The Spirit and the Soul by Miles Mathis improved by Satchidanand Part One
“Traditional Meditations have been Designed to Fail” Satchidanand
We are publishing this on Satchidanand’s Against Satanism Newsletter
Miles Mathis. This augmentation of your work is a letter of admiration of
you and of your body of work. I do not like to waste my time on idiots so this
augmentation, whilst not at the same level intellectually is a little further
along imaginatively and intuitively. In particular meditatively giving the
psychic powers of the opening of the third eye and visions of the Truth.
My apologies to the Soul, whose beauty I could not begin to approach with the
works of art used to illustrate this paper.
I tried to call up my own Soul's
advice in the choices, but she only recommended I avoid the nudes. She knows I
would not nix those for my own reasons, but she tells me they don't put the
petitioner in the right frame of mind. Nothing wrong with nudes, but not here.
For myself, I found all historical depictions far too manly, partially nude or
not. Something worth commenting on there, but I will save it for another time.
As for nudes, the whole of humanity is kept breeding for the next generation by
nudes. Without nudes, the beauty of nudes, humanity would not exist. And not
only nudes, God created humanity with Energy cords. Where the umbilical cord
enters into the baby, when it is gone an energy cord takes its place and through
that cord the baby receives the energy which as well as food, keeps it alive.
Energy cords are fundamental to the connection, to the attraction, to the sex
between us, to the whole area of relationships, to good relationships which
last, to bad relationships which fail. Do not give me the claptrap about how we
weren't compatible.. A human being can stay together forever with their dog.
Energy cords
between the chakras of two people form a relationship and are fundamental to good relationships.
One can project and Energy cord by the use of your awakened Third Eye - Awakened
by projecting Spiritual Energy from God down along the Energy Cord of the
Antahkarana into the center of the Earth there to burn up all your negative
energy, negative emotions, evil energy blockages.
The Antahkarana is an Energy cord, a column of Energy projected by God, an infinity of chakras above your head, through you and down into the center of the Earth. The reflection of your Energy projection, along the Antahkarana God projection is the burning up of all the negative energy in the center of the Earth at 5000C which flares up to your base chakra - RECTIFICANDO , up your spine and upwards back to God.
This Energy is Kundalini Energy which illuminates your head and opens the Third Eye of Psychic vision.
It is the secret of Alchemical VITRIOL - a Latin Acronym showing the antiquity of Alchemy - Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem
The Energy Enhancement Level 1 Streaming Video Meditation Course Guided Meditation
giving the living Secret of the Philosophers Stone which transmutes base metal - lead - into Gold. Lead is negative energy, Energy Blockages, Gold is purified Spiritual Energy.
It is the Secret of how to take your messy karmic painting and turn it into a clean white sheet again.
As well as Spiritual Energy, Energy Blockages migrate along these connections passing disease, old age and death into all and sundry.
Black magicians project cords into your base chakra - directly into the unconscious and subconscious parts of the mind - and implant Sexual and Drug Addiction Energy Blockages into you.
Energy Connection is the Secret of Seduction.
By investigating and healing
energy cords - projecting energy cords - cutting energy cords - transmuting and
removing the sexual and drug addiction implant energy blockages - by means of Level Four of Energy Enhancement Meditation we can heal
all our relationships.
Many of my readers have asked me for more commentary on spiritual matters.
Although I worry when I include my little sermons in papers, I find that a
certain segment of my audience likes those parts the most. I am sure others like
them the least, but that is how it goes. Here, the entire paper will be on those
topics, so those who like them the least can bow out now.
Up to now, I have been mostly silent on these things because my Soul has told me
to be. I have been told that it is not proper to speak of such things, or that
it is unseemly to say you know what you cannot know. I have even gotten the
impression it is bad luck to talk of certain things, but possibly I was
misreading the signs. I am certain it is best to listen closely to your Soul,
but maybe it was not speaking of these things in general that was frowned upon,
but speaking of them at too young an age. Possibly I was not ready to speak of
them. I needed to learn more. But now the ban seems to be lifted, so maybe my
thoughts and words have reached a point where they can be shared, or must be
shared. We will see. If I feel any pushback from within, I will stop.
I want to start with a broad observation, one gifted me by my Soul. Talk of
spiritual matters has historically been couched in unnecessary mystery,
complexity, nebulosity, and mumbo-jumbo.
As with science and some other fields,
anytime anyone has anything to say about spirituality, he feels the need to go
cloudy, approaching every question from the side in great circles of fluff,
instead of simply and directly. Even Jesus spoke in parables, though we are
never told exactly why.
Nothing has caused more confusion over the millennia than religions. Just as I
have tried to cut through the lingo of Science and Art, - you can see all my
papers solving the problems created by Einstein, Bohr and Plank on my website -
I will try to cut through the lingo of religion, simplifying things as much as
possible for easiest comprehension. I do this not because I think I am talking
to dummies who can't comprehend anything but the Cliff Notes, but because after
three millennia or more some of these questions could use a good scrubbing.
Most are so overgrown with addenda, accretions, asides, and tangential matters,
that even the smartest of us can't make heads or tails of them.
