Typical Energy Enhancement Day
on the Energy Enhancement Levels Five to Eight -
Receiving Three Hours of Massage,
REIKI Mastery Initiations, Crystal Colour Lightpuncture Sessions and
Certificated Training, 300 Homeopathic Remedies and Fasting to Remove ALL Blockages.
With our Eight Levels of
Energy Enhancement we sure are giving you people the opportunity to visit the
Buddhafield to find your own Enlightenment.
Enlightenment comes through contact with the external chakras below the base and
above the head which leads to an intensity of energy called Samadhi. That plus
the Samyama of the Seven Step Process is sufficient to remove all Energy
Blockages if you can find them.
Energy Blockages Hide!!
They say, "Don't look here, theres nobody at home"
"No Energy Blockages in your system"
"You are perfect, you don't need to meditate no more!"
Yet the Blockages are there and it is those blockages which are stopping your
As well as the Buddhafield, which always brings the blockages to the surface
where they can be seen, we have..
Its not over
until the Fat Lady Sings!
As I said before, one of the illusions peddled by the blockages is that of, "You
are perfect, there is no need to do anything more. We are not here. You are
On the further Levels beyond LEVELS ONE TO FOUR we aim to get rid of ALL of the
In LEVELS ONE TO FOUR we have learned the TECHNIQUES of Energy Enhancement to
Gain Energy and Remove Energy Blockages and we have had the Experience of
Removing Many Blockages!!
In the Levels above level Four we start to USE THOSE TECHNIQUES to further
remove ALL Energy Blockages.
Visit the Buddhafield of Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani with their time and
Experiences with the work of Theos Bernard and in the presence of Sri Yogendra,
Father Bede Griffiths, Osho, Zen Master Hogen, and Swami Satchidanand, together
with Further Initiations from Ascended Masters where Energy Enhancement was
given as the Next New Revelation for the Benefit of Humanity on the Path of
We use a base of Energy Enhancement Meditation and Blockage Removal twice per
day plus Dokusan, a Daily talk with Satchidanand together with the Healing
Modality and Training of the Level you have chosen given by Devi Dhyani in order
to bring out more the Blockages to be removed by Energy Enhancement.
Further, you can gain the Initiations for Reiki Mastery and a Certificate in
Crystal Colour Lightpuncture for Free!!
The easy blockages go first. Fifty percent of the blockages are gone with the
first Four Levels. Those which are left are bigger, have a greater ability to
hide. It is every persons destiny to become Enlightened. Everyone has the
ability to do it. It is Good to have the Energy Enhancement Power to Remove them
with the Help and Energy of your Teachers!! Practise makes Perfect!!
In the Buddhafield of Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani the Energy Blockages show
themselves. With the Healing Modalities we have chosen have the ability and
focussed time to further bring out your Energy Blockages and Heal your Body on
the Path of Illumination.
Each Further Level takes One Month where you can use that time to focus and
concentrate upon your own development. Where the tools of life distraction are
blunted, and where discipline and a steady program unfolding day by day will
allow your energies to rise again in the Energy Enhancement Buddhafield.
Perfection and Illumination will be your aim, Enlightenment!!
At a certain point, where the major blockages have been removed from the system,
and your heart has become open with compassion for all humanity, extra energy
from Ascended Masters is focussed upon you and all your angel talent colonies
are fused and crystallised into a psychic body which can no-longer be perverted
and de-willed by Implants and Energy Blockages sent to do just that.
Unpervertable. Invincible. Unstoppable. Illuminated!!
For those interested in regular retreats in the Buddhafield we have available
five small apartments for sale from 25,000US$ - about 15,000GBPounds.. Each with
its own bathroom with access to our WiFi 10Gb connection and WiFi connection to
our server with eight terabytes of Spiritual Movies and Information, Swimming
Pool, Sauna, and Foz do Iguassu with its Iguassu Falls Spiritual Energy Center
with its Air, purer than any other air we have found on this Planet in the UK,
Spain, Andalucia, Crete, India, Thailand and Rosario.
the legominism of the Holy Trinity of Higher Chakras above the Head connected by
a stream of energy to Lower chakras below the Base Chakra integrates with and
explains every other theory about Psychic Bodies making inevitable the Energy
Enhancement creation of the Pure Diamond Crystal, Aligned Vajra Energy Body of
Adamantine Hardness, transparent to the light of the Soul..
process of Your evolution as well as that of the world and all the people in it
is that of Purification.
We are a
higherarchy of Functions mixed with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass and
these Functions which are composed of ordered Colonies of Angels are what
underly the Physical Body, The Emotional Body, the Mental Body.
And also
these Angel Colonies form the Spiritual Bodies - the Chakras which exist above the Crown
Chakra and the center of the Universe.
It is the
dense energy of Energy Blockages consisting of Evil Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which separate, wall
off, stripe through and disorder these chakra talent functions within themselves and
which cause these functions to act with an evil egotistical interest separated
from the energy of God in the Center of the Universe.
It is the
dense energy of Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which forms the ego which
separates, walls off, these talent functions from the energy of God in the
Center of the Universe and from each other.
Thus the
many histories of Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality
Disorder as many personalities can exist in One Mind as the various sub –
personalities, separate minds, become walled off within the one mind by the evil
Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
MPD and
DID are the problems caused by and associated with the Organ Kundabuffer
(Kundabuffer is an Energy Blockage which walls off one part of the Body or
Emotions or Mind from another part), as Gurdjieff said, which cause all the
problems of Humanity in this world.
Gurdjieff said, “The guy who says he will get up at Four in the Morning is not
the same Guy who throws the alarm clock out of the window!”
reality is what powers the Dark Side, “Divide and Conquer” said the Slave owning Romans
- "I Am Spartacus"
As one
human being becomes infected with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass so he
becomes more and more evil like a Orc as defined by the Lord of the Rings. He
becomes less intelligent, loses the ability to do anything and like Gollum, all his talents
become desire filled, grasping, selfish, egotistical, psychopathic.
this separative nature of the ego which destroys Love the Will. Because Love and
a functioning Will can only be ONE!
Thus the
weapons of the dark side, Drugs, Sex, Violence and Rock and Roll which all cause
separation, which all destroy Love and which all destroy the Will.
have been formed as functions in every human being over many lifetimes these
Talent Personalities become refined and really good at their job.
In the
Unenlightened these Talents are contaminated by desire, grasping… The Selfish,
Competitive EGO.
Sub –
Personalities like the Star, the Poor Me and the Violator, are used to vampirise
attention and energy in everyone around them. With Energy Enhancement these
Star, the Poor Me and Violator Sub – Personalities become purified such that
they are used intentionally for a good purpose.
example charities use the Poor Me by using a photograph of starving people in
order to excite compassion in people looking at the picture, so as to awaken the
hearts of the people looking at the picture, in order gain the funds to help the
starving people.
there is the egotistical connector Sub - Personality
there is the egotistical business Sub – Personality striped with Trauma – Formed
Negative Karmic Mass. We can characterize the Bad Business Sub – Personality as
like Shylock in the Merchant of Venice..
Shakespeare actually wrote this play, “The Merchant of Venice” to excite
compassion in the Hearts of the audience viewing the play for the Fall of
Shylock. Even this Golem who destroys his own life and the life of his family
through his evil actions deserves pity.
I pity the followers of, "Private Vices, Public
Virtues" No good can come from Evil. The, "Invisible Hand" of Adam
Smith has so goosed the World with Toxic Assets in an infinite
stream of Ruinous Bubbles since the South Sea Bubble of 1720, that
the falsely created theory of Smithian Economics, created to allow
permanent corruption and stealing, must surely now be undone.
And I
pity the egotistical Business Sub – Personality.. Filled with hate. A Miser who
makes money his God to the detriment of all other functions. The egotistical
Wallstreet Business Sub – Personality does what it does, mechanically with no thought for
anything else. Only to hoard money. “Look at me!! I’ve got a Million Pounds!”
Creating no Real Wealth for the benefit of others but only gambling to take the
Wealth of the World for itself.
The Methodology of
Energy Enhancement Kaya Kalpa - the creation of the Pure
Diamond Crystal, Aligned Vajra Energy Body of Adamantine Hardness,
consists of practising and completing Energy Enhancement Levels One
- Power Up!! Level Two - Eliminate Energy Blockages using the Energy
Enhancement Seven Step Process, Level Three - Clean Karma from all
your Past lifetimes and Level Four - The Mastery of Energy
Connections between people - The Mastery of Relationships and then
Level 5 - the creation of the Pure Diamond Crystal, Aligned Vajra Energy Body
of Adamantine Hardness.
It consists of completing Energy Enhancement
Levels One to Four and then the use of the powerful Herb called,
Musu Musu Kkai in the Tamil language. This powerful drug could be
misused in the wrong hands but Musu also means "Monkey" and
Kkai the meaning of ones, "hand". So the preparation is called,
'Double Monkeys Hand" Some ignorant person might cut off two monkeys
hands and try to make the medicine in that way, but in this way that
person is saved from himself.
Only those people of purified mind can attract
a suitable person to tell us the true meaning of these things and
what is to be done. "When the Disciple is Ready, The Guru Comes" is
a well known Hindu saying.
When the Radio receiver is aligned and well
tuned, the music will start to play. We do not need to send out
invitations and prayers; all we need to do is to tune ourselves -
the purpose of Energy Enhancement levels One to Four. Then, without
even a seconds delay, the Guru will come in some form.
If we are not ready, we will not be able to
receive anything even from a Hundred Gurus because a Guru cannot
force anything into us.
We must be ready to receive
That is why preparation - developing the
necessary virtues is so important.
The Immortal Vajra Diamond Body. "Brighter than 10,000 Suns it
shines alone"
Immortality is found through the creation of the Pure Diamond
Crystal, Aligned Vajra Energy Body of Adamantine Hardness,
transparent to the light of the Soul.
This is done through the removal of all the Dark Dense Negative
Energies striating all the Energy Bodies formed in the Aura around,
and inside the Infinity of Chakras strung like beads along the
Energy Column of the Antahkarana between The Central Spiritual Sun
in the Center of the Universe and Kundalini Chakra in the Center of
the Earth. We purify the Chakras and all Aura Bodies surrounding
them by Grounding of all Negative Energies - Trauma-Formed Negative
Karmic Mass, Energy Blockages and Implant Blockages - transmuting
the Negative Energy in the Kundalini Fires in the Center of the
This process leaves behind an Aligned Immortal Diamond Crystal Body,
Transparent to the Flow of Higher Energies from Heaven to Earth. The
Enhanced Spiritual Energy Flow is Channeled through each Chakra,
Powering each Crystalline Angel Talent within them, Charging up the
Ancient talent machinery so that Intuition, Prophesy and All the
Traditional Psychic Powers can become activated.
So that the Intelligent Energy from the Chakras above the Head
called Chit-Shakti can power a Clean Intuitive Conscience so that we
only Have the free Will to do the Right thing.
So that the Mental Body can be Burnished and so Shine with its own
Internal Brilliance in conjunction with a Pure and Open Heart which
can not allow the possibility of any Evil Act.
So that all Negative Emotions can be banished with the Negative
Karmic Mass leaving only the Positive Emotion of Love.
So that all the traditional functions of the chakras can work
correctly.. Base Chakra Connection with Kundalini Shakti from
Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth providing Wealth and
Abundance, Security, Freedom from Fear; Swadisthana Mastery of Great
Relationships; Manipura Energy, Healing, Strength and Endurance;
Anahata Openess and Love; Visshuddhi Stentorian Voice and Mastery of
the Etheric Astral Plane; Ajna Brilliant Energetic Mind and Psychic
Powers; Sahasrara Fusion with the Soul and Intuitive Intelligence
and Conscience forming the Dharma Soul Path.
that all evil karmas, bad luck and accidents are removed from their
that the Physical Bodies in alignment with the Underlying Map of the
Energy Bodies can be purified, Healed and filled with Energy, Glow,
Health and Freedom from Sickness and Bad Health, so supporting the
Dharma Mission of the Soul until completion.
The Two Energy Flows Down from the Center of the Universe and up
from the Center of the Earth, flowing through Transparent Pure and
Shining Energetic Chakra Pairs create the Pure and Energetic Auras
of the Buddhafield which comprise the Psychic Bodies of the Yogic
Koshas and Shariras and the Buddhist Kayas.
Higher and Higher Chakra pairs are Fused into the Psychic Body in
Each Higher and Higher Initiation given by Groups of Ascended
Masters and their Leader, so more and Higher Energies can be
Channeled and Higher Talent Functions Activated. As this Process of
Initiation Proceeds we Purify and Strengthen the Immortal Diamond
Vajra Body so that it eventually can exist without the Physical
Body. This is the true Immortality and is the Fruition of the Energy
Enhancement Process, the newest Spiritual Teaching Revelation sent
to Earth to Speed Up!! the Process. Ascended Masters of the Fifth
Initiation and Above are reported to appear before their students in
their Immortal Diamond Vajra Body which they create in the moment as
Ascended Master Babaji of the Himalayas, encountered by Yogananda in
the Stream of Kriya Yoga through Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar,
and reported by him in, "Autobiography of a Yogi" has lived there
immortally in the form of a sixteen years old boy for over 2000
the same way that Ramana Maharshi was able to expound on the Sacred
Books of his Hindu religion by comparison with his own personal
experience, so below is my commentary on all the Worlds teachings on
Psychic bodies - together with a Universal Integration of the
teaching, extending the teachings; bringing them together under the
roof of Energy Enhancement!
All the various World Teachings on the Psychic Bodies given until
now which we go into in great detail below is Integrated with the
Other teachings about Chakras, Antahkaranas, Holy Trinities, Koshas,
Shariras, Kayas and, "Non Dualism" which has its roots in all the
Mystical Traditions in the World. This is the Energy Enhancement
Universal Theory of Illumination, a New Revelation to Speed Up!!
Power Up!! Your Process.
After the Preliminary Energy Enhancement Levels One to Four, We
Offer Energy Enhancement Level 5 -
Immortality, found through the creation of the Pure Diamond
Crystal, Aligned Vajra Energy Body of Adamantine Hardness,
transparent to the light of the Soul.
If you are tired of all the many systems of meditation
which leave questions unanswered and where the path to enlightenment is ill
defined and uncertain then don’t delay end the suffering as soon as possible
– learn Energy Enhancement.
MS (Ireland)
Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational Company
Enlightenment comes from Purification and Initiation through..
Alignment with the Energies of the Soul in Energy Enhancement
Level 1 Initiation 4 and also in Energy Enhancement Level 1 Initiation 6
which intensifies the alignment of Initiation 4. As we absorb the energies
of the Soul so we Supercharge the Physical, Emotional and Mental Bodies and
throw out the Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass. The feeling of correct
alignment is amazing – well loved by every student for its beneficial
effects on every part of the Bodymind and for its Purificative effects.
The Elimination of Energy Blockages
which necessarily
involves the Grounding of the Negative Energies of Trauma – Formed Negative
Karmic Mass.
The Resurrection of the Purified Blockage Core into the
Purified Angel Matrices, like pure Angel Crystal Functionality which exist
in chakras above the head without any Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass
without any pain. Total peace and purity. It is the true forgiveness of
every bad thing we have every done or ever will do. This augmentation of
Chakra Functionality and size, the ability to channel higher quantities and
qualities of energy, creates the growing functionality of a larger more
Powerful Psychic
Body. As Gurdjieff said, “The Coating of the Higher Being Body proper to a
real Human Being”, of the many Enlightenment Initiations... Enlightenment,
Guru or Master, World Teacher.. These Purified Blockage Cores come
originally from the pre-enlightened person own body but later from their own
Guru or Master’s Group and later still from World Transmission, World
Transformation of every Soul on this planet.
4. Powering up
and Fusion of the Chakra Pairs
- Astral Fusion initiations with the Fusion power coming from the
leader of a Group of Ascended Masters to create Fusion with the
Higher Chakras.
Enlightenment Initiation One
- Opening the
Heart - Solar Plexus to Heart
Enlightenment Initiation Two
- Mastery of Relationships - Swadisthan to Visshuddhi Chakras
Enlightenment Initiation Three
- Fusion with the Soul - What is commonly referred to as
Illumination, Enlightenment - Kundalini Chakra to Base Chakra to
Head Chakras - Fusion with the Soul through Initiation Personality
absorbed into the Soul Chakra
Enlightenment Initiation Four
- Fusion
with the Monad - Kundalini Chakra to Base Chakra to Head Chakras -
Fusion with the Monad through Initiation Soul absorbed into the
Monad Chakra. The Guru of a Monadic Group.
Enlightenment Initiation Five
- Fusion with the Logos - Kundalini Chakra to Base Chakra to Head
Chakras - Fusion with the Logos through Initiation Monad absorbed
into the Logos Chakra - A World Teacher. The fused chakras are now
strong enough to maintain the consciousness through the Death
Process and so become an Ascended Master.
Enlightenment Initiation Six
- Fusion with Sirius - Kundalini Chakra to Base Chakra to Head
Chakras - Fusion with Sirius through Initiation Monad absorbed into
the Sirius Chakra - Cosmic Consciousness at the level of Jesus
Christ when he took this initiation on the Cross. The fused chakras
are now strong enough to maintain the consciousness through the
Death Process and so become an Ascended Master and more than that -
leader of all Ascended Masters.
Enlightenment Initiation Seven
- Fusion with The Avatar of Synthesis - Kundalini Chakra to Base
Chakra to Head Chakras - Fusion with The Avatar of Synthesis through
Initiation, Sirius absorbed into The Avatar of Synthesis - Supra
Cosmic Consciousness. The Avatar of Synthesis is a consultant used
by the Lord of the World to Integrate all Elements of the
World; All Elements of Your Consciousness, in Preparation for Earth
Initiations Creating Earth as a Sacred Planet Radiating the Energy
of Love.. The Fruition of Energy Enhancement.
BOOK III. SUTRA 45. sthula svarupa suksma anvayarth-arthavattva
samyamad bhuta jayah
Samyama on
the underlying essential true nature (swarupa) of the Bhuta elements
or Chakras, both gross (sthula) - the lower chakras, and subtle (suksma)
- the Higher Chakras, (Bhuta Sthula) will reveal the correlative
interactive dynamic connections (anvaya) - the Antahkarana
connecting the Chakra Pairs and their specific qualities and
functional mutuality serves the purpose (arthavattva) to successful
understanding of the Chakra Talents creative elements that
constitute material existence and energy and hence liberation from
attachment (jayah) to phenomena is achieved.
sthula: gross, coarse, outer
svarupa (swarupa): literally own form: true form as-it-is. True
nature. essential nature.
unbiased awareness brought forward by samyama on at first what is
seen as coarse and then more subtle inter-connections between the
chakra elements discloses its workings. Hence purification of the
chakra elements is achieved through grounding and direct samyama
psychic seeing understanding.
Some translate jaya as mastery, but victory is the more suitable
translation. By victory over identifications with mere elemental
matter and coarse existence one becomes *aware* of the more subtle
and energetic intricate inter-relationships connecting the lower
physical chakras with the higher chakras. Thus awareness moves
beyond even the most subtle after successful samyama on the true
nature which connects and oversees ALL OUR RELATIONS; i.e., the
creative principle of higher and lower polarities and their
connections - shiva/shakti, expansion/contraction, pingala/ida,
consciousness and nature, and so forth.
Thus through this realization one is propelled beyond flat plane
limited conditions of space and time which reinforce the illusion of
the existence of separate isolated phenomena and journey above the
Abyss of the lower Astral Plane to the "Pure Land" of "The Other
Shore" in the Higher Spiritual Buddhic Bodies above.
The tatwas are are the five lower Chakras - the five modifications
of the Intelligent Electricity Great Breath as it acts through the
Chakra Computers. Acting upon prakriti matter, this Great breath
throws it into five states, having distinct vibratory motions and
intelligences, and performing different functions as parallel
computers act within one larger computer. The first outcome of the
Evolutionary State of parabrahma higher chakra is the ether akasa
After this come in order above akasa chakra the the higher chakras -
vayu, the taijas, the apas and the prithivi. They are variously
known as the great chakras - the mahabhutas. The word, akasa, is
generally translated into English by the word, ether....
It will be very interesting to trace the development of man and the
development of the world according to the theory of the tatwas - the
higher chakras.
The tatwas, as we have already seen, are the modifications of the
electricity God breath - the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit - Swara.
Regarding Swara, we find that these are all the Angel Talents as the
Holy Spirit Electricity flows through the different Chakra
Computers. And in the Swara is the electricity breath which
energises the chakras and their chakra talents which produce the
music. All the world is in the Swara; Swara is the spirit itself.”
After much meditation one perceives that all coarse (sthula) matter
is in motion -- dancing in its characteristic pattern in its place
with all of nature. At the same time, as one look at the true nature
of the elements there is no end -- no primal particle or base.
Rather it is a black hole or open doorway (fractal) back into the
universe -- the Whologram. A rock is a specific dynamic of dancing
energy within the framework of that underlying empty and open
system. The heretofore mystery of energy and matter is revealed as
part of the Divine dance of shiva/shakti which is nothing more than
an open doorway to boundless potential. As mentioned previously
there are many hatha yoga practices such as pranayama, tattva
shuddhi, Bhuta shuddhi, or tummo (psychic heat which purifies the
elements, opens the nadis and melts the bindu. These are traditional
hatha yoga practices which aid in this Energy Enhancement Samyama.
Thus the experienced adept no longer is fooled by gross physical
three dimensional "appearances", subtle superficialities, apparent
phenomena, but rather knows "Self" to be the unitive flow of that
dance and dancer. It is said that such understanding will allow a
yogic adept to change form/shape at will. HERE the adept has entered
into the Tandava (Siva's dance which reveals the underlying
emptiness of the constituents of material temporal existence which
are always in the stage of flux, thus removing such obscurations.)
As our consciousness becomes more clear, the more subtle (suksma)
relationships occurring within the etheric body are revealed and
hence also ALL OUR RELATIONS. This all comes about through practice
such as this samyama or naturally and spontaneously by knowing our
own true interconnected nature (not separate) as in swarupa-sunyam
Swami Venkatesananda again states:
"By the practice of the threefold discipline on the gross (tangible,
with form) and the subtle (intangible, formless), and their
conjunction and the direct perception of their apparently
substantial nature, there arises the perfect understanding of the
chakra elements that constitute that existence"
BOOK III. SUTRA 46 tatah anima-adi-pradurbhavah kaya-sampat-tad
dharma-anabhighatas ca
From that
previous sutra - victory over the chakra elementals - follows (tato)
this - the yogi creates, purifies and adds to all the chakras
through resurrection of healed chakra talent parts and realizes,
evolves, the perfect sublime body (kaya-sampat) which is
invulnerable, unassailable, and impervious to the vagaries of dharma
(dharma-anabhihatas); hence the opportunity for the gross physical
appearances of the body (pradurbhava) can also change in alignment
and thus the creation of traditional Psychic Powers - the ability to
become extremely small and even disappear (anima) and many other
abilities (adi) become easily facilitated.
kaya-sampat: body of perfection. This generally not a referent to
the physical body alone which is associated with the elements as
independent from the energy body or source body, rather it is
referring to the subtle body, energy body, rainbowbody, or vajra
body associated with the causal body which underlies the physical
and astral bodies, especially when taken as an interconnected whole.
It shines through (manifests) on a vibratory physical level in
degrees and levels depending on the awareness, karma, intent, and
ability of the purified alchemicalized bodymind integrative
construct to access and align to its vibratory frequency,
pulsations, and communications -- to open up the pathways/channels (nadis).
Also referred as the integration of the three four or five kayas in
the manifestation of a living Buddha -- as the integration of the
dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya, svabhavakaya, and vajrakaya
anima: ability to become infinitesimally small or even invisible.
dharma: essential quality, characteristic, essential nature, or true
nature. the truth or operating principle/law.
anabhighatah: impervious: unassailability: invulnerability; vajra
like; not capable of being afflicted or tarnished.
adi: and others. more.
From that (tato),
victory over phenomena (no longer being controlled by events past or
future), the adept realizes the perfect body (kaya-sampat). From
that place of freedom over the elements, our evolutionary potential
becomes potenized. The true omniscient Self is everywhere -- in all
things. Although Self has always manifested in the human body in a
limited and often demeaned semi-conscious or unrecognized state, now
its evolutionary conscious potential has been catalyzed and
recognized. Having been now consciously recognized one is able to
promote the various dynamics in which it manifests through the
medium of the perfected body (even beyond the etheric body, the
element ether, and beyond all elements). This refers to the
perfected energy body impervious to decay yet capable of directing
physical torque.
The dance continues -- large and small -- light and heavy, form and
empty, visible and invisible, etc (adi). As a progression from the
understanding and freedom gained in the previous three sutras about
the etheric body, lightness, levitation (laghima), and victory over
phenomena, all the previous sutras can be seen as a steady evolution
progression toward the realization and improvement of the
kaya-sampat (perfect body) which we have seen occurs only after the
chakra elements (bhuta) have become purified beyond even the most
subtle vibratory understanding. Thus the yogi is moving into
increasingly more subtle stages of samyama.
Not that it is exactly the physical body which is perfected, but it
is perfected by virtue of the opening up the channels and at the
same time the activation of the energy body, the rainbowbody, or
vajra body. Hence the adept is victorious to that extent accordingly
to what is achieved regarding its adamantine and impervious freedom
from destruction of the chakra elements through the realization of
the kaya-sampat. The physical body radiates its Aura according to
its energetic/dynamic relationship to the kaya-sampat -- its
harmonization with the energy body - the creation of the
Buddhafield. That kaya-sampat is the extraordinary
mediator/instrument between eternal formless Self and the great
yantra-- divine creatrix seeing Self in all -- knowing Self as all
and hence it takes the form of a rainbow hued fractal Aura. Hence it
is possible for the physical body to become invulnerable, The
perfect body is achieved (kaya sampat) from where one remains free
from the onslaught of the variegated laws of nature (dharma) such as
the five elements etc. Hence a resonant relationship between the
higher and lower chakras - the physical, energetic, mental, astral,
and causal bodies (kayas) is established.
Obviously when the transpersonal non-dual self is realized as one's
true self nature, then the identification of a self separate from
the higher God - connected chakras dissolves while one identifies
increasingly with the true universal self (swarupa-sunyam) in
Here the mystery of the microcosm/macrocosm is revealed -- as inside
so outside -- as above so below. These experiences that are obtained
through various unpeeling of the coverings of the subtle, energy,
causal and wisdom bodies that are placed in harmony with formless
non-dual Source (underlying creative universal principle). In the
beginning these openings appear randomly, but with practice they
appear steady as the various depths of samadhi are integrated.
"So, what happens then to the ideal of complete unity and
integration of perfect wisdom, love, and action of the body and mind
in this world which is a sphere of relativity? What happens to that
ideal? How can we accomplish that? This was the starting point of
Sri Aurobindo's philosophical search and spiritual quest -- a search
for complete integration of personality. Completely unifying --
harmonizing the indwelling spirit which is indeed an imperishable
spark of the Divine and the body/mind structure which belongs to
nature different from this space in a sense.
When Sri Aurobindo reports of his spiritual search eventually he
makes a supreme discovery. That is the discovery of the Supermind
which is the ultimate, unifying, harmonizing principle of the
universe, of all existence, the Supermind. It is not only a unifying
principle, it is a sovereign transforming power of the Supreme. It
is an amazing power of transformation. So, says Aurobindo, that if
we succeed in the course of our yoga, meditation -- spiritual
search, in discovering the Supermind rising up to the supramental
level and then coming down again into physical consciousness with
the light and power and love and the transforming magic of the
Supermind, then it will become possible to transform our material
body also. Our body, our life, our mind also into a perfect image of
the Divine. Into a perfect channel of expression of the Divine. This
possibility of perfect transformation of our total being is the
highest potential of man, the highest spiritual potential of man,
according to Sri Aurobindo.
Then he goes into a very elaborate philosophical discussion why it
is possible, because he says that Supermind, first of all, is a
dynamic potential of the cosmic evolutionary process. If we do not
succeed with our own efforts, evolutionary process is there which is
going to do it; and then again, he points out that not only it is
there in the structure of the universe as a potential of evolution,
it is also within each one of us as our own basic most profound
potential, the Supermind. Just as in the course of evolution the
human mind one day evolved out of the matrix of animal
consciousness, just as in the course of civilization our
consciousness is evolving from the ethical level to the religious
level to the spiritual level, so on and so forth, he says that the
final moment, as he calls it the hour of God, as it is approaching
there will be the emergence of this higher level and higher power of
consciousness which is the Supermind. And that Supermind as it will
be brought forth into manifestation and overt operation in the
collective consciousness of humanity will lay the foundation for the
transformation, not only of individual human beings, but the
transformation of the entire human race and society leading to the
establishment of mankind's ageless dream of the kingdom of heaven on
this planet."
From a Sunday discourse presented at the Cultural Integration
Fellowship of San Francisco in 1972, by Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri on "Supramental
Besides the kaya-sampat (realizing the body of perfection) and
dharma-anabhighatas siddhis listed in sutra III.45, it is
*traditional* here to list the eight major siddhis which are
referenced by the word "adi", meaning etc. The following list
pertains just as well or even more so to sutra III.44 as to 45.
There are many more siddhis as well, but these are classical..
1. Anima: power to become very small or invisible;
2. Laghima: power to become very light or levitate;
3. Mahima: power to become very large as the Universe. Consider
anima and mahima to be analogous to shiva/shakti
4. Prapti: power to obtain anything. (These above four are achieved
by samyama on the sthula or gross elements).
5. Prakamya: fulfillment of any desire at will; This is attained by
the samyama on the swarupa (the true form of the gross elements).
6. Vashitva: control of all the gross elements and their material
manifestations. This is attained by the samyama on the sukshma rupa
(subtle bodies) of the elements.
7. Ishitritva: power to create and destroy the gross and material
manifestations; This power is attained by the samyama on anvayaya.
8. Kamavashayitva: fulfillment of what is determined by the yogi.
This power is attained by the samyama on the arthavatva.
*With thanks to Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri and Lahiri Mahasaya*
In similar Asian yogic tradition these and many more (adi) siddhis
are elaborated. In fact there is no limit to the possibilities,
keeping in mind that these possibilities open up to the sincere
practitioner naturally, not as an end in themselves.
Besides those abilities already mentioned other (adi) similar
siddhis are..
lipi dristhi (the ability to read and/or write spiritual
texts/instruction from the ether and various realms through subtle
vision, and to receive these teachings/transmissions directly)
terton (the ability to find secret or hidden teachings (termas)
stored in nature, the ether, or other subtle realms),
bi-location (the ability to physically appear in more than one
location simultaneously),
remote viewing (the ability to perceive events in various remote
remote healing, chakra and aura reading, the ability to know past
and future events,
the ability to change past events, the ability to change future
the ability to appear invisible,
the ability to leave one's body at will and enter other bodies (phowa),
the ability to walk very fast and lightly covering great distances
in a short time,
the ability to stay warm in very cold temperatures,
the ability to fast for long periods of time,
the ability to self heal and prolong life,
the ability to not breathe for long periods of time;
the ability to hibernate indefinitely,
the ability to destroy poisons,
the immutability of the physical body,
the ability to bestow siddhis and boons,
the spontaneous singing of wisdom songs that go directly to the
heart of the listener,
the ability to hear the celestial music of the entire creation,
the ability to see in the dark,
the ability to protect others from harm,
the ability to warm and restore the hearts of cold hearted and
estranged/deranged souls - the Guru
the ability to float on water,
the ability to not be harmed by fire;
the power over tornados, hurricanes, typhoons, storms, tsunamis,
lightening, and strong winds;
the ability to change the weather,
and so forth like that depending on the adept's karma, needs,
strength of practice, and aspiration.
Sutra III.46 will we take a look at what is behind this
indestructible immutable form body which bestows all these siddhis
as well as beauty and strength.
"When meditation of the subtle senses begins, the seeker attains
divine sound (anahata nada-hearing the subtle inner sound), divine
vision (jyoti darshana-seeing the light of the atman), divine taste
(amrta pana-sipping the nectar), divine smell, and divine touch.
As the body is composed of five major elements (earth, water, fire,
air, and ether), a yogi purifies and conquers them through the
practice of yoga. By conquering these elements, one gains
extra-ordinary powers. Mastery of the earth element causes all the
diseases of the body to vanish. By conquering the water element, one
can walk on water, no poison of any kind may cause their death and
all their sins are destroyed. One becomes free from the danger of
fire by attaining command over the fiery element. Power to move in
the air (astral traveling) is attained by conquering the airy
element. One attains moksha (liberation) and the power to extract
rasa (nectar) by conquering the ether element.
the yogi attains the eight highest miraculous powers which are
solely to do with the evolution of his being body and taught in
Energy Enhancement:
(a) Anima: by attaining this power, a yogi can reduce to the size of
an atom, attain very minute form and go anywhere he likes without
being noticed by anyone.
(b) Laghima: Through this attainment, a yogi can become as light as
a cotton ball or a straw and can fly through the air.
(c) Mahima: With this power, a yogi can become as big as a mountain.
(d) Prapti: By attaining this power, a yogi can touch anything,
however far away it may be. For instance, one can touch the moon
while standing on the earth.
(e) Prakamya: Through this power, a yogi can realize or materialize
anything he so chooses merely by applying his willpower. For
instance, he cannot ordinarily dive into the earth, but if such a
yogi decides to exercise his willpower, he can dive into the earth
and again come out of it. His resolve never fails.
(f) Vasitva: With this power, a yogi can make inanimate objects move
and animate objects behave as he wishes, but he himself cannot be
(g) Isitva: Attaining this power, a yogi can create, sustain and
destroy any element or piece of matter at will.
(h) Yatrakamavasayitva: Through this power, a yogi can change the
qualities of matter as he likes. For instance, he can revive a dead
person by giving him poison.
These major miraculous powers are not attained by any or every yogi.
They can be attained only by that yogi who has accomplished rtambara
prajna (the highest wisdom divya sarira (divine body).."
BOOK III. SUTRA 47. rupa-lavanya-bala-vajra-samhananatvani
Beauty (lavanya)
and strength (bala) take their form (rupa) as attributes emanating
from the coalesced indestructible and perfect supramental body (vajrasamhananatyani
kaya sampat).
rupa: form, the appearance of phenomena. The clear seeing of form (lucency)
discloses the vibratory aspect of its times true nature (svarupa).
lavanya: beauty as a reflection of the all pervasive timeless clear
light true nature of phenomena
bala: the strength and power emanating from the clear connection
with siva (samantabhadra) or primal original goodness through shakti.
vajra: indestructible, diamond like, immutable and atemporal.
Samhananatvani: put together or integrated into one steady
construct, Durable, unmoving firmness; steady, coalesced
kaya: body or vehicle
sampat: sublime; perfected; ultimate
kaya-sampat:body of perfection.
"As above, So Below" This generally not a referent to the physical
body alone which is associated with the elements as independent from
the energy body or source body, rather it is referring to the subtle
body, energy body, rainbowbody, or vajra body associated with the
causal body which oversees the physical and astral bodies,
especially when taken as an interconnected non - dual whole. It
shines through (manifests) on a vibratory physical level in degrees
and levels depending on the awareness, karma, intent, and ability of
the purified alchemicalized bodymind integrative construct to access
and align to its vibratory frequency, pulsations, and communications
-- to open up the pathways/channels (nadis). Also referred as the
integration of the three four or five kayas in the manifestation of
a living Buddha -- as the integration of the dharmakaya,
Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya, svabhavakaya, and vajrakaya
As a
natural result of the previous practices, accomplishments, balance,
communion, and harmonization we become permeated with shakti's
divine energy, strength, and form which is beauteous on a regular
basis. This is not an end in itself but shines forth as a reflection
of that inner beauty, strength, and grace -- signs or
characteristics of the kaya-sampat (indestructible body) taking
samadhi the yantra of the integrative alignment and evolution of all
the infinite chakras on of body, mind, spirit, nature, and breath
shines forth from the inside out reflecting the universal truth of
non-dual integration of Creation/Creator as both eternal and
omnipresent. As such in order to shine through the open sacralized
vessel of the attuned/resonant yogic adept such is known to exist
inside the body us as well as everywhere simultaneously and
Hence depending on our karmic and kleshic constellations a human
being may appear ugly or beauteous according to their divine
demeanor (bhava) or the lack of its self recognition -- on how well
the yogi is open to and reflects that light and wisdom -- according
to what is being transduced/passed through the vehicle/instrument of
the heart/mind and body.
For example when an adept yogin or true devotee acts as a pure
receptacle -- a dharma holder of truth, reflecting the
transconceptual (nirvikalpa) non-dual (asamprajnata) splendor beyond
mere words or three dimensional dualistic thinking, THAT
communicates as great beauty and grace, while reflecting
indestructible strength. Then the adept has become the embodied
incarnation of THAT -- its virtual reflection on earth in the
moment, even if the physical body be temporary.
Non-dually, the energy and consciousness, simultaneously moves
inward (withdrawing from seemingly individual objects of the senses
and outward far beyond the body, planet, galaxy, physical universe,
and form as a singular motion -- as a divine pulsation. Inside that
space, all is contained.
Art, beauty, esthetic expression, and moral courage are reflected by
attuning the human vehicle and spirit as close as possible in
harmony with the causal body. As these pathways become purified,
obstructions are removed, and pat dormant biopsychic circuits become
energized, then this exhibition/expression from timeless source
manifests spontaneously.
Here again (see III.45) Patanjali mentions the sublime
indestructible (vajra) body of perfection (kaya-sampat). This
teaching can not be given in detail or written down. It is mentioned
in outline form in the works on Hatha Yoga such as in the "Siva
Samhita" and others. Although the yogi works with the physical body,
the breath, the mind, energy centers, nadis, bindu, and pure
awareness, the goal is a working inter-relationship in pure vision
with the divine creatrix or divine yantra underlying all of creation
radiating from the primordial creator. THAT is transduced through
the kaya-sampat, through functional yoga, and it often shines
through as grace, strength, beauty, and vajra like imperviousness,
but such are mere reflections. Also see anabhighatah in the
glossary. the body that is created does not consist of the elements
(matter), rather it is supramental, yet it influences matter. The
elements align themselves around it like iron filings around a
horseshoe magnet.
This is the result of para-vairagyam -- a non-dual state (asamprajnata).
See Sutras I.17-19. This is the realm of the vita-ragas, the maha
videhas and more..
"Ultimately, the seeker transcends even the state of ekagravastha
(state of concentration) to reach the fifth and final stage of
nirodhavastha, in which the mind ceases to think or becomes
non-mind. This state of complete restraint of mind is called nirbija,
nirvikalpa, or asamprajnata samadhi, in which there is no longer any
distinction of knower, knowledge, and known. At this stage, the yogi
becomes urdhavareta (a perfect celibate) and obtains divya sarira
(divine body). He also attains para vairagya (total detachment) and
final emancipation. " Swami Kripaluananda from chapter 6, "the
Science of Meditation".
Divine Body: Immortality in the body or body transcendence?
The immortal universal formless Self or Buddhanature resides within
us. In fact it forms the basis of all of creation. For a realized
yogic adept this is their experience realized from a sustained
practice over many years. It is not the result of a conceptualized
conclusion or belief, nor is it based on any thing but pure love and
devotion -- the divine, natural, innate, and spontaneous passion for
union and direct transmission.
Hence such an adept has realized her eternal self and exists in
harmony with that AND with all her relations simultaneously. Most
yogis accept that the physical body, being built on the five chakra
elements, is temporal, corporeal, and will morph and melt back into
nature (layam) and become continuously recycled and transformed. In
short the physical is constantly on fire and changing. As such in
that framework, most yogis accept physical incarnation and
corporeality without attachment as being part of their true
essential eternal nature which never dies, and hence there is no
fear/attachment to the body or the world. However that is
necessarily a simplified description.
Historically there has been much speculation in almost all cultures
whether or not immortality can be found on the physical plane or
whether immortality exists in the non-physical (beyond the elemental
realm) or even beyond the energetic realm (only in the formless
realm). This speculation in India often centered on whether or not
it is possible to perfectly attune the human body to be in complete
resonance with the vajra body or body of perfection continuously.
For the common man the speculation is how long can a human live in
order to enjoy his possessions and pleasures. Such a quest is based
on the assumption of an I/it duality or egoic delusion and much of
that is based on the fear of the unknown and death.
For a rich and greedy man, death may be very painful, but for a poor
and humble man, it may not. In short if one's mindset and life is
based on ignorance of one's true nature, the answer to that
speculation is of course that one will not live very long at all. In
Buddhist cosmology the gods are said to be very long lived, but they
are preoccupied with pleasure and dalliance. Hence when their life
span is ending they become very upset because they are losing
"everything". Having not planned ahead or made allowances, they
become aware that they are about to take a lower rebirth and hence
are pained and frightened.
However for a yogi the question arises how long can a yogi live
without attachment to the body or life (as a vita raga and
mahavideha) free from fear of death. The rationale for such is to
maximize their practice and gain enlightenment in order to help
others (as most yogis gain attainment only after many years of
sadhana). After gaining some contact/connection, the adept who has
gone beyond boundaries of a separate independent "I" apart from all
things/beings and hence beyond compassion, then joyously shares and
reflects that integrative sphere whilst one abides. Thus one's
intent and purpose becomes fructified over many years of practice
where eventually the body becomes the vehicle. channel, and conduit
for embodied love (karuna).
Here raja, shakti, bhakti, karma, hatha, tantra, kundalini, and laya
yoga all converge. In this case the yogis practice Kaya Kalpa life
extension practices, which involve the physical body, energy body,
mental/emotional body, wisdom body (vijnanamaya kosha), and the
anandamaya kosha (or bliss body). All these are to be harmonized
through various practices. As mentioned previously Energy
Enhancement bhuta shuddhi or`tattva shuddhi is practiced as well as
various dharanas (visualizations involving asana, bandha, mudras,
pranayama, pratyhara, and so forth). These are not trivial matters.
This short discussion of the Divine Body will of course fall short
in many ways.
Chakra Location Seed Syllable Prana Body (Sharira) Kosha (Sheath)
Organ Element
Muladhara Base of the spine Lam apana vayu Sthula Annamaya smell
Swadisthana Below Navel Vam vyana vayu Sthula Annamaya taste water
Manipura Above Navel Ram samana vayu Sukshma Pranamaya seeing fire
Anahata Heart Yam prana vayu Sukshma Manomaya feeling air
Vishuddha Throat Ham udana vayu Sukshma Vijnanamaya hearing speech
ether (akasha)
Ajna Third Eye Aum Sukshma Vijnanamaya
Sahasrara Crown Ah Karana Anandamaya
We will start off then from normal dualistic perspectives where
there appears to be an object, a separate observer, and a process of
observing (in short a disconnection, separation, or disintegrated
milieu) . Later we will see that this apparent physical reality or
rather dualistic framework which we call our world of form and
structure is based on an error of seeing; i.e., it doesn't exist as
Disclosed in this discussion will be the inter-relationships between
The Five Koshas and Three Bodies
First there will be a discussion of the five chief koshas (sheaths)
and their relationship to the three sharira. Classically they are
1) Annamaya kosha which is translated as food sheath and corresponds
roughly to the physical body. It has the most dense and slow
vibrational frequency. It is the realm of the sthula sharira (coarse
body). This is the realm of the manifest form body of the Buddha,
the nirmanakaya.
2) The second sheath is composed of the pranamaya kosha or energy
sheath. It interconnects the annamaya kosha (physical body) with the
manomaya, vijnanamaya, and anandamaya koshas. It is associated with
the suksmah sharira (subtle body).
3) Next there is manomaya kosha or mental and emotional sheath which
also is included in the sukshma sharira (subtle body),
4) Next the vijnanamaya kosha or the prajna wisdom sheath of Gnosis
(transconceptional knowledge) which also is included in the sukshma
sharira (subtle body). Taken together, the annamaya, pranamaya, and
vijnanamaya sheaths comprise the subtle body (sukshma sharira) which
is the vehicle for Buddha's bliss body (sambhogakaya).
5) The anandamaya kosha (literally the bliss sheath) which is
associated with the karana sharira or causal body. In some systems
there is a sixth sheath, the Hiranyagarbha kosha (which here will be
discussed as existing as one aspect inside the anandamaya kosha).
This karana sharira corresponds to the vajra body or diamond heart
-- the immutable changeless and indestructible body of the
primordial eternal and formless Buddha vehicle which is the
Dharmakaya. The vajrabody of a living Buddha, in order to manifest
requires the integration of all three bodies (dharmakaya,
sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya).
The purpose of these classification systems is to consciously map
out the causal dynamic interactions that occur between the mind,
emotions, physical body, health, the breath, energy fields, nature,
and Source, so that compulsive negative habits can be remediated --
so that conscious healing as purification, activation and
integration spiritually, emotionally, and physically can be
expedited. Even from the most gross standpoint of the physical body
all five sheaths are intertwined ( present simultaneously) in space.
To the degree that they intertwine harmoniously and without conflict
or tension is the degree that they exist they produce health or
disease in the body/mind."
In Hatha and tantra yoga most of the advanced practices involve the
energy body, breath, nadis, chakras, bindu and especially the
central nadi, the sushumna. where the activation and integration of
the crown chakra with the root chakra occurs, formless spirit and
nature, void and form (dharmakaya and rupakaya), the unification of
consciousness and beingness, pure undifferentiated consciousness (prajna)
with awakened differentiated consciousness (viveka-khyater),
sahasrara and muladhara, purusa and prakrti, siva and sakti, mind
and body, Ha with THA, microcosm and macrocosm, the ultimate
absolute with relative form (dharmakaya and rupakaya), the
unification of the three bodies of the Buddha as the self woven body
of the Nirmanakaya (physical), Sambhogakaya (energy or bliss body)
and Dharmakaya (formless body) in tantric Buddhism are intimately
integrated. Sometimes the latter is broken down into the five or six
kayas (the five or six dimensions of enlightenment) by adding the
vajra kaya, bodhikaya (abhisambodhikaya), and svabhavikakaya.
The following is from a translation of "The Eight Flashing Lances" a
song of realization sung by Gyalwa Gotsangpa (1189-1258), who was
renowned as an emanation of the lord of yogis, Milarepa, translated
by Jim Scott. The commentary is by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche,
translated by Ari Goldfield. From "Buddharma", Winter 2006
The Flashing Lance of Fruition
The kayas, five, pristinely
Directly manifest in your experience
Ambition for achieving
buddhahood consumed
These are three which make fruition
fully free
Like a lance that flashes free
in the open sky
Commentary by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche:
"The five kayas -- the five dimensions of enlightenment—are the
dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya, plus, fourth, the
undifferentiablity of these three kayas from the perspective of
their true nature, called the vajrakaya, and, fifth, the three kayas’
distinct appearances in relative reality, called the kaya of
manifest enlightenment.
