Meditations on Meditation

Tolkien, CS Lewis, Sauron, Demons, Human-Sacrifice and Cannibalism

“Traditional Meditations have been Designed to Fail” Satchidanand

Some readers are complaining that I am not commenting on Biden or Trump right now, but what is there really left to say? They are puppets of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who have run International trading companies for the last 10,000 years..

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Biden or Trump both work for our masters, the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires pushing ever further forward the acceptance of worse dystopias.

What more do you need to know? They want our eyes on them right now, which is reason enough to look away. The real action is elsewhere. They also want our eyes on WEF, Great Reset, Agenda 2030, MRNA Vaccine, Universal Basic Income, Digital Money, Surveillance chip, Putin and Ukraine, but I refuse to go there either.

They want you to think that skirmish is the cause of the current energy crisis, but it isn't. Both the war and the energy crisis are manufactured, as I have told you before. Putin, Zelensky, and the western leaders are all reading from the same script, and that script was created to draw your attention away from the vaccine genocide and to starve and freeze out any revolution.

Solar minimum kept you debilitated for a couple of years, but now that is over, they need something else pronto: something to take the steam out of your pushback. Something to confuse and divert you. That's why we saw Roe v. Wade overturned out of nowhere, that is why they are promoting race wars through BLM and other means, that is why they manufactured this fake war in Ukraine, that is why they are interfering with trade, shipping, with no new investment in energy and food production for the last ten years.

And yes, Geoengineering - interfering with weather, to make things as bad as possible everywhere. They want you fighting one another and nature rather than fighting them. The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are promoting civil war, drought, famine, and plague: anything to prevent revolution, anything to maintain their control.

Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families which have existed running Global Trading Companies for thousands of years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis.

The Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families are Satanists, are pagans from the time before Christ when every pagan religion incorporated human sacrifice and cannibalism.

In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, from their Phoenician Colonies in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Rome, Venice and London, marrying in to, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family. Their sons and daughters pretending to be natives of Europe, Britain, America, India, Israel and China, using their Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire inheritances to get into positions of power to manage and control their human cattle in every country in the World!!

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"EVIL IS" - Tolkien

JRR Tolkien was an Oxford Professor of Ancient Languages who wrote the most famous story of the 20th century THE Lord of the RINGS which spawned three movies read by millions, seen by millions. The power of his writing infused by spirit, an Old Catholic Christian writing a new mythology to propel humanity beyond this civilisation and on to the Stars was so popular because it was based on truth. An ancient truth now consciously forgotten for us by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.


The story of Tolkien is the story of the eternal fight against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient deep who is immortal, who lives forever, who even from time to time lives out of the body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur, and who wants to come back into a body to rule eternally by corrupting and perverting the creations of God, very much like the android creating monstrosities out of human DNA in Ridley Scott's "Alien Covenant".


These Demons have lived for thousands of years, like Sauron, disconnected from the Energy of God they live out of the body, and in return for their knowledge they demand pain and blood, spiritual energy stolen from humanity, vampirised from humanity,  to provide the Spiritual Energy they need to live eternally, immortally.

Using Satanic Ritual Technology they download into people, they possess the bodies of people from the Astral plane where they live out of the body.

They download into and possess the heads of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Bloodline Families with Demons, all so that the Demons can vampirise, drain, steal the Spiritual Energy of humanity so they can try to live forever, eternally, immortally, out of the body whilst totally disconnected from God.

This Ancient Spiritual Technology of how to enter into the body of another has been known about for thousands of years but like the real meditation, Energy Enhancement Meditation, it has been suppressed. It is even talked about in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gave a video talk about it before he died.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book One, Sutra 19. "Those who merely leave their physical bodies and attain the state of celestial deities, or those who get merged in Nature, have rebirth."

Commentary by Swami Satchidanand . One of the techniques taught by the Dark Lord - a technique of the Dark Side - is how to leave the body - in an attempt to live forever - a sort of spiritual transhumanism. Don Juan and Castaneda talk on this in their many books about the Old ones, the Ancient Sorcerers or Toltecs. But as Patanjali says.. This is a spurious technique, doomed to failure.

The fragments left over from people who try to do this are some of the deep energy blockages which implant themselves in you, necessitating removal by the technique of Energy Enhancement Meditation, the Seven Step Process.

Demons are just Energy Blockages, necessitating removal by the technique of Energy Enhancement Meditation, the Seven Step Process.

They download into a body again using Satanic Rituals like the Palladian Rite so that they can manage their World plantation, maintaining their control by dumbing down all humanity, poisoning them, stopping their evolution so that their yoke can never be thrown off.

As you can see, intellect will not help any more. The next step in the evolution of humanity is the ability to ground negative energies, to remove energy blockages. The next step in the evolution of humanity is Energy Enhancement Meditation.

The Phoenician aristocracy starting with scientist Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–95) called "Darwin's Bulldog" because he supported the survival of the fittest, started using drugs to get in touch with knowledge in return for blood.

The Demons showed him, "a Mind of Metal and Wheels" - Tolkien - DNA, genetic engineering, Computers leading on to the surveillance society with vast informational dossiers on every person, and using that information to manage society, keep people under control, Carbon Taxes, Social Credit Score, eat Bugs! to keep society under control, to maximise the quantity of stolen spiritual energy, to maximise the flow of blood! One Hundred and fifty years ago!

