Previously in the Eighth episode, after all the work of clearing out the psyche of Energy Blockages connected to and supported by Black Magicians. The Removal of the Bloody Red Witch Demon - see the following episode - was complicated by it's connection with an Ancient Satanic Organisation also controlling evil subpersonalities within Yuko Sato and controlling subpersonalities in all the people around Yuko Sato - all relatives and friends - trying to control her, pervert her, degenerate her, deflect her from her mission on this planet - Mother Father, husband, daughters, Aunts, Uncles in this lifetime and in all previous lifetimes.
The Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaire minions of the Dark Gods they worship who live out of the body and live eternally by consuming the spiritual energies of humanity.
Here we see their advanced spiritual technology... The ritual creation of demons like the Bloody Red Witch Demon programmed in Ritual to pervert and deflect the spiritual direction of their victims like Yuko Sato into jealousy and revenge on the people they interact with and to vampirise their spiritual energies. The evil satanic connection and control of every subpersonality to pervert and deflect the spiritual direction of their victims like Yuko Sato and by extension - EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET!
It would seem that the purpose of being planted on this Planet - after learning how to control the physical body, the emotions, the intellect, and the intelligence is to learn to use Meditation - Energy Enhancement Meditation - to open the Third Eye through advanced Meditational Techniques like the Kundalini Kriyas, Alchemical VITRIOL, and the Five Elemental Circulations of the Qi of Chinese Alchemical Taoism to protect against the perversion of the Energy Body through the implantation of Energy Blockages by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Elite minions of the Dark Gods.
Only by the purification of the Energy Body by removing All Energy Blockages can we learn Only to do the good and right thing. Through constant testing. By constant rejection of the Dark Side who offer the World at the cost of your Soul. Only by all this can God learn to trust you. So that he can entrust higher and more important missions to his beloved sons and daughters to help with the evolution of humanity.
No other Meditation Course other than the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course teaches the Spiritual Techniques necessary to clean the psyche of Energy Blockages, Demons, and Subpersonalities necessary to evolve sufficiently to defeat the Satanic Dark Gods who live out of the body, Eternally, by stealing Your Spiritual Energy and the Spiritual Energy of All Humanity.
Yuko Sato Report Feb 16 Lipstick 3
In this Ninth Report - Lipstick 3 - is the Yuko Sato Experience of Sitting in Sirius Chakra - I got the white messages in white voice, perhaps which was not voice, maybe telepathy, in the morning. I wrote them down immediately.
In a past life the Bloody Red Witch said to the woman with henna tattoos on her hands, “This lipstick contains poison to kill your enemy and to implant your Energy Blockage grudge Demon which could curse her for a long long time, many lifetimes, as Karma. Use it to fulfill your wish. Then, you must work for us - the Red Witch Satanic Organisation”
I sensed that I was poisoned by this lipstick. I saw the scene I was dying slowly by poison and this long-standing grudge.
This is the meaning of the Red Lipstick...
So, I asked, “How can I defeat the Satanic Bloody Red Witch Organisation on this planet?” She answered “Pick up cards of visions and read the answer by yourself.” I said “Thank you.”
It was an interesting result. How to defeat the Satanic Bloody Red Witch Society is by being the Hermit of the Tarot, Meditation!!
And this is what I want to pass on to you too, oh observer. You will not defeat the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires only by information.
You too need to learn and practise the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course. There are so many fires on this Planet and everyone is going around trying to put them out with petrol instead of water.
Remove the Demons. Remove the Karma. Come back to that clean white sheet again.
Restore the Planet...
Only with the the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course...
Energy Enhancement Video Course and Video Site
Against Satanism and the Against Satanism Video Site
This is the story of Yuko Sato who came to see us for the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in 2004 whilst we were teaching in Escala a small coastal village in the sight of the Pyrenees just north of Barcelona.
So far there are eight experiences of meditation, this is the ninth.
Yuko Sato does the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in Spain 2004,Yuko-Sato-report.htm
Everyone is Already the victim of these Implant Addiction Energy Blockages.
Here is one of our Students Yuko Sato working with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Advanced Meditational techniques using the Kundalini Kriyas, Achemical VITRIOL, and the Taoist Five Elemental Circulations of the Qi to increase her Spiritual Energy, Open the Third Eye to see Energy Blockages on the Astral Plane and by Using the Seven Step Process and Merkaba Psychic Protection remove Energy Blockages and implant addiction blockages from the Psychic Body and All of her Past Lifetimes.