These kayas are “pristinely self-occurring,” meaning that they are
spontaneously present in your mind’s true nature and have been since
the beginning. This is the most subtle explanation of the kayas:
dharmakaya is mind’s emptiness; sambhogakaya is its natural luminous
clarity; and nirmanakaya is mind’s ability to unimpededly manifest
as and cognize an infinite variety of images. Furthermore, it is not
that mind’s nature starts out as an ordinary composite thing and
then transforms into the kayas. The kayas are mind’s nature itself.
When you realize the fruition, these five kayas “directly manifest
in your own experience.” Then the fact that the true nature of mind
is the five kayas is not just something you believe; it is your
actual experience. When you have this realization of the natural
presence of the five kayas as the true nature of your mind, you no
longer have any ambition or longing to achieve an enlightenment that
has not been present all along. You do not desire to become or turn
into a buddha because you realize directly the enlightenment that is
the true nature of your own mind.
You should free yourself from the wish to achieve enlightenment as
if it were something newly created, because if it were like that,
then, like all newly created things, it would be impermanent and
decay. It would be unreliable. So train in recognizing this genuine
buddha that is originally the true nature of your mind. When you do
perfectly recognize that, when you have these three profound aspects
to your fruition, it is like a lance flashing free in the open sky."
Indeed the realization of what is called the rainbowbody is to
transform/transduce each of the five chakras through tattva shuddhi
(tummo) practices involving the sushumna nadi and chakra system.
Most Western yogis are not very interested in this, but again this
is not trivial. According to Yogi Chen who used to live in Berkeley.
"In the Buddha body first of all you have a median nerve
antahkarana. Most people make the mistake of thinking this is the
spinal column; actually, it is not the spinal column, but the median
nerve antahkarana is the supporter of the whole body. This means all
the bones will dissolve into it. Because the median nerve
antahkarana is the supporter of the Buddha body, you may ask, how
can you stand up, if it is so soft? But this is not like in a common
body. You know, in the median nerve antahkarana, downside in
Kundalini Chakra you visualize the tummo, the fire, and upside the
Center of the Universe HUNG, the white bodhi. Actually in the third
initiation, the meditator not only uses himself, but the tummo to
dissolve everything, to transform it with fire; like in cooking, to
make something soft fire is the very important thing. In the male
shiva energy the tummo is less and the nectar is more; in the female
shakti energy, the tummo is more but the nectar is less. That is why
there is the third initiation in which the male shiva energy and
female shakti energy help each other within one single Non Dual
body, to exchange tummo and nectar - Energy Enhancement Circulation
of the Energies - to make transformation possible. In Chinese we say
that the body is formed of two things, the blood and the energy, two
principles. Energy is right, blood is left. Energy goes up in
breathing we hold the energy so it goes up and out from the right so
that all the bad things go out. But the blood becomes essence,
becomes semen and through sexual intercourse it always goes down,
that is why it corresponds to the left. The essence, the semen and
ovum are in the middle. But first the bones must be dissolved. How
to transform the human body into the Rainbow Body takes wisdom and
many kinds of practice.
The first chakra corresponds to the brain and nervous system. You
practice with HUNG and the tummo to transform all this nervous
system so it dissolves into this chakra in the head. The second
chakra corresponds to the respiratory system, the lungs and
breathing system. With tummo, the respiratory system is transformed
into this chakra, the throat chakra. We must control the breath and
visualize it and bring the Tummo up to transform this system. The
circulatory system relates to the blood and the heart. So we
transform the circulatory system into the heart chakra with tummo
breathing. Now the blood and heart organ is finished, the lungs are
finished and the brain is finished. Next, the digestive apparatus is
transformed into the navel chakra. All the intestines and digestive
organs are transformed and burned up in the fire. In the procreative
chakra are burned up all the reproductive organs which become this
chakra. So instead of these five major organs and systems of the
human body, we have the five chakras. When these five chakras are
purified and all the organs are transformed, then we have the
Rainbow Body. The transformation of the first four chakras is in the
second initiation, and the transformation of the reproductive organs
belongs to the third initiation. The third initiation involves the
help of the single Non Dual Energy Body; the second initiation is
done alone, working with the nerves and energy. The purpose of
working with the Non Dual Energy Body is to increase the force of
transformation, the Tummo. You must not discharge, if you do so, you
will just be born again in the body of a human. You must take the
essence up, then it becomes fire, then with this fire force, you can
dissolve anything of the flesh. Then you can really be transformed
into a Rainbow Body...
...The Consequence of the Rainbow Body is connected with the 5th
Kaya or Body; a living Buddha has 5 Kayas; Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya,
Dharmakaya, Sahajakaya, and Mahasukhaprajnakaya. The 5th Kaya is
just the Rainbow Body. Because he is in Mahasukha he can enjoy the
Great Pleasures as well as a flesh body and he has gotten the
highest wisdom connected with the Dharmakaya. For Prajna means
Wisdom and achievement of the Mahasukha means that he was born in a
fleshly human body which was transformed into the highest physical
form, the rainbow. The light of the rainbow is this very greatest
wisdom while the colors of the rainbow are the highest physical
form-- both are harmonized together in the 5th Kaya. We say full
enlightenment the highest wisdom is the Light. Sinful persons have
no light, just Black Energy Blockage darkness. Vidya, knowledge, is
light; avidya, ignorance, is no light. The form and color of the
rainbow reflected in the no-cloud blue sky is the physical aspect
and the light is the wisdom. The physical flesh body is transformed
into the form and color of a Rainbow Body while its light is the
wisdom -- Mahasukha prajna. As there is form, so he can embrace all
the dakinis and get the physical pleasure while at the same time
still have the profound wisdom of non-egoism and of emptiness and of
all the Buddhas philosophy. This is the Wisdom and the high
Consequence. Physically, because he is a rainbow, there is no death.
Because there is no death, there is no end of salvation; because
there is no end of salvation, he can carry on his Great Compassion
without end. So anywhere, any direction, any person on any occasion,
can connect with Padmasambhava and get inspiration from him."
On a physical level, in Buddhism there is little evidence that an
immortal physical body has been produced in the past mainly because
the human physical body is dependent upon many things (the elements,
the planet, sun, and cosmos) which is constantly morphing,
interdependent, destructible. However Buddhist yoga does not rule it
out, rather it also does not support the need for it other for
purposes of life extension (in order to carry out good deeds). In
Hindu yoga, there are many stories about Babaji of the Himalayan
mountains who attained the siddha of the immortal body. Many adepts
including Lahiri Mahasaya and Paramahansa Yogananda have claimed to
have met him. These two great yogis passed on Babaji's teachings to
humankind which are classical selected hatha yoga teachings suitable
to householders.
Non Dual Advaita
Energy Enhancement Non Dualism refers to the ONE BODY of the Holy
Trinity of the:-
1. Chakras above the head,
2. The connecting stream of
Energy of the Antahkarana
And the Lower chakras of the Body
extending down to the Chakras below the base chakra - Kundalini
Chakra, source of Kundalini Shakti which powers up the whole system.
When enlightened this Whole is One System. "There is no separation",
"As above, So Below"
However when not Enlightened, when Energy Blockages separate the
system then the system acts in a Dual Way. This is the Selfish,
competitive Ego, cut off from the Central Spiritual Sun, born in
Darkness and Misery, - the Flat Wasteland of Existentialism.
With the removal of Energy Blockages through Energy Enhancement
Samyama specified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the dual system
returns to the normal Non-Dual system functioning intuitively as One
Intelligent Whole. Illumination, Enlightenment!! Nirbija (No Seed,
No Blockage) Samadhi!!
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, (1207–1273), one of the most famous Sufi
masters and poets, has written that what humans perceive as duality
is in fact a veil, masking the reality of the Oneness of existence.
"All desires, preferences, affections, and loves people have for all
sorts of things," he writes, are veils. He continues: "When one
passes beyond this world and sees that Sovereign (God) without these
'veils,' then one will realize that all those things were 'veils'
and 'coverings' (Energy Blockages) and that what they were seeking
was in reality that One." The veil energy blockages, which creates
duality, exists for a purpose, however, Rumi contends. If God as the
divine, singular essence of all existence were to be made fully
manifest to us, he counsels, we would not be able to bear it and
would immediately cease to exist as individuals.
Thus removal of Energy Blockages must go hand in hand with
strengthening, purifying and increasing the size of the Energy Body
to channel more and higher Energy which proceeds naturally
Initiation by Initiation - through the Energy Enhancement process of
Resurrection - Satchidanand
Enlightened Guru, Ramana Maharshi, spoke from his own experience as
the Hindu Texts were brought to him by his students. When the Map is
correct, the results follow. In this case, Advaita - actually
perceived as correct by the enlightened person but not by the
Unenlightened who can talk about advaita all they want, But they do
not know the truth; like talking about water not being the same as
drinking it.
Only the real water slakes the thirst!!
"One can talk of Non dualism, but without a methodology for the
removal of Impurities, Defilements, Sin, Energy Blockages, it is all
just talk" Energy Enhancement Satchidanand
Nondual can refer to a belief, condition, theory, practice, or
quality. The academic disciplines that study Nondualism in its
spiritual permutations and cultural evocations are transpersonal
psychology and the anthropology of religion. Though nondualism
proper has historically been glossed as "monism" or "qualified
monism" with which it is sometimes appropriately or inappropriately
conflated, the nomenclature "nonduality" is now a pervasive paradigm
in Western scholarship throughout diverse academic disciplines.
Traditions of nonduality are found in ancient Egypt, ancient Persia
and ancient India; in the Classical traditions of ancient Greece and
ancient Rome; in several major world religious traditions; and
indigenous traditions such as the Navajo; in a number of
philosophers such as Martin Buber, Hans-Georg Gadamer[1] and Jacques
Derrida[2], and various mystics within orthodox and heterodox
traditions or arising outside of any tradition, amongst others.
Michaelson (2009: p.130) writes: "Conceptions of nonduality evolve
1 Etymology
2 What is nondual exactly?
3 Transpersonal psychology
4 Nondualism versus monism
5 Nondualism versus solipsism
6 Metaphors for nondualisms
7 Nondual awareness
8 Challenges to Cartesian dualism
9 Nondual religious and spiritual traditions and teachings
9.1 Classical traditions
9.2 Hinduism
9.2.1 Advaita
9.3 Yoga
9.4 Sikh dharma
9.5 Jain dharma
9.5.1 Buddha dharma
9.5.2 Nonduality as Shunyata and Prajna
9.6 Buddhism general
9.7 Korean Buddhism
9.7.1 Vajrayana Yab-yum
9.7.2 Indigenous Americans
9.8 Dzogchen
9.8.1 Introduction Ground-of-being
9.9 Ngakpa tradition
9.9.1 Bonpo Dzogchen
9.10 Zen
10 Indigenous traditions
10.1 Diné/Navajo
11 Abrahamic traditions
11.1 Jewish traditions and Hasidism
11.2 Christianity
11.3 Gnosticism
11.4 A Course in Miracles
11.5 Judaism
11.6 Islam
11.7 Taoism
12 Notes
13 References
14 External links
"Nondualism", "nonduality" and "nondual" are revisionist terms that
have entered the English language from literal English renderings of
"advaita" (Sanskrit: nondual) subsequent to the first wave of
English translations of the Upanishads commencing with the work of
Müller (1823 – 1900), in the monumental Sacred Books of the East
(1879), who rendered "advaita" as "Monism" under influence of the
then prevailing discourse of English translations of the Classical
Tradition of the Ancient Greeks such as Thales (624 – c. 546 BCE)
and Heraclitus (c. 535–c. 475 BCE). The first usage of the terms are
yet to be attested. The English term "nondual" was also informed by
early translations of the Upanishads in Western languages other than
English from 1775. The term "nondualism" and the term "advaita" from
which it originates are polyvalent terms. The English word's origin
is the Latin duo meaning "two" prefixed with "non-" meaning "not".
What is
nondual exactly?
Pritscher (2001: p.16) attributes a salient view on nondual
realization to Loy (b.1947), an author of a work on comparative
philosophy of nondual theologies i.e. Loy (1988)[4]:
"According to David Loy, when you realize that the nature of your
mind and the [U]niverse are nondual, you are enlightened."[5]
Loy (1988: p.3) contrasts his view of the historicity of nonduality
in some of its evocations in the experience of the peoples of The
East and The West as follows:
"...[the seed of nonduality] however often sown, has never found
fertile soil [in the West], because it has been too antithetical to
those other vigorous sprouts that have grown into modern science and
technology. In the Eastern tradition...we encounter a different
situation. There the seeds of seer-seen nonduality not only sprouted
but matured into a variety (some might say a jungle) of impressive
philosophical species. By no means do all these [Eastern] systems
assert the nonduality of subject and object, but it is significant
that three which do - Buddhism, Vedanta and Taoism - have probably
been the most influential."[6]
Nelson (1951: p.51-52) cites Radhakrishnan's The Principal
Upanishads (1953) where Radhakrishnan renders a passage of the
Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (verse 1.4.16) which demonstrates a theme
that one becomes transpersonally identified with, or nondual to, or
develops qualities associated with that to which one is engaged,
worships or holds holy and though it is translated with a male
pronominal it may be understood as not being gender-specific:
"Now this self, verily, is the world of all beings. In so far as he
makes offerings and sacrifices, he becomes the world of the gods. In
so far as he learns (the Vedas), he becomes the world of the seers.
In so far as he offers libations to the fathers and desires
offspring, he becomes the world of the fathers. In so far as he
gives shelter and food to men, he becomes the world of men. In so
far as he gives grass and water to the animals, he becomes the world
of animals. In so far as beasts and birds, even to the ants find a
living in his houses he becomes their world. Verily, as one wishes
non-injury for his own world, so all beings with non-injury for him
who has this knowledge. This, indeed, is known and well
Transpersonal psychology
Theriault (2005) in a thesis explores comparative non-dual
experience and the psycho-spiritual mechanisms that bring the
awareness about.[8] Lewis (2007) in her thesis explores a number of
specific women's experiences on their journey to wholeness and
healthfulness in the nondual path of Tantra post-sexual trauma and
identifies common themes.[9]
versus monism
The philosophical concept of monism is similar to nondualism.
Indeed, the terms are used as congruent by many scholars. Some forms
of monism hold that all phenomena are actually of the same
substance. Other forms of monism including attributive monism and
idealism are similar concepts to nondualism. Nondualism proper holds
that different phenomena are inseparable or that there is no hard
line between them, but not that they are the same. The distinction
between these two types of views is considered critical in Zen,
Madhyamika, and Dzogchen, all of which are nondualisms proper. Some
later philosophical approaches also attempt to undermine traditional
dichotomies, with the view they are fundamentally invalid or
inaccurate. For example, one typical form of deconstruction is the
critique of binary oppositions within a text while problematization
questions the context or situation in which concepts such as
dualisms occur.
Daniélou (1907 – 1994) opines that "nondualism" is "dangerous" as it
"rests" on "monism":
"The term "nondualism" has proved, in many instances, to be a
dangerous one, since it can easily be thought to rest on a monistic
concept. The Hindu philosophical schools which made an extensive use
of this term opened the way for religious monism, which is always
linked with a "humanism" that makes of man the center of the
universe and of "god" the projection of the human ego into the
cosmic sphere. Monism sporadically appears in Hinduism as an attempt
to give a theological interpretation to the theory of the
substrata.... Nondualism was, however, to remain a conception of
philosophers. It never reached the field of common religion."[10]
versus solipsism
Nondualism superficially resembles solipsism, but from a nondual
perspective solipsism mistakenly fails to consider subjectivity
itself. Upon careful examination of the referent of "I," i.e. one's
status as a separate observer of the perceptual field, one finds
that one must be in as much doubt about it, too, as solipsists are
about the existence of other minds and the rest of "the external
world." (One way to see this is to consider that, due to the
conundrum posed by one's own subjectivity becoming a perceptual
object to itself, there is no way to validate one's "self-existence"
except through the eyes of others—the independent existence of which
is already solipsistically suspect!) Nondualism ultimately suggests
that the referent of "I" is in fact an artificial construct (merely
the border separating "inner" from "outer," in a sense), the
transcendence of which constitutes enlightenment.
for nondualisms
"Buddhism has refined various methods to observe consciousness from
the first person perspective for two thousand years. Therefore it is
meaningful to bring the explanation models of Tibetan Buddhism into
a cross cultural dialogue."[11]
Jewel Net of Indra, Avatamsaka Sutra
Blind men and an elephant
Hermaphrodite, e.g. Ardhanārīśvara
Mirror and reflections, as a metaphor for the continuum of the
subject-object in the mirror-the-mind and the interiority of
perception and its illusion of projected exteriority
Great Rite
Sacred marriage
Sexual union, as well as orgasm
Water-and-wave, Awakening of Mahayana Faith
Nonduality of rays-of-the-sun or sunrays from the Sun, Lankavatara
A lamp that self-illuminates as it illumines, for apperception or
reflexive awareness
A lamp and its light, Platform Sutra a metaphor for Essence-Function
where Essence is lamp and Function is light[13]
[edit] Nondual awareness
Craig, (1998: p.476) convey a 'stream of consciousness' or 'mindstream'
as a procession of mote events of consciousness (C) with algebraic
notation C1, C2 and C3 thus to demonstrate the immediacy of nondual
That nondual awareness is the only possible self-awareness is
defended by a reductio argument. If a further awareness C2, having
C1 as content, is required for self-awareness, then since there
would be no awareness of C2 without awareness C3, ad infinitum,
there could be no self-awareness, that is, unless the self is to be
understood as limited to past awareness only. For self-awareness to
be an immediate awareness, self-awareness has to be nondual.[14]
To the Nondualist, reality is ultimately neither physical nor
mental. Instead, it is an ineffable state or realization. This
ultimate reality can be called "Spirit" (Sri Aurobindo), "Brahman" (Shankara),
"God", "Shunyata" (Emptiness), "The One" (Plotinus), "The Self" (Ramana
Maharshi), "The Dao" (Lao Zi), "The Absolute" (Schelling) or simply
"The Nondual" (F. H. Bradley). Ram Dass calls it the "third
plane"—any phrase will be insufficient, he maintains, so any phrase
will do. The theory of Sri Aurobindo has been described as Integral
Nisargadatta (1897 – 1981) is reported by Powell (1994, 2006: p.97)
stating thus:
...When a stage is reached that one feels deeply that whatever is
being done is happening and one has not got anything to do with it,
then it becomes such a deep conviction that whatever is happening is
not happening really. And that whatever seems to be happening is
also an illusion. That may be final. In other words, totally apart
from whatever seems to be happening, when one stops thinking that
one is living, and gets the feeling that one is being lived, that
whatever one is doing one is not doing but one is made to do, then
that is a sort of criterion.[15]
to Cartesian dualism
Brown (2006: p.19) charts the lineage of philosophers, namely
Nietzsche (1844 – 1900), Husserl (1859 – 1938), Heidegger (1889 –
1976), Sartre (1905 – 1980), Merleau-Ponty (1908 – 1961), and
Levinas (1906 -- 1995) who challenged the entrenched Cartesian
dualism of a hard split between "body" and "mind" and hence,
embraced different views of nondual 'bodymind' or body-mind
continuum thus:
"Like the writings of Nietzsche, the writings of phenomenologists
Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice
Merleau-Ponty, and Emmanual Levinas have been recognized by many as
providing alternatives to a Cartesian-dualist and
Enlightenment-subjectivity worldview. If Nietzsche's response to
Cartesian dualism, enlightenment subjectivity (i.e., Kant),
reductive materialism (i.e., Marx), and reductive idealism (i.e.,
Hegel) is not the only nineteenth-century response, it is one of the
most effective."[16]
Philosopher and Buddhist, Günther (1917 - 2006), stated:
"What we call 'body' and 'mind' are mere abstractions from an
identity experience that cannot be reduced to the one or the other
abstraction, nor can it be hypostatized into some sort of thing
without falsifying its very being."[17]
religious and spiritual traditions and teachings
Classical traditions
Michaelson (2009: p.130) identifies what he perceives to be the
origins of nondualism proper founded in the Neoplatonism of Plotinus
within Ancient Greece and employs the ambiguous binary construction
of "the West" [as different to 'the East', refer Saïd's utilization
of the discourse of 'The Other' in Orientalism (1978)]:
"Conceptions of nonduality evolve historically. As a philosophical
notion, it is most clearly found for the first time in the West in
the second century C.E, in the Neoplatonism of Plotinus and his
and Hinduism
Non-duality and
Enlightened Guru, Ramana Maharshi, spoke from his own experience as
the Hindu Texts were brought to him by his students. When the Map is
correct, the results follow. In this case, Advaita - actually
perceived as correct by the enlightened person but not by the
Unenlightened who can talk about advaita all they want, But they do
not know the truth; like talking about water not being the same as
drinking it. Only the real water slakes the thirst.
(Sanskrit a, not; dvaita, dual) is a nondual tradition from India,
with Advaita Vedanta, a branch of Hinduism, as its philosophical
arm. Advaita may be rendered in English as 'nondual', 'not-two' or
'peerless' and though there are monist themes in the most recent
sections of the ancient Rig Veda (Mandala 1 and Mandala 10), that
is, the sections that were finalized or interpolated last;
nonduality finds its first sophisticated exposition in the "Tat Tvam
Asi" of the venerable Chandogya Upanishad (6.8.7)[19], an upanishad
favoured by subsequent proponents of Advaita Vedanta. Gauḍapāda
(c.600 CE) furthered this philosophical theory that was later
consolidated by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in the 8th century CE. Most
smarthas are adherents to this theory of nonduality. Further to
this, Craig, (1998: p.476) hold that the nonduality of the
Advaita Vedantins is of the identity of Brahman and the Atman where
the identity is "objectless consciousness, as awareness
nondualistically self-aware":
Advaita Vedānta is a scripturally derived philosophy centred on the
proposition, first found in early Upaniṣads (800-300 BC), that
Brahman - the Absolute, the supreme reality - and the self (ātman)
are identical. The identity is understood as an objectless
consciousness, as awareness nondualistically self-aware. Arguments
in support of the view that nondual awareness is the sole reality
are developed by classical and modern Advaitins, from Gauḍapāda
(c.600 AD) and Śaṅkara (c.700 AD), in hundreds of texts. Some of
these are suggested in Upaniṣads.[20]
Advaita does not equal Advaita Vedanta. Advaita Vedanta is for the
most part Shaivite or is often identified as having Shaivite
leanings and is a specific tradition within the Sanatana Dharma but
many other traditions within the Sanatana Dharma have Advaita or
nondual aspects, cults, teachings and texts, the Vaishnavas and
their Avadhuta literature e.g. Uddhava Gita and Hamsa Gita, the
teachings of Ramanuja, etc. Vaishnava-Sahajiya cult, etc.
and Yoga
Yoga, from the sanskrit, "Yuj" or Yoke means Union, Integration of
the Bodies through the removal of Energy Blockage, vrittis or
samskaras or karmas. The result of this Union is Real Advaita,
Non-Dual, Illumination, Enlightenment, Nirbija (No Seed, No Energy
Blockage) Samadhi.
Whicher (2003) in Whicher and Carpenter (2003: pp.51-52) challenges
the "dualistic" historical paradigm of Yoga scholarship founded in a
separation of "purusha" and "prakriti" thus:
"It is often said [by Western scholarship] that, like classical
Sākha, Patañjali's yoga is a dualistic system, understood in terms
of purusha and prakriti. Yet, I submit, yoga scholarship has not
clarified what "dualistic" means or why yoga had to be "dualistic".
Even in avowedly non-dualistic systems of thought such as Advaita
Vedanta we can find numerous examples of basically dualistic modes
of description and explanation."[21]
Rājarshi (2001: p.45) conveys his estimation of the historical
synthesis of the School of Yoga (one of the six Āstika schools of
Sanatana Dharma) which he holds introduces the principle of "Isvara"
as Saguna Brahman, to reconcile the extreme views of Vedanta's "advandva"
and Sankya's "dvandva":
"Introducing the special tattva (principle) called Ishvara by yoga
philosophy is a bold attempt to bring reconciliation between the
transcendental, nondual monism of vedanta and the pluralistic,
dualistic, atheism of sankhya. The composite system of yoga
philosophy brings the two doctrines of vedanta and sankya closer to
each other and makes them understood as the presentation of the same
reality from two different points of view. The nondual approach of
vedanta presents the principle of advandva (nonduality of the
highest truth at the transcendental level.) The dualistic approach
of sankhya presents truth of the same reality but at a lower
empirical level, rationally analyzing the principle of dvandva
(duality or pairs of opposites). Whereas, yoga philosophy presents
the synthesis of vedanta and sankhya, reconciling at once monism and
dualism, the supermundane and the empirical."[22]
and Sikh dharma
Sikhism is a monotheistic religion which holds the view of
non-dualism. A principle cause of suffering in Sikhism is the ego (ahankar
in Punjabi), the delusion of identifying oneself as an individual
separate from the surroundings. From the ego arises the desires,
pride, emotional attachments, anger, lust, etc., thus putting humans
on the path of destruction. According to Sikhism the true nature of
all humans is the same as God, and everything that originates with
God. The goal of a Sikh is to conquer the ego and realize your true
nature or self, which is the same as God's.
and Jain dharma
Non-duality and
Buddha dharma
Though popular discourse both etic and emic as well as the discourse
of scholarship with which it intersects, employ the term "Buddhism"
for the Buddhadharma (and often employ the term uncritically), it is
salient to be mindful that the Buddhadharma is not a monolithic
tradition[23] but a continuum of a number of sub-traditions and
praxis-lineages (or sadhana-lineages), many of which tout a number
of nondualities proper in various sub-traditions and 'vehicles'
(Sanskrit: yana); refer Wallace (2007: pp.106-107).[24]
as Shunyata and Prajna
Huntington & Wangchen (1995: p.119) hold where 'emptiness' is a
gloss of Shunyata (Sanskrit) and 'wisdom' is a gloss of Prajna
(Sanskrit): the energy in the center of the universe perceived only
when the energy blockages have been removed. Before that, we are
talking to blind people.
With the actualization of emptiness, manifest in wisdom as an
effect, the bodhisattva gains access to the nondualistic knowledge
of a buddha. It may be that this concept seems particularly abstruse
because it is associated not so much with a way of knowing as with a
way of being, for we have seen the justification underlying claims
to knowledge of this type is necessarily immersed in a certain form
of life...a kind of nondualistic knowledge is present wherever a
particular epistemic act is embedded in an intuitive awareness of
the unique context through which two apparently discrete phenomena
are intimately related, as is usually the case, for example, when we
speak of a cause and its effect.[25]
Further to the coincidence or nonduality of Shunyata and Prajna
within the 'Pure-and-perfect-Mind' (Wylie: byang chub sems[26];
Sanskrit: Bodhicitta), Günther & Trungpa (1975: p.30) state that:
We cannot predicate anything of prajna except to say that when it is
properly prajna it must be as open as that which it perceives. In
this sense we might say that subjective and objective poles, (prajna
and shunyata) coincide. With this understanding, rather than saying
that prajna is shunyata, we can try to describe the experience by
saying that it has gone beyond the dualism of subject and
and Buddhism
All schools of Buddhism teach No-Self (Pali anatta, Sanskrit anatman).
Non-Self in Buddhism is the Non-Duality of Subject and Object, which
is very explicitly stated by the Buddha in verses such as “In
seeing, there is just seeing. No seer and nothing seen. In hearing,
there is just hearing. No hearer and nothing heard.” (Bahiya Sutta,
Udana 1.10). Non-Duality in Buddhism does not constitute merging
with a supreme Brahman, but realising that the duality of a
self/subject/agent/watcher/doer in relation to the object/world is
an illusion.[28]
Within the Mahayana presentation, the two truths may also refer to
specific perceived phenomenon instead of categorizing teachings.
Conventional truths would be the appearances of mistaken awareness -
the awareness itself when mistaken - together with the objects that
appear to it or alternatively put the appearance that includes a
duality of apprehender and apprehended and objects perceived within
that. Ultimate truths, then, are phenomenon free from the duality of
apprehender and apprehended.[29]
In the Mahayana Buddhist canon, the Diamond Sutra presents an
accessible nondual view of "self" and "beings", while the Heart
Sutra asserts shunyata — the "emptiness" of all "form" and
simultaneously the "form" of all "emptiness". The Lotus Sutra's
parable of the Burning House implies that all talk of Duality or
Non-Duality by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is merely Skillful Means
(Sanskrit upaya kausala) meant to lead the deluded to a much higher
truth. The fullest philosophical exposition is the Madhyamaka; by
contrast many laconic pronouncements are delivered as koans.
Advanced views and practices are found in the Mahamudra and Maha Ati,
which emphasize the vividness and spaciousness of nondual awareness.
Mahayana Buddhism, in particular, tempers the view of nonduality
(wisdom) with respect for the experience of the duality of the
psychically blind (compassion) — ordinary dualistic experience,
populated with selves and others (sentient beings), is tended with
care, always "now". This approach is itself regarded as a means to
disperse the confusions of duality (i.e. as a path). In Theravada,
that respect is expressed cautiously as Ahimsa or non-harming, while
in the Vajrayana, it is expressed boldly as enjoyment (especially in
and Korean
Park (1983: p. 147) identifies essence-function as an East Asian
Buddhist strategy to convey nonduality:
Since the t'i-yung or "essence-function" construction is originally
used by East Asian Buddhists to show a non-dualistic and
non-discriminate nature in their enlightenment experience, it should
not exclude any other frameworks such as neng-so or "subject-object"
constructions. Nevertheless the essence-function construction must
be distinguished from the subject-object construction from a
scholastic perspective because the two are completely different from
each other in terms of their way of thinking.[30]
Park (2009: p.11) holds that:
"...the terms mom and momjit are familiar to all Koreans, and have
their roots in ancient history. Although I translated them in the
introduction as "essence" and "function", a more accurate definition
(and the one the Korean populace is more familiar with) is "body"
and "the body's functions". The implications of "essence/function"
and "body/its functions" are similar, that is, both paradigms are
used to point to a nondual relationship between the two concepts.
There is a subtle but crucial difference, however, between the two
models, "essence/function" and "body/its functions". The term
essence/function (which is often translated by East Asian scholars
into the Chinese term t'i-yung) has a rather abstract, philosophical
tone, connoting an impression of being somewhat removed from the
nitty-gritty details of everyday life. My primary interest, however,
is in the human being's personal understanding and experience of
and Vajrayana
Non-duality and
Chakrasamvara-Vajravarahi.Gross (2009: p.207) a leading Feminist
theologian identifies the nondual import of yab-yum iconography
where His ever-so-skillful 'method' (upaya) really enjoys Her
ever-so-spacious 'wisdom' (prajna), a wisdom where
wisdom-in-reciprocity enjoys method; where His-Her enjoining is
coincident in 'great bliss' (mahasukha):
...a vital point must be made, especially given that the yab-yum
image is always said to be an image in which the partners are in
sexual union...[t]hough it may seem paradoxical and difficult to
understand, this image, nevertheless, is not about sex, as in sexual
intercourse. It is about nonduality, which is visually represented
by the male center of the universe, female center of the Earth yab-yum
and Dzogchen
Dzogchen is a relatively esoteric tradition concerned with the
"natural state", and emphasizing direct experience. This tradition
is found in the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, where it is
classified as the highest of this lineage's nine yanas, or vehicles
of practice. Similar teachings are also found in the non-Buddhist
Bön tradition, where it is also given the nomenclature "Dzogchen"
and in one evocation the ninth in a nine vehicle system. The nine
vehicles in both the Bonpo and Buddhadharma traditions are different
but they mutially inform. In Dzogchen, for both the Bonpo and
Nyingmapa, the primordial state, the state of nondual awareness, is
called rigpa.
The Dzogchen practitioner realizes that appearance and emptiness are
inseparable. "As above, so below"
One must transcend dualistic thoughts to perceive the true nature of
one's pure mind. This primordial nature is clear light, unproduced
and unchanging, free from all energy blockage defilements.
One's ordinary mind is caught up in dualistic conceptions, but the
pure mind is unafflicted by delusions. Through meditation, the
Dzogchen practitioner experiences that thoughts have no substance.
Mental phenomena arise and fall in the mind, but fundamentally they
are empty because each energy blockage can be transmuted back into
its true spiritual energy.
The practitioner then considers where the mind itself resides. The
mind can not exist in the ever-changing external phenomena and
through careful examination one realizes that the mind is emptiness,
shunyata, prajna paramita, the highest chakra in the center of the
universe. "All Sages and Saints live from Prajna Paramita" - The
Heart Sutra. All dualistic conceptions disappear with this psychic
'Ground [of Being]' (Tibetan: གཞི; Wylie: gzhi)[36] (pronounced: zhi)
is an essential cultural token of the Dzogchen tradition of both the
Bonpo[37] and the Nyingmapa.[38] It is a seminal conceptual point
and focus of praxis foregrounded in the Dzogchen literature
(particularly the Seventeen Tantras) and sadhana (Sanskrit) lineages
and may be apprised as a memetic conduit for the
continuum[-of-being] to enter into the concept-less Dzogchen nondual
'awareness', 'rigpa' (Wylie: rig pa; IAST: vidyā)[39], Dzogchen-as-process
where the praxis albeit 'natural' (Wylie: lhan skyes; IAST: sahaja)[40]
and 'effortless' (Wylie: lhun grub; IAST: anābhoga)[41] has the
sense of 'spontaneity'.[42][43] The Gankyil is the polysemic
teaching tool employed in the Dzogchen tradition to iconographically
signify the Trinity of the Ground, a symbol of primordial nonduality.
and Gankyil
Ngakpa tradition
Caplan (2009: p.163), with an indirect quotation, conveys her
understanding of the view of a contemporary Ngakpa who holds duality
and nonduality to be nondual:
and "Ngakpa
Chögyam, a
Tibetan Buddhist teacher from Wales, offers a perspective on
nonduality that includes all of life as a direct expression of the
nondual core of truth. He explains that nonduality, or emptiness,
has two facets: one is the empty, or nondual, and the other is form,
or duality. Therefore, duality is not illusory but is instead one
aspect of nonduality. Like the two sides of a coin, the formless
reality has two dimensions -- one is form, the other is formless.
When we perceive duality as separate from nonduality (or nonduality
as separate from duality), we do not engage the world of
manifestation from a perspective of oneness, and thereby we fall
into an erroneous relationship with it. From this perspective it is
not "life" or duality that is maya, or illusion; rather, it is our
relationship to the world that is illusory."[44]
and Bonpo
Svabhava (Sanskrit; Wylie: rang bzhin) is very important in the
nontheistic theology of the Bonpo Dzogchen 'Great Perfection'
tradition where it is part of a technical language to render
macrocosm and microcosm into nonduality, as Rossi (1999: p.58)
"The View of the Great Perfection further acknowledges the
ontological identity of the macrocosmic and microcosmic realities
through the threefold axiom of Condition (ngang), Ultimate Nature
(rang bzhin) and Identity (bdag nyid). The Condition (ngang) is the
Basis of all (kun gzhi)--primordially pure (ka dag) and not
generated by primary and instrumental causes. It is the origin of
all phenomena. The Ultimate Nature (rang bzhin) is said to be
unaltered (ma bcos pa), because the Basis [gzhi] is spontaneously
accomplished (lhun grub) in terms of its innate potential (rtsal)
for manifestation (rol pa). The non-duality between the Ultimate
Nature (i.e., the unaltered appearance of all phenomena) and the
Condition (i.e., the Basis of all [kun gzhi]) is called the Identity
(bdag nyid). This unicum of primordial purity (ka dag) and
spontaneous accomplishment (lhun grub) is the Way of Being (gnas
lugs) of the Pure-and-Perfect-Mind [byang chub (kyi) sems]."[45]
and Zen
and Dogen Zen
is a non-dual tradition. It can be considered a religion, a
philosophy, or simply a practice depending on one's perspective. It
has also been described as a way of life, work, and an art form. Zen
practitioners deny the usefulness of such labels, calling them, "The
finger pointing at the moon." Tozan, one of the founders of Soto Zen
in China, had a teaching known as the Five Ranks of the Real and the
Ideal, which points out the necessity of not getting caught in the
duality between Absolute and Relative/Samsara and Nirvana, and
describes the stages of further transcendence into fully realising
the Absolute in all activities. Nondual themes are very strong in
the literary work of Dogen (1200 - 1253).[46]
and Abrahamic
Non-duality and
Jewish traditions and Hasidism
Michaelson (2009: p.130) identifies that nonduality was unambigously
evident in the medieval Jewish textual tradition which peaked in
"As a Jewish religious notion, nonduality begins to appear
unambigously in Jewish texts during the medieval period, increasing
in frequency in the centuries thereafter and peaking at the turn of
the nineteenth century, with the advent of Hasidism. It is certainly
possible that earlier Jewish texts may suggest nonduality -- as, of
course, they have been interpreted by traditional nondualists --
but...this may or may not be the most useful way to approach
A young Padre Pio showing the stigmata. The God of traditional
Christianity is absolute and infinite. The devil or adversary is an
opposing character, but is subordinate to God. The Christian faith
thus considers God and the devil to be two distinct, opposing
persons, though unequal. Traditional Christianity, with its emphasis
on the struggle between good - God, the Father, in the center of the
Universe, Heaven and evil - the Earth, Sin, Energy Blockages, is
compatible with nondualistic thinking because removal of Sin creates
the Christ and thus the non-dual Holy Trinity. The Father, The Son
and the Holy Spirit. Some mystical forms of Christianity can be
non-dual, particularly those most closely related to Judaism.
Griffiths' (1906 – 1993) form of Vedanta-inspired or nondual
Christianity has been given the nomenclature 'Wisdom Christianity'
or 'Sapiential Christianity'.[49][50] Barnhart (1999: p.238)
explores Christian nondual experience in a dedicated volume and
states that he gives it the gloss of "unitive" experience and
"perennial philosophy".[51]
Further, Barnhart (2009) holds that:
"It is quite possible that nonduality will emerge as the theological
principle of a rebirth of sapiential Christianity ('wisdom
Christianity') in our time."[52]
The Catholic Church, for example, teach in their Catechism that
evil, Sin, Energy blockages - and any manifestations of it - exists
in the sense that "only the whole of the Christian faith can
constitute a response"[53]. That is, the search or struggle for ones
truth is in a sense a search for non-dualism. Sin is a manifestation
of erring from that search, Jesus represents hope to find/follow
that search and the unity of the Holy Spirit represents divine faith
(regardless of brand) in all of us. Perceiving the devil is a
corruption of faith and a descent into dualistic thinking. The Holy
Office have historically struggled to maintain a non-dualistic
message through the times of the Galileo affair and Protestant
Reformation. The politics surrounding the papacy of Pope Pius XII
and his 1943 papal encyclical Mystici Corporis published during
World War II are also characteristic of this struggle.
Saint Francis of Assisi (c.1181 - 1226), often called the "most
Christ-like" of the Catholic Saints with his gift of spirit of the
divine stigmata, embodies a nonduality with his beloved scapegoat,
sacrificial or eucharistic Christ, the Lamb-of-God, as Egan (1991:
p.217) making reference to Canticle of Brother Sun in the Center of
the Universe which may be viewed as a nondual ecological
testament[54], states:
In September 1224 on Mount Alvernia, he [ that is Saint Francis]
received that "final seal" (Dante), the first documented stigmata in
Christian history. He bore now the wounds of the crucified Christ
not only in spirit, but also on his body. During two more years of
increasingly painful illness, Francis composed his classic hymn,
Canticle of Brother Sun, which expressed profound Christian love for
God and creation. Francis's participation in the hierarchical,
sacramental Church never wavered. He had embraced fully the
crucified and eucharistic Christ whose wounds he wore on his person.
Having renounced the world, he wanted only to have, to know, and to
be totally like Christ crucified. In this way, he found all things
in God and God in all things.[55]
and A Course in
Miracles or
ACIM is a modern day Christian non-dualistic teaching that is not
inclusive of physical reality. Physical reality is denied valid
existence all together accept as a wrong (or evil) mis-thought. This
tradition states, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal
exists. Herein lies the peace of God."[56] Therefore Energy
Blockages are unreal because they can be transmuted.
and Christian
Science is
very similar to "ACIM" above. In a glossary of terms written by the
founder, Mary Baker Eddy, matter is defined as illusion and when
defining individual identity she writes "There is but one I, or Us,
but one divine Principle, or Mind, governing all existence".[57]
and Gnosticism
Since its beginning, Gnosticism has been characterized by many
dualisms and dualities, including the doctrine of a separate God and
Manichaean (good/evil) dualism. The discovery in 1945 of the Gospel
of Thomas, however, has led some scholars to believe that Jesus'
original teaching may have been one accurately characterized as
An English rendering from The Gospel of Thomas that showcases a
nondual vision of reconciling opposites which are also preserved,
that is "make the two one":
When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the
outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the
below, and when you make the male and the female one and the
same...then you will enter [the Kingdom].[59]
The Gospel of Philip also conveys nondualism:
"Light and Darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers of
one another. They are inseparable. Because of this neither are the
good good, nor evil evil, nor is life life, nor death death. For
this reason each one will dissolve into its earliest origin. But
those who are exalted above the world are indissoluble, eternal."
and A Course in
Miracles A Course in Miracles is a an expression of nondualism that is
independent of any religious denomination. For instance in a
workshop entitled 'The Real World' led by two of its more prominent
teachers, Kenneth Wapnick and Gloria Wapnick, Gloria explains how
discordant the course is from the teachings of Christianity:
"The course is very clear in that God did not create the physical
world or universe - or anything physical. It parts ways right at the
beginning. If you start with the theology of the course, there's
nowhere you can reconcile from the beginning, because the first book
of Genesis talks about God creating the world, and then the animals
and humans, et cetera. The course parts company at page one with the
A Course in Miracles presents an interpretation of nondualism that
recognises only "God" (i.e. absolute reality) as existing in any
way, and nothing else existing at all. In a book entitled The
Disappearance of the Universe, which explains and elaborates on A
Course in Miracles, it says in its second chapter that we "don't
even exist in an individual way - not on any level. There is no
separated or individual soul. There is no Atman, as the Hindus call
it, except as a mis-thought in the mind. There is only God."[62] A
verse from the course itself that displays its interpretation of
nondualism is found in Chapter 14:
"The first in time means nothing, but the First in eternity is God
the Father, Who is both First and One. Beyond the First there is no
other, for there is no order, no second or third, and nothing but
the First."[63]
and Judaism Michaelson (2009) explores nonduality in the tradition of
Judaism has within it a strong and very ancient mystical tradition
that is deeply nondualistic. "Ein Sof" or infinite nothingness is
considered the ground face of all that is. God is considered beyond
all proposition or preconception. The physical world is seen as
emanating from the nothingness as the many faces "partsufim" of god
that are all a part of the sacred nothingness. Sometimes the faces
are referred to as colored spheres "sphirot" that are the same as
chakras in eastern traditions. sphirot are seen as eminations or
fruit of the tree of life in the sacred garden of paradise. The tree
exists and emanates through many, sometimes infinite, stages or
levels of reality. All is considered one nondualistic whole.
nothingness and somethingness are considered one united and
inseparable thing. Duality is seen as an illusion of brokenness or
contraction and enlightenment is the act of inner restoration or
repair "tikkun" of god's unity.
and Islam Sufism (Arabic تصوف taṣawwuf, meaning "Mysticism") is often
considered a mystical tradition of Islam. There are a number of
different Sufi orders that follow the teachings of particular
spiritual masters, but the bond that unites all Sufis is the concept
of ego blockage annihilation (removal of the subject/object
dichotomy between humankind and the divine) through various
spiritual exercises and a persistent, ever-increasing longing for
union with the divine. "The goal," as Reza Aslan writes, "is to
create an inseparable union between the individual and the Divine."
The central doctrine of Sufism, sometimes called Wahdat-ul-Wujood or
Wahdat al-Wujud or Unity of Being, is the Sufi understanding of
Tawhid (the oneness of God; absolute monotheism). Put very simply,
for Sufis, Tawhid implies that all phenomena are manifestations of a
single reality, or Wujud (being), which is indeed al-Haq (Truth,
God). The essence of Being/Truth/God is devoid of every form and
quality and energy blockage, and hence unmanifest, yet it is
inseparable from every form and phenomenon, either material or
spiritual. It is often understood to imply that every phenomenon is
an aspect of Truth and at the same time attribution of existence to
it is false. The chief aim of all Sufis then is to let go of all
notions of duality (and therefore of the individual self also), and
realize the divine unity which is considered to be the truth.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, (1207–1273), one of the most famous Sufi
masters and poets, has written that what humans perceive as duality
is in fact a veil, masking the reality of the Oneness of existence.
"All desires, preferences, affections, and loves people have for all
sorts of things," he writes, are veils. He continues: "When one
passes beyond this world and sees that Sovereign (God) without these
'veils,' then one will realize that all those things were 'veils'
and 'coverings' (Energy Blockages) and that what they were seeking
was in reality that One." The veils, or rather, duality, exists for
a purpose, however, Rumi contends. If God as the divine, singular
essence of all existence were to be made fully manifest to us, he
counsels, we would not be able to bear it and would immediately
cease to exist as individuals. (Thus removal of Energy Blockages
must go hand in hand with strengthening, purifying and increasing
the size of the Energy Body through Resurrection - Satchidanand)
and Taoism
TaijituDechar (2005: p.5-6) identifies that the terms "Tao" and "[D]harma"
are etymologically rooted by identifying the etymon "da":
"The word Tao has no exact English translation, but it relates most
closely to the Western idea of wholeness, to the unknowable unity of
the divine. When used by the Taoist philosophers, Tao became the
Way, the path or cosmic law that directs the unfolding of every
aspect of the [U]niverse. So Tao is the wisdom of the divine made
manifest in nature and in my individual life. The Chinese word Tao
has an etymological relationship to the Sanskrit root sound "da",
which means "to divide something whole into parts". The ancient
Sanskrit word dharma is also related to this root. In the Buddhist
tradition, dharma means "that which is to be held fast, kept, an
ordinance or law...the absolute, the real - the Soul Path." So, both
dharma and Tao refer to the way that the One, the unfathomable unity
of the divine, divides into parts and manifests in the world of
Taoism's wu wei (Chinese wu, not; wei, doing) is a term with various
translations (e.g. inaction, non-action, nothing doing, without ado)
and interpretations designed to distinguish it from passivity. From
a nondual perspective, it refers to activity that does not imply an
"I". The concept of Yin and Yang, often mistakenly conceived of as a
symbol of dualism, is actually meant to convey the notion that all
apparent opposites are complementary parts of a non-dual whole. The
Tao Te Ching has been seen as a nondualist text; from that
perspective, the term "Tao" could be interpreted as a name for the
Ultimate Reality (which, as the Tao Te Ching itself notes, is not
the reality itself).