Since we may
assume a lot of that schist was later added for the express purpose of creating
confusion, it would be helpful to strip down to essentials, getting down to bare
skin, if you will. I am advised that there is no reason we can't speak plainly
and sensibly about these matters.
I suspect that in trying to get to the heart of the matter here, I will be
accused of being reductive. But reductive means oversimplifying a problem to the
point the essential character of the subject is lost. The dictionary definition
also uses the word “crude”. A reductive analysis is considered crude, which may
explain why religious commentary so pointedly avoids being pointed: it is
running from the epithet “crude”. Better to be windy and cloudy in the extreme
rather than risk being called crude. I think I will be able to avoid that claim,
since it is precisely the essentials I am after. I am also not interested in
turning religion to black and white. In fact, it is the true colors I am most
interested in: the ones veiled or muted by brown patina after brown patina.
Here is an example, which I take from the Wikipedia page on Lurianic Kabbalah.
You would think that an encyclopedia entry would attempt to make its subject
somewhat comprehensible, but that is not what we find. Instead, we find this:
Religious Kabbalists see the deeper comprehensiveness of Lurianic theory being
due to its description and exploration of aspects of Divinity, rooted in the Ein
Sof, that transcend the revealed, rationally apprehended mysticism described by
Cordovero.[2] The system of Medieval Kabbalah becomes incorporated as part of
its wider dynamic.
Where Cordovero described the Sefrot (Divine attributes) and
the Four spiritual Realms, preceded by Adam Kadmon, unfolding sequentially out
of the Ein Sof, Luria probed the supra-rational origin of these Five Worlds
within the Infnite. This revealed new doctrines of Primordial Tzimtzum
(contraction) and the Shevira (shattering) and reconfguration of the sephirot.
In Kabbalah, what preceded more deeply in origins, is also refected within the
inner dimensions of subsequent Creation, so that Luria was able to explain
messianism, Divine aspects, and reincarnation, Kabbalistic beliefs that remained
unsystemised beforehand.
Now, I am considered a pretty smart guy, but if there is any meaning or content
there, I missed it. You may think I chose the worst paragraph on the page, but I
didn't. Visit that page and see for yourself: the whole thing reads like that.
It is like swimming in a vat of cold green jello and cottage cheese. So we can't
blame the Wikipedia editors for not making sense of it: such a thing is not
possible. It was written to confuse, and has been overwritten thousands of times
since first creation by people also hired for the jumble in their heads. Luria
may have been listening to his Soul when he wrote, put he impresses me as the
sort of person who could mistranslate a grocery list. I simply don't trust
anyone who talks like that. In every case I later found they were trying to scam
But let's move on, lest you think I am picking on Kabbalah. I'm not. It was just
the obvious example in illustrating my point about clarity. In my previous
papers on the Buddha and Buddhism, I have shared my discomfort with the
worldview presented there as well.
But Buddhism happens to be a useful lead-in
here, since — like all other religions — it seems to me to be partly right. In
Buddhism, we are taught that the meaning of this life is to escape it through
perfect renunciation of all energy blockages.
Only in perfect renunciation can we achieve Nirvana, and avoid infinite rebirth.
It is not hard to see the perversity in that idea, especially when it is stated
so baldly. It is illogical on the face of it. Why would our spirit be placed
here, and then be instructed to renounce everything?
We must renounce everything
which is evil. The next step in the evolution of humanity is the ability to
alchemically transmute the evil trauma and remove the energy blockages which is
only possible using the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Seven Step Process
of Level 2.
If we should renounce anything, shouldn't that be only the bad things? This is
Perfect Renunciation. Why renounce the good things? Yes, this life is corrupt,
but it seems a wise person would renounce only the corruption. This life is also
beautiful and miraculous, so why renounce that? Shouldn't we embrace that? What
could we possibly learn as spirits by renouncing the good and beautiful?
No, it won't do. But the reason I think Buddhism is seductive and widespread is
that it is partially correct. This life IS very corrupt,
and we should renounce
the corruption, the lies, the Energy Blockages, the Evil!
We can very easily do that by learning Energy Enhancement Meditation. By
grounding negative energies by using the technique of Alchemical VITRIOL we just
ground and transmute the negative parts, leaving the good parts behind.
We can
very easily ground and transmute Energy Blockages by the use of the Energy
Enhancement Seven Step process transmuting the pain, the trauma-formed negative
karmic mass and leaving the trapped angel at the core of the blockage behind so
that we can augment, expand and increase the size of our Psychic Bodies by
absorbing the Angel.
The purpose of our sojourn of about five hundred lifetimes on this planet is to
evolve to the point where we no longer need to learn anything more. When we have
passed every test. When we have evolved sufficiently.
When our psychic body is
so large, so evolved that we only have the power to do the right and good thing,
not because we have been told to do this, not because we are following a rule
book, not because our intellect says to do this, but because the heart has been
opened, because the psychic body has been sufficiently increased and structured
that this is the case.
