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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-4I Mean Business!Seventh Question
And the last question Question 7 THIS FEELING I HAVE OF BEING SOMEONE EXCEPTIONAL AND DIFFERENT HAS TAKEN ME AWAY FROM PEOPLE. IS THIS CONSTANT JUDGING MY BARRIER? AND WHAT IS THIS SUBTLE FEAR OF FEELING INFERIOR? WHY CAN'T I BE NATURAL AND SPONTANEOUS? WHY CAN'T I LEAVE THIS CONSTANT JUDGING WHICH BRINGS MISERY TO ME? Raqib, THE MOMENT ONE STARTS THINKING that one has to be exceptional, extraordinary, someone special, one will remain in misery for ever -- because everybody is ALREADY special, already exceptional, already extraordinary. Now, how can you make an extraordinary person more extraordinary? You are going to fail. People fail in attaining extraordinariness because they are already it. ,If they were not, they might have succeeded. Each individual is unique, incomparable. Never before has there been anybody like you, and never again will there be anybody like you. You are just yourself, a class unto yourself. Now, trying to become exceptional is foolish. You have to relax and see that you are unique -- you need not become unique. If you try to transform gold into gold you will fail, because... how can you succeed? In the first place the gold is gold; you can transform baser metals into gold but you cannot transform gold into gold. This is one of the most fundamental things to be understood. And everybody is miserable in the world because everybody is trying to do something which is already the case! And the more you try, the more you fail; the more you fail, the more you think greater efforts have to be made. The greater the efforts, the greater the failure... and slowly slowly your whole life becomes a long long tale of frustration and nothing else. Comparison is not possible. Nobody is superior to you and nobody is inferior to you -- because you are the only one like you. So how can anybody be superior or inferior? If you compare, then the problem arises. Once comparison enters into you, then there is trouble. Then you are going to be miserable. And you ask: WHY CAN'T I LEAVE THIS CONSTANT JUDGING WHICH BRINGS MISERY TO ME? It brings misery, but sometimes it also brings joy -- that is the problem. It brings misery when you compare with somebody and you feel inferior; it brings joy when you compare with somebody and you feel superior -- it is a double-edged sword. You cannot drop it because it is not total misery: it is mixed with a few moments of joy too. And you don't want to miss those few moments; in fact you live for those few moments. And because of those few moments, the misery continues. You will have to understand that the pride that you feel when you see yourself superior is the other side of the same coin as when you see somebody superior to you and you feel humiliated. These two sides are together. You can drop the whole coin, you cannot save half of it. Comparison sometimes brings great pride to you, and you feel very good. That's why people associate with inferior people; people avoid anybody whom they think is superior. They associate with people they think are inferior, because then they are the tops and they can always feel good. But it is also very difficult and complicated, because a person may be inferior in one way to you and may be superior in another way. Somebody may be ugly and you may have a very handsome face, so you can feel superior -- but he may be more intelligent and you may be just plain stupid. Then the problem is very complicated. A man is many things. Even if you reach the top, something or other is going to disturb you. Napoleon was not a tall man -- only five feet five inches. Nothing to worry about! because I don't think there is any problem... I am five five and I have never felt any problem. My feet reach to the earth as much as the people who are six or seven feet tall, so what is the problem? If my feet were not reaching to the earth then there would have been a problem. But Napoleon remained disturbed his whole life. And, of course, in the army there were taller people. In fact, in the army people are chosen for their tallness and strength -- and Napoleon looked a pigmy before his own soldiers. And he was always hurt. One day he was fixing something in his room, a calendar had slipped or something, and his hand was not reaching up to the nail. His bodyguard said, "Wait, sir. I am higher than you -- I can do it." And he said, "Change your words! You are not higher -- you are simply taller."Great anger arose in him. Napoleon was not afraid of lions, tigers -- he could have fought with a lion -- but he was afraid of cats. Life is very complicated. Bring a cat and he would start perspiring even if it was cold, and he would become very nervous. When he was six months old, a wild cat had jumped on him and sat on his chest. Since that time everything had been done but he could not be helped in any wRy. In fact, it is said, that the war, the first war that he lost, he lost because of cats. The English general, Wellington, brought seventy cats just in front... then the army followed. And the moment Napoleon saw seventy cats, he lost all his senses. The war was not won by Wellington: it was won by cats. Now, just in front of a cat he feels very inferior. The whole idea of comparing creates the problem. You are just yourself. There is nobody superior, there is nobody inferior. People are NOT similar -- hence comparison is not possible. Drop comparing. And, of course, those few moments of joy that you feel by being superior will disappear, but with them millions of other moments when you feel miserable will disappear also. And when your so-called joy of pride and misery of feeling inferior are all gone, bliss arises. Bliss is neither happiness nor unhappiness. It is a state when all dualities have been dropped. When there is no happiness, no unhappiness... that silence, that serenity, is bliss. A story: While waiting for his drink in the bar, Johnny noticed a horse sitting beside him with a huge pot full of money in front of him and sipping slowly from a glass of beer. Not believing his eyes, Johnny asked the barman what was going on. The barman explained to him coolly, "It is a bet. If you can make the horse laugh, you get all the money. If you fail, then you put $10 in the pot." "Oh, that is no problem for me!" said Johnny and immediately leaned towards the horse and whispered something in his ear. The horse started laughing like hell, fell off his chair and rolled onto the floor, kicking and groaning with laughter. Johnny took the money pot and went home. The next day, while ordering his drink, he noticed the horse again with another huge pot full of money. "This time," explained the barman, "You have got to make the horse cry." "Oh, it is not a problem for me," said Johnny. He took the horse outside and after a while came back. The horse was crying, completely heartbroken, with tears flooding down his cheeks. "Man!" exclaimed the barman, "Take the money but you must tell me how you did it!" "Oh!" replied Johnny, "It was very easy. The first time I told him I have a bigger prick than he has, and the second time -- I showed him." |
Next: Chapter 5, Beep Beep!, First Question
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