplementation
Start with the good health of diet supplementation, organic food and filtered
Start with
Initiation 1 Agnisar Kriya
Initiation 3 Pranayama 1 - alternate nostril breathing for several months
twice per day to harmonise the nervous system and increase strength.
Start the
Initiation 2 Hatha Yoga DVD Download by Satchidanand
once or twice per week.
Initiation 8 Pawan Muktasanas Video
to improve sitting position.
Start the
Initiation 9 Meditation Video Initiation 1 (of Eight Initiations) Of Level 1 of
the Energy and practise once or twice per day.
When Agnisar Kriya is mastered start
Initiation 6 Nauli
and the Initiation 4 Bandhas and
Initiation 5 Pranayama 2 - Kumbhaka
When Kumbhaka is mastered start
Initiation 7 Bhastrika
and Initiation 11 Sambhavi Mudra
Use the Initiation 12 The Yogic Fat Burning Diet
at any time.
Start Energy Enhancement Levels 1 - 4 during or after starting Meditation.
Strong practise will bring fast results.
level 0 category
here's individual video links
pawan muktasana
third eye 1
third eye 2
third eye 3
third eye 4.
Here's the playlist
The whole of Energy Enhancement is as a means to remove energy blockages to
achieve perfect health and immortality. The following practices will
exponentially increase and direct your energy.
The Thirteen Initiations of Energy Enhancement Prana Course can be mastered in
parallel with Level One or higher of Energy Enhancement and by increasing your
health, your prana and your ability to direct prana to remove energy blockages
will benefit and enable all four Energy Enhancement Levels.
Practise in Parallel with the other Energy Enhancement Levels. Increase your
Chi. Increase your strength. Increase your Health. Increase your ability to
project Prana. Increase your ability to remove Energy Blockages.
Download the 5 videos - Right Click and save as - decompress the Yoga DVD in
Winrar and play all 5 in VLC Video player.
1. 1.88 Gb
2. 1.88 Gb
3. Hatha Yoga DVD 3.78 Gb
4.Agnisar Kriya
Watch online at
The whole of Energy Enhancement is as a means to remove energy blockages to
achieve perfect health and immortality. The following practices will
exponentially increase and direct your energy.
The Twelve Initiations of Energy Enhancement Prana Course can be mastered in
parallel with Level One or higher of Energy Enhancement and by increasing your
health, your prana and your ability to direct prana to remove energy blockages
will benefit and enable all four Energy Enhancement Levels.
This is the Special time where all the tools - previously hidden - are made
available to any who want to consciously engage in their own spiritual
evolution. Energy Enhancement meditation teaches one how to unlock the full
potenial of their Kundalini energy!
"Many are called but few are chosen" Matthew 22:14
Energy Enhancement can aid you in this transformation into becoming
Quetzalcoatl, your superhuman godlike self. NOW is the time!!!
Agnisar Kriya to create Super Chi by strengthening the internal organs and to
increase prana and control kundalini energy - see video - as a preliminary to
pranayana to increase the oxygen partial pressure in the lungs whilst holding
the breath.
Agnisar Kriya has the incredible effect - the basis of .. greater health, strength,
increasing the chi, reducing the tummy, and exponentially increasing the energy.
In Sanskrit the word ‘Agni’ means fire and ‘Sar’ means essence. The meaning of
this Kriya is thus the one which has the essence of fire. It is the Kriya that
creates fire inside.
Nauli to further strengthen the internal Organs and increase and control energy
Pranayama to increase, stabilise and control Prana Chi. It incredibly increases
the chi and allows you to focus it to remove energy blockages
Energy Enhancement Hatha Yoga - the best Yoga DVD excercises
Colloidal Minerals - tangy tangerine and osteo fx - and vitamins is an
essential investment in your health
Reverse Osmosis Activated carbon Filter Water is an essential investment in your
Organic Food and the use of Energy Enhancement Psychic Food Testing is an
essential investment in your health
The Fat Burning Diet to purify and beautify the body so as to channel more
Start Energy Enhancement Levels 1 - 4 during or after starting Meditation.
Strong practise will bring fast results.
Initiation 1 Agnisar Kriya
Download the video - Right Click and save as
1.88 Gb
Agnisar Kriya - Stimulating the Digestive Fire, beauty, Tantric sex, sex,
reducing belly fat
Download and view also
"There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This
brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water.
Water that stands still becomes impure and putrid. On the other hand, flowing
water always remains pure. This is the reason we should always move the muscles
of our abdomen and intestines daily." Swamiji
"AGNISARA or Fire Purification: press in the navel knot or intestines towards
the spine for one hundred times. This is Agnisăra or fire process. This gives
success in the practice of Yoga, it cures all the diseases of the stomach
(gastric juice) and increases the internal fire. This form of Dhauti should be
kept very secret, and it is hardly to be attained even by the gods. By this
Dhauti alone one certainly gets a luminous body." Gheranda Samhită, i, 13-44
Agnisara Kriya is not strictly one of the 6 main Hatha Yoga Kriyas but is the
preliminary practice for Nauli - churning of the stomach muscles. It's good to
practice Agnisara Kriya for a few weeks to strengthen the abdominal muscles for
the practice of Nauli.
Agni means fire and Sara means wash so it literally means to wash the fire
chakra (Manipur Chakra) located at the navel centre. The exercise also
stimulates the immune system, increases the power of digestion and increases the
heat in the body, burning off toxins. It is also helpful for diabetes.
“Hatha Yoga is the path of practice and purification - internal, as well as
external. It is therefore an additional path to the six traditional paths
(Hatha, Mantra, Bhakti, Gyan, Karma and Raj Yoga). Regular practice of these
exercises requires willpower and discipline and that is why this path is called
Hatha Yoga.
HA-THA, also means the harmonisation of sun and moon. This refers to the union
and harmony of depression and manicism of the sun and moon principles, Tamas and
Rajas, Ida and Pingala, Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems,
harmonised by pranayama alternate nostril breathing and which result from the
practice of Hatha Yoga - moving into the sattvas of Sushumna.
HA-THA, also the harmonisation of sun and moon principles of the chakras above
the head and Sahasrara and of Sahasrara and Muladhara, harmonised by the
Kundalini Kriyas of Energy Enhancement Levels 1 - 4.
There are six purification techniques that pertain to Hatha Yoga, called Shat
Karma Kriyas or Shat Karmas."
Agnisar Kriya Technique:
Stand with the legs slightly apart, inhale deeply through the nose.
Exhale fully through the mouth while slightly bending forward and bending the
knees, place both hands on the thighs.
The back is straight, the head upright, allow the abdominal muscles to relax,
draw the navel inwards and upwards back to the spine, avoid the common mistake
of pulling in from below the sternum, don't allow the chest to sink or the back
to round, hold for a moment then begin to snap the abdomen backwards and
forwards 10-15 times holding the breath out.
Breathe in before it becomes too uncomfortable.
This is one round, complete 3 rounds. It's very common at first for the
abdominal muscles to tire quickly, this is a sure sign we have weak Agni.
Practise every day and gradually increase the amount of repetitions.
The practice should be relaxing and stimulating and you should be able to feel
the heat in your body.
After a short time you will gain strength in the abdominal area and it will
become very easy to incorporate into your daily practice.
Remember to practise on an empty stomach and avoid during pregnancy,
menstruation, or after abdominal operations.
Consult your doctor first if you have any disease of the intestine or pancreas.
More advaced Agnisar Kriya or as it is sometimes called Uddyana as preliminaries
to Energy Enhancement
The next practice given to me is the foundation for all advanced work and should
be mastered by the student. It is called uddiyăna. In the texts it is listed as
a mudră; however, it should be perfected as soon as possible.
Uddiyăna is so called by the Yogis because by its practice the Prăńa
(Văyu-breath) flies (flows) in the Susumnă. Uddiyăna [means flying up, soaring]
is so called because the great bird Prăna [breath], tied to it, flies without
being fatigued. It is explained below. The belly above the navel is pressed
backwards towards the spine. This Uddiyăna Bandha is like a lion for the
elephant of death. Uddiyăna is always very easy when learned from a guru.
The practiser of this, if old, becomes young again. The portions above and below
the navel, should be drawn backwards towards the spine. By practising this for
six months one can undoubtedly conquer death.[18] Of all the Bandhas, Uddiyăna
is the best; for by binding it firmly liberation comes spontaneously.[19]
A more detailed description will make it easier to learn. Stand with the feet
apart and the hands on the bent legs, in a semi-squatting position. Make the
posture comfortable, and then empty the lungs. With the breath out, forcibly
contract the abdominal muscles, raising the viscera until a large depression is
made under the diaphragm. One should be able to place both fists in the pocket
that is made. Then suddenly relax. Repeat this alternating contraction and
relaxation ten times before taking another breath.