The Astral Plane is a Psychic Plane of Virtual Reality which is viewed through our cultural lenses. As Sosan the third Zen Patriarch says, "They Know!" and our students are not beginners, they have many lifetimes of experience navigating the Astral Plane. Many Times my students teach me!
Many times we get help on the Astral Plane from Spiritual Teachers and Angels as we remove our Traumatic experiences so our messy history painting can become a clean white sheet..
"This afternoon, I invited my ex-husband and my daughter for Sushi brunch at my place. I was amazed at how much I was calm and relaxed this time.
Because I had removed huge blockages from both my ex-husband and myself from our throat chakras I also seemed to have removed my self-importance. Also, because I had removed blockages from my past and future timelines on which my daughter was there I was able to have a relaxed conversation with my teenage daughter!
I was Impeccable!
Any of their negative attitudes didn’t affect my mood at all. They were quite the same as always, for instance, my ex-husband often used his iPhone and my daughter sometimes didn’t reply to me.
I had just changed somehow by using Energy Enhancement Meditation.
I could see the situation above, objectively from a different perspective without the trauma from previous memories. I focused on their presence when I enjoyed making Sushi for them and spending time with them. I stopped thinking about myself and why they did such things.
It was pretty good." And now in this 8th episode, "Yesterday, my kendo teacher said to me, I have a great spirit in fighting recently. It surprised me. And my daughter started learning Kendo with me. I had a great talk with her after the Kendo lesson yesterday. Finally it made me so happy. Meditation lead me to the new direction."
Utilising the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Seven Step Process to remove energy blockages and the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Karma Cleaning Process Yuko has cleaned her Antahkarana, all her previous lives and made contact with the Buddha Maitreya and his monks living in the chakras above the head whose aim is to help all meditators who come to them.
The next morning, I meditated about the lipstick which the Bloody Red Witch Queen put on. I received your email which reminded me of it at the same time.
I will write it later.
Love and light
Hi Satchi,
I had an amazing experience this morning.
I must tell you because God told me to do so. Wow….
First of all, thank you for your advice. I acknowledge indebtedness to it. I would like to utilise it fully and effectively, so I might make a checklist! I like ticking each task.
I will review the most prodigious experience I’ve ever had.
Last night, before I went to bed, I meditated. I was tired after Kendo's lesson and it was 23:00 already. I made protections and put myself in a Merkaba.
The use of Energy Enhancement Techniques in Removing Blockages during Sitting Meditation, Shikantaza, just sitting, really speeds up the process of finding and removing blockages.
So, use the techniques of Energy Enhancement to Speed Up! the Traditional sitting process.
Sit a little, every day.
Yes! I think I did this Shikantaza meditation. I went up to Sirius chakra and just sat there. I focused on receiving energy from above and from the centre of the earth. I breathed powerfully and I felt energy go up and down dynamically through all my chakras. I closed my third eye. I was there for a while and I decided to sleep in Sirius chakra.
So, her controller lived in the Sirius chakra. Is it possible?
Alice Bailey talks of the Black Lodge on Sirius.
Is there the White Lodge on Sirius? - Of course, that is where the Christ and Swami Satchidananda live with their white shining auras, blessing all humanity who respond to their Love! -
Because during the night, I remembered awakening twice and I received very white messages. I didn’t have any dreams, but I remembered everything was white, like the room in Matrix movie. Do you know what I mean? Then, I got the white messages in white voice, perhaps which was not voice, maybe telepathy, in the morning. I wrote them down immediately.
1. Be full of determination to follow your teachers, Follow Satchi. Follow Jindra. (Jindra is my Kendo teacher’s name.) - I saw your face with glowing white light, it was very bright.
2. Connect to Sirius, then you don’t have disturbed dreams. Your doubts allow enemies to disturb your dreams. Control your dream. Because this is a communication tool.
3. Be strong and take charge of yourself
4. Everything is what you created in your mind. Be certain.
5. You are a storyteller. Tell your story.
I had a cup of strong coffee and sat in front of the rising sun covered by a thin layer of clouds like mist in the morning. It was very unusual light coming through. It was a mysterious and awe-inspiring soft light. Then, I received your email and read it.
Have you done this? Clearing the Antahkarana in 7 steps.
As you seven step the space and the chakras, any blockages there will become visible to ground.
