UW fusion reactor HIT-SI3 clean power concept is cheaper than coal

The UW’s current fusion experiment, HIT-SI3. It is about one-tenth the size and five times the output of the power-producing dynomak concept.


Fusion energy – zero greenhouse gas emissions, no long-lived radioactive waste, a nearly unlimited fuel supply.

The UW’s current fusion experiment, HIT-SI3. It is about one-tenth the size and five times the power output of the power-producing dynomak concept.

Perhaps the biggest roadblock to adopting fusion energy is that the economics haven’t penciled out. Fusion power designs aren’t cheap enough to outperform systems that use fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas - UW changes that!!

University of Washington engineers hope to change that. They have designed a concept for a fusion reactor that, when scaled up to the size of a large electrical power plant, would outperform economically and with clean power costs for a new coal-fired plant with similar electrical output.

The team published its reactor design and cost-analysis findings last spring and will present results Oct. 17 at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Fusion Energy Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia.

“Right now, this design has the greatest potential of producing economical fusion power of any current concept,” said Thomas Jarboe, a UW professor of aeronautics and astronautics and an adjunct professor in physics.

The UW’s reactor, called the dynomak, started as a class project taught by Jarboe two years ago. After the class ended, Jarboe and doctoral student Derek Sutherland – who previously worked on a reactor design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – continued to develop and refine the concept.

The design builds on existing technology and creates a magnetic field within a closed space to hold plasma in place long enough for fusion to occur, allowing the hot plasma to react and burn. The reactor itself would be largely self-sustaining, meaning it would continuously heat the plasma to maintain thermonuclear conditions. Heat generated from the reactor would heat up a coolant that is used to spin a turbine and generate electricity, similar to how a typical power reactor works.

“This is a much more elegant solution because the medium in which you generate fusion is the medium in which you’re also driving all the current required to confine it,” Sutherland said.

There are several ways to create a magnetic field, which is crucial to keeping a fusion reactor going. The UW’s design is known as a spheromak, meaning it generates the majority of magnetic fields by driving electrical currents into the plasma itself. This reduces the amount of required materials and actually allows researchers to shrink the overall size of the reactor.

Other designs, such as the experimental fusion reactor project that’s currently being built in France – called Iter – have to be much larger than the UW’s because they rely on superconducting coils that circle around the outside of the device to provide a similar magnetic field. When compared with the fusion reactor concept in France, the UW’s is much less expensive – roughly one-tenth the cost of Iter – while producing five times the amount of energy.

The UW researchers factored the cost of building a fusion reactor power plant using their design and compared that with building a coal power plant. They used a metric called “overnight capital costs,” which includes all costs, particularly startup infrastructure fees. A fusion power plant producing 1 gigawatt (1 billion watts) of power would cost $2.7 billion, while a coal plant of the same output would cost $2.8 billion, according to their analysis.

“If we do invest in this type of fusion, we could be rewarded because the commercial reactor unit already looks economical,” Sutherland said. “It’s very exciting.”

Right now, the UW’s concept is about one-tenth the size and power output of a final product, which is still years away. The researchers have successfully tested the prototype’s ability to sustain a plasma efficiently, and as they further develop and expand the size of the device they can ramp up to higher-temperature plasma and get significant fusion power output.

The team has filed patents on the reactor concept with the UW’s Center for Commercialization and plans to continue developing and scaling up its prototypes.

Other members of the UW design team include Kyle Morgan of physics; Eric Lavine, Michal Hughes, George Marklin, Chris Hansen, Brian Victor, Michael Pfaff, and Aaron Hossack of aeronautics and astronautics; Brian Nelson of electrical engineering; and, Yu Kamikawa and Phillip Andrist formerly of the UW.

The research was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Michelle Ma
News and Information


The Suppression of Fusion Power Generation by the Oligarchic Satanic, "Principle of Poverty"




The Suppression of Fusion Power Generation by the Oligarchic Satanic, "Principle of Poverty"

Although the Oil Companies benefit greatly, their profit is akin to selling Illustrated Texts whilst Fusion Power Generation is the new Gutenberg - HUMAN INGENUITY AND CREATIVITY FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS HAS SOLVED EVERY RESOURCE PROBLEM.

 The fact that billions of people are not now already benefiting from the beginnings of a fusion economy was entirely intentional.

The For ten Thousand Years the Pagan Satanists from Babylon have Continued to Steal Fire from Mankind as Zeus restrained and Punished Prometheus - ALL FOR CONTROL.


These Satanic Malthusians Demand Genocide

“Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed...We have no option.” —Prince Philip, interview in People Magazine, December 21, 1981

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”
—Prince Philip, Deutsche Press Agentur, August 1988

“It is almost self-evident that the greater the human population, the greater the demands for natural resources... The paramount question deals with an optimum human population. How many is too many people in relation to available resources? Many believe that our current
(satanically consciously created) environmental problems indicate that the optimum level has been surpassed.” —Task Force on Earth, Resources and Population, George H. W. Bush, Chairman, July 8, 1970

“The decision for population control will be opposed by growth-minded economists and businessmen, by nationalistic statesmen, by zealous religious leaders, and by the myopic and well-fed of every description. It is therefore incumbent on all who sense the limitations of technology and the fragility of the environmental balance to make themselves heard above the hollow, optimistic chorus—to convince society and its leaders that there is no alternative but the cessation of our irresponsible, all-demanding, and all-consuming population growth.”
—John P. Holdren, (Science Adviser to President Obama) and Paul R. Erlich, 1969


The achievement of controlled fusion has been at mankind’s fingertips for decades. Had the trajectory established in the early decades of the U.S. fusion program continued, mastery of fusion as a power source would already be providing nations of the world with virtually unlimited energy, would have created a qualitative transformation in our powers of industry, transportation, and medicine, and would have completely revolutionized our species’ power to transform the conditions of life on our planet through unprecedented rates of physical economic growth and development.

Satanic Agents Giamaria Ortes, Paolo Sarpi and Malthus who invented the limit of one billion people for the planet earth have already been surpassed by human Science, Creativity and ingenuity. Seven Billions now reside on Planet Earth. More People, less toxins and More wealth require Fusion Power!!

The failure to realize this promise is not due to its impossibility, nor to a lack of capability on the part of fusion scientists, engineers, and scientific institutions. Fusion is not “always fifty years away”; it has been deliberately suppressed under a top-down imperial policy, carried out via the mechanism of intentionally crippling budget cuts, which have created a factor of attrition strong enough to delay for decades what would have surely already been achieved. One merely has to envision where we would have been as a species today had fusion been achieved by the 1990s, as intended by leading fusion scientists in 1976.


1 Dean, S.O.: Fusion Power by Magnetic Confinement: Program Plan. U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration Report ERDA-76/110 (July 1976).

The undermining of fusion, typified by the dismally low FY15 budget request of the Obama administration, which proposes to shut down key fusion experiments in the U.S., must immediately cease. A fully funded, accelerated fusion program as a priority national mission is at the foundation of the survival and progress of our nation, and mankind as a whole.

Fusion: A New Era for Mankind

It was only at the end of the 19th century that mankind entered the atomic age and began to understand and harness the power of the atomic nucleus, a characteristic of matter inaccessible to the understanding gained from simply chemical processes. Radioactivity was first discovered in the 1890s, and it was in 1905 that Einstein proposed that a small amount of mass could be converted to a large amount of energy (in proportion to the speed of light squared, E=mc2). Here was the conceptual birth of fusion power. Whereas nuclear fission harnesses the energy released when a heavy atom (such as uranium, plutonium, or thorium) is broken apart, fusion reactions bring together the lightest elements (such as isotopes of hydrogen or helium), and is millions of times more energy dense than coal, oil, or natural gas, and an order of magnitude more energy dense than fission fuels. The fuels of fusion are also incredibly abundant, being found in seawater (in the case of deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen) or scattered throughout the lunar soil (in the case of helium-3), and could power the human species on Earth for billions of years.

It was determined in 1955 by John D. Lawson in the U.K. that three basic theoretical parameters would have to be met for a successful, sustained fusion reaction to produce energy over time. This is known as the Lawson criterion, and determines a minimum product of the temperature (energy) of the fusing ions, their density, and the minimum confinement time necessary to create conditions for a sustained, energy-producing fusion reaction to occur. Given that the fuel would have to be heated to temperatures hotter than the Sun, no ordinary material could contain it. However, since the fuel is made up of charged particles, a different type of “wall,” a magnetic field, can be used to contain the reactants. Hence the birth of the “magnetic bottle.”2

The U.S. Fusion Program: Beginnings

The early U.S. fusion program was born in the cradle of the U.S. national scientific laboratories, first with an attempt at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory (now NASA’s Langley Research Center) in 1939 by two young scientists, Arthur Kantrowitz and Eastman Jacobs.

This very early attempt failed to produce fusion, but was followed up throughout the 1940s by work at both the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (now Los Alamos National Laboratory) and Princeton University (today the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory). By 1946, it was concluded at Los Alamos that in order to achieve net energy from fusion, a steady state plasma would have to be heated to a temperature of around 100 million degrees 3—ten times hotter than the center of the Sun, and far beyond anything ever achieved on Earth.

Another approach to confining the fusion fuel is called inertial confinement, where a fuel target (e.g., a pellet of deuterium-tritium fuel) is heated and compressed by the effects high energy beams delivered to the outside of the target.

In 1951, Lyman Spitzer at Princeton was given a $50,000 grant by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to construct his design for a “stellarator,” a modified magnetic bottle, designed to counteract the “drift” of the plasma which arose in simple toroidal configurations and prevented fusion conditions from being reached within the plasma. The original stellarator program at Princeton included four proposed phases, Models A through D, with Model-D being a planned demonstration reactor.

James Tuck at Los Alamos led the building of a project in the winter of 1952/53 which he named the “Perhapsatron”.4 The Perhapsatron was a toroidal magnetic bottle which would try to achieve fusion using a “pinch” concept. 5 The pinch and the stellarator designs, along with the “mirror machine”, led by Richard Post at the University of California Radiation Lab at Livermore (later Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), formed the backbone of what became the U.S. classified program to achieve controlled thermonuclear fusion: “Project Sherwood”.





The Table Top mirror machine at Livermore (left) and the Scylla machine at Los Alamos (right) during the 1950s Project Sherwood days.

Funded by the AEC under the auspices of President Dwight Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" policy, and led by the same scientists who had harnessed the power of the atom in the form of nuclear weapons during the war, Sherwood sought to utilize the groundwork in nuclear research laid during wartime, for purposes of peace and development. As stated by AEC Chairman Lewis L. Strauss in 1954, "Our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter.... It is not too much to expect that our children will know of great periodic regional famines in the world only as matters of history, will travel effortlessly over the seas and under them and through the air with a minimum of danger and at great speeds, and will experience a lifespan far longer than ours, as disease yields and man comes to understand what causes him to age."[6] Such was the natural optimism surrounding the scientific prospects of fusion.