This is the purpose of Energy Enhancement Meditation transmuting evil energy
blockages and absorbing the angels at the core of them. To evolve our psychic
body to become so large, so evolved that we only have the power to do the right
and good thing,
not because we have been told to do this, not because we are
following a rule book, not because our intellect says to do this, but because
the heart has been opened, because the psychic body has been structured that
this is the only thing that is possible.. . That we only have the power to do
the right and good thing.
This evolution is not just intellectual. It is also a process of the evolution
of imagination, intuition, opening the heart, opening the third eye, the ability
to transmute negative energies, the ability to absorb positive energies, the
ability to remove evil subpersonalities in ourselves - the poor me, the
violator, the selfish competitive black star - and thus become One Soul infused
personality. That we only have the power to do the right and good thing. As we
evolve we gain the power to do these right and good things, gooder and righter!
To crystallise and order the psychic body making it more efficient. To fuse with
the Soul, Monad, Logos higher and higher in the chakras above the head. Closer
to God. To become One. To become One Soul infused personality. To become One
Monad infused personality. To become One Logos infused personality. To hear and
see the word of God. To feel the connection with God every moment of every day.
To become the embodiment of Not my will, but thy Will be done! As we evolve we
gain the power to do these right and good things, gooder and righter!
Life is indeed a sort of test, and that is part of it. And the goal of this life
IS to escape it, in a way. The goal is to transcend and dissolve the corruption
and to find or create a better existence.
This you can do only by passing the tests that are put to you in this life. But
your reward for that is not Nirvana (bliss in the lap of God or something) or
Heaven (perfect and easy existence of some sort), it is your spirit being passed
to the next level.
In this way, the Earth is a sort of testing ground for mid-level spirits. Even
the atheist Christopher Hitchens roughly put it that way, though he called it a
dumping ground for poor spirits.
[Strange statement from an atheist,
regardless.] It could also been seen that way, I guess, especially from the
point of view of a poor spirit like his. He will be back, we can be sure. But
from the point of view of somewhat richer spirits, the Earth is simply a step on
the ladder, one that all spirits have to take at some point. It would seem that
most spirits spend many lifetimes here, getting it wrong. I now assume most get
it right eventually, moving on to the next level. As for the time tables, none
of us are privy to them.
It helps to look at it from the point of view of the next level. Imagine a
planet not too far away—it could be in our own Solar System for all we know,
hidden from view. This planet is the next step in the ladder. Well, those folks
don't want your corruption. They have a system that works very much better than
ours, and they don't need us there clogging it up. So until we prove we can live
there without causing mayhem, we aren't welcome. If we insist on being nasty, we
can do that very well here.
And why do I believe this? Has my Soul told me so directly? No. I am not
claiming divine inspiration of any sort. I am not channeling an entity because
my Soul is me! I come to it from my own experience, though I think part of this
experience is a schooling by the Soul.
I feel constantly tested in just this
way. Some of the tests I have failed and some I have passed. I continue to fail,
and I continue to pass. I am in no hurry. I am not claiming I will pass at the
end of this life: I probably won't. But I am confident I am moving forward. I am
not moving backward and I am not just spinning. That is the thing.
I can tell you that the main reason I am optimistic — despite my growing
awareness of the corruption around me and in me — is that I can hear the
instruction and follow it (for the most part). I don't need to read religious
texts, because I can hear the instruction directly from the source. I know when
I have done wrong, and I have the discipline to stop doing it. And I know when I
have done right, and I have the courage to keep doing it. May that courage
continue for the larger tests that are sure to come.
So we are not damned spirits, and we are not “dumped” here. There is no such
thing as a damned spirit. There are only unpassed spirits.
Yes, unpassed spirits
can feel damned, but that is why they are unpassed. To pass the blame for their
own actions, they claim the gods have cursed them. But God has cursed no one.
God simply doesn't pass the unworthy.
Remember that. You belong here (for the time). If you didn't belong here, you
wouldn't be here. None of us are too good for the Earth. This is our current
level, which should be a cause for humility.
Which is not to say there aren't differences. Some spirits here are very near
being passed and some are very far from being passed.
I would say the Satanic
Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are very far from being passed, since they aren't
even aware of the rules of life anymore. They seem to think they get extra
points for piles of cash or for 20-car garages or for titles. While in truth
they are simply stacking up demerits for those things.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires expect you to play by their rules, but
they forget that they themselves are bound by rules. And while their rules are
arbitrary and false, the higher rules are true and immutable. They know this,
since we are all born knowing the rules. True morality, true Goodness, is like
language: it is innate. It doesn't have to be taught. . . it has to be untaught.
Most of your vulgar modern education is an unteaching of this innate morality,
to make you more pliable for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. Your
innate knowledge gained over many lifetimes is a nuisance to them, and so they
try to squelch it. . . just as they have squelched their own.
We all have our hills to climb, but just imagine the hill in front of a rich
man. He has not been given the easiest test, but the hardest. Who knows what he
did to deserve such a test, but we can be sure he does deserve it.* He must find
a way to force the camel through the needle. We see the famous rich failing the
tests in spectacular fashion, falling down the hill in the ugliest manner
possible. Some of them are so wretched by the end I suppose they don't even
qualify to be reborn here on this beautiful Earth. They have to go back a step.