The plans for what is happening now were made One Hundred and fifty years ago!

Then through Agents Aldous Leonard Huxley (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and philosopher. He wrote nearly 50 books. Born into the prominent Huxley family, he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, with an undergraduate degree in English literature. Lived in Hollywood working for MI6 - drug push and propaganda agenda. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature nine times. The Doors of Perception (1954), which interprets his own psychedelic experience with mescaline, and thus to pushing drugs and degeneration through the Esalen Institute.

Aldous Huxley was a member of MI6 seconded to the CIA. He was one of the minds behind MKULTRA - See our Free!! book - The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier using torture, drugs and hypnosis - How to create  to mind control people and society using fear to create the control of Mass Formation psychosis we have seen used recently when a common flu which 99.99% survived was made into the plandemic. In his most famous novel Brave New World (1932) and his final novel Island (1962), he presented his vision of dystopia.

Agent Sir Julian Sorell Huxley FRS (22 June 1887 – 14 February 1975) was an English eugenicist. He was a proponent of natural selection, the first Director of UNESCO, the president of the British Eugenics Society (1959-1962), and the first President of the British Humanist (Eugenic) Association. In 1959 he received a Special Award from the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood – World Population Reduction.

Aldous Huxley revealed that Brave New World was written with his Eugenicist brother Julian Huxley, not as a novel, but as the plan for the future. Test tube babies, chemical sterilisation, genetic modification into five types of drone humans. Total information control - THE PLAN!

Very much like the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires worship the Sacred Calf, the Sacred Bull, BAAL, who demands the Satanic Ritual death of babies roasting in front of him in the Eternal Fires.

Scientists, archeologists have noticed that towards the end of all the various Empires a Priest Class was formed who always when they started taking hallucinogens opened the Hell Portal and got in touch with Demons, entities living outside the body who in return for knowledge demanded blood and pain. Human Sacrifice and cannibalism. The best human sacrifice being the firstborn, a young boy.

The Capacocha, Human Sacrifices in the Inca Empire. Human sacrifices have been practiced for thousands of years dedicated to Demon Gods living out of the body by many cultures in the world, including the Chinese, Phoenician Carthaginians, Celts, Vikings, Saxons and ancient Hawaiian cultures.


It is also known of human sacrifices in indigenous peoples and cultures of pre-Columbian America, such as the Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs, Muiscas, Mochicas, and Incas.

The Aztecs claimed that they sacrificed 84,000 people over a period of four days. During the reign of the Aztecs, an estimated 250,000 people were sacrificed across Mexico during an average year. The bodies of the sacrificed were often cannibalistically baked with corn and shared among the priests for a feast and sold on as Sacred meat.

One of the most disturbing Aztec festivals was called Tlacaxipehualiztli (“The Festival of the Flaying of Men”). This was a ceremony dedicated to the Aztec god Xipe Totec, whose name means “The Flayed One.” During The Festival of the Flaying of Men, some men were given the chance to defend themselves. To live, though, they had to defeat the greatest Aztec champions in armed combat—and the odds were not even.

Tlaloc was the god of rain and lightning—and he demanded children. When Cortez with 300 men took down the Aztec Empire he did it with the help of all the surrounding sacrificial slave populations who had had enough of human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Christianity was the religion of one God and our Lord Jesus Christ which destroyed the Old Pagan Religions of Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism and slavery!

The point is that Satan and Lucifer were thrown out of Heaven and thus have been cut off from the energy of God. The Demons demand pain and death so as to harvest the spiritual energy of the suffering and the death so they can continue to live  eternally, out of the body. Sexual ritual to harvest the spiritual energy of the orgasm. Drug ritual to harvest the energy of the drug induced burning of the candle at both ends.

These Satan and Lucifer Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology - Satanic Rituals - of how to leave the body and live eternally in private universes on the astral plane by cutting off from the energies of God and vampirising humanity for their energy - and this has been going on for thousands of years.

These Demons and others like them have taught the spiritual meditational technology of how to take over and possess people during Satanic Rituals designed for that purpose. Some people suggest that the heads of each Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Royal or Aristocratic family are such downloaded demons sent down from time to time from their private universes on the Astral plane to manage their World plantation.

Because in order to live forever they need to cut themselves off from God, they need to close down their Hearts, their whole life cycle so they can continue to live  eternally, out of the body depends on the harvesting of spiritual energy from their human cattle. In the same way the Masai live by drinking the blood of their cattle, the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are minions kept in order by Satanic Rituals to manage the human population by Dumbing them down.

The main method of retaining control, so as to steal their energy, of dumbing down the human population is poison. As well as the 10,000 year Principle of Poverty, the poisonous fluoride in the water, the poisonous Aluminium and Barium Geoengineering chemtrails in the air, the poisonous pesticides and GMO in the food, the poisonous Deathvaxx, and the poisonous lies like Global Warming and LGBTP of their fake Politicians and fake media are the weapons which the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires use to Dumb Down aspirational populations in order to maintain their control.

