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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-2Love Comes FacelessFirst Question
The first question, Dharma Chetana, Question 1 OSHO, MEMORY CAN'T RECALL YOUR FACE, SO LOVE COMES, FACELESS. UNFAMILIAR IS THE PART OF ME THAT LOVES YOU. SHE HAS NO NAME, AND SHE COMES AND GOES AND WHEN GONE, I WIPE MY TEAR-STAINED FACE SO THAT IT REMAINS A SECRET. Dharma Chetana, LOVE IS A MYSTERY -- the greatest mystery there is. It can be lived, but it cannot be known; it can be tasted, experienced, but cannot be understood. It is something beyond understanding, something that surpasses all understanding. Hence mind cannot take any note of it. It never becomes a memory -- memory is nothing but notes taken by the mind; memory is traces, footprints left in the mind. Love has no body, it is bodiless. It leaves no footprints. In Indian mythology, the god of love is known as Anang -- ANANG means without body. All other gods have bodies except the love god -- he has no body. He comes... he goes... you cannot see him, you cannot hear the sound of his approach. There is nothing visible about it, but still it is felt, still it is lived. Love has no face. It is utter formlessness. You will never be able to see love; it is not tangible. And the higher it is, the more invisible it becomes; at the highest peak it is a pure nothingness. And remember that love is a ladder from the lowest to the highest, from the earth to the sky. The earthly love has a certain face; it is not the face of love, but the earthly form gives it a face -- you can recognize it. The lowest form has a certain tangibility about it imparted by the earthly. But as you rise higher and higher in love -- and the ultimate is prayer -- then all tangibility disappears. And when you for the first time feel love AS prayer, love as pure sky, uncontaminated by any form, then certainly the other experience will arise: that it is felt by something in you which is not known to you. It is felt by your superconscious. Sex is unconscious, earthly, the lowest form of love. Love is conscious, higher than sex, just midway, a stopping station between the earth and the sky. It is more poetic, but still the poetry is definable, it is contained in the words. The highest form of love is prayer; it is no more expressible, it is not contained any more in any definition. No words are adequate enough to express it -- it is inexpressible. And when the highest is felt, you can express it only through tears -- or laughter, or dance -- very indirectly. And when the highest is felt, it provokes the highest in you: it is felt by the superconscious. These are the three stages of the mind: unconscious, conscious, superconscious. Unconscious is material, super-conscious is immaterial, and conscious is just midway. If you fall backwards, it is sex that goes on in the name of love; it is ninety-nine percent not love -- only one percent love. What we call love is fifty percent love and fifty percent something else. And what we call prayer is ninety-nine percent love, only one percent something else. And in the ultimate stage, love even transcends prayer -- then it is pure silence. Then there are no more tears, no more dance, no more singing... all has disappeared. One simply is. As your love grows you will come to understand many things in your being which have remained unknown to you. Love will provoke higher realms in you, and you will feel yourself very strange. So, Chetana, you are right. You say: MEMORY CAN 'T RECALL YOUR FACE, SO LOVE COMES, FACELESS. UNFAMILIAR IS THE PART OF ME THAT LOVES YOU. SHE HAS NO NAME, AND SHE COMES AND GOES AND WHEN GONE, I WIPE MY TEAR-STAINED FACE SO THAT IT REMAINS A SECRET. Your love is entering into the world of prayer. It is tremendously significant, because beyond prayer there is only God. Prayer is the last rung of the ladder of love. Once you have stepped beyond that, it is nirvana, it is liberation. |
Next: Chapter 2, Love Comes Faceless, Second Question
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