The existence of Project Sherwood was announced to the public leading into the IAEA's (International Atomic Energy Agency) first International Conference on Atomic Energy, held in Geneva in 1955, and limited international cooperation began in 1956.[7] The project was fully declassified as part of the second International Conference on Atomic Energy in 1958. The same year, an experiment at Los Alamos became the first in any laboratory to produce neutrons from thermonuclear fusion: the Scylla I.[8]

Strauss, who as chairman of the AEC, increased the fusion budget from $7.3 million[9] in 1951 to $114.7 million by 1958, wrote of Project Sherwood: "The importance of 'Sherwood' as the project was called, now conceded to be at least theoretically feasible, can hardly be overstated, and I hope to live long enough to see the same natural force which powers the hydrogen bomb tamed for peaceful purposes. A breakthrough could come tomorrow as well as a decade hence. Out of our laboratories may come a discovery as important as the Promethean taming of fire."

The 1960s

Spearheaded by the U.S., U.S.S.R., and U.K., work proceeded into the 1960s, and substantial fusion research also began in such nations as Germany, France, and Japan. Work on the Scylla design at Los Alamos continued, and by 1964, temperatures in excess of 40 million degrees were achieved by the Scylla IV, though confinement time was still quite short: less than 10 millionths of a second. In 1968, an announcement came from the Soviet Union that record temperatures and confinement times had been achieved with the Soviet tokamak design in its T-3 machine.10 When these breakthrough results were confirmed by a delegation from the U.K.’s Culham Laboratory in 1969, the world began converting their toroidal magnetic bottles to tokamaks, including the conversion of the Model-C stellarator at Princeton, which became the first U.S. machine to confirm the Soviet results.

Inertial fusion, in which fusion is triggered by a rapid application of energy to a pellet of fuel, also had its beginnings in the 1960s. With the invention of the laser in 1960, discussions began about the possibility of using a laser to set off a “micro hydrogen bomb” which could be contained in a chamber and harnessed for energy, and the first patent applications for a laser fusion design were filed in 1969.

The tokamak design, begun in the Soviet Union in the 1950s, is a toroidal magnetic bottle with helically-wrapped coils, with a strong toroidal (along the axis of the tube) magnetic field.



Fusion Designs

European Nuclear Society
PPPL The stellarator uses an externally-applied helical magnetic field to provide a twist in the path of the plasma
particles, thereby counteracting net forces on the particles and keeping them on a “straight” path as they travel around the vessel. The earliest stellarators accomplished the same thing with a figure-8 geometry. Right: An early stellarator at Princeton.

Pinch The z-pinch design uses a magetic field (A) to induce an electric field (B) in the plasma along the direction of the plasma flow. The charged plasma flow is pinched inward under the Lorentz force, into a thin, dense filament. Right: The Perhapsatron at Los Alamos.

Mirror This diagram of the Tandem Mirror design shows the basic principle of the mirror machine. Hot plasma in the center of the cylindrical reactor vessel (A) is contained within the chamber by two mirror magnets, which “plug” the ends (B) and turn (or reflect) most of the plasma ions back into the center where they undergo fusion (C). The mirror design was considered potentially more favorable for a commercialized reactor, because its linear design was easier to engineer and led to less instabilities in the plasma.











LLNL Basic tokamak design. The tokamak features two external magnetic fields (toroidal and poloidal) designed to contain the plasma long enough for fusion reactions to occur.  The first tokamak, T-1, in the Soviet Union.

By the end of the 1960s, the fusion budget had risen from $114.7 million in 1958 to $140 million in 1968, allowing the groundwork to be laid for the breakthroughs to come in the 1970s.

The 1970s

By the early 1970s, the decision was made to elevate the fusion program to division status within the Atomic Energy Commission. By 1972, with a budget increase to $144.7 million, a plan was mapped out for future fusion facilities and experiments designed to prove the scientific feasibility of fusion.[11] A 1972 planning project within the AEC projected important results from the planned Princeton Large Torus (PLT) by 1978, and the follow-on operation of a physics test reactor, to produce 10 MW of fusion power, by 1984.[12] In 1971, a small tokamak, ORMAK, began operation at Oak Ridge National Lab, which would come to play an important role in the ability to raise the temperature of the plasma to thermonuclear levels. In 1973, approval was given for initial efforts at fusion power plant design by teams at the University of Wisconsin, General Atomics, Argonne National Lab, and Oak Ridge National Lab.

With a growing budget, three new tokamaks were approved for construction: the Alcator-A at MIT, the Doublet-II at General Atomics, and the PLT at Princeton. In 1974, the Atomic Energy Commission was abolished, and fusion research was rehoused under the newly created Energy Research and Development Administration, the precursor to the Department of Energy (DOE). The same year, even before operation of the PLT began, the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) was approved for construction at Princeton as the follow-on "physics test reactor" to the PLT, with the expectation of achieving breakeven.

At Livermore, the "mirror machine" was well advanced from its humble beginnings during the Sherwood days, and in 1975, the 2XIIB at Lawrence Livermore achieved plasma parameters comparable to those being achieved in the more widely worked-on tokamaks. In 1977, a new design, the Tandem Mirror Experiment (TMX), intended to solve the "end plug" problem,[13] was approved. The TMX began operation in October 1978, and its success led to the approval of the more advanced Mirror Fusion Test Facility (MFTF), to be completed in 1985.

As the 1970s progressed, and the great pace of advancements in all three mainline approaches (tokamak, pinch, and mirror machine) accelerated, steps were taken to accelerate fusion research through expanded international cooperation. In 1973, President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev signed an agreement on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. The first U.S. team to travel to the U.S.S.R. under the agreement was a fusion team, which was casually briefed on a technique being developed for inertial fusion which corresponded quite closely to very highly classified work being done in the U.S. at the Sandia Laboratory.

The mirror design is an open-ended, straight magnetic bottle with two strong “mirroring” magnetic coils at the ends of the tube, which turn the plasma flow back toward the center of the machine. The linear design was suggested to be better for commercialization than the tokamak, as all sides of the machine are accessible for maintenance and repair, and because its plasmas tended to be more stable than in the closed, toroidal designs. However, too many ions were leaking out the ends. Hence the “end plug” problem.


EIRNS Top James R. Schlesinger, whose Malthusian views wouldn't allow the realization of practicable fusion power, leading to his efforts to delay and undermine fusion during his tenure as Energy Secretary, from 1977-1979.

And Bottom Congressman Mike McCormack, sponsor of the 1980 Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act, speaks to a meeting of the Fusion Energy Foundation in May, 1981.

While the perspective for a robust fusion program seemed to characterize the early part of the decade, the end of the 1970s would prove to be a decisive collision point on issues of global policy.

The PLT and the Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act

The Princeton Large Torus, which produced its first plasma in 1975, would soon take center stage in a policy fight that stretched far beyond the bounds of so-called “scientific research.”

In late July, 1978, reports came that scientists at Princeton had succeeded in using auxiliary heating in the PLT, demonstrated first with Oak Ridge’s ORMAK14 tokamak, to raise the temperature of the plasma to a level never before achieved—over 60 million degrees—for the first time surpassing the minimum temperature required for ignition, 44 million degrees.15 Achieving this temperature milestone was especially significant, since the Alcator tokamak at MIT had recently shown that it was possible to confine a plasma at the needed density for a long enough time to achieve ignition.16 Breaking the temperature threshold for ignition broke a psychological threshold, too. As put by Dr. Stephen Dean, head of the Confinement Systems Divison in the Office of Fusion Energy at DOE, “The question of whether fusion is feasible from a scientific point of view has now been answered... It is the first time we’ve produced the actual conditions of a fusion reactor in a scale-model device.”

While news of the breakthrough was excitedly disseminated around the fusion community, it was determined that the official announcement could not be made public until the upcoming August 23 IAEA fusion meeting in Innsbruck, Austria. News, however, did get out to the press, after which the DOE leadership under Secretary of Energy James Schlesinger did everything possible to downplay the importance of the results, including an attempt to stop a DOE press conference scheduled for August 14 (which did, after all, go forward, though with the

ORMAK had succeeded in producing a temperature of 20 million degrees with neutral beam heating, a type of auxiliary heating—triple what had been achieved less than a decade earlier in the T-3 tokamak.

Of a deuterium-tritium (or D-T) plasma. Mel Gottlieb, head of the Princeton Lab, told an August 14, 1978 press conference, “It took us seven years to go from several million degrees to 26 million in December 1977, and then just six months to go another 35 million.”

These were the three parameters outlined by Lawson in order to have a net power-producing fusion reactor: plasma density, confinement time, and temperature.

conspicuous exclusion of the head of the DOE Fusion Office, Ed Kintner). Schlesinger’s DOE insisted that the results obtained at Princeton were not, in fact, a breakthrough, and that fusion was just as far away as ever. John Deutch, DOE Director of Energy Research, echoed his boss by saying that these results were good for Princeton, but were not a breakthrough.

This suppression is not surprising from one such as Schlesinger, who wrote in his 1960 The Political Economy of National Security: “Economics is the science of choice in a world of limited resources... We have gone around the world spreading the ‘gospel of plenty’ raising the level of expectations… [but] in the nature of things, these rising expectations can never be satisfied… We must in our strategic policy return to the days before the Industrial Revolution… [and] prepare to fight limited wars.”

Not everyone in positions of policy-making agreed with the Malthusian Schlesinger, however. Congressman Mike McCormack of Washington state seized the momentum created by the PLT results to convene a scientific advisory panel in the Congress which met over the course of 1979, and concluded that the biggest barrier to fusion was a lack of political commitment, and an inadequate level of funding. Meanwhile, the public interest in fusion boomed, with subscriptions to Fusion magazine, published by the Fusion Energy Foundation (FEF)17 soaring to 100,000—making it the second most widely circulated science magazine in the nation.

The FEF played a critical role throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s, in educating the public and policymakers alike on fusion, with dozens of seminars held around the world, in addition to Fusion magazine, faceto-face organizing, and in publicly taking on the political fights against the attempts to sabotage fusion. In October of 1978, in response to the optimistic breakthrough at Princeton, the FEF released a memorandum to Congress outlining an acceleration in the fusion program, and a proposed budget comparable to that of the 1960s Apollo Program.

In January 1980, Congressman McCormack announced at a conference on nuclear safety in Washington, D.C. that he would be introducing legislation to “make it the policy of the U.S. government to bring the first electric-generating fusion power plant on line before the year 2000.” He said, “We must move into the engineering phase with fusion. We must not wait for somebody else to do it... Once we develop fusion, we will be in a position to produce enough energy for all time, for all mankind. This is not hyperbole, but fact.” In a subsequent interview, in contrast to the outlook of Schlesinger, McCormack said that fusion “could be the most important deterrent to war in all of history.”