But also humanity is Dumbed down and weakened by corruption and perversion. Blackmail, corruption by accepting the shilling of being bought off or just accepting wages working for the Corporations of the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

Feminists, Trannies, Communists, Fascists, Economists are all corrupted by low level lies created to deceive. Fabulous created lies of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires for people who do not understand that Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron who are the top of the hierarchy which need to be removed..

Transhumanism proposes the ability to upload consciousness into objects like computers and to download that consciousness into bodies so as to live eternally, immortally, for ever is one of the ways billionaires are offered immortality by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are the creations of people who live out of the body like Sauron - but they are all deceived!

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join their Illuminati secret societies. Secretive groups like the Jesuits, 33rd Degree Masons and the Masonic Palladian sexual ritual also show the management structure of the elite.

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Aleister Crowley's OTO and it's Dog Priest homosexual Sodomy rituals and Whore of Babalon sexual rituals based on the absorbtion of demons, being taken over by Demons, through sexual congress with demon possessed prostitutes as per the Satanic Palladian Ritual made famous by Mazzini and Luciferian General Pike amongst the Freemasons.

The Enemy Within by Sonny Rene Stermole

The Illuminati Enemy Within Freemasonry - Weishaupt, General Pike, Palladian Rite, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Rose-Croix, Templars, Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari, Mazzini, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall the seething energies of Lucifer - Satan, or Lucifer, and the demons, Demonic Possession, becoming a fleshly glove for Demonic Possession by means of the Satanic Palladian Ritual, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, Elias Ashmole edited Dr. John Dee, sorcerer who "brought through" the Enochian system of magic, of satanic ritual and demonic evocation, the Pagan Eleusinian Mysteries, Council on Foreign Relations ... the Trilateral Commission ... and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order, Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986, "The Plan" involves a one-world government, an occult hierarchy, an elite "illumined" oligarchy ruling over a world in which Christianity has been slated to be displaced and destroyed.

The ability to live immortally is the sweetie Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron offer to the billionaires to importune them to join Jeffrey Epstein's farming of underage boys and girls to service high level Pedophile Elite's Sexual Rituals and Human Sacrifice Rituals as well as to induct high level minions into the World management structure by proving how bad they are by blackmail through videoing them murdering children - very much how the Mafia test their applicants through asking them to murder someone and so, "make their bones".

So when the Dark Lord - probably someone who wants to join the Infil-Traitor Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires and the people who live out of the body like Sauron - says, "Let me assure you now, there is nothing to watch here".

You need to understand that the core of Tolkien's story is the Real! Eternal! Fight! against Sauron, a demon of the Ancient Deep who lives out of the body, because he was thrown out of the body by having the One Ring cut off his finger by Isildur, and who wants to come back into a body to rule eternally by corrupting and perverting the creations of God, very much like the android creating monstrosities out of human DNA in Ridley Scott's "Alien Covanent" so he can steal their energy.

- The Great Reset to bring in World Totalitarianism, Financial collapse, poverty, fake Global Warming to increase energy prices and fertilizer prices for starvation. Universal Basic Income and Digital money to buy Bug protein, Social Credit Score, Scamdemic Covid and DEATHVAX™, the censorship of botfake Twitter, Facebook and Google.

 Vaccine Passport subcutanious Chips, Satanic Woke Cultural Marxist lies, Farm Destruction Genocidal Agenda - the Vaccines, the War in Ukraine, Totalitarian Surveillance, Satanic Cyborgs and Transhuman MRNA Injection Gene Altering of Humanity into a Ridley Scott Satanic "Alien Covenant" CRISPR Gene Edited Alien Lifeform, and the ongoing Collapse of the Energy and Food Supply channels.

An eternal age of darkness covering the whole planet!

Everything else in the story is secondary.

I also remind you again that the conservatives will not save you. Biden is a planned fail, to push you right, but don't fall for it. Yes, Trump, DeSantis, Tucker Carlson, and others are saying what you want to hear right now, but that is what politicians do. Biden promised everyone the moon, and delivered moonballs. He did the opposite of everything he promised, and so did Obama, the Bushes, Clinton, and everyone back to George Washington.

Trump was going to drain the swamp in 2016, and was stymied by the old Republican Democratic Uniparty. So why do you think it will be any different in 2024? HOPE! None of these people will save you, they will just continue to con you, pushing the solution to some time in the future, which never comes. They are always about to set everything right, but never do because behind everything is the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. Only you can save you.

Before we move on to the main subject of this paper, let me quickly tell you the Canada stabbings are fake, and the billionaire's daughter kidnapping is fake. These are standard eyes-off fake news, to draw your attention off real news and keep your bloodthirsty alter ego entertained. They are this week's flavor, but they are straight from the playbook of CIA top stories:

1. Kid trapped in a well/cave/balloon/giant sausage casing.
2. Pretty woman kidnapped, raped, or murdered, usually a skinny blonde, often the daughter of a millionaire/billionaire.
3. Hollywood murder/suicide.
4. Imminent war in a foreign land.
5. Impending catastrophe like an asteroid/solar flare/flipping poles/global warming/nuclear war.
6. Rise of the robots.
7. Serial killer/mass shooting. Serial killers took too long to spool out, so all fake murderers now choose the mass shooting thing instead. It fits your attention span.
8. Neo-nazis on parade/synagogue attacked/violent extremists threaten civilization.
9. Guys in turbans caught with bombs somewhere.
10. Ugly scary man with beard kills women, just because.
11. Handsome scary man without beard kills women, just because.
12. Someone shoots children in the face, wears MAGA cap.

