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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-3Falling UpwardsThird Question
The third question Question 3 WHAT IS THE DE-ACTIVATION PROCESS OF THE LAW OF NECESSITY AND THE ACTIVATION PROCESS OF THE LAW OF POWER? Anurag, THE LAW OF NECESSITY means you are unconscious, you are functioning like a robot. Only then does the law of necessity apply. So if you want to de-activate the law of necessity, the only way is to become more aware, more alert. De-automatize your activities. Walking, walk with aware ness. Eating, eat with awareness. In the beginning it is very difficult, because you have always lived in unconsciousness. You walk mechanically -- bring awareness to walking. And to bring awareness to walking, a few things will be needed. One: don't walk at the usual pace you walk -- go slower. Go AS slow as you can, because if you go slower than you usually go, your old habit cannot persist. You are bringing something new into it and the body will have to get adjusted. It will take time, and that time can be used to become aware. If you smoke cigarettes, go VERY slowly, take time. Take the packet of cigarettes VERY slowly from your pocket, as slowly as possible. Be in slow motion. And then slowly take a cigarette out, VERY slowly, as if you have no energy... and you are BOUND to be aware! Then tap the cigarette on the packet, AS slowly as possible, as if you are almost dead, and go on doing it for a longer time. Then very slowly put it in your mouth. Then wait! Don't be in a hurry. Then bring your lighter... and the same, slow... take time. Smoke one cigarette in one hour. And you will be surprised how much awareness arises in you. And you will also be surprised to know: the moment you lose awareness, you fall back into the old fast motion. Slow down.... That's the whole process of vipassana. In vipassana you have to do two kinds of meditation: one is sitting, zazen; another is walking. WALK slowly.... It can be done in any way. Just breathe slowly, and breathing becomes a meditation. Let your hand move very slowly from one side to the other. And you will be aware. Make your activities de-automatized. And the more aware you are, the more the law of necessity starts disappearing. And when there is no law of necessity functioning, the other law functions automatically, of its own accord -- the law of power. It is said: One day a great astrologer was coming back from Kashi. He had been learning astrology for twenty years in Kashi; he had become very famous. Now he was going back to his home town. Passing a river, on the soft, wet sand, he saw a few footprints... he could not believe his eves! "Those footprints can only be of a man who is the ruler of the whole world!" That's what his astrological books had been telling him for twenty years. The ruler of the whole world has a special name in India -- he is called CHAKRAVARTIN -- whose rule is on all the six continents. "What is a Chakravartin doing in this poor village? Naked, barefoot, in the hot sun, on the bank of this small and dirty river? Impossible!" A great doubt arose in the astrologer: "Are my books wrong?" He studied the footprint very well; ALL the symptoms were there. He followed those footprints in search of this man... and he came across Buddha sitting under a tree. Now there was even more difficulty. The man looked like a great emperor: his grace, his beauty, and the silence that surrounded him, and the festivity that was around. Just by his presence, the tree was glowing, the rock he was sitting on was glowing. "He IS a Chakravartin! But he looks like a beggar too, with a begging bowl." He fell at the feet of Buddha and asked, "You have puzzled me very much. Should I throw my books? Twenty years I have wasted! Can I look at your feet?" He looked at Buddha's feet and he said, "Now it is absolutely certain: you should be a Chakravartin! -- the greatest emperor in the world, the emperor of emperors. What are you doing here? I don't even see a servant around you. And what is this begging bowl, and these old clothes you are wearing? Are you a beggar?" Buddha laughed and he said, "Don't throw your books -- they are right, but they are right only for the people who live under the law of necessity, those who live unconsciously. Once a person becomes conscious, he goes beyond astrology and astrological predictions. Then the law of necessity no longer applies to him. Then he is part of the infinite power then he is part of God -- he IS a God. He lives in a totally different way . You cannot predict him; he is unpredictable. "Don't throw your books. You will not come across a man like me again in your life. Don't be worried. It rarely happens -- very rarely it happens that a person is born as a Charkravartin; very rarely it happens that a person becomes a Buddha. And, of course, absolutely rare is the case when a Chakravartin becomes a Buddha. A Chakravartin in himself is rare; a Buddha in himself is rare -- and the combination of a Chakravartin becoming a Buddha is absolutely rare. You will not come across such a person again in this life, or in MANY lives, so don't be worried. I am an exception -- and the exception proves the rule. You can follow your books, you can take your books, and you will ALWAYS be right. It is only this once that you have been wrong." Become conscious, Anurag. The more conscious you are, the more you are beyond prediction. Then you live EACH MOMENT in freedom -- power means freedom. Power means free from the past karma. Power means you are no more dominated by the past. The past has no more power over you. Your each moment is free from the past moment. Your each moment is fresh, young, virgin. You LIVE it in total freedom! but it never creates a bondage for the moment that will be following it. Your each moment remains unpolluted, pure, crystal-clear. And to live in the law of necessity is to live in bondage. That's what is meant by SAMSARA -- the bondage, imprisoned. That is the whole meaning of the law of karma. In fact, the idea that Pythagoras got of the law of necessity is from the law of karma; that is his way of expressing it. The law of karma says: Whatever you have done in the past is still dominating you. You are possessed by the dead past; you are manipulated by the dead past. Whatsoever you have done yesterday has become a pattern, a structure, a character, and you are simply repeating it today. By repeating it, you will be enforcing it. Tomorrow it will become stronger, and the day after tomorrow even stronger. And life after life if you go on repeating a certain thing, it creates grooves in your mind -- and then it becomes an absolute necessity. You simply live like a robot. Gurdjieff used to say that man is a machine. It is true. Unless you become a Buddha, you are a machine. What does the word 'Buddha' mean? 'Buddha' means one who is awakened, aware. Become aware. The man of awareness has no character. You will be surprised: I say the man of awareness is characterless -- not in the sense that you give to the word 'characterless', but in a totally different sense he is characterless. Because he has no past to dominate him, no structure, no pattern. He is pure freedom. He is innocent. He responds to the moment, with no ready-made responses, because if a response is ready-made it is not a response at all: it is a reaction. He mirrors the moment as it is, and in that mirroring, he acts. The unconscious person reacts: the conscious person acts. And if you can act consciously, TOTALLY in the moment, you don't create any karma, you don't create any structures. You always remain free; you always go on moving beyond the past. You go on slipping out of the past like a snake slips out of the old skin. Then life has tremendous beauty -- because then there is power. And it is not YOUR power, so there is no question of any ego trip. Ego comes from the past; it is part of the law of necessity. Ego is your character, good or bad, but ego is the prison that keeps you in bondage. Ego arises out of your whole past. Just think for a moment: if you have no past, who are you? Suddenly the whole edifice of the ego collapses. The man of power is not really powerful in his own right: he is just a vehicle for the power of God. He has no claims. He simply functions as a representative of the whole. He is utter freedom, utter joy. He knows no boundaries, he is infinite. Space and time are no more relevant to him. He is beyond space, beyond time. That is the meaning of being enlightened. Disappearing as a character, disappearing as a person, disappearing as an ego... and becoming one with the whole: UNIO MYSTICA. That mystic union... and you are no more there, and God is. And God is power. The bridge from necessity to power is consciousness. Anurag, become more and more conscious in whatsoever you are doing. And it is your birthright to enter into the world of power, into the radiant world of power, the luminous world of power. |
Next: Chapter 3, Falling Upwards, Fourth Question
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Chapter 3