And I don't mean being reborn as a dog or something. I suspect dogs and other
animals are not back a step from us. More likely they are forward a step. I mean
the rich must go back to the planet beneath the Earth, wherever that is.
Of course I mean all these things figuratively. I don't know where these planets
are, or even if they are planets. I am stripping this all down for the easiest
Now, what of the Devil, or devils? I have said I don't believe in Satan and
Angel rebellious to God, thrown out of heaven. I don't even think the most evil
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires qualify as Satanic. Satan is not a God.
What do I mean by that? I mean that the idea of an evil god is illogical. Who
knows at what level your spirit, being passed many times, becomes godlike, but
we may assume you don't get there by being evil. Being evil is what keeps you
from being passed.
But that doesn't mean there aren't fallen spirits like Satan.
If you can move a step up, you can also move a step down, and devils are simply
spirits that have passed to the next level, then been thrown back to our level.
But since they are now at our level, they aren't gods by any stretch of the
imagination. They are no more powerful than you or me but they have been trained
in psychic powers that we all can learn in Energy Enhancement Meditation. Just
as we can learn to transmute Energy Blockages in ourselves and others with
Energy Enhancement Meditation, so evil people learn to create Energy Blockages
and implant these Energy Blockages in others to Steal, to vampirise their energy
Just as they learned to project themselves out of the body using censored meditation techniques many thousands of years ago and to live outside of the body in private universes on the Astral plane as Dark Gods, eternally, immortally - but only by cutting themselves off from the energy of God, only by cutting off the energy of the Heart as the "Cremation of Care" Ritual at Bohemian Grove, burning the image of a baby in front of a 40ft high statue of an owl symbolising Molech attended by Presidents, captains of industry and media symbolises.
So with no energy from God, they need to steal, to vampirise energy from
humanity by means of implant sexual and drug addiction blockages, and to keep
humanity from throwing off the yoke by means of techniques like "the Principle
of Poverty", poison, deathvaxxes, fake media, fake elections, and the proven
Elon Musk revelations of censorship at Twitter, Google and Facebook.
And if they stick to their bad ways after the step down, they aren't as powerful
as you or me, since they are continuing on their way down. Which is precisely
why the “evil ones” are so pathetic. They exist almost entirely on bluff, since
they aren't gods and aren't praying to any evil gods. There are no evil gods, by
definition. So these fallen spirits aren't tapped into any dark force. There is
no dark force. You are either tapped into the light, or you are untapped. If you
are untapped, you are on your own, since the Soul cannot help you, since they
have disconnected themselves from the energy of God, so they must perforce,
steal vampirise the energy of humanity.
Thus the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who have worshiped Baal for
10,000 years. Thus the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who take
hallucinogens to talk to the evil human beings who have learned how to cut
themselves of from God using Energy Blockages. Thus the evil human beings who
have learned how to close down their hearts using energy blockages. Thus the
Satanic Ritual of the Cremation of Care at Bohemian Grove where captains of
industry, politicians, media types, prime ministers, presidents get together to
worship Satan or Lucifer, burning the image of a young boy in front of a 40ft
statue of Molech, in order to close down their hearts, to reduce their empathy,
so that they can continue to create the wars, poison the people, kill two
hundred millions of people in the 20th century like Satanists Stalin, Hitler and
Thus the evil human beings who have learned how to leave the body and live out
of the body like Sauron for thousands of years and then to enter, take over, to
possess the body of another human being in order to manage their farm of human
cattle. To control humanity by stopping their evolution through the oligarchic
Principle of Poverty, by poison, by censorship, by total media control. By Human
Sacrifice, Cannibalism and slavery.
Christianity was the religion of one God and our Lord Jesus Christ which
destroyed the Old Pagan Religions of Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism and slavery!
The point is that Satan and Lucifer were thrown out of Heaven and thus have been
cut off from the energy of God. The Demons demand pain and death so as to
harvest the spiritual energy of the suffering and the death so they can continue
to live eternally, out of the body. Sexual ritual to harvest the spiritual
energy of the orgasm. Drug ritual to harvest the energy of the drug induced
burning of the candle at both ends.
These Satan and Lucifer Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual
meditational technology - Satanic Rituals - of how to leave the body and live
eternally in private universes on the astral plane by cutting off from the
energies of God and vampirising humanity for their energy - and this has been
going on for thousands of years.
These Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational
technology of how to take over and possess people during Satanic Rituals
designed for that purpose. Some people suggest that the heads of each Infil-Traitor
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Royal or Aristocratic family are such
downloaded demons sent down from time to time from their private universes on
the Astral plane to manage their World plantation.
Because in order to live forever they need to cut themselves off from God, they
need to close down their Hearts. Their whole life cycle so they can continue to
live eternally, out of the body depends on the harvesting of spiritual energy
from their human cattle. In the same way the Masai live by drinking the blood of
their cattle, the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are
minions kept in order by Satanic Rituals to manage the human population by
Dumbing them down.