Which brings us to the main subject of this paper. As you may know, I have lived in California for over a year now, and California is famous for its blackouts. I didn't know that when I moved here, but I do now. I lived over a week without electricity last Christmas, and though we didn't have any blackouts for about six months, they returned in August. We have had three or four in the past month, and we had another last night. The others were during the day, so although I had to live without an air conditioner, I didn't have to live without light. But the blackout last night hit at about 11:00pm, prime time for me. I had about four hours to sit in the dark until my normal bedtime at 3:00am. I was able to nap for about an hour, but after that my mind was back on. Which gave me the opportunity to compose this paper in my head. What got me started was thinking about how people lived for hundreds of thousands of years like this, with no electricity and no lighting at night. So almost all of human history was people sitting around in the dark for hours. Depending on time of year and latitude, it is dark 10 to 14 hours a day, or even more, and most people can only sleep about 8, so that leaves them sitting in the dark for 2-6 hours everyday for their entire lives. The human species evolved on that schedule, and only “advanced” beyond it recently, first with candles and then with electricity. So any question of meditation has to start with that fact.

What did these people do for two to six hours everyday? They meditated. Meaning, they thought about the previous day's events or planned the coming day's events, or pondered larger questions. This allowed them to sort and expand their thoughts. That is what meditation used to mean, before the fake American yogis got hold of the term and created "Traditional Meditation". Think of Descartes' magnum opus, The Meditations. That wasn't about emptying your mind, it was about thinking. In his case, it was thinking about “first philosophy”, or epistemology.

I think this loss of old-style meditation before the real ancient techniques of meditation like the Kundalini Kriyas, Alchemical VITRIOL and the Five Elemental Circulations of the Qi of Ancient Chinese Alchemical Taoism were supressed, explains to a large degree the falling intelligence of modern people. Yes, some people still have a lot of facts in their heads, but those “facts” tend to be faux-facts, planted in their heads by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. They are either trivial, having to do with pop culture, or they are simply false, as in fake history. For example, always leads with a lot of quizzes on US Presidents, but those are both trivial and fake. There is nothing much worth knowing about US Presidents, beyond the fact they were all tools, members of the Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician Royal and Aristocratic Families, and all frauds. The smarts of most “smart” people now inhabit categories like that, and because these people don't spend anytime sorting or questioning their own brain matter, it is little more than gray garbage.

I have told you before that I don't meditate, but by that I meant I don't sit cross-legged on the floor, chanting a mantra and trying to empty my mind. In the original sense, I meditate a lot, nearly all day. I am always thinking about things, and very often I am staring off into space while doing it. I enjoy that more than watching TV or playing games or even reading. TV and reading are about being immersed in someone else's thoughts, but I prefer my own. They are much more interesting.

I have always done this, even as a child. That is what I did in high school, instead of going to parties. You will say that makes me a weirdo, and maybe it does, since it definitely makes me not like everyone else. But I have never had any desire to join the crowd, since in my opinion this is what explains my balance, my centeredness, my focus, my concentration, and my output. I have managed to keep that two to six hours of meditation of our caveman ancestors while almost everyone else has lost it. Now that the rest of you don't have to stare into darkness you don't. You fill that time with what you consider to be more entertaining pastimes. But in so doing, you have lost the ability to sort your thoughts and expand them.

And it appears you have also lost your ability to sleep. Since you are now jazzed for 18 hours a day or more, you can't turn it off when it is time to sleep. Your mind won't quit running. I never have that problem, since I am so often in a meditative state to start with. Because I am already in a semi-alpha state all day, going to full alpha (sleep) is easy. I don't have trouble going to sleep, I have the opposite problem: waking up. I rarely hit a full beta state anymore, so I exist halfway in the other world at all times. I don't know that I recommend that for everyone. In fact I don't. But I am showing you how and why you can push yourself in that direction. You don't need new “meditation” to do it—in fact what Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation may actually be counter-productive. What you need is more of what your ancient ancestors had: that time with your own thoughts, staring at the ceiling or off into space. That time to expand and organize your own thoughts, without the interference of the world.

I will be told I stared at the ceiling in high school because I wasn't invited to the parties, so I am just making excuses. That's partially true: I wasn't popular in high school. But that isn't why I stared at the ceiling. I stared at the ceiling even on Mondays and Tuesdays, when there weren't any parties. I stared at the ceiling when I was eight, and was popular. And I continued to stare at the ceiling in college and afterwards, when I ran with the beautiful people to a certain extent. Even then I didn't enjoy parties, and mostly preferred my own thoughts to the silly comments of those around me. As with most people, my 20s were a confusing time with relationships and nudes, and I needed my hours of meditation most of all. It took a lot of effort to maintain balance. A lot of sorting through my thoughts. A lot of sifting of information.

As for nudes, the whole of humanity is kept breeding for the next generation by nudes. Without nudes, the beauty of nudes, humanity would not exist. And not only nudes, God created humanity with Energy cords. Where the umbilical cord enters into the baby, when it is gone an energy cord takes its place and through that cord the baby receives the energy which as well as food, keeps it alive.

