The References and words used below are to remove your egotistical vanity by creating a sense of humility at your lack of knowledge and to make you research those terms you do not understand so as to create within you polymathy and genius.
The style of writing here is that of Gurdjieff's, "Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson" and is designed to slow down the reading speed, get you out of the normal trance state - you're living in a dream world, Neo - into the intellect so as to make you think more about what is actually being said.
It is inherent in the Purpose of God as exemplified in the Nature of Humanity
that Humanity Evolve, become
My point is, that the purpose of breeding human individuals, and, indeed, the
very essence of the true purpose
for the existence of those persons, is the role of mankind, as distinct from all
lower expressions of life, in
the creation of the kind of future which can come into being only as the means
of creating the purpose for the
existence of mankind in this universe.
The expression of that intended mission, is to be read from the evidence of the
specific distinction of all
persons from all other presently known forms of life. That is to say, that the
distinction of mankind is the
creative powers of the human individual which exist in no other known species of
living creature. This
distinction is also expressed by the fact of the efficient immortality inherent
in those qualities of
discovered ideas which live on, efficiently uplifting the human potential of
society, even long after the
author of the discovery is deceased.
The fact of history is, that whereas the other living species reproduce their
own biological likeness, the
human mind's standard function is the production of discoveries of efficient
universal principles, which
successively discover and use higher and greater flux densities of energy both
physically and Spiritually.
From the energy of fire discovered by Prometheus to the greater and more intense
fires of Nuclear Fission and
From the Prometheus Fire burning of food within the body to the access to
Kundalini Electric Fire which is
similar to Fission and the access to the Central Spiritual Sun which is like
Solar Fusion.
Principles of the type whose embedded intention is typified Physically by man's
leap from Earth to the extended
development in nearby space and Spiritually through access through spiritual
projection to the chakras outside
the body of the Antahkarana. All progress in physical science, spiritual science
and in great Classical
artistic compositions attests to this fact.
We breed people because their development is a key to the intention of that
universe which we inhabit.
So, the human sexual act's ultimate implication is the perpetuation and
advancement of an intention whose
assigned consequence is the production of new people, whose existence will
perpetuate the specific work of the
human species, which is the work of qualitative progress of mankind's condition
and progress, and, thus, the
advancement of the specifically unique creative-mental powers of the human
individual's ability to serve a
yearning intention consistent with mankind's leap from the bounds of our Earth,
to colonize within our Solar
System and beyond, to play a part in the giving and receiving of higher and
higher levels of spiritual energy
which embodies the evolution of the Universe.
It is not the relevant sexual act which is the purpose, but only an essential
means. It is an act which is
sustained by the commitment of persons to joy in the fulfillment of that
embedded intention of our species.
Once that much is stated, a further point of insight should have overtaken us.
The customary depravity which dominates most of the human cultures with which we
are familiar from known
history, is the tendency for "zero growth" and Austerity which is the
current form of the historical Oligarchic, "Principle of Poverty" in order to
continue the Oligarchic rule and enslavement of humanity in most European, and also other
cultures known to us from the past from Babylon to Ancient China - all ruled by
the Dark Side.
This feature of such depraved sorts of cultures, is commonly expressed
consciously as the assertion that the
universe is entropic or that it cannot evolve, at least implicitly so, and that
man has no special powers of
creation, but rather must be content to live, as the fabled Olympian Zeus of
Aeschylus' drama of Prometheus,
or, the notorious Aristotle who forbade God Himself to continue to create, once
the initial act of creating a
universe were done.
To make this point clearer, take the case of a frankly Satanic belief in "zero
technological growth," as
illustrated by the image of the Satan-like Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus'
Prometheus Bound, who bans the use of
"fire" by mankind, in order to ensure mankind's degradation to the likeness of
those who are condemned to live
as like creatures, created to be vampirised, without actually manifest human
souls, who remain committed to do
as their fathers and grandfathers before them.
Contrary to what are thus defined as the pro-Satanic devotions of the so-called
"environmentalists," the
existence of mankind is locked up within the notion of mankind as a species
distinguished, in nature, by a
creative impulse mustered to fulfilment of future missions for improvement of
our existence in our universe.
Whether expressed directly, or by relevant contributions to that ultimate
effect, the life of the individual
has an inherently implicit mission, to fulfill the mission of development of the
Thus, all types of moral depravity expressed by societies, have their root in
the avoidance of the obligation
of a creativity which is eternally hostile to a policy of zero growth. It is the
acceptance of the practice of
that evil which is the worship of the notion of anti-evolutionary perpetual
entropy, which is the essential
root of evil within societies and their cultures in known history of the world
thus far. It is that depravity
of such a public policy which engenders evil in the practice of mankind, and
thus turns the intention of man's
destiny into a force of depravity in such included ways as the sexual abuse of
For thousands of years there has been a scientific battle between the
reductionist modelers who plagiarise and
debase, in order to stifle progress, the work of the original scientists whose
aim is human progress and
The result.. False science and false Economics creating the Oligarchic,
"Principle of Poverty".
The real scientists know that this planet can support more human beings only
through advanced science and a real economics theory which works to
exponentially increase, through desalination of water the food and industrial
capability of humanity and through fusion plasma physics the ability to
transmute elements into metallic and elemental commodities necessary to produce
technology allowing humanity to live and evolve in plenty and not in poverty and
need, on this planet.