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sapiential Christianity. Continuum. ISBN 0826427677, 9780826427670
^ Barnhart, Bruno (2009). "Christianity in the Light of Asian
Nonduality". Summary of a paper presented by Bruno Barnhart at the
Monastic Symposium on Purity of Heart/Contemplation at New Camaldoli
in June 2000. Source: [37] (accessed: Saturday May 1, 2010)
^ Barnhart, Bruno (1999). Second simplicity: the inner shape of
Christianity. Paulist Press. ISBN 0809138328, 9780809138326. Source:
[38], p.238
^ Barnhart, Bruno (2009). "Christianity in the Light of Asian
Nonduality". Summary of a paper presented by Bruno Barnhart at the
Monastic Symposium on Purity of Heart/Contemplation at New Camaldoli
in June 2000. Source: [39] (accessed: Saturday May 1, 2010)
^ "The Catechism of The Catholic Church".
Retrieved 2009-09-30.
^ Esbjörn-Hargens, Sean & Zimmerman, Michael E. (2009). Integral
ecology: uniting multiple perspectives on the natural world.
Illustrated edition. Shambhala Publications. ISBN 1590304667,
9781590304662. Source: [40] (accessed: Saturday May 1, 2010), p.237
^ Egan, Harvey D. (1991). An Anthology of Christian mysticism.
Second Edition. Liturgical Press. ISBN 0814660126, 9780814660126.
Source: [41] (accessed: Saturday May 1, 2010), p.217
^ Schucman (1992) pp ??
^ Eddy, Mary Baker. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
ISBN 0-87952-259-3.
^ Miller, Ronald. The Gospel of Thomas: A Guidebook for Spiritual
^ Source: [42] (accessed: Friday April 23, 2010), p.145
^ "The Gospel of Philip".
Retrieved 2007-09-06.
^ "Workshop on "The Real World"".
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^ The Disappearance of the Universe, Gary Renard, page 33
^ A Course in Miracles, 3rd edition, page 279 or Chapter 14, Section
IV, Paragraph 1, verses 7-8
^ Michaelson, Jay (2009). Everything Is God: The Radical Path of
Nondual Judaism. Shambhala Publications. ISBN 1590306716,
9781590306710. Source: [43] (accessed: Saturday may 8, 2010)
^ Dechar, Lorie Eve (2005). Five spirits: alchemical acupuncture for
psychological and spiritual healing. Illustrated edition. Lantern
Books, ISBN 1590560922, 9781590560921. Source: [44] (accessed:
Thursday May 6, 2010), p.5-6
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Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are". New York: Harmony Books.
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0-79144-627-1 Godman, David (Ed.) (1985). Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri
Ramana Maharshi. London: Arkana. ISBN 0-14-019062-7. Hawkins, David R. (October 2006). Discovery of the Presence of God:
Devotional Nonduality. Sedona, Arizona: Veritas Publishing. ISBN
0-9715007-6-2 (Softcover); ISBN 0-9715007-7-0 (Hardcover) Jeon, Arthur (2004) City Dharma: Keeping Your Cool in the Chaos ISBN
1-40004-908-3 Katz, Jerry (Ed.) (2007). One: Essential Writings on Nonduality.
Boulder, CO: Sentient Publications. ISBN 1591810531. Kent, John (1990) Richard Rose's Psychology of the Observer: The
Path to Reality Through the Self PhD Thesis Klein, Anne Carolyn (1995). Meeting the Great Bliss Queen:
Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self. Boston, Beacon Press.
ISBN 0-8070-7306-7. Kongtrül, Jamgön (1992). Cloudless Sky: The Mahamudra Path of The
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0-87773-694-4. Lama, Dalai (2000). Dzogchen: The Heart Essence of the Great
Perfection. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications. ISBN 1-55939-157-X. Norbu, Namkhai (1993). The Crystal and the Way of Light: Sutra,
Tantra and Dzogchen. London: Arkana. ISBN 0-14-019314-6. Schucman, Helen (1992) "A Course In Miracles". Foundation for Inner
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Boston: Shambhala Publications. ISBN 0-87773-050-4. Watson, Burton (Trans.) (1968). The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu.
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(Paperback) Waite, Dennis (2004) "The Book of One: The Spiritual Path of Advaita"
The Three Major Yogic Traditions of
the Psychic Bodies the Buddhist Kaya System, and the Sarira System,
the Yogic Kosha System and
The creation of this Pure Immortal Diamond Crystal, Aligned Vajra
Energy Body
The creation of this Pure Diamond Crystal, Aligned Vajra Energy Body
not only includes the expulsion of psychic toxins:- Trauma-Formed
negative karmic mass coating Energy Blockages and Implanted Energy
Blockages, Control Implants, Sexual Implants, Addiction Implants,
Distraction Implants which draw physical toxins into the body
causing depression, negative emotions, hardening of the physical
organs requiring medical intervention, shortening the physical life
of your time on this planet.
The creation of this Pure Diamond Crystal, Aligned Vajra Energy Body
also includes the methodology for the increase in its size and
complexity as it evolves further in its talents and its ability to
channel the energy of the higher chakras above the head to increase
the evolution of this planet and all the people on it.
Timeless Body of Infinite Natural Light, the Immortal Vajra Diamond
Body and it's Finite Manifestations..
Oh Infinite Source
Infinite Light and Bliss
Vaster than vast
Brighter than bright
Sun of all the suns together
Having no measure,
formless and eternal
I bow to thee
Over and over and over again!
Beginningless Beginning
Unborn One
without a second
Fatherless son
Oh Holy One!
Imperishable, formless, timeless and complete.
Know Eternally Reality
Known Here as the Great Integrity
I bow to thee,
Over and over and over again.
The purpose of this presentation is to alleviate the ill effects of
institutionalized ignorance. The assumption is that the average
adult was once born naturally curious and desirous of knowing all
about the miracle of creation in their eternal attempt to integrate
the creative spark (spirit) with creation as an intimate part of
that creative process which we call the intelligent evolutionary
power or shakti. That power is observably active in all children at
birth, but because of transgenerational ignorance, violence is done
to the child in the form of suppressing/repressing their conscious
awareness of spirit and its expression.
child is born without memory and therefore is open and curious. But
all children are born with the same energy blockage karma they died
with. This karma draws tests and examinations in which we discover,
"We only have the free will to do the right thing" as there is, "no
failure, only feedback" Thus we practise our perfection until we get
it right. Some people have more perfection and less karma than
others. Some people practise Energy Blockage Removal to transmute
their karma. Thus they overcome disease, old age, and death.
This lack of continuity (the rend from the Great Continuum)
destroying the ability to maintain continuity of consciousness
through the Death Process is the cause of Ignorance of the reality
of your connection to your higher self - a widespread malaise which
manifests as confusion, desire, aversion, neuroses, pride, jealousy,
anger, and all the other human afflictions - the Selfish Competitive
Ego - a cumulation of all your Energy Blockages. In short the young
human child is stripped of their innate awareness of the glory and
wonder of the creative/evolutionary process which permeates all of
creation, and trained to ignore it in favor of a flat plane, dead,
existentialist, materialist, alienated belief system consisting of
solid matter and fragmented objects. Then they are trained to hold
tightly onto that illusion, in the hope of conquering, controlling,
or at coping/adapting to a frightening and wild universe.
In to rectify the ill effects of this negative conditioning
including implant energy blockages from bad people who want to
continue to vampirise the energy bodies of all humanity by
maintenance of control (institutionalized ignorance) we will present
an energetic model that is not based on dead matter (materialistic
reality) but rather a vibrational, alive, and musical model which is
more closely attuned/aligned with the cosmic symphony. Such is the
purpose and alignment of authentic yoga.
The chronic problem of ingrained ignorance is that the truth appears
strange, once one has their inner wisdom deeply buried and
repressed. It might even be recognized as a threat (a threat to
one's preconception of self) and hence ersatz egoic identity. Truth
always threatens deceit and delusion. Those who hold on tightly to
self deceit and conceit are apt to conclude that this is merely
poppycock or a mere intellectual contrivance. The tragedy is that
they have become so deeply displaced from their most deep feelings
that they can not resonate with their transconceptual vibratory
awareness. In that sense it is said that they have no feelings,
however the feelings are merely deeply buried and inaccessible at
the moment. The real danger here is to present these teachings to
some one so ill equipped in the present that they will reject them
out of hand, so that in the future when they might be ready to
receive them, they have already made up their mind in as a pre
conclusion (prejudice against it). Hence traditionally these
teachings have been held secret only for initiates in order to avoid
that tragedy. However given the extreme danger of man's alienated
mind in the light of his powerful destructive technologies, this
teaching is being made available to all, albeit running the risk of
it being totally misunderstood and further rejected.
"Do you want the Red Pill, or the Blue Pill?" - Matrix
This short presentation discussing the Divine Body of God will of
course not substitute for direct experience which is given freely to
all who come on the Energy Enhancement Course. The intent here is to
point the way for interested travelers who still have rememberance
--have enough of their inner wisdom intact, and are ready to proceed
on the integral journey.
The author is often confronted with the proposition of where to
start from. Should we start from the place of clarity, wisdom, and
reality or from the state of alienation, delusion, confusion, and
In this case we will start from the superficial materialistic
"world" of illusion and duality and work toward clarity, insight,
and eventually non-dual integration/integrity. We will start off
from the normal mundane temporal flat-plane realm of conflict and
opposition where there appears to be a separate "real" individual
solid objects in our field of vision, a separate solid observer, and
a process of observing (in short the normal fragmented dualistic way
of viewing "the world") being locked into a belief system which
maintains a chronic disconnection, separation, or rather the
disintegrated milieu of normal alienated egoic consciousness
estranged from the one Great Living Community/Great Continuum.
Having recognized the mechanism of our error of perception, and then
having separated ourselves from that error of separation, we can
then through that awareness prescribe the remedy, fulfill the
prescription, and eventually heal the rend -- the gulf of illusion
which separates.
We will see that this apparent physical reality or rather
superficial dualistic framework forms the very fabric of our self
constructed mental jail - The Matrix, which many of us have become
accustomed to via long term conditioning. It is a matrix of "our
world" of form and structure that is based on a habituated error of
seeing; i.e., as it doesn't exist as such. Understanding self or
deep self awareness involves understanding what is not self (or
rather the universe). Self is defined in terms of other(s). Likewise
understanding other involves a view or perspective. That perspective
is always skewed by the observer and hence biased unless it takes
into account the skew and cancels it out. Hence the assumption of a
universal unbiased view or universal Reality and Truth is possible
once one has compensated for the point/space bias of the observer.
Likewise the true self can be known once the Universal Self is
known. This knowledge of the unity between the universal Self, and
the Universal View underlies the ontological hermeneutics of yoga
expressed in sanskrit as The Holy Trinity; Father - Son - Holy
Spirit or Sat-Cit-Ananda as "Truth, Consciousness and Bliss" or
"Pure subjective universal beingness - pure universal objectivity
and Great Bliss"..
To that end we will present the more subtle energetic and spiritual
models that have been used in Indian systems of yoga for thousands
of years (Buddhist Hindu, Jain, and eclectic). At the heart of this
model, more than the most subtle level, is the formless all
encompassing unlimited space and point (bindu and akasa or the
Chakras above the Crown Chakra or below the Base Chakra). Before an
advanced study on what is meant by bindu and akasa can proceed, one
needs to understand what is meant by creation -- matter (as Mater)
or the Great Matrika Shakti - Kundalini Shakti from Kundalini Chakra
in the Center of the Earth. Entering into a direct relationship with
the Matrika (Shakti) - Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth
in Energy Enhancement Initiation Three - The Grounding of Negative
Energies, then true self (sarupa) or access to the Chakras above the
head, is defined and all answers are known (Shakti bestowing upon us
the evolutionary power in this emanation in human form.
Within the human form there exist the conscious living keys -- the
five elements, and seed consciousness. All that is necessary is for
this to be recognized and be expressed by Powering Up!! with
Kundalini Energy. When Kundalini Energy is repressed then according
to yoga that repression must be recognized and effectively treated
with remedies (authentic yogic practice). Tragically mankind has
become habitually numbed out to this awareness -- chronically left
Reality is ever accessible to those who seek it -- who are dedicated
and focused upon that realization.
We will first present three major yogic traditions of classifying
the various bodies (kayas or sarira) and sheaths (koshas) that bear
upon the the so called physical, energetic, mental, wisdom, and
formless eternal realms/dimensions. Here are disclosed to the
spiritual sojourner the inter-relationships between these systems;
i.e., the kaya system, and the sarira system, the kosha system.
The Buddhist Kaya: Body or
Buddhist system first developed to describe the formless and
timeless realm of the primordial (Adi Buddha) Mind of Infinite Space
(the Dharmakaya) in distinction to the temporal and constructed
world of form (Rupakaya). According to the prajnaparamita (The Heart
Sutras is the Kundalini key - a key sutra of the Mahayana which we
chant, Zen pranayama, in Energy Enhancement) neither exist separate
from each other; i.e., relative and absolute truth are inseparable).
The Higher Chakras are connected to the Lower Chakras via the
Column of Energy called the Antahkarana. All these chakras - Higher
Lower and Antahkarana are one unit, they are not separate in the
enlightened, they are just blocked by Energy Blockages and therefore
temporarily do not function as one unit, They are not enlightened!!
This also corresponds to the Hindu tantric idea of Siva/Shakti where
Siva represents the formless eternal and Shakti represents the power
and manifestation of creation (the world of form). Siva and Shakti
also are inseparable in the enlightened - just blockaed by Energy
Blockages in all Humanity.
Later in Buddhist tantra, the rupakaya was sub-divided into
sambhogakaya and the nirmanakaya. Sambhogakaya literally means the
enjoyment or bliss body of the Buddha or simply the enlightened form
body where unhappiness has become conquered. This is the
intermediate (remediation) realm between earth and sky,-- crown
(formless sky) and root chakra where yogic transformation occurs.
Even though the physical body is subject to decay, this is the realm
where buddha activity can none-the less exist as energetic mediator
between the Dharmakaya (unbounded sky chakras above the head) and
the finite differentiated matrix of creation. In some tantric
schools it is called the illusory body, the body of light, and is
associated with the astral realms. Many teachings abound that
cultivate this realization in both dream and sleep, as the
navigation tool through the bardos and/or to realms of intermediate
rebirth which insure total realization.
Ati Yoga such practice becomes the vehicle to bring forth the
realization of natural clear light in this very life. Often such
conscious transference into this realm is called phowa. When all the
elements have become purified of Enery Blockages and the physical
body connects into the rainbowlight body, it is considered a sign of
ultimate success in phowa. Here the realization of the rainbow light
body is not an end in itself, but a symptom/result of a deeper
The nirmanakaya is the emanation body of a completely and fully
awakened buddha-being who, through removing all his energy
blockages, is able to channel the Light of the Soul. One who has
become finished with their past personal karma energy blockages
created in past lifetimes, the kleshas, and wish only for the
happiness of all beings. This enlightenment while still in the body
is called the jivamukti. The nirmanakaya manifestation such as
Shakyamuni Buddha is rare, although everyone has the potential.
In some esoteric schools if the yogi should purify and transmute the
elements through intense yogic practices (tummo, tattva shuddhi, and
related) then an imperishable body can be realized beyond the normal
limitations of the elements. That is called the immutable body or
vajrakaya. Energy Enhancement Techniques can Speed Up!! this
Taken as an integrated whole these three or four bodies are called
the svabhavika kaya auras.
Sharira: Body.
There are three sharira which are again the Holy Trinity, unblocked
they can form one whole. The gross physical body (sthula sharira) ,
the subtle or astral antahkarana body (sukshma sharira), and the
causal soul body (karana sharira). The karana sharira is called the
body of the seed of all seeds where exists in the form of a three
dimensional matrix, the memories of all your past lifetimes. One of
the symptoms of entrance into Illumination is to see all your past
lifetimes as the Buddha was able to talk and give wisdom experiences
from all of his past lifetimes.
Their inter-relationships are as follows in the form of Holy
Trinities which act as one unit. They are not separate in the
unblocked Enlightened:
1) The physical manifestation body which is understood as the gross
physical body, the sthula sharira, annamaya kosha, or nirmanakaya
vehicle of the Buddhas. (all being somewhat interchangeable names in
an overall integrated system of linked multiple dimensions)
2) The antahkarana energy body, the subtle body, the light body of
form, sukshma sharira; the combination of the pranamaya kosha,
manomaya kosha, vijnanamaya kosha, is equivalent to the Buddhist
sambhogakaya vehicle of the Buddhas as the more subtle (less coarse)
dimension of being.
3) The Universal Soul Body, Divine Body, God's Body, the anandamaya
kosha of all the Chakras above the head. The causal body (karana
sharira), vajra body, rainbow light body, the seed body, diamond
heart, and the Dharmakaya vehicle of the Buddhas. Herein we will
place the Divine Body, the Hiranyagarbha kosha, the Golden seed
body, the tathagatagarbha the womb of all Buddhas. Likewise the
karana sharira is called the seed of all seeds -- the cause of all,
but that which has no cause of itself.
The creation of the Immortal Diamond Vajra Body involves the
incorporation of all these bodies through the removal of Physical
Toxins, removal of Energy Blockages in all parts of the trinity of
Bodies - all the infinity of chakras and the incorporation and
increase of all the talents through increasing the size and
complexity of the psychic bodies.
In human life all three bodies (kayas/shariras) exist
simultaneously, but our recognition of them will vary greatly
depending on the individual's state of awakening as given by the
number of Energy Blockages which have been removed. Hence they may
be very dim, very subtle, or even appear non-existent in the highly
blocked. As we Power Up!! through contact with Kundalini Shakti and
the Aura of the Buddhafield of the Illuminated we remove the energy
blockages to become awake our awareness deepens, and this "reality"
opens. Following are various ways that yogis throughout the
centuries have used to categorize and thus be able to harmonize
these finer forces in realizing their evolutionary potential.
For a being fully integrated in the Buddhist system the removal of
all Energy Blockages means integration of all the bodies together as
a unity whole is called the svabhavikakaya which is one in essence.
So the four kayas, includes the first three, plus the:
svabhavikakaya - the body of the essential nature which represents
the truth of the inseparability of the first three kayas (of
relative and absolute truth or form and void).
Again in Buddhism the dharmakaya or truth body is eternal and
beginningless (unconstructed and has no prior cause (hence it is
primordial and indestructible). However there is also a fifth kaya
referred to in esoteric tantra of an Indestructible Immortal Diamond
Vajra body which can take physical form as it does when Ascended
Masters visit their students on this planet. Energy Enhancement
Advanced teachings are for the creation of Ascended Masters.
Illumination is not enough! There are higher initiations above
simple Enlightenment. This is the unchanging indestructible
Kosha: Sheath.
There are five or six classical koshas as presented in the
Upanishads. Kosha means sheath or parts of the Spiritual Aura which
is cleaned of Energy Blockages
in Energy Enhancement level 2. Classically then there are
five traditional koshas called the annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya,
vijnanamaya, and anandamaya koshas. In order to reach the inner most
heart, the anandamaya kosha has to be pierced. This can only happen
by vastly increasing the Energy of Kundalini withinn the Body by
access to Kundalini Shakti in Kundalini Chakra in the center of the
earth. Power Up!!.
Some say that within that heart of hearts is a further sphere
reached when the Hiranyagarbha kosha (the alchemical golden egg) -
the Higher Soul Chakras above the head are pierced. The Buddhist
idea of Tathagatagarbha or innate Buddha nature or bodhi seed mind
corresponds to this highermost point which is indeed the doorway a
holographic doorway into any and all dimensions..
The Yogic Five Koshas and
Three Bodies
will also discuss these bodies and sheaths from the perspective of
the five koshas of Yoga.
First there will be a discussion of the five chief koshas (sheaths).
Classically they are the
Annamaya kosha
which is translated as the physical "food" sheath (kosha) and
corresponds roughly to the physical body. It is characterized by the
most dense and slow vibrational frequency patterns. It is the realm
of the sthula sharira (coarse body). This is the realm of the
manifest form body of the Buddha, the nirmanakaya. This body can not
exist without contact with the other sheaths (koshas) or bodies, yet
for the most part it remains barely activated in regards to its
highest evolutionary potential. When a human being is fully awakened
in this very life, it is said that they have a fully manifested
Buddha body (nirmanakaya).
2) The second sheath is composed of
the pranamaya kosha
or energy sheath. It interconnects the annamaya kosha (physical
body) with the other more subtle sheaths (the manomaya, vijnanamaya,
and anandamaya koshas). It is associated with the suksmah sharira
(subtle body).
3) Next there is
manomaya kosha
or mental and emotional sheath which also is included in the sukshma
sharira (subtle body),
4) Next the
vijnanamaya kosha
or the
prajna wisdom sheath of
(transconceptional and transpersonal knowledge) which also is
included in the sukshma sharira (subtle body). Taken together, the
annamaya, pranamaya, and vijnanamaya sheaths comprise the subtle
body (sukshma sharira) which is the vehicle for Buddha's bliss body
5) The
anandamaya kosha
(literally the bliss sheath) which is
associated with the karana
sharira or causal/seed body.
In some systems there is a sixth sheath, the Hiranyagarbha kosha
(which here will be discussed as existing as one aspect inside the
anandamaya kosha). This karana sharira corresponds to the vajra body
or diamond heart -- the immutable changeless and indestructible body
of the primordial Buddha whose vehicle is the Dharmakaya. As we
increase the elimination of blockages in the lower chakras, so the
Immortal Diamond Vajra Body extends even into the physical, creating
indestructibility and Immortality.
The purpose of these systems of classification is to allow the yogi
to consciously map out the causal dynamic interactions that occur
between the physical body, health, breath, energy fields, mind,
emotions, inner wisdom, nature, and Source, so that spiritual
healing as purification, activation, transformation,
reconfiguration, and integration on all planes of human existence
can be expedited. This classification helps us in Energy Enhancement
to know the symptoms of Blockages and thus where their blockages
reside so that they can be more easily removed. Even from the most
gross standpoint of the physical body all five sheaths are
intertwined (present simultaneously) in space. To the degree that
they interconnect harmoniously and without conflict or tension
through the removal of Energy Blockages is the degree that they
exist they produce health or disease in the body/mind. As we
increase the elimination of blockages in the lower chakras, so the
Immortal Diamond Crystal Aligned Vajra Body extends even into the
physical, creating indestructibility and Immortality.
Adhi/Vyadhi Energy Blockages
and their Removal
A simple example follows. Our thoughts are transmitted to the body
through the neuro-endocrine system. Scientists have found that these
mental processes such as thoughts and emotions can not be separated
from bodily mechanisms and function as all thought and emotions are
involved in biochemical and neurological activities.
Here energy blockages called adhis (mental/emotional disturbances in
the manomaya kosha or astral sheath) cause corresponding
disturbances at the physical level (annamaya kosha). These
disturbance symptoms are called vyadhi. This is transmitted through
the intermediary of the pranamaya kosha (or energy body) causing
disturbances in the prana. The good news is that we can consciously
work with the body and/or pranamaya kosha to effect healing in the
manomaya kosha and vice versa, we can consciously work in the
manomaya kosha to effect positive healing changes in the pranamaya
and annamaya koshas. It is believed that a lasting cure is only
possible when the enery blockage causal disturbance is completely
removed; i.e., the previously unhealthy tensions and conflicts
between the bodies or sheaths have been harmonized and resolved.
Here the energy blockages called adhis which originate in the
manomaya kosha are considered causal and primary which in turn cause
physical ailments (vyadhi). These energy blockages called adhis can
also occur in the vijnanamaya kosha and/or karmic sheath when our
belief systems are out of synch with the inner wisdom karmic body
and/or strong unresolved karmic forces are at play. Thus when the
energy blockages called adhis are destroyed in the subtle or causal
bodies, then the vyadhis symptoms are no longer generated or
addition there exist two kinds of energy blockages called adhis. One
is ordinary or samaya (caused by the mind or emotions) and the other
one is called, sara, which is intrinsic to a more causal spiritual
malaise that can be successfully treated only through processes that
affect the life style, belief system, self identification process,
karma, or in general our energetic relationship that we cling to as
"s(S)elf" in relationship to "Reality" i.e., through modalities
which reach higher up the chakras system above the head into the
vijnanamaya and anandamaya koshas.
either case, physical disease is caused by Energy Blockages which
cause symptoms of disturbances/corruption and/or obstruction of the
nadis (psychic nerves) and energy patterns which have become
disrupted, distorted, and patterned into corruptive patterns causing
degeneration, dissipation, dis-ease, pain, suffering, stasis, and
Thus effective therapy in Energy Enhancement is aimed at removing
the Energy Blockage source of the disturbances, opening up these
blocked pathways, and rechanneling and repatterning the energy flow.
Evolution of the Five Kosha
System as it ascends through the Chakra System to the Chakras above
the Head
The five kosha model originated in an earlier time at the dawn of
man's discovery of self awareness via the intellect (analytical
knowledge of a seemingly objective world) as well as the conscious
awareness of a seemingly individual will power as an ability to act
consciously and hence seemingly independently. We will consider this
as an indicator of mankind's adolescent stage in terms of conscious
understanding and intelligent evolution -- a dawning of primitive
awareness, yet lacking in full realization.
This is the phase of the human being breaking away from the womb
(mother nature), questioning and formulating his own inquiry,
opinions, world view, concepts, and beliefs, and then attempting an
autonomous existence as in the process of conscious individuation.
This marks man's age of adolescence where critical, rebellious, and
independent thought dominate. Here life is analyzed and broken down
into its constituent parts (samkhya). In that stage of evolution it
would be correct to reduce the koshas into:
Annamaya kosha:
The gross or coarse physical body (sthula sharira)
The pranamaya kosha:
as consisting of the pranas as they manifest in the body (prana vayu,
apana vayu, udana vayu, vyana vayu, and samana vayu) which animate
all the activities of the gross physical body underlying the
functions of the five karma indriyas ("organs of action") according
to Ayurvedic frameworks.
Manomaya kosha:
man's ability to consciously discern and analyze the sense data -
the five jnana indriyas (organs of knowledge, i.e. ears, nose, skin,
eyes, and tongue) which, in association with
the intellect (buddhi)
and will comprise
the individual mind (manas)
or lower mind.
The vijnanamaya kosha
is the realm of the higher transconceptual mind (the wisdom sphere)
where information from the hologram is available and flows freely
once the pathways to the manomaya kosha is opened. When these koshas
are harmoniously interconnected a higher level of intelligent
functioning (vijnana) occurs. The human being becomes directed by
the more subtle and finer forces in nature (Mahat).
These last three (pranamaya, manomaya, and vijnanamaya koshas)
collectively comprise the realm of the subtle/astral body (sukshma
sharira). It is also the Buddhist Sambhogakaya (pain free state).
This occurs when Kundalini Chakra is accessed to Power Up!! Thus the
evolutionary power has become awakened, the nadis are open, the
pathways are becoming purified, and the chakras are (Power Up!!)
becoming activated and energized. In this realm instead of
separating oneself from the entanglements in the fragmented
existence of seemingly fragmented events, here a shift in
consciousness occurs wherein the human being wakes up to the
interconnected presence of spirit and conscious pervading all and
everything (as a whole, unblocked, Siva/Shakti).
The anandamaya kosha
(literally bliss sheath of the Chakras above the head) - because
access to this sheath of the Chakras above the head is normally
highly blocked in unenlightened humanity then was defined as
independent from these four other bodies however capable of linking
to them in manifest existence. It is independent of the patternings
and distortions of the ego and individual will. Rather it is the
transpersonal gate available here and now, the higher sheath and
pathway to the causal universal that contains the causal soul body (karana
is in this last enlightenment phase of integration - Soul Fusion -
does the adept understand their own soul divinity (as empty of a
separate self) and highest purpose in life as the expression of that
infinite love. The seeker then abides within the Wisdom Body of
Prajna Paramita - the Highest Heart of the Soul - heart of hearts at
the height of existence, the heart of hearts, the anandamaya kosha
having removed all the blockages, penetrated all the sheaths and
integrated all the bodies as one under divine transpersonal will (isvara
pranidhana) and love.
Further, there is the energy of Fusion supplied in the Astral
Initiation by Higher Ascended masters which allows one to stay there
as Illuminated, permanently - Be There, Before you can Stay There!!
Love is the law, Love under Will!
That is the classical system in which to to deal with these
interactions consciously. For the spiritual practitioner who is
beyond the adolescent stage this larger model is more impelling. The
spiritual adept is removing all Energy Blockages - has transmuted
and purified his body, energy system, mind, emotions, will, and
intellect. He/she has integrated it with divine will and universal
intelligence from the Infinity of Chakras above the head - hence the
old model that is applied to the adolescent man no longer applies to
the adult (the mature yogic practitioner).
The Pranayama Connection
between the Three Bodies is Breath, Prana,
Holy Spirit, - The
Having mastered Pranayama at the age of Twenty-One I know that
Pranayama is a good start, but Energy Enhancement supercedes it by
removing blockages in Energy Enhancement level 2.. However,
uncontrollable Breath is a Symptom of Negative Emotions which in
turn are a Symptom of Energy Blockages.
As all five sheaths are connected by the unblocked Antahkarana and
are simultaneously present their energetic matrix and relationship
itself (the energetics of their energetics) can be mapped out in the
yogic practitioner with a non-classical model. In order to map out
these common interactions utilizing we will draw a line of the
antahkarana between heaven and Earth. At the top is the primal seed
(bindu). In this evolutionary diagram the highest core (hridayam)
found within the anandamaya kosha is the natural unconditioned all
encompassing Mind which manifests as the union of form (Shakti Lower
Chakras) and emptiness (Higher Siva Chakras) - the shakti/antahkarana/shiva
Trinity. When it is obscured and defiled by old energy blockage
karma the lower chakras are black and impure with Energy Blockages
and Trauma - Formed Negative Karmic Mass, Black Gold, Texas Tea!!
and the mind is disturbed. When the energy blockage karma is cleared
out, the individual mind and will has merged with Universal Source (Shakti's
mate) and is naturally clear and undisturbed.
Assuming that the prana (energy) is reflected in the breath and that
in turn the prana can be changed by the breath, we can draw the
gross body as the outer most superficial layer. Going inward, the
next layer is the breath. Then going even further inward the next
layer is the harmonized/mature mind and emotional body, the next
layer inward would be the wisdom body (the transmuted/mature
vijnanamaya kosha), and the last innermost layer is the body
purified from karma (the unconditioned eternal beginningless
creative Source manifesting as Creativity (Shiva/Shakti).
1) So starting again at the most dense and coarse, the lower chakras
can be represented by the annamaya kosha. Here we will call it
simply the earthly body (sthula sharira). It's vibrations is most
gross and slow. Again even here all other higher chakras inter
operate and are present to an extent allowed by Energy Blockages in
the system. Their quality of interaction is reflected in the
symptoms of the breath when we ascertain its controllability. Lack
of ability to control the breath is a symptom of Energy Blockages in
the Negative Emotions. Removing the Energy Blockages will remove the
Symptoms in the Breath and in the Negative Emotions.
2) The higher chakras, is the subtle body (sukshma sharira) or
energy body which is comprised and shaped by the combined
interactive dynamics of the pranamaya, manomaya, and vijnanamaya
koshas. Again here all other sheaths and bodies inter operate and
are present to an extent. The quality of interaction between the
mind, emotions, physical body, and energy body are also reflected in
the breath.
3) Next again is the causal body (karana sharira) in the higher
chakras, which is normally obfuscated by karma energy blockages
which when not purified in turn imprisons the organism to duality
and suffering. When the energy blockage karma is dispelled and
loosened, then this center represents unconditional reality -- the
natural unconditioned primal unspoiled pure Citta - the purified
mind - no more Citta Chatter or Siva consciousness (reflected in the
world of form to the senses as shakti). This relationship is also
reflected in the purity of the breath or its absence through
spontaneous kumbhaka.
The value in this map is to lay out a conscious pathway for
techniques that link harmoniously all three bodies. Here our
platform will start at the energetic matrix of the all pervading
causal matrix -- the Mother of Creativity existing as an aspect of
the causal body. This focus will thus focus on the pure undiluted
instructor/teaching from the beginningless beginning. Next we will
investigate how Pure Creativity interacts with the subtle body, and
lastly to the gross body.
All three bodies are reflected by the breath and are accessed by it.
So according to this map, it is the breath that intermediates
between the subtle and the causal body as well as between the
physical body and the subtle body. In the latter the breath reflects
the qualitative interaction of the five prana vayus and the six
sense organs (manas being the sixth). This connection is made
through the cleansing of the network of subtle channels (nadis) and
then the activation of the dormant evolutionary circuits (chakras).
In turn a yogi investigates thoroughly energetic components (prana)
of the emotions/thoughts which were classically the province of the
pranamaya and manomaya koshas. Through such inner explorations the
yogi then discovers how the mental and emotional sheaths transmit
energy to the physical body via the pranamaya kosha which in turn
alters the breath, as well as to alter the breath to effect change
in the mental/emotional states. The yogi discovers how concepts,
belief systems, intellectual processes, and acts of individual will
power that exist outside of his natural alliance with siva/shakti
will distort the breath. In fact each thought and our attitude in
general) as our stance in life that is ordered by any limited
identification affect the breath and our energy levels. So through
this map we can re-establish a natural connection with the innate
Self -- an innate intelligent and creative order and as such
aligning to this regulator, we come into an authentic, evolved and
fully functional type of self regulation
So here in this complete model we have identified the breath and
consciousness as causal agents/methods in effecting and monitoring
both the physical and the mental/emotional processes. As such this
observation of symptoms allows the yogi to alter such activities for
health and spiritual function.
As the breath and prana affects consciousness, the mind and
emotions, it also affects our beliefs and karma, just as our
judgments, beliefs, and karma effect the mind, emotions, prana,
breath, and physical body. Here the yogi one distinguishes between
karmic breathing and the wisdom breath (jnana prana). here the nadis
are purified and opened, then the subtle energetics that flow in the
ida and pingala nadis are harmonized and synchronized activating the
evolutionary potential (kundalini). Then the circuitries are further
integrated and aligned with the primal source residing in the karana
sharira Such a conscious relationship between mind, body, breath,
emotions, creation (as manifest in all living systems in nature),
and beginningless Source (Divine creativity) becomes a continuous
conscious dynamic integrated in All our Relations.
So as a spiritual practice, wise yogis use these interactions to
destroy energy blockage karma and thus gain liberation. The above is
a short outline of these processes. What we will describe further is
the process of refining the breath and prana, activating the subtle
and causal bodies, and operating consciously from there with full
awareness, thus ridding ourselves from dualistic illusion.
Although we all started with beginningless Source, we will start our
brief discussion here with the gross or coarse body called the
sthula sharira. As shown above this corresponds to the annamaya
kosha of Ayurveda and the Nirmanakaya (or form body of the Buddha).
The Manifestation Body, the Gross Body, Sthula Sharira, Annamaya
kosha, and Nirmana Kaya (vehicle of the Buddhas)
The salient feature of these bodies is that the outer bodies are
intimately connected with the core/heart body (causal body) at all
times to a lesser or greater extent. The inner and outer, up and
down, crown and root, left and right, ha and tha, female and male
are connected, harmonized, and married. The point of yoga is to open
up the pathways of these connections (whose channels have become
obstructed) and to activate and harmonize these networks and
circuitry as a high functioning seamless whole. Then the human body
becomes the manifestation body (nirmanakaya) reflecting the
undiluted teachings of the primordial Buddha (dharmakaya) in body,
speech, and mind.
So it is here again that all the koshas and the three bodies either
act in harmony and are activated and integrated (in yoga) or they
are disconnected (in a relative sense). When these connections are
obstructed or unempowered then stress, conflict, confusion, lack of
internal self regulation, lack of inspiration, disease (mental or
physical vyadhis) and other maladies are more often present. When
the sthula sharira becomes entirely disconnected from the causal
body, then physical death occurs (the nirmanakaya form body of that
particular incarnation of the Buddha disintegrates. This alters the
subtle body which either itself may also disintegrate or else if it
has become spiritually matured and attuned to the causal body's
influence, it will continue on it's own in an altered state (bardo)
without the sthula sharira.
Here it is yoga which makes the connections opening up and inspiring
the lower two bodies to light and spirit. Yoga binds us all together
with the common unconditioned heart/core center which is eternal --
the central axis of the universe found deep in the anandamaya kosha.
Since this is an intertwined system, all other bodies have pathways
to the other. The energetics of the physical body are influenced by
the more subtle energetics of the energy body (sukshma sharira) as
well as the quality of the pathways with the causal body (karana
sharira). Vice versa, the physical body (sthula sharira) is
influenced by its relationship with the subtle and causal body.
In other words there exists a two way street between all three
bodies (or all five koshas) and thus such activities as hatha yoga
asana practice, breath work, certain herbs, drugs, and other
activities on what is considered the the physical level can
influence the subtle body and one's connections to the infinite
unconditioned (causal body). Indeed there are many physical
practices (remember nothing is entirely physical but all the bodies
simultaneously coexist in space) which make these pathways whole and
aligned. There are types of physical movements and breathing
techniques that clear out the nadis, activate the circuitry, and
remove karma creating yoga, the gross breath being a gross
representation of the interaction between the energy body and the
physical/coarse body.
So in asana, pranayama, bandha, mudra, visualization, concentration,
and pratyhara practices do we work the gross to activate and realize
the subtle body and causal bodies, or do we call on the causal and
subtle bodies to activate the physical -- manifest the Buddha nature
in Buddha activity. The answer is both, and at the same time.
When young and just beginning we use the hatha yoga practices (trul
khor in Tibetan) to become aware of the subtle energetics, to the
clean the nadis (energy channels), enliven and activate the dormant
evolutionary circuits, and align more harmoniously in a vital way
the yantras of the three bodies (which when united form one)
utilizing movement, breath, concentration (dharana), and awareness.
This two way street activates and purifies the subtle body which
acts increasingly consciously as the wise director and organizer of
the body and on the otter hand it also purifies, activates, and
aligns the gross physical body so that more spirit, light,
inspiration, and creative force manifests from it (the form body of
the Buddha as the nirmanakaya is empowered as skillful activity of
body, speech, and mind. In short the energy is neither drawn
exclusively "up" to the subtle body, nor is it exclusively drawn
down into the physical as spirit's manifestation, but rather the
energy is mutually synchronistic -- flowing in both directions and
no direction continuously.
Instead of looking at this yogic process as artificially
constructing a jeweled ship or anything else that is contrived piece
by piece, rather the correct view for the yogi is to accept these
energetics as allowing the innate intelligent circuitry to
simultaneously arise in its primordial natural state because the
krama and obstructions (the pre-existing artificial programming is
becoming removed).
The infant and youth being new from the dharmakaya (great
undifferentiated space) are naturally curious, interested, and
preoccupied in exploring the territory of embodiment -- bringing
spirit down into manifestation, but instead of seeing this
experience as part of the Great Continuum in the overall context of
the marriage of emptiness and form (Shiva/Shakti) they too often
fall into forgetfulness through negative conditioning, forgetting
whence they came and hence the nature of "Reality". An artificial
wall becomes constructed between the realms of form and space and
the energetic flow of Spirit becomes slowly strangulated ending in
physical death and disintegration, normally.
They are prevented from being acclimated fully to Buddha's manifest
body (nirmanakaya) and fail to wake up and express the non-dual
transpersonal love which is inherent in the evolutionary power. Once
they have become accustomed to being choked off from this energy
flow (numbed out as it were), then they will continue to deny its
reality and armor around belief systems that reinforce separate
dualistic mindset of the egoic mind. In that way they have become
mesmerized by the world of "I" and "it" having bought into the lie
of a materialistic world of dead phenomena or things devoid of
living spirit.
Here the sheaths are pierced through if one is lucky or is so
inclined and focused bringing forth fruition, manifestation, and
In the stage of midlife, one is attempting to manifest and express
their creative/evolutionary power in their activities. That is the
summer of their life here the power manifests and flows forth
generously in wi8se action. In the autumn of life such activities
become more refined and subtilized if one is wise.
In the winter of life those who are preparing for the death of the
physical body (usually in old age) are more willing to give up such
an obsession/fixation. They are then more ripe to contemplate the
overall process of birth and death as parts of a larger picture -- a
greater beginningless and endless Continuum. They are more apt to
renounce the world that younger people depend upon, and thus become
concerned in practices that bring the energy back up into the subtle
and causal body integrating all the spheres and bodies on the most
subtle layers. A balanced and integrative practice can thus be most
effective through the gift of old age. Here one views this practice
as a both/and situation, mutually non-exclusive, as simple as the
inhalation and exhalation -- inspiration and expiration..
The Energy Body and Subtle Body (Sukshma Sharira) as Energetic
Matrix that Underlies and Governs the Physical (Sthula Sharira)
Instead of working from the sthula body in order to purify and
reestablish the subtle or causal interconnections, one can work the
physical directly from the subtle body once we have learned the
territory. In this way changing the circuitry in the subtle energy
body, will effect corresponding changes in the physical body. As
stated because the beginner's awareness is coarse and unrefined at
first, his awareness of the subtle body energetics is dull and
obstructed. So beginners usually must start with the sthula body,
purifying and activating its latent powers, opening up the nadis,
and sharpening the mind. Then through the awareness of the subtle
body, work from the subtle body into the physical (sthula) as well
as the karana (causal) bodies become more effective.
Here one starts to mature/evolve not only the physical body in a
natural way removing learned and accumulated impurities from the
physical, but also the subtle body is purified, activated, and
attuned it being capable of acting upon itself. The subtle body
(just like the gross body) becomes brighter as the gross body weighs
it down less. More light is available and shines forth. The mind and
emotions become less entangled in confusion and illusion, and the
subtle body's connections with the causal body (anandamaya kosha)
are strengthened. New spiritual strength becomes available within
one's physical and psychic space.
Now the transformed subtle body, becomes the bright body as one
moves consciously from this more causal space. This is Buddha's
bliss body of the sambhogakaya. Here one works with the nadis, prana,
kundalini, chakra system, time, and space energetically. Guidance
from the matured vijnanamaya kosha no longer is governed by ego,
intellect, and will power but having been cleared out from dualistic
distractions and dissipations, it then can access the wisdom
storehouse as the alayavijnana ( the akashic records ort storehouse
consciousness) which in their maturity exist beyond the normal
limitations of time and space, yet still have form. Such dimensions
become easily accessible naturally and effortlessly as the will and
intellect no longer dominate the the lower two bodies -- as the
subtle energy body becomes purified, energized, and stabilized in
the transformed vijnanamaya kosha.
As more refinement is made (as karmic impediments are removed), the
siddhis, the psychic powers like astral travel, levitation,
supramundane knowledge, etc. occur by themselves when called for.
Thus the subtle body before maturity may look as though it is
striated with Dark Energy Blockages and Black Negative karmic
massgray, occluded, dense, coarse, full of emotional and mental
turmoil, heavy laden, unhappy, rife with kleshas, and disease, but
as yoga's fruits are realized, it is purified, refined, activated,
inspired, empowered, and integrated into the subtler light body, the
bright body, an astral body, and/or angelic body motivated no longer
by the kleshas but rather imbued by love and light - an emissary of
the Mother of All creativity.
The Matrix of the Universe and Universal Soul: the Soul Body, the
Causal Body (Karana Sharira), the Anandamaya kosha, the Dharmakaya
Vehicle of all Buddhas are only different names for the same thing;
The chakras above the head. As the energy body (sukshma sharira)
becomes cleaned out, matures, empowered, and evolves then the
practitioner may channel the reality of the subtle body to energise
the physical, to energize the voice, and to activate and creatively
inspire, Power Up!! one's thought processes.
For example our bodily actions, speech, and thoughts are now
quickened as a reflection from the activated sukshma sharira. The
presence of the higher chakras is channeled through and now shines
through the physical space that we occupy. Likewise when we do
healing we act by channeling the energy of the higher chakras
through the energy body first. The physical body starts to
retrain/organize itself around this activated energy body of light.
Here the energy body and the coarse physical body act harmoniously
and as one.
Likewise as we meditate or do other spiritual practice we start from
the subtle body. This allows us to clear out the most subtle
pathways that lead in and out of the causal body (anandamaya kosha,
karana sharira, or dharmakaya (the primordial formless body of all
the Buddhas). Here the body of light becomes fully charged,
inspired, and spiritualized reinforcing its connections with the
immutable body, causal body, diamond heart, or vajra body. The
dharmakaya represents that which can not be represented nor defined,
the formless realm outside of time and space -- the eternal
primordial abode of all the Buddhas -- That place which has always
been with us intimately from the beginningless beginning, that
core/heart deepest place which we have never left except in
delusion. Here the end of ignorance (avidya) is realized and hence
the end of suffering and bondage. Thus the anandamaya kosha is full
bliss and beauty when the gateway of the sahasrara chakra has been
So what characteristics does this formless disembodied have? Are we
limited then in addressing how the Buddha's bodies manifest in the
gross and subtle bodies only? Certainly we can describe the pathways
to the causal body easily and we can also describe how it
"manifests" when the pathways have been cleared out (granted the
pure causal body requires a subtle and/or coarse body to manifest).
So as the connections between the subtle body and the causal body
are cleaned out and opened , there eventually occurs sympathetic
harmony and attunement between all the bodies and sheaths which then
occurs naturally and spontaneously as Grace without effort, will, or
decision. This happens when the Energy Blockages - old habits (vasana),
samskaras (old psychic imprints and traumas), kleshas, and karma
become eliminated thus illuminating the self luminous disclosing the
true Nature of Being and Consciousness in Satchitananda.
The Seed Body, the Golden
Seed, the Divine Body, Hiranyagarbha Kosha, the Tathagatagarbha Womb
of all Buddhas
The chakras become more powerful yet at a higher frequency, more
fine, less dense as they go higher. Deep within the anandamaya kosha
after all the karma has been cleaned up, there is only a seed
AHere there is no sthula, sukshma, nor even karana shariras, the
latter only in seed form. As such this is Siva in his absolute
formless state, attributeless, nirguna, timeless but replete.
Here the unbounded essence of the mystery is unclothed, known
without words in its utterless nakedness. Here the mystery of
absolute emptiness (sunyata) devoid of any constituent thing and
absolutely complete is represented as the infinite buddha potential
that permeates all of time and space (the Tathagatagarbha). Here in
the birthless state rebirth takes place or not. If it does it is not
a birth driven by karma or conditions, but a divine birth ,motivated
by pure unconditional love.
