VOL. 1

Chapter 2: Ignorance is Ultimate

Question 2


Energy Enhancement             Enlightened Texts             Zen            Paradox, Vol. 1


The second question:

Question 2

I die every moment, I don't accumulate death -- so it is not a problem. If you really live, then death is not a problem at all. You need not deal with it because it does not exist.
Death is a created problem. Try to understand it. Because you don't allow the past to die, it goes on being accumulated, it becomes heavy on you, it is a dead load. If you allow the past to die each moment as the time passes, if you finish with it, then each moment you are born again and you don't accumulate the dead past. Then you don't accumulate death and there is therefore no problem to tackle, there is no problem to deal with. Each moment you become fresh -- and you know that this freshness is eternal, timeless. Even when the so-called death will be happening, you will not be dying. In that moment life has become past, so you don't cling to it. You have learned one thing in life -- not to cling. So you don't cling to it and the problem does not arise. If you cling to life there is a fear of death. The clinging to life creates the problem.
Why do you cling to life? You cling to life because you don't know how to live it, you have never been told how to live it. You have been really completely damaged, you have been conditioned in such a way that you don't live. You don't live life, hence the fear. You never go into anything totally. You don't love totally, you don't cry totally, you don't laugh totally -- you have forgotten the language of totality. You don't know what totality means -- you are always partial. Even while in love you don't go to the very end, you don't allow it to happen. You go on resisting.
First you go on accumulating the dead past -- that is accumulating death around you. That frozen past is going to become more and more heavy every day because it is growing every day. And your life is very delicate and vulnerable; with that dead past on top of it you are crushing it. And that dead past won't allow you to live any moment totally, it always pulls you back. You want to go ahead, but it pulls you back. Even if you go, you don't go the whole way. So nothing is fulfilled, nothing is ever fulfilled. You have never loved, you have never laughed. Yes, you have laughed many times but the laughter has never been total, it was always partial, fragmentary.
You are still not aware of what life is -- you have not yet danced that dance, you have not yet sung that song. When you live life in its totality, moment to moment, you don't feel afraid of death, there is nothing to be afraid of. You have lived your life, you have enjoyed this blessing, you feel grateful. Death will start appearing like a great rest, nothing else. Death will not be able to take anything from you because whatsoever can be taken has been dropped before death comes. You have never accumulated it. And death will not destroy anything because you know how to live each moment totally. When death comes, you will also live death totally.
When Socrates was dying after being poisoned, his disciples were crying and weeping. He opened his eyes and said, 'What are you doing? Why are you crying? In such a beautiful moment what are you doing? Why are you missing this? Participate with me. Death is happening. Don't miss this opportunity. Try to see death. That's what I am doing.'
And he went on saying to his disciples, 'Now my legs have gone numb. But it is mysterious -- my legs have gone numb, I cannot feel my legs any more, but my feeling about myself is still the same, it is not less.' Then he said, 'My hands are going numb. They have disappeared. I cannot feel them.' He asked one of his disciples to pinch him. He was pinched, but he couldn't feel it. And he laughed and said, 'This is strange. Now my body is almost dead but I am as alive as ever. My feeling of consciousness is as total as ever.'
Then he started feeling that his heart was sinking but to the very last moment he was saying, 'Remember, this is my last saying. I will not be able to say anything more because my tongue is getting frozen.' The last thing he said to his disciples was, 'I am as totally alive as ever; my consciousness has not diminished a bit. So the body cannot destroy me. The body has gone, I am on the verge of disappearing, but my inner feeling, my feeling of subjectivity is as untouched as ever. In fact, it is more clear than ever before.'
Death gives a context; it becomes a blackboard and life becomes something written in white chalk on the blackboard. In life you may not be able to feel life so keenly, so acutely, so sensitively, but in death you can because of the contrast. It is just like seeing the stars at night, and when the night is dark the stars are more shiny. During the day they are there too, they have not gone anywhere, they cannot go anywhere. Where can they gO? They are there. But because of the sunlight you cannot see them. Their light is lost in the sunlight. In the dark night they are there -- so beautiful, twinkling. Exactly the same happens in death. Life becomes a star shining luminously.
You ask me: HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH DEATH? I don't know what death is because I go on dying, each moment I go on dying to the past. I don't live in the past. And because I don't live in the past I don't live in the future -- the future is always a projection of the past. A dead past creates a false future, and only this moment is true.
I am here, just now feel this moment. Where is the problem of death? How can you die in this moment? Death is always a projected problem: someday you will die. It is just an inference -- someday. Somebody has died, you have seen a person dying, and then you become afraid that you are going to die. But have you really seen that he has died? You have seen only the outward expression of his death, you don't know what has happened to him inside.
Nobody has ever died. Death is the greatest untruth; it does not exist. Only life exists. Life is eternal. If you drop the past the future is also dropped. And in the present there is no death, in the present there is only life.
Listen to this beautiful story.