The real economists know that this planet can support more human beings only
through advanced science and a real economics theory which works to
exponentially increase, through focus on Franklin Delano Roosevelt's, "New Deal"
policies founded on the work of economists Hamilton and List. This is the
American Economics System which when followed of 12 years of FDRs reign created
a society containing 4% of humanity which owned 40% of the wealth. Traditional
American Economics is a credit system which separates Banking and Casino Economy
Investment, which bans toxic derivatives, which uses Government owned
banks and a Government owned Federal Reserve creating tranches of a Trillion
Dollars of credit at close to zero % interest over 100 years to be spent on
Infrastructure which will enable more wealth. An example is the Hoover Dam which
irrigated land to support more food and thus a larger population, together with
cheap Hydroelectric electrical power generation to support more industry. This
system is presently being followed by Russia and China - The Three Gorges Dam,
4th Generation Fission Reactors, Maglev Transport, a Science Driver like the
Computer and Interstellar Space Policy - producing a year on year growth of 8% allowing humanity to live and evolve in plenty and not in poverty and
need, on this planet, in order to more easily evolve towards Enlightenment.
The most convenient illustration of this false methodology, modeling without any
physical basis, consciously
debasing science, is the comparable case of the use of that fraud by Dark Side
Agent of the Persian Oligarchy -
who poisoned Alexander the Great - Aristotle, and his follower Euclid, in
crafting what the great Bernhard
Riemann exposed, from the outset of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, as a
physically fraudulent tradition in
the popular teaching of mathematics. Such was the ancient origin of modern
Similarly, it was intended to use mere mathematics as an alternative to actual
physical science, as used by
modern, anti-science, mathematical positivists, which has, in strict truth, no
intrinsic competence for
defining the principles of physical science, a corrupt notion of physical
science which has been elevated to
the reputation of science's being considered as merely a matter of mathematics,
as has been done by, among
others, positivists in the train of Ernst Mach, David Hilbert, and the
unspeakably evil Bertrand Russell and
his tribe.
The positivists have modeled using mere mathematical and comparable formulas,
which contain no actual
principle, but only mathematical descriptions, as a substitute for physical
science, as the case of Agent Lord
Bertrand Russell and his present followers typifies such an intentionally
deceitful practice most luridly.
The Banking and Slave Trading Venetian Oligarchy secret agent Paolo Sarpi's fraudulent prank of
without any physical basis is the
root of all currently leading trans-Atlantic, systemically moral corruption in
the matters of science, economics, global warming models and
social policy more broadly. At its bottom, positivism has been a method of
corrupting social control of
targeted species of entire societies, such as that first installed in England
under King James I.
This installation of King James 1 was recorded in the 2012 movie "Anonymous" by Roland Emmerich about the struggle for the succession after Elizabeth the First. It is also recorded by Stansford Scholar, Webster Griffin Tarpley, in his free book, "Against Oligarchy", about the Secret History of Western Civilisation.
In this 2012 movie, "Anonymous", it is speculated that Shakespeare was the Earl of Oxford, the bastard son of the Queen - he who was the natural selection for King after Good Queen Bess died. The Earl of Oxford was the real Shakespeare who wrote the plays and then broadcast them through his paid minion Shakespeare in order to propagandise against this installation of James The First by advisors to the Queen, and Venetian Agents, the Cecil Family - the Lord Salisburys whose family has guided England for the last 600 years at least.
The Earl of Oxford/Shakespeare also wrote the, "Merchant of Venice" to propagandise against Banking and Slave Trading Venetian Oligarchy Usury and, "Othello" to propagandise against the normal Venetian Secret Agent methodologies of reputation ruining and assassination by Venetian Agent Iago. Shakespearean critic A. C. Bradley said that "evil has nowhere else been portrayed with such mastery as in the evil character of Iago." The mystery surrounding Iago’s actual motives which continues to intrigue readers and fuel scholarly debate is solved by the Venetian Link that Iago was meant to represent Venetian Agent, Abbé Antonio S. Conti.
Lord Salisbury at that time had a hunchback and was parodied in Shakespeare's
play, "Richard the Third". The Cecil Family was in the pay of the Venetians
whose aim was to subtly take over England and who succeeded with the
installation of William of Orange in 1730 and the founding of the Venetian
Party. The Cecils founded their Foreign Policy think tank of ALL SOULS COLLEGE
at Oxford University around 1450 which later metastatised into the Milner Group
which plotted the start of World Wars One and Two, then the Royal Institute of
International Affairs - RIIA - at Chatham House in London then the Council of
Foreign Relations - CFR - and the Bilderburgers.
Webster Griffin Tarpley, in his free book, "Against Oligarchy" states that King James was, ironically, the emblematic, if essentially half-witting
figure of an official royal,
empiricist theology, a theology of sorts which has administered the corrupting
Venetian tradition, derived from their families who descended through the Roman
Empire from the Satanic, Moloch driven Babylonian Empire, of those high priests
such as the hoaxster Galileo Galilei.
After the swindler Galileo, and his follower, the swindler Descartes, there was a "perfected" succession of expressions of the alleged "principles" underlying imperial theology, a body of evidence supplied by such cases as that of the science-hating, Venetian Oligarchic Agent hoaxster Abbé Antonio S. Conti. In hindsight, this Conti is to be regarded, otherwise, according to rare copies of portraits, as the ugliest face known to contemporaries of his apprentice, Oligarchic Agent Voltaire.
Depraved creatures such as Banking and Slave Trading British Empire/Venetian
Oligarchy Agents philosophers and economists John Locke, Adam Smith, paid by
Prime Minister and Head of the Slave Trading and Drug Running British East India Company, Lord Shelburne and
his head of MI6, Jeremy Bentham, are typical of the kindred human refuse to be listed
in the same collection.
The common, a-prioristic commitment of the crude materialists, the Aristoteleans,
paid followers of the Satanic Babylonian Secret Agent, Aristotle the Poisoner,
Assassinator of Alexander the Great, and the modern mathematical
positivists, for example, is that they deny the existence of the universe
and of God, demonstrating that fact by
the means of substituting actual or merely fancied appearances, such as mere
sense-certainties, for the reality
of the universe, thus excluding the existence of any actually universal
The discovery of the geometry of Bernhard Riemann, for example, led to the
recognition of the systemic nature of the fraud above expressed by any attempted
separation of space, time, and matter into separate, fixed dimensions.