The FEF, founded in 1974 by Lyndon LaRouche, had been crucial in making sure that news of the PLT breakthrough got out to the public, and to the White House, helping to ensure that the planned press conference was able to go ahead. See: “Schlesinger vs. Fusion: A Dossier.” EIR, August 29, 1978, and “The Coming Breakthroughs in Fusion,” Fusion, October, 1978.

The bill which became the Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act of 1980 authorized the construction of an Engineering Test Facility by 1987, and for the first experimental power reactor to put net power on the grid by 2000. Funding authorization also included the expansion and upgrading of the nation’s science education programs. It had an estimated cost of $48 billion over two decades. Quickly gaining 140 co-sponsors, the bill passed the House overwhelmingly on August 27 by a vote of 365 to 7. The Senate passed a companion bill by voice vote soon after, and the Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act of 1980 was signed into law by President Carter on October 7th.

However, losing his bid for re-election the following month,18 McCormack would not be in the Congress to oversee the implementation of the 1980 law. A report issued in December by McCormack’s Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production warned the incoming administration and the nation, quite prophetically, that “...the hardest battles are yet to come. There must be continual annual authorizations and subsequent appropriations of funds... It will take tremendous vigilance and determination on the part of the nation to carry through the 20-year development plan which is necessary to make fusion a reality.”

A Commitment Reversed

Mere months after the Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act was signed, the incoming Reagan administration submitted its first budget for FY1982, with a request for fusion funding which would make the implementation of the fusion law impossible. The 1980 law mandated that “The Secretary of Energy shall develop a plan for the creation of a national magnetic fusion engineering center for the purpose of accelerating fusion technology development via the concentration and coordination of major magnetic fusion engineering devices and associated activities at such a center.” However, in July of 1982, by which time the Secretary of Energy was to have submitted a plan for carrying out the establishment of the engineering center, the DOE replied via acting Director of Energy Research, Doug Pewitt, “We have determined that it is premature to establish fully the national magnetic fusion engineering center at this time,” and instead proposed that an “Engineering Feasibility Preparations Project” be established at an existing fusion research site.

In protest over this betrayal, Ed Kintner resigned his post as Director of the Office of Fusion Energy at DOE in November 1981. Writing the following year about the budgetary attacks on fusion, Kintner said that the fusion budget offered by the administration for FY1983 was not only lower than what was needed to carry out the 1980 act, but was 25% less than the budget for 1977! He said that this “leave[s] the fusion program without a strategic backbone—it is a collection of individual projects and activities without a defined mission or timetable... The plan to increase industry involvement in fusion development is postponed indefinitely, and the industrial and economic benefits of high-technology spin-offs, surely an increasingly important by-product of an accelerated fusion technology program, will be lost.”19

Due to the early concession of Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan before polls had closed on the West Coast, many Democrats didn’t bother to vote, meaning that many Democratic candidates for both state and federal positions lost their elections.


LLNL The MFTF under construction in 1981. The reactor was fully completed, but then mothballed before it could ever run an experiment! The reactor vessel and structures weigh 8 million pounds, including 3 million pounds of superconducting magnets, designed to confine a plasma at more than 100 million degrees.

One month after Kintner’s resignation, George Keyworth, science adviser to President Reagan, announced to a hearing in Congress: “The U.S. cannot expect to be pre-eminent in all scientific fields, nor is it desirable.” The official position of the U.S. government became, from Keyworth’s mouth: “It is not the government’s responsibility to conduct energy R&D and pursue energy independence. It is the responsibility of private industry.” Keyworth added, sophistically, that abundant funding “... can even promote mediocrity, rather than stimulate excellence.” How far the U.S. government had come from the vision of Kennedy’s Apollo Program!20

In December 1982, almost as if in defiance of the growing attacks on the fusion program, the workhorse Thermonuclear Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) at Princeton produced its first plasma, and would go on in 1986 to set the record plasma temperature of 200 million degrees. Also in 1986, however, a great casualty was suffered at Lawrence Livermore Lab, where the “mirror” approach had been progressing with encouraging results: funding for the operation of the Mirror Fusion Test Facility (MFTF) was cut from the budget, and the MFTF was mothballed on the same day that it was officially completed, without ever being allowed to run a single experiment. The mirror program had been successfully killed, squeezed out of a rapidly constricting budget.

By the end of the 1980s, there was absolutely no scientific reason not to capitalize on the success of projects such as the TFTR, and the great knowledge of the teams assembled at Princeton and elsewhere, to move to the next stage in the tokamak program: the creation of sustained fusion power. The cause of the failure to do so, even to this day, has been purely political. In 1988, the team at Princeton submitted a completed design for the follow-on to TFTR, the Compact Ignition Tokamak (CIT), which would demonstrate a sustained “burning” plasma by the year 2000.21 However, in October 1989 it was announced by President George Bush, Sr.’s DOE representative, Robert Hunter, that such an advancement simply wasn’t in the budget, and that an additional $50 million dollar cut to the fusion budget would be coming down the pipe. Hunter told a Congressional hearing that the CIT was too risky, and probably would not succeed. Dr. Stephen Dean (former head of the magnetic confinement systems at the AEC and DOE) responded that, “We’ve got to take some risks if we intend to develop a machine that makes electricity. If Columbus had waited for radar to be discovered before he set out, we wouldn’t be here today.”

That $50 million cut, $12 million of which came from the Princeton facility, virtually ensured the cancellation of the CIT project, and the facility was forced to lay off 120 personnel, scattering the knowledge base assembled there, and delivering a severe blow to morale well beyond the bounds of Princeton. As outlined below, these cuts were not merely the folly of a gaggle of fiscally minded bureaucrats; they were the key mechanism for carrying out an intentional policy to kill fusion.

As the 1990s approached, the fate of fusion research in the United States was very much in jeopardy. The earliest of the 1976-predicted dates that a demonstration reactor could have been put on the grid had come, and the intentional sabotage of both the planned experiments and the creative optimism of the community of fusion scientists, growing both in numbers and in competence, was having its effect.

Kintner, E.E. "Casting Fusion Adrift." MIT Technology Review. May/June 1982.

“Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it—we mean to lead it.” John F. Kennedy, September 12, 1963, Rice University, Texas.

A burning, or ignited plasma means that the fusion reactions occurring in the fuel are able to maintain the necessary temperature for a sustained reaction without the additional input of auxiliary heating (just as a fire requires initial input, but will burn as long as there is fuel available). The term “burning” does not indicate a literal flame in the plasma, but that the “fire” of fusion is a descendent of the original gifts of Prometheus to man.



PPPL The Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor at Princeton. TFTR operated from 1982 to 1997, setting many significant records both in plasma temperature and in peak fusion power produced, before it was prematurely shut down.

The 1990s and ITER

With the U.S. fusion program being slowly choked off by year after year budget cuts, to the effect of an increasing loss of smaller and “alternative” (i.e., not either tokamak or inertial fusion design) fusion experiments at the national labs and universities, attention shifted to an “outside” hope: the U.S. involvement in international collaboration on the large tokamak, ITER.22 Initiated in November 1985 from the “Reagan-Gorbachev Agreements,” ITER was to be a very large tokamak, designed and built jointly by the U.S., the U.S.S.R., European nations, Japan, and Canada,23 with the hopes of producing 500MW of fusion power, sustained over 480 seconds, and would be the precursor to a DEMO tokamak reactor, designed to put power on the grid.

Meanwhile, the TFTR at Princeton, despite the increasingly hostile and crippling budget cuts and delays, set a series of record plasma temperatures and would go on in 1994 to achieve the major milestone which had been mapped out in 1972: the production of a peak fusion power of 10.7 MW—90 million times what was possible in the early ‘70s, when the experiment was first proposed.24 Just one year later, TFTR set another record plasma temperature of 510 million degrees.

Just two years after TFTR had set this high record, however, it was decommissioned in an astoundingly irresponsible act of budget cutting, in the midst of Newt Gingrich’s “Conservative Revolution”, and was finally dismantled in 2002. Its sister tokamaks, the Joint European Torus (JET) and the JT-60 in Japan are operational (with significant upgrades) to this day, and have gone on to surpass the records set by the prematurely-retired TFTR.

In 1999, two years after TFTR was decommissioned, the U.S. shocked the world when the Congress refused to allocate a mere $12 million for continued participation in ITER, forcing the U.S. to withdraw from the program. The reason given by Chairman of the House Science committee James Sensenbrenner was that, “It defies common sense that the United States should agree to continue to participate in a dead-end project that continues to waste the American taxpayer’s dollars.” Had this cut to ITER been paired with a restoration of funding to re-open the shuttered domestic program, perhaps Sensenbrenner’s ignorant comment would have been made more palatable. However, this was not the case.

Funding for domestic research has continued to fall year after year, since its peak funding year in 1982,25 culminating in the astoundingly low budget allocations of the Obama administration, which are threatening shutdown of the MIT Alcator C-Mod, among other incredibly valuable programs.26

Whence the reversal of the success and optimism which drove the great progress made in fusion research in the 1970s? Why was the 1980 Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act never allowed to be implemented? As outlined below, fusion was not the happenstance victim of the fiscally conservative environment created following the “days of plenty” of the 1970s.

The fact that billions of people are not now already benefiting from the beginnings of a fusion economy was entirely intentional.

The exception to this has been a rise in the domestic program for inertial fusion (funded under defense programs), with the building of the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. However, peak fuding of inertial fusion came in 2006, with much of the recent work at NIF laying more of an emphasis on weapons testing, rather than fusion.

And what is being offered in place of fusion? Take the statement of President Obama on how to solve the world’s energy needs: “We wouldn’t need new technologies. We wouldn’t need to invent some fancy new fusion energy or anything. If we just took our existing building stock in homes and insulated them, had new windows—schools, hospitals, a lot of big institutions—we could squeeze huge efficiencie out of that.” Speech in Fairfax, Virginia. September 13, 2010. A continuation of the shift to “green” technologies will lead to mass death.

The Club of Rome, a self-styled “old-boys' club” set up by fascist elites Alexander King and Aurelio Peccei, has served as a central coordinating body and control mechanism over governments, via its integration with institutions such as the U.N. and OECD, to impose policies of population control. In a 1981 interview with EIR, King lamented, “The United Kingdom is no longer a white country! The whole of Europe is changing. And even at the present rate, the white race is finished... I think in many ways we are overpopulated any way, but in the best of all possible worlds, there will be rather fewer people everywhere.” See: “The Inside Story of the Club of Rome,” EIR, June 23, 1981.

For example, Jaime Roldós of Ecuador (1981), Omar Torrijos of Panama (1981), and Indira Gandhi of India (1984). See: “Interview with John Perkins: ‘There's a Tremendous Opportunity for Change’,” EIR, December 10, 2004.

