2005 AND 2006 |
PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-8You Are Without StainFirst Question
The first question Question 1 OSHO, PLEASE COMMENT ON THE EXPULSION OF INDIRA GANDHI FROM THE INDIAN PARLIAMENT, AND HER IMPRISONMENT BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MORARJI DESAI, WHICH HAS CAUSED SUCH CHAOS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE COUNTRY. Kamal Bharti, INDIRA GANDHI IS NOT PUNISHED BUT REWARDED. This is the fate of every revolutionary. Anybody who wants to do something in this world, which is not according to the status quo, is going to be rewarded in the same way again and again. The herd, the crowd, never forgives a person who tries to bring something new into existence. The crowd is always past-oriented. It lives in that which is already dead. It has no vision of the future. And the visionaries and the utopians and the dreamers are bound to be punished or rewarded in this way. I call it a reward. It has enhanced the prestige of Indira Gandhi, and it has exposed Morarji Desai. It has exposed his hypocrisy, it has exposed his so-called non-violence, it has exposed his so-called mahatmahood. It has simply proved one thing: his fear, his paranoia. The small mind is always afraid of the great mind. The pigmies are always afraid of the giants, the unintelligent always afraid of the intelligent. But the unintelligent are always in a majority. They have a power which the intelligent cannot claim: they can always have the support of the herd. That's what has happened. Morarji Desai has the majority in the parliament. And his whole gang is so much afraid of Indira, that if she remains in the parliament then their days of power are very limited, they can be counted on fingers. Any excuse will do to throw her out. And whatsoever they have found is nothing but an excuse. It shows the jealousy of the mediocre -- the mediocres are always jealous. They are jealous of whatsoever they cannot attain. Morarji Desai has no grace of personality, no elegance. He is jealous of Indira Gandhi. He would like to destroy her. That's what he has been trying to do. The masses also never like somebody who is really graceful. The masses also like somebody who looks like them. Anybody who has some aristocratic grace is not liked by the masses very much. Deep down, the gracious person does not belong to them. And it is also an ugly act of political vendetta. It is simply an effort to punish -- to punish her for something of tremendous importance that she was trying to do. She was try;ng to bring this country to a certain order -- that was her fault. She was trying to bring this country to a certain discipline, was trying to destroy the smugglers, the hooligans, the dacoits, the exploiters, and all those have joined together behind Morarji Desai. They are all afraid. If she comes back into power, again there will be trouble. Morarji is a protection. The real power is not that of Morarji Desai: the real power is in the hands of the Hindu fascists of this country. Morarji Desai said when he punished Indira Gandhi, expelled her from the parliament and imprisoned her, he said, "Now people can know it, now it is proved, that I am not an impotent person. I can do things." But in fact it proves just the contrary: it simply proves he is impotent. He is impotent against the fascist forces that are working behind him. He is just a facade; the real forces are in the hands of Hindu fascists. This act has simply proved that he is utterly impotent, that it is not HE who is in power, but a few other people who are standing behind him, they are in real power. They want to crush Indira Gandhi, to destroy her. They want to destroy all the forces that are revolutionary and progressive in this country. This act is also anti-democratic. It is an insult to the people who had elected Indira Gandhi to the parliament. It is utterly anti-democratic. But whenever people are in power, they tend to become undemocratic. People use democracy only as a ladder to reach to power; once they are in power, who cares for democracy? But I am happy that Morarji Desai did it. I am happy because this is the beginning of the end of his power. I am happy because this has enhanced Indira Gandhi's prestige. There is a subtle logic of history, and that logic is that whenever somebody is punished in such a way -- ugly, undemocratic -- the masses start feeling a certain sympathy for the person. And that's what has happened: people are feeling more sympathy for Indira Gandhi than they had felt before the punishment. That's why I say I am happy. This is simply the beginning of the end of Morarji Desai and his gang. Remember, this country is living in chaos. There is no order, there is no law. This country is living almost without a government. And, naturally, anybody who is in a minority is suffering. And what Morarji Desai has given in twenty months is a very bogus government. Certainly impotent! -- it has not done a thing. It is absolutely dependent on a rotten bureaucracy, and it has been hindering ALL that is progressive and all that can herald a new beginning, a new future. Just