This is called one round of ten counts. Before the next round, stand up straight
and rest for a few seconds until the normal flow of breath returns. Never force
any exercise or impose a strain upon the system. If this exercise causes undue
fatigue, cut the time in half. The practices of Yoga are designed to make one
grow strong, and this requires time.
When you have rested, empty the lungs and repeat the process another ten times.
The average individual should be able to do five rounds; however, if any pain is
felt or breathing becomes difficult, begin with three. After a weeks time add
another five rounds. Naturally, this will vary for each individual, depending on
his age, his physical structure, and his condition at the time of starting the
After one has a measure of his capacity and has accustomed the body to the
exercise, it is possible to increase the number of strokes for each exhalation.
However, do not sacrifice the vigour of contraction for speed, which will come
in due time.
An outline of the general plan I followed when developing this practice will be
a helpful guide: however, it is not intended as final. Each individual must work
out his own procedure. It was not long before I could execute twenty
contractions on each exhalation for ten rounds. I kept up this pace for one
month. After my muscles became hard I practised every morning and late in the
afternoon, before dinner.
After another month I added five rounds each week to my daily schedule,
continuing to repeat it twice a day. When I reached a total of 500 contractions
for each practice, I used this standard for a month before I began to add more
rounds. My next goal was 750 contractions. This is considered the minimum limit
when practising Yoga.
When all signs of effort had gone and I felt as fresh at the end of my practice
period as I did at the beginning, I increased the number of contractions on each
breath until I was finally able to contract fifty times on one exhalation. I
reached this limit by slow stages; at no time did I force the practice. It was
not long before I could execute 1,000 contractions twice a day. After another
thirty days at this pace I dropped the afternoon practice period and increased
the total number of counts in the morning, until I reached a maximum of 1,500
The entire practice required from thirty to forty minutes, depending upon the
length of the intervals between rounds. Nothing is gained by increasing the
number of contractions on each breath. It is only a convenience; do not
sacrifice thoroughness for speed. I was instructed to build up to this point of
efficiency slowly and then to maintain it for a period of three months. Then the
practice is considered mastered; thereafter one is privileged to use it as one
sees fit or as circumstances demand. For ordinary purposes in daily life one or
two hundred contractions are sufficient, but the student whose goal is more
highly developed practices of Yoga should start at the very beginning to master
this technique. It is an important stepping stone.
Initiation 2 Hatha Yoga
The book, Hatha Yoga, by Theos Bernard became my teacher, containing Agnisar
Kriya (Uddyana), Pranayama and Samadhi.
Here it is..
Download - Right Click and save as - decompress in Winrar and play in VLC Video
Hatha Yoga by Satchidanand is a new, improved methodology of Hatha Yoga, holding
the poses in meditation, mudra!
Suitable for beginners and the most advanced it should be practised a minimum of
once or twice a week, but every day practise is good also.
This class introduces meditation and Energy Enhancement removal of blockages
into the Hatha Yoga process.
Narrated by Satchidanand, movements by Amy Zantras, Amy went into motionless
Samadhi and stayed there for two hours after the class.
Download the above 3.78GB Yoga DVD by Satchidanand - unzip it with WINRAR!!
It is good to practise at least once or twice per week.
Initiation 3 Pranayama 1 - alternate nostril breathing
Pranayama Video - Download - right click and save as..
Pranayama 1 - Alternate Nostril breathing
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 2.49-2.53: Pranayama
The Fourth rung of Yoga is Pranayama: which is regulating the breath so as to
make it slow and subtle (2.50), leading to the experience of the steady flow of
energy (prana), which is beyond or underneath exhalation, inhalation, and the
transitions between them (2.51).
The fourth Pranayama: The three pranayamas are exhalation, inhalation, and the
transition (2.50). However, the fourth pranayama is that continuous prana which
surpasses, is beyond, or behind the others (2.51).
Thinning the veil of karma: The experience and repeated practice of this fourth
pranayama thins the veil of karma, which usually clouds the inner light,
allowing that to come shining through (2.52).
Pranayama is preparation for concentration: Through these practices and
processes of pranayama the mind acquires or develops the fitness, qualification,
or capability for concentration (dharana), which is the sixth rung of yoga
Alternate Nostril breathing is a beautiful breathing technique that helps keep
the mind calm, happy and peaceful by just practicing it for a few minutes. It
also helps release accumulated tension and fatigue. The breathing technique is
named Nadi Shodhan, as it helps clear out blocked energy channels in the body,
which in turn calms the mind.
(nadi = subtle energy channel; shodhan = cleaning, purification; pranayama =
breathing technique)
Ujjayi Pranayama should be performed with alternate nostril breathing.
Ujjayi Pranayama is the gentle sobbing, snoring, breath. It allows feedback that
your breathing is smooth, none jerky, and continuous.
The description in the text of the next practice, called ujjăyi (victorious) is
"Having closed the mouth the air should be drawn again and again through the
nostrils in such a way that it goes touching from the throat to the chest, and
making noise while passing. It should be restrained, as before, and then let out
through Idă (the left nostril). This removes slesmă (phlegm) in the throat and
increases the appetite. It destroys the defects of the nădis, dropsy and
disorders of Dhătu (humours). Ujjayi should be performed in all conditions of
life, even while walking or sitting."Hatha Yoga Pradîpikă, ii , 51-53.
Compare Gheranda Samhită, v, 69-72: "Close the mouth, draw in the external air
by both the nostrils, and pull the internal air from the lungs and throat:
retain them in the mouth. Then having washed the mouth (i.e. expelled the air
through mouth) perform Jălandhara. Let him perform Kumbhaka with all his might
and retain the air unhindered. All works are accomplished by Ujjăyi Kumbhaka. He
is never attacked by phlegm-diseases, or nerve-diseases, or indigestion, or
dysentery, or consumption, or cough; or fever, or (enlarged) spleen. Let a man
perform Ujjăyi to destroy decay and death."
This is an easy method of deep-chest breathing with a slightly closed glottis.
Any posture suitable for prănăyăma is allowed. It may be practised in almost any
condition of life, while standing, sitting, or even walking; however, I have
never had occasion to test it in any posture but the postures of meditation. I
was taught to wash the tongue and mouth before starting the practice.
The technique is accomplished by inhaling in such a manner that a soft sobbing
sound of uniform pitch is made. After the suspension, swallow, do jălandhara,
and suspend. While holding the breath, elevate the chest and contract the
muscles of the abdominal walls as in the practice just described. The text
advises to exhale through the left nostril; however, I was permitted to exhale
through both nostrils, making a sound similar to the one made during the
inhalation. The abdominal muscles should be contracted until the last vestige of
air has been removed from the lungs. The exhalation should be twice the length
of the inhalation, but it should not be prolonged until it is impossible to
proceed immediately to the next inhalation without snatching a few extra
breaths. Each step must be regulated so that a process of rhythmic breathing is
established. To prepare for this practice it is permissible to omit the
suspension for the first week or so and develop control of the inhalation and
exhalation. I started with four rounds a minute and was able to establish
control within a week.
How to Do Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)
alternate nostril breathing
Sit comfortably with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed. Keep a gentle smile
on your face.
Place your left hand on the left knee, palms open to the sky or in Chin Mudra
(thumb and index finger gently touching at the tips).
Use Ujjayi Pranayama,
Outbreath should be twice the length of inbreath
Place the tip of the index finger and middle finger of the right hand in between
the eyebrows, the ring finger and little finger on the left nostril, and the
thumb on the right nostril. We will use the ring finger and little finger to
open or close the left nostril and thumb for the right nostril.
Press your thumb down on the right nostril and breathe out gently through the
left nostril.
Now breathe in from the left nostril and then press the left nostril gently with
the ring finger and little finger. Removing the right thumb from the right
nostril, breathe out from the right.
Breathe in from the right nostril and exhale from the left. You have now
completed one round of Nadi Shodhan pranayama.
Continue inhaling and exhaling from alternate nostrils.
Complete 9 such rounds by alternately breathing through both the nostrils. After
every exhalation, remember to breathe in from the same nostril from which you
exhaled. Keep your eyes closed throughout and continue taking long, deep, smooth
breaths without any force or effort.
Gradually increase the inbreath and the outbreath - one in, two out - to 10
seconds in, 20 seconds out - ten rounds in a row. When able to do that easily
you are ready to hold the breath whilst maintaining the standard 10 seconds in,
20 seconds out.
Nadi Shodhan pranayama helps relax the mind and prepares it to enter a
meditative state. So, it is a good idea to do a short meditation after doing
Nadi Shodhan.
Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)
Excellent breathing technique to calm and center the mind.
Our mind has a tendency to keep regretting or glorifying the past and getting
anxious about the future. Nadi Shodhan pranayama helps to bring the mind back to
the present moment.
Works therapeutically for most circulatory and respiratory problems.
Releases accumulated stress in the mind and body effectively and helps relax.
Helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlate to
the logical and emotional sides of our personality.
Helps purify and balance the nadis, the subtle energy channels, thereby ensuring
smooth flow of prana (life force) through the body.
Maintains body temperature.
Points To Remember While Practicing Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhan
Do not force the breathing, and keep the flow gentle and natural. Use the Ujjayi
Place the fingers very lightly on the forehead and nose. There is no need to
apply any pressure.
In case you feel dull and are yawning after practicing Nadi Shodhan pranayama,
check the time you take to inhale and exhale. Your exhalation should be longer
than inhalation.
None. After you have learnt this breathing technique from a teacher, you can
practice this pranayama on an empty stomach, 2-3 times a day.
Initiation 4 Bandhas
Thinning the veil of karma: The experience and repeated practice of this fourth
pranayama thins the veil of karma, which usually clouds the inner light,
allowing that to come shining through (Yoga Sutras 2.52).
Pranayama Bandhas Video - Download - right click and save as..
Bandhas for Beginners: Intro to Yoga's Interior Locks for Pranayama Kumbhaka -
holding the breath
Those of you that know me have heard about my first yoga class. For those of you
that do not (yet), I'll spare you the nitty gritty and just say this -- it was
comical, and torturous. I arrived with basketball shorts down to my knees and
old XL Stussy T-shirt. Models pranced painlessly on their mats while crunchies
with closed eyes made lamaaz type sounds in the background. And the teacher went
on and on and on about getting in touch with your sexual organs while harnessing
your inner power and energy like the Hindu gods. Half way through class I faked
a cramp in order to escape with some ‘dignity.’ Oh, and I had shot a double
espresso before hand to ‘help me sweat.’ Needless to say – disaster. But luckily
life, and people, evolve.
I went back to the teacher, and the studio, a week later, and within 3 months I
was practicing every day, yes, still in my baller shorts and mega Ts. I was
“getting better” – hard not to when you start unable to touch your toes and
barely able to hold a plank – but I was not soaring. In fact, it was not until I
understood what bandhas were that my practice really evolved, on the inside and
on the outside.
If you wish, practise Satchidanand's Best Free Yoga DVD In The World -
at least once per week, carefully.
Play it via HDMI cable from your computer directly to your TV screen if you can.
Bandha what? Bandha is a word I heard my teachers say in class daily, a word
that I wrote off as ‘yogi hippie crap’ until I experientially finally understood
what it was all about. And given that took a fair amount of time (over a year of
7 day a week practice), I am going to lay it out for you so you and your
practice can take off ASAP.
In Sanskrit bandha means to lock, to hold, or to tighten. It also refers to a
lock in and of itself.There are 3 principle bandhas in the body, and a fourth
that ties them all together. The ancient yogi philosophers said, and I concur,
that when you master the locks, your master the yoga practice, the practice on
the outside -- floating in and out of asanas, holding for long periods of time,
and managing new positions – and the practice on the inside – consistent single
pointed concentration, steady and long breath, and a calm, clear mind. And in a
straight-up modern, western sense, the bandhas help you regulate and control all
your internal systems, hormonal, sexual, metabolic, digestive, and more.
Whether you care about the east, the west, or both, the bandhas are a critical
factor to a killer you, and to yoga. Note, bandhas should not be practiced while
Mula Bandha: In a way Mula Bandha is the easiest bandha to explain. Just imagine
you are in the middle of a 3 hour traffic jam to the airport, the highway has
turned into a parking lot, and you have to pee. Or, ladies, you are in white
short shorts walking through the park and you get your period a day early. The
muscles you instinctually contract to pull up and hold in what is dying to flood
out can be generally considered Mula Bandha, or at least the Mula Bandha
Essential Every Day Mula Bandha Strengthening for Prana..
Just imagine you are in the middle of a 3 hour traffic jam to the airport, the
highway has turned into a parking lot, and you have to pee. Or, ladies, you are
in white short shorts walking through the park and you get your period a day
early. The muscles you instinctually contract to pull up and hold in what is
dying to flood out can be generally considered Mula Bandha, or at least the Mula
Bandha region.
Contract these sex muscles to pull up and hold in tightly, 20 times, three times
per day
Pranayama Kumbhaka - holding the breath - preliminaries
Mula Bandha
In Sanskrit mula means root, and thus Mula Bandha is the root lock. To find it,
sit, stand, or even be in an asana, and if you are a man, contract the area
between the anus and the testes. If you are a woman, contract the muscles at
the bottom of the pelvic floor, behind the cervix. Initially the anal sphincter
will also contract, but with time and practice you will be able to hone in on
the Mula Bandha region and leave the rest aside.
Now don’t freak out! Remember, I thought all this was hogwash too. But the truth
is, that Mula Bandha can be held throughout your entire yoga practice. That’s
right -- the whole hour or hour and a half. There are countless reasons, but
quite simply think of it as the lock that allows your energy to flow up, not
down and out. If your energy is forced to flow up, and stay inside you, for that
matter, it will grow exponentially, leaving you with that amazing feeling of
‘floating’ as you walk out of out of class. It will also allow you to float IN
class, as an engaged Mula Bandha allows you to be lighter on your limbs, and
thus lighter on your mat. This lightness prevents you from becoming fatigued
when that teacher, aka me, makes you hold something for what seems like forever
and a day, or do the umpteenth Chatarunga. In a more physiological sense, Mula
Bandha stimulates the pelvic nerves, the genital system, the endocrine system,
and the excretory system. It has also been shown to relieve constipation and
Uddiyana Bandha: Moving up from mula bandha we have the second bandha, Uddiyana.
In Sanskrit uddiyana means to fly up, or to rise up. This ‘flying up lock’ is
thus all about your insides flying upwards, intangibly meaning your energy,
tangibly meaning your diaphragm, stomach, and abdominal organs.
To find Uddiyana Bandha start standing up tall, feet about a meter apart.
Inhale through your nose and reach your arms up alongside your ears. Exhale out
of your mouth and fold forward placing your hands just above your knees. Without
inhaling close your lips, straighten your elbows, and feel your abdominal wall
and organs push up and back towards your back. It should feel somewhat like a
suctioning back and up of everything on the inside. If you are doing it
correctly and happen to glance at your profile in a mirror, you should see your
waist Marilyn Monroe-style tiny winy, with the ribs noticeably protruding over
and in front of your abdomen or belly button. Retain as such for as long as
possible, and exit the bandha via inhaling through your nose and standing up
straight, raising your arms up along side your ears, then exhaling through your
nose again as you move your arms down.
Uddiyana Bandha can be one of the most transformative aspects of your yoga
practice, especially as you get more advanced. It moves the energy upwards with
much more force than Mula Bandha, thus allowing you to invert and jump more
easily, as well as float forward and back more lightly, and twist more deeply.
Because the abdominal wall is pressing the organs and tissues of the abdominal
cavity backwards, Uddiyana Bandha creates a soft massage for the deeper internal
muscles of the lower back.
In a more day-to-day sense, Uddiyana Bandha is the ultimate remedy for abdominal
and stomach ailments, from constipation to indigestion. It stimulates your
digestive juices, thus increasing your metabolism, and tones your overworked
abdominal organs. It also balances the adrenal system, relieving stress,
lethargy and tension. And best of all, it is the sure fire way to get flat
washboard abs without ever doing any crunches.
Uddiyana Bandha is essential whilst holding the breath in Pranayama. It
increases the partial pressure of the oxygen in the lungs allowing more oxygen
to pass into the blood for longer.
Jalandhara Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha: Jalandhara Bandha is pretty much the only double chin you
will want, and try, to have. In Sanskrit jal means throat, jalan means net, and
dharan means stream or flow. Thus in the most basic sense, Jalandhara Bandha
can be considered the throat lock that controls the flow of energy in the nerves
and blood vessels of the neck.
To find Jalandhara Bandha sit up tall, either in a comfortable cross legged
position or on your shins with your butt on your heals. Place the palm of your
hands on your knees. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, then bring your
chin towards your neck and lift your sternum ever so slightly. Press down on
your hands and straighten your elbows, pull your chin towards the chest further,
and retain as long as possible. To exit lift your chin and exhale slowly through
the nose. If you felt a nasty double chin or were stressing about someone taking
a picture of your profile, you did it right!