For more on the Nuclear Club of Wall St., founded to counter the influence of the Fusion Energy Foundation, see: “Hit Men vs. LaRouche's Fusion Energy Foundation.” other/2004/3147_hit_men_vs_fef.html

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, now under construction in Cadarache, France.

This group today includes: the U.S., E.U., Russia, Japan, India, China and South Korea. For more on the history of U.S. involvement in ITER, see: “Fusion Energy Moves One Step Closer,” EIR, December 12, 2003.

This was superseded three years later by the Joint European Torus (JET), which produced 16MW, still the current world record.




Library of Congress
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, seen here with President Gerald Ford, presided over the implementation of NSSM 200, and worked to ensure that the British Empire policy of population reduction supplanted the pro-growth and pro-progress policies of John F. Kennedy.

Evil Policies and Evil People

The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States... Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth. —NSSM 200, 1974

This frankly evil statement "The Principle of Poverty" by the deranged Henry Kissinger, contained in National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), written in 1974 under his direction at the U.S. State Department, was not just an idle threat to peoples of the third world; it was signed into law as official U.S. policy by President Ford in December 1975. Three years earlier, the Club of Rome,27 founded in 1968, had released their genocidal tract, Limits to Growth, laying the “scientific“ (though actually inept and quite fraudulent) basis for policy measures which would reduce the world’s population, based on the myth of limited resources and the denial of revolutionary scientific progress, such as that promised by fusion. While one form this policy took was CIA-run coups d'état to depose world leaders who were too tenacious in their national development policies, 28 NSSM 200 was to be implemented domestically as well, as the earlier assassination of John F. Kennedy had so vividly forewarned. A major manifestation of this was the deployment of the “slush fund” of Wall St. moguls, the Nuclear Club of Wall Street,29 to pour money into halting the shift from a fossil fuel-based economy to a fission economy, and to castrate fusion before it could truly get off the ground. After all, the prognosis that fusion could set mankind free from poverty with virtually unlimited energy, the end of famine, and greatly extended average lifespans was simply unacceptable to those who believed, as did the ancient Zeus, that those who ruled had a duty to control, and sometimes cull, the multitude.



South Korea's KSTAR tokamak in 2009. KSTAR is one of two superconducting tokamaks in the world, with a goal of training a generation of young fusion scientists and engineers to contribute both to the international ITER project, and to South Korea's own expanding fusion program. Pictured are Dr. Myeun Kwon, current president of the National Fusion Research Institute, and Marsha Freeman and Bill Jones of Executive Intelligence Review.

In order to have a large-scale effect on national economies, energy-intensive industry, which drives economic growth, was put in the crosshairs. Following the orchestrated energy crisis of 1975 (and Carter’s plea to Americans to turn down their thermostats and put on a sweater), cutbacks in energy usage were imposed on the industrial sector as well, initiated by the reduction of energy usage in Pittsburgh steel manufacturing with Schlesinger's “Project Pacesetter” in April 1977. That policy was successful. Since that time, average per capita energy consumption for the total population has leveled off, and is now beginning to fall, rather than growing to the levels projected by the Kennedy administration, which were nearly double those of today.30

It’s no wonder, then, that in August 1978, Schlesinger, on behalf of the policy of zero growth, had done everything possible to contain news of the PLT breakthrough: if fusion were indeed on the horizon, the myth that population growth is inherently unsustainable would be shattered—along with the primary justification for the ongoing implementation of policies to shut down global development.

What Must Be Done

With the successful postponement of fusion, the world now sits on the edge of a precipitous collapse in global population. The average age of the fusion scientist in the U.S. is rising. Elder scientists who made the breakthroughs of the past decades are retiring. Teams which are built one year at research institutions are often scattered the next, and machines once mothballed are dismantled and lost. We are rapidly losing the capabilities which have been built up over the past six decades! More fundamental, however, is the damage done to the process of creative hypothesis itself. The pessimism of an environment where one’s experiment has a good chance of being shut down in the next 12-month budget cycle, regardless of its successes or potential contributions to the future, can stultify the creative process itself, which is driven by passion and optimism for the future.

Mankind survives as a species because he progresses. The great leaps in the energy density of each successive fuel source of man’s “Promethean fire” (wood, charcoal, coal, coke, fossil fuels, etc.) have each corresponded to a revolution in man’s power over nature, and a non-linear increase in, simultaneously, the potential population density and the power applied per capita.31 Only fusion can ensure the continued survival of the human species in the immediate decades ahead, and the capability of making the discoveries which lead to the next great leap forward.

“Civilian Nuclear Power: A Report to the President–1962,” U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Leland Haworth, Chairman.

This must be a global effort. Though over the past 30 years, the U.S. program has been under significant attack, and is currently struggling to keep its doors open, nations of Asia have been making significant progress, and have become leading partners in a global effort. China and South Korea, for example, have both made incredible strides in their fusion programs over the past 15 years, and have the only two advanced superconducting tokamaks in the world, EAST in China, and KSTAR in South Korea.32 Both nations have built impressive domestic fusion programs with very serious goals, budgets, and timetables, geared toward post-ITER DEMO engineering reactors.

See “Measuring Fire: Energy Flux Density,” in Physical Chemistry: The Continuing Gifts of Prometheus. http://www.larouchepac. com/prometheus.

For more on China's EAST tokamak, see: and for South Korea's KSTAR tokamak, see:

Due to foot-dragging and budget cuts, largely on the part of the U.S. government, the date of the first plasma of ITER has been delayed numerous times, and is currently not expected until 2023, or possibly 2025. Operation of its successor, DEMO, is not scheduled to begin until at least 2033.

While important international cooperation is currently occurring under the auspices of the ITER project, and work on the project will make significant contributions to many aspects of fusion engineering design, ITER and its follow-on DEMO are not designed to yield a power-producing reactor for several decades - 2033 Therefore, a crash program in the spirit of Project Sherwood and on the scale of the Apollo Program must be launched immediately in the United States, closely coordinated with an acceleration of efforts around the globe, with the goal of bringing fusion online within 10-15 years. This will take a full, long-term (not year to year) commitment from all nations involved. In the U.S., this will mean immediately reassembling the best minds of the fusion program, many of whom are retired, semi-retired, or have been forced to find work in other industries, to come together on the effort.

As proven by the tremendous progress made in the U.S. fusion program when it had full support, there is no technical or scientific reason that an accelerated program cannot achieve fusion in the immediate years ahead; it is a matter of political will.

We must reverse this paradigm!

The time has come for mankind to free itself from the dominance of the Satanic system, and its genocidal policy of zero growth. We can no longer tolerate the fact that two-thirds of humanity lives in conditions of poverty! Scientific discovery and its implementation express that which distinguishes man from beast, and allow an immortal contribution of the present generation to the future. The suppression of fusion must end!




The SATANIC Suppression of Fusion Power Generation by the Oligarchic Satanic, "Principle of Poverty"



How Satanic Lord Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man


BaruchOld Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands created Austrian Economics and the Libertarian-Communist dialectic










These Satanic Malthusians Demand Genocide

“Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed...We have no option.” —Prince Philip, interview in People Magazine, December 21, 1981

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”
—Prince Philip, Deutsche Press Agentur, August 1988

“It is almost self-evident that the greater the human population, the greater the demands for natural resources... The paramount question deals with an optimum human population. How many is too many people in relation to available resources? Many believe that our current
(satanically consciously created) environmental problems indicate that the optimum level has been surpassed.” —Task Force on Earth, Resources and Population, George H. W. Bush, Chairman, July 8, 1970

“The decision for population control will be opposed by growth-minded economists and businessmen, by nationalistic statesmen, by zealous religious leaders, and by the myopic and well-fed of every description. It is therefore incumbent on all who sense the limitations of technology and the fragility of the environmental balance to make themselves heard above the hollow, optimistic chorus—to convince society and its leaders that there is no alternative but the cessation of our irresponsible, all-demanding, and all-consuming population growth.”
—John P. Holdren, - Science Adviser to President Obama - and Paul R. Erlich, 1969

John P. Holdren, - Science Adviser to President Obama - Recommends the use of Fluoride in the drinking water to brain damage every child also pesticides like Monsatan's Glyphosate in the water to increase the breasts, increase the sex drive in women and decrease the sex drive in men and burn out women's ovaries before age twenty-eight.






After reading this, in lieu of its recommendations which may take a little while to percolate through the Archetypal Mind of humanity, my recommendation is to teach Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditation Techniques..

 To achieve True Wealth.. the Ultimate Truth, and Freedom... Enlightenment!!





1. Borgia Cupped Franklin Delano Roosevelt Economic Human Rights. As being the major Aim and Test of every Government is to plan for WEALTH, rather than Austerity. An increase in Wealth of 10% per year every year to get Freedom and the pursuit of happiness based on Wealth. Wealth for all humanity, Free Toxin Free Water, Air, food, medicine, electricity, books, entertainment, art, transport, housing, computers - which can only come from vast increases in WEALTH!! - in order for humanity to be freed from compulsion to work at that which does not interest them and attain Enlightenment.

  1. Second Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

    The Economic Bill of Rights”[edit]. During President Roosevelt's January 11, 1944 message to the ...

  2. FDR Second Bill of Rights Speech Footage - YouTube - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

    19 Nov 2009 ... This is FDR's proposed second Bill of Rights that was filmed after he ... FDR's Economic Bill of Rights could be our #Democratic Platform every ...

  3. FDR's Economic Bill of Rights could be our Democratic Platform ... story/ 2014/ 03/ 17/ 1285432/ -FDR-s-Economic-Bill-of-Rights-could-be-our-Democratic-Platform-every -American-needs-to-hear-again - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

    17 Mar 2014 ... What do you think of FDR's Economic Bill of Rights saying everyone should have the right to decent job, health care, education, and to be able ...

2. The Human Right to Life surely includes a Rich, Wealthy life. Health, Housing, Air Conditioning, Education, Transport, Entertainment, Books, Pure Food, Water, Environment. So that we can choose what to work at. So that we can choose to work at The Right Hand Path of Meditation leading to Enlightenment.


3. Leibniz Economic Theory States Wealth increases with increased Temperature heat sources. From wood, to coal to oil to gas to fission to fusion to matter/antimatter interactions there is an exponential rise in the temperature and quantity of power from the heat source and thus of Wealth for all humanity.

4. The Credit Economy proposed by Assassinated Economists Hamilton and List allows the use of funds given by Government Banks predicated on future earnings. Rather than the whole World owing money to, like Argentina going in default to, being in Slavery to, borrowing Trillions of dollars from private Banks at zero interest  only to prop up Private Banks - Every Countries Central Banks including the Federal Reserve are Private Banks - owned by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers who are Funded, like all Swiss Banks by the Vatican Bank; Economists Hamilton and List provide a blueprint of funding Infrastructure, Fusion Research and Space Exploration in order to create a 10% year on year increase in GDP in every Country in the World.