That discovery of mathematical genius Bernhard Riemann led to the recognition of a modern physical science premised on the experimentally validated notion of physical chemistry, rather than mere physics, and to the notion of physical space-time developed by the circles of Genius Albert Einstein.
This discovery of mathematical genius Bernhard Riemann laid bare for all to see,
centuries of the efforts of Babylonian/Venetian obfuscation of Science whose aim
is Austerity of all the people and the Oligarchic, "Principle of Poverty" in
order to continue to rule the World.
For example: the notion of Euclidean geometry premised on Aristotelean a-priorism,
had always been an anti-
scientific hoax, as had been the same hoax represented by such British
Empire/Venetian Agent frauds as Newton
who plagirised and debased the
Integral Calculus of Liebniz, and the post-Leibniz British Empire/Venetian Agent frauds of de Moivre,
D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Euler's
dupe Lagrange, Laplace, and the caught-out plagiarist of a crucial discovery by
Niels Abel, Augustin Cauchy.
Truth is what both the implicit and actual positivists, such as the
Aristoteleans, the "materialists"
generally, and the modern positivists, prohibit.
A materialist's world-view, like that of any Aristotelean or modern positivists,
is the denial of a higher
purpose for mankind's existence, the process of generation of an achievement of
a higher goal than had existed
in practice earlier. The effort of the individual for the purpose of achieving
that contribution to the
universe we experience, is the one and only proof of a true human morality.
Essentially, nothing truly an
achievement of an individual life lived is accomplished in any different way.
Mathematics without any physical basis, sheer imagination, is the fantasy of
Computer modelling of real systems
of the world which because the model cannot be accurate, and indeed is designed
not to be accurate, as it makes
false predictions which are designed to fool and steal from humanity.
The areas of recent fantasy Computer Modeling which have been proven to be
intentionally falsified are:
1. The Oligarchic Agents "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" models supported
by, "Peer Reviewed" false science has been exposed by the
whistleblower exposure of the emails of the Global Warming Scientists where it
was confirmed that Global Warming Science was false. Global Warming whose almost achieved aim is to reduce, in a
sort of Genocide, the technology of humanity and bring in Austerity so that the world can support less
people. Where terawatts of Nuclear Electricity are needed to de-salinate water,
grow food in the deserts, and through air conditioning and heating allow
humanity to live and work in the tropics as well as in Siberia.
Instead we have the Eugenocidal and Malthusian aim of the elite of Zero Population Growth and a constant
world population of 200 Millions -
the current population to be reduced by starvation, false flag rent-a-mob terrorism,
rent-a-mob politics, thermonuclear war, and
laboratory grown weaponised diseases.
2. The Computer Modeling of the intentionally created false science of
Economics, whose aim is the stealing of
wealth from ordinary humanity, thus stopping their evolution and reducing their
level to the forelock tugging
"Yes Sir" of the neofeudal serf or slave.
Where the false use of money in the Gambling Casino of wall Street and service
industries - calling the money
made in these industries as profit, instead of the real profit of the physical
production of food and useful
technology to enhance the lives and purpose of all humanity.
The false tenets of the "Science of Monetary Economics" and its consequent
Modelling in the Computers of every
Government in the world - certified by the believed fantasy of peer reviewed
professors of Keynsianism,
Monetarism and the Rockefeller funded Economics of the Austrian Monetarist
School of Von Hayek, Von Mises and Milton Frieman of the Mont Pelerin Society, have allowed the intentional corruption of stealing of trillions of
dollars from the worlds
economies through the clever corrupt trick of Ponzi Scheme Bubbles, which since the South Sea
Bubble of 1720 have been a
regular yearly event culminating in the recent toxic derivatives housing derivatives bubble of
2006 - 2007.
Some families and individuals in control of the economy, through having the
power to remove the Glass-Steagal
Act, this time have stolen four trillions of dollars out of the economy through as
always, knowing when to invest and when to get out of the mortgage industry,
boosted, Ponzied and bubbled by toxic derivatives.
The bubbles are due to continue because nothing has been done to remove the intentionally corrupt banking industry - see the 2012 Libor Scandal, the 2012 Mexican Drug money laundering Scandals of HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank was originally set up to launder laudanum - the profits of Opium Shipped into China from British India made possible by the British-Chinese Opium Wars fought to attain the Free Trade ability of the British-Venetian Empire to be the World's biggest drug runners) and 2008 Wells Fargo where profits of trillions of dollars attracted fines of 300 millions of dollars and no jail time. Also through the normal method of bankruptcy as the aim is to continue to steal everything.
It has been stated that Bilderburg Banker Goldman Sachs agent minions like
Lagarde, Monti and others now control the policies of all Europe and the USA on
the path of Venetian Bankster World Occupation.
The real intention of human existence, as distinct from other living species, is
the continuity of progress of
man's development and work on behalf of works which partake of a notion akin to
"the greater glory of God." It
is a glory which depends in large degree, in particular, on men and women who
have grown old, but also
specially matured in their creative powers. It is the production of the
development of the intellectual and
Spiritual powers of creativity in the human individual which is the mission
which expresses the purpose of the
conception of the birth and development of the new human individual.
We call this evolution, "Enlightenment" which for thousands of years has been the most perfect aim of Evolved Humanity achieved through the Buddhafield of the Illuminated Enlightened together with Meditation.
In Orphic cosmologies, as in many others, a Divine Craftsman is born from the Cosmic Egg which is an opened out Antahkarana with energies flowing down one side of a column of energy twixt heaven and earth into the center of the earth and up the other side from the Center of the earth into the central Spiritual Sun or is responsible for opening it.