This is the essential of all the essentials -- the heart of hearts (hridayam)
-- the causal essence which itself has no cause -- the seed and womb
-- containing the seed of all seeds, the impetus and chalice both,
known HERE all ways, by the virtue of no words and no concepts -- by
acceptance and non-acceptance -- by not doing and not not doing --
by being and not being -- through blessed peace -- through her
Grace. I bow over and over and over again.
Physical Death
So what happens at the time of physical death when the sthula
sharira disconnect from the other two bodies? This depends upon the
maturing and evolutionary state of the subtle body. If the subtle
body has not evolved, then the subtle body having not established or
completed the pathways to Infinite Spirit still is subject to karma.
It must work out its mental, emotional, and belief system conflicts
(karma, vasana, klesha, and samskaras). These resolve themselves by
themselves according to the uniqueness of one's karma and desire
body. Here the sambhogakaya becomes a desire body and reincarnates
driven by the winds of one's past karmic formations.
Secondly, at this time of physical death, there is a greater window
of opportunity to realize one's timeless nature, the grace of the
dharmakaya as one is no longer attached to worldly dissipations.
Here having matured the subtle body to a certain extent either
through good krama or yoga, one may be able to recognize the clear
light of one's essential nature and forging through toward realizing
one's true nature. This can result in the activation of the matured
subtle body (the bliss body aspect of the sambhogakaya) where one
can chose one's destiny either to reincarnate consciously (in order
to work out more karma) or work out the remaining karma in the bliss
body state, then achieve total reintegration reabsorption into the
dharmakaya (anandamaya kosha).
If one still has earthly karma to work out, then one can rest in the
soul of the earth, the mother of creativity as she manifest on this
planet, and gain nurture and inspiration from there. Here one can
rest, become at one, and merge with the matrix of this entire world
-- the entire manifest universe or other Nirmanakaya system,
reincarnating/manifesting there as a conscious soul with universal
consciousness. yet if ones yoga and forged pathways has not been
strong, then a certain amount of forgetfulness is risked. What
appears to be the common situation is that from the perspective of
the matured subtle body there is a tendency to overlook the
pollution problems of reincarnating in realms where ignorance,
karma, klesha, and coarseness reign. Yet without a physical
manifestation body (nirmanakaya) it is difficult to reach/interact
with beings who are so the impurity of attachment
must be wisely considered (when contemplating whether or not to
Thirdly, those who have worked with the physical and subtle bodies
in yoga in their past life and/or through extremely fortunate karma
in past lives, or otherwise through Grace, then gather up their
consciousness and energy consciously into the subtle body and from
there having forged the connections to the karana sharira
consciously bathe in pure bliss of undiluted love. Here one
understands that the yogic practice of pratyhara is not as much of
an energetic gathering up and withdrawal from the dissipations and
attachment to the objectified/externalized world of gross
materialism (attachment to impermanence always creates a
disintegration and corruption in the end), but further more it is
simply a redirection of energy through focusing attention. Here the
astral body (sukshma sharira) actually simply empowers itself, not
as a separate entity, not as a body, but as an open pathway to the
divine -- knowing oneself as an integral instrument and limb of the
Great Integrity having re-found its place in the great magnitude and
magnificence that orders all things as it is in its natural,
spontaneous, and perfect intelligent expression.
To sum up, in the winter of life one is gifted by recognizing the
circumstance of the body, and are more willing to give up
obsession/fixations with materiality. On the other hand an
unprepared non-yogin may needlessly become frightened at the
possibility of loosing all they are familiar with. That is because
they have entered into the sleep of forgetfulness -- they have
forgotten the continuity which they have left behind in infancy.
At the time of physical death people naturally ripe to contemplate
the overall process of birth and death as elements of the larger
picture -- a greater beginningless and endless Continuum. They can
then enter into practices that bring the energy back into the subtle
and astral body (sukshma Sharira) and hence commune deeply while
still in the body with the causal body being able to integrate all
the spheres and bodies on the most subtle layers .Through the gift
of old age these subtle interfaces or vectors are known while one's
practice becomes increasingly subtilized. It is as simple as the
inhalation and exhalation -- inspiration and expiration-- the
miracle of the breath -- the cosmic symphony and great swara..
This all encompassing/pervasive undistracted and unfiltered rainbow
light that shines forth through the subtle body signals total
re-integration with infinite beginningless eternal Source -- the
dharmakaya. Here the subtle body becomes the rainbowlight body,
diamond heart, or the vajra (indestructible body) signaling the
total realignment and and ultimate manifestation of the unmanifest.
Although this manifests through the subtle body, it is the result of
an integration with the timeless causal/source body. In total
reintegration there is no association/alignment with the human form
per se.
When one has lost all specific limited ersatz identifications and
bias-- as all karma has become cleansed -- as all attachments cease,
then the Universal Soul of the Creative/Evolutionary power springs
forth like a raincloud of universal dharma -- the essence seed of
creativity itself -- the mother/father of all creativity manifests
in an instant that lasts forever-- endlessly in the entire
multiverse all at once. One becomes at once, the Universal Soul of
the entire Universe, its seed, and its all pervading matrix
non-exclusively. All barriers are lifted for such a jubilant yogi.
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The Antahkarana or Axis Mundi is the Psychic Tower of Connection
between Heaven and Earth along which are strung all the Infinity of Chakras
which end in God, of which you contain seven within your body.
connection with Chakras outside the body like the Soul we connect with Infinite
Pure Spiritual Energies which create Health, Wealth, Abundance, Super
Intelligence and Genius
Learn Methods of
Accessing Infinite Energy.
The Energy of the Soul. The Energy of the Monad.
The Energy of the Logos. the Energy of the Avatar of Synthesis. Perhaps access
to Ascended masters and our past lives.
The Alchemical Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Trismegistus describes the Macrocosmic Orbi
of the Chinese Alchemical Taoists, the Sufi Alchemists and of Energy
lie, certain and most true:
What is below is is like
what is above, and what is above is like what is below, to accomplish the
miracle of the One thing.
In truth,
and without Lie, And just as all things have been from the one, so also they are
born from this one thing by adaptation.
HOLY TRINITY - HERMES TRISMEGISTUS.. Its father is the sun father, its mother the earth The connection
between the two, the holy spirit or ananda has borne it.
This one thing is the father of all things.
Its power
is perfect, after it has been united with the earth.
In the
center of the earth is the
Nuclear fire/philosophers stone which separates, transmutes,
purifies, the subtle from the dense, positive spiritual energy from negative
energies with gentle heat and much devotion.
In great
measure, The Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit, it ascends from earth to heaven, descends again
toward earth, and receives the force, The Energies of External Chakras, of the things above and below.
Thus you will possess the glory of the world, all DARKNESS shall
flee away from thee.
This is
the force of all force, it will overcome everything subtle, and penetrate
everything solid.
For this
reason I am called Hermes Trismegistus "Hiram
Telat Machasot"- one in essence, but three in aspect.
In this trinity is the wisdom of the whole world.
tablet closes:
And so I have been called: Hermes Trismegistus - thrice greatest, having the three parts of the
philosophy of the world – THE HOLY TRINITY and SAT CHID ANAND, - THE FATHER, THE
Here we
are concerned not only with the amount of Energy, but also with the quality, the
height of the vibration of the energy which alone determines the height of our
Enhancement Synthesis of Light teaches 28 ancient and effective techniques to
enable you to achieve control of your mind, an enhanced IQ, control over all
your negative emotions, anger, fear, depression on the path of the ultimate
Samadhi and enlightenment itself.
Enhancement techniques have catapulted people years in their meditational
experience in weeks. Some 5 years, some jump 10 times further! It helps people
worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!!
Here we are concerned not
only with the amount of Energy, but also with the quality, the height of the vibration
the energy which alone determines the height of our Evolution.
MS (Ireland)
Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational Company
And so I have been called: Hermes Trismegistus - thrice greatest, having the three parts of the
philosophy of the world – THE HOLY TRINITY and SAT CHID ANAND, - THE FATHER, THE
Note that Hermes Trismegistus
in the picture above holds a sphere representing the Earth in his right hand and
with his left is pointing at the globe beneath the sun. He is pointing out that
the lower globe as well as representing the head also represents the Earth
"According to myth,
after the Sun sets, it shines in Tartaros. Therefore the Central Fire of
Kundalini Chakra, the Fierce 5000 degree Celsius Nuclear Fires in the Center
of the Earth, is known as the Dark Sun, the Black Sun, the Invisible Sun, the
Subterranean Sun and the Volcanic Sun, and there is a paradoxical unity between
the Sun and the Underworld"
Energy Enhancement Techniques show you
how to absorb the Spiritual Energy of the Sun through the Crown Chakra and to
absorb the Energy of the Earth through the Base Chakra - To increase your Mind
Energy and IQ, your Health Energy, Your Emotional Peace Energy and Loving Love
Energy. Using Easy, Time Tested and Incredibly Successful Techniques from 5000
Years of Spiritual Technology which work on you in less than a day!!
"As Above so below" The
infinite spiritual energy which is given by burning the congealed pain energy,
negative karmic mass, in the center of the Earth and circulating the purified
energy into the higher chakras, including the sun, and back again as revealed in
the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, The Kundalini Kriyas and the
Supra - Galactic Orbit of Energy Enhancement, has a direct relationship with
Free Infinite Nuclear Power and the Fusion power plants using the same
technology as the Sun - See the Galactic Federation Article Below...
The Goddesses Hathor and Isis,
and also the God-Bull Apis or Serapis all had..
A cup representing the Crown
Chakra - the Holy Grail collecting the Blood of Christ or the Energies of the
Sun Disc - the spiritual energies of the chakras above the head!!
Or the Bull Horns representing
the Cup representing the Holy Grail collecting the Blood of Christ or the
Energies of the Sun Disc - the spiritual energies of the chakras above the
The Bull, Like the Nandi Bull
found in Hindu Temples represents the Base Chakra and also the Base Proletariat.
50% of Humanity has an IQ of less than 100!!
Every Bullfight shows how to
manage humanity - by the vampire death of a thousand cuts!! Leaching energy drop
by drop.
For this reason Medical
Doctors in ancient times were called leaches as their purpose was not to heal,
but to keep you alive in ill health so that you would not revolt, so that they
could drain the life blood from you, drop by drop, and then charge you vast sums
for it!! A life of Nothing!! Born with Nothing! Everything Stolen from
You! Dying of Cancer with Nothing!!
Energy Enhancement Free Energy and The Galactic Federation - Angels Of Light
"On behalf of the Galactic
Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy of planet Earth, we greet you. We would
like to assure you that we are of the Light, and that we come to you in the
service of your Creator to assist and advise you so that you may better
understand and react to the changes which will soon be upon you and your planet"
We return with more to discuss with you. Right now, our Earth allies are
finishing what has been a very protracted roller-coaster ride with the dark,
full of sudden dips and surprises at every turn. Despite these challenges the
allies rallied, determined to ensure that the endless dark "tricks" did not
derail their objectives. Their dark adversaries are getting quite agitated and
panicky over the fact that their usual round of games has not worked, and that
the control they have been accustomed to wielding for millennia is slipping from
their grasp. Agreement upon agreement signed by our Earth allies and their new
partners continues to make it increasingly difficult for the dark cabal to
maintain its age-old pattern of fear-mongering and ever-tightening manipulation.
Indeed, these tactics are falling flat, and the sole remaining tool of any
consequence is control of the mass corporate media, which continues to paint a
picture of reality using lies and none-too-subtle innuendo. While this adds
further to the public's level of frustration, it also indicates to our Earth
allies that the dark old bag of tricks is almost empty.
This increasing constriction of the dark's dominion means that the allies can
implement some key agreements that have been signed with several nations,
enabling them to move a large amount of gold into place to back up the new hard
currency system. Concurrently, a number of banking reforms have been executed in
many nations, which can prevent the casino-trading and money-laundering that
plagues the current banking regulations and that almost brought down the world
economy some months back. As these new banking accords come on line, the
pressure upon the USA Corporation to relinquish its stranglehold builds
The Federal Reserve System is
the crux of the matter. The Fed Main Bank needs to be collapsed in order to
allow the execution of those critical reforms whose first task is to dismantle
what remains of this entity. This sets the stage for global debt forgiveness
which is essential to the successful launching of the new system, as presently
there is enough fraud-based debt to rapidly sink any new financial system!
This is why universal debt forgiveness needs to be announced swiftly. As the new
banking system kicks in, the vast illegal debt of the old system must be
cancelled. This requisite is pivotal. You are embarking on a process that is to
lead, quite shortly, to worldwide prosperity. You also need to transform the
roadblocks that have kept you in a "global sack" and easily manipulated by the
dark cabal. This house-cleaning will usher in your freedom and the new
technologies which are to make possible things that now seem magical, like
houses and skyscrapers erected from scratch in just 72 hours, and an aerial
magnetic lifter that moves people and materials from one side of the globe to
the other in less than an hour. There are to be small on-site nuclear generators
that work without the need of a national grid. This technology is
multidimensional in nature and is a product of spiritual science, which is
consciousness-based. It is to quite transform your scientific paradigm. This
world of adventure awaits the removal of the old order, which is hanging by a
All this is getting close. Your world sits in the eye of a giant financial storm
system that can push your society back into a state of economic turmoil worse
than the one you thought you were digging yourselves out of in the past months.
The dark knows this and wants to go out with a horrendous roar. Our Earth allies
are working against the clock to make sure that this potential "sword of
Damocles" does not fall upon us. Their strategy is to starve this dark-based
system into submission by preventing the cabal from having access to the
numerous assets by which it renews and expands its vast empire of bogus wealth.
This operation is succeeding, forcing the cabalists to constantly reassess their
survival strategy. At the core of this dark empire lies the Federal Reserve,
with its fraudulent system of wealth accumulation and distribution. The collapse
of this entity is the priority and will open the floodgates of change.
This war of attrition against the Fed and the old financial system is up against
time. Many financial debts in the old system are reaching a point of critical
mass, generating concerns about how quickly the dismantling of the old can be
done. Our Earth allies are nearly at the stage where the old monetary system can
be imploded. Plans are in place to set up the new system swiftly and replace the
global fiat currencies with new regional systems. These six regions form the
backbone of what the global abundance programs are to create. A rapid deflation
is the first task of the new system. Like water finding its own level, the hard
currencies must seek their natural intrinsic value. This value can be anywhere
from 10 - 33% of the present costs of food, clothing, and housing. The authentic
value of precious metals, based on a return to pre-manipulated supply and
demand, will spontaneously find its true worth.
Most things in your world are vastly overpriced. Moreover, as prosperity sets in
and new technologies begin to have an impact, prime components of your global
economy will morph out of all recognition.
With Fourth Generation Nuclear
Power Plants which are 300 times more efficient at burning Uranium and Thorium -
which comes from the Indian Mines in Kashmir - the Indian Politicians are
joking, "Fast Breeders for Fast Breeders!!" - which means that just with the
Uranium you have already mined you can have free electricity for 100.000 years!!
These power plants - like the PRISM Reactor jointly built by Hitachi and GE,
burn 99% of the Uranium leaving very little waste product to get rid of. For
example the current PWR reactors only burn 3% of the uranium, so you can see
that this technology is far in advance of what you humans have been able to
achieve until now. Bill Clinton stopped the project at the Argonne National
Laboratories which invented these IFS Reactors in 1996. Many Countries in the east
are already implementing these power plants and they will be online in 2020 with
many more by 2050. You can look this up in Google!!
With almost free power your
society can then begin to move beyond the need for money, becoming an
exploratory precursor to a galactic society. Your current economic model is
predicated on scarcity and vampirism on what is left with no real wealth or
creativity except for methods to vampire steal money from others.
It is perpetuated by a level of technology purposefully unequal to solving this
prime defect as anything which could have solved the power problem has been
buried for the simple reason that when Tesla invented free broadcast power
systems 80 years ago, JP Morgan asked, "Where do I put the power meter so I can
charge" Tesla said, "But its Free!" Tesla's laboratories burnt down the next day. Devices that can remedy these built-in shortfalls are ready to be
introduced by your interim governments, and also soon by us. Even your basic
reliance on farming can be easily solved: vegetables need only 2% of the present
land currently devoted to killing Cows which has nothing to do with Universal
Love. As Universal Love gets implemented by Grounding Negative Energies, all pain will cease. This Free energy
technology provides clothing, shelter, and related accoutrements like
desalination of sea water for free, run your car on lithium batteries using the
Tesla Electric Engine - 200BHP in a motor the size of a melon with no moving
parts, no grease, no oil, clean, all magnetic, - see the Tesla Roadster online
now!! 0 to 60MPH in 3 seconds!! Faster than a Maserati. With free
power also for free instantaneously. As you can imagine, the very nature of your
global society is hereby transformed at a stroke!
A prime intent of your rise in consciousness is to remove you from dependence on
your environment, which is manifestly having such a deleterious effect on the
overall health of Mother Earth's ecology. Vegetables need only 2% of the present
land currently devoted to killing Cows. With the means provided by a
spirit-based science of Energy Enhancement to Ground all the Negative Energies to progress beyond burdening your planet's ecology, you can
begin to step into the role of steward and spiritual caretaker of Mother Earth
and her diverse life systems. You stand on the brink of an epic transformation
that equips you with abilities beyond those that even your most ambitious
futurists can come up with! You are to be released from the subservient roles
you were saddled with 13,000 years ago and returned to your true positions as
physical Angels-co-creators of physicality. In this role you are to become the
great Lights of your new star-nation!
Consciousness is a superb tool for using divine knowledge to carry out the
divine plan. The Creator divided this Creation into two realms, the spiritual
and the physical, and put us in as mediators and caretakers of the physical
realms. This is what the great mysteries of your religions are all about. The
Anunnaki came and saw that you had been greatly reduced, and decided to afflict
you further with their rules and self-aggrandizing pronouncements. You knew no
better and believed them. Your history, both recorded and "lost," is awash with
their manipulative schemes and convenient half-truths. You were divided and kept
at each other's throats, bewildered, lowly, and powerless. Now comes the time to
transform all this and return you to the beautiful, Loving Beings filled with
Universal Love that you were created to be!
Today, we continued our discussions. Look upon what is happening as a vast
gateway that is, at last, being opened to you. First contact is merely the last
adventure in an odyssey consisting of 13 millennia of knowledge gathering, which
you are now about to use to unfold the glory that is Creation. Know, dear Ones,
in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of
Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It!
Important Galactic Terms
You Need To Understand
The Cabal: A
Geoplutocratic "Elite" Bent On Global Domination
Ascension: Process whereby individual integrates physical body with spiritual
(soul) and astral bodies, the chakras above the head and which permits him to
become fully conscious.
Full Consciousness: State of unlimited reality where physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual bodies are fully integrated by the removal of energy blockages.
Denotes full use of now-untapped mental and spiritual capabilities: possession
of light body and full range of psychic abilities, such as telepathy and
telekinesis: capacity to instantly manifest what is physically desired: and full
rapport with spiritual and other higher dimensions. Not as fully integrated with
higher dimensions as Ascended Master. Another term for fully conscious Galactic
Merkaba: Another name for one's Light Body. Part of full consciousness, when
spiritual, astral and physical bodies are integrated. Allows self to shrink to
baseball size (ball of light) and to travel anywhere, instantly with full
psychic protection.
Galactic Human: Fully conscious human being. Also called physical Angel, with
full recall of its akashic past life records and true life purpose.
Important Galactic
You Need To Understand
The Holy Ones
Angels: Divine messengers of Mother/Father God. Immortal Beings of Light, or
Divine Spirit. Entrusted to orchestrate the means by which Divine Plan will be
carried out.
Archangels: Highest ranking Beings of Light in Angelic Realms. In charge of
Avatars, Suns and Planets the many tasks needed to carry out Divine Plan of
Mother/Father God.
Ascended Master: Being of Light that has had past life or lives on Earth During
Earth time, achieved full consciousness of highest level, merging spirit and
body into Oneness that transcended all elements of Physical Creation. This
Oneness created Angel-like Being that broke the strictures of karma and was able
to serve as holy example for all humanity. Ascended Masters now serve on Holy
Councils that assist humanity with its present Ascension process.
Council of the Nine: Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light
of Sacred Creation. One of the Chief Councils of Lord Siraya. In this galaxy,
the sacred Blue Lodge is housed in the Sirius-B star system.
Creation: Infinite and continuous work of Mother/Father God. Consists of two
aspects: Physical Creation (the human realm) and Spiritual Creation (the
infinite dimensional realms of Spirit). Unfolds according to Divine Plan.
Deva Kingdom: Physical Elementals who aid Angelic Realms and Councils of Elohim
in formulating and maintaining many elements that make up Physical Creation.
Divine Plan: Holy and divine blueprint of Mother/Father God. Through it, the
many Creations are carried out.
Elohim: Chief inter-dimensional Creator Beings. Take sacred spiritual energies
given by Angelic Realms and help Angels to formulate and maintain Physical
Creation, according to Divine Plan.
Jesus Christ: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came to teach humanity about
workings of the Heart, Love and its corollary — power of forgiveness. Showed how
to use his teachings to Ascend to the higher Chakras. One of the great
prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate
Mother/Father God.
Lord Buddha: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came here to teach humanity
about workings of Intellect and Compassion and how to use it to break constant
cycle of Karma and thereby Ascend to the higher Chakras. One of the great
prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate
Mother/Father God.
Lord Kuwaya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of overseeing primary
energies of Creation that are needed to carry out Divine Plan. Supervises, along
with Lord Siraya, unfolding of Divine Plan.
Lord Metatron: One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim. Assigned by
Mother/Father God to be in charge of this present Creation, which is sixth of
ten Creations provided for by Divine Plan.
Lord Michael: Magnificent Being of Light and major Archangel. Duty is to inform
the many Archangels how best to carry out Mother/Father God's divine Plan.
Lord Siraya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of sacred Lineage and
Councils of Heaven, that carry out Divine Plan. All Divine minions of Heaven
follow his holy pronouncements.
Mother/Father God: Supreme Creative Force or Supreme Light of Creation. Consists
of three immortal and powerful creative aspects, of which only two — Lord Siraya
and Lord Kuwaya — have been revealed. God's purpose is to unfold Creation
according to Divine Plan.
Spiritual Hierarchy: Sacred structure that represents holy lineage of Heaven.
Consists of the Angelic Realms, the Deva Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, the many
Orders of the Elohim and the numerous Divine Councils
The Ascension Process
Akashic Records: Life records of all souls that have spent lifetime in Physical
Creation. Records document in great detail each event that occurred during all
moments of every lifetime.
Ascension: Process whereby individual integrates physical body with chakras
above the head and below the base spiritual (soul) and astral bodies, and which
permits him to become fully conscious.
Astral Body: Non-physical body. Also refers to means whereby soul is attached to
physical body. Usually one travels to lower realms of Astral Plane (higher
physical dimensions) during sleep or dream states when conscious the astral
plane is too low and we ascend in sleep to higher chakras.
Aura: Electromagnetic field that surrounds body and is given off by Life
energies that vivify body.
Chakra: Life energy centers of body. Bodies of limited conscious beings contain
seven major centers or chakras. In fully conscious beings, there are about
thirteen such major life energy centers located in and above physical body.
Full Consciousness: State of unlimited reality where physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual bodies are fully integrated. Denotes full use of now-untapped
mental and spiritual capabilities: possession of light body and full range of
psychic abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis: capacity to instantly
manifest what is physically desired: and full rapport with spiritual and other
higher dimensions. Not as fully integrated with higher dimensions as Ascended
Master. Another term for fully conscious Galactic Human.
Galactic Human: Fully conscious human being. Also called physical Angel, with
full recall of its akashic records and true life purpose.
Karma: Congealed Pain; the Result of interactions with other sentient beings.
Principal means whereby each lifetime is judged. Creates cycles that determine
nature of one's next lifetime. In the coming age, divine grace will break karmic
cycle by the grounding of negative energies. "The Karma which is to come can be
Light Worker: Enlightened Earth dweller who works with Ascended Masters and
Angelic Realms to bring message of Ascension and new Age of Light to general
public. Can be either an enlightened Earth soul (one who has been caught in
karma cycle of many Earth lifetimes) or a star seed.
Merkaba: Another name for one's Light Body. Part of full consciousness, when
spiritual, astral and physical bodies are integrated. Allows self to shrink to
baseball size and to travel anywhere, instantly with full psychic protection.
Ritual: Usually specific set of procedures done on regular basis, with defined
purpose or goal. Prime example of sacred ritual is group's or individual's use
of meditation or vision quest to achieve divine purpose, e.g., to heal Earth or
to better self.
Spirit: Soul or non-corporeal part of every living thing. Also refers to Beings
of Light that assist in alleviating the daily struggles of human existence.
Thought Form: Energy Blockage Entity created by one's own thought, or by the
thought of another individual or group. Capable of affecting health or behavior
of unsuspecting (or unprotected) person.
The Galactic Federation
Action Team: Special Galactic Federation crews trained to complete specific task
as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Divine Intervention: Sacred God-granted mass landing operation of the Galactic
Federation and the Angelic Realms. Being done through divine grace to return
God's WILL to planet Earth, and to give the gift of full consciousness to Mother
Earth's children.
Evacuation Scenario: Special operation that is precursor to mass landing
operation. Will be used to quickly evacuate Earth-dwellers who live in regions
exposed to catastrophes created by the coming Earth changes. Specially-created
Galactic Federation action teams will successfully carry out this procedure.
Fluid Management: Primary organizing axiom of the Galactic Federation. Such full
conscious organizations are non-hierarchical and goal-oriented. Rely mainly on
talents, leadership and accord of its members.
Galactic Federation: Light union created over four million years ago by various
stellar civilizations in this galaxy. Divine purpose: to act as Physical Angels
needed to carry out divine fate prophesied long ago for Milky Way Galaxy.
Governing Council: Main ruling body of a planet, solar system or star league.
Governed by the principles of fluid management. At present, over 200,000 such
organizations are members of the Galactic Federation.
MS (Ireland)
Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational Company
The Art Card challenges us to
look inward. The process of integration no longer needs outside influences. You
must look within yourself to find the hidden treasure.
The Alchemical Union of Fire
and Water formerly above the heads in the "Fool" Card has now moved to the
center of the Art Card.
This Art
card is giving instructions on how to Integrate. How to take the separated parts
of the Selfish Competitive Ego. How to Transmute them. How to Purify them. How
to create One-ness out of them.
connection between fire and water, light and dark, male and female, death and
rebirth is an inner process. The integration of opposites is the first step to
all-encompassing unity. Opposing forces are combined into a new form of being.
This ART
Card is the consummation of the process started on the Marriage of the Emperor
and the Empress on the "Lovers" card. - The High Art of Transformation of
Transmutation, of Purification. Because it is only the blockages which prevent
the completion of the process of The Unity of Enlightenment.
This Card is
giving Instructions on how to Remove and Transmute Energy Blockages as a major
part of the Process of Transfiguration, of Illumination.
The Large
Sun with VITRIOL within it symbolises the combining of the Chakra in the Center
of the Universe - The Soul - SOL - Chakra with the Chakra in the Center of the
The Chakra
in the Center of the Earth is the Source of all Kundalini Shakti - the fountain
of energy which entering into the body through the Base Chakra purifies the
other chakras of all their impurities.
As the
energies of the central Spiritual Sun fall into the Earth Chakra in the center
of the earth so any negativity which is caught up in that energy as it passes
through your chakras is burnt up in the nuclear fires in the center of the
In this case
the Earth Chakra is symbolised by The Crescent Moon which also symbolises the Holy Grail capturing the Blood of Christ,
the Holy Spirit - The Chakra in the
Center of the earth capturing the Energy from the Center of the Universe.
Symbols also appear in all other religions on this planet thus unifying all
religion on this planet at the level of energy.
The dress is
the colour of Green, from the Green man, The Fool, - the total creativity of the
Earth as the green trees spring eternally from the bosom of the earth as
Kundalini Shakti fountains from the earths center.
This is the
"Rectificando" of VITRIOL the rectification of the energy first it symbolises
purification - rectify, and then rectificando symbolises that the energy changes
direction as the negative energies burn up so they erupt from the center of the
earth into your base chakra. Heat. Kundalini Shakti.
We need to
keep our spines square to the tangent of the circle of the Earth at this point,
Squaring the Circle" to align with the energies "dropping as the gentle dew from
heaven upon its place beneath" - Shakespeare or Sheiks Pir and then returning to
the center of the universe - the Soul Chakra, Rectified.
with the inner meaning of VITRIOL - The Earth Chakra, it shows the necessity of
seeing all creativity coming from the nuclear generator in the Center of the
earth which has kept this earth warm and living for 4 Billions of years.
Grounding is Energy Enhancement Level 1,
Initiation 3.
It is the guided meditation behind the first Alchemical Formula - VITRIOL. This
is the Latin name for an acid which dissolves everything. It dissolves all
physical toxins; it also metaphysically dissolves and purifies all psychic toxins,
negativity, fear, anger and pain. It does this through earthing us, grounding us.
As electricity, the power of electricity can only be used when
it is earthed. Therefore, we can only function when we have our feet on the
ground. Firmly planted on the earth. Some people with blockages beneath the base
chakra may feel that we were not meant
to be on this planet. They do not feel at home here. They prefer to have their
heads in the clouds. "Hullo clouds, Hullo sky," said Fotherington Thomas. They
prefer to be ‘space jockeys’, thinking great ideas, and great thoughts, which
make them feel good.
Unless we can ground, unless we can earth these great
ideas. Unless we can manifest our thoughts in a practical down to earth way.
Unless we can DO. We may as well not be here. This is the use and purpose
of grounding. Through the practice of grounding we can plant our feet firmly on
the ground and manifest the Base Chakra - "I am here" in my place, naturally in
this earth, this universe, in a real, manifest, grounded, earthed way.
The formula describes a visualisation. A guided meditation and
not some chemical formula. The formula uses the letters as the first letters of
the words of the formula in Latin and corresponds to the 15th trump of the tarot
- Art (XV) See the Latin Words below written in the Sun in the Card of the Art
Tarot above...
The right leading of the
Transmuted energies which have just been
created as the energy falls from heaven into the earths center, along the
path of the true will or the soul.
Art is one of the Trump cards of the Tarot and is one of the
highest achievements of alchemy which is to transmute the negative energies held
in the lower chakras or sent to us, into positive energy to feed our evolution,
This is the secret of, use and virtue of, "The Philosophers
Stone" - That which transmutes Base metal into Gold. That which transmutes the
Negative Energies, stuck and blocked in the Base Chakra into pure clear
spiritual energies - the gold of the Sahasrara Chakra. The Secret of the Golden
Flower of Jung.
Many people, i.e. ‘Alchemists’, tried to find this physically.
They did not realise that the formula refers to a guided meditation to transmute
negative energies into positive energies.
The Art card shows the change of the white eagle into red, the
red lion into white, the lovers are now fused, integrated into an androgyne
figure as the energy falls from heaven into the alembic of the Chakra in the
Center of the Earth.
A multicoloured rainbow rises out of
burning of the water of the Emotions in the Fire in the Earths center - the
burning of the Trauma - Formed negative Karmic mass which surrounds and coats
each energy blockage.
This Negative Karmic
Mass is putrefaction, the putrefaction of
stuck and negative fears, pain, emotions and energies held in the lower triangle
of chakras in the human being. In you. This is symbolised by the raven perched on a skull in the
cauldron alembic.
The Meditative
Alchemical Vitriol ability to burn up negative energies and emotions in the
nuclear fires in the center of the earth chakra supplies us with energy from the
center of the earth chakra which enters into us through our base chakra. This
energy is called Kundalini Energy which is the fountain of Positive energy which
starts the process of removing all the other blockages from our internal
When energies do not flow,
when they are blocked by energy blockages, then they putrefy. This is the
cause of all infirmity, and disease, cancer, and heart attacks.
A rainbow is
created when these Negative Energies y are made to flow by the energy
enhancement VITRIOL visualisation of the Initiation, into the nuclear fire in
the Center of the Earth.
Thus we are taught how
to transmute, to change, negativity into positivity.
We learn how to use our
NKM, our negative energies, our energy blockages as fuel for our
evolution by means of VITRIOL as well as other techniques in the First Level of
the Three Levels of Energy Enhancement.
This is the formula for the Philosophers Stone which all
alchemists spent their lives searching for. It has the virtue of transforming
and transmuting base metal into gold.
To transform negativity, pain, anger and
fear into higher, purer energy. To purify the base chakra and transform its
energies into those of light.
Usually problems arise in an unbalanced awakening
of the Kundalini energies when impurities still reside in the system. However,
when these impurities are removed by the wonderful system of Energy Enhancement,
the Kundalini serpent power starts slowly to manifest in its safe and beautiful
Transmuting and transforming the negativities of each chakra in turn as the
energy rises up the spine towards the Crown chakra on top of the head. The
golden flower, the thousand petalled lotus, Sahasrara Chakra.
"That's why you are suffering. That's why you are poor --
because you have forgotten how to live on this earth! Nobody has taught you
how to live on this earth, how to love this earth. They have all taught you
that this earth is ugly, that it is a punishment that you have been sent
here, that you are not supposed to enjoy. If you enjoy, you will be sent
again. You are supposed to be very sad, detached. You have to renounce all
the joys of the earth so next time you don't have to be born, and then you
will enjoy heavenly pleasures.
Because these people have been talking too much about the "other world",
they have destroyed this world. I teach you this earth"
This very earth, the paradise. This very body the Buddha - OSHO
When this happens we know our true immortality as we pass from
body to body along the eons for thousands of years. This teaching is available
in the Levels of Energy Enhancement.
Kundalini Chakra and EE INITIATION 3 -
The Grounding of the Negative Energies
Swami Satchidanand
Kundalini Chakra giving the First Part of six in a sequence of talks about
Kundalini Chakra Energy Enhancement Meditation VITRIOL - Visita Interiora Terrae
Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem about the Kundalini Chakra and The
Grounding of the Negative Energies.
VITRIOL - Visita
Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Ocultem Lapidem - A guided meditation
from the alchemists and the alchemical taoists of China to transmute Trauma,
Negative Energies, Negative Karmic Mass in The Philosophers Stone in the
Kundalini chakra, in the centre of the Earth which transmutes base metal or
energy blockages into spiritual gold.
More Videos like this
about the Kundalini Chakra in the center of the earth, Heart Sutra - All sages
and sints live from the Highest Heart, Prajna Paramita from the chakras, like
the Soul chakra, above the head, Search youtube for tag.. Swamisatchidanand
That's why you are suffering. That's why you are poor --
because you have forgotten how to live on this earth! Nobody has taught you
how to live on this earth, how to love this earth. They have all taught you
that this earth is ugly, that it is a punishment that you have been sent
here, that you are not supposed to enjoy. If you enjoy, you will be sent
again. You are supposed to be very sad, detached. You have to renounce all
the joys of the earth so next time you don't have to be born, and then you
will enjoy heavenly pleasures.
Because these people have been talking too much about the "other world",
they have destroyed this world. I teach you this earth.
This very earth, the paradise. This very body the Buddha - OSHO
Free up your energies
Learn these
advanced meditational techniques which show how to Transmute stress, pain and negative
energy which is held psychically inside you.
Enhancement Initiation Three is a Practical Guided Meditation which will put you in touch with
your own earth energy connection.
My feeling and expectation from before
coming on the course that energy
enhancement is THE Core energy technique, has been met.
Energy Enhancement techniques can
be applied to any of the above disciplines and it will improve them all
The Fulcrum
point, the evolutionary Initiation we are learning about here is the Earth
That of when the child was in
the Womb up till the age of Four Months at this time the baby is learning to integrate the interior and
exterior of its body. Sometimes this integration is faulty due to a painful
abusive shock to the psyche. Yoga, dance, massage and
other Pre - Energy Enhancement Techniques can help with this Initiation. Even fairly well
integrated, everyone needs to improve this Earth connection.
within" said Hermes Trismegistus "So Without".
The baby, so used to the soul connection and not
understanding its new role of learning how to raise the Energy Vibration of the Earth,
needs to
learn to integrate the Earth connection.
If there is a problem with this Initiation
earth integration in the Base Chakra then it is indicated that from an early age the child and then the adult will
feel fear, have problems with its food, money and with its security and with
just not wanting to be here,
sometimes even hiding from reality.
The fear
of having nothing. The fear of death, even
when this is not likely to happen, can cause you to take the stupid slave-like path in
As Jesus Christ said -"Look at all the lillies in the field. They toil not,
neither do they spin...."
PAINLESS Integration
of the Earth connection, the removal of blockages in and below the base chakra, will remove all fear,
it will remove the slave mentality, it will help us to be practical, to help
give us the capacity to "DO", to help us make our vision a practical reality.
We also
need to remove Blockages below the base chakra which have reduced our energy and
make it probable we would depend on others, be a slave, do what we are told.
Energy Enhancement Initiation Three is to expand
the energy orbit to the centre of the earth, and
to ground and burn up blockages. Blockages can be grounded and burned, and
you do not have to relive traumas or even remember the source of traumas. I
felt hot in my spine, some of my blockages were burned and removed, and
again at the end of the meditation I felt a higher level of energy.
The Earth
Connection helps the baby to know that it will return to the Soul whether it is successful
with its integration with the Earth or not. Helps it to learn to Master the physical
environs of this planet.
Sometimes this Initiation will make problems with this Earth connection but this
integration needs to start to happen before for progress to be made.
Even with no
major evolutionary "Fulcrum Point" problems,
every student needs to strengthen this earth connection
through these Energy Enhancement techniques because it is your base and foundation upon which can be built the Temple of
Symbolising Evolutionary Integration. Symbolising all your levels of the Auric Body which need to be fed
and created, so that we can function at our full capacity.
Learn to build your house on the Rock; The Philosophers
Stone or Piedra from which came Peter the Apostle.
teach in our Energy Enhancement Course Initiation 3 the Contact
with inorganic matter, the earth, the Inorganic beings of
Don Juan and
Carlos Castenada
from where we get the energy to build our psychic bodies, GURDJIEFF'S "The Body Kesdjian" and to access the Soul Plane and Higher. The next Levels of the
Satchi and Devi are
both inspiring, wonderful examples of how to
achieve this integration. No ascetic renunciation here! Only energy; how to
get more of it, how to connect.
PAINLESS Grounding of
Negative Energies is an Ancient, further and more advanced technique
going on from Energy Circulation. It is the
Earth Circulation of the Five Elemental Taoist Circulations- Paths of the Chi.
the hidden meaning of VITRIOL which gives
the hidden Meditational meaning of the
Philosophers Stone.
Latin word which means Acid.
The acid which can dissolve all negativity.
Integration of all the Chakras ends in complete freedom, Kaivalya or
Enlightenment. We can use this meditational formula to
Ground all Negativity.
Each letter in
the word VITRIOL stands for
another Latin word which together form the First Formula of Alchemy -
a Guided Meditation designed
to transmute negative energy created by Trauma, or Negative Karmic Mass.
A Guided
meditation encoded for centuries in the word VITRIOL - a guided meditation given in the Art Card of the Tarot, THOTH
(See the latin words, an explanation of VITRIOL in a circle behind the figure on the card left)
Showing what is
and how to activate "The Philosophers Stone"
"Occultem Lapidem"
which is the catalyst which changes Base metal into Gold.
Not the metal Gold, the Element
Gold or "Fools Gold" as the Alchemists used to call it.
The Enhancement of the pure Golden Spiritual
Energy of the Crown Chakra and the transmutation of the Negative Energy slowing down the
Base Chakra, or how to change or transmute the Base metal(lead) into pure Spiritual Golden Energy.
Learn how to
Ground Negative Energies. Learn how to transform the stress, the Negative Energy, of
daily life, which arises in you or that which you pick up from other people. The stress
which arises from the painful memories of the past.
Learn how to
use Energy Enhancement get rid of all Painful Traumatic Memories and the Energy
Blockages which hold them in the Body, the Emotional Armour of Reich, which
causes toxins to be deposited in the area of the Stiffness, eventually failing
in the body and making operations necessary.
Learn how to use Energy Enhancement to ground the pain of broken relationships.
Learn how to use Energy Enhancement to ground
pain of bereavement, the pain of divorce, the pain of abuse. The pain which causes fear,
sadness, anger and grief.
Learn how to
Ground Negative Energies to gain this energy to heal yourself and others.
said the Alchemists, or "Dissolve to Integrate". THE
out the WATER OF THE Emotions
- get rid of your fear, pain, anger, jealousy and negativity etc. THROUGH
The Launch pad of Enlightenment and the Creation of Genius!
Energy Enhancement does not promote a spirituality that grows only in the
mountains, apart from the cities and the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
It shows you how to integrate the peace of retreat with the activity of life
- work, relationships, enjoyment, and spirituality - there should be no
MS (Ireland)
Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational Company
"I SING the Body
Electric; The armies of those I love engirth me, and I engirth them;
They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them,
And discorrupt them,
and charge them full with the charge of the Soul."
- LEAVES OF GRASS - Where he talks with the voice of the Guru, discorrupting
people by removing their energy blockages and shooting them full of the Psychic
Charge in order to make them enlightened.
As we
meditate using Energy Enhancement Meditation, so we access the chakras above the
head higher and higher with our greater evolution and start to push out with the
higher energies and remove the Energy Blockages.
chakras double in frequency as they go higher, The frequency of the Swadisthan
Chakra of the abdomen is double the frequency of the base chakra. The Frequency
of the Soul Chakra is Double that of the Crown Chakra. Each of the chakras
channels the light of the higher chakras above then but steps down the frequency
by half. We contact the chakras above the head in Initiation Four of Level 1 of
Energy Enhancement - The Supra Galactic orbit and the creation of the
Antahkarana. Therefore the higher the chakra which you can contact within
your antahkarana the greater the frequencies of psychic energy you can wield!!
Further, as we fuse with the higher chakras above the head as occurs in the
Initiations given by ascended masters, so we further increase the Psychic Charge
we are capable of Channeling and using.
amounts of light are channeled as the chakras gain in size through absorbing
purified blockage parts - these are the talent angel colonies utilised for bad
things by the blockages but when purified by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step
process we can use these Blockage Talent parts to increase the size and increase
the functionality of all of our chakras!! Greater amounts of light are
channeled as the Blockages in and between the chakras are removed. As we remove
all the energy blockages so we become enlightened and start to create and use..
So I would like to
present a physical formula that;
Psychic Charge
= Frequency x Quantity of Light
Formula utilises the height of the chakras channeled and the Quantity of Light
It is that
psychic charge channeled from the higher chakras which so imbues the Aura with
Light creating the Nimbus above the head. It is that psychic charge channeled
from the higher chakras which allows the channeling of Shaktipat into the
student of enlightenment. It is that psychic charge channeled from the higher
chakras which enables the buddhafield which creates the conditions for great
strides forward in evolution with the Elimination of Energy Blockages and the
Fusion with Chakras above the Head - Illumination
Since Leibniz introduced the original use and definition
of the modern term “dynamics,” during the last decade
of the Seventeenth Century, that echo of the principle
which had been known to Plato as “dynamis,” became
widely misused later, as today, under the rubric of “dynamics,”
in musical and other settings, for meanings,
such as “sensation,”“amplitude,”or “percussive,”
which are worse than ridiculous, when compared with
the scientific meaning of the term.
In effect, what is one
of the most richly profound conceptions, was thus reduced
to the banal. The issue so posed has essentially
nothing to do with a mere grammarian’s definitions as
such; the commonplace misuses of the term, “dynamics,” tend toward
some kind of mental disorder.
It is, also, as I have stated, repeatedly, that subsuming,
unnamed, but, for me, clearly indicated, principle,
the which is presented by;
the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley
in the concluding paragraph of his "A Defence of
"I have
thought it most favourable to the cause of truth to set down these remarks
according to the order in which they were suggested to my mind, by a
consideration of the subject itself, instead of following that of the treatise
that excited me to make them public. Thus although devoid of the formality of a
polemical reply, if the view which they contain be just, they will be found to
involve a refutation of the doctrines of The Four Ages of Poetry, so far at
least as regards the first division of the subject. I can readily conjecture
what should have moved the gall of the learned and intelligent author of that
paper. I confess myself like them unwilling to be stunned by the Theseids of the
hoarse Codri of the day. Bavius and Mævius undoubtedly are, as they ever were,
insufferable persons. But it belongs to a philosophical critic to distinguish
rather than confound.
The first part of these remarks has related to poetry in its elements and
principles; and it has been shewn, as well as the narrow limits assigned them
would permit, that what is called poetry in a restricted sense has a common
source with all other forms of order and of beauty according to which the
materials of human life are susceptible of being arranged; and which is Poetry
in an universal sense.
The second part will have for its object an application of these principles to
the present state of the cultivation of Poetry, and a defence of the attempt to
idealize the modern forms of manners and opinion, and compel them into a
subordination to the imaginative and creative faculty. For the literature of
England, an energetic development of which has ever preceded or accompanied a
great and free development of the national will, has arisen as it were from a
new birth.
In spite of
the lowthoughted envy which would undervalue contemporary merit, our own will be
a memorable age in intellectual achievements, and we live among such
philosophers and poets as surpass beyond comparison any who have appeared since
the last national struggle for civil and religious liberty. The most unfailing
herald, companion and follower of the awakening of a great people to work a
beneficial change in opinion or institution, is Poetry. At such periods there is
an accumulation of the power of communicating and receiving intense and
impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature.
The persons
in whom this power resides, may often as far as regards many portions of their
nature have little apparent correspondence with that spirit of good of which
they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are yet
compelled to serve, the Power which is seated on the throne of their own soul.
It is
impossible to read the compositions of the most celebrated writers of the
present day without being startled with the electric life which burns within
their words.
They measure
the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a comprehensive and
all penetrating spirit, and they are themselves perhaps the most sincerely
astonished at its manifestations, for it is less their spirit than the spirit of
the age. Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration, the mirrors
of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present, the words which
express what they understand not, the trumpets which sing to battle and feel not
what they inspire: the influence which is moved not, but moves.
Poets are the
unacknowledged legislators of the World"
In support
for this concept of "Electric Life" "which burns within their words" and the
concept of "Psychic
Charge" and the concept
of "Dynamics"
I would like to offer the articles I wrote on many movies which exhibit this
"Psychic Charge"
- see the bottom of this
article for
King Kong
- and also the Sacred Dances of Devi Dhyani to
Carmina Burana, Beethovens 9th, Pink Floyd, and
Akhnaten by Phillip Glass - all channeling the Soul with great charge.