Energy cords are fundamental to the connection, to the attraction, to the sex between us, to the whole area of relationships, to good relationships which last, to bad relationships which fail. Do not give me the claptrap about how we weren't compatible.. A human being can stay together forever with their dog.

Energy cords between the chakras of two people form a relationship and are fundamental to good relationships. One can project and Energy cord by the use of your awakened Third Eye - Awakened by projecting Spiritual Energy from God down along the Energy Cord of the Antahkarana into the center of the Earth there to burn up all your negative energy, negative emotions, evil energy blockages.

The Antahkarana is an Energy cord, a column of Energy projected by God, an infinity of chakras above your head, through you and down into the center of the Earth. The reflection of your Energy projection, along the Antahkarana God projection is the burning up of all the negative energy in the center of the Earth at 5000C which flares up to your base chakra - RECTIFICANDO , up your spine and upwards back to God.

This Energy is Kundalini Energy which illuminates your head and opens the Third Eye of Psychic vision.


It is the secret of Alchemical VITRIOL - a Latin Acronym showing the antiquity of Alchemy - Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem...


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Giving the living Secret of the Philosophers Stone which transmutes base metal - lead - into Gold. Lead is negative energy, Energy Blockages, Gold is purified Spiritual Energy.

It is the Secret of how to take your messy karmic painting and turn it into a clean white sheet again.


As well as Spiritual Energy, Energy Blockages migrate along these connections passing disease, old age and death into all and sundry.


Black magicians project cords into your base chakra - directly into the unconscious and subconscious parts of the mind - and implant Sexual and Drug Addiction Energy Blockages into you.

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For decades I have avoided criticizing what Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation, though I am not sure why. Probably just because it seemed reactionary to criticize this staple of the progressive regimen. Even after I started doing yoga (at age 45) and felt myself recoil against Traditional Meditation and other things in modern practice — including shavasana — I still didn't think to attack what Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation. As I have said before, I thought Traditional meditation was being used as a stop-gap for those who couldn't get enough sleep.

Well, I no longer think that, and now have to add what Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation to my list of modern conspiracies. Yes, I have come to the conclusion at last that Traditional meditation — as now sold —is being used as another form of mass hypnosis. In this case, self-hypnosis. You are being taught to pre-hypnotize yourself for the convenience of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

The first thing that comes up on my Iphone for “how to meditate” is, where we find their authors admitting

Side Effects and Cautions
There are side effects to meditating. Immediately after meditating you can be more vulnerable to suggestions and outside infuences. So avoid making decisions or taking on things of importance immediately after meditating.

What? Isn't that just the opposite of what you would expect? You would expect that going into yourself and linking to God or the center of all being would make you impervious to suggestions or hypnosis. My kind of meditation strengthens my self and makes me impossible to hypnotize. Only by losing your center can you become suggestible like that.

“Traditional Meditations have been Designed to Fail” Satchidanand

All these places that push what Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation also admit the point is to empty your mind. But if you are a modern human, chances are your mind is already empty enough. The last thing you need to do is clear it out more. See Jay Leno on the streets asking people questions. They know absolutely nothing except pop trivia. They know Lebron James, Snoop Dogg, and Taylor Swift and that is about it. Doesn't take much effort to empty that mind. What most people should be seeking is more thoughts, not fewer. And they need their own thoughts, not thoughts - Energy Blockages - planted by the media.

The real meaning of emptying your mind of thoughts is the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course ability to remove negativity from your mind so as to promote positivity - Positive thoughts. Only by the Alchemical VITRIOL ability to remove negativity, TO BURN UP NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, NEGATIVE experiences, violations, Energy Blockages, from the mind can we free up enough RAM to luxuriate in positive thoughts, visions from God, plans for the future with our full attention.

These guys say of Traditional Meditation - There is both undirected and directed meditation, with directed meditation more aggressively targeting thoughts, but both are about emptying your mind of thoughts. Here are some more quotes from the site:

Traditional  Meditation is about letting go of any outcome and accepting things exactly as they are, which is excellent training for how to live your life.

During everyday life we have fewer thoughts than we once did. And we experience silence and stillness pretty much all the time.

During Traditional  meditation, just do nothing. It is very important to do absolutely nothing during meditation.

Traditional  Meditation can make you happier, it can make you feel more at ease and calmer, and it can help you get along better with others.

“Traditional Meditations have been Designed to Fail” Satchidanand

That's just textbook brainwashing, my friends. I have no desire for any of that. I have no desire to accept things exactly as they are, although the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires wish I did. And of course you will get along better with others if you have zero demands and zero expectations. But do you want to turn yourself into a vegetable in order to join the herd? Not me.

I want balance and depth and order, but I do not want silence and stillness. Or, perhaps more silence in the room, so I can hear myself think, but not silence internally. I want my head filled with interesting ideas, and good thoughts and so it is. You do not want your head an empty gourd.

Sometimes when we connect directly with the high vibrational energy of God we go beyond the intellect into intuition and enter into the high chakras above the head like the first chakra above the head called the Soul where resides all our past lives in vast arrays containing all the memories of hundreds of lifetimes which we clean of negativity, negative experiences, energy blockages during the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Karma Cleaning process of the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3...

