The Pentagram *
4. Meditation Energy Enhancement and the Chakras *
The Functions of the Mind - The Chakras. *
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs a plagiarism of the Chakras. *
A Table of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and the Chakras. *
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs – The Psychological Expression of the Chakras *
Chakra Body Position and associated Endocrine Gland together with illnesses associated with the Chakra. *
Meditation Energy Enhancement and Enlightenment. *
Humility - If you are not Enlightened you are Sick *
"And after all that", says the first Sutra of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "here are complete instructions on how to be happy. *
This whole world is a factory for the production of Enlightened beings.- The Tests of Enlightenment *
Meditation Energy Enhancement Techniques *
Preliminary Techniques *
Meditation, Samadhi and Samyama *
What is Enlightenment? *
Meditation Energy Enhancement teaches how to gain more Energy. *
5. The Integration of the Chakras II *
The Hexagram or the Seal of Solomon and the Enhancement of the Energies. *
The Lower Triangle *
The Upper Triangle *
The Integration of the Triangles *
The First Initiation. *
The Second Initiation *
The Third Initiation. *
Buddhas Desire, Pain, Old Age and Death and its Relationship to the Three Initiations of Integration. *
Selfish Desire is the blockage of the Third, Manipur or Solar Plexus Chakra. *
Pain is the blockage of the Second Chakra. *
Death is the major function of the Base Chakra. *
Integration Bottom up and Top Down. *
6. The Paradigm Shifts of Human Evolution as the Chakras Open with age and Wisdom. *
1. The Birth of the Physical Self at 4 months. Chakra 1, The Base Chakra Opens. *
2. The Birth of the Emotional at Self-15-24 months. Chakra 2, The Relationship Chakra Opens, The Spoilt child emerges.. *
3. The Birth of the Conceptual, Intellectual Self from 7 Months to 7 Years-Chakra 3, The Lower Intellectual center, The Solar Plexus Center. *
4. The Birth of the Role Self and the following of Scripts, from 6-7 until 11-15. Chakra 4, The Heart Chakra. *
5. The Worldcentric or Mature Personality. The fulfilment of the Heart Chakra – The Fifth Chakra Visshuddhi Chakra. *
6. The Bodymind integration of the Centaur, the sixth Chakra, Ajna Chakra. *
7. The Psychic- sixth Chakra with the Crown Chakra. *
8. The Subtle, Alta Major Chakra with the Crown Chakra. *
9. The Causal- The Crown or Sahasrara chakra. *
10. The Non-Dual – Crown Chakra. *
The Evolution Gap in Society. *
The problem is that they are just not enlightened! *
7. The Base Chakra - Muladhara Chakra *
The Negative Programming of Fear *
Illness is not following your Soul Path *
What will you do after you have conquered the world *
8. The Blockages of the Base Chakra. *
Fear is the basis of mans inhumanity to man. *
The Base Chakra, Food, Money and Society *
This Planet is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings. *
The Sangha, our Soul Group *
Insecurity and the Body *
The test is not to behave in an inhuman manner no matter what the provocation. *
Tests - Don Juan would not be in that situation *
Practice makes perfect. *
9. The Second Chakra - Swadhisthana Chakra *
The Mastery of lower chakra Connections *