The main method of retaining control, so as to steal their energy, of dumbing
down the human population is poison. As well as the 10,000 year Principle of
Poverty, the poisonous fluoride in the water, the poisonous Aluminium and Barium
Geoengineering chemtrails in the air, the poisonous pesticides and GMO in the
food, the poisonous Deathvaxx, and the poisonous lies like Global Warming and
LGBTP of their fake Politicians and fake media are the weapons which the Infil-Traitor
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires use to Dumb Down aspirational populations
in order to maintain their control.
But also humanity is Dumbed down and weakened by corruption and perversion.
Blackmail, corruption by accepting the shilling of being bought off or just
accepting wages working for the Corporations of the Infil-Traitor Satanic
Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
Feminists, Trannies, Communists, Fascists, Economists are all corrupted by low
level lies created to deceive. Fabulous created lies of the Satanic Phoenician
Mega Trillionaires for people who do not understand that Satanic Phoenician Mega
Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron
who are the top of the hierarchy which need to be removed..
Transhumanism proposes the ability to upload consciousness into objects like
computers and to download that consciousness into bodies so as to live
eternally, immortally, for ever is one of the ways billionaires are offered
immortality by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people
who live out of the body like Sauron - but they are all deceived!
The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega
Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the
billionaires to importune them to join their Illuminati secret societies.
Secretive groups like the Jesuits, 33rd Degree Masons and the Masonic Palladian
sexual ritual also show the management structure of the elite.
The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega
Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the
billionaires to importune them
to join Aleister Crowley's OTO and it's Dog
Priest homosexual rituals and Whore of Babalon sexual rituals based on the
absorption of demons, being taken over by Demons, through sexual congress with
demon possessed prostitutes.
The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega
Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the
billionaires to importune them to join
Jeffrey Epstein's farming of underage
boys and girls to service high level Pedophile Elite's Sexual Rituals and Human
Sacrifice Rituals as well as to induct high level minions into the World
management structure by proving how bad they are by blackmail through videoing
them murdering children - very much how the Mafia test their applicants through
asking them to murder someone and so, "make their bones".
The Souls only have good advice or none, so there are no dark spirits from a
higher level helping these people. If they are talking to dark spirits, those
are dark spirits like them—at this level.
Which isn't to say they cannot cause major trouble. Spirits even at our level
are quite powerful, though they are nothing like gods. As such spirits, they are
capable of major mischief.
You yourself are capable of major mischief, much more
than you know. But that is not why you are here. If you would move up, you are
here not to destroy, but to create.
If we think of one of the most powerful white magician poets, Tolkien, his power
was that of truth. His power of poetry was of the ability to channel the energy
of God into his words.
Tolkien said there was a fallen Angel like Morgoth or Sauron who was jealous of
the creation of God. When he cut himself off from God he tried to emulate the
creation of God but instead could only copy, badly. Thus Elves "tortured and
mutilated" became Orcs and Uruk Hai. The Energy of God became lesser chakras
reflecting the glory of God like Silmarils, or infused by his hatred and evil,
The One Ring.
Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits, can live out of the body, eternally, immortally,
as long as they can steal our energy. Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits are cut off
from the Energy of God and thus perforce must vampirise the energy of God from
God's creatures, humanity.
Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits, can live out of the body, eternally, immortally,
as long as they can steal our energy because they are cut off from the Energy of
God and thus perforce must continuously dumb down and mind control humanity by
means of poison, fluoride in the water, GMo and pesticides in the food, medical
drugs, black market drugs, chemtrails of aluminium, barium, viruses and MRNA,
poison vaccines containing cancer forming SV40 green monkey virus in all
vaccines since 1950's, creating the cancer industry from scratch and nano heavy
metals and MRNA poison spike proteiin the latest Deathvaxx.
Fallen Angels, fallen Spirits, can live out of the body, eternally, immortally,
as long as they can steal our energy because are cut off from the Energy of God
and thus perforce must continuously dumb down and mind control humanity by means
of mind poison media, newspapers, magazines, television, internet, google,
twitter, facebook, hollywood to create lies like divide and conquer, feminism,
transexuality, LGBTP, Men and women are pigs, women are all leaders and
warriors, global warming, covid, carbon footprints, vaccines, Rockefeller Big
Pharma, Drugs, fentanyl, ayahuasca, LSD, Mescalyn, genetically modified
And that brings us to the next major point. To prove yourself worthy, you don't
renounce life. That is only a sign of weakness or inversion, and they have no
need for that at the next level. No spirit advances on weakness. Spirits expand
by taking on more light. In this way they grow and become more powerful. As
larger light bodies they have more strength. So that, as a reversal of Buddhism
(and in some ways a reversal of Christianity), you advance by embracing the good
things of this life, and by destroying the bad, the Energy Blockages through the
Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Seven Step process.
Some have thought that because this life is corrupt, the spiritual thing to do
is flee it, keeping your eyes on the next life, the next step, or the next
incarnation. No. Yes, you do flee or fight the corruption, but part of your test
here is how much you help your fellow beings.
They are on the same ladder you
are on, but you cannot advance by pushing them off or ignoring them. As you help
them, you help yourself. This is because in order to help them, you have to
create or channel more light. That channeling is not a loss of light for you.
