The eternal and unlimited God is the ulimtate generator of all life, all souls, and all various and diverse phenomena. God's eternal mind generates all phenomena and all experiences are eternally repeatable. All experiences of Creation are the will and imagination of God. There is neither waste nor loss in God's creative mind. Know that we are all lovingly and thoughtfully created and sustained by God's eternal heart and mind, we are always within God, for there is no where else to exist. Realizing this is the way beyond sorrow and towards peace, happiness, love, and thanksgiving.
God, the Creation, and all souls eternally exist.
The planet Earth is not separate from the Kingdom of God, it is part of the Kingdom. We, all souls, are in part of God's Kingdom already. We are always in the Kingdom for there is nowhere else to live within. The question is, where do we want to go next? To better or worse experiences? This is dependent upon the state of our heart and mind and the manner in which we live our lives on Earth.
God creates all time/space/matter phenomena. This is why the scientists cannot fully understand this small aspect of God's Creation that we call "our universe." The scientist is interested in finding "the theory of everything", yet however hard they try, this theory is not possible without including God as the central theme. At the quantum level all Newtonian physics breaks down and the scientist is baffled by seemingly impossible and bizarre behaviour of this physical universe. However hard the scientist researches, God only allows them to find that which God wants them to find. The path of the scientist eventually leads to God realization, as do all other lifestyles that souls experience.
On the level of the soul, God carefully places each soul into God made circumstances. At the death of the physical body the soul is placed into other bodies and circumstances, meeting all souls in different situations, and having unlimited lives which are all for the good of the soul, via the medium of learning and enjoyment.
After many lives, a soul realizes itself as a God made soul and then realizes and perceives the unlimited love and joy of God within all aspects of Creation. The God realized soul understands that it has unlimited lives in unlimited situations and thus is happy to accept God, God's ways, and the nature of soul and Creation.
The only purpose of the Creation is for God to give the gift of life to all souls. The Creation and the soul is God's loving gift of life. To experience a happy and truly successful life, we need to realize our God given soul and live in accordance with God's will of LoveWisdomGoodness. This may require the purification of our heart and mind.
God is the immortal creator of all various, diverse and myriad phenomena. All sentient beings, all universes, and all experiences of variety and multiplicity are created by God. God's creative principle is the illusionary, dreamlike imagination (maya) that is experienced as the Creation. In reality, there is only God. Everything is God - relative (as variety, diversity, and multiplicity) and absolute (as unity).
All multiplicity is an experience of variety and multiplicity that is created and experienced by God. It is the immortal and indestructible God that creates all the universes and all the differing life forms and then experiences the whole show. That is why "life is an experience and not a possession."
It is the ignorance or forgetfulness of the true identity of the experience of variety and multiplicity that leads to all the painful attachment (to the experiences of maya/shakti/the Creation) and resulting confusion and sorrow.
All things that can be experienced - the holistic qualities of life - cannot be the experiencer. All experiences in life are objects (qualities) that are experienced by a subject (the experiencer).
Everything is God experiencing all names and forms and the variety and multiplicity of experiences that arise in the Creation. This current Creation that we experience as the Universe is only one of a infinite number of various Creations - such is the power and unlimited creative capacity of God. Afterall, God is the ultimate Creator of all variety.
All the variety is an experience not a possession and the experience is not the experiencer. The deepest and ultimate experiencer is the deepest and ultimate Being - God.
"There is one eternal reality that pervades everything and everyone. In the midst of the many, it is the indivisible oneness. In all (so-called) separate beings, it is never separated or divided. Perception of this reality is pure, or sattvic, knowledge."
Bhagavad Gita - 18:20.
I am the true Self in the heart of all creatures...I am the source of all things...I am the beginning, middle and ending of everything created...I am the seed of all beings. For without Me, whether animate or inanimate, nothing can exist...there is no end to my manifestations...just know that I am, and that I suppost the whole cosmos with only a fragment of my being.
Bhagavad Gita
Centered in God
Awake in the dream of variety
Unafraid of the illusion of life and death
The LoveWisdomGoodness of
spiritual qualities brings magic and makes the dream special
Unattached to the dream
Knowing that all multiplicity and variety
Is an imaginative expression of the one, eternal, indestructible, mysterious God