Free Book Level 3 - The Karma Cleaning Process - Remove Even Deeper Energy Blockages

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Download the Free Book Level 3 - The Karma Cleaning Process - Remove Even Deeper Energy Blockages - There Can Only be One!!




You want to clear it of chaff and lies and energy blockages, but you then want to connect with chakras higher than the intellect - intuition, connect with imagination, connect with your Soul, refill it with as much truth, beauty and complexity as you can manage without losing balance. That is the opposite of what the Traditional  yogis are teaching.

If your goal is to relax, sleep better, and be more at peace with yourself, my kind of meditation will help you do that. But it won't give you fewer thoughts, it will give you more. It will give you bigger and better thoughts, good thoughts, thoughts that make sense and that fit together. It will make you more powerful, since you will have real abilities, abilities to think and do. And because your thoughts will be more ordered, you will not have to quiet them to go to sleep. You will be calm all day, even when you are most angry. As you know, I allow myself to get very angry, since that anger drives me. But it is a boiling anger over a deep-seated calm, so it never upends me. Your anger should upend the bad guys, not yourself.

Energy Enhancement Meditation can do that, but what Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation can't, because it is not designed to. “Traditional Meditations have been Designed to Fail” They are opposites of one another, because while Energy Enhancement Meditation sharpens you and your thoughts, what Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation dulls you and dissolves you. “Traditional Meditations have been Designed to Fail”

What Energy Enhancement Meditation calls Traditional Meditation targets your thoughts and chases them away, which is not only a terrible regimen for science, it is a terrible regimen for personal growth of any kind. As I am showing you, it cannot work because it is not designed to work. It has been designed and promoted by Western Intelligence as just another brainwashing program, another stunting of the Gentiles, another dumbing-down of the citizenry, another firewall against resistance and revolution.

I often wondered why my fellow yoga practitioners looked like semi-zombies, and I guess now I know. I had thought they were PTSD like everyone now, and they are. But it is more than that, as I now see. They have been filled with Energy Blockages over many lifetimes cutting them off from their Souls, degrading and degenerating their chakras, in the process of being turned into Orcs. They are Stockholm Syndrome, since they have decided to assist their oppressors, agreeing to brainwash themselves in the name of peace and tranquillity.

Does this mean you have to quit yoga? No, but it means you have to go in with your eyes open, taking what you need and refusing the rest. As with anything else. It means you will have to be a revolutionary even there, questioning and pushing back, as I am. As I have been to every other teacher since kindergarten, I am a nuisance to my teachers in yoga class. An entertaining and often amusing nuisance, but still a nuisance, constantly questioning authority.

It is better to do Yoga by yourself as I learned it at age 14, from a book. Why do you need a teacher to learn something completely natural? After 30 years of practising and teaching Yoga then teaching Yoga Teachers I made a three hour video of one of my classes. The most advanced Yoga on this planet! Moving on from Asana into Mudra.



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So, what is the secret to my kind of meditation, you may ask? What are the basics? Well, there is nothing esoteric about it. If, as I have said, people have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years, it must be pretty straightforward. But for the sake of re-inventing the wheel, I will give you an outline. As we have seen with art, these things really have fallen off the map, and people are no longer familiar with “what every schoolboy knew” just a century or two ago.

It doesn't have to be dark and you don't have to be lying down. There is no posture and no mantra and no rules, except DO NOT drive thoughts away. Welcome them. You should definitely be alone. There can be other people in the house, but not in the room. This is about you. You should not even drive away thoughts about the day. In order to get into bigger, more interesting problems, you may need to solve some of the daily problems first, or at least address them. If you are worried about something, make an attempt to solve it. Don't worry about it, and don't go round and round, but let it in. Look at it from all sides and at least TRY to solve it. Give it your best shot. Give it a good long hard think, and when you have done all you can, move on. You will feel better for having done all you could on that day. You may have several problems of this sort, and it may take you half an hour, an hour, or even two hours, especially in the beginning. But let yourself mull them over thoroughly, with no help from anyone except God. Given time, something may occur to you.

If you need to get up and get a sandwich, fine. Do whatever you need to be comfortable and continue the work. It shouldn't feel like a grind, but it should feel like good work. Don't expect too much and don't be hard on yourself. The fruits of this kind of meditation are the fruits of a lifetime. It will take months to solve some problems, years to solve others, decades to solve the really big ones. So you have to learn to enjoy the process. I enjoyed it from the beginning, but I guess some see it as a chore.

This first part about daily stuff is the least thrilling, I admit, but I find you normally have to get it out of the way or it spoils the bigger questions by continually re-asserting itself. But if you can reach a point where you can tell yourself you gave it a hero's try, your subconscious will let you move on. At that point, 30 minutes or an hour's in, you can suggest to the ceiling that you move up to something more interesting. What is that? Only you can say. What interests you? It is going to be different for each person. What questions do you find compelling? What do you want to know? Start by asking yourself and the ceiling, because at some point you may start to find some answers. I did, and you will, too. Questions like “who am I?” Why am I here? What job would I like to do? What kind of guy or girl am I looking for? What is important to me? How do I want to be like my parents and how do I want to be different? Just let your mind wander, and don't demand too much consistency or order. You may go all over the place. Just don't fall asleep and do try to key on the most interesting things that pop up.