You do not lose what they gain. In learning to channel more light, you become
larger at the same time by transmuting their energy blockages, By absorbing the
Angels at the center of the Energy Blockages thus increasing the size and
function of your Energy Body.
Now, I want to say something about sleep, not only because it ties in here, but
because it is far more important than most people understand.
As is obvious from
the things I have said above, I believe in a real spirit. I see (and have
discovered myself) lots of scientific evidence that the spirit is a real thing,
made of real photons. It really does inhabit your body, just as the religions
have taught. The body is not eternal, but the spirit is.
Light, like matter, cannot be destroyed. It can only dissipate or expand. Not
only will your spirit maintain itself after death, it can free itself from your
body anytime it likes. In fact, it does so every single day. Or night.
Scientists admit they don't understand why we sleep, but it is quite simple:
although the spirit requires a body to do some of the things it must do,
including being tested, it cannot abide being trapped in a body for very long.
After 16 or 20 hours, the trapping becomes intolerable, and it must escape.
So it puts its body to sleep and leaves.
Where does it go? I don't know. Maybe
it just flies through the air for hours, thrilling in its freedom. Maybe it
joins the cosmic charge field and sighs. Maybe it travels higher up the Antahkarana into the chakras above the head
and rests in the arms of God.
Most people visit the Astral plane in sleep, a soap opera filled with
negativity. As we evolve, transmute our negativity and become more pure, more
filled with energy, so we travel higher, into the Soul, Monad, Logos, Sirius,
Avatar of Synthesis. As we use Energy Enhancement Meditation to get charged up
with the charge of the Soul, so we need to sleep less in order to get that
charge, to be filled, constantly, with the energy of God.
But I would assume the spirit has things to attend to, and those things may be
more important than what goes on here. The Natives believe that your life in
sleep is more important than your waking life, and I would say that is probably
true. There are some things your spirit can only achieve with a body; but,
likewise, there are other things it can only achieve without one.
Likewise, the body cannot stand the spirit for too long if it is filled with
Energy Blockages. The Energy Blockages know that the energy of God dissolves
them. The energy of God is their death. Thus the Energy Blockage Demons avoid
the light. The Energy Blockage Demons direct us to avoid the people who emanate
the light in their auras. The Energy Blockage Demons direct us to avoid people
who have managed to purify and augment their Energy bodies using Energy
Enhancement Meditation.
Yes, the spirit animates the body, giving it a single direction, but it burns
too brightly for the energy blockages.
The pain body tires. Like the spirit, it
must return to a ground state every day. The exception is the mind, which is
electrical signals. It has to remain on, as the link between the body and the
absent spirit. So the spirit leaves behind just enough energy to keep the mind
going—which is, in part, what we call dreaming.
You would think this would be a very precarious situation, and in a way it is.
But remember that the spirit, being made of light, is a very fast being. It can
return in a split second
if you need to wake up for any reason. Just think of
how fast the internet is. When I upload a new paper with Filezilla, I don't have
to wait any time at all for it to appear. It is up in a split second, even if my
server is on the other side of the world. A photon moves 300,000km/s, which
means it can circle the Earth 6 times in a second. Your spirit could be playing
on the Moon when someone shakes you to wake up, and would still be back in just
over a second. So you see how it is.
The Wormhole Antahkarana Energy Cords are instantaneous. There is no lag in your
connection with God. Faster than the speed of light!
But why do I mention it? Because most people don't treat sleep with the sanctity
it deserves. It is the first part of spirituality, because it is the first rule
of spiritual health. It is also the first rule of bodily health, since a tired
spirit will cause a tired body. A body filled with energy blockages is a
resistance to the light and thus needs to sleep longer.
Sleep as long as is
necessary, but know that removing the energy blockages using Energy Enhancement
Meditation will enable you to have more energy, to go higher into more intense
energies in the chakras above the head, to sleep less yet channel higher
frequency intense energy.
Those who want to be healthier or live longer should look at their sleep first.
Yes, food is hugely important, but sleep is even more important. Food feeds the
body, but sleep feeds the soul. If you don't sleep long enough, it means your
spirit has been starved of its quality time; and if your spirit is starved, your
body is starved to the same extent. When I wake up too early, I feel like I have
a hole in my spirit. It is as if part of my spirit is still out there, trying to
drink the last few drops of freedom. When I wake up, I feel as if I have just
returned from a long journey, probably because I have.
Miles says, "I don't meditate because I don't need to: I get all my sleep. I am
not trashing meditation, understand. I assume it is quite useful for those who
don't sleep long enough or well enough. It acts as a partial substitute. But in
my opinion they would be better to fix their sleep. Your spirit can fly much
further away during sleep than during meditation" and he is correct but low
level energy blockages are preventing him removing the energy blockages using
Energy Enhancement Meditation which would enable him to have more energy, to go
higher into more intense energies in the chakras above the head, to sleep less
yet channel higher frequency intense energy..