1. Circle in white light from Sahasrara to the Soul and 7step.
2. Circle in white light from Soul to monad and 7step.
3. Circle in white light from monad to logos and 7step.
4. Circle in white light from logos to sirius and 7step.
5. Circle in white light from sirius to avatar of synthesis and 7step.
6. Circle in white light from avatar of synthesis to one million chakras above the head and 7step.
7. Circle in white light from one million chakras above the head to an infinity of chakras above the head and 7step.
So, I determined to clean my Antahkarana. I sat and crossed my legs. I fitted in the right posture immediately. I didn’t feel my legs which were buried underground. I felt I was a part of the earth.
Before you start to remove a blockage use one of the protections around yourself.. whichever you like and works best for you. Columns, pyramid, merkaba. Personally, I now like the extended protection I call the Construct
The Construct.
Create a pyramid protection with infinite golden spheres around it. Compress the infinite spheres to the thinness of a razor blade. Then create an infinity of infinite golden spheres and compress these also. Count them up as the columns of Protection, the power Towers Initiation of Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 1. Charge it with energy. This is your new crucible which you can clone. The Construct.
I created the Construct. It took a quite long time to charge with energy.
1. Circle in white light from Sahasrara to the Soul and 7step.
I found a blockage underneath the Soul chakra. I removed it carefully. I cut the bottom and above and sent energy up and down. I applied 7 step. I saw beautifully dressed women as minions and AGAIN! I saw a different red witch as a Black Magician! There was a string, an energy cord, to Sirius. I found a small bit of controller in Sirius chakra. I circled it and cut the bottom and above, and sent energy through the brow and heart chakra. Then, I saw a vision.
The woman was walking to the woods. At long last! The vines of her jealousy have spread and multiplied, growing rapidly over the woods, where flowers were blooming at night. I could see the palace over the hill under the crescent moon. She wore a long mantle and I could see henna tattoos on her hands which were holding a lamp.
It told me that she lived in harem. She entered into a stone house after a harrowing journey. In there, a Bloody Red Witch sat at the heavy wooden table. In front of 3 big old candles, the Bloody Red Witch shuffled cards.
The henna tatoo woman passed a small drawstring pouch which was red with delicate embroidery. The Bloody Red Witch drew cards and spread them on the wooden table. She read them. The henna tattoo woman was listening to her reading and nodded to her.
The Bloody Red Witch passed a lipstick to the henna tattoo woman. She bore a deep-rooted grudge against the woman who was in Enperor’s favour - ME! I could see a flame of resentment in her.
The Bloody Red Witch said to her, “This lipstick contains poison to kill your enemy and to implant your grudge - an Energy Blockage Demon created by Ritual - which could curse her for a long long time as Karma. Use it to fulfill your evil dream. Then, you must work for us.”
I sensed that I was poisoned by this lipstick. I saw the scene I was dying slowly by poison and this long-standing grudge.
I stopped time. I circled both of them and the lipstick.
Put the construct around any blockage and it will immediately help the grounding process, automatically starting the grounding process.
Yes, I placed the constructs around.
We have found through experience that all of the seven steps need to be grounded thoroughly. Rather than using a hospital, now we ground each of the seven steps thoroughly ourselves..
I lined up all circled blockages in all 7 steps horizontally. There were 3 sources, the blockage from my soul chakra, the woman and the Satanic Bloody Red Witch in the vision. I double-checked whether I had done 7 step for these three. OK, checked, I did it thoroughly.
Otherwise they can re-attack!!
The blockage, the group of minions, the Black Magicians, the 4th level to infinity.
All supports to the Blockage have to go!!
There was an enormous space full of blockages. I absolutely determined to burn all blockages and imagined all purified.
2. Place a construct around each of the seven steps and use the techniques to ground each of the seven steps. As you ground using light from the third eye and heart to provoke the grounding. As you ground using the time slam and compression to increase the energy density to provoke the grounding. See the negative karmic mass going down to be burnt up. See the released Angels going up to be incorporated into your psychic body.
I cloned constructs and placed them around these blockages on the edge of infinity which I could not see. Then, I created an atomic bomb with anti-protection for blockages. I dropped it.
Another method is the ground the seven steps all at once!
See your blockage on a horizontal line. As you 7step it see the seven steps as seven lumps to the right of the blockage on the line. After you have shocked and encapsulated them all. All in their little constructs - I put the 7 of them along a horizontal line - you can ground them all at the same time using the time slam or other techniques - it is good to vary techniques, vary the attack, one at a time or all at once. Put the construct around any blockage and it will immediately help the grounding process. Just do a thorough job.
I tried this method using an atomic bomb with anti-protection. Because I didn’t use the time line in this meditation. When I asked my mind computer to show the Karmic mass in the time line, I use the time slam technique.