4. The 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic, Royal Mafia Family, Country Mafia, Religious Mafia, "Principle of Poverty" controls humanity. The major aim is not only poverty but these guys have been working assiduously for 10,000 years towards the destruction of the capabilities of the human Mind and Heart empathy and morality of the Human Herd - to create - as we have now - a world of monstrous zombies, easily led.....



i. Venetian Intelligence Operative "James Bond", Paolo Sarpi Responsible for millions of deaths during the Thirty Years War, destroyed the principles of Science in order to dumm down and destroy the Scientific Wealth producing Renaissance in order to re-promote the 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic Principle of Poverty.

Satanic Secret Agents, Aristotle; Contarini, Pomponazzi and Giorgi; Sarpi, Galileo and Kepler; Conti, Newton and Leibniz - The Satanic Corruption of Science by the Satanic, Slave Trading, Drug Running, Bankster run Venetian Empire

The True History of The Satanic Venetian Empire's Secret Agent Fra. Paolo Sarpi and his Operation against Liebniz to create Worldwide Poverty by Sabotaging Scientific Development with Satanic Scientific and Economic Empiricism

ii. European and British Royalty breeding program of close relatives produces many idiots but also many monstrous immoral intelligences - all taught at Eton in order to re-promote the 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic Principle of Poverty.


iii. British Empire Operative Lord Shelburne - Head of British East India Company, Prime Minister of England, paid all Economists to found the totally false, - Designed to Fail - Science of Bankster Economics taught currently in every University in the World; including Economist Adam Smith to Write, "Wealth of Nations" based on, "Greed is Good", "Bad things produce Wealth" in order to promote, "Free Trade Economics" to impoverish every other Nation, - in order to re-promote the 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic Principle of Poverty. All this Economic Theory totally disproved by John Nash's Nobel Prize winning, mathematically proved theorem based on, "Good things produce True Wealth".

THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishme

iv. King George Seventh creation of World War I and II to destroy European Civilisation, destroy Russia, destroy French and German Universities and Wealth creating Science - to impoverish and create a European vassal of the British Fifth Column controlled USA - in order to re-promote the 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic Principle of Poverty.



v. British Operative Lord Bertrand Russell attempts to dumm down Science with his Goedel disproved Whitehead partnered, "Principia Mathematica". Destruction of Fission Power Generation take-up by linking to nuclear weapons. Sponsoring of 33rd Degree Freemason Mao takeover of China which dummed down and destroyed China for a generation, - in order to re-promote the 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic Principle of Poverty.

How Satanic Lord Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man

vi. Vatican Bank funded Operatives Rothschild and Rockefeller oligarchs funded Von Mises and Von Hayek to create Austere, Poverty creating Austrian Economics - currently the scourge of the Transatlantic partnership and the World, in order to re-promote the 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic Principle of Poverty.

Old Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands created Austrian Economics and the Libertarian-Communist dialectic



  1. Proof Libertarianism is an Illuminati Ploy - - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

    17 Feb 2012 ... Ludwig Von Mises, who never held a paid job at any University, was maintained first ... DavidRockefeller said: "Finally, in his most surprising statement, ... It was founded by Hayek with the financial support of the Volker fund, ...

vii. Programs Designed to Degenerate Humanity -


Game of Thrones Cannibalism - eating the Heart - Raw!!


The British Empire Opium Wars against China.

Oligarchic Committee of 300 Government Sponsored Illegal Drugs in every country imported from Columbia and Afghanistan by NATO and UN planes.

Eugenicist Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" use of Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Heavy Metal to advertise Drugs and Satanism to increase sales and further degenerate the population. The Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" aim of Pharmaceuticals used by all the population - 30% of Americans use legal drugs regularly. Schoolchildren burnout on cocaine related ADHD prescribed Ritalin.

The use of satanic, existensialist, psychopathic, immoral themes in all media including, Kubrick, Sopranos, Dexter, True Blood, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and The Borgias, and many many more...

The conscious poisoning of the Native American Indians with bad food, alcohol and Typhoid blankets.

The conscious weaponising of Vaccines with the sv40 cancer virus, mercury and aluminium.

The conscious weaponising of Ebola and Aids in Laboratories.

The conscious poisoning of water with Monsanto Glyphosate Roundup Pesticides, and Rat Poison Fluoride.

The conscious poisoning of food with pesticides, GMO Genetically Modified Food and - R - Roundup - connected with Vietnam Agent Orange - which produces tumours in rats the size of their bodies and 100% sterilises them after the third generation. 

The conscious poisoning of the air with Fuctory outputs - dioxins, volatile organic compounds, incinerators, heavy metal foundries, ceramics and plastics factories.

Sponsoring of Satanic Frankfurt School to "Dum" Down Culture and Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA.


The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Culture and Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA

viii. Designed to fail first generation fission power generation to destroy - FuckYouShima - Fission Power Generation Industries through propaganda - in order to re-promote the 10,000 years old Vatican/Oligarchic Principle of Poverty.

The Fourth Generation Nuclear Integral Fast Reactor IFR and S-PRISM IFR BURNS ALL Nuclear waste. IFR 30,000% INCREASED Efficiency.

IFRs use virtually all of the energy content in the Uranium or Thorium fuel whereas a traditional light water reactor uses less than 1% of that energy content. This means that breeder reactors can power the energy needs of the planet for over a billion years by burning nuclear waste..


ix. Poverty of Bankster Created - Not and accident - Depressions and Bubbles from "The 1730 South Sea Bubble" to the consciously created Depressions of the 1930's and of 2008 - The purpose of Fascism and terrorism is to destabilise and take over every country in the World - a Fascist Totalitarian New World Order.

X. The Military Industrial Complex Fifth Column, Deep State, based upon the fact that at the time of the, "Declaration of Independance", all wealthy landowners were British. This group of British Intelligence Operatives run by MI6 then contrived to run the USA through corruption, blackmail, assassination, and money. The Fascist Military Industrial Complex - warned about by Eisenhower who was assassinated the same year he mentioned them - is a group of companies who use government money to create armaments used in perpetual war on a cost plus basis resulting in the latest bomber being priced as if it was made out of pure gold. Perpetual War to destroy Infrastructure and Bomb all Humanity "Back into the Stone Age" - costing Trillions of Dollars which ends up in the hands of Military Industrial Complex Companies - is created by corrupt Neo-Con, Neo-Fascist Politicians bought by the Military Industrial Complex in order to promote war and create a World Wide Fascist Totalitarian State, a Fourth Reich to Rule this world Forever!!

xi. Use of Satanic Secret Services to create mad Satanic Ritual Religions - those using Ritual Sex - Heterosexual, Homosexual and Pedophilia, Ritual Human Sacrifice, Ritual Drugs, Ritual Castration, Ritual Cannibalism - Satanic SS Fascism, Satanic Freemasonry, Satanic Muslim Brotherhood, Lawrence of Arabia Wahabism, Salafism to create Fascism and terrorism to destabilise and take over every country in the World - a Fascist Totalitarian New World Order.


The Muslim Brotherhood Isis Arc of Crisis - PART OF THE SATANIC INFILTRATION OF RELIGIOUS CULTS TO CREATE POVERTY AND CONTROL HUMANITY  - Now 50% of Humanity have a Heart!! And the battle between the Old Psychopathic Species of "The Game of Thrones" "The Sopranos" and "Dexter" against the New Species of The People of the Heart is ON!!






The Effects of the, "Dark Side" It's solution and protection is Energy Enhancement Video Course and Live Courses..

Here is the latest in my series about the Effects of the, "Dark Side" on the Last Tens of Thousands of years of Modern Society.. It's solution and protection is Energy Enhancement Video Course and Live Courses..

Jesus says, "Stay away from Evil" and on the path of, "The Energy Enhancement Mastery of Relationships" be aware that bad people project energy blockages connected with the deepest satanic evil into all who meet with them. Having sex with these evil people, anyone at all evil, with any degree of evil, injects these evil, Addiction, Psychopathic, Energy Blockages even deeper.

In the same way being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...

1. Tantra and Homosexuality in Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism
2. The Left and Right Hand Paths of Awakening Kundalini
3. In the House of the Strong Man, Satanic Sodomy is the Key - The Ritual Implantation of Energy Blockages
4. The Luciferian Religion's role in the Fall of Civilisations - The Role of Pagan Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism in Causing the Fall of the Roman Empire and the Fascist SS Degeneration of Hitler's Germany









6. Necessity for 100 billion dollar per year reseach into Fusion Power. Scientists since the 1970's have said fully funded fusion program can produce Fusion Power Generation in ten years. Proof that Fusion Program has been starved of funds by Oligarch and their corrupt politician workers.

i. Cheap Oil - Destruction and recreation of Oil and Gas Industry.
ii. Cheap Electricity Power Generation - Destruction and recreation of Power Generation Industry.

Click here for - A Crash Program To Create the Fusion Economy

7. Necessity for 100 billion dollar per year reseach into Fusion Power Torch. High temperature plasma able to melt and ionise ore, then separate the elements and all their isotopes through magnetic fields. One cubic kilometer of rock can produce 200 years of current US production every commodity - including all metals and all their isotopes.

i. Cheap Commodities - The destruction and recreation of the mining industries.

Click here for - The Fusion Torch


8. Necessity for Government Banks using the Hamilton List Credit System - Giving Trillion Dollar Tranches of zero interest money over one hundred years for Infrastructure, Research sufficient to raise the wealth of the people by 10% per year per year.


9. Worldwide, Easily Implementable Projects which could Increase Wealth and allow a higher population density

i NAWAPA North American Water Authority plan to irrigate California and the deserts using water from Alaska. Plans in place since 1960's JFK planned it.

ii 60km Mediterranean Tidal Dam from Gibraltar to Africa 15 Giga watts of free energy

iii Elon Musk's Fast Efficient Maglev Evacuated Tube Transport at 4000 miles and hour in tubes just like oil pipelines, Worldwide.

iv. Hundreds of plans worldwide already on the drawing board, just waiting for investment in prosperity rather than propping Zombie Banks and investing in Austerity.

10. Current competition and Secret War between USA, EU Transatlantic partnership and the BRICS causing an increase in BRICS Bank internal market Credit System Funded Russian/Chinese investment in Fusion Power Generation towards a Seven Billion Wealthy Humanity.








'You're better clueless because the truth is horrible'- The Ostrich Syndrome

"Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects." -- Will Rogers

As the Earth is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings and Karma is the method of refinement - as you give, so you receive.. many people are not yet ready for Enlightenment.

However once the student gets hold of the idea that Energy Enhancement Meditation can Ground Karma he understands that passing through Evil Karma is not necessary, that a New Method of Evolution is in place.... To Speed up the Process of his Enlightenment.


Ground Karma, Sparkle the World

Remove Energy Blockages, Fill the World with Light..