Treat the ceiling as a speaking partner, because you will get ideas without understanding where they came from or how they fit. Sometimes they will seem to come from you and sometimes they won't, but don't analyze that part of it too much. Just let it happen.

I can't say that I have ever had input that I thought was demonic. Not once in 59 years. But apparently some people do. In that case, block it. Say you are not interested in that and want only good input. I have had murderous thoughts, but I have never considered them demonic. All too human, but not demonic. Block those as well, of course, and pursue positive influence. Don't be hard on yourself for that either way, since it is normal. Just note it and move on. You can waste a lot of time asking where that comes from, but there is no good answer. It exists. But if you don't empower it, it recedes.

Seek the light and push away the dark. You don't need to know much more than that. In fact you CANNOT know much more than that in this life, since that knowledge has been scrubbed at birth. It is denied you for a reason, so accept that and move on. You are here to be tested, and if you knew everything at birth you could not be tested.

Despite personal losses of one kind or another, the upshot is spiritual gain. That, at
the end of the day, is the purpose of life. Man does not incarnate
to accumulate and hoard. He incarnates to learn the laws of life
and to adjust his behaviour accordingly. To this end, Soul is given
the kaleidoscope of experience in order to bring It emancipation
from all material attachments. There comes a time in one’s
spiritual unfoldment when everything unnecessary for
Soul’s spiritual journey is taken away from It.

’Tis Then you are tested...

’Tis Then

‘Tis when the heart has been forewarned,
‘Tis then the mind is finally turned.
‘Tis when the Soul stands unadorned,
‘Tis then the lesson is finally learned.

‘Tis when the sacred grove is found,
‘Tis then the dark gives way to light.
‘Tis when one hears the sacred sound,
‘Tis then ill gotten gains take flight.

‘Tis when the gift alone sustains,
‘Tis then the eye no longer strays.
‘Tis when love’s rite alone remains,
‘Tis then the truth begins to blaze.

Tested how? The Soul wants to know more about your spirit. Not just what you do, but why you do it. Think of it this way: say you are an angel. Well, are you doing the good because you know the rules of goodness? Or are you doing the good because you expect reward and advancement for it? Or would you do the good even if there were no rules and no advancement?

The ability Only to do the good and right thing even after having your mind wiped at the beginning of every incarnation. That the goodness is not in rules, in software. The goodness has been hard wired in!

Say all rules were abolished and you were actually demoted for doing the good. Would you still do it? That's what the Soul wants to know, and this life will help them find out. As it turns out, most people will NOT do the good in that situation, even after you tell them that is what this life is about. You would think a few would be clever enough to do the good just to pass the test, but they don't because they aren't convinced that is the test. Because their memories have been wiped, they have no way to confirm that, so they base their actions only on the rules of this world, which are taught them by experience. In this way, the true level of the angels can be gauged.

You will say I don't really believe that. But I do. The further twist being that I would behave as I do even if I didn't believe that. Even if I believed this world was all there was and that there was no spirit, I would still do the good. Why? Because this is the higher hypothesis. Because that is the guy I wish to be. That is the legacy I wish to leave. That is the life I want to live, in this place and time, regardless of anything else that may be or have been.

I think of my life as a story in an old book I am reading. What character do I want to be? In that way, it doesn't have much to do with morality or gods or rules. It is more like an art project. It is an act of creation, and I am creating myself, or at least my story. But why this person? Why not some other? Why not an interesting villain? That is a great part in any story. All I can say is I knew that was not my part from the cradle. My part was to be this guy that I am, and to spin him out as far as I could. Once I hit my path after college, everything I did confirmed that to me, because I could feel the Soul behind me.

No, the Soul didn't make me rich or famous, or even successful in a worldly sense, but they sped me along my path nonetheless, and I could feel that. The guy that I always was had very little concern for wealth or fame or the mundane world, but I was very concerned with fast progress in my fields, defined as solving problems or creating artifacts. Which I did, and so I felt very successful. I was telling a good story, good not only in the sense of upright, but good in the sense of thrilling. To most people it wouldn't look like much, maybe, but to others it will be inspiring enough.

But didn't I get there mainly from my Christian upbringing? In part, yes, but mostly not. As with yoga, I have given a large part of Christianity back to the giver, refusing it. To do that I must have had an existing set of beliefs even before Sunday School. To say it another way, I WAS WHO I WAS. I AM!

FROM THE BEGINNING, FROM BIRTH. I accepted only what fit that and gave the rest back. We all do that more or less, though I did it far more than most. I came to understand what I believed not from Sunday School or any other reading or education, but from watching other people. I didn't want to be like them. I didn't want to live like them or act like them, so I pursued other things.

It was a sort of negative education, a counter-education by a long line of anti-heroes and frauds: fake artists and fake scientists and fake political leaders and fake historians. And of course the more I have learned, the worse it got.

Which tells you what about your own meditation, your own life? It tells you to go your own way and trust your intuition. You were born knowing good from bad. We all were. As Jesus taught truly, you can tap that any time you like, directly. You also have a path and you will know when you get on it. Things will start to click. If things aren't clicking, you probably aren't on your path, so try something else. It is the same with meditation. If you are doing something that isn't working, try something else. Experiment. If red isn't working for you, try green for a change. If up isn't working, try down and see how it fits.