Unlike the first two, Jalandhara Bandha is normally performed in combination
with specific breathing practices, and rarely done on its own. Its aim is to not
allow any breath held in the lungs to escape whilst holding the breath in
Kumbhaka. That said, it is immensely powerful, as it compresses the sinuses on
the main arteries of the neck and in doing so helps regulate the circulatory and
respiratory systems. The pressure on the throat helps to balance the thyroid and
metabolism. And if no one is looking at you at work, engage Jalandhara Bandha as
an instant trigger for mental relaxation as well as stress and anger relief.
Maha Banda
Maha Bandha: This the big Kahuna. Maha in Sanskrit means great, and Maha Bandha
is the combination of all three aforementioned bandhas.
Sit in a comfortable seat, on your shins or cross legged, palms of the hands on
the thighs or knees. Inhale fully through your nose, abdomen, center of the
chest, upper chest and hold.
Engage Mula Bandha, and from there engage Jalandhara Bandha then find Uddiyana
Retain, pressing your palms down, as long as possible. When you have had enough,
lift your head, release all the bandhas and very, very slowly exhale through the
The transition from holding the breath and increasing the pressure inside the
lungs due to uddyana banda to releasing that pressure and slowly breathing out
must be managed carefully. A fast release of air can damage the lungs,
Take a deep breath in through the noseand relax..
Maha Bandha gives the benefits of all three bandhas and regulates the entire
endocrine system. And as an added plus, it makes you a much better swimmer,
runner, and of course Little Mermaid impersonator.
That’s that! Super simple. So lock ‘em all up and watch how your yoga practice,
and your body, will take off!/
Initiation 5 Pranayama 2 - Kumbhaka
Thinning the veil of karma: The experience and repeated practice of this fourth
pranayama thins the veil of karma, which usually clouds the inner light,
allowing that to come shining through (Yoga Sutras 2.52).
Pranayama Kumbhaka Video - Download - right click and save as..
Pranayama 2 - Naadi Shuddhi (Alternate Nostril Breathing) with Breath Retention,
Suspension or Kumbhaka
Alternate nostril breath
In the past, I have written about the concept of kumbhaka (breath retention). I
also described a few of the pranayama techniques that involve the practice of
kumbhaka. Today I will discuss kumbhaka as part of one of most commonly
practiced pranayama techniques – alternate nostril breathing (Naadi Shuddhi).
I also introduced the concept of bandhas (pranic locks). These bandhas are
usually applied while the breath is being retained in kumbhaka. It is,
therefore, natural and common to practice both kumbhaka and bandha together.
In the Integral Yoga style that I practice and teach, the concept of kumbhaka
and bandhas is introduced after the student has become comfortable with the
basic rhythm of the Naddi Shuddhi technique. Which means that one should be able
to establish and maintain a ratio of 1:2 between inhalation and exhalation and
be able to practice several rounds (10 at least) without any strain or
discomfort, before starting to hold the breath.
In my experience as an instructor, this usually takes about 8-10 weeks of
regular practice for most students. Once comfortable with the basic rhythm, the
student can begin to practice both kumbhaka and bandhas. However, these should
be introduced into the practice in stages which are described below.
Throughout the practice, use deep and soft Ujjayi breathing technique for each
inhalation and exhalation.
Stage 1
Sit in any comfortable sitting posture with the spine erect, eyes closed and
shoulders relaxed.
Make the Vishnu Mudra with the right hand – make a soft fist, lift the thumb and
the last two fingers up, keeping the middle two fingers at the base of the
thumb. During the practice using this mudra, the thumb is used to close the
right nostril whereas the ring finger is used to close the left nostril.
Alternate nostril breath
With the left hand, make the Chin Mudra – join the tips of the index finger and
the thumb, keeping the rest of the fingers open and relaxed. Keep the hand on
the left knee, palm facing up.
Use the right thumb to close the right nostril. To get started, exhale through
the left.
Begin the first round by inhaling through the left nostril for 10 seconds.
At the end of inhalation, close the left nostril with the ring finger and open
the right. Then exhale through the right nostril for 20seconds.
Inhale now through the right for 10 seconds. At the end of inhalation, close the
right nostril with the thumb again and exhale through the left for 20 seconds.
This completes one cycle of breathing.
Make sure to use deep and soft Ujjayi breaths for each inhalation and exhalation
and establish a ratio of 1:2 between the durations of inhalation and exhalation.
Continue for about 2-3 similar cycles.
Alternate nostril breath with kumbhaka
Follow steps as given in stage 1.
At the end of each inhalation of 10 seconds, close both the nostrils – right
nostril with the thumb and the left nostril with the ring finger and apply
Jalandhara Bandha (chin lock), apply Mula Bandha - Root Lock, apply Uddyana
Bandha - abdominal Lock.
Apply kumbhaka for a duration that feels comfortable up to 40 seconds - but
remember, you have to breath out slowly for 20 seconds after holding the breath,
and you have to do this 10 times in a row!!
Gradually increase the length of the Kumbhaka on a daily basis 5 seconds ten
times in a row, 10 seconds 10 times in a row up to 40 seconds.
Experiment with Uddyana Bandha increasing the pressure of the breath in the
lungs allowing more oxygen to enter into the bloodstream. This is the purpose of
Agnisar Kriya.
Resist the wish to breath as this pranayama brings up the blockage of the fear
of death which should be removed by practise and the seven step process.
Always keep your outbreath under control, never breath out quickly and thus
change the pressure inside the lungs quickly.
The basic guideline for breath retention is that the quality and depth of the
succeeding breath should not be compromised.
Release the bandhas and exhale through the other nostril for 20 seconds and
continue this sequence for each cycle of Naadi Shuddhi pranayama.
Once again, we should always follow the basic guideline that breath retention
should do done for a duration such that the subsequent breath remains deep, soft
and gentle, without any strain or discomfort.
The Power of Pranayama
This seemly subtle practice is a powerful transformative tool. Used together
with Energy Enhancement techniques, it is the combination that shifts and raises
energy. It has also been used to improve respiratory related problems. As well
as fatigue and helps to release emotional blockages.
I’ve known about Pranayama for some time but only really started to utilize it a
few years ago. Also it is only this year that I’ve noticed an acceleration in
the practice. To what do I owe this to?
The help of the 7 step process of Energy Enhancement.
Initially I was introduced to the preliminaries of the practice in 2015 when I
visited the Ashram of Swami Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani in Foz Do Iguassu,
Brazil. Being shown the Yogic breath really helped connect my mind to the
breathing process and synchronize my breathing to movement – later this became a
powerful tool in practicing asana. The breath helped in dissolving tension as
well and energising the posture.
This year I’ve stated to take up the pranayama more consistently, working on
alternate nostril breathing. This practice comes after one feels confident with
Nadhi Shuddhi as well as other preliminary practices.
Pranayama is said to have the power to remove the fear of death. For what is
death but an illusional blockage that tricks us into believing we are mortal.
Totally false!
“Immortal Soul art Thou!” - Satchidanand
Breathing is an automatic natural function. Although it is not just air moving
through the lungs, it is High Frequency Prana moving through your entire being.
So when we consciously start to engage with the cycle of in and out breaths, we
also engage with that Pranic force.
I found that going through the pranayama brought up blockage such an inability
to cope with the pressure inside the lungs. I would get heated up and feel a
strong energy in my base that immediately make me want to stop and gasp for air.
Other times either one of my nostrils were blocked. This made it difficult to
continue. Whenever this happened I stopped and then applied the 7 step process
to grounding the blockage. I then tried again. Sometimes it would clear my
passageways and almost always it made the process easier.
So this was the gentle approach I took. Each time slowly increasing the rounds:
10 in, Hold for 40 and then 20 out. It took me a while to smooth out the
jerkiness the in and out breaths. As sometimes the out breath would be shaky and
broken. Doing 10 rounds was a push. However I was able to reach this capacity
without strain with the help of Energy Enhancement.
“We can always do better” – Satchidanand
We have only our own limits to test and boundaries to overcome. The next stage
was to see if I could manage 20 rounds. It was during a water fast that this
suggestion was made to me by Swami Satchidanand. This purification period had a
profound effect on my nostrils – both were clear and open more than usual. A
Sattvic state. It was a wonderful thing to experience and pranayama had a
blissful effect. Like I’ve never felt before. I flowed through 20 rounds.
One of the other benefits of pranayama, other than blockage removal is energy! I
now have much more energy than usual. Because I’m an early riser I tend to get
sleepy around 10pm, sometimes earlier.
However this has changed. I can now stay up longer with more energy. Therefore
Pranayama alongside Energy Enhancement techniques, not only clears and increases
vitality, it further expands your capacity and ability to handle higher energy.