The Buddha said that, "if I talk, I will be mis-understood", "if I write what I write will be altered and new verses added", "If I create an organisation it will be infiltrated and taken over by psychopaths". He said, "There is Nothing I can do here!!" and he prepared to withdraw from the body and consciously ascend to heaven...


But all the Gods came to see him and said, "There are few who are ready, just on the point of Enlightenment, and just a word from you could be sufficient to cause Enlightenment in them". And the Buddha was satisfied and resolved to stay. And for another 40 years he spoke in the Purple Grove...


As Dante said at the gates of hell, "Abandon hope all ye who enter here!!"


This Satanic Program has been in force for 10,000 years before the time of Satanic Babylon and has been the cause of the degeneration and destruction of seventy-three empires and civilisations. The aim is destruction of human potential and evolution. Stopping this is a large task whose start is individual Enlightenment, the Right Hand Path, the Energy Enhancement Removal of Mind Control Energy Blockages.

The Satanic World has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years


Ground Karma, Sparkle the World

Remove Energy Blockages, Fill the World with Light..


Only Energy Enhancement, following the Christ, Buddha and Tamil Siddar Patanjali - see  - can remove all Energy Blockages and make you free and independent of Vampirisation of your energy


Buddha and Jesus and all the Saviours and Saints are evidence that real, compassionate, conscience driven enlightenment is possible.
Real Enlightenment only comes through the process of Meditation.


Let me say that again, - Real Enlightenment only comes through the process of Meditation.





The science of the creation of implant addiction energy blockages is an ancient technology which vampirises all humanity, turning humanity into a spiritual battery whose energy is used by the ancient families who control this technology in order to increase their energy enormously.

All human beings have been implanted with mind control Blockages in previous lifetimes and during this lifetime by absorbtion from the environment.

Aleister Crowley's OTO - Ordo Templi Orientis uses Ritual Sex - Homosexuality, Bestiality and Pederasty, Ritual Drugs, Ritual Torture, BDSM, Tatoos which implant energy blockages into the psychic body in order to degenerate and pervert, Ritual Human and Animal Sacrifice, Ritual blood drinking and Cannibalism. Also the castration Rites of Attis and Cybele. Also coprophagia, the eating of human excrement.

"Sex by will, Love by will -no caring and no sharing -no feelings ... Sex is the route to power. Scarlet women! They are the secret to the doorway. Use and consume. Feast. Drink the power through them. Waste and discard them." L Ron Hubbard, Snr.

"Sex with the demon possessed is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by "the evil spirit." That's been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies. Yet, how could Pike, Mazzini and their associated conspirators get persons to submit to such a diabolical process ?" Sonny René Stermole

All these guys are Implanted with sexual and drug addiction energy blockages in order to be vampirised by the real Sorcerers..


Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca

The Fascist Nazi satanic Golden Dawn - George Bernard Shaw’s mistress, Florence Farr, was a witch in the Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Satanic Fabian society was also an integral partner with the Golden Dawn, itself basically an extension of the Theosophical society.2 When Blavatsky passed away in 1891, leadership of the worldwide theosophical movement passed to Annie Besant. Through her membership in the Satanic Fabian socialists, she became close friends with its leading members, which included men like head of MI6 British Satanic Secret Service H.G. Wells, and fascist eugenicists Aldous and Julian Huxley, and Satanic Lord Bertrand Russell.

To be a Satanist all you have to do is adhere to the Rituals of Satanism.

Satanism for thousands of years is defined by Ritual Sex - Homosexuality, Bestiality and Pederasty, Ritual Drugs, Ritual Torture, BDSM, Tatoos which implant energy blockages into the psychic body in order to degenerate and pervert, Ritual Human and Animal Sacrifice, Ritual blood drinking and Cannibalism. Also the castration Rites of Attis and Cybele. Also coprophagia, the eating of human excrement. All these guys are Implanted with sexual and drug addiction energy blockages in order to be vampirised by the real Sorcerers..

Thus, Satanic Luciferians are condemned to be as demonic Lucifer, cut off from God, cut off from conscience, cut off from empathy, cut off from their hearts, Psychopaths ALL!!

A human has a heart, empathy and conscience.



Luciferians are only pretending to be human, they are not human, they are psychopaths and they extol psychopathy in all their propaganda. Their existentialist propaganda where Don Juan fucks thousands of women, kills, and all without regret, all without feeling anything, all without empathy and conscience - the definition of an existentialist, the definition of a psychopath, the definition of a Satanist. Don Juan does not want lovers, he only wants victims!!

Satanists might as well be Aliens, Snakes, Reptilians as they learn how to become psychic vampires in order to live psychically outside the body and take over the bodies of their sons, living for thousands of years as the heads of the richest family corporations, "The Family", where every member is traumatised, mindsplit, taught in Satanic public schools, and satanic generational ivy league universities, to rule the World.

"Sex with the demon possessed is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by "the evil spirit." That's been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies." - Sonny René Stermole

Yet Satanists think that they are a new species higher than humans because they are taught empathy and conscience is weakness. Because humanity is so weak then they are to be used as slaves, conquered, crushed, psychic food, sacrificed, killed, slaughtered, "Anything Strong" - Aleister Crowley.

Satanists think that compassion is weakness just like Hitler and Stalin and Mao who together tortured and killed hundreds of millions of human beings.

These ancient families must keep humanity fooled and in the Matrix in order to maintain their monopoly on energy blockage technology. See  and


ENERGY ENHANCEMENT REPORT.. I haven't missed one single day of meditation since Guru Purnima last July. Not all 30 minutes meditation but still at least 10-15 minutes before going to bed (sometimes a bit exhausted). Want to allow some time when I wake up but know exactly what it is not being the same man waking up than the one going to bed. Still, I haven't yet thrown anything through the window!

One night last week I had a very nice experience. I was feeling like being in a cave with rocks all around me. The image was surprisingly clear and I really felt this had nothing to do with me driving the show or imagining what I wanted to see. I then saw a sword starting to smash the ceiling to make light enter. The seen kinda zoomed out and I saw a white magician holding the sword (looking very much like Gandalf). I was very excited (not jumping around but felt really happy). The magician turned his head to the right, toward me, and it was you! Wow.

At that moment I asked you: "What's next? What's next" and your answer was: "Take the sword! Take the sword!" I took it and tried to spot one dark area but the ceiling seemed too high, I started to go smash rock everywhere around me since everything was black rocks anyway. At that moment I felt more like a participant. I lost my focus and got out of my meditation quite amazed.

As I kept my eyes closed while stretching my legs, I really felt like my body was falling in front of me, as if my spirit was up for a ride. Being worried to bump my head on the table corner in front of me, I went to bed and got back the same feeling that was there for a few moments. I wanted to have my spirit out but I somehow freak out a bit (not the first time it happens to me) and fell asleep. But that was still a good one, for a start!

Love and light to you, big love and big light!


As the Earth is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings and Karma is the method of refinement - as you give, so you receive.. many people are not yet ready for Enlightenment.

However once the student gets hold of the idea that Energy Enhancement Meditation can Ground Karma he understands that passing through Evil Karma is not necessary, that a New Method of Evolution is in place.... To Speed up the Process of his Enlightenment.


Ground Karma, Sparkle the World

Remove Energy Blockages, Fill the World with Light..


The Buddha said that, "if I talk, I will be mis-understood", "if I write what I write will be altered and new verses added", "If I create an organisation it will be infiltrated and taken over by psychopaths". He said, "There is Nothing I can do here!!" and he prepared to withdraw from the body and consciously ascend to heaven...

But all the Gods came to see him and said, "There are few who are ready, just on the point of Enlightenment, and just a word from you could be sufficient to cause Enlightenment in them". And the Buddha was satisfied and resolved to stay. And for another 40 years he spoke in the Purple Grove...

As Dante said at the gates of hell, "Abandon hope all ye who enter here!!"

This Satanic Program has been in force for 10,000 years before the time of Satanic Babylon and has been the cause of the degeneration and destruction of seventy-three empires and civilisation. The aim is destruction of human potential and evolution. Stopping this is a large task whose start is individual Enlightenment, the Right Hand Path, the Energy Enhancement removal of Mind Control Energy Blockages.


 Ground Karma, Sparkle the World

Remove Energy Blockages, Fill the World with Light...

The Satanic Methods of Control..

a. The 10,000 years old Policy of Poverty - See Austerity and the creation of Austrian Economics by Von Mises and Von Hayek who were bought by Nelson Rockefeller.. Now, Austrian Economics rules UK, EU and USA.

b. The creation of all illogical Religions and Philosophies and their infiltration of every level of society..

Ever wonder why this world is like it is?

The infiltration and control by generational, ten thousand years old dynastic families of the upper levels of society of army, religion, business and banking through Paganism and Satanism - the Old Religion -

By injecting energy blockage addiction implants into the heart and head to vampirise their spiritual energies and remove empathy and conscience and using these Rituals to inject sexual and drug energy blockage implants to addict its members by..




1. Ritual sex, homosexual, sexual, and pederasty - See Sir Jimmy Savile and pederasty see.. and and

2. Ritual Drugs

3. Ritual Human sacrifice see and

4. Ritual Cannibalism of blood, organs, appendages

5. Ritual Castration - removal of genitals and breasts (See Angelina Jolie) see




Cybele loved the beautiful shepherd, and made him her own priest on condition that he should preserve his chastity inviolate, only worshipping Cybele. Atys broke the covenant with a nymph, the daughter of the river-god Sangarius, and was thrown by the goddess into a state of madness, in which he unmanned himself. When in consequence he wanted to put an end to his life, Cybele changed him into a fir tree, (The fir tree represents the column of Energy, the Antahkarana connecting Earth with God)  which henceforth became sacred to her, and she commanded that, in future, her priests should be eunuchs or as in the Catholic Church, celibate, or the Jews and Islamists, circumcised.


The Psychological aspect of Satanism is a very important and severely underestimated aspect of the occult because it is the power of these myths, the manipulation of belief systems and the ability to propel someone or group of people to perform activities based on these beliefs that give the occultists such power.

Remember The Catholic Church Inquisition? Religious Jihadists? The effects of "small" changes to Islam created by British MI6 in Wahabism and Salafism - the source of Alqaeda and ISIS? Charles Manson? They are able to get others to commit insanely violent acts because they manipulate their belief system in some way. See..

THE SATANIC INFILTRATION OF RELIGIOUS CULTS TO CREATE POVERTY AND CONTROL HUMANITY The Witchcraft of Christians Who Are Not Christians and the Satanic Infiltration of Isis, Horus, Osiris and Dionysius; Wahabism and Salafism and the creation of ISIS Jihadi Caliphate.

This is where the occult and occultists get so much of their power. Beliefs and belief systems alone are what give people any impetus for outrageous, insane, psychopathic actions like Inquisition Torquemada's torture and burning people alive or cutting out their hearts and eating them raw - as we saw on a recent Jihadi video, or just going to War...

