chakra psychology


The Integration of The Seven Chakras

Spiritual Realisation, symbolised by the Crown Chakra (white sphere) and the heart chakra (green sphere) - thus the realisation of the underlying Unity of All Life and True Identity of Consciousness - spiritualizes, expands and enhances the experiences all the five chakras of change and diversity (chakras 1,2,3,5,6). We learn to experience them in an objective, ego-free, and non-attached way.

We fully realise NETI, NETI (not this changing mindstuff - chakras 1 to 6) but AHAM BRAHMAN ASMI (I am pure, unalloyed, eternal, and infinite peace/bliss consciousness).

How can we spiritualise the chakras? First we need to acquaint ourselves with what areas of life each chakra represents. This helps us integrate each chakra in a healthy way. Then we can begin to enjoy their experiences in a spiritually aware, ego-free, benevolent, co-operative, balanced, sattvic, and non-attached way.

Thus is the message behind the Star of Enlightenment.

Before we go any further, it may be useful to read some guidelines about the correct and appropriate programs that we may run in our chakras so that we become happy and thus can bring happiness to others. Because quite simply - "AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT."

The THREE INITIATIONS OF ENLIGHTENMENT are three useful techniques to help us realise these truths and improve our lives to confirm and uphold the Truth of Unity.

They are explained below.


The Seal of Solomon - The Star of Enlightenment - is made of two triangles, one pointing upwards and one pointing downwards. To help us realise it's hidden meaning, we have placed the corresponding chakras upon the star. The Seal of Solomon symbolises THE INTEGRATION OF THE CHAKRAS - The Star of Enlightenment.


The Three Lower Chakras
By themselves
without integration with the whole
are called The Lower Self

The downward pointing triangle shows us the 3 lower chakras.

Without contact with the higher chakras - as is the case of the unintegrated personality - then a strong Egocentric activity will express itself in these life areas.

Manipura Chakra (yellow): Selfish and abusive will-power and activity. Selfish pursuit of name, fame, status, prestige and position.

Svadhisthana Chakra (orange): Selfish pursuit of sexual and sensual pleasure, desire, craving, wanting instant self-gratification, impatience, spoiled child syndrome. 

Mooladhara Chakra (red): All the fears, pains, and disappointments of identification with the Physical Body as "your life." Not realising in the spiritual side of life the body is experienced as a temporary changing vehicle of consciousness.

By itself, the Lower Triangle of the Seal of Solomon is grounded in the Earth. It cannot raise its eyes above the horizon. It has all the faults and all the virtues of the three chakras of which it is composed. The Bestial / animal man.

The lower self is often referred to as the selfish, untrained, unintegrated, lustful, greedy, vain, ignorant, and completely egocentric expression of the lower three chakras - "The Green Dragon" of St George and The Dragon. The life of a person on the Mutable Cross (one who is totally ego centred - EGOCENTRIC) is only expressing itself through the lower three chakras. Thus, life energy is focused on:

1. Survival in the material world - root chakra (instinctive intelligence) - BASE CHAKRA.

2. Survival of the species through the expression of personal desire - SECOND CHAKRA.

3. Survival through the power of the expression of personal emotions - THIRD CHAKRA.

The whole lower triangle represents the beast part of the Sphinx and the Centaur.


The Three Higher Chakras

The upward pointing triangle shows us the 3 higher chakras - love and compassion (green - Heart Chakra), creative and communicative activity for the benefit of all (blue - Throat Chakra), and the Intellect (lilac - Ajna Chakra).

By itself, the Upper Triangle of the Seal of Solomon shows the person who has their head in the clouds. They do not feel as if they were meant to be on this planet. They may speak eloquently, think beautiful thoughts, have great feelings, but are powerless to ground them. Powerless to make them reality. Powerless to express them appropriately. The Celestial Dreamer, the Angelic person, the Intellectual, the human head of the Sphinx and the Centaur.

When the three higher centres are opened and one has become more life-centred, the focus of existence moves from egocentric survival to the bigger picture of life:

1. Life as expressed through Love - HEART CHAKRA (Mature Love).

2. Life as expressed through Creative Activity - THROAT CHAKRA (Mature Communication and creativity).

3. Life as expressed through a clear and spiritual intellect that is in command of the activities of Chakras 1 to 6 - BROW CHAKRA. (Mature Thinking and Consideration)

The understanding of the meaning of the Sahasrara Chakra Crowns the individual with the spiritual knowledge of The Unity of Life.

The Integration of All Seven Chakras

The Path of Enlightenment involves bringing both of these triangles together. On their own they are much less than when they are united. The joining of the triangles is the marriage of the Heaven and Earth. The balanced union of Yin and Yang. The Integration of the Seven Chakras.

You need to know what each chakra represents psychologically before you will understand the following Initiations. If you don't then please read the chakra pages, otherwise the following information will not make much sense and you will misinterpret or lose the essential teachings.



Moving Energy From the Manipura Chakra (yellow) to the Heart Chakra (green)

The Solar Plexus (manipura, third chakra), as it loses the ego blockages of selfishness, anger, control and jealousy, so its energies start to rise to the Heart Chakra. We start to understand that as we help others, so we ourselves are helped.

This is realisation is greatly enhanced and quickened by understanding the UNITY OF ALL LIFE (the psychological meaning of the Crown Chakra). Once we know that everything is One, then the love and selflessness begins to happen quite naturally.

Swami Satchidananda of 'The Integral Yoga Society' says:

"Who is the happiest person? The person who brings happiness to others."

So the Heart Chakra works with tempering the lower self, healing, relationships, forgiveness, unselfishness, groups and society.