But most of all it tells you that following trends and joining crowds and believing what you are told is not the way to enlightenment, or to any worthy personal goals either. Consider the possibility that the majority is usually wrong. The herd is almost always moving in the wrong direction, so if they are moving north, try moving south for a change. If the authorities recommend or mandate turning left, turn right and see how that works. My experience is that it works far better in most ways. Yes, it makes things difficult on the mundane level, but on all deeper levels it is the only way to go.

Also think of it this way: it would be a little too easy, wouldn't it, if following the rules really led to the pearly gates? What would be the point of that? You couldn't market that game to five year olds. No, whatever else it is, life is far more complex and interesting than that. God would never waste your time with that sort of easter egg hunt for babies. So embrace the game and the test, and always respect God. As Mr. Jordan said in Heaven Can Wait, “there's always a plan”. In my experience, that is true. My life has been anything but chaotic or random or pointless or meaningless, so how could I believe life as whole is any of those things? In my opinion, a belief in chaos is just the admission that you aren't paying attention. Either that or you have chosen the role of Loki, which—let us admit it—is getting a little stale in this day and age. Way too easy and predictable, with a part that is criminally overwritten.

So, I cannot improve on what cannot be improved. So here goes with what I can add.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali..

Says, "Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha"

Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand
Save your life with Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation course.. Book One, Sutra One - Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...



The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.

Each desire seed, each Energy Blockage, when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.

In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction, the energy blockages, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?

This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali says that Enlightenment, the next stage of our evolution is removing all the Energy Blockages, all the lies, from our spiritual body, from our emotional body, from our physical body.

Energy Blockages can be made and implanted in you spiritually or by media.

Energy Blockages are blockages to the light, to the photons, to the Angels who dance on the head of a pin.

Energy Blockages are larger Angels, created of many photons, surrounded by trauma-formed negative karmic mass. Energy Blockages are surrounded by the energy of pain, trauma, anything which should not be.

As we observe the mind by thinking, so, naturally what Patanjali calls Samyama takes place.

Samyama dissolves the pain, the crap the Energy Blockages back into the Truth, the Naturally good Angel trapped at the center of the Energy Blockage lie, Evil!

As I say, follow the above and it will happen quite naturally.

But then why did Patanjali write his Yoga Sutras of Patanjali?

He did it because his Muse, his Soul told him to do it after many lifetimes of goodness!

To help humanity.

To speed up the process.

This is Energy Enhancement Meditation..

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Tolkien Knew about the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires

It’s easy to understand why the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires hate Tolkien so much and why they want to destroy his legacy. He knew. He absolutely knew. He knew about them, their evil, and the source of that evil, as evidenced by the Dark Herald’s review of the third episode of The Rangz:

So, we arrive at Númenor. For those of you who aren’t familiar with legendarium, Númenor is Atlantis. That’s it in a nutshell. After its fall, the Elves started calling it Atalantë. Just in case there was any doubt in your mind. I’m actually going to have to give a quick history of Númenor, so skip the next couple of paragraphs if you are easily bored by history.

The Men who sided with the Valar during the War of Wrath got a nice off-the-cuffo from the gods. An island kingdom flowing with bounty and whatnot. And the Men were happy. For a while. However, a division rose up; there were those who remained loyal to the Valar and accepted Iluvater’s gift of death, they thought Elves were super cool too. But the vast majority of the Númenorians resented the Elves’ immortality and wanted to be immortal themselves.

Just as today the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires seek immortality in Transhumanism, uploading into the machine, downloading into a new body, eternally as 10,000 years ago their Phoenician ancestors perfected the spiritual technology of leaving the body to live in private universes on the astral plane downloading in Satanic Ritual into Eton "whipping and fagging" prepared, destroyed, minds - easy to possess to become heads of the top Phoenician families to manage their human plantation. All they have to do is totally block their Heart Chakras and vampirise the spiritual energy of humanity. They have to maintain their control of humanity to do that.

Sauron was captured by the Númenororians and was imprisoned but then like an evil Joseph worked his way up to becoming the high advisor to the king. A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality. Finally, the last king of Númenor launched an invasion of Valinor to steal immortality. Iluvatar Himself intervened and destroyed the entire fleet of Men by opening a chasm in the sea.

Then Númenor itself was sunk beneath the waves during a night of fire and whatever that will cost a lot to CG. The Elf Faithful escaped under the leadership of Elendil, who became their king and founded Gondor. Making Elendil, Aragorn’s remote but direct ancestor. And yes, Elendil is the same king Sauron kills on the battlefield at the start of Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring.

Read this sentence again: A cult of Morgoth was established complete with human sacrifice of the Elf Faithful humans with the goal of achieving immortality.

Fascinating, is it not, that a high fantasy writer could foresee today’s transhuman global technocrats in the 1940s? It’s because their goals are no different than they were 10,000 years ago, back before the dawn of recorded human history: To be Satanic. To institute human sacrifice. To live forever. To be like God.

The Satanic Mega Trillionaire Bloodline Family Phoenician Aristocrats - Inhuman Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Devils and Demons "Judeo-Christian" War against Russian Orthodox Christianity