If you are awake too long, your spirit starts to eek away bit by bit, leaving
your body without its normal fire. The body makes up for that by burning itself,
which causes tiredness and eventually premature aging. But it doesn't have to be
that way. You don't have to look bad beyond 50 or 60. Some people look quite
good at 60, and you can be one of them if you take care of yourself and get all
your sleep. But you have to start early and keep it up, everyday. In fact, it is
not one of the things you can do, it is one of the things you should do. Or, to
say it another way, it is not optional, it is required. You weren't assigned
this body so that you could pollute it and mistreat it. You were assigned this
body as a caretaker. So Good, non poisonous GMO or pesticided, food from primary
materials, Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Colloidal Minerals, Fasting, The Energy
Enhancement Streaming Video Course. I am constantly amazed this isn't taught as primary
The body, like the Earth, is a temple, and it is to be treated as such at all
times. Any failure to do so is a failure of the test. At the next level, such
failures will not be tolerated. I know that sounds kind of military, but there
it is.
But when we add up the hours of sleep, we don't just look at how much rest the
body has gotten. We look at how much time your spirit has spent in the spirit
realm, away from the corruption, and in the perfection that is the raw charge
field. While there, the spirit can reorder itself. It may be there that it
speaks most directly to what I am calling the Soul. All spirits, great and
small, crisscross the ether in their various errands, and we may assume help is
there if you seek it.
So in my opinion, these small spirits from the Satanic Phoenician Mega
Trillionaire Families who are always talking about living forever are on the
wrong track. First of all, no one lives forever, and the wise do not wish to.
But if they wish to age more slowly or look better, it can be done. But not with
drugs and other fads. As usual, the answer is much simpler than most humans make
it: more sleep, cleaner foods, plenty of water, daily moisturizer, no drugs,
smoking, alcohol.
And, finally, avoidance of
corruption. The cleaner your spirit is, the fresher your face will look. Evil
shows as in the Picture of Dorian Grey. Your first face you are born with, your
second face you have to earn. "Everyone is responsible for their face after the
age of forty" said Abraham Lincoln, meaning, your bad deeds will imprint on your
face and body. If you are an evil bastard, you will soon look like one. The
spirit always shines through.
Which is why watching these sad spirits from the Satanic Phoenician Mega
Trillionaire Families talking about reversed aging is doubly pathetic. Because
they are bad eggs inside, they look like crap by the time they are 30 or 40,
never mind the picture of Dorian Grey.
the rules of the game, it will take many lifetimes to reverse that. You can't
clean up your spirit by tweaking the DNA of the body, you fools! The only way to
do that is to make better decisions, to transmute and remove their energy
blockages using Energy Enhancement Meditation and by the look of it they won't
be doing that this lifetime.
Energy Blockages make us dissatisfied with things we should not change. We can
dissolve that energy blockage dissatisfaction with using Energy Enhancement
Meditation. A problem we face here is that many of us don't like the body we
have been given. Much spiritual rebellion stems from that alone. In some cases,
it is understandable: it is clearly part of the test, and a difficult part. But
it happens to even the beautiful and hale, who seem to be as prone to
dissatisfaction as anyone. They purposely refuse to care for their bodies, for
whatever reasons they have. This is always a failure of the test. Your job is to
do the most with what you were given, and some are given more. Some less.
Energy Blockages make us dissatisfied with things we should not change. We can
dissolve that energy blockage dissatisfaction with using Energy Enhancement
Meditation. In extreme cases, this discomfort causes gender dysphoria. We may
suppose the spirit was not given the gender it wanted, or was accustomed to in a
past life.
Again, understandable. As spirits, we are all dysphoric in the body
to a lesser or greater extent. But I would assume the sexual assignment was done
for a reason, and was part of the test. And I would assume that refusing the
assignment is the best way to fail the test. I say that because I trust God. I
do not think they made any assignments just to be cruel. As I said above, I
don't believe in evil or cruel gods. I only believe in evil or cruel people.
There are a lot of things I don't like about my body. I would change any number
of things immediately if I could. But I consider the possibility that these
things are outward manifestations of my spirit. If I were a more beautiful or
perfect spirit, I would have a more beautiful or perfect body. So I strive to
deserve it. When I pass to the next level, maybe then I will have fewer bad hair
days, straighter teeth, better legs, etc.
Who knows? But what I do know is that trying to radically change my body won't
work. It will only make a bad situation worse. As is clear from watching other
people like movie stars, it is a guarantee of a spiral down into some sort of
misery. My job is to care for the body I have been given, not to remake it.
In the same way, blaming God for my test won't work. Rather than assume God is
cruel, I should assume I have been given this test for a reason. I should assume
I dug my own hole, and that God has given me a large enough shovel to dig my way
out, if I dig right.
But let us return to the spirit. If the spirit maintains its form with or
without the body, it should have a memory of its own. This explains a lot of
things that were previously unexplainable — as I have said in previous papers —
but it also begs many questions. One of those is why the spirit's memory is
wiped or partially wiped at birth. That is not hard to answer if you think about
it. If your spirit carried all the memories of all its lives into its newest
life, it could never get on. It would be crippled by nostalgia, good and bad
because normal human memory is suffused with negative emotion. Only after
transmuting that negative emotion, sadness, depression, anger, jealousy using
Energy Enhancement Meditation can we bear to look at our memories in this
Even more difficult is to view our memories from previous lifetimes. Only after
using Energy Enhancement Meditation to transmute the negative energies on our
timeline in this lifetime and then the timeline in all our previous lifetimes
using Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 3 can we gain the experience of
viewing all our lifetimes of all our memories held in arrays of lifetimes of
memory in the Soul Chakra in the chakras above the head.