The element that occultism focuses on are both perceptions and belief systems. There is nothing mystical about it, but the power of the occult rests very much on this and the power to deceive - google, "false flags" - by manipulating perceptions - which is why the mainstream media is so crucial to their power.

It is their ability to deceive, in either making someone believe something is true when it is not or to believe that something is false when it is in fact, true. This may sound almost too juvenile an analysis but all Occultism is based on the power to deceive one into service of some sort.

"Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air" - The Witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth

The issue of Blackmail must also be addressed. Because if in these bizarre rituals and secret associations, obscene and perverse acts are transpiring and these acts are recorded in some manner, as takes place in the Fascist Skull and Bones initiation ritual, then we see the kind of hold those who hold the damning evidence has over the initiates.

Secret Organisations, Blackmail and Money - the three greatest sources of Political Control.



The Phrygian Cap of castrated Attis represents the Emasculated column of Energy, the Antahkarana connecting Earth with God




The Wizards Cap like the Buddhist Stupa represents the column of Energy, the Antahkarana connecting Earth with God - the rings represent the number of chakras above the head - As it ascends to ONE point we can assume it means the ONE TRUE GOD an infinity of chakras above the head.

As the Cuilliaéan (Druid Priest Class) exported spiritual reasoning to all corners of the known world from the 5th Millenium BCE onwards, so too their artifacts of Gold were considered to possess supernatural power. One of the most excellent examples of Cuilliaéan spiritual gold work still preserved are the "Wizard" or Vizier hats (one known as the Berlin Gold Hat) detailed extremely accurate lunar settings and astronomical information.


The Cap of Cybele is one of the oldest and most sacred religious symbols of humanity. It is a thin, slightly rounded skullcap now commonly known by various titles including Kippah, Yarmulke, Kufi and Zucchetti.



Understand I have nothing against any religion, it is the Rituals - including the Inquisition with its torture Rituals and its burning alive Human Sacrifice Rituals or the War, "lives for Satan" Rituals - it is the Rituals which  degenerate its members aiming to pervert and take over our leaders by demonic possession creating psychopaths -

You do not have to believe in this but remember, They Believe in This!!


"Sex with the demon possessed in Sexual Ritual is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by "the evil spirit." That's been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies. Yet, how could Pike, Mazzini and their associated conspirators get persons to submit to such a diabolical process?" - Sonny René Stermole



As explained in Livingstone's book, "The Dying God", For 10,000 years since the Satanic Babylonian Empire of Nimrod, society has been controlled by Kings, Queens, Princes, Banksters, Generals and Popes - Ancient Satanic Babylonian Families, Ancient Satanic Babylonian Bloodlines using The consciously created for control, Pagan Religion of Satanism and its Rituals of Sex, Pedophilia, Drugs, Human Sacrifice and Castration. These Rituals create people without empathy or conscience, PSYCHOPATHS.

The God of Paganism, of Satanism is the Demon Lucifer who holds all other Demons - off the shelf cloned energy blockages created to mind control humanity by implanting them in people in Ritual, in Sex, or by being near them - Energy Blockage Demons under Lucifer's Control.

"Sex with the demon possessed in Sexual Ritual is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by "the evil spirit." That's been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies. Yet, how could Thirty-Third Degree Freemasons, Confederate General Pike, Palmerstons Secret Agent Mazzini and their associated conspirators get persons to submit to such a diabolical process?" - Sonny René Stermole


THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment


Lucifer offers immortality - whether this is true or not, Satanists believe in this as part of their Satanic Religion - The spiritual technology of leaving the body to exist on the Astral Plane at the top of Enochian Watchtowers, thence to return into other bodies through demonic possession which has been offered to high level minions for thousands of years, - immortality, living forever - if you discount the inevitable psychic and mental degeneration caused by that technology - psychopathy is just the start as you, "Take the Ring" Sauron, Lucifer, takes control.

The aim of Google's Transhumanism is to upload into the Machine and download into a robot body - mimicking the spiritual technology with modern technology. See Robert Heinlein's "Time Enough for Love" "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", Robert Zelazny's "Lord of Light" and the movies, "Transcendence" and "Lucy"...


The Dying God of Osiris, Mithras, Christ follows the Fertility Religions where God Dies, is Sacrificed so that his blood can fertilise the crops and ensure food and life for everyone. Dracula's, "The Blood is the Life" mirrors this. They cite the Mayan religion where they choose a man to be their God. He can do anything!! At the end of that year he is sacrificed. Later, the living God nominated substitutes to take his place in the sacrifice, thus the Satanic Rituals of Human Sacrifice and Blood Sacrifice.

Satanists of the Illuminati say that God invented, "The Other" so that he could know himself. Humanity is, "the other" and must come to know himself as God.

Satanists, Satanic Gods believe they are superior to humanity in the same way that Hitler believed the Aryan Race to be superior to the, "Undermen" Jews they can and do everything and hold the number of deaths they cause as a Trophy. Their real aim is to degenerate everyone so that they too will psychopathically embrace the Religion of Lucifer and Satan.

The families who invented the Satanic Pagan Religions as a means of control need the Satanists to man the Army, Church, Burocrats, Secret Services, Banks, Politicians, Media, International Companies, Secret Societies, etc, because as psychopaths, ruled by assassination, blackmail, and money, they will all follow orders.

Satanic psychopath Paolo Sarpi was responsible for the deaths of untold millions in the thirty years war.

The True History of The Satanic Venetian Empire's Secret Agent Fra. Paolo Sarpi and his Operation against Liebniz to create Worldwide Poverty by Sabotaging Scientific Development with Satanic Scientific and Economic Empiricism


Satanic psychopath Kissinger was responsible for Pol Pot and his three million deaths.

Satanic psychopath Dr Jonas Salk was responsible for weaponising the Polio Vaccine with sv40 monkey cancer virus and mercury and aluminium adjuvants to brain damage every child and create cancer in them in old age, when people's hormone level drops.

As Satanic psychopath Aleister Crowley said, "Do what thou Wilt!!" so he took Heroin and Cocaine and ritually fucked both men, women and children, but he too was betrayed... He took the Ring as Tolkien says. At the end of his life he could not give up Heroin and Cocaine, he was just another drug addict. Do what thou wilt indeed, he couldn't even give up drugs. And as for sex, they have Ritual Castration for that whence one becomes a, "Dog Priest" of Cybele and Attis who takes it up the bum in every sexual ritual.


To create an army of psychopaths who will follow any order..




Last month, police in Thailand arrested a British citizen after six roasted fetal corpses were found in his luggage. The bodies were believed to be between two and seven months old, according to the Guardian. Some were plated in gold leaf, apparently for use in black magic rituals.

Infowars Alex Jones Believes Bilderberg Attendees Ship in Gold Covered Roasted Babies to Eat
Image source: Reuters

Outside the annual
Bilderberg - Bilderbugger - meeting in Virginia on Thursday, Alex Jones of Infowars accused attendees of possessing the same thing — to eat.

Video posted online captured Jones shouting into a bullhorn outside the meeting place, claiming Bilderberg members “ship in roasted babies wrapped in gold foil for them to eat” — and making it clear he wasn’t kidding.

“Every week they catch them shipping little babies wrapped in gold foil for these guys to eat. They admit that’s where it goes to, I’m not making this up,” Jones said.



The Effects of the, "Dark Side" It's solution and protection is Energy Enhancement Video Course and Live Courses.. CLICK HERE!!.

Here is the latest in my series about the Effects of the, "Dark Side" on the Last Tens of Thousands of years of Modern Society.. It's solution and protection is Energy Enhancement Video Course and Live Courses..

Jesus says, "Stay away from Evil" and on the path of, "The Energy Enhancement Mastery of Relationships" be aware that bad people project energy blockages connected with the deepest satanic evil into all who meet with them. Having sex with these evil people, anyone at all evil, with any degree of evil, injects these evil, Addiction, Psychopathic, Energy Blockages even deeper.

In the same way being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...

1. Tantra and Homosexuality in Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism
2. The Left and Right Hand Paths of Awakening Kundalini
3. In the House of the Strong Man, Satanic Sodomy is the Key - The Ritual Implantation of Energy Blockages
4. The Luciferian Religion's role in the Fall of Civilisations - The Role of Pagan Satanic Ritual Homo-Occultism in Causing the Fall of the Roman Empire and the Degeneration of Hitler's Germany

Click Here..
Or Here..

Don't get me wrong, Real Religion is Real Gold but any Rite above is False Gold Satanism - No-one became enlightened through Ritual Drugs and Sex etc!!

i. The Catholic Church whose upper levels have always generational Satanists -  for example Satanic Borgia Pope Alexander Sixth -

ii. Jesuits and the Knights of Malta SMOM whose upper levels have always been Satanists - - and


"I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, bum, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus."


iii. Freemasonry whose upper Palladian Rite, OTO and 33rd Degree levels act as a recruiting ground for Satanists

Freemasonry is a worldwide organisation of Kings, Oligarchs, Lords, politicians, business people, army, judges and policemen. There are millions of Freemasons. Freemasonry with the British secret services were responsible for the French Revolution..

Most of the people are "useful idiots" but if you are chosen to take the upper level of Rites, then you are being inducted into Satanism and Satanic Rites which implant energy blockages into the clients

"But all of these expressions of the human heart must become transmuted into the emotionless compassion of the gods ..."
p. 50 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Egyptian mystery religion "gods." Luciferian spirits.

As Satanists Endeavour to be taken over by satanic energies - energy blockages - so with a properly broken person, these people can be totally taken over. Those not totally taken over become psychopathically degenerated minions.

Real Enlightenment and Illumination involves the Energy Enhancement removal of energy blockages, strategies, inner children, sub personalities - removal of ego - and total god infusion of the head AND heart.

These people only want to help others.

Understand there is also, as well as God - an infinity of chakras above the head - Infusion Illumination, Enlightenment - the Real Thing!!...

There is also a Luciferian or Satanic infusion also called by the bad guys, "illumination" but it is not, its a complete activation of the ego by Luciferian Light which is just a few chakras above the head and cut off from the Light of God by energy blockages implanted above in Ritual, and an addition of Energy Blockage Demons to the ego.

A download of human being Black Magicians who through meditation and Ritual have learned how to create energy blockages, implant them into themselves in the heart and head and anywhere in the Chakras above the Head in order to cut themselves of from heart empathy and compassion and also conscience. To turn themselves and their minions into Psychopaths.

Also through Meditation - as stated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali how to take over the body of another so they can live forever - living in private universes on the astral plane in the Chakras above the Head into the body of a victim, their, "fleshly gloves".



1. The Palladian Rite introduced by British Satanic Agents Mazzini and General Pike in order to bring together, integrate all Freemasons uses Satanic Rituals to totally take people over and create minions..

2. Ordo Templi Orientis the OTO was introduced by Satanic British Agent Aleister Crowley with its Sexual Rituals with the, "Whore of Babylon" Crowley's, "Scarlet Women", homosexual Rituals and Coprophagia.