During the last two decades of the Seventeenth
Century, the great Gottfried Leibniz was occupied
with attempting to bring into order, an emerging,
profoundly important discovery-in-progress of his
own, a conception which he associated with the Platonic
and related Classical Greek uses of the technical
term identified by the name of dynamis.
I came to recognize
that principle clearly as what Leibniz named
his own discovery, dynamics.
During those two closing decades of that century,
and the last years of his life after that, Leibniz had already
gone a long way toward ultimate success in defining
this conception, of dynamics, with scientific clarity.
However, it was not until the great discovery by Bernhard
Riemann, as expressed in Riemann’s 1854 habilitation
dissertation, that, the deeper implications of
Leibniz’s concept of dynamics, tended to be clarified
for me, by 1953. To the best of my own knowledge, the
on-going process of his discovery has not yet been actually
completed by anyone, up to the present day.
However, by now, it should be well known among
relevant, leading professional circles in the Americas,
Europe, and some other locations, that my own uniquely
successful discoveries have been in development of the
application of the concept of dynamics to define the
field of a science of physical-economic progress. Those
discoveries which were originally prompted chiefly by
the work of Leibniz, have led me to some uniquely important
advances in knowledge of the underlying principles
of physical economy, in showing that specific
role of human creativity which underlies the physical
principles of economic progress.
Namely the
energy density of the processes employed and the frequency of the energy
employed which fits in with my formula above. "As Above, So Below!" The physical
energies and frequencies employed are a lower level of the "Psychic Charge" of
the Soul mentioned above, but this upper quadrant of the equations matches in
with creativity and brain power to create the energy and power which society
needs to have the abundance of cheap and great quantities of energy, power,
electricity and also the goods and housing and education which are also needed
for a good life of evolution and enlightenment. The Ascended masters believe in
abundance, the Dark Side wants us be Green and use no resources; "To be Bombed
back to the Stone Age" a minimalist life of poverty and despair. The False Flag
attack on Chernobyl Military Reactor for the production of Plutonium only killed
5 people. It was not a commercial rewactor - it was tweaked and Over-egged to
create vast amounts of Military Plutonium as was Windscale in the Lake District
of the UK which also had its accident in the 50's. However all 4th Generation
reactors now automatically shut down and can not ever have an accident.
Truly now we
stand at the brink of Global Integration using the almost free power of the..
The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) project
google it
My progress on that
account had contributed the accumulation of a few crucial
steps of improvement in refining the function of
I now summarize the significance of those discoveries
as follows.
On background: over the millennia since such times as that of the crafting of the Great Pyramids of Egypt,
up to those points in time, from Leibniz through Riemann,
and from Riemann, through the fruits of the role
of such among his followers as, most notably, the followers
of Bernhard Riemann such as V.I. Vernadsky
and Albert Einstein, science had come to be crippled by
the persistence of viciously destructive agents of destruction within the
scientific community whose implications of
imposed, reductionist, ending in poverty, forms of systems of belief in a
naive sense-certainty.
This has included concoctions
such as those agents akin to that of Aristotle, Paolo Sarpi, Descartes,
and the Isaac Newton cult, or, of worse cases,
that of contemporary behaviorists such as the followers
of the avowed enemy of the American System, Adam
Riemann’s relevant, great contribution to scientific
method generally, and to the understanding of dynamics,
is to be represented here by several elements of
argument, against the background of that continuing
Firstly, in both the opening two paragraphs, and the
single sentence concluding that dissertation, Riemann
swept the decks clear of the systemic absurdity of Aristotelean
and comparable reductionist methods ending in poverty.
sense-perception, which represents mere shadows of
actual human experience, had been mistreated as sensecertainty,
as had been done by a follower of Aristotle,
Thus, as Riemann emphasized in the concluding
sentence of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, mere
mathematics, which is, ontologically, among the mere
shadows of that which it purports to describe, had
tended to be worshiped as if it were a pagan god with
magical powers.
Riemann 1854 habilitation dissertation
Restated, that crucially tell-tale, concluding sentence runs: “This
[the matter of the habilitation dissertation], leads us into the domain of
another science, the domain of physics, which the nature of the subject
of today’s proceedings [mathematics] does not permit us to enter.”
This is what brought on the attacks on Riemann’s work by the positivists,
the physicist Rudolf Clausius and the mathematician Hermann
Grassmann (in the matter of the implications of Weber’s electrodynamics,
in which Riemann had participated with original and valid
This has been the same issue which
had prompted Carl F. Gauss to resist endorsement of the
work of Jonas Bolyai (and, implicitly, Lobatchevsky)
on the subject of a non-Euclidean geometry; there is no
relevant Euclidean or kindred geometry to be permitted
within the competent practice of physical science; there
is what became the Riemannian notion of physical
Secondly, it was not until Albert Einstein’s review
of the essential accomplishments implicit in Johannes Kepler’s uniquely original discovery of the principle
of the system of Solar gravitation, that the deeper implications
of Leibniz’s discovery of dynamics became
accessible. Einstein’s emphasis on the two, ironically
juxtaposed, terms “finite” but “not bounded,” in his
assessment of the great discovery by Johannes Kepler,
goes to the point, The existing universe is always “finite as if instantaneously,”
but that finite universe is not bounded in its
inherently anti-entropic development as being, as if it
might seem to be, momentarily, a finite state of the universe.
That is to say, that there is a pervasive principle
of scientifically validatable further action which exists
beyond the limits of any immediately adduced, imaginable,
finitely bounded state of the universe. That pervasive
principle is what is to be recognized as reflected in
Gottfried Leibniz’s use of the term dynamics and in
Albert Einstein’s description of the universe as finite,
but not bounded.
Thus, the anti-entropic principle of ongoing qualitative
action, defines a principle of dynamics within the
ontological medium of a rate of change of action within,
and by what must be considered as, unified physicalspace-
time, as a great principle in the universe, as if
from above what might be attributed to have been a
finite aspect of an ongoing process.
This is, admittedly, “a mouthful,” but that is not the actual problem
to be associated with such a choice of terminology. Rather, that terminology
is required for the included purpose of stating a principle -
Psychic Charge, Dynamics,
- whose
existence can not be excluded from present use, but which we actually
know, now, only negatively, and partially. Such is the need for nominating
a concept which is not an “answer,” but an admission of the existence
we have yet to know: we know the footprint, at least in some
degree, but what we have not yet defined is the species which has left
what appears to be that undeniable print.
The deeper implications of that fact can not be approached
directly except from the standpoint of a science
of physical economy. For, it is only through the
willful action of change in principles of the universe by
man, that we are able to experience creativity’s effects
in the development of species in the domains of both
animal and vegetable life, and in the evolution of the
Stellar universe.
Yet, in those three cases, our capabilities
are bounded by the fact, that it is only the study of
the role of creativity within the domain of human behavior,
which enables us to examine that principle of
physical creativity whose effects underlie creative evolution
in the domain of living and non-living processes
apart from mankind’s action.
When we pass beyond the reach of financial accounting,
to a science of physical economy, as I have
done, the fundamental principle of relevant action is the
effect of introducing voluntary discoveries of original
physical principles in the universe through the action
by human creativity.
This view of human creativity defines, not only all
progress in the productive powers of labor, but also
even the successive resistance to entropy, which can
occur only through the impact of physically principled
advances in economic practice.
A scientifically “zero
growth” society is, sooner, or later, a self-doomed culture ending in poverty,
death and despair.
The battle is now on between the reductionist, green, climategaters who want to
take everyone back to a life in the stone age; ending in poverty and despair,
and those who want to give free energy to humanity and not put the meter on it
and charge for it.
In the science of physical economy,
Psychic Charge,
Dynamics, is the principle
which descends, as if from “above” any existing
state of practiced economy, a principle which corresponds,
in effect, to those principles which generate an
increase in the productive powers of labor, per capita
and per square kilometer in society. This is not the Dark Sides Vampire society
of Galbraith's, Rentiers" people who gain their wealth from renting out their
enormous property empires or of taking their, "Rent" from the renting out of
their money or Capital ending in constant Bubbles creating cycles of Boom and
Bust of Housing and Toxic Derivatives. We are talking of the physical economy of
a society which is going to create the Golden Eggs. Not of the people of the
dark side who just want to eat them.
It is also the expression
of true principles of discovery in Classical artistic
This is the principle, the principle of the creative
powers of the human mind in society, which, implicitly,
underlies the required revision of the function of the
calculus which is implicitly defined, by the present outcome
of the collaboration of Leibniz and Jean Bernouilli.
The Case of Music, for Example
Therefore, all competent science must be premised
ontologically, on a
psychic charge, Dynamic, “property” specific to the cognitive
functions of the individual human mind, functions
which are not to be found as witting behavior among
lower forms of life. This is a quality which shares both
what current tradition distinguishes as the physical and
cultural features of human action.
As I have emphasized
in sundry published statements, the function of human
individual creativity is expressed in the form of Classical
artistic composition, as that is typified by the function
of true poetic metaphor.
Take the case of the revolution in music by Johann
Sebastian Bach and such followers of Bach as, for example,
Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van
Beethoven, and Franz Schubert.
Schubert’s last three keyboard sonatas, and his great last Symphony, whose score
was delivered, from Vienna, to Felix Mendelssohn, by Felix’s friend Robert
With the discovery of the well-tempered singing voice
values at Middle-C at 256, the work of Classical
composition no longer lies in actions merely between
the notes, but in the continuity of a subsuming principle,
as if “above” the notes, the energy between the notes, an intention of
Psychic Charge
which requires
a moment of silence before beginning, and, again, after
the completion of the performance, and the composition,
or any work in the domain of musical composition.
Compare the Mozart K. 475 with the 457; the crucial
difference between the two, demands that the mind
envelop the concept of the earlier K. 457 with what has
been now revealed by the K. 475. Space, matter, and
time, no longer exist as absolutes; a unifying principle
of development within physical-space-time, permeates,
and reigns, also consciously, over the composition as a
This is the
same universal principle of action summed up by Percy Bysshe Shelley in the concluding
paragraph of his A Defence of Poetry above.
Charge and Dynamics
appears there as in the form of systemic states of mind, as in the example
presented there by Shelley, which, by reigning over the shaping of the
efficiently expressed opinion of a portion of the population, defines the kind
of human physical space-time whose influence shapes the movements within the
relevant populations.
The revolution in
music made by J.S. Bach, and his followers who learned to imbue a "Psychic
Charge" in all their
music - see below -
represents a form of
Classical artistic
composition, in
which “space,
matter, and time no
longer exist as
absolutes; a
unifying principle of
development within
and reigns, also
consciously, over
the composition as a
whole,” LaRouche
Joseph Haydn
Wolfgang Mozart
Ludwig van Beethoven
Portrait by Elias Gottlob Haussmann (1748)
Portrait by Barbara Krafft
Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler
Portrait by Anton DePauly
Portrait by Thomas Hardy (1792)
The same is
expressed as that infinitesimal of the Leibniz calculus which was feared so desperately by
the animals of Abbé Antonio S. Conti’s virtual
human “zoo” of those supporting the Dark Side, filled with mathematicians such as
the reductionists Abraham de Moivre, Jean le Rond
D’Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Adrien-Marie Legendre,
as Pierre-Simon Laplace, and the sometime plagiarist
Augustin Cauchy. When the possessions of a then deceased Augustin Cauchy were assessed,
the “long-lost” paper of Niels Abel was found there, annotated
by Cauchy himself: the work which Cauchy had plagiarized so flagrantly,
publicly, while it was being proclaimed to the world that that
Abel paper had been, mysteriously, “lost.”
All these
people could not grasp
the notion of human creativity,
psychic Charge, Dynamism.
Existentialists and soulless golems all.
Or, to state the point
in other terms, Bach and his great pupils brought to
bear, as what they adduced from a principle of the universe,
to be the essential expression of the work in
In the discussion of music, poetry, and drama, for
example, the principal stumbling-block to a truly human
quality of successful performance, is the tendency to
interpret the sensuous experience as such, rather than
recognizing the systemic fallacy which takes over when
attention is focussed primarily on physical effects as
I get annoyed when people talk of Lighting and costume as primary when for me
the top of the hierarchy of ART is
Psychic Charge, Meaning,
That is not to suggest that “the heard music” must
not be taken into account in its own terms. One must
listen to Keats’ famous Ode, for example, in which he
insists that the reality often more concealed than revealed
by the palpable must shift the focus of the mind
to the active principle expressed as the supernal. There
lies Keats’ expression of genius in that piece; there is
the principle of dynamics which, in fact, Shelley identified
for practice in the concluding paragraph of his
A Defence of Poetry.
All successful practice of art lies,
primarily, within the supernal
psychic charge, not the interpretation of
the sense-phenomena as such.
This is a point most clearly demonstrated by recognizing
the relationship between Classical artistic composition
(as distinct from other varieties) and the principle
of creativity, as creativity is demonstrated by the
close examination of the discovery of an experimentally
validated universal physical principle.
In that case, the competently ordered mind, is
searching among the paradoxes presented for that arrangement
of the process which is selected because it
expresses what can not be found by deduction, but in
which the human mind has found the sought key to
the relevant “front door.” Such is a nature of all true
The selected choice must expose the
gap between the fallacious products of deduction, and
the relatively miraculous correspondence of the success
of the choice which could not be found by deduction.
Johannes Kepler’s discovery of the system of organization
among the Solar planets which he considered,
is to be favored as a demonstration of a principle which
subsumes scientific and Classical-artistic creativity,
rather than deductive approximations. That method of
Kepler is crucial, as a method of both competent physical
science and Classical artistic composition and its
performance, for understanding the principle of dynamics
treated by Leibniz.
Thus, we should recognize the virtually criminal
implications of any attempts at a categorical separation
of Classical science from Classical art. That is to emphasize,
that the attempt at a principled separation of
science from Classical art, or the reverse, is a potential
catastrophe. The methods of empiricism - modeling economics, modeling climate
studies, do evil in all
It is the universality of creativity in its character
as a principle, which is the essence of the notion of dynamics.
“Man’s developed
presence within the
universe is willfully
changing the effective
result of the operations
in that universe.”
Shown: The Sun, a
crescent Earth, and the
long arm of a solar
panel visible outside a
window of the Space
Shuttle Atlantis as it
visited the Space
Station in late
November 2009.
STS-129 Crew, NASA.
The Golem of Human Science
What I have presented here thus far, should warn us
that the customary idea of “physical science” is inherently
false, in the respect that, first, we know what we
regard as competent physical science only through the
application of human action to induce practicable notions
of changes in the universe which we do not experience
otherwise, especially respecting those principles
which do change the form of the behavior of the experienced
universe through actions generated by man’s
willful use of discovered principles.
It is that view of the matter which defines a competent
notion of physical science. That is to speak of man’s
behavior which changes the behavior of the universe in
such a fashion that the universe is different than in that
aspect in which man’s revolutionary action is absent.
Since, accelerations achieved through thermonuclear fusion
technology bring us into the realm of man’s introduction
of relativistic flight within interplanetary
space, the point is then presented forcibly to the imagination.
In that
sense, it can, and must be said, that man’s developed presence within the
universe is willfully changing the effective result of the operations in that universe. Only that quality of specific changes effected
by mankind’s willful action qualifies meaningfully as
physical principles.
In the case of economy, man’s success in surviving
in population-levels above those attributable to the
higher apes, depends upon the use of energy, electricity, juice - an anti-entropic
evolutionary development
to offset the tendency for entropy that is a population-
reduction through attrition, or other means,
combined with a slide into relative savagery.
We are talking
here of the successful evolution of the human race, the life or death of the
Human Race, and the achievement of Enlightenment for every person.
Those considerations provide a broad definition of
the meaning of a science of physical economy.
The Infinite
Energy of God from the chakras above the head has a direct mirror image in the
scientific world of Nuclear Power Plants, Fusion Reactors. IFR Reactor's
transmutation of Uranium 238 into Uranium 235 - Infinite Free Energy for the
human race in abundance, education, evolution; rather than Vampire Societies of
Macdonald Service Workers, Rentiers, and Bankers creating Anger and Despair, War
and Poverty.
Methodology of the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process on the dissolution and
Transmutation of the negative Energy Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass has a
Mirror in the Transmutation of Elements in the Fast Neutron Breeder Reactors
where High Flux Density of Neutrons Like
Psychic Charge
can dissolve and re-align any element into its constituent parts.
The Plasma
Torches formed in the Fusion Reactors created now by table top Lasers which can
create sufficient energy to start any fusion reaction, can now be used in
industrial processes to de-salinate sea water, purify any ores, transmute ores
from one element to another to create any element at will. These so-called
matter converters are the industry of the future abundance of human society
which will give Free Energy and cheap products, housing, water, education for
the benefit of Humanity if we demand it.
However, the only source of the creative powers so
expressed, lies outside of mathematics and simple experiments
as such. Only changes in the lawful organization
of the processes reigning, minimally, in some
aspect of physical space-time, or space-time generally,
constitute true science, and, therefore, a valid notion of
a science of physical economy.
Moreover, all economy depends upon considerations
traceable to such a physical geometry, so defined.
Thus, from the standpoints of, first, man’s ability to
exist in the universe through anti-entropic effects of application
of discovered universal principles, science is
man’s mastery of the universe as the case for man and
woman is stated in Genesis 1.
This means, that science
is defined as a process of successive, characteristically
anti-entropic evolutionary improvement of the universe through
mankind’s application of the mission of husbandry to
the universe we inhabit.
It is the discoverable rules for
such behavior by mankind, which is true scientific practice.
However, on this account, there is no morally permissible
separation of what is regarded as the domain
of the subject-matter of so-called physical science, and
the powers of discovery of universal principles of science
through the agency of what is called Classical artistic
insight, a process of insight otherwise described
as man’s insight into the human creative behavior on
which the definitions of so-called physical-scientific
creativity depend.
Hence, the virtually Satanic criminality of practical, reductionist philosophies such as behaviorism and existentialism,
as the cases of evils such as the influences
of the “Frankfurt School,” the European Congress for
Cultural Freedom, and Positivism typify.
By disallowing
free energy and creativity at the origin of its expression, Classical
artistic creativity, we undermine, and tend to destroy
the possibility of scientific progress in providing the
preconditions for the health and progress of human
We have been
taught that we are living in a world of Poverty and Want - Yet for thousands of
years the Spiritual Masters have been talking about the Infinite Energy and
grace of God. We can learn to access the Energy of God in the Chakras above the
head in Energy Enhancement Level 1, Initiation 4 - The Supra Galactic Orbit. We
can learn to stop up the holes in the bucket by The Elimination of Energy
Blockages of level 2 of Energy Enhancement and the Seven Step Process.
inculcation of Positivity and Abundance is the first Knowledge we need to
Incorporate. And it can only come from the Real Experience of Energy Enhancement
God Exists.
Infinite Energy Exists and Infinite Energy is the Birthright of every member of
the Human race!!
Satchidanand with many thanks to the Economist LaRouche for his incredible input
into this missive
for details...
Don't hesitate - go for it!!
MS (Ireland)
Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational Company
"I have experience of
many forms of meditation and practices for self improvement including:
Transcendental meditation (TM) 12 years, Kriya Yoga 9 years, Sushila Buddhi
Dharma (SUBUD) 7 years, and more recently the Sedona Method and the Course
in Miracles.
The Energy Enhancement programme encapsulates and expands all
of these systems, it is complete and no questions are left unanswered."
for details...
IMPLANT BLOCKAGES are composed of seven parts TALKED about in this web page.
1. Negative Karmic Mass
and Energy Blockages
2. Blockage Protection
3. The Blockage Living
4. The Blockage Power
Source which comes from outside.
5. The Blockage
Negative Karmic Mass is
pure spiritual energy which has become TRAUMATISED by what we believe to be,
"anything which should not be" When something should not be, it is because it is
against the will of God. When we do something which is against the will of God
then we feel Shame which usually creates Guilt.
Negative Karmic Mass is
created by Traumatic happenings which we know should not be. So, Trauma and
Stress on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels create Negative
Karmic Mass.
Physical Trauma comes
from accidents or deliberate torture.
Emotional Trauma comes
from bad actions by people we trust or through fear of those bad actions.
Mental Trauma is like a
joke whose purpose is to release this NKM in laughter or tears. Mental Trauma is
where usually there is a disconnect, a paradox, two mutually cancelling
statements like, "I Love You" and "I Love You Not", the traditional statements
whilst pulling the petals from daisies. A Koan like, "What is the sound of one
hand clapping?" or, "What was your face before you were born?" are similar and
work in the same way.
The mind cannot compute
these seemingly opposite statements which can only be understood in terms of
wisdom and intuition, seeing the problem from a higher level with more
Mental trauma comes
from the contemplation of "That which should not be" - in this case - through
not understanding the test through a lack of wisdom, understanding, intuition
and thus creating a problem, trauma, Negative karmic mass in the mind. The
Negative Karmic Mass walls off the problem into a blockage sub - personality or
"Inner child" and prevents its resolution or evolution by the higher parts of
the mind, the chakras above the head, the parts of your super- computer which,
Negative Karmic Mass
can only be created by moral people who know the difference between right and
wrong, good and bad, that which is better and that which is worse. That morality
is created by a relative lack of blockages above the head allowing a clear
connection to the higher chakras of the Soul and the Monad etc. As the blows of
life rain down, so blockages are created which tend to reduce morality and in
the creation of Negative Karmic Mass we lose the ability to change and evolve.
We can use Negative
Karmic Mass as a power source independent of the energy of God. As we burn the
NKM in the Center of the Earth by using the Ancient Taoist and Alchemical
Formula in Latin, VITRIOL -
Visit the Center of the earth, there you will find the hidden stone, the
Philosophers Stone which Transmutes Base metal (Blockages) into pure Spiritual
We teach this process
in Energy Enhancement Initiation Three, The Grounding of Negative Energy, in
order to remove some energy blockages which are not powerful or have heavy
protections. We use the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to further
enter Blockage protections, cut them off from their power source and put,
resurrect, the living core in its proper place in the chakras above the head.
NKM is also used by Bad
people who have many blockages above the head and in the Heart, which is the
definition of a psychopath, and who are thus cut off from the energy of God and
who have no empathy for others. These types of people can go on training courses
to learn how to create and use NKM, how to create and program blockages etc.
These bad types of
people like to create this Negative Karmic Mass in all people so they can take
it and use it to power their beings independent of the energy of God. They can
do this on an individual basis by all types of Trauma or on a countrywide basis
by creating fear. They also like to create it so that they can use it to create
Blockage Implants which they place in people to create and leach off Negative
Karmic Mass and spiritual energy from their chakras from other people for these
purposes of independent power.
"As above so below"
says Hermes Trismegistus - if the energy of God is like sunlight which is
infinite and free, the sun constantly showering energy on this planet, then NKM
is like petroleum oil which needs to be thoroughly burnt to create energy.
Incomplete burning creates pollution. The use of NKM to make people independent
from God is like the scientific and political discussion as to where humanity
should get its energy from. From monopoly controlled oil or from infinite free
Blockages like the core
of an atom have protections which are like electrons moving at the speed of
light around the blockage core in up to an infinity of orbits called shells. In
order to ground the Negative karmic mass in the core we need to penetrate this
protection. Energy Enhancement has developed techniques to penetrate through to
any core or any number of cores simultaneously in Multi-Cored Blockages thus
releasing the blockage.
The human matrix exists
as chakras which step down the energies of the source in discrete levels and
functions, all parts of the multi - processor human super - computer model.
Human beings and their chakras are composed of other species of existence called
angels. These angels come in all levels of evolution from the parts of chakras
to the Archangel who supervises the existence of planets and suns. Like cells
who make up the organs of the human body and the human body itself, angels make
up the parts of the human super-computer and in matrices make up higher and more
highly evolved parts of existence.
Everything is created
from communities and matrices of angels. As evolution proceeds, these
communities become larger and more highly organised. Indeed, human beings are
made up of angels and as we start to access more and more of our chakras above
the head, so we develop in wisdom, grace and enlightenment.
When a human being
dies, if he suffered a lot and does not know how to ground his negative karmic
mass, then he will be heavy and may not have enough energy to go higher, to
heaven, to the soul and thus his lower bodies may separate off and float around.
This is an Entity. Everything needs a power source and usually they travel towards the greatest
source of energy amongst their family and the people that they know. They parasitise their loved ones in order to exist either consciously or
unconsciously like in a coma.
For example I had a
little girl of four years brought to me by her grandfather. Her mother had died
that year and since then she had been behaving strangely. So I felt something
within her and asked silently, inside, "Who are you?" and the reply came back
that this was her mother! So I said well, perhaps you should go to heaven
because you have with you some negative energies and these were adversely
affecting her little girl. "But my daughter needs me" - this came to me
emphatically with a lot of emotion, so I mentioned that it was possible for her
to go to heaven, get all of her pain taken away and then come back as her
daughters guardian angel. "Can I do that?" and I said, "Yes!" so she went. And
within five seconds she was back, all healed and ready to look after her
daughter. Well, the little daughter was fine after that.
As long as the angel is
connected to the source of all existence - God, there is harmony. When the angel
at the heart of the blockage has become blocked off from this connection by the
Negative Karmic mass and by the protection then it becomes separated and subject
to other negative and evil programming. It becomes a cancer on the spiritual
level and given time will become a cancer or other disease on the physical
When the protections
have been breeched and all of the Negative Karmic Mass grounded and burnt up
then the angel core of the blockage has been healed, resurrected and connected
with the source again. It then becomes free to become part of your psychic body
to increase your complexity, function and ability to handle energy. To help in
your evolution.
Blockages and Tapas
removal and healing of blockages is the Raja Yoga "Tapas" or austerity as it is
normally translated enjoined by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as part of a
spiritual persons evolution. Tapas refers to the heat involved in burning up
negative karmic mass. Raja Yoga involves the enlightenment processes of yama,
niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana samdhi and samyama which
we teach in energy enhancement. Tapas is a part of "the five things to do" -
yama and also is connected to "the five things not to do" - niyama, making up
the yogic ten commandments. It also refers to other disciplines like yoga,
meditation and fasting as part of the blockage busting process.
Blockages and Gurdjieffs
Conscious suffering
Gurdjieffian "Conscious
suffering" which Gurdjieff said was the only way of evolution is the same
process in which Gurdjieff precribed taking upon yourself as many blockages as
possible and in that way you will complete your psychic body to the level of
ascended master very quickly. Gurdjieff described a process in which you
deliberately went out of your way to take on problems, making your life as
difficult as possible, receiving as many "shocks" as possible in order to evolve
quickly. This is the same as the energy enhancement process where we acknowledge
the necessity of removing our own blockages as part of our own enlightenment
process, but also acknowledge that our evolution also involves our interaction
with humanity. As we evolve we also have the possibility of removing the
blockages in others, thus helping their evolution and also evolving our own
psychic body. Gurdjieff says as you help other people, so you help yourself.
Blockages and Alice Baileys
Then we come to the
concept of "resurrection" given out in the Alice Bailey teachings in, "The Rays
and the Initiations" as something which can take us into the realm of becoming
an Ascended Master of the fifth Initiation.
Chakras are functions
created by teams of angels working together in a group. As we increase the
number and evolution of the angels working there, so we can evolve the chakra
function and handle more energy.
Resurrection is the
healing of the angels at the core of blockages and then the process of moving
them up the Antahkarana, resurrecting them into place as members of your higher
chakras as part of your angel team there thus increasing the size, function and
ability to handle energy of your psychic body.
Energy Enhancement uses
scientifically proven and conscious techniques to speed up Tapas, the evolution
of the "Conscious suffering" is made quick and easy as we learn how to
automatically transmute energy blockages and negative energies in the people
around us and Resurrection of blockages to add functionality to all your chakras
to create an Ascended Masters of yourself is just part of the job.
Healing of blockages is
one way to find angel partners in your evolution. There are all evolutionary
levels of angels inside blockages. By incorporating the healed angels we become
greater more complex and more evolved.
As Above, So Below. All
levels are analogous, as we purify our spiritual bodies of blockages and become
more complex and evolved, so the earth evolves in a similar way by purging all
of its Negative Karmic Mass and stuck blockages.
Angels and
Enlightened human beings should be totally powered by the source which is
infinite. The infinite source steps down its energy through chakras until it
reaches our crown chakra. If we are cut off from the source by energy blockages
then in order to live, we must parasitise other forms of life on this planet for
our food. See the Strategies of the Vampire - in
Traumatic blows of
existence create inner children which are powered by split off parts of the soul
chakra. They are created in this lifetime and in all of our previous lifetimes
and pass on from body to body, until they are healed and dissolved by Energy
Enhancement Meditation techniques.
Inner children are sub
- personalities which exist in droves inside the normal human mind. They are
talents, self - programmed points of view or simple childish emotion limited by
their trauma and fear created Negative Karmic Mass.
For example if we are
beaten or raped then a very sad or angry inner child may be formed. The inner
child might lock off the memory of this through amnesia to protect the rest of
the mind.
You may have been
bereaved or been dumped in this lifetime and certainly so in many other
lifetimes and the pain of this always comes through the violent breaking of
connections from your chakras to the chakras of your family or marriage
partners. Inner children will have been formed long ago from these constant
blows and be in charge of your psychic connections. In order to Master
your Relationships and be in charge of who you connect to, from which chakra and
for which purpose you will need to heal these inner children and take control of
these processes for yourself. This problem, located in the lower chakras is also
is a prime area for sexual implants to create sexual addiction and adultery. By
healing these types of blockages you will gain control over the talent and
remove the addiction.
You may also have been
immensely successful in previous lifetimes in business, money, property and have
developed the talent to deal with these things. If the talent forms part of a
blockage then you will be addicted to these things as well as having a talent
with them and thus this will prevent your evolution into higher things. By
healing these types of blockages you will gain control over the talent and
remove the addiction.
If you try to work on
one of these blockages to ground all the NKM surrounding this event then the
inner child will try to prevent this because it is afraid of being integrated
into the soul, afraid of the traumatic memory, and might even want to
protect you from the memory. Thus when using meditation to integrate and heal It
will try to distract you. It will create diversions outside. It will try to
rubbish the meditative technique. And it is then you must prove who is in
charge, "Focus Trinity", use the rapid and effective energy enhancement
technique of the Seven Step Process and move on to remove the inner child and
integrate your mind.
We, ourselves, create
blockages and it is we ourselves who must integrate them. We must create one,
integrated soul - infused mind, - the soul because the higher chakras must
always rule. Only when the lower rules - and the blockages always rule the lower
- do we have all the warlike selfish problems of life for ourselves and for all
others on the planet.
Until we can heal these
inner child blockages and integrate them back into the Soul - together with all
their talents and psychic powers, we cannot become enlightened.
Blockages and implants
are created for various purposes but all involve a link back to their creator
who powers the blockage and holds it in place in the victim for lifetime after
lifetime, until it can be removed by energy enhancement techniques.
Blockages and blocked
human beings are powered by links to bad energies and people. Any attempt to de
- power and heal a blockage must involve cutting off its links to its perverted
power source and indeed healing all these sources too. Blockages exist at all
levels of existence and the higher blockages power the lower blockages.
Without an infinite
source of energy there is always a perceived energy shortage and thus much
competition for energy therefore bad people feed on the energies of their own
kind as well as their human energy food. Competition is a symptom of blockages.
Indeed to survive, the bad people who are cut off from the source must be
vampires, feeding off the energy of innocent human victims and their evil
contemporaries, lifetime after lifetime.
By implanting blockages
which they create into other people they can cut a person off from the source by
putting blockages in above the head or into the heart chakra, thus creating an
accomplice. They can put blockages between the base chakra and the center of the
earth thus creating someone to feed off, a slave. They can also program the
blockages to send the energy back to them, thus becoming an energy vampire.
They can program
addiction and other types of control blockages.
The energy of one addicted is greater - like burning
the candle at both ends - and easily taken. People burning the candle quickly
usually die young but as well as energy received each day from God, the soul is
given a supply of energy at birth, thus for a vampire to get more energy it is
good that there are many short bright lives. Thus drugs, sex and gambling
blockages are tools to concentrate energy back to the blockage implant creator.
Distraction Implant Control Blockages are very high level
alter-Egos or Sub-personalities whose job is to distract the victim with the
Normal Hollywood dreams of Power, Money, Car, House, Fame, Harem. They also do
it through addiction to Food, Drugs, Sex. They also do it by perverting the
power of Emotion creating fear, anger, sadness,
slave and
psychopath as part of their control. They also are behind and above
the use of Ego-Strategies like the Poor-Me, Violator and Selfish
Competitive Star. They do this by forming these stupid alter-ego distraction
desires in people
We see these bad people
who create implants with psychic vision connected by streams of energy to their victims. Some have
thousands of connections like a telephone exchange connecting to thousands of
implant blockages put into their human energy food. And these implant blockages
exist in people lifetime after lifetime, until the techniques of energy
enhancement can remove the implant. The whole world is in the state that it is,
perverted, because of the creation of these brainwash implant blockages.
IMPLANT VAMPIRE BLOCKAGES are programmed blockages created by an evil
person to implant into other people, usually to siphon energy back to the evil
person - the Ultimate Energy Vampire.
used to tell a parable to explain how the world is run by elite
families controlled by a few bad people.... There was a magician who was also a
shepherd. He had thousands of sheep to look after and he was a very miserly man
so he didn't want many servants and he didn't want many watchmen. He did not
want to pay anybody and he did not want his sheep to be lost or taken by the
wolves. But it was very difficult for him to take care of all the sheep alone.
He was very rich and he had many sheep.
So he played a trick on the sheep. He hypnotised them and implanted them with
control blockages -- he was a magician. He hypnotised them and told every sheep, 'You are not a sheep. Don't be afraid.' To
some he said, like in Animal Farm by George Orwell, 'You are a lion.' To some he said, 'You are tigers.' To some he
even said, 'You are men. Nobody is going to kill you. Don't be afraid and don't
try to escape from here.'
The sheep started believing in his controls. Every day he would butcher a few
sheep but the others would think, 'We are not sheep. He is butchering only
sheep. We are lions, we are tigers, we are wolves, we are French, we are
Russians, we are Chinese, we are this and that...' even that they were men. Some
were even told that they were magicians -- and they believed it. It was always
some sheep which was to be butchered. They remained aloof, distant. They were
not worried. And by and by they were all butchered.
'This is the situation,' Gurdjieff used to say.
Implant Blockages are removed in exactly the same way as all the
other blockages, quite easily through the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process
of Energy
Enhancement Level 2.
Implant Blockages
usually connect to the evil person or their
accomplice worker or emmissary who in general are completely oblivious that they
are working for someone else through Energy Connections from the Implant
Blockage, although sometimes they are! These energy connections are from
person to person or horizontal - the image is that of a circle with a horizontal
line in the center thus the person only takes energy from others and is cut off
from the higher self.
What I mean by that is that the normal personality is completely
oblivious that one of the Control Implant Blockage ego parts or Sub-personalities is conscious of the
connection and in fact is in charge of it. This is the connector sub-personality
and it thinks that it is saving the normal personality by taking energy from
others, allowing it to live longer and with more energy by becoming a sucker.
In this way and Enlightened Person only gives 100% of his energy
because he is connected to infinite sources of Eternal Energy from the Soul and
other chakras above the head. The image is that of a circle with a vertical line
in the center - symbolising the connection with the soul.
When we do this we then become able to purify the Connector
Personality so that the Soul can regain the psychic power of connection in order
to give energy in the Healing of others or the giving of Kundalini Energy to
help with the Enlightenment of Students - an Energy Enhancement Teacher and here
the symbol is that of a circle with a cross in the center of it, the vertical
line taking energy from the soul and the horizontal line giving 100% of its
energy to others - the Meaning of the Christian Cross.
Because these angels at
the center of blockages are cut off from connection with the source and the good
instructions from the source, they no longer know what to do. They are perverted
by the Negative Karmic Mass which surrounds them. Thus they are easily
programmed with instructions from other sources which can be followed like a
program for thousands of years. They can no longer evolve.
As above, so below.
Human beings are in exactly the same problems as angels. As blockages cut them
off from the source, so they lose their essential humanity and move into the
direction of the dark side, they listen to the messages of the dark side through
their blockages and their media interests and become programmed by it. They
develop cynicism, lack of conscience, lack of empathy. Meaningless, purposeless,
addicted lives without any significance. They can no longer evolve.
"After all that" is
part of the first Sutra of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali written 5000 years ago.
It seems that we need many immersions into the dark side before we understand
that it always ends up in a bad way. We need these experiences and indeed are
sent to this planet to receive them.
This planet is a factory for the
production of enlightened beings.
Bad experiences are part of the process which we have designed. The way of the
world is to purify gold ore by heating it up to a thousand degrees, putting it
on the anvil, and then beating the crap out of it.
Enlightened beings say
a softer process is more effective and more desirable. Energy Enhancement is
that softer and more effective process.
As Human beings and
blockages lose their Negative Karmic Mass and as Humans lose their blockages so
they get back on track on their soul path and on the path of their evolution.
They become ascended masters.
Dear Satchy and Devi!
"I feel so happy to meet Satchy and Devi, they are high spiritual teachers that can see deeply inside you, behind the mask that everybody has. They can see your soul, your real self!! If you need help you 'll get it from them
... " Danisa de Paul (Spain) Dance Instructor/Yoga and meditation teacher - 2004 Course in Spain
First of all , happy new year! I hope that this 2009 bring us together again!!!
yes, why not?
I heard that you are coming to India... uhhhh I thought ill see you there..
anyway, we are here in Thailand with my mum. She is doing fine and happy!!
I talked to Hiromi in Japan and she'll do the Energy Enhancement Levels 3 and
Level 4 with you this year, that's great!!!
I just thought about you and want to tell you that I am very thankful for
everything and thanks soo much for your Energy Enhancement Level 1 and Level 2
DVDs, I am so happy to have then with me and be able to travel with your
teachings, they are great!!
I'd like to know how you are doing and if you have changed any plans or have new
plans for your future.
I'll be doing a Vipasana again in a month and a half around...
I'll let you know...
I'll be working soon and I'll keep you posted
love you both
When viewing blockages
psychically, often times we see that they have many parts, some thicker and more
dense from having more Negative Karmic Mass, some having more layers or shells
of protection. Groups or teams of blockages join together to perform their
function. Any strategy to remove blockages must take these multi-cored blockages
into account. Energy Enhancement techniques remove multi-cored blockages.
In the Sufi
terminology, NAFS or Breaths or Energy Blockages represent the degrees of in the
transmutation of the consciousness which we go through in the Levels of Energy
Enhancement starting at the Second level.
First we deal with the
lower types of NAFS or Sub-Personalities and later with more refined parts of
the EGO. Although more refined, all NAFS are part of the Ego structure and all
of them, one by one must be found and purified as their Trauma-Formed Negative
Karmic Mass is transmuted and then the core of the blockage is integrated with
the Soul Personality where it can finally be safely used as a purified function
or purified talent or so called psychic power.
1. Nafs-i-ammara - the
depraved or commanding Nafs
2. Nafs-i-lawwama - the
accusing Nafs
3. Nafs-i-mulhama - the
inspired Nafs
4. Nafs-i-mutmainna -
the serene Nafs
5. Nafs-i-radiyya - the
fulfilled Nafs
6. Nafs-i-mardiyya -
The fulfilling Nafs
7. Nafs-i-safiyya - The
purified and complete Nafs
The creation of the Sufi (from Sophia or Wisdom showing the
Greek Platonic origins of Sufism) process of creating the "Golden Head" through the purification of the
mind and integration into the Soul. Sun symbolises Soul, so as the shadows of
the mind are purified to make them transparent and open, so the Soul Sun, the
first chakra above the head, "Brighter than 10,000 Suns" illuminates the
intellect and emotions in EnLightenment. The Aura of the Buddhafield becomes
Golden, "The Secret of the Golden Flower", the Chinese Alchemical
Taoist Golden Elixir which confers immortal life.
These Seven types of
Nafs or Energy Blockages are formed so that you can see how they start as part
of the ego, the separated split off parts of the mind as depraved or commanding
or Accusing Nafs and then are evolved through the Energy Enhancement Seven step
process by purifying the Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass through VITRIOL and
then integrating the purified and complete Nafs into the Soul Chakra, on the
path of Illumination.
Nafs are Energy
Blockages which when purified of all trauma then become compliant fulfilled
parts - the talents - of an integrated mind.
The Nafs pass through
the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process which can be termed "Death and
Rebirth". The death or removal of the Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass and the
Recapitulation of the events and traumas which formed the Blockage and the
Rebirth, the Transfiguration and Resurrection (Alice Bailey - The Rays and the
Initiations) as the purified function or talent is absorbed or integrated with
the Soul or Higher Chakras so that it can be safely used by the Soul infused
As the Nafs become
purified then we become open to the still small voice of the conscience -
accusing and then serene and fulfilling etc as we find our Soul Path and the
purified talents and functions become useful to the individual and society.
Most individuals are out of control.
They believe themselves to be coherent personalities but with Energy Enhancement
they start to see their multiple and changing personalities. "The man that
swears to get up at four o' clock in the morning is not the same personality who
throws the alarm clock out of the window!" - GURDJIEFF
They use the energy
enhancement seven step process on programmed, automatic and negative thoughts
and thus start to understand that these negative thoughts are simply symptoms of
the energy blockage sub-personalities. As these blockages are reduced, so the
mind becomes capable of operating at a higher level.
As the task of
reconstitution and Resurrection is completed, then enlightenment, the capacity
for teaching and the capacity for intuitive understanding become normal.
There is a process of removing,
eliminating, the energy blockage sub-personalities which exhibit Attention
seeking behaviour, through the Energy Enhancement Process. This is the process
of Integrating the mind under the aegis of the Soul, the Higher Self, and by
purifying the Nafs, the Talents, The Sub-personalities, the
Blockages in Energy Enhancement Level 2 - Eliminate Energy Blockages
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a
totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from
nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement
course, a clarity of psychic
vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other we
came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving
inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away
and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them
and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my
centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full
circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of
energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here Satchi said he
would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I
could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do
astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near
them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every
way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever
felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have
just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and
am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have
Energy Enhancement Reiki
that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a
very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is
beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and
then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is
interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one
only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze
me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this
experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will
touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my
new found talents"
Hi, I want to tell
you about my recent feeling, It came spring in Japan suddenly, I felt like my
blockage began to melt and I felt negative feeling. I took a herbal face massage
about 1.5 hours yesterday night, it dozed me .
End of that it came up to my mind that you were shining in white space. next
Devi, Danisa, Sebaschan, me, and my partner I have never seen. You and Danisa's
halo was more clear.
After that, I could feel that inside my body and my every
cells swimming in lighting for a while. And when I did Level1 initiation2 by
DVD, with your shining image, I could feel filled white light was in my body,
And I could feel energy circulate my body include my Hurt center where my
blockage is.
I could breath strongly and through my blockage, I felt - Is it
It may be good season for meditation, as you said.
Thanks a lot .
with love,
DVD Student Japan MARCH 2008
Energy Enhancement
Initiation Shows you Advanced, Effective, Powerful yet Traditional Techniques to
Remove Thoughtforms or Energy Blockages.
Michael Maier’s, a German alchemist, wrote in his
Scrutinium Chymicum of 1687: “Learn about the egg and cut it with a
flaming sword. In our world there is a bird more sublime than all
others. To search for his egg be thy only concern. The egg of alchemy is
a symbol for magical realization.”
Thoughtforms are called many names.... Implants,
psychic entities, Dark Forces and Blockages on the First three Levels using
traditional and highly effective techniques taught for thousands of years and then on the
infinite Levels.
The removal of
negative energy from Thoughtforms. The penetration of their protections. The
putting of them in their proper place. The creation of psychic powers. The
increase in psychic visualisation. The increase in energy onwards towards
The Healing of Thoughtforms and the Removal of negative
Thoughtform Blockages.
Energy Enhancement Meditation Techniques had a strong effect on Danisa de Paul
I've been in La Escala with Satchy and Devi for a week now, Its the longest time
I've been here!! and I noticed that every day I am going deeply inside of me.
When I arrived here, was very hard for me, but luckily Satchy and Devi helped me
a lot and removed many of my blockages so that I can really think with my head!
The first 2 days I was feeling very strange and uncomfortable inside of me. Half
of myself wanted to improve and half wanted to stay like that, in a low energy
level state, didn't want to grow neither change.
During these days I realized how the strategies control people and how they were
controlling myself. Sometimes you are confused, sometimes happy, sometimes
angry, and these don't have to be like that !!! but nobody knows! I didn't know.
Energy Enhancement Level 2 teaches you how to manage your emotions, it gives you
a strong emotional IQ.
I feel so happy to meet Satchy and Devi, they are high spiritual teachers that can see deeply inside you, behind the mask that everybody has. They can see your soul, your real self!! If you need help you 'll get it from them.
I've been working with my lower chakras and after I learned how to remove a blockage from my base chakra I immediately felt the energy of Kundalini flowing from down in my base chakra to up, to the head and above.
I was sitting in my meditation position and for the first time I got the sensation and feeling that my body was lifting off the ground. I was just enjoying the experience feeling the circulation of the energy, a hot and smooth sensation. My mind at that moment was free and happy.
Every day I feel a little more steady and comfortable. I am getting in touch with my deepest blockages and fears from my lower chakras, With energy enhancement level 2 I am learning how to deal with this energy and how to remove them totally. My fear is disappearing, my sadness and worries, too. Things that already existed in me and are coming out with the use of these techniques.
To sum up I think that everybody should come to do this course and learn energy enhancement techniques to improve their lives and help other people, heal themselves and their relationships to make this world a better place and to start really enjoying
I feel so happy to meet Satchy and Devi, they are high spiritual teachers that
can see deeply inside you, behind the mask that everybody has. They can see your
soul, your real self!! If you need help you'll get it from them. DANISA, EE MEDITATION COURSE
Energy Enhancement
Initiation 2
How to Heal the
Energy Blockages in the body.
In this
Energy Enhancement Initiation we investigate all our aches and pains as being
symptoms of Energy Blockages.
investigate the negative Energies within - The Trauma and Shame caused Negative
Karmic mass which coats every Energy Blockage - with our psychic vision in order to
find and remove all negative Thoughtforms which if not found now will eventually
culminate in Disease like Heart Disease or Cancer.
investigate the negative Energies within with our psychic vision in order to
find and remove all negative Thoughtforms which if not found now will eventually
culminate in some physical Infirmity necessitating surgical Intervention or an
As the
Buddha said, "Old Age, Disease and Death, This is the lot of man"
people of the Chi, Enlightened Masters seem to have some immunity to this
general rule above. I remember my Master, Swami Satchidananda living until 89
with no diminution of Health or Strength or Energy. Constantly gave energy to
others, raising them up, removing blockages and spiritualising their lives.
answer is that like most Masters he had the ability to clear and banish negative
thoughtforms from his own body and the bodies of others.