I observed until it turned full of angels. Especially, two strong beautiful angels released. They looked at me with smiling faces.
At the center of every blockage is a trapped angel.
Release the angel and it will be glad to augment, join, your spiritual body, one of the infinity of chakras, to make it bigger, stronger, more talented, more evolved.
So, I asked them a question. I knew from my experience, an indirect question brings an obscure answer. A direct question brings a concrete answer. So, I asked, “How can I defeat the Satanic Bloody Red Witch organisation on this Planet?”
She answered “Pick up cards of visions and read the answer by yourself.” I said “Thank you.” The Angels smiled and said, “I am curious about your card reading, so I will join your spiritual body to see the result."
I opened my eyes. I have the Prisma Visions Tarot Cards which were given to me on my birthday. I became hooked on learning tarot reading for a year. But I did not feel like picking cards this year. I prepared the deck, sorted out the Fool which is the card of 0 and purified it by the smoke of sage and sunlight on January 1. Then, I put it inside my desk until now.
As the white message I receive in this morning, I must be certain what I would ask and how many shuffles to give. I wrote down all in my notebook.
Bloody Red Witch Society poisoned me by red lipstick. Then, they cursed me with an Implant Energy Blockage Demon created by Satanic Ritual - a long-standing karma grudge. Tell me my past life related to the lipstick.
I will reverse three cards before shuffling.
I will shuffle 3 times.
I will divide into three piles by one by one.
Finally, I will shuffle 33 times.
Then, I drew 11 cards as the past life spread.
This is the result.
Childhood: Queen of Wands
Upright Meaning-Charisma-Radiating Energy-Inspirational
The Queen of Wands represents a confident, enthusiastic woman with great inner strength and courage. In this card, the Queen directs her energy so that she dances gracefully atop the geyser of fire. She manifests a shimmering white flower in her wholesome joy and the flame wraps around her alluringly, rejoicing in her rapturous existence. In my past life, I had a great childhood. It made me happy.
Family Life: I. The Magician
Upright Meaning-Bold-Self-Determined-Skilled
A giant of a man stands and manipulates a figure between his fingers. His translucent silhouette and enormous moon ruling the background suggest the realm of the inner landscape. It is obvious that I was born of the Magician’s family.
Relationship: IV. The Emperor
Upright Meaning-Power-Focused Growth-Influential
When you exude the Emperor’s energy, you might naturally fall into a position of power. So, I had a relationship with the Emperor as I see my vision. The Emperor is God!
Obstacles: VII. The Chariot
Upright Meaning-Will Power-Self Assured-Confidence Moving Forward
The Chariot as a car roars down the road, headlights blazing. Even in the midst of a heavy midnight downpour a bird leaps into flight off its hood, jubilant in its path to victory. The Chariot overcomes every obstacle. In my past life, I found myself a victor. I have every right to be proud of my accomplishments.
5. Achievement: Queen of Swords,
Upright Meaning-Intelligence-Truth-Mental Clarity
Queen of Swords, quick minded, chatty, organised with a tendency to be self-critical. The Queen has bound the beast’s beak, concealing its cruel, gnashing teeth. Her crown is made of feathers and her skirt is lined by swords, indicating the supple power of the blade the it is used astutely. This is me! In my past life, I no longer have the excuse of inexperience, ignorance, or even fear.
6. Spirituality: Two of Wands
Upright Meaning-Planning-Looking Ahead-Clear Mind
A woman stands on the opposite side of the river, looking at the the crescent moon. She is holding a wand in her hand and one in her satchel. The wands resemble an open gate, drawing the potent energy inward toward her heart. This card is very similar to the vision I saw in my meditation. The henna tattoo woman wore a mantle and holding a lamp instead of a wand. There was the crescent moon and colour of the sky was alike.
7. Death: Five of Wands
Upright Meaning-Conflict-Tension-Compromise
This card explained that in my this past life, I had five enemies and I was killed.
8. Lessons Learned: 0.The Fool
Upright Meaning-New Beginning-Spontaneity-Leap of Faith
A pelican is perched upon an ocean post, illuminated by a waning crescent moon. He piercingly regards a sodden lone wolf, cast among the waves, paddling through unfamiliar territory. Hoping for an easy dinner, he has foolishly swum out beyond the cautious trappings of his solid world. Gazing up at the stoic pelican, the wolf realises he has departed on a journey that could easily result in his own demise. That is my current life. But I learnt EE technique to remove blockages. The Fool is your Soul, Only with connection to the Soul can anyone succeed!