The college psychology class was studying human reactions to sexual stimulus and of special interest was the frequency of amorous relations.
'How many students here,' said the professor, 'engage more than once a week?
Five people raised their hands.
'And how many engage once a week?' Ten hands went up.
'How many twice a month?' Eight hands went up.
'Once a month?' Four hands were raised.
'And how many once a year?'
A little guy in the back waved his hand frantically and giggled hysterically.
'If you engage only once a year,' said the professor, 'I don't see what you are so overjoyed about.'
Flushed with excitement, the little guy said, 'Yes, but tonight's the night!'

Let this moment be the moment. Don't live in the past because nobody can live in the past. It is no more. And don't make your palaces in the future, it cannot be done. The future does not exist. Live in this moment.
Jesus says to his disciples, 'Look at these lilies in the field. How beautiful they are. Even Solomon, attired in all his costly garments, was not so beautiful.' And what is the secret of the lilies in the field? They live in the moment. Today is the day, tonight is the night and this moment is the only moment.
Once you start living in the moment you are constantly in touch with life. And life refreshes you, life goes on rejuvenating you.
Yes, the body will disappear one day, but that is not death -- it is simply a tired body going to rest. Yes, this mind will be lost, because this mind has been used. What do you want? Do you want to use this same mind forever and ever? Are you not fed up with it? This mind works from the day you are born up to the day you die -- seventy, eighty, ninety years. It is a mechanism. Feel a little compassion for the mechanism -- by and by it gets old, by and by it does not function so well, so you need a new mechanism.
This body becomes old, this body becomes rotten, it is a mechanism. And it is a tremendously intricate and complex mechanism; science has not been able to invent anything else like it yet. It is so automatic. You think automation is new? Your body has been automatic for millions of years. When you eat food it is digested automatically. You don't have to digest it. When you breath in, the blood takes in the oxygen and releases carbon dioxide automatically -- you don't have to do these things. Just think if you had to do these things! You wouLd go crazy within one day, you wouLd not be able to survive. It is all automatic. And for seventy, eighty, ninety years this mechanism functions perfectly well. Yes, sometimes you feel ill, sometimes you are not good, and this and that -- but that is nothing.With such a complex and delicate mechanism all illness are nothing. It is a miracle that you exist at all. It is a miracle that sometimes you are healthy.
But all mechanisms get tired. Even metals get tired. Now scientists say that metals get tired. While I am speaking not only my body will be tired, this microphone will get tired also. Everything gets tired and everything needs rest.
Death is just rest, nothing else. You dissolve into the elements. The body goes back to the earth to rest. But it will be revived again in a thousand and one bodies, it will come back again. Can't you watch it everywhere? Spring comes, the trees are full of bloom, and then the flowers disappear back into the earth. Then the leaves fall down into the earth and become manure. Again they will enter into some other tree's circuLation, again they will become part of some other tree, again they will live under the sun, again they will enjoy the wind and the moon and the stars, again they will laugh, again they will smile, again they will sing a song and again birds will come to them and people will enjoy seeing them.
This goes on. Life is a continuous circle of action and rest, action and rest. Life is not only that which you call life -- death is part of life, death is not the end of life. Death is part of life; in fact, it is through death that life exists, because through death life goes to rest and again becomes full of energy and vitality and comes back. It is like going to sleep in the night. Yes, sleep is a mini-death. You die for a few hours. If you die rightly in your sleep then in the morning you are very fresh, you are again young, your eyes again have a sparkle to them, your feet again have a dance to them, again you are full of joy and juice. If you have not been able to sleep well then in the morning you are tired.
So learn to live well and learn to die well. When you die, die utterly so that when you are born again, again the juices will be flowing. And why be bothered about it? You are not bothered about one thing -- have you ever speculated about it? Have you ever thought where you were before this life, before this birth? You don't care. Why? Then why are you caring about death? You have passed through death many times but you don't care any more. You may have been the great Alexander, who knows? All kinds of mad people are here. You may have been Genghis Khan or Adolf Hitler... many Germans are here! Who knows?
All kinds of things happen in this world but you are not worried. Even if somebody says you were Alexander the Great, you will say that you don't care. What does it matter? But when you were Alexander the Great it mattered much -- and you were thinking a lot about death.
You will die and yet you will not die. This is the combination. This body gets tired, this mind gets tired, this ego gets tired... and that which is real inside, the real master of your house, consciousness, takes a jump, tries to find another body, another womb, and goes on.
Then a moment comes when you get tired of these circles of life itself. First you get tired of one circle, then you enter into another, then another, then another, wheel upon wheel. A moment comes in your life when you become more and more alert about what is happening. You get tired, not only of one life but of life as such, of this constant coming and going -- what Hindus call AWAGAMAN, coming and going.
The day you become tired of this very coming and going you become religious. Then a new element has entered into your consciousness, a new ray of light. Then you start thinking of nirvana. Ordinary death is getting rid of one life so that you can live again; nirvana is getting rid of all lives so you don't live as an individual, you start living as the universe, you start living as God. Then there is no need to come back to the body, to the mind, to the ego.



Next: Chapter 2: Ignorance is Ultimate, Question 3


Energy Enhancement             Enlightened Texts             Zen            Paradox, Vol. 1



Chapter 2:




















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