Similarly the Two Masonic Columns, Joachim and Boaz denote the Second Initiation of Energy Enhancement also.
Similarly, in Indian tradition the Craftsman Kâla is the Sun, the Golden Embryo (Fire), who upholds Earth, Sea and Sky (Earth, Water, Air).
Naturally Hephaistos, the Divine Smith, is closely connected with Creative Fire - the Central Spiritual Sun , and His name is often used as a synonym for Fire. Plato (Cratylus 407c) explains that Hephaistos' name comes from Phaistos, "Lord of Light" (Phaeos Histora)
Eliade (Forge & Crucible) argues that alchemy had its origin in the ancient Craft of the Smith, which combined religion, magic and metallurgy. For example, in the Greek tradition, the Daktuloi (Dactyls), Telkhines (Telchines) and Kabeiroi (Cabiri) are magic-working divine smiths; all come from underground to assist the Great Mother Rhea (associated with Fire"). Of the Daktuloi ("Fingers") it is said that the Right-hand ones - the flow coming down the Antahkarana from the Central Spiritual Sun are smiths and the Left-hand are magicians - the flow coming up the Antahkarana from the Kundalini Chakra (goêtes) - ENERGY CIRCULATION.
This 250,000 years old secret of the magicians comes from Alchemical VITRIOL, - an Acronym of a Latin Guided meditation, in particular the, "Rectificando" R of VITRIOL which says to change the direction of the energy from down from the center of the Universe to Up from the Center of the Earth, thus creating the Chinese Alchemical Supra galactic orbit of Energy Enhancement.
THE BASE CHAKRA IS ASSOCIATED WITH MONEY, WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE Why are you so poor in this lifetime? Answer, because your base chakra is bunged up. UNBLOCK!! WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!! Thus clearing out the Base chakra and creating Abundance for ALL Who Care to follow the Energy Enhancement Path. WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TO CREATE WEALTH, RICHNESS, ABUNDANCE IN YOUR LIFE
been thinking about your email almost constantly since I read it. I
would like to help you in any way I can. I can sense your feeling of
urgency to bring this ENERGY ENHANCEMENT wealth of knowledge to more and more people as
soon as possible.
ENERGY ENHANCEMENT IS the key and it is therefore no
wonder that there are challenges in doing so. And though I am nowhere
near enlightened, I do understand fiery energy firsthand and how it can
become almost a practice learning how to temper that inner fire around
other people. Of course I am required to temper my energy; you are not
because you are enlightened and in the flow of the Dharma by burning
others’ blocks. I’m just saying that yes, I can imagine. . .
The email about Buddhism today was magnificent. As to the EE story and
presentation, I would like to be candid with you and offer the following
opinions not in any way as a criticism but simply as one perspective
which may be worth considering and may not.
Normally I would not spend any time reading a website such as yours
because it is quite “loud” with all the huge fonts and red and
highlighted passages, and it seems to go on and on endlessly. It’s
almost funny to me because even though at first I was repelled by the
layout, I couldn’t stop reading. My soul was getting the energy of it
all and I was attracted, entranced, hungry for more and totally
overjoyed. (So maybe everything I’m about to say has no value whatsoever
because it transmitted to me so what am I talking about?)
Anyway, my viewpoint, being out here in the trenches, is that the path
is hard enough and some of us have evolved to the point of being serious
about getting on with it so therefore the time is past for all the sub
rosa, occult, trek through the Himalayas for decades to search for the
disappearing Babaji, even if it is an “open secret.” Meaning, your
website and emails seem so overwhelming that it’s almost like you want
to push away potential students as opposed to finding them and
quickening them. The mind has a tendency to zone out when there is so
much information, and when it starts repeating paragraphs (even with the
same photos) in the same email, then the mind numbs out totally. Perhaps
this is a high cosmic mechanism of some sort but it is beyond my
My point is that even if you outline everything for your students and
tell them exactly what they need to do, still VERY few of them are going
to stick it out and go all the way to enlightenment because it takes
effort and most people are lazy. So, your website and your emails could
be much more user friendly and clear and you wouldn’t have to worry that
you were giving away too much—people can only get what they can get, and
making it easier for them to get to the crucial point of decision seems
like the most compassionate way to go, in my opinion.
I’m sure you’re familiar with the nauseatingly formulaic web-based
business format for websites these days. Lots of text, very plain,
photos galore, apparently they’ve all taken at least one NLP seminar, on
and on—and they’re always selling something, but at a discount! And with
thousands of dollars’ worth of free bonuses if you act now!! Well, I
must admit I got a similar initial feeling for your website but
something deep inside of me was so drawn in that I stuck it out. Well,
lucky me. Perhaps there are other serious students out there who aren’t
so lucky or whose energy blockages are raging or some other such thing
and they might not have gotten through.
There is one thing that may be a detriment in your website, emails and
even books. People normally expect to get information, knowledge,
instruction, etc., from the printed word. We study from books. So there
is a bit of a letdown when over and over again the reader reads that EE
techniques fix this, come to a live course, buy the DVDs, etc.,
embroidered within the beautiful teachings and stories and comparative
analysis. Kind of the used car salesman analogy.
1. Would it be possible to state clearly up front that the best way to accelerate one’s enlightenment is by being present with a Living Master, within his Buddhafield, and information on how to do that can be found by coming on a live Energy Enhancement Course in Brazil, Spain, India.. Wherever you are at the time...
2. Second best is to participate in the DVD course and/or streaming videos, and information on how to do that can be found here
3. In
the Energy Enhancement Website pages I will provide you with background
analysis, stories, knowledge and all the intellectual fodder you need to
decide if you are now ready and willing to get to the core of the
matter, the Core of Mater, the heart of Mother Earth. The only thing
stopping you is you in the form of your energy blockages, and everyone
has them. If you sense the urgency, if you have the courage, then please
read on...
