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PythagorasVOL. 1, PHILOSOPHIA PERENNISChapter-8You Are Without StainFourth Question
The fourth question Question 4 I HAVE BEEN COMING FOR THREE DAYS WITH MY HUSBAND TO LISTEN TO YOU, BUT HE FALLS ASLEEP DURING THE DISCOURSE. WHAT SHOULD I DO? JUST BE KIND TO HIM. He may be simply coming because you have been forcing him to come; he may simply be coming just as a bribe to you. Or maybe you don't allow him to sleep in the night at all and he has nowhere else to sleep. And here he is at ease -- you cannot throw pillows at him. You know? -- that's why pillows are not allowed here. Seeing that nobody can disturb him, he must be enjoying -- let him enjoy. Sleep is a perfectly spiritual activity -- I am not against it. Just tell him not to snore, because that disturbs other sleepers' sleep. Sue always insisted that her husband Jack take her to the theater once a month, but Jack hated the theater. "Sue," he complained, "I would rather stay home and watch the ball game. "Is that all you can think about -- ball games?" countered Sue. "Think about me once in a while -- cooped up in the house alone all day." So they went to the theater that night with friends. At the end of Act II a loud snoring sound startled them. Everyone looked and there was Jack sound asleep. Sue turned crimson red with shame. "How dare he make a spectacle like this! I'll never live it down." "Don't bother him," laughed one of the nearby spectators. "He's the only one enjoying himself." So, please, be kind to your husband. Let him enjoy a few moments; let him relax -- let him fall asleep. Nothing is wrong in it. In fact, medical science has not yet been able to improve upon religious discourses as far as insomnia is concerned: religious discourses are the best medicine When a doctor fails with a person, and sleeping pills don't help, he suggests, "Go to a religious discourse." That is the ancientmost medicine for insomnia. Let him enjoy. And he is not missing anything, because even while you are listening to me, what are you gaining, what are you getting? If you are getting something, you will become enlightened -- you will really come out of your metaphysical sleep. You are asleep metaphysically: he is also asleep physically. You are asleep with open eyes, you only appear to listen, appear to see, but you have not heard me, you have not seen me -- because the moment you hear me and the moment you see me, you will never be the same again. Your life will have taken an absolute turn -- you will have become full of light. So don't be worried: you are asleep with open eyes, he is asleep with closed eyes. His way is far more natural. Just be kind to him; now don't start torturing him. If it is too difficult for you to sit by his side, you can sit somewhere else. And sometimes it happens that you CAN fall asleep and it may not be sleep at all. In the East we have a word TANDRA -- there is no English equivalent for it. It is not ordinary sleep; it is a kind of sleep in between sleep and wakefulness. And that is the RIGHT moment when something can enter you. You can call it a hypnotic sleep -- I am not using the word 'hypnotic' because that has very bad associations in your mind. In fact, the word 'hypnosis' simply means sleep, but a sleep of a different kind: not the ordinary sleep but a sleep in which you can hear -- although you are asleep, but you can still hear. There are a few people -- Sheela is one... she is fast asleep. But this is not sleep: this is HYPNOS -- this IS TANDRA. She is listening to me; she will not listen to anybody else. You must have seen some hypnotist: if the hypnotist hypnotizes somebody, the hypnotized person will not hear anything else but he will go on listening to the hypnotist. His door remains open to the hypnotist; there remains a thread between them. Those who are in deep love with me can fall asleep, and still they are connected with me. And what I am saying they may not be able to reproduce by memory, but it has been heard, absorbed. So don't be worried. If your husband is simply having a physiological sleep, that too is good. If he is having something like HYPNOS, that he is asleep to you, but asleep to me, that is even far better. And there is a third thing also in the East -- for that too there is no word in English -- it is called YOGA NIDRA. One becomes sc silent and so relaxed, that everybody from the outside will think that one is asleep. If you had come across Buddha sitting underneath his Bodhi Tree, you would have thought he was asleep -- he was not. Apparently perfectly asleep, inside full of light and aware. Ramakrishna used to fall into a coma. Doctors had declared many times that this was nothing but a fit, an epileptic fit -- because he was so unconscious, and his mouth would start foaming, just like any epileptic fit. And for hours he would remain unconscious; his body would become very very stiff. Once he remained for six days in that state. It was very difficult to take care of him: he had to be spoon-fed... he was almost dead. And after six days when he came back, he brought such light and such joy with him. And The first thing that he said was; "So I have fallen asleep again." Those six days he was awake! Opening his eyes, he said, "So now I am going to fall asleep again." What you call your waking is sleep for those who really are awakened. That is the third state... I don't hope that your husband is in that third state, otherwise he would not be your husband either. But don't be worried about him; leave him alone. Wives should learn to leave the husbands alone; husbands should learn to leave the wives alone. Don't go on interfering in each and everything. Don't go on nagging about each and everything. |
Next: Chapter 8, You Are Without Stain, Fifth Question
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Chapter 8