What I also found was that each day my personal practice varies. However the
benefits of doing what one can do, always gradually building up and improving,
strengthening your system over time.
This truly is a great tool to further incorporate incredible energy and wellness
into your life.
Energy Enhancement!!
Initiation 6 Nauli after mastering agnisar kriya
Advanced Agnisar Kriya - NAULI
Download and view
The next step in my practice was nauli. Any student who has given six months to
uddiyăna is ready to attempt this step. It consists of the isolation and rolling
of the rectus abdominis, the straight muscles of the abdomen.
Assume the same semi-squatting position used in uddiyăna. but instead of placing
the hands far down on the thighs, raise them a little and turn the arms so that
the fingers are on the inside of the leg rather than on the outside as in the
other position.
This enables one to get a better leverage. Empty the lungs and contract all the
muscles of the abdominal area. While holding this position, isolate the muscles
and push them forward (see video).
The student will have to experiment with various ways of getting control of
these muscles; however, before starting, it is of paramount importance that he
attain a fair degree of efficiency with uddiyăna. Only then will it be easy for
him. If nauli seems hopeless at first, do not despair; return to uddiyăna, and
the other will come in time.
After the muscles have been isolated so that it is possible to push them
straight forward and draw them back, the student should try to palate each one
separately. This is accomplished by bending slightly to the left arid relaxing
the muscle on the right side. When in this position it is possible to work the
muscle on the left side independently of the other (see illustration). The
reverse of this should also be practised (see video).
The next step is to roll the muscles from one side to the other. Start by slowly
rolling them from left to right. This should be done ten times on one breath and
is called one round of ten counts. Resume natural breathing for a few seconds,
then reverse the process by rolling them from right to left ten times. Nothing
remains but to build up the strength of the muscles.
This practice requires considerable more power than uddiyăna, but by regulated
discipline it can be built up to the same number of repetitions in a years time.
I started by working the muscles backward and forward ten times on one breath.
After resting I worked the muscle on the left side ten times. After another
breath I began on the right muscle. At the end of my first years work on Uddyana
Bandha I added ten rounds of each of these movements to my daily schedule for
several months.
When I finally became proficient enough so that there was no labour in the
practice, I dropped uddiyăna and concentrated upon nauli.
First I increased the count from ten to twenty-five for each exhalation. When
several months had passed, I had a fair degree of control, and I took up the
rolling movements. On one exhalation I would roll the recti twenty-five times to
the left. After resting a few seconds I rolled the recti twenty-five times to
the right.
The full practice consisted of ten rounds each- forward, to the left, and to the
right-or 250 straight forward, then 250 times to the left and 250 times to the
right. As the months went by I continued to increase the number of rounds, but
never the number of movements on each expulsion of air.
For maximum efficiency twenty-five counts was most satisfactory. It is not
necessary to carry these exercises to such extremes in order to obtain physical
benefits. They were assigned to me as a preparation for the advanced practice of
Yoga, and I had to master them before I was permitted to take up the next step.
During this initial period, when I was learning techniques, I noted a sharper
appetite, better vision, and better physical tone. All the muscles of my body
were in good condition, hard and solid. I enjoyed excellent health and was free
from all minor ailments of sedentary life.
Nauli 2
The performance of Nauli in the Lotus Posture
The full practice consists of ten rounds each- forward, to the left, and to the
right-or 250 straight forward, then 250 times to the left and 250 times to the
right. As the months went by I continued to increase the number of rounds, but
never the number of movements on each expulsion of air.
Performed in the Lotus Posture requires even more strength.
Perfect for holding the breath 10 in, 40 hold, 20 out x 10afterwards!!
Initiation 7
Pranayama 3 Bhastrikă
Thinning the veil of karma: The experience and repeated practice of this fourth
pranayama thins the veil of karma, which usually clouds the inner light,
allowing that to come shining through (Yoga Sutras 2.52).
The last purification practice is bhastrikă (bellows), which is listed as a
breathing exercise in the text. The description given in the text is rather
vague, considering its importance:
"The Padmăsana consists in crossing the legs and placing the feet on both the
thighs; it is the destroyer of all sins. Binding the Padmăsana and keeping the
body straight, closing the mouth carefully, let the air be expelled through the
nose. It should be filled up to the lotus of the heart, by drawing it in with
force, making noise and touching the throat, the chest and the head. It should
be expelled again and filled again and again as before, just as a pair of
bellows of the blacksmith is worked with force. In the same way the air of the
body should be moved intelligently, filling it through the right nostril when
fatigue is experienced. The nose should be lightly held with the middle and
forefingers, till the belly is filled with air and does not become heavy. Having
confined it properly, it should be expelled through the Idă (left nostril). This
destroys Văta, pitta (bile) and phlegm[22] and increases the digestive power
(the gastric fire). The air so treated quickly awakens the Kuńdalini,[23]
purifies the system, gives pleasure, and is beneficial. It destroys phlegm and
the impurities accumulated at the entrance of the Brahma Nădî. This Bhastrikă
should be performed plentifully for it breaks the three knots or major energy
blockages; Brahma granthi (in the chest), Visńu granthi (in the throat) and
Rudra granthi[24] (between the eyebrows) of the body"
The technique is quite simple. Assume one of the meditation ăsanas- preferably
padmăsana, but siddhăsana will do in sitting the beginning. When the position is
comfortable, force all the air out of the lungs by a sudden contraction of the
abdominal muscles. Automatically they will return to their natural position; so
there is no need of any conscious effort for the inhalation. This forced
exhalation and automatic inhalation should be done at the rate of sixty times a
minute for one minute and should be followed by a short suspension.
Afterward let the air out slowly and when the lungs are empty resume normal
breathing for a minute; then repeat the process.
For ordinary purposes this can be done from three to five times. If the
individual has perfected Agnisar Kriya - uddiyăna and nauli, this rate for one
minute will be an easy routine.
I began this way, but in. a couple of weeks I increased the speed of the
exhalations to 120 a minute and extended the time to two minutes. I found no
difficulty in suspending the breath using Kumbhaka for two minutes.
In three weeks I was able to perform ten rounds without the slightest
discomfort. After another month I increased the breathing time to three minutes
and decreased the rest period, but did not alter the suspension. I found this
sufficient for all practical purposes, for I was using the exercise as a means
of cleansing the system.
With no practice of Yoga should pain be endured. Pain is treated by the Yogis as
a stop signal. Until the muscles are hardened, the student may feel a stitch in
his side. When this happens, rest for a few moments and then start again. If it
persists, wait until the following day.
These are the basic purification processes, and without them progress is
hampered; but with them success is readily forthcoming. Their general effect
seems to be better health and the normal mental conditions that accompany such a
state of well-being.
Initiation 8 Pawan Muktasanas Video
1.88 Gb
Pawanmuktasana can be understood as the asanas or postures that liberate the
principle of movement. This movement can be observed in the activity of the
muscles of the body which, at the same time, are responsible for the movement
itself. Movement is seen in the circulatory process responsible for the
nutrition, oxygenation and elimination of waste products of the body.
Easing out the Legs, Pawan Muktasana can Speed Up! the aquisition of sufficient
movement to easily and quickly attain the Lotus Posture for Meditation.
Pawanmuktasana Prana and nadis
In the yogic system, pawan is also related to prana, as prana is defined as air.
In Ayurveda sometimes the concept of vata and prana are used synonymously,
although this is not absolutely correct. If we understand prana as the
life-force or vitality, we can say that pawan represents this energy principle.
Then pawanmuktasana can be defined as the postures that liberate the life-force
or vitality. We can also understand from this point of view how through the
practice of this series of asanas a very powerful healing force is set forth.
Prana is divided into five major pranas: prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana.
These pranas relate to different movements. So prana is the forward or primary
air and has an upward movement; apana is the downward moving air, samana is the
horizontal or equalizing air; udana is the spiralling air; and vyana is the
diffusive, pervasive air.
When pawanmuktasana is practised with full concentration and awareness, one can
feel how all these pranic movements are stimulated, causing the energies to be
circulated and redistributed. One of the pranas that is clearly influenced is
vyana which governs circulation and nervous impulses to the periphery and also
the movement of the joints. So we can see how the effects of Pawan Muktasana on
the physical body reflect on the pranas and how the effects on pranas reflect on
the physical body.
The flow of prana in the whole system is not only harmonized, but it is raised
to a higher intensity and thus creating opportunity for the purification and
awakening of the chakras. When chakras are purified and awakened through a
systematic and regular practice of Pawan Muktasanas combined with other
practices of Energy Enhancement, the inherent healing power of the body gets
The ill effects of Energy Blockages - faulty thinking, improper life style,
which have accumulated in the body, at various levels as imbalance in wind,
which results in obstruction of movement and as tightness and rigidity in joints
and blockage of flow of prana in chakras are removed.