It is
this which we teach in easy steps in THIS Energy Enhancement Initiation using
Ancient Techniques from over 5000 years of Successful Spiritual Technology.
Energy Enhancement
Initiation 3
this Initiation we investigate and remove negative thoughtforms from all the
The Base Chakra or Shakti
The Chakra below the Base Chakra or Para Shakti which is the source of all
Kundalini Energy.
The Relationship Chakra
The Power Chakra
the Heart Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Master Control Chakra
The Crown Chakra
The Soul Chakra.
The Group Soul or Monad Chakra
The Logos Chakra
The STAR Chakras
The Avatar of Synthesis
we investigate and remove negative Thoughtforms from the connections between the
chakras, thus cleaning the Antahkarana or the Rainbow Bridge which connects us
to our Higher Self, thus allowing a free flow of intense intelligent energy
- The Chit Shakti of Kashmir Shaivism - which can reformulate your life in good directions.
Energy Enhancement
Initiation 4
All the
cells in your body are under attack from toxins from pesticides, incinerators
and dirty fuctories. As we get older many of the cells become perverted and
their DNA becomes old and cannot replicate perfectly.
perverted DNA becomes the source of all cancer WHICH WILDLY REPLICATES ITS
In this
Initiation we show you how to heal all your DNA
Energy Enhancement
Initiation 5
Heal the
Physical Aura
Heal the
Emotional Aura
Heal the
Mental Aura
Heal the
Buddhic Aura
05 March 2006 07:19:15
Thanks for the email
including my testimonial about Energy
Enhancement in Spain! Its such a nice memory!
I think
about these moments as the best of my life.
It was
hard work for me but Ive never felt so happy and
rewarded in my life, only when Ive been close to
you both.
I been thinking
about you lately a lot , I miss you guys, I
really do. Im very busy here in Japan, thats why
I didnt write to much, but now I have internet
at home, and I hope we can be more in touch.
Im glad you are
working hard there in Argentina and having a
beautiful time.
Here is good,
sometimes very hard. Japan is a good experience
though but very intense.
I found some temples
which I want to visit, but spiritual people are
hard to find here. And lately I ve been feeling
so many different things.
I hope one day I can
be a really a spiritual person and teacher like
you, you are my example.
I know now, how many
things I have to heal, how many are not finished
Because Ive been
through many tests, and Ive been far from you,
and having some healing from you.
I hope
to see you soon, I love you with all my heart.
I wish you
the best and more
love you
Yoga Magazine writer James Ellerbeck came on the EE meditation and yoga course for 2 weeks
Here is article as it stands, currently being edited in London, so scan it for typos. Took me forever to get it done with, I guess the days of polishing off articles ten to the dozen are long gone and I'm a bit rusty.
It will come out in the April issue of the Yoga Magazine, in the depths of the English
winter. The photos of sunshine and salads and eating outdoors will look
even better then by comparison.
I'm in Shanghai now. I'm back for a month to see my love - everything
is going great - very happy. I'm going to Spain in the first
week of January. My Love plans to come over late January or early
February, after I have made a nice soft landing for her. I've got her
into meditation and she's LOVING it. She is about to build her
Let me know your thoughts on the article, I'm sure you will. I've added
your contact details and web site address at the bottom so people can
get in touch directly. I also have some great shots to accompanying.
I'll scan them in and get to you asap.
All the best, love to Devi,
I hope you enjoy this article. I suppose in a week or two it will be in PDF format direct from the magazine.
Title: Peace Begins Within, Article for the Yoga Magazine of Great Britain By James Ellerbeck
Last summer, after three years of on-and-off asana practicing, I thought it was about time I did a few mental exercises too. So in early October I flew to Spain to take part in my first meditation course and, unbeknown to me at the time, entered into one of the most grounding fortnights I can remember.
Meditation is just reflection and observation. But through meditation we can use our will power to gain control over our unconscious desires and fears – our rampant ego and insecurities - which can run riot over our lives and get in the way of reason and our best intentions.
The Energy Enhancement course is a beautiful course that had an instant, positive impact on me and the other students. The course is run in Argentina over the European Winter months, and Spain during the summer. In Spain its home is in L’Escala, a small coastal town about an hour and a half north of Barcelona by car. The course promised and delivered exactly what I looking for; we would be taught how to quieten the mind through meditating and then spend some gentle weeks getting to know our deeper drives and emotions. That the centre was a stones’ throw from the Mediterranean didn’t hurt much either.
The course is split into three parts or levels and takes about a month to complete. In level one we learnt how to meditate; the correct posture and breathing, and we were given techniques to cope with distracting thoughts and to focus the mind. We also learnt how to use our imagination to picture our connections to the world and universe around us.
During my two weeks I made it through level one and onto the foothills of level two. This is normal progress. Satchi has had some students who race to the end of level three in the same amount of time but normally the whole course lasts a month. It is not an absolute science of course, Paul stayed for six weeks, but four weeks is the recommendation.
The course
Level One of the course started with the very basics of meditation. By closing our eyes and counting our breath in and out we learnt how to ignore nagging thoughts – the “what’s for breakfast” “this isn’t working“ thoughts – that pinch and snipe us for attention. Then, slowly but surely, as the calm came about, we went on guided meditations, guided in so far as we were told what to try and picture before each session, though not during – meditation was always silent affair. We were told to imagine energy flowing around us, like auras, revolving and connecting with us. Through repeat sessions we then extended our flows of energy so that they reached out and fed from different points in an
imaginary universe, a universe we had to build in our mind’s eye. Each time a new level of the universe was created, so the energy at our disposal was raised by having new reserves to draw from. Once we could clearly see and feel all energy coming to us from all these new connections, we then used this heightened mental power to work towards an ever-deeper state of calm.
My own experience of imaging this space was quite fun and exploratory. It was the first time I had really tried to will something like this together in my minds’ eye. It took perhaps five sessions before I could clearly see all the components of my universe clearly, though soon it became quite easy to just close my eyes, very quickly still my thoughts and then be anywhere in the universe that I wished. Satchi was a very forgiving guide too, which I think helped. If, for example, my mind wandered off, he would catch me staring out of the window and just say something like better luck next time. They were no angry words while I was there – compassion was the order of the day.
While willing this imaginary space into existence within our mind’s eye, we were always on the look out for distractions being brought up on the winds of our unconscious mind. These distractions can appear on the canvas as all manner of apparitions - shapes, objects, frustration - anything that draws our attention away from clearly seeing the picture we are trying to create. For the purpose of the Energy Enhancement course these distractions were referred to as blockages. Learning how to control and the remove these blockages from the path of our meditation is a central aim of the course. We grounded them by circling them in light and sucking them into the nearest burning centre in the universe, the sun or the centre of the earth perhaps. Some were stubborn, and some easy to remove.
As the course progresses, so the low hanging fruit get picked and we move on to deeper blockages. Once our grounding skills were tried and tested many times over, we used them to meditate on our lives, our relationships, our characters, and our work – every facet of ourselves organised and charted systematically. We took notes after each session and large parts of our free time were spent talking about our progress and what kind of thoughts and emotions were being unearthed during own meditations. A blockage, you see, is a symptom of a deeper malady. With fervour we drew up hit lists of trouble spots in our lives became the next list of thing to meditate on – so in anyone session different people would be meditating on different things – one person perhaps on a relationship, another person might be looking on a part of their character and so on. I found this to an exceptionally cathartic experience, a real tonic, and it was quite common for different parts of the house to be full of laughter at any given time of the day. It was a joyous two weeks.
Level three is about mastering relationships, which uses the lessons of levels one and two and brings them to bear on problems in our social connections in the world and our “strategies”. These strategies I didn’t really meditate on during the course as I was only there for half of it, but we did talk about this level frequently. Strategies are the acts we put on to get ourselves through life. Acting tough, craving sympathy, constantly trying to please – a whole host of strategies employed by the ego, some of which are so deeply ingrained with our character that they have become part of us. Level three teaches nonattachment to these strategies, students learn how to ground them to rid themselves of the fears and insecurities that prop the strategies up. This aspect of the course I was truly fascinated by and I will try and make an effort in
to visit the guys again to explore this level in more depth.
All in all there is far more to the course than I can go into here. Aside from the teaching, I could talk about the food for days, well-combined vegetarian feasts by the way, or Devi’s infectious laugh and sense of humour. I also fondly remember my long talks with Satchi about engaging with the world and generally look back on the whole experience as a real turning point for me. A time to stop and take a look at how far we have come.
Arriving back in England I danced the whole night away, something I hadn’t done in a while.
Energy Enhancement does exact what it says on the tin.
The Obelisk
is the physical, artistic, objective art, representation of
the Antahkarana or
the tower which connects all the chakras together.
This tower
of the Antahkarana is a stream of energy which originates in god and as he steps
down his energy chakra by chakra through an infinity of levels it eventually
reaches our crown chakra.
Within the
Antahkarana is the Sutrama, an independent energy stream which stretches from
god, through an infinity of chakra levels it eventually reaches our heart
Antahkarana and Sutrama Tower is
the means by which we connect with the Cosmic Energy of the Universe.
It requires
one strand of our Astral DNA to
reach one chakra - with 12 strands we can reach 12 chakras, and some of us can
reach even more - higher and higher.
WE ARE ALL Indigo Children
- children born
with special abilities, have intellectual and spiritual abilities above the
normal and can benefit the most from the specialised energies of older and more
trained Indigo Children, otherwise "like seeds scattered upon stony ground",
they can fail in their mission.
Children need to remove their trauma caused negative karmic mass covered energy
blockages, the karmic miasms they inherited from their parents at fetal
integration, as well as raise their frequencies by antahkarana and higher chakra
activations in order to fully awaken to what their purpose is here at this very
important time.
How can you
tell if you are an Indigo? A good way is to test yourself by answering the
Do you
sometimes feel wise beyond your years?
Do you have
trouble conforming to the ways of society?
Do you feel
out of place in today's world?
Do you
perceive the world very differently from the people around you?
Do you have
strong intuitions about certain things that most others do not?
Do you often
feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what is real?
Are you a
truth seeker?
Do you feel
you were born to accomplish a certain mission in life?
Do you feel
isolated and alone in your beliefs?
Misunderstood by Family?
Do you feel
anti-social unless you are with people of like-mind?
Are you an
Did you have
a difficult childhood?
Do you often
feel disempowered by too much authority?
If you can
answer yes to most of these questions then you are most likely an indigo. But as
you probably realise, you still need to remove some blockages and clear some
things in your biological, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies before you
can realise your true purpose and potential.
My work is to help people who resonate with this and who feel they may be on
the same path with sessions, knowledge, guidance and the advanced
meditational teachings of Energy Enhancement, so the person does not have to
flounder around anymore and can awaken and realise their potential as soon as
The Tower
of the Antahkarana.
The Tower struck by Lightning. The Rainbow Bridge which connects all the
infinity of chakras from the center of the earth chakra through the seven
chakras of the body and up through the infinity of chakras above the head.
Initiation 4.
Apparently the name of the
macrocosmic orbit has been usurped by some Taoist masters who teach a subset of
the microcosmic orbit - just in the legs and base chakra - under this name.
Energy Enhancement Macrocosmic orbit is
far far
more powerful.
Therefore we have decide to
re-name the Macrocosmic Orbit as the..
"The force and degree of a man's inner
benevolence evokes in others a proportionate degree of ill-will" -
"Evil people always hate those at the
opposite end of the moral spectrum" - Earl Spencer at the funeral of Lady Diana
"The Radiance of the
Buddhafield irritates, depresses or upsets Negative Energy Blockages, this is
the scientific test for Energy Blockages and by these fruits, ye shall know
them!" - Satchidanand
Karma Clearing Process of Energy Enhancement Meditation Including the Kundalini Kriyas + Alchemy
The Karma Clearing Process begins with the removal of all Energy Blockages from the energetic system of a human being. Wilhelm Reich called it the Emotional Armor. These are the little stiffnesses which cause us so much pain in massage. Energy Blockages exist in the mental, emotional and physical bodies... Even in the spiritual bodies.
Energy Blockages split us so as we remove them through advanced and effective meditation techniques so we become more integrated, more solid.
Removing energy blockages from our spiritual bodies will allow us to access our hearts and our conscience, it will allow us to access our soul, our soul path in life, without which life has no meaning.
Removing energy blockages from the mind, the mental body, allows more energy to flow, we become more brilliant. Our minds become clear, our IQ increases and more.. We obtain the power of persistence which enables us to accomplish anything!
Removing energy blockages from the emotions allows more energy to flow, we become more stable. Our emotions become clear, our emotional IQ increases and more.. We obtain the power of having only positive emotions which enables us to radiate love, the energy of change and to access the will!
Removing energy blockages from the body allows more energy to flow, we become more energetic. Our bodies become clear of disease and pain, our energy increases and more.. We obtain the power of flexibility and strength which enables us to live longer and with more pleasure, more quality of life!
And what is that uneasiness within?
Just what is that tension which we find inside?
It is pure spiritual energy which has somehow become perverted by painful traumatic experience. It is energy which has been transmuted by some painful experience into pain, that encapsulated pain which we hold inside us or absorb from people and places on this planet. It is energy blockages which makes us feel uneasy and tense.
All the pain caused negative energy blockages which we hold inside are called the selfish competitive ego.
And because we all have been painfully perverting this pure spiritual energy into encapsulated negative energy or energy blockages for thousands of years, this world is filled with that perverted negative energy as energy blockages which we absorb from everything and everyone around us.
It is that pain and tension inside, those energy blockages which causes us to do all the bad things in this world. It is that pain and tension inside, those energy blockages which causes all the bad things in this world to happen to us, we call the bad things, all the bad luck to us. We are accidents waiting to happen. This is karma.
Body stiffness, niggles and pain cause Illness and disease.
Negative emotions, mood swings, wrong thinking, jealousy, prejudice, hatred, anger, fear are all caused perverted spiritual energy encapsulated as energy blockages. The "Mind filled manacles of fear" as said Blake.
Splitnesses in the mind, blocked minds, unclear and plain wrong thinking. Heartless mind solutions caused by selfishly wanting to gain something to the detriment of someone else, the "final solution" of Hitler for example. If we have a lot of these negative energy blockages within ourselves it will cause us to give up easily, a lack of energy, a lack of goodness and heart and soul.
It will cause us to lose our trust and our faith in the essential goodness of people and our teachers. We will project all our negativity onto them and begin to see them through the dark glasses of our negative experiences. Through the darkness of the negative energy which we hold inside.
We create this negative energy inside. And as we evolve we gain the ability to absorb more of this negativity from the people around us and from our surroundings. We gain the power to hold on to more of this negativity without being affected by it. However, the straw that broke the camels back always comes. At this point we become open to wanting to know how to remove and transmute energy blockages. How to change negative energy into pure positive spiritual energy again.
When we enter into the Buddhafield of Energy which surrounds the enlightened we start to feel and lose this Negative energy from inside us. These are the symptoms of Kundalini energy usually.
Because an enlightened master has the ability radiate pure positive spiritual energy as well as to absorb and transmute this negative energy back into pure spiritual energy, a spiral of transmutation, a column of pure transmutation, the Buddhafield, surrounds him and enters into his surroundings.
As you people upon the verge of enlightenment walk around, as well as creating your own negative energy, you absorb likewise the negative energies of people and places. The symptoms of this are your illnesses, your negative emotions of anger and fear, your mood swings and your feelings of negativity.
The only difference between you people on the verge of enlightenment and a master is that a master knows how to transmute the energy he absorbs. And thus he is surrounded by peace and harmony instead of more and more pain and negativity..
He does not curse the darkness. Instead he lights a candle.
The only difference between you and a master is that a master knows how to teach you how to transmute this negative energy into harmonious spiritual energy, and thus place you on the path of peace and harmony, the path of enlightenment itself.
He only needs to teach you how to look at the negative energy. He only needs to teach you how to see it and deal with it. Because anything else is painful. And will cause you to do more painful things. Because this negative energy is Karma itself.
Spiritual masters are not affected by Karma and indeed have no Karma. Because they have the psychic ability to transmute all karma into pure spiritual energy. And this pure spiritual energy builds up in them and is added to by their masters when they die. So that they are rich because they have a large bank balance of Pure positive spiritual energy to spend on their students. This is called Positive karma.
Because the first stage is the access to purity by transmuting all the pain, which travels with us from lifetime to lifetime and grows more and more each lifetime because like calls to like, inside. To he that has, more will be given, said the Christ.
So we need to learn how to go against this law of the gaining of karma and negative energy and energy blockages by understanding and using the grounding of negative energies, the Third Initiation of Energy Enhancement.
And then the second part comes. Once we have transmuted this negativity inside to a certain degree, it then becomes possible to absorb more positive spiritual energy from the masters bank balance.
The Master can send it to you with a glance. We absorb energy from the Master. The Hindus call it the Uppadesa or the Initiation of the Master, and it is said to come by glance, by touch, or in silence.
Until we learn how to do it for ourselves from the Universe.
And once you start transmuting negative energy by using the techniques of Energy Enhancement every day. Once you start to access your inner purity To he that has not, it will all be taken away, said the Christ. Yes, all the negativity will be taken away.
And this is the Real Initiation or in the Zen Phrase, Satori. And after many Satoris, you then eventually become in the Hindu Phrase, Twice Born, in the Sufi Phrase, a Made Man, You have made your Bones.
All with a glance. All with learning how to open our eyes. All with the gaining of Psychic Vision.
You are the people who have no other choice but to absorb negativity and die, or learn how to transmute it and learn how to Live. Because this knowledge is more important than life and death. It is for those of you who want to attain a Soul.
Start your Karma Cleaning Process by learning how to meditate and then speed it up with the advanced techniques of Energy Enhancement based upon ancient effective techniques of Taoism, The Kundalini Kriyas, The five elemental circulations of the Qi of Chinese Alchemical Taoism, The Guided Meditation of the Emerald tablet of Hermes Trismegistus encapsulated in VITRIOL and more..
Satchidanand, Director of Energy Enhancement, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation!
He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!!
"The Lord of the Rings is not a Metaphor, but it is Applicable.."
"Frodo is Master!" - Gollum
As the Soul Infused Personality is Purified and burns up its
Golem Alter Egos in the Chakra in the Center of the Earth, so it becomes One
Soul Infused Personality, Enlightened. This is Symbolised by Frodos voyage to the
Undying Lands of the Soul Chakra.
"My Donkey is tired and I should get off" - St Francis of
Assisi, the day of his death
"You would not have survived if it had not been for me" Gollum
"But now Frodo is the Master, and we don't need you any more!"
- Gollum 2
"Murderer!" - Gollum 1
Only by throwing Gollum and the Sauron Created Implant Rings into the Hot Fires in
Mount Orodruin in the Center of
the Earth - A PROCESS CALLED VITRIOL - can we rid ourselves of Energy Blockage Negative Karmic Mass
Karma and thus redeem and Forgive ourselves - ATTAIN ENLIGHTENMENT WITH ENERGY
Sauron Created the Implant One Ring to Control and Implant everyone on this
Planet - To Rule them All.
He creates the Implant Plates above the Head and the Fuctory
Smoke to stop the Light and create Cynicism and Despair.
By doing this he creates the cynical Orcs "He can't take his draught!" - Elves,
Tortured and Perverted - who cannot exist in the Light of the Soul, who can't
stand people who radiate the Light of the Soul.
Rather than Aquinas who taught the Man is the Image of God,
"Imago Dei" the Son of God, with all his vast potential for fusion with God, a
poet, a Guru, Illuminated. Rather Sauron teaches that man is only a Beast
descended from Monkeys (Darwin) and, The Nestorian Heresy, that Christ was
not divine in any way, simply a good man.
are slaves created from, "Great Kings of Men" who he promises to give Power by
creating them Black magicians just like him.
He pretends to create other Black magicians but his real aim is to create highly
evolved and energetic Slaves by De-Feeting them and putting implant blockages below
their base chakras. That way nothing they try to do can be successful, thus
Despair and Death to become Slaves on the Astral Plane
Implant blockages
By implanting blockages
which they create into other people they can cut a person off from the source by
putting blockages in above the head or into the heart chakra, thus creating an
accomplice whose aim is to distract humanity from their Soul Path or Dharma. They can put blockages between the base chakra and the center of the
earth thus creating someone to feed off, a slave. They can also program the
blockages to send the energy back to them, thus becoming an energy vampire.
They can program
addiction and other types of control blockages.
The energy of one addicted is greater - like burning
the candle at both ends - and easily taken. People burning the candle quickly
usually die young but as well as energy received each day from God, the soul is
given a supply of energy at birth, thus for a vampire to get more energy it is
good that there are many short bright lives. Thus drugs, sex and gambling
blockages are tools to concentrate energy back to the blockage implant creator.
Distraction Implant
Control Blockages
Distraction Implant Control Blockages are very high level
alter-Egos or Sub-personalities whose job is to distract the victim with the
Normal Hollywood dreams of Power, Money, Car, House, Fame, Harem. They also do
it through addiction to Food, Drugs, Sex. They also do it by perverting the
power of Emotion creating fear, anger, sadness,
slave and
psychopath as part of their control. They also are behind and above
the use of Ego-Strategies like the Poor-Me, Violator and Selfish
Competitive Star. They do this by forming these stupid alter-ego distraction
desires in people
We see these bad people
who create implants with psychic vision connected by streams of energy to their victims. Some have
thousands of connections like a telephone exchange connecting to thousands of
implant blockages put into their human energy food. And these implant blockages
exist in people lifetime after lifetime, until the techniques of energy
enhancement can remove the implant. The whole world is in the state that it is,
perverted, because of the creation of these brainwash implant blockages.
are programmed blockages created by an evil
person to implant into other people, usually to siphon energy back to the evil
person - the Ultimate Energy Vampire.
Gurdjieff and the Black Magician
Gurdjieff used to tell a parable to explain how the world is run by a few bad people.... There was a magician who was also a
shepherd. He had thousands of sheep to look after and he was a very miserly man
so he didn't want many servants and he didn't want many watchmen. He did not
want to pay anybody and he did not want his sheep to be lost or taken by the
wolves. But it was very difficult for him to take care of all the sheep alone.
He was very rich and he had many sheep.
So he played a trick on the sheep. He hypnotised them and implanted them with
control blockages -- he was a magician. He hypnotised them and told every sheep, 'You are not a sheep. Don't be afraid.' To
some he said, like in Animal Farm by George Orwell, 'You are a lion.' To some he said, 'You are tigers.' To some he
even said, 'You are men. Nobody is going to kill you. Don't be afraid and don't
try to escape from here.'
The sheep started believing in his controls. Every day he would butcher a few
sheep but the others would think, 'We are not sheep. He is butchering only
sheep. We are lions, we are tigers, we are wolves, we are French, we are
Russians, we are Chinese, we are this and that...' even that they were men. Some
were even told that they were magicians -- and they believed it. It was always
some sheep which was to be butchered. They remained aloof, distant. They were
not worried. And by and by they were all butchered.
'This is the situation,' Gurdjieff used to say.
summarized the problem: Mankind is asleep asheep but doesn't know it. So deep is his
hypnotic slumber that he does his daily walking and talking and legislating and
marrying in a state of unconsciousness.
the acts are the mechanical acts of hypnotized people. And that, Gurdjieff
declares, is the simple reason why the world goes from one disaster to another:
"Would", he asks, "a conscious human being destroy himself' through war, and
crime, and quarrels No, man simply knows not what he does to himself."
One of
the basic principles explains the many and varied I's in a man. The unawakened
man is not a unified person. He has dozens of selves within him, each falsely
calling itself. Many philosophers, including George Santayana and David Hume,
have also observed how a person switches constantly from one I to another.
The many
I's within a man explains many mysteries about human nature. For example, a man
decides to give up an undesirable habit, but the next day he repeats it again.
Why? Because another entitiy sub personality I has taken over, an energy
blockage that likes the habit and has no intention of giving it up.
provides a simple solution to this contradictory condition: Become aware of the
many I's. Watch how one takes over and then another. Also, see that they do not
represent the true you, but consist of borrowed opinions and imitated
viewpoints. Such self-observation weakens their grip; you eventually find your
real I, your higher self or soul infused personality.
We do this also through a process of removing,
eliminating, the energy blockage sub-personalities which exhibit Attention
seeking behaviour, through the Energy Enhancement Process. This is the process
of Integrating the mind under the aegis of the Soul, the Higher Self, and by
purifying the Nafs, the Talents, The Sub-personalities, the
Energy Blockages in Energy Enhancement Level 2 - Eliminate Energy Blockages
In the same way that man is divided with himself, the whole
world is divided between the Sauron Psychopaths and the Potential Human Beings
who have the possibility of a heart and God consciousness using Energy
Enhancement Techniques.
In order for the psychopaths to maintain control they plan to
reduce humanity to the level of a beast through war to destroy civilisation and
create poverty, bad education, bad food, and the big lie to inculcate servility
and stupidity.
The solution to all the economic problems of humanity are simple
using free energy high energy flux science from nuclear and fusion sources..
But Psychopathic Sauron and his orc legions are present.
Dumbing down the science by buying it up and hiding it.
Reducing the profound conceptions of the higher scientists -
Leonardo Da Vinci, Liebniz, Rieman, Tesla to simple rules for Newtonian drudges
to follow.
Teaching that energy is lacking on this planet - the green lie -
and so needs to be shared and reduced so that our high civilisation should be
reduced to the level of the stone age at only 2 Billions of people whereas with
high energy science, this planet can support many, many more people.
Using the proven lie of global warming consciously created
whereas this Gorean, "Inconvenient Truth" was created by buying the scientists
and their Institutions now whistleblown and their lies exposed about
Global Warming which has no
science behind it at all. It simply is not true.
Whilst these
whistleblown proven liars of corrupt science saying that their false climate
models can predict the weather more than one day ahead; actually, they falsely
say they can predict the weather years ahead!! And many nieve people have
believed this.
The important
thing to notice and ask is, who gains from Global Warming? Who promoted it and
Using the lie of the Sauron psychopath controlled casino stock
market to steal the life savings of everyone not, "One of Them" through
consciously created bubbles in existence from Sumerian and Babylonian times 6000
years ago.
The important
thing to notice and ask is, who gains from Stock Market Crashes? Who promoted it
and WHY?
This is the
real evil and more; that of conscious global pollution and poisoning to reduce
humanities energy and lifespan through cancer and heart disease and his
intelligence and aspirations to those of a beast.
The important
thing to notice and ask is, who gains from reducing the wealth and intelligence
of Humanity? Who promoted it and WHY?
the the using Implant Blockages are removed in exactly the same way as all the
other blockages, quite easily through the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process
of Energy
Enhancement Level 2.
The third book of
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is called the Vibhuti Pada. The vibhuti are all
the accomplishments which come as by-products of your Energy Enhancement
practice. They are also sometimes called the siddhis, or supernatural powers.
These powers begin to come with the practice of the final four limbs of Raja
Yoga: dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), samadhi (Union with
external energies LEVEL 1) and samyama (Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2).
Patanjali Book 3 Sutra 33.By samyama on the light at the crown of the head (sahasrara chakra), visions
of masters and adepts are obtained.
This is what we teach in The
Fourth Initiation Of Energy Enhancement available on our Video Course, Online
Course or directly with your teachers at the SOL Villa for personal training.
Patanjali Book 3 Sutra 34Or, in the knowledge that dawns by spontaneous enlightenment (through a life
of purity), all the psychic powers come by themselves.
Patanjali Book 3 Sutra 39By the loosening of the cause (of the bondage of mind to body) and by
knowledge of the procedure of the mind-stuff's functioning, entering another's
body is accomplished. - At crucial times when great things are happening, In
order to change the shape of the future it becomes necessary to overshadow.
Ascended Masters and certain living beings have the ability to take this path.
Book Four of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjalihas the heading Kaivalya Pada , or the portion that talks about absoluteness.
Kaivalyam means without qualities or conditions, or without
Energetic Blockages. The
one who has the quality of kaivalyam is Enlightened or Totally Free. It's an
experience of absoluteness, unlimitedness.
Patanjali Book 1 Sutra 2 and Energy Blockages.
Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodha or
Enlightenment (Yogas) comes through dissolving (Nirodha) the Energy Blockages
(Vrittis) in the BodyMind (Citta).
The process of Energy Enhancement is that of
finding and dissolving Energetic Blockages in the Chakras which stop the
functioning of one of the 7 parallel processors or Chakras of the mind, or the
communication between the chakras, stopping them talking to each other or
really, the Integration of the whole human being or Enlightenment.
Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 1.Siddhis or Psychic Powers are born of practices performed in previous births,
or by herbs, mantra repetition, asceticism, or by samadhi.
Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 2 The evolution of the
human being is brought about by the inflow of Nature, or Soul Energy, into the system from
external chakra sources. These are the Infinity of Chakras in the Antahkarana, the
rainbow Bridge which connects us with the chakras of the Universe. It is a
Staff Like Creation between heaven and earth which contains our Psychic Body
of Seven Chakra Parallel Processors and also an infinity of Chakras
connecting us with the Highest Energy of the One God with 10,000 names. The
first chakra above the head is called the Soul Chakra which controls all the
lifetimes of our limited bodies on this planet. Thus it is Immortal. It is
the Soul Infused Personality which absorbs and Integrates the Alter Ego
Sub-Personalities of the Desire Filled Selfish Competitive Ego in order to
become Enlightened. In this way there can only be One. This is the light of the Soul which we contact in the Energy
Enhancement Video Course and on the Live Energy Enhancement Courses Worldwide.
Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 3The effortless movement of Soul energy
from the chakras above the head into your crown chakra does not directly cause natural
evolution; Evolution naturally happens because the energy from external
chakras is used to remove
the blockages by The Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement in the body as a farmer removes the blockages in a water course
(Energy meridian) running in his field.
This is the process of Energy Enhancement. When the blockages to the flow of
Energy are removed, naturally the Soul Energy Flows without hindrance and
the Soul Energy is Maximally evolved. It needs no Evolution. Our evolution
requires the removal of all Energy Blockages. The end is Enlightenment when
the Soul Light is channeled perfectly and our Aura Glows with the Light of
the Soul. Soul Illumination.
Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 4The egoistic personality, channeling psychic energy, is the cause of
artificially created blockages, Alter Egos or Sub-Personalities or as they are sometimes
called, Implants.
Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 5Although the functions in the many created blockages may differ, the original
mind-stuff of the magician is the director of them all.
The Original Mind Stuff is the Mind Stuff of the Soul which eventually creates
the Soul Infused Being or the Enlightened, Illuminated by the Light of the
Soul. Love and Light we say in Energy Enhancement.
Patanjali Book 4 Sutra 6Only the artificially created minds born of meditation, of white magic, of
soul connection are free from karmic impressions, that is, they have no
blockages and because of that, have powerful effects. As we focus on our Mind
Stuff we can remove every energy blockage, every control implant, every
vampire implant energy blockage, every Alter Ego, every sub - personality.
The resulting pure mind is a mind born of meditation. This mind can then
channel the energy of the Soul 100% - this is Enlightenment; when you glow
with the light of the Soul, this is Illumination.
Blockages, CREATED implants which channel the energy of the victim
back towards the bad person who is using the victim as a battery, like in the
Matrix Film, and creating negative emotion, control, pain and disease in him
so that he remains permanently, lifetime after lifetime, in a state of
delusion, never realising the truth..
Blockages in white
magic are angels, healing and protection. The white magician has the ability
to dissolve all the blockages of his clients or students.
Energy Enhancement and the Lord of the Rings
The word
“Chakra” from the Sanskrit means “Ring”.
The One
Ring is an Distraction Implant Control Blockage. It is Separate, sentient energy blockage put into the Ring
created by the black magician Sauron. Most people have one or more of them.
Ring, to rule them all and in the Darkness, Bind them.”
And this
Ring Implant Blockage is created to control all the other rings, in our case, us!! To
control the Seven parallel processors which comprise the mind. The seven
chakras or Rings within us.
Created Ring Blockage OR IMPLANT creates perversion, desire and emotion within
the person who comes close to it.
As you read the book or
see the film of The Lord of the Rings, you understand that the Rings action is
to pervert people, yet in order to be further perverted, some egoistic flaw
must be there in the person which makes them think the Ring, the psychic
blockage, is necessary. The blockage is drawn by the ego-flaw and
Great Ones, Gandalf, Galadriel and Aragorn refuse to take The Ring when it is offered
to them because they know. They have been down that road many times before and
they know where it ends.
“I have
passed the test.” says Galadriel when she is offered the ring by Frodo. “I
shall remain Galadriel and pass to the west”
the ring merely exists to tempt the unwary. It, the blockage, teaches and
tests us with all the addictions we consider necessary to a good life.
desires we feel we can not do without. Addictions to Food, Sex, Cigarettes,
Drugs, Gambling, Television, Books, Power, Religion, in a way, all the aspects
of the Ego. As we evolve, we learn about the effects of blockages in our
system. In a way, we learn that although we have been given free choice, in
the end we only have one choice, as Zen Master Hogen says, "A Choiceless
choice." and that is to do the Right Thing -
This ability, the ability to
know what is the right thing. That thing which puts us into alignment with the
energy of the Soul, puts us into alignment with the energy of Dharma, comes
through many lifetimes of painful experience.
We see
that every selfish desire ends in pain as we become disappointed every time
over many lifetimes. We learn that intense disappointment can kill us. We
learn, “Don’t take the Ring!!” Don’t open yourself to blockages. You start to
know intensely, a matter of Life and Death, “The blockages must be removed!”
The Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali
talks about
Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what
exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of
desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to
come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma that is to
come can be averted" The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their
Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma
desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.
In the
Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds so that the life
they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct
conditions, ever again. And what roasts the seeds? This is the concentration
of the Light of the Soul, the next highest energy to the mind and there are
higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as
light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow
Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is
the Master.
This is
Energy Enhancement - The most advanced method to roast the seeds in 28
Initiations, The most Advanced and Efficient Course of Meditation based upon
Ancient Techniques from 5000 years of Successful Spiritual Technology.
Energy Enhancement and the Removal of Blockages.
Energy Enhancement, we learn how to perceive the action of blockages and
Sauron created Implants in our
system, how to diagnose and localize them in the system and how to remove them
in ourselves and others.
many lifetimes we have created many blockages ourselves and accepted many blockages
from Sauron. They exist within us and it is
these blockages alone which cause us to have negative emotions and addictions
which hold us in thrall.
Anger, manicism, wanting sympathy, depression and sadness, fear are all caused
by these psychic blockages. The personalities of the Violator, Poor Me.
Seductor, Selfish Competitive Star and Inner Distraction Saboteur - the Self Destructor are all caused by these
psychic blockages.
It is
these blockages alone which cause us to take the bad paths, the limited paths,
the paths with bad painful endings that we take.
In a way
the blockages, the many separate Alter Ego sub-personality blockages comprise the
selfish, separative ego.
Ancient Effective Techniques taught in the Energy Enhancement Course in Spain
or India teaches you The Seven Step Process, Advanced Blockage Busting Techniques to get rid of Your
Blockages and gives you the opportunity to Utilise the skills and experience
of Swami Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani to help your process.
results are incredible, just read the testimonials on the website!!
removal of blockages results in a greater flow of energy in the system,
Quicker mind, Emotions manageable, fantastic relationships, Health and
Happiness, The achievement of your potential as an evolved human being.
A few words from one of
our teachers, the enlightened master Sri Swami Satchidananda who left his body
in 2002.
is my sincere wish and prayer that each one of you experience the peace and
joy of Yoga through the help and grace of the great Yoga adept Patanjali
Maharishi and that you all attain the supreme achievement to which his Yoga
Sutras point. May you go beyond mere book knowledge and attain realization
through purity of heart in your very lives. '
OM Shanti, Shanti,
Shanti. OM Tat Sat.
Energy Enhancement: The Core Energy Techniques
Speed up
the Process of Enlightenment.
The Kundalini Kriyas - Expel Every Energy Blockage.
Speed Up the Process of
Evolution, Intelligence, Emotional Stability, Energy, Kindness, Wisdom and Leadership
which many courses profess to teach but which
Energy Enhancement has given
with both hands to the
many and varied students taught by it.
conditioning and Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani
"I got
into Energy Enhancement because I was inhibited. Turns out I was inhabited!"
Over the
past few decades some highly dramatic stories illustrating the phenomenon of
"multiple personalities" have become quite well known.
psychiatrists and psychologists, and, in fictional accounts, novelists and
scriptwriters, have given considerable attention to extreme cases where another
distinctly different "personality" appears to take control over an individual
for prolonged periods of time.
attention, however, has been given to less dramatic but, perhaps, related
people have days when they are "not quite themselves." One hears comments like,
"It just wasn't like Fred. He was like some kind of madman!" or "She was like a
woman possessed!" or "He's a different person when he drinks," or "I don't know
what came over me, " or "What got into me?" What's happening? There is no
scarcity of theories. This and the following paragraphs examines this area, and
offers various explanations concerning it.
Currently, the entirety of
Hubbard, see left, Scientology's super-secret "upper levels" deal with
this type of "phenomena." but are only able to remove the easy blockages.
Energy Vampire Implants, Inner
Children and the Strategies of the Vampire, the Violator, The Poor Me and the
Selfish Competitive Star seem to be beyond them, especially regarding Hubbards
many times reported temper tantrums (violator) and his inability to have other
stars around him because a selfish competitive star can only have yes - men
around him. He will try to destroy (fair game) all other stars.
might have partially failed but he was onto energy blockages. Even in 1950 Hubbard was
preoccupied by this sort of thing. In Dianetics, the Evolution of a
Science-published in 1950 and aired at a broad science fiction audience
(consisting of scientifically oriented readers) - Hubbard wrote:
was necessary to hark back to the techniques of the Kayan Shaman of Borneo,
among others. Their theory is crude; they exorcise demons.... Provisionally,
let's try to postulate that Man is good.... And we suppose something such as the
Borneo Shaman's Toh has entered into him which directs him to do evil things.
Man has
believed longer that demons inhabit men, than Man has believed they do not. We
assume demons. We look for some demons, one way or another. And we find some!"
This was
an amazing discovery and the thing to do was try to measure and classify demons.
Strange work for an engineer and a mathematician! But it was found that the
"demons" could be classified. There were several "demons" in each patient, but
there were only a few classes of "demons."
were audio demons...visio demons, interior demons, exterior demons, ordering
demons, directing demons, critical demons, apathetic demons, angry demons, bored
demons and certain demons who merely blocked things. The last seemed to be most
common. Looking into a few minds established soon that it was difficult to find
anyone who didn't have some of these demons....
then discusses the analogy between the human mind and an electronic computer.
Finally he concludes:
There are
no demons. No ghosts or ghouls or Tohs. But there are aberrative circuits.
doesn't explain how it is that these "circuits" existed structurally. But
"structure" was not his concern; his concern was function. He wrote:
was not necessary to show how it is done in terms of physical mechanism if we
can show that it IS done and it succeeds."
In 1950,
a circuit was defined by Hubbard as:
"A part
of the individual's bank [reactive mind] that behaves as though it were someone
or something separate from him and that either talks to him or goes into action
of its own accord, and may even, if severe enough, take control of him while it
jingle heard on the radio that sticks in one's mind, playing over and over; the
actor who after many appearances on stage, portraying a particular character,
takes a vacation and finds, to his discomfort, that he still at times possesses
the qualities of that character; the obsession that grips a person causing him
to do things he knows he will later regret-the materialistic viewpoint might
simply say, "That's simply something the brain does."
spiritual viewpoint on the other hand traditionally divides a human being into
"body, mind, and spirit," with the spirit being the basic individual and the
mind being the recordings of one's past experiences, ideas, conclusions, etc.
These recordings are not necessarily considered as a part of the brain, but
rather a function of the spirit".
from Joseph Krutch's More Lives Than One:
physiologists are very fond of comparing the network of our cerebral nerves with
a telephone system but they overlook the significant fact that a telephone
system does not function until someone talks over it. The brain does not create
thought (Sir Julian Huxley has recently pointed out this fact); it is an
instrument which thought finds useful."
Mouni Sadhu's The Tarot, A Contemporary Course of the Quintessence of Hermetic
Let us
imagine that a man has a common evil desire, he makes no attempt to realize it
on the physical plane. He only draws a dark desire on the astral plane, and so
creates a kind of "entity."...This artificial "being" does not possess a
physical body....Such a being can...act and influence only in direction as
intended by its unwise creator, man, who is usually unaware of his foolishness.
Now, on
whom will the influence of such a demon be exerted Yes, firstly on the father of
it himself...who created the astral picture of the evil deed. We call this type
of ominous artificial entity a larva. Such a larva will watch it's "father' in
order to prevent him from forgetting his evil intention and desire, and to
fortify the larva's life by new meditations about the same theme. But it can
also attach itself to another man, who has a certain astral and mental affinity
with the first one.
back to Hubbard, during the 1952 Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Hubbard said of
what used to be called, in Dianetics, "demon circuits":
Each one
of these things can be a thinking entity. It thinks it's alive. It can think
it's a being as long as energy is fed to it.
He had
also mentioned in this lecture series that someone can deliberately "mock up"
(i.e., vividly imagine) something and give it a life of its own.
There is
the idea of "thought forms" created by the individual himself is the viewpoint
that asserts that, while thought forms do exist, real "demons" also exist. But
not only "demons"; also many types of "disembodied beings," human and non-human,
some big some small, some good, some indifferent, some unconscious,
There are
many variations of this theme. The movie The Exorcist illustrates one version. A
powerful demonic being completely takes over a little girl.
One can
also pose a less dramatic scenario. As well one powerful "demon," a person,
theoretically, might be infested with many little "demons."
To quote
from Garrison,
texts assert that the universe all about us is teeming with thought forms and
with beings good and bad-deities, demons, nature spirits, discarnate human egos,
phantoms, monsters. The sadhaka is not only made aware that they exist, he is
taught disciplines that bring them under his control and enable him to
communicate freely to them. The tantric Yogis are not alone in their view, or
the claim of ability to communicate and control this, supposed, class of beings.
In fact, in various degrees of sophistication, it can be found to be part of the
spiritual tradition of Man on all five continents. The witchdoctor, the magi,
the medicine man, and many a modern psychic have as a commonality the view that
such things exist."
As an
aside I find it of interest that Thomas Edison wrote the following in "The Diary
and Sundry observations," although it is not in the category of "unwanted
psychical or spiritual influences" in one's body or "aura":
Take our
own bodies. I believe they are composed of myriads and myriads of
infinitesimally small individuals, each in itself a unit of life, and that these
units work in squads - or swarms, as I prefer to call them - and these
infinitesimally small units live forever. When we "die" these swarms of units,
like a swarm of bees, so to speak, betake themselves elsewhere, and go on
functioning in some other form or environment.
not only believed in the immortality of the human spirit, but also in the
immortality of that which he believed enlivens the physical body - the
immortality of each cell.
In 1978
L. Ron Hubbard, felled by his second major heart attack, lay barely conscious
and helpless in bed. At the time Dr. Gene Denk and "Case Supervisor
International" David Mayo began working with him on his health in 1978, Hubbard
conceived of himself as surrounded by a swarm of confused, unconscious, or
semi-conscious entities: burnt-out human souls. He had discovered Energy
Blockages in the Aura for the first time!
are no demons," he had written in 1950. A couple of years later, he spoke of
self-generated "thinking entities." Then, a quarter of a century later, he was
party to the development of procedures or guided meditations with which any
medicine man or witch doctor would probably feel at home. These procedures dealt
with the eviction of swarms of non-self-generated parasitic beings.
Now, any
decent witch doctor "servicing a client" does his thing and a few hours later
goes on his way, goat, chicken or pig in hand, in exchange for his services. In
the varied literature regarding "exorcism" and the like-whether such things are
considered self-generated or not - one sees a regular reference to a relatively
small number of "influences,'" "thought forms," "obsessions," or whatever, in
need of "handling."
operated on a much grander scale. From his hypnotic pedestal of "ultimate
authority," he stated to his followers that everyone was engulfed in thousands
upon thousands of degraded beings.
"A man
has blockages like a dog has fleas!"
says, "You're the effect of all these Body Thetans!" (beings attached to the
theory and procedure of how to "handle" the entity "phenomenon" is highly
secret. This level of auditing brings in probably a million dollars a week
internationally for the Church of Scientology The high prices charged depend
upon these guided meditations and information being kept tantalizingly
mysterious and secret.
is the glue that sticks Thetans or Energy Blockages to things," Hubbard once
said. He proceeded to use this principle in marketing his Operating Thetan or
Blockage Free levels. The secrecy and mystery surrounding these levels pulled
people in, bringing in also their wallets and check-books; a major part of
it...just to discover the answer to the mystery.
wealthy the Scientologists, are sold a lot of auditing with authorised auditors
for the eradication of their Energy Blockage "fleas."
auditing costs over $400 per hour. It is quite usual for Scientologists to spend
well over $100,000 for this level of removing Energy Blockages from the body
alone. One man, a geologist, engineer and entrepreneur, spent $450,000.
to Hubbard, "Nots handles" are those beings or entities, energy blockages or
"body thetans" ("BTs") that are located in the body or around the body. The
auditing procedure of Nots can locate those body entities, and send them off,
no longer infesting the individual or his body.
entities are inhabiting various things, like a body part (a bone, arm, cell,
whatever) or they are a particular sub-personality, or condition, such as "TV
watcher," or "fear," or "worker," or "solitary angry man," and so on.
to this line of thought, people get confused as to who they are and who they are
not. A person hears these voices or feels desires, and so on, and thinks he is
the source of them.
Yet, the
theory goes, you are not necessarily the originator of these thoughts or
impulses. Another may be. So, by identifying who is the being (who is the source
of these vocalizations or impulses) and spotting where it is located, you are
freed to think for yourself.
So an
auditor has you (the main guy in control) ask each BT, "What are you?" and "Who
are you?"
The Body
Thetans or Energy Blockages will then separate out and realize that they are in
fact themselves; that they are not some body part or whatever. At the same time,
you realize that the Energy Blockages or BTs are different from you; that their
mental pictures, ideas, and degraded impulses do not originate from you.
According to Hubbard, these beings are very easily overwhelmable and hypnotic.
Because of this, they tend to take on the personality of whatever (or whoever)
comes along that gets their attention.