9. Karma: III.Empress
Upright Meaning-Nurturing-Giving-Connection with Earth
A woman rises above a field, arms flung wide, receiving and reflecting the raw energy of the natural world. The Empress is a subtle ruler and she is Gaia, Mother Earth, Queen of fertility and womanhood. Crowned by stars she pervades the abundance of life and creation. My Karma is connect back to Mother Nature, back to Kundalini Chakra in the center of the Earth which alone can ground the deepest Karma..
10. Past life Purpose: VI. The Lover
Upright Meaning-Partnership-Individualism-Blossoming Relationship
In my past life, I lived for love.
11. Current Life Takeaway: IX. The Hermit
Upright Meaning-Searching Within-Solitude-Self Exploration
This card shows that the reason why I am meditating. The Hermit stands on a bridge overlooking a stream. The moon, ruler of the subconscious rises full behind him. With a lucidity born of silence he looks within. Current situation of myself, relationships with others are essential, but before we can communicate with others we must be able to communicate with ourselves. Communicate along the Antahkarana with Higher Chakras, with my Soul, with Sirius Chakra, with God! Search within myself for answers, and I may be surprised by what I find.
It was an interesting result. How to defeat the Bloody Red Witch society is by being the Hermit, Meditation!!
Now I will meditate and go back to the stage for 2. Circle in white light from Soul to monad and 7step to keep cleaning my Antahkarana.
Thank you for your great help.
Love and Light
Swami Satchidanand, Feb 16
Hi Yuko,
I read your email.
It was very moving.
I was always intending to create a book out of your experiences.
I am up to 8 chapters already!
It seems that God wants your story to be told about defeating the Satanic 10,000 years old Organisation of the Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaires.
I am sure that you have many chapters to follow.
It is up to us and to God to give this book it's best chance of success!
Also, I am very grateful to God and to you for being there, doing what you do, not giving in!
Especially to God for noticing our humble efforts to help his great wish.
My dream is that Energy Enhancement Meditation will be effective in helping humanity to avoid, "The pain which is about to come" - Patanjali - and become Enlightened.
"Not my will, but thy Will be done!"
Very grateful!
I was enjoying this I found last time we visited India
We go again to India April - June 2023!
The Key to energy enhancement is learning how to ground negative energies..
With Energy Enhancement we find that Intellect, Philosophy, Questions - All are meaningless before the Level 1 techniques of the Kundalini Kriyas, Alchemical VITRIOL, and the Five Elemental Circulations of the Qi of Chinese Alchemical Taoism, Opening the Third Eye.
The Power of Grounding and the Level 2 Seven Step Process to Remove Energy Blockages! - Stopping Psychic Attack. Grounding Negative Energies, Grounding Negative Emotions, Depression, Anger, Fear, Irritation. Grounding Evil Energy Blockages. The Energy Enhancement Purification of the Energy Body. The Energy Enhancement Purification of the Pain Body. The Karma Clearing Process which cleanses All Past Lifetimes. The Removal of Inner Children back into the Soul thus Integrating the Mind. Simply by removing the Negativity All questions are answered, Peace Produced, Simply. Simply by removing negativity we access the Infinite Energy of the Chakras Above the Head which powers up the psychic vision to see and remove energy blockages and create a new, better, path in life.
Questions - All are meaningless before the Power of Grounding - Grounding Negative Energies, Grounding Negative Emotions, Grounding Evil Energy Blockages. The Power of Grounding comes from simple teachings of the Ancient Techniques of the Kundalini Kriyas and Alchemical VITRIOL which somehow have been forgotten by all Traditional Meditations - So do not look to Traditional Meditations to solve All your Problems instead look to Energy Enhancement in 5 Levels....
Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Spinal Electricity!! Power, Strength, and Immortality
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Activate the Antahkarana! Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Open Your Third Eye, Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Totally Remove Energy Blockages, Totally Remove All Problems, Totally Remove Negative Emotions, Heal Your DNA, Remove your Karma - OPEN YOUR LIFE!!
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 3 - Eliminate even Deeper Energy Blockages - The Removal of Strategies. Quantum Integration. The Karma Cleaning Process to Totally Eliminate All Your Karma, all your Trauma, all your Energy Blockages from All your Past Lifetimes!!
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 4 - Stop the Suck!! Heal All your Relationships!! Find Your Twin Flame!! MASTER ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS
Just imagine spending years of your time meditating with lesser courses yet getting nowhere!
With Energy Enhancement you will Speed to your goal, Superfast!
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