This way you could make your books pure wisdom teachings, all with the
magnetic invitation to come be with you and Devi on a live retreat. But
only tell the reader once; give him/her credit that they’ll get it if
they’re meant to get it. You could release almost everything in book
form but make it clear that true success will only come with the
transmission from the Living Master. Just like you received from your
Masters and Teachers directly.
I know the key is the removal of energy blockages and no one else is
offering this with any real success. There are those offering japa and
fire ceremonies and saying have faith and patience, “just believe”—but
no one that I know of is hitting the nail on the head like you are. It’s
HUGE! It needs to get out to thousands of people now! This is what many
good people are looking for even if they don’t know it just yet.
I sincerely hope I have not offended you because it would break my heart
if I did that. I believe in you and want to see you succeed. It’s so
hard with all the energy blockages at play and people with their money
issues and all that. There must be a way to get this to people to help
them and also support you and Devi fully. I will pray about this.
As for me, I’m trying so hard to be all vairagya and stitha prajna but I
can’t help but wish I could hop a plane to Iguazu Falls and say, Let’s get
to work! I want to clear my blocks so I can be of service. It’s all I
want. I suppose karma and time will tell. I do revere the Will of God
and my favorite Jesus mantra has always been, Nevertheless, not my will
but Thine be done. So we shall see what we shall see.
Satchidanand's Reply..
The only reply to the sound of one hand clapping and the Hossu striking, - THIS IS THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT WEBSITE TRANSMITTING THE BUDDHAFIELD - and this is not intellectual, is to have sufficient evolutionary forgiveness to turn the other cheek.
The Evolution of people is towards goodness. But some people are not sufficiently good for them to be able to take a genuine path. People are made up of a Council of Dark Angels and White Angels and they are always voting.
Really, there is no reason to answer and give all of the above spoon feeding.
The essential thing I can tell you is that people are not stupid.
In alignment with Sosan, the Third Zen Patriarch I can say with full knowledge, "They Know!"
And if they say they do not know it is because their dark energy blockages are too great for them at this time.
That in this lifetime they themselves are allowing the Energy Blockages to win because they themselves are complicit with them and the dark Forces which control them..
Their Blockages have already prompted them to make their decision. They have already made their decision - Like Neo - and by complaining about anything - They are not taking the cookie from the Oracle this time.
Remember, "One Complaint and Heaven and Earth are set Infinitely apart" - Sosan - From "Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing" - The Enlightened Mind of Sosan, which can be found by anyone in touch with their Soul, On this site..
Talks on the Faith Mind of Sosan, Talks given from 21/10/74 am to 30/10/74 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters, Year Published : 1983.
Introduction : "Sosan was a man of power, a man who has come to know. And when he says something, he carries something of the unknown into the world of the known. With him enters the divine, a ray of light into the darkness of your mind." Osho These are not just commentaries on the teachings of an ancient Zen master. Here is an alive, contemporary Zen master at work - and as the meaning of Sosan's teachings are unraveled, so are the habitual patterns and prejudices of the reader's mind. Furthermore, Osho's work is so subtle and delicate, the surgery is performed almost before you know it. As you turn the last page, you may suddenly realize that you'll never be quite so captivated by your own inner chatter - and without any effort you've taken the first, vital step towards meditation.
The above is another Open Secret.
There are many paths and the most popular are those which can not work. And the people know this. And that is why they choose these paths.
Christianity, Buddhism, Zen, Sufism - all the current religions as they currently are are popular because they can not work other than as a foundation for the people who choose them.
But for those who seek the true path, the path which works, the path which will lead them to Enlightenment, Illumination, Integration, Atman, - They know that only The One who has successfully walked the path can really bring them to that which they seek.
People are searching all over the planet for a Genuine Master, but me, I have been searching all my life for a Genuine Student.
And it is in their choice of Master that the Evolutionary Heart of the Student is known.
And the answer to those who cannot, do not want, to pay is to work and to help..
To know that if Energy Enhancement is important to them, in time they will acquire the necessary funds.
and Light,
It is necessary to have the aim of being a good person. How else are we to know when we are not good?
But the attainment and maintenance of Goodness and Illumination depend only on Vairagya or as it is normally translated, Discrimination. However, Vairagya as symbolised by the pictures of Manjushri pictured with his Sword of Vairagya gives a much more active technique in the removal of Impurities, Effluent, or as we call it in Energy Enhancement - Energy Blockages.. than mere meditation, or words..
The Pali canon recognizes four levels of Awakening, the first of which is called stream entry. This gains its name from the fact that a person who has attained this level has entered the "stream" flowing inevitably to nibbana. He/she is guaranteed to achieve full Awakening within seven lifetimes at most, and in the interim will not be reborn in any of the lower realms.
This study guide on stream entry is divided into two parts. The first deals with the practices leading to stream entry; the second, with the experience of stream entry and its results.
Buddhist Stream Entry Part 1 Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana Buddhist Stream Entry Part 2: Stream entry and After - Meditational Alignment with a Stream of Energy From Heaven to Earth - The Antahkarana A Stream Enterer is a person who aligns his body and mind with this stream of Energy the Infinity of Chakras above the head where getting your Body and Mind into alignment in Meditation, with the energies from the center of the Universe through an infinity of Chakras above the head through the body to the center of the Earth Chakra, Kundalini Chakra and below that in Meditation.
You can talk about the effects below of the Quantum Leap of Enlightenment for ten thousand years but without meditating. Without accessing the energies of the Jhanas, the Samadhis of the Chakras above the head. Without purifying all the energy blockage Dark Angels within and outside your body. These talks can only show you how you are not and how all people are not, and how all the world is not enlightened. "After All That" you are ready to start The Energy Enhancement Process.