Pawan Muktasana primarily affects Udana Vayu, Apana Vayu and also Prana vayu.
Udana Vayu governs over the functions of leg and hand movements and the function
of eyes, nose, ear, tongue. Pawan Muktasana, improves the health of Udana Vayu
in the body and thus improves the sensory and motor functions. It also has a
positive influence on sight, smell, hearing and taste.
When the Pawan Muktasana is practiced, they can guide you to intensify the
practice to the extent of positively influencing the Chakras and purify the
Pawan Muktasana has a direct influence on apana vayu. Its effect is very strong
on the lower abdominal muscles, pelvic organs and large intestine, which is also
the site of vata. Blood irrigation is increased through the stimulation of the
venous return from the legs, increasing also the process of elimination. Apana
is said to be the power of disease inherent in the body, the force of devolution
and limitation of consciousness. So by purifying apana vayu, the body is
protected from the forces of degeneration.
Apana is also said to be the support and control of all the other forms of vata,
and vata is said to be the root of the other two humours. So through
purification of apana, an overall effect is produced in the rest of the pranas
and this reflects in the humours or tridosha which constitute the basis of human
existence in the manifest world. This is also responsible for the powerful
healing effect of Pawan Muktasana.
The pranas are transmitted throughout the body by the nadis which are defined as
channels or pathways of pranic current. These energy channels make a complex
network of 'energy threads' that hold together the energy field of the human
body. These channels or pathways are very important for the circulation of
prana, and they become obstructed by inactivity or wrong activity, by wrong
thoughts, wrong diet and wrong lifestyle in general. Through the practice of
Pawan Muktasana, a stimulating massage is given to these channels which releases
this obstruction.
Finally, we can say that a 'crank effect' is given through the different
movements of flexion, extention and rotation of the different parts of the body.
This crank effect propels the prana to circulate and at the same time releases
obstruction. Furthermore, this crank effect is done very systematically from the
bottom to the top of the body, from the periphery to the centre and from the
external to the internal organs.
We recommend that all of us should learn the Pawan Muktasana Series and be
Initiation 9 Meditation Video Initiation 1 (of Eight Initiations) Of Level 1
We totally recommend the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course playable in
any browser on a Computer.
Get back to me for our four weeks Two Level Live Courses in Spain and at Iguazu
Falls and in India!!
Level 1 Initiation 1
Text backups to be used in conjunction with the streaming videos
Init 1 including Energy Blockage
Level 1 Video Course Links:
Initiation 1 - Sitting Posture, Meditation
There are a further eight links are the eight Initiations of Level 1.. this is
the first one.
Level one has 25 hours of video teachings!!
Links sometimes get scrambled in emails so copy out the address above, paste it
into browser address box, then send
Try to view the preliminaries and take the initiation all in one go - More
Shaktipat Energy!! More Video Buddhafield Energy!!
Practise a little every day
Meditation is an essential ingredient of Illumination
Further Initiations speeed up the process.
Get back to me with any questions..
Try to do each initiation in one session as this intensifies the energy.
Then review the videos later to make sure that you get all the information.
Initiation 10 third eye classes
Below, we have third eye classes by Devi Dhyani which for any level of Student
will help to remove the cobwebs from the mind, the head, the brain, the third
Good to use this many times as you increase your psychic experience through the
other four levels of Energy Enhancemenr Meditation Course.
third eye 1
third eye 2
third eye 3
third eye 4
Initiation 11
Sambhavi Mudra
Sambhavi Mudra - Siva Samhită, v, 43-51
When the Yogi constantly thinks that he has got a third eye-the eye of Siva-in
the middle of his forehead, he then perceives a fire brilliant like lightning.
By contemplating on this light, all sins are destroyed, and even the most wicked
person obtains the highest end.
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Prana Course in Twelve Techniques including
Sambhavi Mudra.. New Incredible Energy Enhancement Prana Level of Eleven
Initiations including Agnisar Kriya, Pranayama, Maha Bandha including Jalandhara
Bandha, Uddyana Bandha and Mula Bandha and an incredible Yogi Fat Burning diet
designed to increase Prana and Amplify the effects of the Energy Enhancement
MedItation Course.
Through Initiations like these Sri Yogendra gained the power to project blue
iridescent Prana around his body. They used to put him in darkened rooms to
watch the show. Concentrating the Prana leads to long life and health, also a
greater ability to transmute energy blockages
Sambhavi Mudra
The ultimate aim is to still the mind so that we can psychically see kundalini
lights in the body. To prepare for this I was taught simple technique. The eyes
are rolled back in the head, letting the lids find a restful position, usually
slightly open and showing a little of the whites of the eyes. The mind is
concentrated on the space between the eyebrows.[31]
[31] Compare Hatha Yoga Pradîpikă, iv, 38: "Fix the gaze on the light (seen on
the tip of the nose) and raise the eyebrows a little, with the mind
contemplating as before (in the Sămbhavî Mudră, that is, inwardly thinking of
Brahman, but apparently looking outside). This will create the Unman-Avasthă at
once." See also 39-40: "Some are devoted to the Vedas, some to a Nigama, while
others are enwrapt in Logic, but none knows the value of the Tăraka Mudră, which
enables one to cross the ocean of existence. With steady calm mind and half
closed eyes, fixed on the tip of the nose, stopping the Idă and the Pingală
without blinking, he who can see the light which is the all, the seed, the
entire, brilliant, great Tattvam, approaches Him, who is the great object. What
is the use of more talk?"
After a time this became a simple and comfortable position for the eyes and the
In the second month the lights made their appearance. In the beginning it was
not unlike looking into a kaleidoscope; but this condition soon passed, and
single colours, brilliant and radiant, remained.[32]
[32] The colours of the lights that appeared were blue, yellow, red, and white.
Then came the white light that is referred to so frequently. This was an
interesting phenomenon. At times it became almost blinding; however, it never
lasted long. This was the first step. I was taught to work with this light by
watching it and trying to hold it, but it would vanish as mysteriously as it
This was not the Kundalinî light, I was told. Taking an analogy from nature, my
teacher told me that this light was comparable to the flare of soft light of
static electricity seen during thunderstorms on the desert, while Kundalinî
light was equivalent to the lightning itself and would appear in a similar
A technique for inducing these lights to appear at will was given to me. It is
called Sămbhavî mudră. This method is described in the text.
The Vedas and the Săstras are like ordinary public women. Sămbhavî Mudră is the
one, which is secluded like a respectable lady. Aiming at Brahman inwardly,
while keeping the sight directed to the external objects, without blinking the
eyes, is called the Sămbhavî Mudră, hidden in the Vedas and the Săstras. When
the Yogi remains inwardly attentive to Brahman, keeping the mind and the Prăna
absorbed, and the sight steady, as if seeing everything while in reality seeing
nothing outside, below, or above, verily then it is called Sămbhavî Mudră, which
is learnt by the favour of a Guru. In this condition takes place the
manifestation of that great Sambhu (Siva) tattva [essence] which is neither
Sunya nor Asunya [void nor non-void].[33]
[33] Hatha Yoga Pradîpikă, iv, 34-6. Compare Gheranda Samhită, iii, 64-7:
"Fixing the gaze between the eyebrows, behold the Self-existent. This is
Sămbhavî, secret in all the Tantras. The Vedas, the scriptures, the Purănas are
like public women, but this Sămbhavî should be guarded as if it were a lady of a
respectable family. He, who knows this Sămbhavî, is like the Adinătha, he is
Nărăyana, he is Brahmă, the Creator. Mahesvara has said, Truly, truly, and again
truly, he who knows, the Sămbhavî, is Brahman. There is no doubt of this."
By using this technique I was eventually able to see this white light with my
eyes wide open in the daylight. The mind seemed to be wiped out completely and
nothing existed but this brilliant light. After a time it became no problem to
make it appear at will, whether sitting or walking about. I frequently did so
when on my morning stroll.[34]
[34] See Siva Samhită, v, 15-21: "The invocation of Pratika (shadow) gives to
the devotee the objects seen as well as unseen; undoubtedly, by its very sight,
a man becomes pure. In a clear sun-lit sky, behold with a steady gaze your own
divine reflection; whenever this is seen even for a single second in the sky,
you behold God at once in the sky. He who daily sees his shadow i. the sky will
get his years increased and will never die an accidental death. When the shadow
is seen fully reflected in the field of the sky, then he obtains victory; and
conquering the văyu, he goes everywhere.
