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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-3Falling UpwardsSixth Question
The last question Question 6 BELOVED OSHO, THIS MORNING WHEN YOU TOLD THE STORY ABOUT THE TWO EIGHTY-YEAR-OLDS TALKING ON THE MORNING AFTER THEIR WEDDING NIGHT, I LET OUT A WHOOP OF LAUGHTER AT THE PUNCHLINE. REALIZING THAT I WAS OUT OF CONTROL, I CLASPED MY HAND OVER MY MOUTH AND CONTROLLED MYSELF: I CAN'T HELP IT. I LOVE TO LISTEN TO YOU TELL STORIES. I LOOK FORWARD TO THE NEXT ONE DURING DISCOURSE. AM I BEING FRIVOLOUS? SHOULD I BE MORE SERIOUS? Anand Bario, SERIOUSNESS IS ILLNESS. Seriousness is pathological. Be sincere, but never be serious. And sincerity is totally different. Seriousness is an assumed, pretended phenomenon; sincerity is of the heart. Sincerity is a kind of intensity in everything that you do. And it was good that you had a whoop of laughter! Now, hiding it behind your hands is phony, is pseudo. Let it be there! Laughter is good -- good in every way: physically, psychologically, spiritually. And this is not being frivolous. We have been taught wrong things -- that's why people move with long faces in the world. We have been taught UTTERLY wrong things. Christians say Jesus never laughed. Why? And I know that he laughed, I know him perfectly well. But Christians were afraid: Jesus laughing will look frivolous. How can a saint laugh? The saint has to be with a long face. The saints come only with long faces. And, in fact, the man who has a long face can never be a saint. Laughter is something of a very superior quality. No other animal except man can laugh. If suddenly on the road you see a buffalo laughing... you will go mad. You will never be the same again! No other animal can laugh, except man. It is human dignity that man can laugh -- it is human dignity, glory. Laughter is something spiritual. It belongs only to higher its of intelligence. The more intelligent you are. the more capable you are of laughing at things. Not only at things, but at yourself too. You become capable of seeing the whole grand absurdity of life, this great ridiculousness of life. Christians made Jesus look very sad. That's why paintings of Jesus or sculptures of his face all look a little ugly. They don't have that joy that is expressed by Krishna -- his flute, his dance. They don't have that laughter that you will see in Bodhidharma's pictures, Lao Tzu's pictures. They don't have that superb quality that you will find in a genius like Chuang Tzu -- the genius of the absurd. Jesus must have laughed, because he was a very earthy man. He loved good food, he loved good company, he loved people. He ate well, and he was also a drunkard. Now, a drunkard and not laughing? -- that is impossible. And he must have been telling jokes. Believe me! A drunkard and not telling jokes? The gospel writers must have dropped them. Even my editors sometimes feel that this is too much, unprintable! But I don't allow them to drop anything. The gospels were written after Jesus died, three hundred years afterwards, so the editors had absolute freedom to do whatsoever they wanted. I know beautiful jokes have been dropped. Jesus was a Jew -- and Jews have the best jokes in the world. Bario, don't be worried about frivolousness. And sometimes even to be frivolous is beautiful. Even to be frivolous sometimes has a grandeur about it, a weightlessness, a beauty, a benediction. I accept life in all its colours, the whole rainbow: from frivolousness to sincerity. Just for you I will tell two jokes: Finkelstein's father was very unhappy because his son regularly did the two things that a good Jew is not supposed to do: eat ham and go with non-Jewish women. Finally he complained to the rabbi. "Rabbi," he cried, "I don't know what to do. Whenever my son Ezra sees some ham, he immediately sinks his teeth into it, and when he sees a non-Jewish girl, he hugs and kisses her." So Ezra had to go and see the rabbi. "What is this your father tells me?" demanded the rabbi in a loud voice. "You sink your teeth into ham sandwiches and kiss Christian girls? What is the matter with you?" "Rabbi, what can I do?" said Ezra apologetically, "I'm crazy!" "Nonsense," said the rabbi. "If you bit into the girl and kissed the ham sandwich -- THEN you would be crazy! But as things are, everything is in order and you are perfectly normal. Just don't do it any more!!" And the second: There was this owner-operator of a bar who was constantly besieged with requests from his male customers for the names of prostitutes and their whereabouts. One day he decided it was stupid not to tap into this source of income, so he went and got a couple of girls and installed them in a couple of rooms over the bar. Whenever a customer wanted a girl, he merely sent them upstairs. A couple of days after this new business began, a customer returned from upstairs very unhappy and complained to the man about the lousy blow-job he had just had. The owner ordered the man to follow him back upstairs, called for the three girls who were working to gather in the bedroom, told the man to get back on the bed, turned to the girls and said, "Okay girls, I am going to show you HOW just ONE more time, so dammit, get it right!!" Don't be worried about frivolousness -- that is part of life. And a real life contains all; it has all the nuances, all the notes and all the colours. So, Bario, you can have a good laugh. No need to hide it. I would like my place to be a place of laughter, joy, festivity. I want to be a festival to you. |
Next: Chapter 4, I Mean Business!, First Question
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