The practices leading to stream entry are encapsulated in four factors:
Association with people of integrity is a factor for stream-entry. Listening to the true Dhamma is a factor for stream-entry. Appropriate attention is a factor for stream-entry. Practice in accordance with the Dhamma is a factor for stream-entry.
— SN 55.5
email for details...
In Energy Enhancement we see that
Psychopaths have blockages of the Heart
creating a lack of empathy and blockages
above the head creating a lack of conscience
as the blockage cuts off the intuitional
energy from the Soul Chakra or as it is
called in buddhism, Dharma - these people
have no souls. They are soulless Golems.
Usually these types of energy blockage are Implanted during previous lifetimes and sometimes in this lifetime in certain dark rituals. That is, in previous lifetimes we actually wanted to join the dark side!!
Removing the blockages of the heart and above the head are major steps forward on the path of Energy Enhancement - the Karma Clearing Process.
"In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra the "icchantikas" (i.e., a species of being who can never attain Buddhahood) are deeply evil. They don't believe that all beings have the Buddha-nature. They wish to harm others. They take pride in their twisted views, and live lives contrary to the Buddhist precepts. Especially, the icchantikas conceal the evils they have done some of which are grave in nature. Nor are they capable of repenting their sins. As far as their spiritual capacity is concerned, they have "no capacity for saddharma" (true Dharma). The Buddha refers to icchantikas as "the incurable ones." In fact, the Buddha it could be said regards them as the spiritual dead. In this respect, killing an icchantika is of no karmic consequence according to the Buddha.
"For example, such actions as digging the ground, mowing the grass, felling trees, cutting up corpses, ill-speaking, and lashing do not call forth karmic returns. Killing an icchantika comes within the same category. No karmic results ensue" (T. vol. 12, p. 460b,11.17–19).
As far as Bodhisattvas are concerned, they still have great compassion for all beings, including even the antihuman like icchantikas. In this context, the great compassion the Bodhisattvas demonstrates is intended to remove the non-beneficial character of sentient beings which prevents them from actualizing their Buddha-nature. In fact, a Bodhisattva might even resolve to be reborn in hell, where icchantikas are being tortured, perchance they should repent in which case the Bodhisattva will be there to preach various dharmas to them “so that there may arise in them a moment of good roots”! As we can see, despite the noble resolve of the Bodhisattvas to even go to hell to save them, icchantikas prove to be tough nuts to crack. By and large, they are incurable.
Turning our attention to the modern world, it is not difficult to lump the icchantika up with the psychopath who lacks any measure of conscience and empathy—a person whom we might characterize as being “cold and calculating”. One troubling aspect of a psychopath is that they seem to be quite sane. But in reality they are anything but sane. They have an insatiable appetite to be in positions of power in order to control others and psychically harm them. Virtually, every hierarchical system is riddled with psychopaths. Probably, the first recorded evidence of psychopathy came at the beginning of the 19th century.
"Pinel (1801) described the case of a young, spoiled adolescent who, in a fit of rage, threw a maid into a pit. In the subsequent court case, Pinel made the plea that although the young man had no symptoms of a mental disorder, his behavior was so purposeless that he had to be considered insane. Pinel uses two terms to describe this kind of insanity: manie sans delire and folise raisonante, which could be translated into modern English as "mental disease without symptoms of mental disease" and "sane insanity." Cleckley (1941) reached the same conclusions: the behavior of psychopaths is so maladaptive that it can only be the manifestation of a hidden insanity” (Thomas A. Widiger, Dimensional models of personality disorders: refining the research agenda for DSM-V).
Today, more and more attention is being given to the dangers of psychopathy where in the world of business and politics, CEOs and political leaders are often discovered to be psychopaths. A psychopath, in fact, can destroy a business or ruin a nation. But they can also infect others with their psychopathy leading them to perdition, so to speak. Being seduced, for example, by a rationalization for a preemptive military strike that will undoubtedly kill thousands of innocent people or the need to suspend civil liberties in the wake of a terrorist attack, is to have fallen under the spell of a psychopath or an “interspecies predator energy blockage” as Dr. Robert Hare, who specializes in the study of psychopathy, defines them.
How the psychopath gains power over those with a conscience is perhaps more disturbing. One of the most troubling of modern ironies is that those who believe they have a conscience often permit themselves to be undermined and ruled by psychopaths who have no conscience. This, it could be argued, is the main cause of every form of modern injustice and abuse culminating in the holocaust during the second World War.
From a Buddhist perspective, those who believe they have a conscience might be slowly and imperceptibly transforming into icchantikas, that is, psychopaths. They are like someone driving the getaway car for a gangster who, while never actually committing the bank robbery, was nevertheless an important element in the success of the robbery. The Buddha in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra lays out how the non-icchantika becomes an icchantika.
“[O]riginally worshipped the three jewels and various gods, but has changed since then, and now worships his own desires [instead]. He loved to give alms in the past but has now become miserly. He was by nature moderate in his diet, but has now turned gluttonous. He had an ingrained aversion for evils, but now looks on them with sympathy. He was born filial and esteemed his parents, but now he has no thought of respect for his father and mother.”
Unlike the time of the Buddha, the modern age has learned diverse ways to turn the average non-icchantika into a committed icchantika/psychopath, but only because psychopaths are in positions of authority—and only because they’ve made the system that will insure the dominance of the psychopathic character.
In spite of this, it has to be kept in mind that a psychopath’s greatest fear is the fear of being found out. This especially occurs when the psychopath can no longer manipulate the information that insures his dominance; which reveals him to be an interspecies predator energy blockage."
I took this from another source but can not believe that the Buddha would condone killing people, you would have to be a psychopath to approve the killing of people.