"You have
to actually put some life into them to activate them. They're like pebbles on a
beach....But listen, you're living in a universe which is crawling with this
type of stuff. And planet Earth was a dumping ground to end all dumping
grounds....As NED for OTs is run these cats wake up and get handled. This
relieves the entity infested guy of a lot of phenomena which puzzles him and can
hold him down.
As you go
along doing the guided meditation many times on each energy blockage (running
it) you will find that the Energy Blockages seldom consider themselves live
beings. They think they are MEST (Matter, Energy, Space and Time), body parts,
significances, conditions-anything but live beings."
No, such
energy blockage "beings" are the victims of what Hubbard calls the "dwindling
spiral." According to him, any spiritual being in the physical universe is
inevitably subject to deterioration and degradation.
who are not removing Energy Blockages are not evolving spiritually, but rather
are devolving-heading downward towards "Hubbardian Hell."
In "Ron's
Journal 30" Hubbard explains: "But there was one discovery in 1978 that I
haven't said very much about and am really not likely to since it is a sad
thing. It is what really happens to a thetan or Energy Blockage who is not
salvaged or processed and goes on down the chute. Man, when I saw that and knew
it to be true I actually felt sorry for these guys or Energy Blockages that try
to hit at us. Poor devils. Some religious talk about hell. It's an
understatement of what really happens."
In 1967,
on the Canary Island of Las Palmas, Hubbard made what he claimed was the most
important spiritual breakthrough in the history of the human race. He had
unearthed, in his solo-auditing, a super traumatic ancient incident that had
killed anyone else who had ever come close to uncovering it.
resolution of, and safe passage through, this incident was "boldly explored and
mapped" by him. This "map" was put into the form of his longhand writings for
the highly confidential level of "Operating Thetan Level Three" (OT III) which
only deals with Energy Blockages in the Body.
revelation of OT III was that virtually everyone on this planet - indeed, in
"this sector of the Galaxy" - was totally overwhelmed by the effects of an
incident that occurred 75 million years ago. And that underlying this
cataclysmic event was another more basic cause of "human contamination":
everyone without exception had been zapped and zombified by an incident that
occurred four quadrillion years ago.
beings, he said, "do not respond to reason, they respond only to `R6* symbols.'
The designation R6 derives from the OTIII guided Meditation or process or
"routine" ("R"), in this case the 6th in a series "0" to...(however many
processes or guided meditations he would go through till he found the one that
he felt did the trick).
He first
"discovered" this "bank" (storage of damaging mental image pictures in the
"reactive mind") during the early sixties. and, later in 1967, "discovered" the
full incident of which these pictures were but a part. He promoted the incident
as the "Wall of Fire." " The "R6 memory bank," is a part of any person's
unconscious mind, according to Hubbard. This "bank" was deliberately created by
mass implanting which occurred 75 Million years ago. This implanting was a
highly "scientific" form of brainwashing, using huge movie screens as part of a
program of mass hypnosis.
to Hubbard, there was no point in reasoning with normal human beings as they
were all controlled by implants and Energy Blockages. Instead of reasoning with
these people he spoke of reaching into the public and "driving them through your
orgs by using the original programming - "R6 bank symbols" (in the form of
certain words, and pictures such as, for example, volcanoes) "key in" (in other
words reconnect) people to these implants.
result is that they become attracted to the organisation.
In 1967
all Scientology books suddenly presented a collection of images upon their
covers: an exploding volcano; a woman in a monkey suit, eating what appeared to
be a turkey leg; the frontal view of a speeding train; an odd-looking old man
with a beard; a fellow dressed in a white spacesuit carrying a box (of "packaged
beings") into a spaceship. These were R6 bank symbols.
A special
"Book Mission" was sent out to promote these books, now empowered and made
irresistible by the addition of these overwhelming symbols or images.
Organization staff were assured that if they simply held up one of the books,
revealing its cover, that any bookstore owner would immediately order crateloads
of them. A customs officer, seeing any of the book covers in one's luggage,
would immediately pass one on through.
images seem to work as Scientology now is one of the richest and fastest growing
religions in the world!
symbols of the Hubbard Sea Org, which include the uniforms worn by Sea Org
officers, were designed to fit Hubbard's descriptions of symbols of "R6", and
were thus guaranteed to win instant respect and obedience for the person wearing
had made it plain that he, and only he, had discovered and risen above the "R6
bank." Human existence is controlled utterly by it. He emphasized that, to those
who had not completed the lower pre-requisite levels of Scientology, to remove
the easy Energy Blockages, reading the materials of OT III was deadly.
confidential class 8 course with Hubbard's twenty lectures taped on the Apollo
in Corfu, Greece gives Hubbard's opinion of Christianity: Somebody on this
planet, about 600 B.C. found some pieces of "R6. " I don't know how they found
it; either by watching madmen or something. But since that time they have used
it. And it became what is known as Christianity. The man on the cross. There was
no Christ! The Roman Catholic Church, through watching the dramatizations of
people picked up some little fragments of R6. In a bulletin of that period he
states: "Also the Christian Church used (and uses) implanting - "They took over
the Nicene Creed just before the year zero. invented Christ (who comes from the
`crucifixion' in R6, 75 million years ago) and implanted their way to power."
He made
it plain that the traumatic effects of the events of 75 million years ago had
been the ultimate barrier to the attainment of "full removal of all blockages"
Despite the mortal dangers, however, he had braved the "Wall of Fire" and
survived. He had then "taped the route" for all Mankind to follow.
Of course
getting the blocked people of planet Earth from zombiedom to godhood was going
to be no easy task. Yet it must be done. And with the threat of nuclear war
looming ever overhead, it must be done fast!
of this, to be in the Sea Org - or for that matter to be on staff at any
Scientology org - is to be a participant in a never-ending "condensed time
emergency. " One never has time to pause and think about what is going on.
Besides, doing so would be a form of "self auditing" which is strictly
forbidden by Hubbard. Hubbard said it is impossible for people to free
themselves from their own Energy Blockages and thus only authorised auditors are
allowed to remove blockages from their clients. And indeed, the job is so
difficult that for thousands of years, Gurus are the only people to have
successfully made people enlightened. The Energy Blockages of the more difficult
fourth level control a persons mind so completely that they can never have
enough energy to overcome them by themselves.
In light
of all this Hubbard explained: "Anyone is entitled to have opinions and ideas
and cognitions - so long as these do not bar the route out..." The road to
"Total Freedom," was only available to people who could continue to use the help
of the Guru.
Any newly
initiated, "good Scientologist" would tell himself: "I have a reactive energy
blocked mind! My opinion is irrelevant, especially when compared to that of this
great man who has broken free and who will eventually free me also."
1967 Scientologists regarded themselves as the elite of earth. While the
materials of OT III in some ways served to further enhance that feeling, and
many Sea Org members, for instance, were said to have been the "loyal officers,"
i.e., the good guys who opposed the mass implanting, when all this happened,
these materials served also to greatly increase their feeling of indebtedness to
their Founder Guru, - Hubbard.
whereas Hubbard was able to help in removing easy Energy Blockages of
creativity, communication and the Body, when it came to Body Implants from
external Energy Vampires and Inner Children and their Strategies of the Vampire
like the Violator, the Poor me and the Selfish Competitive Star it has been
reported many times that Hubbard was a shouting and angry man, perhaps he had
had reached his limit in dealing with the more difficult Energy Blockages.
It needs the Twenty Eight Initiations of Energy Enhancement and a
lot of intuitive and psychic help in order to remove all Energy Blockages, even
the most powerful and reach enlightenment. Energy Enhancement has the key to the
removal of all energy blockages!!
center of the
earth chakra
HIS is the Hindu cosmology
or Vedic-Agamic Cosmology; The Inner and Outer Universe
correlating the various divisions and categories of manifestation, as
well as the bodies, sheaths,chakras and states of consciousness of the
soul. It is organized with the highest consciousness, or subtlest level
of manifestation, at the top, and the lowest, or grossest, at the
lokas (3 worlds & 14
planes): This
Vedas, Classically name only 14 chakras missing out seven chakras above
the head. In reality there are an Infinity of Chakras ending in God,
Atma, Purusha.
These are the classical divisions of consciousness,
traditionally numbering 14, as listed. A simpler breakdown shows the three lokas: causal, subtle and gross. The 14
planes correspond directly to the chakras, psychic force centers
within the inner bodies of the soul. The 14
chakras are "doorways" within man to each of the 14 planes.
kala (5 spheres):
the five kalas -- vast divisions of
consciousness or "dimensions" of the mind. Note that the five states of
mind -- superconscious, subsuperconscious, conscious, subconscious and
subsubconscious -- are also listed in this column.
tattva (36 evolutes):
The 36 tattvas, are the
basic "building blocks" of the universe, successively grosser evolutes
of consciousness. These are in three groups.
kosha & sharira (3
bodies & 5 sheaths): The sheaths or bodies.
Below we provide below a
deeper elucidation of the chakras and the three primary nerve currents
of the inner body: ida, pingala and sushumna.
The chakras are
nerve plexuses or centers of force and consciousness located within
the bodies of man. In the physical body there are corresponding
nerve plexuses, ganglia and glands. The seven principal chakras
can be seen psychically as colorful, multi-petalled wheels or lotuses
situated along the spinal cord. The seven lower chakras, barely
visible, exist below the spine connecting with the earth Chakra,
Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth.
Chakras Above sahasrara chakra:
The most subtle of the chakras lie above the crown chakra at the top of the head,
the higher the Chakra the more powerful it is, the more functionality it
has, the higher its frequency. As we exist within an Antahkarana tower
of energy which stretches from Earth to Heaven, it is really good to be
able to talk to and control each chakra. The way to do this is to remove
all Negative karmic mass, all energy blockages which block the
communication. Like the tower of Babel.
literature cites thirty-two chakras
above sahasrara chakra.
Agamic Hindu tradition
delineates seven levels of the rarified dimensions of paranada,
the first tattva and the highest stratum of sound. They are:
vyapini, vyomanga, ananta, anatha, anashrita, samana and unmana.
There are 36 tatvas or Octaves containing 7 chakras each although God is
infinite, there are an infinity of chakras.
Energy Enhancement cites an infinity of chakras
and higher and higher Initiations
- Which, through practise we experience an infinity of chakras above
sahasrara chakra and an infinity of Chakras below Muladhara chakra
ending in God.
- In reality we are learning to
use pairs of chakras above and below. There are an infinity of Chakras
but integration and purification of only a few will give vast influence
for the benefit, evolution, integration of humanity and the Universe.
- In reality, heaven and earth are not separate. There are three things.
There is trinity. Heaven and earth are connected by a column of energy - the Anthkarana or the holy spirit, which contain all the infinity of chakras
stepping down the energy from God.
The trinities are
all the same as earth, heaven and the connecting tower of the
- Sat chid ananda, Om is A U M, Hum is H U M, Amen is A M eN, The Hindu
trinity of Brahman, Shiva, Vishnu whose incarnation was Krishna, The
Holy Trinity The Father, Son, Holy Spirit, The Holy Grail is the
purified mind or Chitta which is filled with the Blood of Christ or
Ananda or Holy Spirit.
- In this way
there is one construct and we with our seven chakras are a part of that
construct, that tower, that line of energy. And if we learn how to enter
into any chakra, high or low, then we can learn how to influence,
control that chakra by purifying it of all negativity. This is the path
of evolution, of enlightenment.
What I mean is, if you start with this meditation of Energy Enhancement,
results are guaranteed!!
See our testimonials!!
As we awaken the pairs of chakras we get progressive initiations on the path of
Initiation one.
The Heart pairs with the solar plexus Giving Initiation one, the Opening
of the Heart.
Initiation 2.
Vishuddhi the throat chakra pairs with Swadisthana the Relationship
Chakra giving Initiation 2, the Mastery of Relationships which many
people are going through at this time. Once we learn how to connect and
take our energy from the Center of the Universe then we have no need to
connect our chakras with horizontal Energy Connections to others to give
and receive energy. We can become a giver of energy as we channel the
energy of the soul. There is no more need to be an Energy Vampire with
the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course!! Gradually with Initiation 4
of Energy Enhancement Level 1 we wean ourselves away from needing to
take energy from others. A Saint is one who gives 100%
chakra energy connections between people
Initiation 3.
Sahsrara and the Soul pairs with Muladhara and Kundalini Chakra in the
Center of the Earth giving Initiation 3, commonly called Enlightenment
or Soul Fusion. The Soul is purified and integrated with all the
purified chakras in the body and with Kundalini Chakra in the Center of
the Earth. The mind has only one personality, the Soul infused
personality. All sub-personalities and Implants and Energy Blockages
have been integrated by the Seven Step process of Energy Enhancement.
Initiation 3 is commonly called Enlightenment, but there are Initiations
Higher than Enlightenment...
Initiation 4.
The Monad Pairs with a purified chakra beneath the Centre of the Earth
Giving Initiation 4 - Monadic Infusion. The monad is a group of Souls
and the Monadically Infused will act as a Guru whose job is the
illumination of their Monadic group
Initiation 5.
The Logos pairs with a deeper purified chakra beneath Kundalini Chakra
in the Centre of the Earth (Vitriol - Visita Interiore Terrae
Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem) giving Initiation 5 - Logoic
Infusion. The Logos is a group of all the Monads on this Planet about
200 Billions of souls. The Logoic infused will be World Teachers like
the Christ or the Buddha, ascended masters whose consciousness has
arisen to live permanently in the higher chakras on the Other Shore, on
the other side of the Abyss, in Prajna Paramita - the Highest Wisdom
Initiation 6.
Sirius pairs with a deeper purified chakra beneath Kundalini
Chakra in the Centre of the Earth (Vitriol - Visita Interiore Terrae
Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem) giving Initiation 6 -
Sirian Infusion , Center of Second Ray Love energy.
Initiation 7.
The Avatar of Synthesis Pairs with a deeper purified chakra
beneath Kundalini Chakra in the Centre of the Earth (Vitriol - Visita
Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem) giving
Initiation 7 - Avatar of Synthesis Infusion. The Extra energy needed to
purify this planet and create an integrated Planet radiating Evolved
Second ray Love Energy for the benefit of the Universe. The Avatar of
Synthesis channels First Ray Will energy (Read the Rays and the
Initiations). This is the energy being used by Energy Enhancement.
"Love is the Law. Love under
Will is the whole of the Law"
The higher chakras
have been experienced by a rare few
(Note: everyone who practises Energy Enhancement will have deep
experience of the Higher chakras even using only Level 1 of Energy
Enhancement) as a
conglomerate of nadis, spiritual nerve currents comprising the
Antahkarana, which when
stimulated and developed by many samadhi experiences, slowly
descend into the mental and astral bodies purifying them, effecting a permanent
transformation of the entire being in Enlightenment.
Seven Chakras within the Body, when Purified will give these powers
7. Sahasrara
Illumination, Godliness. The spiritual mountaintop, pinnacle of light,
energy and consciousness. Aham Brahmasmi, "I am That," is unveiled. Here
liberated ones abide in communion with the Self. Meaning: "thousand-petaled."
Location: top of the cranium. Deity: Shiva. Shakti: Nirvanashakti.
Color: gold. Petals: 1,008. Plexus: pituitary. Plane: Satyaloka.
6. Ajna
Third Eye Divine sight.
Sensitives and clairvoyants reside in the pastel petals of this refined
realm, with access to many levels of superconsciousness and inner worlds
of light. Meaning: "command." Location: between the brows. Deity:
Ardhanarishvara. Shakti: Hakini. Color: lavender. Vehicle: swan. Petals:
two. Plexus: cavernous. Plane: Tapoloka.
5. Vishuddha
Throat Divine
love. Here, limitless love wells up, a vision of all souls as brothers
and sisters and all things as sacred. Selfless souls, exceptional
artists and mystical poets reside here. Meaning: "purity." Location:
throat. Deity: Sadashiva. Shakti: Shakini. Color: smokey purple-blue.
Vehicle: peacock. Petals: sixteen. Plexus: pharyngeal. Element: ether.
Plane: Janaloka.
4. Anahata
Heart Direct
cognition. Those who reach this realm, with their delicate, penetrating
insight into many fields of activity and knowing, are mankind's guides,
counselors, mentors and problem solvers. Meaning: "unsullied." Location:
heart. Deity: Ishvara. Shakti: Kakini. Color: smokey green. Vehicle:
deer. Petals: twelve. Plexus: cardiac. Element: air. Plane: Maharloka.
3. Manipura
Solar Plexus
Willpower. This is the hub of willpower. Accomplished men and women
perform at high levels mentally and physically when living in this
center of energy, discipline and endurance. Meaning: "Jewelled city."
Location: solar plexus. Deity: Maharudra Shiva. Shakti: Lakini. Color:
yellow-amber. Vehicle: ram. Petals: ten. Plexus: epigastric or solar.
Element: fire. Plane: Maharloka-Svarloka.
2. Svadhishthana --
Relationships and Reason. Home of intellect. Educated people work through this center of
logic and analysis. Great minds have mastered it. It is the pandit's
dwelling place and the pragmatist's refuge. Meaning: "one's own place."
Location: lower abdomen. Deity: Vishnu. Shakti: Shakini. Color: reddish
orange. Vehicle: crocodile. Petals: six. Plexus: prostatic. Element:
Water. Plane: Bhuvarloka.
1. Muladhara
Base Chakra
Memory-time-space. The abode of memory, the foundation of all human
knowledge, this center is also the seat of our basic instincts of
survival, sexuality and others. Meaning: "foundation." Location: base of
spine. Deity: Ganesha and Brahma. Shakti: Dakini. Color: red. Vehicle:
elephant. Petals: four. Plexus: sacral or pelvic. Element: Earth. Plane:
Seven Chakras Below the
Muladhara like
all of the chakras in an unenlightened person are filled with darkness
or with Trauma-Formed negative Karmic mass and so have the possibility
of being used in bad ways - until purified by grounding all the negative
energies, the negative possibilities will be seen. Until purified the
chakras below muladhara will have
the following bad effects...
1. Atala Fear and
lust. As awareness slips below the muladhara into fear,
indecision stymies ambition and a licentious lifestyle dulls the
pranic sheath. Meaning: "without bottom." Plane: Put.
2. Vitala Raging
anger. Dark red-black streaks emblazen the aura when awareness enters
this furnace of instinctive fire and then injures others. Meaning:
"region of the lost." Plane: Avichi.
3. Sutala Retaliatory
jealousy. Wanting what others have and preoccupation with what one is
not gnaws at the mind, instilling ill-will. Meaning: "great lower
region." Plane: Samhata.
4. Talatala Prolonged
confusion. Perversions replace natural joys. Negative karmas
compound and stiffen the flow of awareness. Reason warps. Meaning:
"under the bottom level." Plane: Tamisra.
5. Rasatala
Selfishness. An imprisoning veil of "me" and "mine" blinds the natural
instinct to care for others. Every action is for personal gain. Meaning:
"lower region of moisture." Plane: Rijisha.
6. Mahatala Consciencelessness. Blindness to higher impulses prevails. Guilt,
compunction, even fear, are foreign. Criminality is life. Meaning:
"greatest lower region." Plane: Kudmala.
7. Patala
Malice and
murder. A virtual hell of hate, hurting, killing for its own sake
without remorse. Reason rarely reaches this region. Meaning: "lower
region of wickedness." Plane: Kakola.
Illustrated here are the
three main nadis:
ida, pingala and sushumna,
Psychic nerve
currents through which prana flows from the central
spiritual sun, in the center of the Universe,
God in any one of his 10,000 names.
Ida and pingala intertwine the spinal column (shown
diverging far outside the sushumna for sake of illustration).
They begin at the muladhara chakra, cross at the
manipura and the vishuddha chakras and meet at the
Ida nadi, pink in color and feminine in nature,
the Moon, connected with the parasympathetic nervous system and the
vagus nerve which controls the speed of the heart, is
the channel of physical-emotional energy. It flows downward, ending on
the left side of the body.
Pingala nadi, blue in color and
masculine in nature, The Sun, connected with the alpha male sympathetic
nervous system and the fight or flight reaction, is the channel of intellectual-mental energy. It
flows upward, ending on the right side of the body.
Therefore there is a circle of energy between heaven and earth which
exists in the center of the Antahkarana Tower. Around both ida and
pingala is a spiral of energy therefore two intertwining spirals - like
DNA - to make one tower. This image is the secret of the Kundalini
Kriyas and the Alchemical Taoist Meditational Orbits - both taught in
Level 1 of Energy Enhancement meditation.
major nerve current, pale yellow in color, becomes activated when Ida
and pingala have been harmonised and integrated, usually by Alternate
Nostril Breathing and Pranayama, holding the breath, as taught in Energy
Enhancement Pranayama - wait for the DVD! It passes through the spinal
column from the muladhara chakra at the base to the sahasrara
at the crown of the head. It is the channel of kundalini. Through
yoga, the kundalini energy lying dormant in the
muladhara is awakened and made to rise up this channel through each
chakra to the sahasrara chakra.
Contact with and Purification of Chakras
above the head and below the base
- the Parallel Processors of Genius - alone
shows the Height of your Evolution.
Align with
Energy Enhancement.
Do Not be
Satisfied with Less!!
Come on an
Energy Enhancement Course to remove your Energy Blockages
filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, NOW!!
Enhancement has been able to teach most people to remove their own energy
blockages with the backup of Energy Enhancement teachers,
Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani
who were taught by
Zen Master Hogen,
who has a Zen Temple on the slopes of Mount Fuji in Japan, and also in
Australia, and Swami Satchidananda,
student of
Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, and who attained his Mahasamadhi at the
age of 89 in 2002.
Previously only Hindu
Gurus and Zen Masters had the ability to remove energy blockages by means of
their psychic powers gained through a lifetime of meditation and other miracles.
People who have known Roshi Hogen and Swami Satchidananda
know that through
them, enlightenment exists and is living today, as in all the ages of this
planet when virtue is in abeyance.
Hogen's Haiku, "Can you feel my breeze blowing, Even from 10,000 miles."
Yes, we felt his energy even at the other ends of the earth. The secret of Zen
and the Guru is that they remove the blockages of the student, but only when the
student is ready, when the student has learnt how to ask. How to be a good
That is why
all the enlightened including Swami
Satchidananda, Tangen Harada Roshi, Yasutani Roshi and Zen Master Hogen have
been so successful in producing their HIGHLY EVOLVED and enlightened students.
Although Satchidanand
and Devi Dhyani will teach you
Energy Enhancement techniques Online, by Video and on
Retreat to remove your own blockages, if the blockage is too tough
and too deep for you, the
of Energy Enhancement and Satchidanand and
Devi Dhyani, is waiting to help you on the Costa Brava in Spain, Argentina, and
Each of these blockages is a potential
time bomb in that toxins are deposited in these blockages.Eventually the
organ in which the blockage resides fails producing sometimes cancer and heart
disease. So understand that even from a simple physical point of view, how
necessary it is to learn and practice Energy Enhancement Techniques.
As my Master Roshi Hogen
says THE ANTAKARANA - "The spring at the top of the Mountain."
- An energy connection, built in mental matter Which stretches from the
Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth through our bodies with all of its
chakras out towards the Center of the Universe, the chakras of the Soul, the
Monad, the Logos, Sirius, through an infinity of chakras towards God.
Illness is caused by a lack of energy.
We can only heal ourselves when we learn to fill ourselves with energy by these
I was very happy with Zen Master
Hogen. Every Day as soon as I got out of bed, for many years, I would meditate.
But strangely I found more and more that I was getting thrown out of bed every
morning by him so I could meditate. And he was connected to me,
"Can you feel my breeze blowing? Even
from Ten Thousand Miles!"
I had the vision several times of him
polishing my base chakra whilst I was sitting in meditation.
I went to a Greek Island
with Hogen back around 1987 where he was giving a course with Yoga Teachers
Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten. I was there with Hogen because I was to act
as his general factotem and helper so we stayed in the same house for a couple
of weeks. I cooked the food, washed the dishes and one day was asked to cut his
hair with shears. To partake of his crown chakra energy. Thankyou Zen Master
During that time one night
when I slept I had a very vivid dream and I dreamt that I was lying on a slab of
stone dressed as an ancient king in armour and with a sword - an image very much
like but predating the image of the dead Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings Movie.
Hogen came towards me in his robes and he bent over me slowly from the waist and
brought his mouth to my right eye and sucked it out from my eye socket! He
slowly returned to vertical with my eye in his mouth, took it out with his
fingers and then polished it up, put the eye back in his mouth, bent over me
again and then put my eye, back in my eye socket again with his mouth!
Swami Satchitananda said
that, "Yoga is the creation of Psychic Vision" He also said that Hogen
and I are like a train. Hogen is the engine pushing from the back and I am the
engine pulling from the front. From this I gathered that
The next day Hogen
had done something really stupid. He had put some olbas oil, a strong oil
containing oil of wintergreen, on his finger and by accident put it into his
right eye and was in pain. The students rushed to help him wash out the oil but
I have pictures of Hogen wearing a piratical black eyepatch, "eye, eye, me
hearties!" for a week afterwards.
I came to understand later
that Hogen had indeed cleared up my psychic vision through many experiences I
received later.
Indeed, every true student
will have similar experiences of when the Spiritual Master took on some of their
Karma, with great effort and pain sometimes, in order to help their evolution.
Its what Masters have been
created to do. And without my dream knowledge, like all the other students, I
would have thought Hogen had done something stupid too. We can not know what
they are really doing. They work in mysterious ways.
And then, after many years
of work, zazen, meditation, with Zen master Hogen I meditated on the Koan of
Ramana Maharshi, "Who am I"
Immediately I had the
experience of travelling along the Antahkarana out of the body to a place where
was all my past lives hanging in space thousands of them in a neat matrix. I
decided to enter into one of them and saw that past life gaining much experience.
I then decided to go higher. There too I gained much experience.
When I went to Hogen in
Dokusan with this experience, after I told him about the past lives he said, "We
can explore ths area this area of the Astral Plane for 10,000 years and get
Then I told him about going
higher and he smiled! And in another space I saw his aura expanding, gold, and
enfolding me in the energy of his love...
After this I was allowed to
find another Master...
was nearly two years ago that I completed the first half of the EE course in
Spain with Satchi and Devi. In one respect it seems just yesterday but in
another a life time away. A lot has happened in my life between that time
deaths, births, daughter’s marriage, ill health; the usual variety of life’s
traumas. I returned from the first course full of determination to follow my
spiritual path, I was going to do such great things but being a wife and mother
just took over. At the times when I most needed to practice I did not, which in
turn lead to much inner suffering.
Vanessa with Dhiren, another course
I was also
struggling to get myself acknowledged as a spiritual person by those close to
me. I was tired of living two lives, one as a family person and the other as a
spiritual one. To incorporate the two was no easy task and relationships
problems developed which that is what really brought me back to the course. I
needed ways of dealing with relationships of close to me. I had enough of being
drawn into emotional traumas and expectations. I needed the tools to develop
non-attachment, whilst at the same time being more open and loving.
I needed a
better understanding of how to stop my energies from being drained from me and I
came back to the course as I needed to find the answers.
The two year gap
had been beneficial in that I came with a renewed conviction to learn and
develop from what was being taught. I had found I tended to live an insular
spiritual life at home, although I was able to learn from the gurus and swami’s
I mixed with. I was pleased to join an on going group half way through; I was
welcomed and made to feel a part of it immediately. The group provided a
valuable learning environment as its members explained their personal
experiences, as previously on my own I often wondered was it just me who felt
like this.
I was deeply touched by their commitment and determination to follow
a spiritual path despite all the difficulties. I appreciated being part of the
group, over the two weeks I felt a unity of spirit amongst us we acted as a
whole and not separate individuals, a sense of oneness and harmony developed.
The benefit of the course was the tackling of shared difficulties, as well as
learning new techniques with like minded people.
The course is
very user friendly and can be easily related to everyday life and the problems
that occur in it. Blockages, strategies and inner children all had to be worked
on and along with this came the realisation of the benefit of a maintenance
programme to be carried on when I return home.
and Devi are intuitive teachers who know what is best for you and can point you
in the right direction. It has been noted by the other group members that my
appearance has improved in just one week and I can feel the inner changes that
have taken place. My energy levels are high, I have a lightness about my body
and a tranquil calmness surrounding me, what more could I want.
At the time of
writing we are tackling relationships, having brought about change in ourselves
through the techniques learnt on the course we can now bring about change in our
relationships with others. This was an important area in my life that I wanted
to tackle if I was to move on in my spiritual path. I was trying to merge my
family life with my spiritual one and was having problems with those close to me
incorporating into their lives. Hence their relationship with me and vice versa
needed to be healed in order to create a more spiritual environment. The Energy
Enhancement course gave me the tools that can be used in everyday life when I
return home. The tools taught are the cleaning of the chakras as well as the
lines of communication between chakra to chakra from yourself to another
person. At the same time their auras and energy fields can be cleansed. EE is
a method for healing yourself and others.
I was putting
this into practice with my husband who came to Argentina with me to keep me
company but not to participate on the course.
For the
first time in his life he picked up a spiritual book to read, which is something
I had hoped would happen for many years, and goes to prove something must be
happening. I look forward to practising the techniques on my return.
My insight and
intuition have developed on the course and many experiences have happened to
prove that the teachings do what they say. One night a vision came of the Time
Line, which we had just learnt about that day on the Energy Enhancement course.
I had never seen one before but it was so clear that it left no doubt to its
The course is experiential you know it works when you experience it,
you do not have to accept what is being said blindly. You have to trust your
own abilities to gain from the teachings and it will be revealed to you.
This happens very
effectively with the Energy Enhancement Reiki teachings. By giving Reiki to a
person they will know that the energies do exist and will lead then to a greater
understanding of what meditation is about. I have always wanted to help people
through meditation and was pleased Reiki tied in with EE. I can feel the
energies descend through me and be transmitted to the person being healed. It is
that connection with a higher force and its flow, that has created some very
moving experiences I had had with Devi. She is a wonderful teacher of it and
her hands give all the learning necessary.
There has been an
expansion of my energy fields that I would not have achieved on my own or
elsewhere. To be able to use the energies in a healing way has been a blessing.
My original expectation from the course was to increase my knowledge of the
energies by direct experience of them to gain wisdom and this has been
The EE techniques have deepened my spiritual understanding and also
enhanced my spiritual practice. I intend to pass on this knowledge to those I
meet on the meditation path.
The course has given me confidence to handle the
internal saboteurs we all have within us and carry on my spiritual journey with
renewed vigour.
The warmth and
caring ways of Satchi and Devi have provided a safe environment in which to
learn. Many distractions can come to stop you coming on the course but they
need to be overcome if you really want to progress on your spiritual path. My
deep gratitude and thanks go to both Satchi and Devi for giving so much of
Experience on the Energy Enhancement Course L’Escala September 2006
course for me was really a refresher as I had previously completed the course in
2005. You can see my testimonial from 2005 elsewhere on the EE site.
After a
year of practicing the advanced techniques of Energy Enhancement I am enjoying
the benefits of increased energy flow, and much less blockages. From a material
perspective my income has doubled in a year! But more importantly I feel I am
moving swiftly along my spiritual path towards enlightenment.
Prior to
Energy Enhancement, Enlightenment seemed like a faraway dream not for this
lifetime. Now I feel it is almost inevitable - only a matter of a few years
As for
the course - I can only reiterate what I said last year. After 12 years of
Transcendental Meditation and experimentation with many other meditation and
self improvement techniques it is my opinion that nothing comes close to the
power and precision of Energy Enhancement.
There is
little more I can say about the efficacy of Energy enhancement that I haven’t
already said before so I will recount a wonderful experience I had whilst on the
The rest
of the class were sat in a circle on the floor meditating with Master
Satchidanand. It was my turn to receive an initiation from Devi so I was sat on
a chair at the back of the meditation room with my eyes closed and hands
together in a prayer like fashion.
As I
became absorbed in the experience of the initiation it was as if my eyes opened
to the scene before me. However this was not the scene to which I closed my
eyes. Satchi and the students had transformed into beings of intense white
I think
that I was being given a glimpse of their true nature, a peek at the world the
way the enlightened see it. The meditation room had opened and expanded. I felt
we were outdoors in a place of great space, holiness and energetic purity maybe
a forest or mountain top. Then I became aware of the presence of others.
A group
of beings approached from my right and turned to face me one by one. I felt
immense happiness and peace at their presence, they had an aura of intense
holiness and purity - great Saints and Sages. As they faced me and bowed one by
one I felt a feeling of unworthiness but the thought came immediately
‘worthiness is not necessary, by the grace of God infinite love and light is
offered to each of us every moment all we need do is accept it‘.
I felt
that they were very pleased with my practice and had appeared to me to let me
know. I think it is important to say that I was in no way unique. Most of the
other students this year and last year had experiences of meeting beings of
light, ascended masters and angels - EE has that effect! Come and experience it
for yourself you won't be disappointed.
Jean -
Chartered Nuclear Engineer
My name Is Don Minihane and I live in South East Kent England
and I want to share with you the experiences I have had on the E E course here
in Rosario Argentina with Satchi and Devi on the four week course which I
started on the 7-1-07.
I need to make this clear from the outset. I have no vested
interest in giving this testament nor have I been badgered into writing this nor
have I received any payment for it. I am doing this because I am aware that
those of you that take the time to read this will instinctively know the truths
written within it. I do not like bullshit nor have I any desire to add to the
already gigantic mountain of bullshit that we are expected to swallow on a
regular basis from so called experts and masters on these matters like the ones
all over the place giving Reiki initiations in one go and masters in a few days.
If you consider carefully that Dr Usui was a devout Buddhist
dedicated to meditation, learning and teaching and spent some 21 years in a Zen
Buddhist Monastery, meditating every day with the Monks, in pursuit of the truth
before he rediscovered Reiki, then you know that there is a lot of bullshit
going on and these people are doing terrible damage to the beauty and the
dedication of a master like Dr Usui.
Picture from September
2006 when Lis came to visit and ask for our help with some Inner Children coming
from past lifetimes. We had pizza on the beach and a wonderful afternoon.
After the EE course 3 years ago I kept doing the meditation excersises I had
learnt there.
I am normaly a happy person, except from this deep life crisis coming sometime
without warning- always with an overtaking feeling of There Is No Meaning With
My Life.
My experienses, after Satchis suggestion that I look in the past lifes for the
reason to my depressions, was as follow:
I went back to a past life, and got a very clear picture of a woman sitting in a
dark, cold, cavelike cell chained up. Me. I´ve been sitting there for
years, every day being the same and with a strong despair and an overwelming
feeling of; really there is no meaning with my life...
I healed that past life using the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process of Level
2 and felt much better- but still, there was something more...
In to another past life, this time I was another woman, in Amerika during the
Wild West time. Me and my husband lived on a farm far away out in the dry
country side, no neighbors, no real road out to the farm, so nobody passing by.
It was a lonely life, no children, my husband and I didn´t speak much. Every day
the same- I was filled of the feeling-; really there is no meaning with my
Do I need to tell you that since then I havn´t had any more of those
Picture from
September 2006 when Lis came to visit and ask for our help with some Inner
Children coming from past lifetimes
Well, in the middle of a Three Level Energy Enhancement Course and
Energy Enhancement Yoga Teacher Training Course we had some
experiences with Lisabeta from Sweden. She is an incipient Priestess with psychic energy gifts which can be
amazing until training makes them useful.
Lisabeta has been to Peru for Training with a Shaman on the Inca Trail.
Yesterday she had a wonderful experience after the Yoga session. I
was playing the Gyuto Monks from Tibet whose job it is to use their
Chanting of Prayers and Mantras to expel and exorcise entities and
negative energies from the surroundings.
The recording was made in Saint John the Divines Cathedral in New
York in the presence of the Dalai Lama. The beautiful Digital
Recording was paid for and organized by Richard Gere the actor and
Mickey Hart, the drummer from the Grateful Dead. The disk is
available on rykodisk.
Picture from
September 2006 when Lis came to visit and ask for our help with some Inner
Children coming from past lifetimes. We had pizza on the beach and a wonderful
It is interesting that there in the Cathedral talked my teacher Swami
Satchidananda on many occasions. He was invited to talk there because
he so impressed the rector of the Cathedral with his presence and
Energy of Enlightenment but also because he received the Martin Buber
award for World Peace due to his efforts in the Ecumenical field.
How can this World come together as One, in Peace and Harmony, if the
Religions of this world are still fighting one another?
The Truth is One, He said, The Paths are many.
We use the energy of the Gyuto Monks whose heartfelt prayer, Negative Thoughtforms, entities and human delusions are endless, we vow to end
them all!! and so they stay on this planet from lifetime to lifetime,
dedicated to the Enlightenment of all beings. We use their chanting
to clear the negative energies released from the energy bodies of our
clients through the Energy Enhancement purification process.
So after the yoga we were meditating with the chanting of these monks
in the background and the Energy Enhancement techniques in the
Lisabet reported that she felt the energies coalescing in her Solar
Plexus going round and around, and then they shot down into a
blockage she felt for the first time in her Abdominal Chakra. Then
the Kundalini Energy started to travel powerfully all around her body
up into the center of the Universe and down into the center of the
She felt goose pimples all over her skin. The energy was coursing and rushing
through her body in very strong waves for at least 30 minutes and when it was
time for lunch she did not want to come out of it, she was laying on her back
and couldn´t stop laughing of happiness!
Usually such Kundalini experiences are just adjuncts to the process of clearing
energy blockages.
Said Sufi Master Saadi, When the energy is flowing correctly, there
is no movement!
And these powerful sensations are just Kundalini energy flowing
through a blockage resistance as the blockage is in the process of
being removed.
We tend to remove Energy Blockages in waves. At first we remove all
the easy blockages and then as we go deeper into Energy Enhancement
we raise our energies higher and stronger, deeper blockages become
candidates for expulsion. Like the layers of an onion we expel all
blockages. The more powerful blockages hide until sufficient energy
is there to remove them. The last and most powerful blockage is
removed just before enlightenment. And that one is a Doozy!!
And when we gain energy enough Energy Enhancement Energy, up pop the
And when you feel them, that is when we can heal them!!
When you see
them, you can free them!
So, the next day this abdominal blockage came to the presence of our
minds by creating all sorts of negative energies and thoughts.
Abdominal blockages are caused by disappointment in relationships in
this and past lifetimes. They travel with us from lifetime to
lifetime until we learn how to heal them, They draw similar
experiences to you until the negative energy of the blockage becomes
To those that have, more will be given.
Until the blockages are removed through evolution and training. And
eventually these blockages become a matter of life and death.
Until, To those that have not, it will all be taken away!
All your blockages are removed.
Blockageless you become a serious candidate for the Third Initiation
of Enlightenment. You get energized through Initiation and then
become Enlightened. This is the Energy Enhancement process.
Not only through the first initiation of Opening the Heart. Or the
Second Initiation of the Mastery of Relationships and the Third
Initiation of Enlightenment itself, becoming a Soul Infused
Personality. But also further initiations of the Fourth Initiation,
becoming a Monad Infused Personality. And more!!
Enlightenment is only the first Dan. You then become fit to learn by
This is the Energy Enhancement Process of progressive blockage
removal and Initiation.
We meditated the next day and I felt a painful Vitriolic ball of fire
in my belly. I was feeling the Energy Blockage of Lisabet which was
just waiting for time, place and energy for it to become available
for removal.
And Lisabet became so tired and painful she lay on her side in a
Foetal position.
As our other
student and I continued to meditate we used Second
Level Energy Enhancement techniques to Ground and remove Lisabetas Abdominal
Energy Blockage. She actually saw an angel in her mind coming to help her remove
the strong anger she felt, so she was delighted when she found out that the
"angel" was Satchi
My name Is Don Minihane and I live in South East Kent England
and I want to share with you the experiences I have had on the E E course here
in Rosario Argentina with Satchi and Devi on the four week course which I
started on the 7-1-07.
I need to make this clear from the outset. I have no vested
interest in giving this testament nor have I been badgered into writing this nor
have I received any payment for it. I am doing this because I am aware that
those of you that take the time to read this will instinctively know the truths
written within it. I do not like bullshit nor have I any desire to add to the
already gigantic mountain of bullshit that we are expected to swallow on a
regular basis from so called experts and masters on these matters like the ones
all over the place giving Reiki initiations in one go and masters in a few days.
If you consider carefully that Dr Usui was a devout Buddhist
dedicated to meditation, learning and teaching and spent some 21 years in a Zen
Buddhist Monastery, meditating every day with the Monks, in pursuit of the truth
before he rediscovered Reiki, then you know that there is a lot of bullshit
going on and these people are doing terrible damage to the beauty and the
dedication of a master like Dr Usui.
If that strikes a chord please read on.
First a little background on me to give you an idea as to
where I am coming from and why I am here in the first place. I am 46 years old
married for 25 years with two grown children and have recently become a
grandfather to a beautiful boy.
I have had an interest in martial arts since I was a very
young lad and have indulged in several different styles over many years. I have
also had an on and off interest in Chi Kung and have practiced the art of chi
breathing now for a number of years without much success in the movement of
energy throughout the body system.
I also have an interest in Reiki and have already been
attuned in level one and two in the Usui Reiki system in England by a decent
honest and spiritual Reiki master seven years ago. I practice on friends and
family and on anyone that asks me for a treatment. I have had some wonderful and
humbling experiences while doing Reiki however I do not ask for or make money
from the treatments I give. I have a small business that makes me my money.
My Life
I have also had several experiences in my life that are not
common to most people which defied explanation throughout my life and no matter
who I asked about these experiences I was never supplied with a satisfactory
answer to any of it that made sense to me. These experiences were of a very
frightening and disturbing nature and not of this world. At this point all I am
willing to say is that the level of fear I experienced was light years beyond
the fear of loosing your physical life here on this plane. These attacks began
when I was a very small child and continued into my adult life and those closest
to me were also targeted. You can believe me when I tell you that I do not
frighten easily and am made of sturdy stuff and have survived against incredible
odds with my physical and mental abilities intact. I can assure you that there
is far more to this existence than even I suspected and this physical life
experience here is only the tip of the iceberg and the rest is the best kept
secret in the entire universe while at the same time common knowledge to those
who are in the know. It was while searching for the answers to my many difficult
and seemingly crazy questions that I came upon Satchi and Devi.
I first contacted Satchi just over one year ago and hit him
immediately with a big question that I knew would either get a real answer or a
load of waffle or bull shit like all my previous attempts over the years or no
reply at all as they dived for cover. I had by now got most of the bullshit
answers you could possibly get so I became expert in smelling shit at every
corner and knew exactly what to ask to eliminate the idiots and charlatans of
this world. At this point I was expecting more of the same.
Satchi wrote back to me and the answer he gave me was the
first real and tangible result I got in over 35 years of searching. I was so
shocked that it took me a long time to assimilate the answer as the implications
were so profound it shook me to the very foundations of my existence and I knew
for the first time in my life that what I was experiencing was real as he
described in detail what I knew, citing his own experiences as example. It would
appear that I had found someone who really knew what they were talking about.
Over the following months I tested him again with yet more of
my questions and got a proper answer every time, answers that you instinctively
know to be true and correct. Bit by bit my life began to make sense and the
reasons for my rather unique experiences became clear to me. I began to
understand this life of mine and resolved to go and see this man and his amazing
wife Devi to undergo the Energy Enhancement course that you are looking at so I
flew half way around the world to spend a month in the home of these very
special people who welcomed me with open arms and much warmth even though I
arrived at their door at 3am in the morning.
Now for what happened in my first weeks here in Rosario.
On the first day of the course I worked with Devi and we did
some grounding of the negative energies within me and as we rotated
anticlockwise I noticed the energy in the room was changing and within a few
minutes it began to rain energy all over us. I had this experience before while
doing a Reiki session but nothing like this; this was like an energy storm in
the room, absolutely amazing. Day one was off to a flying start, literally. That
evening Satchi began the first initiation in EE and showed me how to sit
correctly and explained why, aligning me with the energies of this beautiful
planet we inhabit. The experience was profound and I understood for the first
time where I was and more importantly why I was here.
At the point of writing this I am now in the second week of
the course with two and a half weeks still to go. I feel like I am in a time
warp so much has happened. On day four of the course I was sitting meditating
trying to circulate the energy up the spine and over the head and down the front
when I started to vibrate at a tremendous pace. I honestly thought, any minute
now and I am going to take off across the floor or shoot up into the ceiling
such was the force of the energy trying to get through the blockages in my
spine. I started to experiment with this, lean ever so slightly forward,
vibration stops, get back into right angle with the ground, vibration starts
again. I was vibrating like a pneumatic drill, lean forward it stops get in the
upright position off we go again. I had read about this in books by Mantak Chia
in the teaching of Chi Gung but was never able to get anywhere and here I am in
day four vibrating like a Kundalini flying yogi, far out. I feel like I have
been living in ignorance my whole life. The blockage in my spine was very strong
and Satchi said don’t worry we will soon get rid of that and you know what? I
have no reason to doubt him. He said that will be number one of many blockages
implanted in my energy body over many lifetimes. There is much work to be done
but it will be done he assured me. He was right.
On day five we learned a technique for spotting food and
drink with pesticides in it and Satchi and Devi told us about the way pesticides
react with the body making us tired and energy less slowly killing us off. This
was quickly brought home to me when I later ate some fruit that had been
contaminated with pesticides and felt totally drained of energy afterwards. I
had to go and lie down and promptly fell asleep for two hours. The effect of the
pesticides in the food staggered me and made me realise that we go through our
lives trusting these sons of bitches that make vast fortunes feeding us mass
produced crap. In reality what is happening is we get used to the shit in the
food and the body does its level best to try to compensate. They are giving all
of us the death of a thousand cuts. No wonder we get cancers and every other god
forsaken disease on the planet. O what it is to be waking up.
I also had my first re initiation to Reiki today from Devi,
one of four in level one. Devi told me that there has to be four
initiations in level one to make sure that the attunements are solid and will
remain with me. This is for all you people that have had Reiki attunements or are
thinking about it. Do not throw away your money and energy on garbage one day
affairs with a touch on the body with your eyes tightly shut wondering what is
going on and feeling little or nothing, the placebo effect I call it. I am
paying for it so it must be happening. The lead in to the initiation was very
intense, lots of meditation, chanting sutras and Energy Enhancement techniques
to make one ready for this most wonderful of gifts and when it came it was most
profound A real and tangible experience. Devi is one powerful woman and is
immersed in respect for what she does. Defiantly no bullshit here, just pure
unadulterated energy, blesses you Devi, it’s your birthday today and you have my
complete respect and trust, what a woman. Happy birthday Devi may the cosmos
smile on you forever.
At this point I have to deviate slightly so you can share
with me something that happened last night that has blown me away and here I am
hoping that you will respect whole heartily this most personal and staggering
experience which I am about to tell you.