"How to invoke: At the time of the rising sun, or by moon, let him steadily fix
his gaze on the neck of the shadow he throws; then after some time, let him look
into the sky; if he sees a full grey shadow in the sky, it is auspicious. He who
always practises this and knows the Paramătmă, becomes fully happy, through the
grace of his shadow. At the time of commencing travel, marriage, or auspicious
work, or when in trouble, it is of great use. This invocation of the shadow
destroys sins and increases virtue. By practising it always, he begins at last
to see it in his heart, and the persevering Yogi gets liberation."
Another practice recommended for producing this effect which I have found
successful is known as the Shadow Man.
These lights are called tattvic lights and are said to represent the energies
flowing through their respective nerve centres, which are known as
[35] See Serpent Power, by Arthur Avalon, for full treatment of this subject-the
chapter on the Centres.
In time, they say, it is possible to gain such control over the nervous system
that any desired light can be made to appear and remain for a definite length of
time. Control is established by making first one and then another stay for not
less than an hour. Eventually, one works only with the white light, and in this
way the Kundalinî light is made to appear. To help bring about the manifestation
of the Kundalinî light the various mudrăs I have described are used.
At this stage the mental aspect of Yoga is stressed and the different techniques
for enabling the mind to become absorbed in the light are used. One method is a
series of mental mudrăs known as dhăranăs,[36] as a preparation for Sambhavi
mudra light in the forehead or Ajna Chakra or the third eye. I advise doing
sambhavi mudra and forgetting these lesser techniques on the other chakras..
[36] They are described in Gheranda Samhită, iii, 68-81: "The Sămbhavî has been
explained: hear now the five Dhăranăs. Learning these five Dhăranăs, what cannot
be accomplished in this world? By this human body one can visit and revisit
Svargaloka, he can go wherever he likes, as swiftly as mind, he acquires the
faculty of moving in the air. [These five Dhăranăs are: Părthivi (Earthy),
Ambhasi (Watery), Văyavi (Aerial), Agneyi (Fiery) and Akăsi (Ethereal).]
"PARTHIVI: The Părthivi-Tattva has the colour of orpiment (yellow), the letter
la is its secret symbol or seed, its form is four-sided, and Brahmă, its
presiding deity. Place this Tattva in the heart (Base chakra), and fix by
Kumbhaka the Prăna-Văyus and the Citta there for the period of five ghatikas
(2.5 hours). This is called Adho-dhărană. By this, one conquers the Earth, and
no earthy-elements can injure him; and it causes steadiness. He who practises
daily this dhărană becomes like the conqueror of Death; as an Adept he walks
this earth.
"AMBHASI: The Water-Tattva is white like the Kunda-flower or a conch or the
moon, its form is circular like the moon, the letter va is the seed of this
ambrosial element, and Visńu is its presiding deity. By Yoga, produce the
water-tattva in the heart (2nd chakra, belly chakra), and fix there the Prăna
with the Citta (consciousness), for five ghatikas, practising kumbhaka. This is
Watery Dhărană; it is the destroyer of all sorrows. Water cannot injure him who
practises this. The Ambhasi is a great mudră; the Yogin who knows it never meets
death even in the deepest water. This should be kept carefully concealed. By
revealing it success is lost, verily I tell you the truth.
"AGNEYI: The Fire-tattva is situated at the navel (solar plexus chakra), its
colour is red like the Indra-gopa insect, its form is triangular, its seed is
ra, its presiding deity is Rudra. It is refulgent like the sun, and the giver of
success. Fix the Prăna along with the Citta on this Tattva for five ghatikas.
This is called Fire-dhărană, destroyer of the fear of dreadful death, and fire
cannot injure him. Even if the practitioner is thrown into burning fire, by
virtue of this Mudră he remains alive, without fear of death.
"VAYAVI: The Air-tattva is black as unguent for the eyes (collirium), the letter
ya is its seed, and Isvara its presiding deity. This Tattva is full of Sattva
quality. Fix the Prăna and the Citta for five ghatikas on this Tattva (Heart
chakra, pink). This is Văyavi-dhărană. By this, the practitioner walks in the
air. This should not be taught to the wicked or to those devoid of faith. By so
doing success is lost. O Canda! this is verily the truth.
"AKASI DHARANA: The Akăsa-tattva has the colour of pure sea-water, ha is its
seed, its presiding deity is Sadăsiva. Fix the Prăna along with Citta for five
ghatikas in this tattva (Throat chakra, blue). This is Ether-dhărană. It opens
the gates of emancipation. He who knows this Dhărană is the real Yogin. Death
and old age do not approach him, nor does he perish at the Pralaya [dissolution
of the Universe at the end of a world period]."
Compare Siva Samhită, v, 43-51: "(Various kinds of Dhărană.) Let the Yogi seat
himself in the Padmăsana and fix his attention on the cavity of the throat, let
him place his tongue at the base of the palate; by this he will extinguish
hunger and thirst. Below the cavity of the throat, there is a beautiful Nădi
(vessel) called Kurma; when the Yogi fixes his attention on it, he acquires
great concentration of the thinking principle (citta).
Sambhavi Mudra
When the Yogi constantly thinks that he has got a third eye-the eye of Siva-in
the middle of his forehead, he then perceives a fire brilliant like lightning.
By contemplating on this light, all sins are destroyed, and even the most wicked
person obtains the highest end.
If the experienced Yogi thinks of this light day and night he sees Siddhas
(adepts), and can certainly converse with them. He who contemplates on Sunya
(void or vacuum or space), while walking or standing, dreaming or waking,
becomes altogether ethereal and is absorbed in the Chid Akăsa.
The Yogi, desirous of success, should always obtain this knowledge; by habitual
exercise he becomes equal to me; through the force of this knowledge he becomes
the beloved of all. Having conquered all the elements and being void of all
hopes and worldly connections, when the Yogi sitting in the Padmăsana, fixes his
gaze on the tip of his nose, his mind becomes dead and he obtains the spiritual
power called Khecarî.
The great Yogi beholds light, pure as holy mountain (Kailăs), and through the
force of his exercise in it, he becomes the lord and guardian of the light.
Stretching himself on the ground, let him contemplate on this light; by so doing
all his weariness and fatigue are destroyed.
By contemplating on the back part of his head, he becomes the conqueror of
Initiation 12
The Yogic Fat Burning Diet
Fat Burning is the natural method to remove excess fat. With the fat burns
toxins which so disturb the mind. So, in your Fat Burning practise you can look
forward to a cool calm mind and smooth clean energy.
Fat Burning encounters food addiction implant blockages which want to harm us
using food, so the knowledge that we are working with food addiction implant
blockages is good to resist the evil empire. For that reason it is good to
practise Fat Burning, gently entering into water Fat Burning smoothly and
1. First, Fat Burning for two weeks using raw vegetables or salads. Rest and
repeat as necessary.
2. Then move up to juice.
3. Finally, water. Jesus recommends one day for each year of your life.
Satchidananda recommends to finish when there is no bad taste in the mouth when
you wake up in the morning, rather your saliva is fresh and juicy.
Personally I need to fast at least one month in any year and sometimes two
months even as a vegetarian due to the poison absorbed from Food, air and water.
Still my nature is to be overweight. I have no difficulty after the first three
days, so Fat Burning as a technique suits me..
As with anything, we can become addicted to Fat Burning and die by doing too
much of it. Moderation in all things.
The time of Fat Burning is also a good time to start your strengthening and
purifying practise of Agnisar Kriya which can be more of a help if combing with
Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove energy blockages. Agnisar Kriyas
pushes the Energy Blockages out of the body. Energy Enhancement can ground their
NKM and remove them permanently..
After a fast, it is like your engine has been rebored. You need to run it in
slowly. You need to eat slowly and simply at first and build up your strength. I
usually break my fast with mashed potatoes, no oil.
Initiation 13
As well as testing ALL foods for pesticides using Level 1, Initiation 5
Chelated calcium and magnesium for preventing
osteoporosis allows 40% absorbtion rate magnesium dimalate and calcium citrate
usually with vitamin K2 with water or your food.
We have capsules made in one Pharmacy - Vitamin capsules
(selenium 250mcg, iodine 100mg, manganese 7,5mg, boron 5mg, chrome 30mcg y
betacarotine 50mg;Vitamin A 5000 UL, Vitamin B1 10mg; Vitamin B2 10mg;B3 30mg;B5
20mg;B6 20mg;B8 ug;B9 5mg;B12 5ug;C120 mg;E100UI;Copper 10mg;Zinc 15mg; Potasium
10mg; Chrome 10ug;Magnesium 80 mg; Vitamin D3 50mcg which is 2000 iu of vitamin
D3; 35mg de Iron) - chelated with aminoacids.-Vanadium 100mcg y Molibdenum
50mcg,100 micrograms of vitamin B12 - cyanocobalamin, vitamin B6 in 1,7mg, .-
Propriatory mixtures of Mineral and vitamins - Tangy Tangerine and Osteo Fx -
Are the best Supplements you can buy - vitamins are an essential investment in
your health
Here is where you can see the products..