But it is interesting that psychopaths are called icchantika, just as in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna calls these types of people "Demons"
Energy Enhancement Client 6.
Only when we have forgiven ourselves, can we learn how to forgive others. We do this by learning how to ground all these negative karmic energies so that we do not have to live through this karma physically. We can remove it energetically using the Energy Enhancement Techniques before it manifests into your life as pain and traumatic experiences.
It says in the Hindu Bible, a conversation between God or Krishna, and Arjuna or the good part of you, in the Baghavad Gita Chapter 16
O Arjuna, entering the wombs of demons
or psychopaths birth after birth, the deluded ones sink
to the lowest hell without ever attaining Me. (16.20)
And in the Energy Enhancement Karma Clearing Process, without any prompting by
me, this is what client 6 said...
1500 years ago she was a beautiful lady healer with long blond hair who was on
the path of righteousness. A bad guy saw her and through implanting her with a
sexual implant blockage was able to make her fall in love with him. This bad guy turned her
onto the dark side of the force and for 10 lifetimes this guy led her into bad paths of black
magic, sex and sado-masochism, abusing many different people. Then, as happens
to all on the dark side she was defeated (LITERALLY DE-FEETED, her base chakra
was broken and implanted by another bad guy) And she entered into 100 lifetimes of
sexual abuse, serving as a sex slave and as a spiritual battery for the bad guy who
implanted her.
She was learning why she had been given these experiences.
Karma, the law of consequences, says we have been given
the free will to learn the consequences of taking the wrong path. In reality we
are only allowed the freedom of making the right choice. Everything which has a
beginning has an end.
And further, with
Energy Enhancement, how to totally heal the entire stuation, how to
dissolve the negative karmic energies which were
throwing her into these hells time and time again. How to remove
all the
implants which were turning her into a batttery and not allowing her to generate
the energy necessary to get her out of this black hole pit she was in.
How to
cut off all connections with the Dark Side, "seal
the door which evil dwells" so that they could not attract her
into bad ways again and become independant and free of all negative influences.
How to gain infinite positive energy from the side of
Light and goodness and
purpose and will. She was learning how necessary it is to stay away from evil
and to cleave to the good.
If you desire anything on this planet remember, you cannot take anything with
you when you die except your evolution. So please evolve through the
kindness of
those sent to this planet to help you. They are here in every generation,
for you. This is the promise of the Baghavad Gita.
My teacher, Swami Satchidananda said that when he was young he could touch
people and take away their cancer, he could touch people and
take away their
heart disease yet after three years he noticed that these same people were
coming back with the same problems. He realised that unless they changed their
minds also, it was not possible to heal them permanently. They had to learn to
do it for themselves. So he started a program for yoga and meditation and if the
people were good, perhaps a little bit of healing could enter from the side.
Once a Swede came to Swami Satchidananda with a grave abdominal problem. Swami
said, come to the Ashram for 6 months and learn Yoga and meditation and practise
every day and your problem will be solved. So after 6 months the guy came to
swami and said, the problem has not gone away. Swami asked if he had done
everything, the yoga, the meditation and had practised every day and the guy
said yes. So Swami moved his hand close to the abdomen and made a catching and
pulling motion with his right hand as though he was pulling something out of
him. He then asked him how he felt and the guy said the pain had gone. It never
I remember Zen Master Hogen when I was with him in The Greek island of Lesbos
acting as his general factotem and dogsbody. We lived together in the same house
for two weeks and one night I had a dream. I was lying on a stone slab as a dead
Hogen came to me and leant over my body from the hips and sucked out my
right eye. He cleaned it with his mouth, took it out, polished it playfully and
then put it back into his mouth, leaned over me again and spat it back into my
The next day I found out that Hogen had done something very stupid. He had put
some strong eucalyptus oil, Olbas Oil, on his finger and put it into his right
eye. So, the students cleaned it out with water and he wore an eye patch, like a
pirate, for the rest of the time there. It must have been very painful for him
yet these things are done for the benefit of the students. Thus the Master from
time immemorial has absorbed the Karma of the Students.
I asked Zen Master Hogen what he had
done in past lifetimes and he said he had been a Guiness (Karma) maker. Now in
this lifetime he was drinking all the Guiness. He was absorbing and transmuting
all the karma. And this was the symbolism of his students giving him a can of
Guiness every time They met him.
Swami Satchidananda told me that Yoga was the gaining of Psychic Vision and when
necessary the blockages of the students are removed.
There are many examples gleaned from many experiences and books from the age of
16 when I started to practise Yoga. From the age of 21 when I started to read
spiritual books and train with the National Federation of
Spiritual Healers of
Great Britain and then later to become a Yoga teacher and teach those with
Multiple Sclerosis in my local class and at Ickwell Bury a Yoga Foundation run
by Howard Kent near London. I had to stop the class after a while, they all got
And last but not least my training and experiences with Zen Master Hogen Daido Yamahata and Swami Satchidananda - two
enlightened saints and Siddhas whose
whole lives have been devoted towards the benefit of everyone who met them.
Swami Satchidananda has now passed on at the age of 89 in 2002 but you can meet
Hogen, student of the famous Zen Master Tangen Harada Roshi, in Japan at his
Temple on the slopes of Mount Fuji or at his Ashram in Australia.
In Energy Enhancement we teach you how to do it for yourself. We provide a field
of positive energy to help the process called the Buddhafield
and from time to
time, if you need a little help, we give it. But we are merely midwives or
guides, and it is you who must walk every step of the way by yourselves and when
you have done it you must also know that you have been carried every step by
goodness and mercy.
What makes you think that you have done anything?
Only the Ego. And yet it is
true, with the collaboration of infinity, you have done everything by
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other with Energy Enhancement Level 4 techniques - Energy Connections and the Mastery of Relationships and How to remove Energy Blockages and Implants from our Students - we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here to learn Energy Enhancement Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"
NEW!! MEDITATION - Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.