Please feel free to comment on this or recount any of your
own similar experiences.
I have been awake most of the night wondering if I should
write about this or not and I have come to the decision that it should be told
because it must be told. It has huge implications for anyone wondering what is
really going on in this existence of ours.
If you have any doubts about the authenticity of this Energy
Enhancement course then this will set your minds straight and that’s for sure.
To fully appreciate the implications of this account I am
going to have to give you more private information about my life so you can see
how things pan out over eons and multiple lifetimes and why and how things
I was born in Highgate in London in 1960 the year of the rat,
of Irish and Scottish decent; mother Irish and father Scottish neither of which
I have ever seen. I was born out of wedlock so I was considered a bastard and
was given up to the catholic nuns in London and was removed from my birth
country to a catholic adoption home in Ireland to be adopted in to a nice
catholic family. I was just one year old. This was a horrifying experience as I
spent the first ten years of my childhood being kept and treated as an animal
being severely abused both mentally and physically, battered like a rag doll
which left me with many physical scars to this present day, specifically so, to
the base chakra the crown chakra and the throat chakra. I looked like a famine
victim. Despite the horror and against all odds I survived and retained most of
my grip on my mental and physical health and I managed to escape at the age of
twelve with the help of a kind local farmer who gave me shelter protection and a
home for a number of years. I then made my way alone in the world and have never
seen a single blood relative in my entire life to date.
I arrived here in Rosario and met the other course members
and one, a lady of Irish decent, whose family came here in 1850, three years
after the great famine in Ireland seemed familiar to me and she also looked me
up and down and I could see there was some kind of connection here. She was
roughly the same height and when younger would have had the same kind of hair
and I noticed that her hands were the same size as mine. She is twelve years
older than me and also born in the year of the rat. I dismissed it as nothing as
you do.
Then two nights ago we were all meditating with Satchi and
Devi looking for energy blockages in ourselves and I had a realisation of how
traumatised I was as a baby and began to feel a great sadness so began to weep a
bit and this woman came to my assistance and helped me through it giving me this
love I have not experienced before stroking my head and treating me like a small
child and I let her do it because it seemed like the most natural thing in the
world to do. I didn’t feel embarrassed about it because it felt so right in its
place. She has only a few words of English and I have only a few words of
Spanish but it didn’t seem to matter. There was no need for communication, and
then later on she said that I felt like her son and we laughed and joked that
she could adopt me.
Then last night we were all with Satchi and Devi again,
meditating, looking for energy blockage in ourselves and specifically so in
areas that were hurting or where we had hurt ourselves in the past or where we
were hurt by others and this lady had decided to deal with a pain in her abdomen
she felt from time to time. We were using the seven step technique given by
Satchi to ground and destroy the energy blockages which is a very effective and
powerful way of ridding oneself of the blockage. After we do the exercise Satchi
gets everyone to recount the experience and this lady who is very psychic and
has great visionary ability began to describe what happened. She said that she
found herself back some 400 years in Ireland as a very young and beautiful girl
with long blond hair who painted played the harp and was riding and hunting.
I had brought with me from England a set of water colour
pencils given to me by my wife to doodle with. As I don’t paint I had given them
to this lady as a present on the second day of knowing her.
She had a very lovely young suitor whom she was going to
marry and was totally in love with this man. Then she said there was another
powerful man a provincial governor who wanted also to have her and he had killed
her chosen suitor and had also killed his own wife so he could be free to marry
her, a dowry of 100 head of cattle was paid to her father. Her own father in
this life time was the bastard priest (the words of the man who married her)
who married her off in that time. In effect she was sold and two people were
murdered so this could take place. On her wedding day to this monster she took
the dagger they used for killing the pigs and plunged it into her self and
committed suicide. This was the pain she was feeling in her side. Satchi asked
why this had happened and to go back and find out some more. She went back and
saw an image of me and asked why I was there and was told by the governor that I
was programmed to be her son in that lifetime and her murdered love was to be
the father. Since then she has never had any children in her life for 400 years
and it seems that I have never had a mother in 400 years either. She cried and I
cried and we hugged and cried in each others arms and then we started to laugh
and laugh and cry and laugh and laughed some more and there was such a release
of energy and everything became so clear. I had come 12000 miles around the
world to find the last mother I was supposed to have and Satchi said, O that is
quite normal on Energy Enhancement courses. It happens a lot. It appears we have
healed the ancestral line going back 400 years in one sitting. Now I and this
woman can move on to new families in the next life or maybe if I go for it I
will reach for enlightenment and finish the journey. We were both destroyed by
nasty black people for 400 years who have stayed with us and continued to have
their black tentacles rooted in us both for all of this time. Now after this I
asked where this happened and she said in the south west of Ireland. I nearly
fell over I was taken to the south west of Ireland and there I was nearly
destroyed. We looked at the map of Ireland and I asked her where. She pointed to
a place and then I got pictures off the internet and she recognised the little
island in Muckross Lake near Killarney in county Kerry where her love was
murdered and I have married a woman from a few miles from there who is also born
in the year of the rat and we have been there often as a couple. Even our
children have been there. You can look this up for yourselves and view the lake
and the little island and muckross house. What a story and she has never been
anywhere near this place in her life. So you see, nothing is quite what it seems
and we go on and on forever.
After that diversion I have to get back to the course and I
have to say that there is so much happening that you could write a whole book on
the various experiences that have happened in the short three weeks that I have
been here.
I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a
totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from
nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement
course, a clarity of psychic
vision that is breathtaking.
I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every
way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever
felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have
just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and
am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have
Energy Enhancement Reiki
that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a
very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is
beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and
then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is
interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one
only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze
me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this
experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will
touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my
new found talents.
One effect of Energy Enhancement that surprised me is other
people’s reaction to me; they are somehow more attracted to me and want a part
of me, especially the girls. Now that is an effect I was not prepared for but I
am not complaining in fact it’s very enjoyable indeed. People recognise that you
have something different and they are naturally attracted to this like bees are
to nice flowers, so guys and girls this is not to be missed, you won’t buy this
kind of attraction in a bottle, or find it behind the wheel of some fancy car
while being covered in expensive clothes and that’s for sure. Energy Enhancement
is a babe magnet, but that’s not what it’s about, on the other hand, if that is
what floats your boat then go for it.
I wanted to expand more on the Energy Enhancement side of the
course and it is difficult to explain this to anyone who has no knowledge of
energy or how it all works. I have tried to get on with Chi Gung and while I
respect and admire the system of Chi Gung I feel that it is over complicated and
long winded. The microcosmic and macrocosmic orbit is a wonderful internal
exercise and is not to be misunderstood or demeaned in any way but the
techniques of Energy Enhancement like the Supra galactic Orbit supersedes Chi
Gung and leaves it trailing light years behind.
"To expand, I
was sitting in meditation the other night and was happily destroying
blockages in me using the Seven
Step Process of Energy Enhancement taught by Satchi and Devi when
I was staggered by something new. I watched as negative energy transmuted
into white light and travelled down to the centre of the earth then returned
up my spinal column and carried on into outer space to the centre of the
universe and then returned back to me through the crown chakra and down the
front of my body through the throat centre then the heart centre and the
solar plexus, on to the genitals and in to the perineum, through to the
centre of the earth and returned back up my spine and so began this new
orbit of energy.
The effect was
something else; it shot through me at incredible speed. This carried on and
got denser and more powerful as I discharged more of the negative energy
within me. This energy took the form of bands of light that followed each
other in waves travelling at equal distance apart and as I discharged and
transmuted more negative energy the bands got closer together and I found
that I could control the speed at which they travelled through the body.
Satchi calls this orbit the Supra Galactic Orbit
which travels up the ANTAHKARANA
into the centre of the universe and down through the centre of the earth
passing through the front of the body on the downward sweep and returning up
the spine on the outward sweep. I was complete."
I want to say something about the inner children in all of us
as this has been the subject of much meditation and discussion on this course. I
want to tell you how tricky and clever these inner children are and the havoc
they cause in our lives. Satchi says they destroy you, lifetime after
lifetime and he is right. I thought I had dealt with much of the inner
children within me as I have had lots of Reiki over the years but Reiki has the
effect of keeping the inner children under control but they still persist and
become experts at hiding within. I found this out when I went hunting for them.
I used the seven step process of Energy Enhancement to find them and transmute
them into positive inner children. There were hundreds and hundreds of them
collected over every lifetime and all hiding in me and they used every trick in
the book to stay hidden including leading me down roads of fantasy to put me off
finding them. It was quite an eye opener and I have to be on constant alert to
make sure that I am not being used by one of these inner little monsters. If
even one of these inner children escapes it can slowly destroy the good work and
soon will bring you back to the old ways and very quickly you will not be full
of light and heart anymore.
I owe Satchi and Devi a great debt for seeing these inner
children in me and for pointing them out to me. This is work in progress as the
inner children have to be constantly watched and as Satchi says. Do a bit of
weeding in your garden of light every day. I tell you there are a lot of
supposed ways of dealing with the inner children being banded around and
probably they are someway effective, but believe me there is nothing out there
like the process of this energy enhancement, course for both finding them and
transmuting them. Satchi keeps reminding us that only the ego gets hurt and
he is spot on.
Devi gave my first attunements in Reiki two yesterday and I
wanted to share this experience with you. This is one of two attunements I will
have for Reiki two. I will have the second one today. I had spent the day
preparing for the experience from very early in the morning meditating on the
terrace of the house in total seclusion in beautiful sunshine. (I am so tanned
its disgusting and I am going back to England to the beautiful winter weather. I
am so looking forward to that, not) Anyway back to the experience. Devi
called me about four o clock as she too had been preparing in meditation. When
Devi began the process of the attunement it started to rain energy almost
immediately and I could see swirls of white and golden energy coming down over
us in like whirlwinds of energy. The peace and ambience in the in the room was
astonishing and beyond description. I felt blessed and was aware that we were
not alone and had been given help again. I was rooted to the chair for nearly an
hour after the attunement and didn’t move a muscle. It was beautiful and I felt
so privileged to be part of this and to be accepted into Reiki in this beautiful
way. I would like to thank you Devi for this beautiful and profound experience.
I am looking forward to the second attunement today and will let you know how it
went. O yes, I forgot to say that when I point my left hand to the floor and
rotate it in an anti clock wise direction I feel energy powering into the ground
in spirals.
Well, here I am after the second
attunement and this was a bit of an eye opener to say the least. Over the month
I have been here I have got rid of a lot of energy blockages within my system
and was under the impression that I might have cleaned them all out, silly me,
you seriously have to watch that ego.
Devi and I prepared ourselves for
the second attunement and began the process. It was as expected very strong
energy flowing around the room and as Devi worked I began to feel the energy
inside me very forceful and very strong and was nearly knocked sideways off the
I managed to hang in there until she
had finished and then had to lie down. I was out for three and a half hours. I
didn’t even manage to make it to the bedroom but collapsed in a heap on the bed
reserved for such outcomes.
Devi had found a blockage between me
and the centre of the earth and blasted it into infinity and it was such a
release it stuck me on my back for three and a half hours. I woke up feeling a
bit sheepish and realised that I still had work to do.
Devi grinned at me and said a
blockage I found, she is amazing and it wouldn’t be difficult to fall in love
with this woman. I FEEL TOTALLY DIFFERENT AGAIN. Thank you Devi for everything
you have done for me.
Satchi has been teaching us about
the mastery of relationships over the last few days and it is another
astonishing eye opener. The techniques he has thought us are brilliant and work
immediately and what is amazing is that you can prove it there and then and
watch the results happening before your eyes.
I don’t want to give this info away
here as it is very personal. It is sufficient to say that if you have or had any
relationships with people that were not to your liking or affected you badly
then this is the place to come to wipe that negative crap away in one sitting.
Satchi taught us how to disconnect
from you, every one you have ever come into contact with in this life time and
all past life times and then how to reconnect the relationships you want to keep
into a higher connection and transmute the ones you don’t want.
(Note, it is
impossible to cut connections, however, you can reduce the amount of energy
which flows down them... Satchidanand)
He also showed us how to clean each
others blockages in every energy centre in the body using only the power of the
mind. This is seriously powerful stuff, not to be messed about with and demands
the utmost integrity.
As we practiced on each other we
came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving
inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away
and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them
and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my
centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full
circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of
energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here Satchi said he
would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I
could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do
astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near
them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible
Miriam, Don,
Satchidanand, Devi Dhyani, Oscar, Norma - on the Argentina January 2007
Energy Enhancement end of course celebration!!
Satchi, please accept my total
respect and gratitude for everything you have imparted to me over the short four
weeks I have been here. You are a huge light in this world and long may you
shine. For everyone reading this, get your asses over to see these people, your
lives will be changed forever and we don’t get many chances in this world to be
able to achieve that and there are defiantly not many people in this world like
Satchi and Devi who can do the business like this.
Jade Buddha on the Argentina January
2007 Energy Enhancement end of course celebration!!
email for
Course details
Yuko comes from Japan and is a
Professional Photographer in Shanghai and London. Before coming on the
course she had not meditated before although she has been trying Yoga for a
Oh my god, I changed a lot!
I screamed with silence.
I was sitting in the bar around 9
p.m. by myself in Barcelona on the first night after my Energy Enhancement
Course. On the way back to the hotel, I wanted to have one drink.
Surrounding by local Spanish people, everybody had a good time with their
own friends, even a bartender was chatting with some regular customers.
I was drinking a glass of red wine
in the middle of them and felt totally relaxed without fear. I enjoyed the
moment of being, by myself, in foreign county as a stranger.
If I were to be here before, I
could not relax this situation, I might worry too much, for example, how
they think about me? how am I look like? do I look a bit lonely? am I look
OK? etc...... too many of small thoughts, however they usually are big
enough to destroy having a simple good time....
To be honest, I have not had that
feeling, "without fear...." for the whole 33 years of my life.
This is just after the two weeks of
an Energy Enhancement meditation course.
During the course, I
had many interesting and amazing experiences through meditation. I saw three
black snakes, a BM with snake hair, a black rose covered with thousands of
ants, a devil who controls and sucks the energy from me and thousands of
innocent people, frogs, parasite eggs...etc..
All of them were blockages and
implants in my body and my chakras.
Then I removed all of them using
the Energy Enhancement Techniques.
The techniques are simple and
powerful, moreover effective.
I did not feel any difficulty
during the course. On the contrary it is fun and enjoyable.
The meditation with Satchi and Devi
is sailing with fresh wind, also they have a big
map. You can not be lost.
After the EE course, I went to the Juice fasting place in Portugal.
I did it for two weeks and I felt so much energy without eating.
I went for walking in the mountains
for 3 hours, 2 hours yoga practice, swimming in the sea and meditation
After my Energy Enhancement Course,
I am the most energetic person in this fasting program, people who work
there, they thought I am not a normal human being, because I am smiling and
happy all the time.
I feel absolutely happy and full of
- fasting is a spiritual technique
used for thousands of years because as well as being good for the waistline
(Wasteline) and for the health, it is also working
internally to get rid of the energy blockages. Presently I am on my yearly
fast for two weeks and expect to be on it another four weeks. Because Yuko had removed most
of her energy blockages during her first two weeks of the 4 weeks Energy
Enhancement Course, she did not have these problems, and was able to use the
fast to find and remove more of her internal energy blockages. Usually, it
is my habit to do a 28 day fast each year and there are no problems due
to the previous removal of internal energy blockages; I work as
normal, just difficulties with entertaining.)
Another change, I can feel other person's fear in my 2nd chakra. So I give
them love and ground their fear in centre of the earth. I understand the
world better, that keeps the sky of my heart is clear and the sun is
(Although we teach this during
Energy Enhancement Initiations, this removal of energy blockages from others
happens quite naturally once we begin to take back the power normally taken
from us by our separated psychotic sub-personalities. Integration of them back into
the Soul Personality. Once we integrate them we get back the psychic powers
they normally use to get us into trouble and destroy our lives using ego
strategies like the poor me and the violator. -
Yuko Sato
(Yuko, due to her Japaneseness and
her experiences in past lifetimes brought a colourful experience to the
Energy Enhancement Course. She had great fun removing her blockages. -
For meditation, I now do for at least one hour everyday, sometimes for two
I find new blockages every time.
Two days ago I found the river
bottom of my antahkarana and I saw a snake swimming under my antahkarana. I
have done the Energy Enhancement 7 steps for them and in the 6th step I met
a strong ice woman who can turn everybody and everything into ice.
Finally I grounded her.
I just drop lines of my meditation is going and I feel bright energy every
time I meditate.
Thank you for meditation
Love and light
Yuko Sato
when a friend asked me if I wanted to go to London to meet Swami Satchidananda I
was hesitant. But they persuaded me to go. So there I was in this big hall.
Arriving late and there was no space for me to sit. So I went and sat on the
floor in meditation posture at the front, just in front of him. And I was not
impressed really by what he was talking about because I was arrogant. You can
hear one of his wonderful talks here
Listen to our free MP3s of Swami Satchidananda
But then at the end of the talk he said
lets meditate. And he chanted Om Shanthi and I found myself a hundred meters up
in the air looking down at my body sitting in meditation below.
And I looked up and way above me was
Swami Satchidananda and he was moving his hands saying, "Come on Up! Come on
So I thought it might be a good idea to
learn from him.
And although I read his
books now and recommend them to everyone, Integral Yoga, The Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali and The Living Gita, Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, although the
information in these books are a great gift to humanity, they are poor fare in
comparison to what initially attracted me to him.
And what I got in abundance every time I
met him was Energy and Psychic experience. Visions, telepathy, Initiations on
the Astral Plane all came to me every time I met him and when I went to stay at
the Ashram, 1000 acres in Virginia in America, for three months, the experiences
accelerated every time I meditated. The knowledge that we cannot die, we are all
connected. Satori and the lower levels of Enlightenment.
It took me a
few years after these experiences with Swami Satchidananda to get fully cooked
but my Sat Guru, Satchidananda, student of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh was with
me at every step.
Bio of Swami
Satchidananda -
The Energy Enhancement Symbol
of the Twelve Petalled Lotus of the Heart Center with One of the Symbols of the
Worlds Major Religions in Each One of the Petals. Inside the symbol is the
Hexagram - The Seal of Solomon, with the Seven Chakras describing the Three
Initiations on the Path of Enlightenment - Initiation 1. The Opening of the
Heart. Solar Plexus to Heart Chakra. Initiation 2. The Mastery of Relationships,
Abdomen to Throat Chakra. Initiation 3. Enlightenment, Base to all the Head
Chakras which is taught on the Energy Enhancement Course plus many other
Initiations. At the Very Center is the Heart Chakra radiating Peace and Light
outwards.. like the Sun...
"The day
is short and the work is Great and the workers are Lazy. But the reward is Large
and our Master urges us to make Haste."
Speed Up the Process of
Evolution, Intelligence, Emotional Stability, Energy, Kindness, Wisdom and
which many courses profess to teach but which
Energy Enhancement has given
with both hands to the
many and varied students taught by it.
Testimonial From Gary Spaid a Wealth Counselor in Vail Valley, Colorado, USA.
So, what did we get? I can say that practicing the technique of Stage 4 of Level
One of Energy Enhancement
meditation with Devi and Satchy gave more power to the top down approach of
Meditation. I had an experience of the MAGIC!! that I so longed for in my
Sitting in the flame of Kundalini and seeing my karma burn up was a POWERFUL
You can live your life in two ways. Either you can become a man of being, or you can become a man of having. Either you can have yourself or you can have many worldly things instead. Either you can possess many things and be possessed by them, or you can possess yourself and be not possessed by anything. The man of having has a totally different direction. That's what Bauls call 'the worldly man'. He thinks in terms of money, in terms of commodities, in terms of bank balances; he thinks in terms of things. And he thinks that the more he has, the more he is. That is one of the most fundamental fallacies. You can have the whole world and you can remain a beggar. You can have all that the world can give and yet remain empty.
The great Alexander died. He is the very symbol of the worldly man. He wanted to conquer the whole world, and he had done it, almost. But before he died he told his generals, "Then let both my hands hang out of the coffin." They said, "We have never heard. It is not traditionally done. And why do you want to do such an absurd thing?" Alexander said,''It is not absurd. It has a certain relevance with my life. I want people to see that I am going with empty hands. So let both my hands hang out of the coffin, so everybody can see that even Alexander is going with empty hands. I came with empty hands, I am going with empty hands, and the whole life has been a wastage."
He must have been very perceptive, because many more die still clinging, still not aware that their hands are empty, still not aware that their hearts are empty, still not aware that they have wasted their whole lives, that it has been just a nightmare.
The man of having continues to accumulate more and more. What he accumulates is not the point; his emphasis is on accumulation. His soul exists in his accumulations. What he accumulates is not important. He may accumulate money, he may accumulate knowledge; he may accumulate ego, he may accumulate humility; he may accumulate things of this world, or he may start accumulating virtues, things of the other world, but he accumulates. He exists through things. He feels good when he has much, when he feels his hands are full, at least apparently full. He feels good, he feels he is achieving, he is being successful. This is 'the old man' -- in the terminology of the Bauls, this is the old man. It has always existed. This is the rotten man, this is the diseased man. It is a sort of illness, this very idea of having too many things, wasting your time and energy and not knowing at all who you are. The Bauls call that direction noble in which you start thinking in terms of being, in terms of a certain inner solidity, of a certain inner consciousness, of a certain rootedness, centering, of a certain realization of who you are.
Have you watched it, that sometimes you come across a person who may not have anything visible, but still you feel a tremendous energy surrounding him? His impact is almost magnetic, mesmeric. He looks into your eyes and you cannot look into his eyes -- a great power. It is not the power of things; he may not have any. He may be just a beggar on the road. It is not the power that comes through politics. He may not be a prime minister or a president because that power is bogus. That power belongs to the chair, not to the man. It belongs to the chair and not to the chairman. Once he is out of the chair, he is as powerless as you.
Look at Richard Nixon: a tremendous power was there when he was the president. Now, he is just simply citizen Nixon. All power has disappeared. That power was not his; it was a reflected glory. And you can see it, it is not very difficult. You know men who have much power -- power of things, power of big palaces, power of politics, money, prestige, heritage but you can see that they are poor people. They don't have any personal power. They don't have any magnetism in their souls. If you put their things aside, t]hey are more ordinary than ordinary. All extraordinariness disappears. Kings and queens, once they are not kings and queens, are simply ordinary human beings -- almost empty, nothing in them.
But you sometimes come across a person whose power is not derived from the outside, whose power comes from some inner spring, some inner source. He is a reservoir of power. Wherever he sits, the place becomes sacred; wherever he sits, the place becomes a throne; wherever he moves, he moves like a king amongst men. But his kingdom is of the within. That's what Jesus goes on talking about: the kingdom of God is within you. He knows his within. He has come to face his own within-ness. His eyes are turned within. He is no longer dependent on the outside world. His glory is not a reflected glory, it is his own, authentic. He can be thrown into imprisonment, but he will remain a king there.
It is said about Diogenes, one of the contemporaries of Alexander the Great, that even Alexander the Great became jealous of Diogenes. He was just a naked fakir: he had nothing. He had renounced everything; he was searching his own inner world. It is said about him that when he renounced the world, he used to carry a small begging bowl. But then one day he saw a dog drinking water from a river. He threw that begging-bowl. He said, "If the dog can do without it, then am I worse than the dog?" Then everything was thrown away. He remained naked.
Many stories, rumors, were reaching Alexander that this man had something in him. Finally, fascinated, Alexander went to see him, and he could see that the man had something that he had not. He was just lying down -- it was a winter morning, it was cool and the sun was rising. He was lying down by the side of a river, bathing himself in the early sun, naked. Alexander said, "Can I do something for you, sir? I have much, and whatsoever you desire, I will be happy to do it for you."
Diogenes laughed and said, "The only thing that you can do is to please stand by the side. Don't prevent the sun from coming to me. Nothing else do I need. And remember it, because you seem to be dangerous: never stand between the sun and anybody else. Don't disturb anybody else's life. That's enough; nothing else do I want from you -- because all that I want is within me."
And Alexander could feel that the man was true, literally true -- the solidity, the crystallized being, the 'vibe' of one who has attained, the surround, the climate of the person who is filled with inner light, inner realization, inner riches. He could see it. He bowed down and he said, "If next time I am to come into the world, I would ask God not to make me Alexander, but Diogenes."
Diogenes laughed and said, "There is no need to wait that long. You can become a Diogenes just now! For what are you struggling and conquering people, and moving continuously and warring? For what?"
Said Alexander, "First I want to conquer Middle Asia, then India, then the Far East..." And Diogenes went on asking, "Then what? Then what?" Finally, when Alexander said he had conquered the whole world, he said he would then like to rest.
And Diogenes said, "You look to me almost stupid, because I am resting without conquering the world. You can rest by my side. See, the bank is so big; we can share it. And nobody comes here. You can rest to your heart's desire. Who is preventing you? And I don't see the point, that one needs to conquer the world first just to rest in the end. You can rest any moment."
In that moment Alexander must have felt his poverty. He said, "You are right. I am mad, but now it is difficult for me to come back. I have to conquer, only then can I come."
And when he was leaving, Diogenes said, "Remember, nobody can come back unless one is aware. And if you are aware right this moment, the journey stops. If you are not aware, you will never come back." And Alexander never could go back. He died before he reached back home.
The man of being is called 'the novel man', the new man. Why call him new? -- because in a sense he is as old as humanity; but he is so rare that whenever he comes he is always new -- rarely a Buddha, rarely a Jesus, a Krishna -- very rarely. In this rotten mass of humanity, very rarely does somebody arise with an authentic being and declare that his kingdom is of the within, It happens so rarely that Bauls are right to call him 'the novel man', the new man.
So this is the distinction to be understood: the man who is after having more and more will go on losing his being -- because the only way to have more is to pay with being. Then you have to cut your being and throw it away. Everything has to be paid for, nothing is free. Even futile things have to be paid for.
One day the man of having is almost gone. He has much but he is no more. He has bargained with his soul. He has exchanged: he has dollars, rupees, pounds, but no soul in him. Just a negative emptiness exists. He is the beggar, but he may look to you like a king. Don't be deceived by appearances. Those who look like kings are not kings. Look deeply, watch deeply. They may have achieved much which can be counted, which can be shown and exhibited, but they have lost something of the invisible, something of their being.
Have you not observed it? -- whenever you purchase something you have to pay. If you want to compete with people you will have to pay. You will become less and less loving. A man who is a competitor cannot be loving simultaneously; it is impossible. A man who is trying to compete, a man who is ambitious, has to be non-loving. Then he is paying with love.
Politicians cannot be loving, they know only war. That's natural; they exist through conflict. So they may talk about peace, but their whole talk is. just nonsense, just gibberish. They talk about peace and they prepare for war. They never prepare for peace. They prepare for war and they never talk about war, they talk about peace. And when the time comes, they even war and fight for peace. They say it has to be done to save peace. But basically, the mind of the competitor is violent. One who is ambitious is violent and cannot be loving.
The hippie slogan -- Make love not war -- is very, very meaningful. If the world were more loving, war would disappear automatically, because who would be ready to fight? For what?
No country wants its people to be very loving. No country wants its people to be deep in love -- because if they are deep in love they become incapable of war. Their sex, their love, has to be repressed. When love and sex are repressed, people are ready to jump out of their skins. They are so boiling; they are always ready to fight. That's why a poor country can fight better than a rich country. That is the story of Vietnam.
The American soldier knows a little of love -- he has the facility, he is not so repressed. That is the problem with America now: America is not so repressed. It has tasted of love. But when you fight with a small country like Vietnam you cannot win, because their soldiers are very repressed. It has always happened in the past: a richer country is always in danger of being invaded by a poorer country.
It has happened in India many times. For two, three thousand years, India had been continuously conquered by barbarians who were not rich, who were not affluent, who were not cultured at all. But India was defeated continuously. People were loving -- they had forgotten how to fight, they were not interested in fighting. There was no need inside for them to be continuously at war. Whenever a civilization reaches to the point where it becomes affluent, it is in danger of being invaded by barbarians. This is unfortunate, but this is so.
So every country and every politician tries not to allow love too much. It has to be given only in small quantities. If love is free, and people are very loving and they exist in an ocean of love, war is not possible. Without war, politics is not possible; without politics, presidents and premiers are not possible. They will simply disappear.
The hippie is the greatest danger signal to politicians yet. In the whole of history, for the first time a new sort of generation is arising. If this generation goes on flowering, spreading, politics is going to be just out of date. The days of presidents and premiers are gone! And the whole thing depends on love, because love is a quality of being. Competition is for things, ambition is for things, ambition is for the kingdom without. The inner kingdom knows no competition. You can simply delight in it this very moment. It needs no future, it needs no achievement on your part. Already, as you are, you are ready to enjoy and delight and celebrate. Nothing is missing. Everything is absolutely available; as it should be, it is. You just have to drop your ambitious mind, and the celebration starts.
Can you see this? If you can see this you will be able to understand 'the novel man'.
The Bauls say, "The man who has understood the futility of things becomes religious." If you are running after having, you will become a manipulator: constantly in conflict with others, constantly trying to crush others, by any way and any means trying to reach to the top. You will lose all spontaneity.
The man of being, 'the novel man', is spontaneous. He lives in the moment, he lives here-now. He knows no other way to live, he is unpredictable. You can predict a man of competition. You can predict, because the mind of the competitor runs like a mathematical formula. It has a logical syllogism in it. But the mind of one who is moving inwards, the man of being, is almost dissolving. The mind of the inward traveller is dissolving; you cannot predict him. He has no mathematical formula about him -- he simply lives in the moment, he responds to the moment.
Now let me tell you one thing: the man of having is very clear. The man of having has a destination, very clear, cut. If he wants to become the president of the United States or the premier of India, he has a clear-cut destination.
What about the man of being? -- he has a direction, but he has no destination. He has a very subtle direction, but no destination. He has a quality: he has a light inside, and wherever he moves that light falls on his path. He has eyes to see, a direction, but no destination. He is enjoying and he is moving, but his movement is not prefabricated. He has no plan. He is like a river, not like a railway train. Direction is there, but not like a railway train, not running in a fixed pattern. Zig-zag his life will be. Sometimes he will be moving towards the north and sometimes he will be moving towards the south. He cannot be very consistent because consistency is part of the logical mind, it is not part of the being. He will be found many times to be inconsistent, even contradictory; but those contradictions are just on the surface. If you look deep you will find a subtle direction. Even in contradictions the direction is there.
But to know the man of being you need very deep eyes, penetrating eyes. To know the man of having, nothing is needed -- just a little mind will do, a mediocre mind will do -- because the man of having is also of the category of mediocre minds. But when you move into the inner world, all surfaces are lost and depth is infinite.
The Bauls call this spontaneous man, SAHAJA MANUSH. The novel man, he's the new man. He is the man as everyone should be. And unless you become the novel man, you will miss -- you will miss treasures, blessings, benedictions which were showering all around you, but you were blind and you could not see it.
I have heard....
Mulla Nasrudin was in love with a woman.
"Look darling," he said to her, "here is a diamond engagement ring for you."
"Oh, it is beautiful!" she claimed "But honey, the diamond has a flaw in it."
"You should not notice that," said the Mulla. "Why, you are in love and you know what they say -- 'love is blind'."
"Blind, yes," she said, "but not stone blind."
Even in love you continue to remain the man of the outside. Even in love you continue to think in terms of money, prestige, power. Even in love you don't allow the unpredictable to assert, you don't allow your innermost being to have its say. Even then you remain a manipulator.
Our minds are almost always interested in the very ordinary. It has to be so because mind is outward-oriented. The very orientation is towards the without. That's how Jesus was not understood; he was a Baul,'the novel man'. If he had been born in Bengal, the land of the Bauls, he would have been understood better. They would not have crucified him. For centuries they have known mad people of God. They would have understood his language.
Jews could not understand his language. His language was not of the mind, his language was not of money, of the outside. He talked about the kingdom and they asked, "Where is your kingdom? About what kingdom are you talking?" -- because they thought he was talking about the kingdom which is outside. He said, "I am the king," and they were worried. And they suspected that he was trying to sabotage the society, or that he was trying to conquer the society and become the king. They thought that he was a revolutionary.
He was a rebellious man, not a revolutionary at all. He was not planning for a revolution; he was not a politician. But the Jews were afraid: they thought that he was trying to conquer this world. And the Romans were afraid. They were afraid because it was thought that he was the king of men -- the king is born. When the king of the Romans heard that a child was going to be born who would become the king of men, he became so afraid that he ordered a massacre: to kill all the children below the age of two years. When the three wise men of the East reached the capital in search of the child Jesus, the king heard of it. He invited them to the palace, and he asked them for what they had come. They said they were looking for the king who had been born in his country: "You should be happy that a king is born in your country, and the greatest king will walk on your earth." But the king was very afraid because he thought, "How can there exist two kings in one country? Then I will be dethroned." But he played diplomatic. He said to the wise men, "I am very happy, so if you succeed in finding him please come and inform me." But he was planning to kill the boy, and the three wise men understood it because they could see in his eyes. He was a cunning man.
Politicians are cunning.
After they had met Jesus and worshipped Jesus, they had to find another route because they were afraid that the king would be waiting, and they didn't want to become a part of this catastrophe. They didn't want to become part in killing and murdering Jesus. So they had to travel very far. They had to do a long journey because the shortcut was the one they had come by. And they were very old men, but still they took a very long route through deserts and mountains to reach back to their country. They didn't want to go back by the same route because it would pass through the capital, and the king would be waiting.
Jesus was crucified because of his terminology, but he was talking about the inner kingdom. He was not talking about the kingdom of the outside, and he was not talking about the treasures that you know, but the treasures of the unknown.
As far as the outside world is concerned, all treasures are just false.
I have heard a beautiful anecdote....
A man walking along a city street fell through an open sewer hole and broke his leg. He engaged a famous attorney, brought suit against the city for ten thousand dollars, and won the case. The city appealed the decision right on up to the Supreme Court, but again the lawyer won the decision. After the claim was settled, the lawyer sent for his client and handed him a dollar bill.
"What is this?" inquired the man, looking at the dollar.
"That's your damages after deducting my fee, the cost of appeals and other expenses," replied the attorney.
Out of ten thousand dollars, only one dollar!
The man looked at the dollar again, turned it over and scanned it carefully. "What is the matter with this dollar?" he said. "Is it counterfeit?"
But all money outside is counterfeit: all dollars are counterfeit, all rupees are counterfeit. The real money does not exist that way; the real money does not exist outside. This conversion from the counterfeit to the real is what Bauls call the birth of the novel man.
He has abandoned worldly possessions to become a beggar. Why abandon worldly possessions? The worldly possessions can be abandoned in two ways. Again you have to understand: the man who has lived his whole life in collecting possessions can abandon them out of greed. Then the novel man is not born. He can abandon them in order to get some advance booking in heaven, paradise. He can abandon his worldly possessions seeing that death will take them away. If that is the case, then the old man remains old, even if he abandons all.
In India it happens many times, more often than not: people abandon their possessions, they renounce, but if you watch them you will see they have not abandoned their greed. In fact, they have renounced BECAUSE of the greed.
I know one man who renounced almost a million rupees many years ago, but he still goes on talking about it. Thirty years have passed, and whenever I meet him, he will again and again bring the subject up that he has renounced a million rupees. And you can see the light that starts shining in his eyes -- a million rupees!
The last time I saw him I asked him, "If you have really renounced then why talk about it? What is the point? As far as I can see, you have not renounced at all. The novel man is not born. You are as much attached to those one million rupees, or maybe even more than you were before. Now the very idea that you have renounced a million rupees has become your bank balance. Now you are living on it.'' I told him that if he went to God, the first thing he would relate to Him would be his million rupees: "Do you know or not that I have renounced one million rupees?" And he would be expecting something special for himself. This man is the same; the novel man is not born. It has been a miscarriage.
You can renounce, but if you enjoy ego through it, if you feel that you are a great man of renunciation, a MAHATMA, a great soul because you have renounced, you are not an ordinary man, you are not worldly, then your renunciation is not true.
When is the renunciation true? -- when you understand the futility. Not out of greed, not because you have to earn something in the other world, but just seeing the futility of it all, you renounce. This renunciation has no effort in it, just a deep insight. Every morning you clean your house and throw the rubbish on the rubbish heap, but you don't go declaring and advertising to the whole town that again you have renounced much rubbish, again this morning you have done a great deed of renunciation. No, you know that it is rubbish -- finished. What is there to tell about it?
The novel man is born when you have a deep insight that worldly things have no value; they are all counterfeit, unreal diamonds, and unreal real diamonds are also so. Real dollars are also as unreal as unreal dollars. When the whole outside world has no value for you, that is a real renunciation. Then you are not attached at all.
And Bauls say,
My plaited hair
is still intact and dry.
Though I stand in the stream
and splash and swim about the river,
I cannot be touched by the water.
Keep your soles dry
as you coast the sea.
Let attachments share the same home,
but live unattached.
Groping for the river,
Oh my senseless heart!
In vain do you wander from place to place.
The ocean of your heart
bears a priceless gem.
What good is life
if you fail to contact
the spontaneous man
who dwells in your own body?
Your destiny is shamed.
Do not give up gold
for a piece of glass,
nor leave heaven
for a visit to hell.
What good is there
in rushing round the world?
The eternal hero Iives
in your own little room.
Who is there
for you to call your own?
My heart,
for whom do you shed
your futile tears?
Brothers and friends, let them be;
the world is there.
Your own dear life
is hardly your own.
You have come alone,
you will go alone....
The whole idea of renunciation is of a vision, of a great understanding, of looking into things in their reality. You need not escape from the world. You can remain in the world and become absolutely unattached. But if you feel, "Why carry the burden unnecessarily?" you can leave the world also. But remember, the world has no value this way or that. If it has no value, its renunciation also cannot have any value. If it is valuable, only then can its renunciation be valuable. But then there is no point in renouncing it; it is simply valueless. It is like a dream. When you awake, everything disappears.
You have come alone, you will go alone, and between these two exists the dream. To understand the dream, to become alert to it, is the birth of the novel man. "Come if you wish to meet the novel man," says the Baul. He invites the whole world: Come to see me; the novel man is born. "His worldly possessions he has abandoned for the beggar's sack that hangs from his shoulder."
The novel man lives in eternity, the ordinary man lives in time.
This word 'Kali' has to be understood. Kali is the mother of time. In Sanskrit time is called KALA, and the mother of KALA is Kali, mother of time. But the mother of time is beyond time. Time is born out of it, but the womb out of which time is born is eternity. Eternity is the mother of time. Time is just a reflection of the eternal. The Bauls worship Kali, the mother of time; they worship eternity. They seek and search eternity -- not that which changes but that which remains always and always, that which is beyond all flux, absolutely permanent, unmoving. They seek that hub of the existence. Symbolically it is called Kali.
This word 'KALA' is very meaningful: one meaning is time, another meaning is death. The same word means time and death. It is beautiful, because time is death. The moment you enter into time, you are ready to die. With birth, death has entered into you. When the child is born, he has entered into the realm of death. The birthday is also the death day. Now only one thing is certain: that he will have to die. Everything else is just uncertain; it may happen, it may not happen. But the moment a child is born, the moment the child has taken his first breath, one thing is absolutely certain -- that he will die.
Entering into life is entering into death; entering into time is entering into death. Time is death, hence the Sanskrit word KALA is very beautiful. It means both time and death. And Kali means beyond time and beyond death. Eternity is deathlessness. How to find eternity? What is the way? One has to understand the process of time.
The process of time is horizontal: one moment passes, then comes another moment; that passes, then another moment -- a procession of moments, a queue of moments -- one passes, then another comes; another passes, then another comes. It is horizontal.
Eternity is vertical: you go deep into the moment, not moving in a line, but into depth. You drown yourself in the moment. If you stand on the bank, then the river goes on passing. Ordinarily we are standing on the bank of time. The river goes on moving; one moment, another moment, and another, and the sequence of moments continues. This is how we ordinarily live, this is how we live in time.
Then there is another way -- take a jump into the river, drown in the moment, the here-now. Then suddenly, time stops. Then you are moving in an altogether different dimension; the vertical dimension is eternity. That is the meaning of Jesus' cross.
The cross is a time symbol. It is made of two lines: one vertical, one horizontal. On the horizontal line are the hands of Christ, and on the vertical line is his whole being. Hands are symbolic of action: doing, having. Having is in time; being is in eternity. So whatsoever you DO is in time, whatsoever you ARE is in eternity; whatsoever you achieve is in time, whatsoever is your nature is in eternity. Change from having, doing, towards being. This moment the turning can happen. This very moment, if you forget past and future, then time stops. Then nothing moves, then everything is absolutely silent and you start drowning in the here-now. That 'now' is eternity.
Kali is a symbol of now, of the eternal, of the absolutely real. To live moment to moment and not to bother about past and future is the way towards the novel man.
Very significant sentences: "Simple words can overcome ignorance and disbelief." If you can listen, then very simple words are enough. If you are capable of being receptive, just simple words uttered by one who knows are enough. But if you don't understand, then things become very complex. Your non-understanding or non-receptivity makes things complex. It creates confusion, it puzzles you, it creates a chaos in your being. If you can listen silently without your mind interfering, then simple words can overcome ignorance and disbelief.
The Bauls say,
Even if you forbid, dear friend,
I am helpless.
My songs contain my prayers.
Some flowers pray
through the glamour of colors,
and others, being dark,
with fragrance.
As the VEENA prays
with its vibrating strings,
do I with my songs.
Bauls don't know much philosophy; they are not philosophers. They are simple people of the earth. They are very simple people who can sing and dance. Their words are simple. If you love, if you trust, their small gestures can reveal much.
And it is always a question of love and trust. It is not a question of great metaphysical skill, because the more metaphysics you know, the more you will be puzzled. And the more you are acquainted with philosophy, the less is the possibility to come to understanding. The more you are full of knowledge, the less will be your understanding. You will be too clouded, and too many thoughts will not allow you vision, clarity. Your mirror will be full of dust.
Bauls say, "We don't make any distinction between a Hindu and a Mohammedan and a Christian...Kali and Krishna are one." They say, "We don't even make any distinction between male and female... Kali and Krishna are one, male and female are one." That is one of their great insights: that if you really dance and sing in deep trust and love, you will come to feel that man and woman are not two things, are not two beings. Inside you, a new alchemy starts, and your inside man melts with the inside woman...and Kali and Krishna become one.
They sing,
As the man and the woman in me
unite in love,
the brilliance of beauty,
balanced on the bi-petalled lotus
blooms in me,
dazzles my eyes.
The rays outshine the moon,
and the jewels
glowing on the hoods of snakes.
My skin and bone are turned to gold
when the inner man and woman meet,
when Krishna and Kali become one.
My skin and bone are tumed to gold,
I am the reservoir of love,
alive as the waves.
A single drop of water
has grown into a sea,
The whole problem of man is how to meet with the woman, and the whole problem of the woman is how to meet man.
In one ancient myth prevalent in many countries of the Far East, they say God created man and woman together, not as two beings; they were joined in one body. But then it became difficult. There were conflicts and problems. The woman wanted to go to the East and the man was not willing. Or, the man was ready to do something and the woman wanted to rest. But they were together, their bodies were joined. So they complained and God cut their bodies separate. Since then, every man is searching the woman, his woman, and every woman is searching her man. Now it is such a big crowd that it is very difficult to find who is your woman, who is your man. So much misery, and one goes on stumbling and groping in the dark. It is almost impossible to find your woman. How will you find her?
The myth says that if you can find, everything fits; you again become one. But it is very difficult to find.
But there is a way to find your woman, because the woman is not outside. Outside, at the most, are parallel similarities.
When you fall in love with a woman, what really happens? This is what happens: somehow the outside woman fulfills your inner woman's image, fits with that image -- maybe not a hundred percent, but enough to fall in love. When you fall in love with a man, what happens? Something inside you clicks and says, "Yes, this is the man, the right man." It is not a logical conclusion, it is not a syllogism. It is not that you find out all the pros and cons about the man and then you decide, or you compare the man with all the other men in the world, then you decide. No, something happens out of the blue. Suddenly you see that this is the man for whom you were waiting, for whom you were waiting for lives.
What happens? You carry an image of man, you carry an image of woman inside. You are both, and you go on looking outside. Nobody is going to fit one hundred percent, because the woman that you find outside has her own images about you; you have your own images. It is very difficult to fit with each other. So all marriages are always on the rocks, and people, by and by, learn how to carry on peacefully. They learn not to 'rock the boat'. But nothing more can happen outside.
Bauls say, "Deep inside you both exist -- Krishna and Kali. Let them meet there." That is the whole Tantra method: how to allow your inner man to meet with the inner woman. And when this becomes a circle, when this meeting, when this inner copulation happens, a great orgasm, a great explosive orgasm begins which knows a beginning but knows no end. Then you live an orgasmic life.
A single drop of water
has grown into a sea,
Then you are no more finite, you become infinite.
Break the barrier of words. Now, I am talking to you; I am using words. You can listen to my words -- then you have not listened to me. You can listen in such a way that the words are no more a barrier, but become vehicles. They no more create problems, but you listen exactly between the words, between two words, in the gaps. You listen to my silence; then words and their barriers are broken. Then limits are conquered.
This is the novel man. Now he knows no duality. He does not make any distinction between the sage and the fool. He makes no distinction between the man and the woman. All dualities have come to be united, all dualities have dissolved. Once you drop the words, dualities drop.
Language creates duality, language exists through duality. It cannot indicate the non-dual. If I say 'day', immediately I create night. If I say 'life', immediately I create death. If I say 'good', immediately bad is created. If I say 'no', just by the side of the no, yes is existing. Language can exist only through the opposite. That's why we see life as always divided -- God and devil. Drop language, drop this linguistic pattern. Once language is no more on your mind and you look directly into reality, day IS night. Suddenly you will start laughing at why you missed it so long! Day, every day turns into night; night turns into day every morning again, and you have been missing. Life is always turning into death, death always turns again into life, and you have been missing. They are not two, they are one whole. This is the non-dual, ADWAITA. This is the most essential religion.
... because his consciousness is no longer divided by language. He is no longer looking at the world through words. He looks insane: he is absorbed in his own being, he is lost in his own vision. And the vision is so vast, as if a thousand and one suns have risen together. It is so dazzling.
And he goes on calling, "Come to me, come, if you wish to meet the novel man," and the boat is ready. And his boat is not against life, it is tied to the coast of the life. He is not negative.
And he says,
"Come, and I can take you to the other shore. Come, and I can make you new. Come, and I can take you into eternity."
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your evolution. Meditate a little everyday...and dissolve all doubt in the fire
of your eternal flame.