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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-2Love Comes FacelessFourth Question
The fourth question Question 4 WHAT IS THE FEELING OF INTEGRATION AND POWER THAT STARTED TO ARISE INSIDE ME WHEN I HEARD YOU SPEAKING ABOUT THE ETERNAL PILGRIMAGE OF PYTHAGORAS SEEKING THE HIDDEN SECRETS OF LIFE AND EXPERIMENTING WITH MANY METHODS THROUGH DIFFERENT ESOTERIC SCHOOLS? Sudhir, THAT ETERNAL SEEKER exists in everyone -- Pythagoras exists in everyone. We may not have taken note of him, but there is an in-built search for truth: man is a seeker. And unless you recognize it consciously you will not be a man in the true sense of the word. That is the only difference between man and other animals: it is only man who seeks truth, it is only man who wants to penetrate the mysteries of life and existence. It is only man who wonders what it is all about. It is only man who meditates, contemplates. You may not be aware that the English word 'man' comes from a Sanskrit root which means contemplation -- MANAN. Man is capable of contemplation, of meditation. So, Sudhir, when you heard me talking about Pythagoras, something in your heart stirred -- Pythagoras who is asleep in you moved a little bit, became a little alert, awake. Your sleep became a little less dense; your dreams for a moment stopped. Something was triggered in you. Pythagoras is almost an archetype: the seeker for truth par excellence, a person who devoted his whole life to finding PHILOSOPHIA PERENNIS -- the perennial philosophy of life. The possibility exists in everybody; it has to be actualized. But we are so much lost in playing useless, unnecessary games, we are so much lost in accumulating toys which are utterly childish -- wasting life, wasting energy, wasting time. And life is short! and life is very fleeting. And time is continuously slipping out of your hands. Make it a point, a burning desire in you, that before death comes you will have arrived home -- before death takes possession of you, truth HAS to happen! Make it such an intense longing that every fiber of your being starts pulsating with it, that even while you are asleep, the longing goes on moving as an undercurrent. Whatsoever you are doing, all doing has to become peripheral, and a constant search for truth and a constant thirst for truth has to become your very center. Let that be your passionate love affair. You say: WHAT IS THIS FEELING OF INTEGRATION AND POWER THAT STARTED TO ARISE INSIDE ME WHEN I HEARD YOU SPEAKING ABOUT THE ETERNAL PILGRIMAGE OF PYTHAGORAS...? Yes, if the desire to know truth arises in you, integration comes of its own accord -- because the desire to know truth is so tremendously powerful. It is not an ordinary desire: it is not a desire for a better house or a better car or more money; it is not a desire for fame, success, power, prestige.... These are very ordinary desires; they cannot integrate you. In fact they disintegrate you, because they are many. One desire pulls you towards the north, another desire pulls you towards the south. And they are many, it is a crowd, and every desire wants to attract you, wants your attention. They are clamouring around you. The desire for money says, "Drop everything else. Have as much money as you can." And the desire for success says, "Even if money has to be lost, don't be worried -- you have to become a successful man, you have to be famous, you have to leave a mark in history! Risk everything -- money and all." And the desire for sex says, "Money and power and prestige, what are they going to give you? Enjoy life while it is there -- squeeze every moment of it into sensuous pleasure." These so many desires go on pulling you in so many directions; that's why you feel always that you are falling apart. The desire for truth is a singular desire. And it is so big and so huge that all other desires simply disappear into it. These are small streams. When the desire for truth comes, the big river, it absorbs all small streams into it. They all disappear into one desire. It becomes such a passion, such a burning passion, that you are aflame with it. That very oneness of the desire integrates. It was a beautiful experience, Sudhir. Don't forget it -- remember it. It has to be strengthened, intensified. It has to be made total, because to be in a total longing for God is all that is needed to achieve God! When the desire is one hundred percent, when you are not holding anything back, when you have opened all your cards, IMMEDIATELY, in that totality... God happens. You need not go anywhere; you have simply to become afire and God starts showering with all his grace. Integration brings you to truth, and the desire for truth brings integration. |
Next: Chapter 2, Love Comes Faceless, Fifth Question
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Chapter 2