NEW!! George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith, and Psychopaths
Chakras above Sahasrara Chakra and Below Muladhara Chakra
ENERGY ENHANCEMENT KARMA CLEARING PROCESS - Remove Ego Sub-Personality Energy Blockages like the Connector Sub-Personality, the Distraction Implant Control Blockages and Implant Vampire Blockages Attention Seeking Strategy Energy Blockages and Inner Children in Energy Enhancement Level 3
Chakras and Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and the Caduceus
Chakras and the Initiations of Enlightenment
MEDITATION - Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.
George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith, and Psychopaths
RELATIONSHIPS PSYCHIC SEX CONNECTION LILITH-Succubus-Psychopath-Implanter-Energy-Blockage-Scarlet-WomanMEDITATION ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND Trauma, Pain, Relationships, Divorce, Piercings, Tattoos, BDSM, Sex, Sex Addiction, Tantra, Gambling, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drugs and Addiction, Bad backs, Heart Disease, and Cancer.
The Buddhist Five Hindrances of Meditation,
Bijas, your blockage seeds And Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditation TechniquesTHE PURPOSE AND THE PSYCHOPATHIC PERVERSION OF THE PURPOSE
The Process of Purification
The process of Your evolution as well as that of the world and all the people in it is that of Purification.
We are a higherarchy of Functions mixed with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass and these Functions which are composed of ordered Colonies of Angels are what underly the Physical Body, The Emotional Body, the Mental Body.
And also these Angel Colonies form the Spiritual Bodies which exist above the Crown Chakra and the center of the Universe.
It is the dense energy of Evil Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which separate, wall off, stripe through and disorder these talent functions within themselves and which cause these functions to act with an evil egotistical interest separated from the energy of God in the Center of the Universe.
It is the dense energy of Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which forms the ego which separates, walls off, these talent functions from the energy of God in the Center of the Universe and from each other.
Thus the many histories of Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder as many personalities can exist in One Mind as the various sub – personalities, separate minds, become walled off within the one mind by the evil Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
MPD and DID are the problems caused by and associated with the Organ Kundabuffer (Kundabuffer is an Energy Blockage which walls off one part of the Body or Emotions or Mind from another part), as Gurdjieff said, which cause all the problems of Humanity in this world.
Thus Gurdjieff said, “The guy who says he will get up at Four in the Morning is not the same Guy who throws the alarm clock out of the window!”
This reality is what powers the dark Side, “Divide and Conquer” said the Romans.
As one human being becomes infected with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass so he becomes more and more evil like a Orc as defined by the Lord of the Rings. He becomes less intelligent, loses the ability to do anything and all his talents become desire filled, grasping, selfish, egotistical, psychopathic.
Because this separative nature of the ego which destroys Love the Will. Because Love and a functioning Will can only be ONE!
Thus the weapons of the dark side, Drugs, Sex, Violence and Rock and Roll which all cause separation, which all destroy Love and which all destroy the Will.
Talents have been formed as functions in every human being over many lifetimes these Talent Personalities become refined and really good at their job.
In the Unenlightened these Talents are contaminated by desire, grasping… The Selfish, Competitive EGO.
Sub – Personalities like the Star, the Poor Me and the Violator, are used to vampirise attention and energy in everyone around them. With Energy Enhancement these Star, the Poor Me and Violator Sub – Personalities become purified such that they are used intentionally for a good purpose.
For example charities use the Poor Me by using a photograph of starving people in order to excite compassion in people looking at the picture, so as to awaken the hearts of the people looking at the picture, in order gain the funds to help the starving people.
Then there is the egotistical connector Sub - Personality
Then there is the egotistical business Sub – Personality striped with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass. We can characterize the Bad Business Sub – Personality as like Shylock in the Merchant of Venice..
Shakespeare actually wrote this play, “The Merchant of Venice” to excite compassion in the Hearts of the audience viewing the play for the Fall of Shylock. Even this Golem who destroys his own life and the life of his family through his evil actions deserves pity.
And I pity the egotistical Business Sub – Personality.. Filled with hate. A Miser who makes money his God to the detriment of all other functions. The egotistical Business Sub – Personality does what it does, mechanically with no thought for anything else. Only to hoard money. “Look at me!! I’ve got a Million Pounds!”
Enlightenment comes from Purification through..
Normally the Egotistical Business personality only wants money and so allies and aligns only with the impure and the corrupt in some shape or form. As they see the corruption they slowly change their practises higher and higher.
Until that time it is “Business as usual” based on contracts given by local and national government, based on laws created by National Government. For example trillions of Dollars each year are spent on..
Inside every Human Being is the Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass who over many lifetimes has become an expert in money business.
There are psychological tests available to Psychologists which test the amount of Corruption, Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, or the Propensity for Psychopathy, in any human being.
It is not easy to cheat on these tests which can be given to children, every year, to test that they are being cured of psychological problems by Energy Enhancement techniques.
Children have recorded examinations every year for all subjects. Why not test for psychopathy? Parents can independently test their children to help their future development. They can cure all problems before adulthood with Energy Enhancement techniques. Enlightened countries can do it, mandate it, by decree.
These tests and the records from childhood should become mandatorily transparent for any proposed politician or CEO or Professor in any country in the world, which will totally solve the corruption of the Egotistical Psychopathic Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
As the Business sub-personality is purified so it becomes possible to ally or align, place your money with the Highest Energies. It is not possible for the Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass to align with any pure person.
This alone shows the Height of your Evolution.
Align with Energy Enhancement.
Do Not be Satisfied with Less!!
Come on an Energy Enhancement Course to remove your Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, NOW!!
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"
2005 AND 2006