The heart starts to function at a higher and higher level quite naturally. We don’t have to force ourselves. The aim of the first initiation is the reduction of selfishness and the opening and functioning of the Heart Chakra.

The heart chakra and the higher self is then used to temper, control, spiritualize, and thus Master the lower self. The lower self becomes tempered by the higher self realizations and functionings.

We eliminate our selfish ego and the tyranny and dictation of an egocentric lower self is no longer a problem for us. We become it's Master. It becomes our slave. This is the correct spiritual set up of the chakras and thus a large step in the production of an enlightened mind and being.




Moving Energy from the Second Chakra (orange) to the Throat Chakra (blue)

The second chakra is the chakra of pleasure and personal creativity. Sex and procreation is the personally creative task of bringing children into the world. The child grows in the womb of the mother and is created under the energy of the second chakra.

However, uncontrolled addiction to second chakra energy leads to possessiveness, selfish desire, wanting and abuse. Last but not least, it leads to the pain of attachment. Of the pain we store in the second chakra when we do not get what we want - our disappointments. As we suffer the pain of bereavement as our parents, children and friends die. As we suffer the pain of broken relationships as our lover leaves us or of divorce.

The control of the Energy rising to the throat means the release and dissipation, dissolution, of pains from the past.

It does not mean celibacy.

It means a conscious choice of where we put our energies. Which chakra expressions we feel are appropriate and of the best possible good for this Universal Life.

Of the ability to be free from pain, selfish desire and craving. Of being free from our robotic nature. Free to use our energies in any way we wish. Once we have realised meaning of the Crown Chakra, the Unity of All Life, then it is highly likely that we will wish to use our energies for the benefit of the One in All.

The Fifth chakra, the throat, is the chakra of creativity for the benefit of all. Whenever we work hard at something creative, be sure that energy is coming out of the throat.

Picasso’s girlfriends used to complain when he was creating pictures. Sometimes weeks would go by whilst he painted and never a thought of making love. He had a strong sexual drive and many girlfriends, but when he worked, he never gave a thought to them. In the same way, some wives get jealous of their husbands job. Some call themselves golf widows. As we get older, if we are successful, we naturally gravitate towards the control of our sexual energies. We do not need to force it. Repression of natural energies creates disease and anger. No wonder successful armies use sexual repression as a technique of war.

Whenever energy is coming from the second chakra, it can no longer rise to the throat. The Aim of raising these energies higher needs training because of one or all of the following five reasons:-

1. We like the effect of using the second chakra and cannot "see" the problems created by using it inappropriately. We are used to the connection. We are used to the battle for energy in relationships and can see no other way of being.

2. Because of the inappropriate use of the second chakra in relationships and in families, this use then becomes competitive. First of all between people, as we compete for peoples attention. And then of course the competition is between the energies of relationships and of creation for the benefit of all. This is the reason why relationships are banned in sport. Why they are banned in some spiritual organisations, for example some Christian Priests and monks. Some Hindu Sannyasins, the Brahmacharyas. They say that the energies required to do their jobs. To raise their base energies towards enlightenment, requires that they do not stop off on the way in energy competitive relationships. They are correct because the energy needs to be able to rise higher, in a conscious fashion. It can be a good exercise to try this out for a while. However, usually, constant repression causes anger, bigotry, misogyny and war if used before this pathway of energy becomes natural. Relationships should not be competitions over energy. This is one of the major reasons why so many relationships continue to break up in this modern society. The divorce rate can only rise as more and more people get upset at the competitive dramas of their partners and themselves.

3. Because of the way we are brought up, competing for the energy of the second chakra in relationships, we can see no other way of being. Most people think of the energy of the second chakra as love but true love comes from the heart. The energy of the second chakra is energetic food for the use of creating children and feeding them afterwards. Its use creates a very nice feeling. Nature wants us to use it in this way. However its use can become addictive. Those who give cannot create as much and cannot think so clearly. Those who take become stronger, can create more and can think more clearly. Rich old merchants of mediaeval times took a young wife so they could live longer. So that they could Vampirise their young wife’s energy. Some people use dramas to take energy. I previously mentioned the dramas and strategies that many people use to get energy. The people who become Aloof or Interrogators. The people who become Poor Me’s or who become Intimidators, Threateners or the Violent. People can go even more extreme. They can become Sado-Masochists and sexual murderers as the addiction for the energy of the second chakra expresses itself in sexual relationships.

4. If we cannot prevent other people connecting with us and so draining our energies. Any drama comes from this need to give, take or compete for the energy of the second chakra. Some people can vampirise you. They can take your energy in a glance. All dramas go too far. All competition for energy is violent. It comes from a perceived shortage of energy, a fear of not having enough, but mostly this giving and taking energy is done on an unconscious and robotic, automatic level.

5. Our second chakra is usually already damaged. It holds so much pain that it has not got a lot of energy. We do not want to go near that pain. We do not want to use the second chakra in any capacity. We need to heal it by gradually dissolving the pain.



The Base Chakra (red) Powers the Ajna Chakra (Lilac).

As we lose the fears of the Base Chakra. The fear of lack of security. The fear of losing food, money, house, and in the end, life itself. Our fear of Death is the last fear to go. As this happens. As we see the negativity of this fear. As we cease to react automatically to these fears. As we do this in practice when all of these disasters happen to us. As we are tested with all this really heavy stuff. So the energies are allowed to rise into the head chakras - Ajna and the Crown.

Ajna chakra, chakra 6, takes command of the activities of Chakras 1 to 5 with reference to the Unity of All Life - Chakra 7.

The whole of the personality under the command of Ajna Chakra which is in alignment with Sahasrara.


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