the other day I read in the newspapers: he has said about me that I am trying to destroy religion and he is trying to protect it. What kind of religion is he trying to protect? He has no understanding of religion at all. But I can understand what he means. He means all that is rotten, dead, of the past. He wants to protect the tradition -- he calls it religion. Religion is not a tradition: religion is always a revolution. And he said he is against me because I am destroying religion. I am giving birth to a new religion. And religion always needs to be renewed. Religion always needs new energies to be poured into it to keep it alive and flowing. Religion always needs to be born again and again according to the time and the circumstances. What was right five thousand years ago is no longer right at all today. And what was moral in the past has become immoral today. For example, in Krishna's time, war was a moral phenomenon: now war is immoral. Because in Krishna's time there were no atom bombs and hydrogen bombs. Now war means total war; now war means universal suicide. The new religion cannot teach war: it can only teach love. All the old religions were fundamentally based on the split person. The new religion has to create a new man -- HOMO NOVUS. I declare a new man! I teach a new man! And the new man will be one, whole. The new man will not be divided into body and soul, into lower and higher. The new man will not know any divisions of any sort: the new man will live an integrated life. The old religions, all the old religions, created an anti-life atmosphere on the earth. That's why life has become so ugly, miserable, full of suffering. The new religion will not be anti-life: it will be all for life. It will have tremendous reverence for life. For the new religion, life will be synonymous with God. In the old religions God was against life; you had to renounce life to attain to God. I teach rejoicing, not renunciation. So I can understand what he means by saying that I am trying to destroy religion. Certainly, I am trying to destroy the old concept of religion -- it HAS to be destroyed. If man wants to live at all, if man wants to be blissful at all, the old structure has to be destroyed. Only with the death of the old can the new be born. But he is a traditionalist, orthodox. He can only think in terms of the past. He has no idea that we are living in the twentieth century. He is not a contemporary man at all; he belongs to some past century which no more exists. But in India such people can become powerful, because the greater masses also live in the past, they are not contemporary either. This is a very ironical situation -- because the masses can be helped only by a new vision; only a new vision can inspire them to new heights. But they are all against the new vision. They are all for the old vision, and the old vision has no relevance at all. He is against all that is revolutionary and rebellious. He represents the rotten, stupid mind of this country. He is very representative. But he has to go if this country is to live. And all people of his type have to go if this country is to attain to some new heights of joy, blissfulness. This country has lived under the shadow of anti-life attitudes so long that it has forgotten how to dance, how to sing, how to love, how to live. This country is simply vegetating! In a way he is right that he is protecting the religion and I am destroying the religion. I am certainly destroying that which is no more relevant -- but that which is no more relevant cannot be called religion at all. Religion means something that is relevant to the people who are alive THIS moment, something that can be a blessing right now. A new man has to be heralded. And the new man is coming! The new man is coming every moment. You may not be aware of the new man, but the new man is coming. And the new man will bring a totally new way of life. His life will be earthy, rooted in the earth, and yet available to the sky. The new man will bring a new world with him. He will make a paradise of this earth; he will not look for any paradise after death. He will transform life itself into a paradise. The new man will not only survive: he will live and he will live in great rejoicing because God is. Rejoice! I say to you again and again, Rejoice! because God is. And the only way to relate with God is to be in a tremendous rejoicing. Only those who are ecstatic, they can enter into God. Morarji Desai is too serious and dead a person. He cannot rejoice. He cannot understand, experience, the meaning of joy. Politically he is against political revolutionaries. Religiously he is against religious revolutionaries. Artistically he is against artistic revolutionaries. He is basically against revolution. He wants to cling to something that is no more there. My effort here is to help you to uncling, to unclutch your hold, so that your hands can be free to receive the new gift -- the gift of the new man that is being born, to receive HOMO NOVUS. |
Next: Chapter 8, You Are Without Stain, Second Question
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