Meditation Energy Enhancement has been able to teach most people to remove their own energy blockages with the backup of Meditation Energy Enhancement teachers, Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani who were taught by Zen Master Hogen, who has a Zen Temple on the slopes of Mount Fuji in Japan, and also in Australia, and Swami Satchidananda, a student of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, and who attained his Mahasamadhi at the age of 89 in 2002.
Previously only Hindu Gurus and Zen Masters had the ability to remove energy blockages by means of their psychic powers gained through a lifetime of meditation and other miracles. People who have known Roshi Hogen and Swami Satchidananda know that through them, enlightenment exists and is living today, as in all the ages of this planet when virtue is in abeyance.
Hogen's Haiku, "Can you feel my breeze blowing, Even from 10,000 miles." Yes, we felt his energy even at the other ends of the earth. The secret of Zen and the Guru is that they remove the blockages of the student, but only when the student is ready, when the student has leant how to ask. How to be a good student.
That is why all the enlightened including Swami Satchidananda, Tangen Harada Roshi, Yasutani Roshi and Zen Master Hogen have been so successful in producing their HIGHLY EVOLVED and enlightened students.
Bio of Swami Satchidananda

As my Master Roshi Hogen says THE ANTAKARANA IS "The spring at the top of the Mountain."
Illness is caused by a lack of energy. We can only heal ourselves when we learn to fill ourselves with energy by these methods
Satchidanand comes from England and was Born in the Ancient Chinese year of the DRAGON. Originally with degrees in Physics, Mathematics and Electronics, and working in International Companies in Management, Computing, Electronics, Hardware and Software.
Starting from practising Yoga from 1967, through working and contact and exchanging Energy with many masters including Swami Satchidananda of South India and of the USA, Yogaville, Virginia and Zen Master Roshi Hogen (Master of the Tao) of Japan, Osho and Ascended Masters, he works towards the ideal of one spiritual truth on many paths using Meditation Energy Enhancement and healing.
Both his Father and Grandfather were Master Masons in the Royal Arch, so that if he had become a Mason he would have been the Louis of a Louis. Because the masonic teachings are very rarely explained he prefers to have become a real Mason.
His Sun, conjunct with Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus in the 8th house in the Draconian Soul Progressed chart in Scorpio and WITH Pluto conjunct the Moons Node gives him tremendous Power to break down World Karma through the Meditation Energy Enhancement Techniques, drive out your blockages and raise your Kundalini Energy. Come and see him whilst he is still visiting this Planet!!.
"Energy is Inexhaustable. Like a fire it is passed from Master to Disciple. It jumps the Gap, the Abyss. It Energises all." - Satchidanand
Satchidanand has been practising Yoga, an Ancient preliminary Technique for Meditation Energy Enhancement, since he was 16 years old.

and Energy Enhqancement Meditation Directors, Satchidanand and Kundalini Energy,
and Devi Dhyani
Teachers of Satchidanand - Zen Master
Roshi Hogen and Swami Satchidananda.
Energy Enhancement has been able to teach most people to remove their own ego
energy blockages with the backup of Meditation Energy Enhancement teachers,
Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani who were taught by Zen Master Hogen, who has a Zen
Temple on the slopes of Mount Fuji in Japan, and also in Australia, and Swami
Satchidananda, a student of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, and who attained his
at the age of 89 in 2002.
Satchidanand Stories
Satchidanand Stories. After practising Zazen Meditation with Roshi Hogen Daido
Yamahata for a time I began to feel him cleaning my Base Chakra every time I
meditated. I was also doing Meditation Energy Enhancement techniques at that
time which speeded up the meditative process. He used to wake me up early every
morning and say Get out of bed, Meditate Now!! Then by accident or by Luck. And
to be Spiritual, you have to be lucky. I came across
Swami Satchidananda of Yogaville.
of Satchidanand spreads its potent energy by means of powerful spiritual
vibrations from the highest sources from chakras above the Crown Chakra: The
Soul, The group Soul AND higher than the Avatar of Synthesis
Kundalini in Parana Satchidanand Kundalini in Parana. At the back of the
room was a Yoga Teacher, A REGULAR GROUP MEMBER, who was just standing there.
Upon these words.
Feeling this Energy, she raised her arms into the air and stood like that,
shaking and crying for the next Half Hour. Shaking, crying. KUNDALINIED!!! It
was her faith which healed her
- Why Do You Excite a Strong For or Against in the People who Meet You?
"As the Buddhafield of evolutionary Energy hits the slow and more dense energy
fields of others so it tends to cast out the venom, the ego energy blockages,
locked into the energy fields of other people. By casting out the energy
blockages, which re the cause of MPD, so it is trying to integrate them with the
Soul Chakra leaving only One enlightened Soul Infused personality"
- Are Gurus Necessary?
most cases, the Guru or genuinely enlightened master is the only person capable
of creating a field of highly charged spiritual energy which can feed the
spiritual bodies of the students. As this changes the students, so they will
suffer the reactions of the energy blockages of the ego which do not want to be
integrated with the soul. These Ego Energy Blockages, the cause of MPD, will try to cast the student out of
the Buddhafield.
>>What is the path to
evolutionary enlightenment and what are the obstacles to it?
thousands of years the path is and has been to remove the energy blockages and MPD sub-personalities of the ego usually by using the 5000 year old techniques
of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which are the instruction books of Raja Yoga,
one of the highest Yogas available on this planet.
Kundalini and The Princess of swords of the thoth tarot. The wand of the
Princess of discs stretches from heaven to earth and symbolises the
Antakarana, an ancient symbol of Kundalini Yoga, which represents the tower,
rainbow bridge of energy which flows through all your chakras from heaven to
earth, when all energy blockages preventing that flow have been transmuted
through the techniques of Energy Enhancement.
Meditation ARTICLES Humorous and Pungent ENERGY ENHANCEMENT FAQs AND
All web pages here written by Energy Enhancement Satchidanand. They are new
articles, new replies to students and eventually will form a new Energy
Enhancement book. Get it here first!! - Energy Enhancement
Satchidanand Buddhafield and Kundalini
Meditation Energy Enhancement Director Satchidanand - The Buddhafield and
Kundalini The Buddhafield of Satchidanand spreads its potent energy by means of
powerful spiritual vibrations from the highest sources from chakras above the
Crown Chakra: \The Soul, The group Soul AND higher than the Avatar of Synthesis
Satchidanand Kundalini
Energy. In the meditation part of the experience I perceived an intense and bizarre visualisation. In the minds eye I became aware of being in a dazzling white area in which reared a most amazing "cobra-like" snake. The colours, texture and clarity of the image were intensely vivid, more so than television or cinema. Psychedelic is the term I would best use to describe the experience.
Significance and Leonardo Da Vinci Meditation Energy Enhancement Satchidanand
Says, When I went to the Louvre Art Gallery in Paris many years ago, I saw the
picture, by Leonardo Da Vinci, of a Shepherd Boy
with the Giaconda Face, with his finger pointing upwards as in the picture on
the right.
The Dragon or Kundalini Snake
Meditation Energy Enhancement Director Satchidanand - The Dragon or Kundalini
Snake The Dragon or the Kundalini Snake are normal visual expressions of
Kundalini Energy
Interviews - Energy Enhancement Meditation by Telephone |