IODINE Try store for iodine Survival Shield X2 - most people are
deficient in iodine which expells fluoride from the body.
ACTIVATED CARBON WATER FILTRATION Many areas of the world have pesticides in the
water super-feminising women, decreasing the age of menstruation, burning out
the ovaries so that at 40 a woman has the ovaries of a woman of 80, increasing
the size of the breasts, creating cancer in the breasts and ovaries.
Super-feminising men, decreasing the size of the penis, reducing the sperm
count, increasing the weight.
You can see the pesticides in food and water with Energy enhancement techniques
- Level 1, Initiation 5 - The Projection of Energy. If you can see, you know
when to replace the filters.
To remove pesticides eat naturally and organic. Get an activated carbon water
filter. Reverse osmosis filters are best usually having three activated carbon
filters inside, to this we usually add two external activated carbon filters and
replacing the two every month.
Just ask the filter engineers for scientific testing for the removal of
pesticides of each filter.
FISH OILS Try Infowars store for The Ultimate Fish Oil..
Shown to be essential for brain development with promising studies on its
ability to prevent cognitive decline in older populations, the DHA in fish oil
is one of the foundations this formula is built on. With as much super
concentrated EPA and DHA as a half-pound of cooked tuna or a pound of catfish,
each capsule of Ultimate Fish Oil includes:
Wild Anchovy Purified Fish Oil – Wild Anchovy oil molecularly distilled without
the use of chemicals. This oil is unmodified and in the superior "triglyceride"
Krill Oil – Fresh, unmodified Antarctic Krill Oil from Antarctic waters. Wild
caught for superior antioxidant content versus farm raised.
Wild Salmon Oil – Fresh wild salmon oil caught in the fjords of Norway. Wild
caught for superior antioxidant content versus farm raised.
Vitamin D - Vitamin D3 is found naturally occurring in fish oils and works
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Vitamin E - Vitamin E adds potent antioxidant protection that keeps the fish oil
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With these ingredients and a natural, plant derived advanced targeted delivery
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Supporting optimal heart health
Supporting optimal joint health
Supporting optimal cognitive health
Supporting immune function
Supporting vascular health
Supporting circulatory health
Whether you’re a first-time fish oil buyer, or you’re looking for a
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and experience the powerful DHA and EPA formula!
FOR NON VEGETARIANS - FISH OILS Try Infowars store for The Ultimate Fish Oil..
Shown to be essential for brain development with promising studies on its
ability to prevent cognitive decline in older populations, the DHA in fish oil
is one of the foundations this formula is built on. With as much super
concentrated EPA and DHA as a half-pound of cooked tuna or a pound of catfish,
each capsule of Ultimate Fish Oil includes:
Wild Anchovy Purified Fish Oil – Wild Anchovy oil molecularly distilled without
the use of chemicals. This oil is unmodified and in the superior "triglyceride"
Krill Oil – Fresh, unmodified Antarctic Krill Oil from Antarctic waters. Wild
caught for superior antioxidant content versus farm raised.
Wild Salmon Oil – Fresh wild salmon oil caught in the fjords of Norway. Wild
caught for superior antioxidant content versus farm raised.
Vitamin D - Vitamin D3 is found naturally occurring in fish oils and works
synergistically with fish oils in your body.
Vitamin E - Vitamin E adds potent antioxidant protection that keeps the fish oil
fresh and helps protect you too!
With these ingredients and a natural, plant derived advanced targeted delivery
system, each capsule contains 1,000 mg of super concentrated EPA and DHA without
the “fishy burps” typically found in other fish oils pills. This powerhouse
formula can help support your body by:
Supporting optimal heart health
Supporting optimal joint health
Supporting optimal cognitive health
Supporting immune function
Supporting vascular health
Supporting circulatory health
Whether you’re a first-time fish oil buyer, or you’re looking for a
powerful alternative to your current supplement, there’s no better time to take
advantage of what fish oils can do for your body. Try Ultimate Fish Oil today
and experience the powerful DHA and EPA formula!
Dear Soul,
Many thanks for purchasing the Energy Enhancement Super Chi Prana Course - a
preliminary or in parallel with the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course -
The most advanced and powerful course of meditation available in the World
My Best Students get back to me for Advice on any problems and tell me their
Reports of what's happening.
Inner Circle Skype Mentoring Available from Ganeshasha B
Dear Satchi, The Energy Enhancement Inner Circle Skype Mentoring/Coaching
Program by Ganesha is so good I don't know how we got by before. For the
marginal extra cost I have to say anyone purchasing the video course is cheating
themselves without it. Try four sessions, you'll be hooked. It makes the course
more available, easier to execute perfectly and Ganesha's encouragement and
psychic vision insight is devastating to the blockages that would keep you in
bondage. For your own sake, do
Thanks a lot! I am very happy, my hip is more flexible, it got a lot more easy
to sit on the two knees (now still some knee-pain which limits the sitting time
to ~15-20 min). It feels like to run in higher gear through the EE course. The
skype session was especially instructive and I learned a lot from you. The
visualization of the 7-step process is more easy, and sometimes I can already
see if things are grounding or not. During the day and during the meditation, I
notice sometimes sensations of your healing powers still affecting me !?
I just received a message that I should look at the third card from the top
within my box of sacred geometry cards; the name on the card: ABUNDANCE
Our connection is very strong.
If our Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course makes you Happy, send us a
nice report of your experiences. Tell everyone of your happiness!!
If our Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course makes you Happy, Donate by
buying the three EE books at - search Satchidanand..
Read them, Give them away..
If our Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course makes you Happy - Buy All Four
Levels of the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course!!
If our Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course makes you Happy - Give us a
If our Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course makes you Happy - come for a
Live Course in the Buddhafield where Energy Blockages are removed easily!!
The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course is the most advanced and powerful
course of meditation available in the World today in Four Levels or 28
Whatever your Dream.
Or for people in search of their Mission.
Only Meditational Training can give you that strength of Purpose to succeed in
todays World.
"Don't give up your day job" was what Swami Satchidanand told me.
Prepare yourself.
Before I left - retired from - my job in the Matrix I Trained to leave my job
and start my Mission.
Speed Up your Process.
Remove the Energy Blockages are sabotaging your resources, your training, your
path and your mission.
We totally recommend the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course playable in
any browser on a Computer or Smartphone.
Get back to me for our four weeks Two Level Live Courses in Spain and at Iguazu
Falls and in India!!
With Level One of the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course - The most
advanced and powerful course of meditation available in the World today, now you
are going to explore..
1, The Kundalini Kriyas grounding of negative energies - Initiation 3
2, The connection with the Soul - Initiation 4
These first four Level One initiations normally so increase the channeling of
psychic energy that psychic vision becomes more powerful, energy blockages and
their symptoms become more apparent, and the easy blockages are possible to
remove - All in preparation for Level 2 - the Energy Enhancement seven step
technique to remove energy blockages.
3. Psychic protections
4. Level 2 which is the technique, the seven step technique to remove energy
With Level 2, please complete the removal of all the blockages in the
Antahkarana before you move on the the next initiation.
This alone is an amazing step forward not taught on any other meditation course.
But after that the removal of Karma - Level 3 and then the Mastery of
relationships, implant energy blockages and vampiric energy connections to other
people to, "Seal the door where evil dwells!!" - Level 4.
After Level 1 we require completion at every Initiation.
Take your time with levels 2, 3 and 4 and master each initiation before moving
onto the next.
After completing Level 2 it is good to go back and re-do every initiation in
Level 2 until every energy blockage is removed.
As your energy grows more blockages become apparent to your growing psychic
The removal of blockages is completed by regular daily re-practise of Levels 2,
3 and 4 and - what comes up..
A steady daily practise is that which will enable a total clearing of every
blockage and Enlightenment.
Take your time to build your strength and psychic powers on the way to a Soul
Infused personality - Enlightenment, Illumination.
This is the end result required by the Energy Enhancement Course.
As I said previously, ask anything. Avail yourself of our services by email.
I have been practicing the pranayama video, mula bandha and jalandhara bandha it
is very good. I remembered when i used to be younger at the age of 14 maybe, i
always use to hold my breath as much as i can in the pool, that is why i used to
have more energy, more focus and less blockages. Now i understand why and it
does really work. I used to do it a lot but i gave up the practice i think at
the age of 17.