Even in this short life, the spirit clings to recent memories, and by the time
we are 60, most of us will be well nigh overcome by good and bad memories. The
past daily threatens to swamp us with sadness. Just think if you had thousands
of lifetimes of that in your head. You would do nothing but cry a puddle of
tears all day long. You couldn't learn or do a thing.
The Tibetans say that seeing the memories from all our previous lifetimes is the
dawn of Enlightenment. This is only possible using Energy Enhancement Meditation
Alchemical VITRIOL and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process to remove evil
energy blockages and emotions from our memory lifetime and past lifetimes
Which explains why the spirit needs to flee the body, and why it needs to return
to a body. It needs to flee because despite the sadness, it is defined by and
connected to its past. The spirit needs its memories, to remind it who it is.
But it also needs the body to give it relief and respite from those memories. It
knows the wiping at birth is a partial blessing. Only within the limitations of
the living can it continue to progress.
You will say there is far too much death, misery and unfairness on this planet
to assign to humans. God must be perverse to allow such a place to exist at all.
But God creates the problem not amenable to solution by intellect but only
solvable by means of psychic powers. You need to evolve beyond the intellect to
gain those psychic powers. To gain those psychic powers to transmute the
negativity, the negative emotions, the trauma-formed negative karmic mass from
this lifetime and all our previous lifetimes you need Energy Enhancement
Meditation Alchemical VITRIOL and the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process to
remove evil energy blockages and emotions from our memories as we do in the
Karma Cleaning Process of Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 3.
God must be perverse to allow such a place to exist at all. But in saying so,
you underestimate the human capacity for mistakes, and overestimate the
responsibility of God.
It is not for God to ride in and and solve all your
problems for you. No one learns anything from that. As a spirit, you are
responsible for your own actions, and your own level of advancement. As I said,
if you are here, you can be sure you deserve to be. This should tie you to your
fellow Earthlings if nothing else does.
Actually, God is far kinder than he might otherwise be, since it is easy to
imagine some scheme of things where he left us with no oversight or help at all.
God has his own life to attend to, after all. And yet God does take the time to
be the Soul or Guardian Angels or whatever you wish to call them. No, God doesn't
ride in and take over, since that would undercut the entire ladder and entire
hierarchy. You can't grow if God does everything for you. But God is there to
give you limited amounts of good advice, supposing you ask for it and supposing
you listen.
Energy Enhancement Meditation Alchemical VITRIOL
- a Latin Acronym Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem
giving the Alchemical Secret, a guided meditation, the Secret of transmuting
Base metal into Gold, transmuting Energy Blockages into Pure Spiritual Energy, and the Energy Enhancement
Seven Step process to remove evil energy blockages and emotions from our
memories has been available for hundreds of years. You just need to read the
Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus as a guided meditation. You just need to
read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. You just need to listen to me, Satchidanand, one who has
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Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand
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One, Sutra One - Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi.
This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and
Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These
Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it
says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can
be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their
Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning"
- The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
Each desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.
In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the
addiction, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over
something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is
extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever
again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?
This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest
energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the
path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is
focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of
which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...
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So this blaming God really doesn't fly. If you wish to pass to the next level,
it is the first thing you should knock off. I don't know that it makes God
angry, since God probably has better things to do than get angry with us. But it
is, how shall I say, a first disappointment. I don't see God screaming at us,
but God may roll his eyes at this primary stupidity. I know I roll my eyes
whenever I hear that argument, and I am just a stupid human myself.
Some will still not see the point. Why should smaller spirits become larger
ones? Why not have all spirits the same size from the beginning?
Why have
spirits at all? Why have anything? I don't know. I am just a little spirit. Ask
a bigger one, though I don't think you will get an answer. It is one of the
things you must learn on your own. But if I had to guess, I would say it is
because growth is more interesting than stasis, and the biggest gods like to
keep things interesting.
This Planet is a factory for the production of Enlightened beings.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
Burning, we burn our negative energy to create pure positive Golden Spiritual
Energy. Because without burning there's no purification.
Whoever is interested
in purifying oneself should accept suffering. If it comes, accept it. Or while
trying to relieve others' sufferings, if you face suffering, accept it.
Thiruvalluvar - One of the Tamil Siddars - gives the example of gold.
How is golden ore purified?
How do you get 24 carat gold?
By constantly melting it and relieving it from all unnecessary sediments,
This is done with a lot of burning.
The gold undergoes a lot of burning.
Every time it's heated, it is raised one more carat.
TAMIL: Sudachudarum Ponnpole. 'GOLD, The more you heat it, the more it shines.'
Because Alchemically, all the dross, the unnecessary carbon and other things are
burnt out.
Like that, the more you get heated the more you shine.
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