3. The 33rd Degree Levels -

"The day has come when Fellow Craftsman must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare." [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff , Forward by Reynold E. Blight, 33rd Degree, K.T., Illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, 32nd Degree, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, p. 48;



33rd degree Freemason Oath:
"That which we must say to the crowd is:* 'We worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition.'* To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General [a 33rd Degree Mason], we say this ... you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th Degrees ... The Masonic religion should be, by all of the initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine ... Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God ... the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light, God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil." [Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy, p. 220-221, quoting a letter from British Agent General Albert Pike - responsible for the American Civil war - to the 23 Supreme Freemasonic Councils of the World on July 14, 1889]
That book is online, btw.

The five steps of the Palladian rite.

Part of what is involved is a progression of corruption, a process which ultimately result in complete, ongoing possession, a take over by "the evil spirit" for which the person becomes but a "fleshly glove." To achieve that state the "initiate" is "literally 'married'" ...

"by having a medium of the appropriate gender be possessed by the "dead spirit" (actually a demon) and then ... was consume-mated.
It was believed that the magical "virtue" of the spirit would flow from the possessed medium into the initiate through the act of intimacy.
The idea was that the wisdom and god-like power of the spirit being would gradually, through repeated congress, totally infuse the mind, body and will of the initiate.

At this point, the soul of the initiate is totally eclipsed by the evil spirit. In other words, there is virtually "nobody at home" except the demon! ... At this point, the initiate ceases to be an autonomous individual. He is but a fleshly "glove" with a demonic "hand" inside controlling his every move.
Such "illuminated beings" regard humans the way we regard cattle.

Sex with the demon possessed is a diabolical means for transforming the individual and eventually completely taking over of the brain and body by "the evil spirit." That's been one way of taking control of an organization using high ranking members, by taking over their minds and bodies. Yet, how could Pike, Mazzini and their associated conspirators get persons to submit to such a diabolical process ?

"To recruit adepts, they planned to use some members of the other rites, but in the beginning they meant to rely principally on those among the initiates of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites who were already addicted to occultism.

"One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite.

Pike, the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, was the president of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory, ...
p. 217 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

What could induce a person to pursue such horrible, demonic practices ? What persons would be principally recruited for the Rites of Palladism ?

Those " ... who were already addicted to occultism, particularly initiates of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites.

Perhaps a most telling warning not to involve oneself in the occult, not to become addicted to it, not even to dabble in it, are not simply the cases resulting madness or insanity, but of what might be described as an incomprehensible corruption of a human being which involves the divorcing of one's humanity and progressively leads to becoming a "fleshly glove in a demonic hand."

One of the stages of the Palladian Rite has elements common to a broad spectrum of occult traditions, evidently accounting for the reference to addiction to occultism which was made. It defines spiritistic satanic Illumination.

I learned that the Horned God, Lucifer, had a "Shadow" as well. .. so does the light of Lucifer become the brilliant darkness of Satan -- yet it is the same god!




iv. Satanic Reincarnation - Uploading and Downloading the Consciousness - Taking over Bodies.

The "inner machinery" of the "Great Work" program has engaged in recruiting a New Age Army for 10,000 years....

The Left Hand Path involves learning how to leave the body, maintain their consciousness in blockages a few chakras above the head, and return into the body of another - time after time for 10,000 years. This is only possible through degeneration, perversion through Satanic Ritual - Sex, Drugs, Human Sacrifice, Castration - filling yourself with the impurity of many energy blockages in order to cut yourself off from God,  conscience, empathy and heart, thus becoming a Psychopath, a "Prince of Darkness".  The 10,000 years old Principle of Poverty maintains the supply of psychic energy to vampirise and bodies to take over. Demonic Possession, "Many must die for one to live forever" ILL-lumination!!

The Right Hand Path involves connecting directly with God, an infinity of chakras above the head, and removing all old Trauma-formed Negative Karmic Mass and energy blockage impurities from the psychic body. Learning that you can never die, reincarnating by being born. The Principle of Wealth for all humanity..

1. The Leibniz Power Economy.. A Fusion Powered, Matter/Antimatter Powered Economy for cheap infinite energy, cheap production of commodities from the Fusion Torch,  and Universe Exploration.

2. Credit Economics of Hamilton and List for cheap - 0% over 100 years - 100 Trillion dollar worldwide investment in Infrastructure and Fusion, based on Future Wealth Profit created by that investment.

3. Human Rights, for Wealth, and the only function of Government to produce that Wealth for All.  A Plan for Wealth rather than the 10,000 years old, Oligarchic, "Principle of Poverty" presently planned by the Vatican funded Rockefeller sponsored, designed to fail, Austrian Economics currently - 2014 - ravaging the USA and EU.

Research  encourages evolution and true Ilumination!! for all humanity.

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

The "adepts" who are illuminated, permeated by Lucifer consciousness, have revealed themselves as the "Princes of the Invisible Empire," disincarnate "gods" who have taken over the minds and bodies of persons in the "quest."

A legitimate question arises, if the Lucifer-associated spirit beings Incarnate themselves by means of participating human bodies by "permeating" the "mind-brain" of those pursuing spiritistic "illumination," then have they not been incarnating themselves in that way, or "re" - "incarnating" themselves in a host of humans down through history in the mystery religions of Egypt, Babylon and succeeding nations which gave new names to old gods ?

The "incarnating" of such entities throughout history has not taken place only since the days of Albert Pike or Adam Weishaupt. It has been repeating itself since the time of the Pharaohs of Egypt, and implicates Nimrod at the Tower of Babel in Babylon noted as a principal seat of mystery religion .

The body of information about Egyptian pyramid initiation and subsequent associated rites indicates that Lucifer-associated spirits have been "incarnating" through the bodies of the initiates of ancient mystery religion for centuries, and thus the issue is not simply "incarnation," but a repeated process, a process of "re-incarnation." A New Age spirit guide makes a reference to such a repeated incarnation on the physical plane through a human host.

... that those entering the bodies of willing American adults have begun using the term "Walk-in" only within the past few years.
p. 46

"Many of them will not need to spend lifetime after lifetime going from one body to another, because if they are successful in one or more such cycles they will be able to go and come as the exalted ones."

p. 47 Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from A World to Come, Ruth Montgomery,1979

If one accepts the doctrine of reincarnation, that a person passes from one life to another through death and appears as another person, animal, insect or plant, it is easy to become a victim of believing that one was another person in a "previous life." "Tuning in" to spirit induced impressions of a "past life" can render a person vulnerable to the "impressions" produced by a discarnate spirit looking for a victim. It is, therefore, not strange to hear of persons declaring or asserting that they are a "reincarnation" of someone in the past.

Masonry has not been the only avenue for the "incarnation" or "re-incarnation" of spirits which the Bible refers to as demons or rebellious and wicked spirit creatures. In fact, the Bible refers to a widespread incarnation of rebellious spirits before the Noahcian Flood, spirit creatures which joined forces with Lucifer, or Satan. That "quest" by demon spirits of taking on fleshly form was resumed after the Flood under the auspices of mystery religion.

The "incarnation" of the demon gods on what is termed the "physical plane" embodies the essence of mystery religion. Spirits which impersonate or transform themselves into angels of light, spirits which impersonate notable figures of human of history, of apparent virtue or otherwise, present a real danger. Guidance by such beings in religious, political and social affairs has been the substance of secret societies.

A new wave of spiritism emerged in America in the 1960's, facilitated by mind-altering drugs. The "Age of Aquarius" movement gained a public foothold, an astrologically oriented movement embracing channeling of "spirit guides" and psychic powers. The "partial" opening of the "psychic eye" is becoming more common place through the mass marketing of the New Age movement. "Psychic powers" are viewed as a path to "godhood." Yet what does the gradual opening of the "psychic eye" represent if not an increasing hybridization of a human being by means of contact with "Lucifer consciousness." Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry, and is the cornerstone of the New Age movement. He is the Anti-Christ who is bent on thus spiritistically corrupting ever human on earth, bent on re-incarnating discarnate Luciferian spirits into human bodies.

Jesus Christ stated,

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul ?."
Mark 8: 36, NKJV




Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca





iv. Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankism

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - CULT OF THE ALL SEEING EYE

v. Wahabism and Salafism created by MI6 - see Lawrence of Arabia - to create assassins and terrorists - the Freemasonic Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and ISIS to destabilise countries - Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq.


THE SATANIC INFILTRATION OF RELIGIOUS CULTS TO CREATE POVERTY AND CONTROL HUMANITY The Witchcraft of Christians Who Are Not Christians and the Robber Baron Satanic Infiltration of ISIS, Horus, Osiris and Dionysius.




The Muslim Brotherhood Isis Arc of Crisis - PART OF THE SATANIC INFILTRATION OF RELIGIOUS CULTS TO CREATE POVERTY AND CONTROL HUMANITY  - Now 50% of Humanity have a Heart!! And the battle between the Old Psychopathic Species of "The Game of Thrones" "The Sopranos" and "Dexter" against the New Species of The People of the Heart is ON!!



















vi. Marxism created by British asset Marx from his office in the British National Library in London - Russian revolution, removal of the Czars - see Palmerston below, killing of 65 million Russians by British asset Stalin - see Greg Hallet, degenerating the culture, destabilisation, take over.

THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment

vii. Maoism created by US asset Mao killing 85 million chinese and degenerating the culture ready for take over.

viii. Aristotelianism and its Peripatetics - asset of the Satanic Babylonian Secret Service - another James Bond "Aristotle the Poisoner" who assassinated Alexander the Great - teaching Satanism - the PompoNazi non existence of the soul, the dumming down of science, the perversion of culture. See..



Satanic Secret Agents, Aristotle; Contarini, Pomponazzi and Giorgi; Sarpi, Galileo and Kepler; Conti, Newton and Leibniz - The Satanic Corruption of Science by the Satanic, Slave Trading, Drug Running, Bankster run Venetian Empire

The True History of The Satanic Venetian Empire's Secret Agent Fra. Paolo Sarpi and his Operation against Liebniz to create Worldwide Poverty by Sabotaging Scientific Development with Satanic Scientific and Economic Empiricism

The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Culture and Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA


ix. The control of all countries and Empires by the corruption and NSA honeytrap

The issue of Blackmail must also be addressed. Because if in these bizarre rituals and secret associations, obscene and perverse acts are transpiring and these acts are recorded in some manner, as takes place in the Fascist Skull and Bones initiation ritual, then we see the kind of hold those who hold the damning evidence has over the initiates.

Secret Organisations, Blackmail and Money - the three greatest sources of Political Control.

Blackmail of pederast sex addict politicians, terrorist colour revolution takeover of governments, and the infiltration of Satanic Nazis into the USA in operation Paperclip, the infiltration of Satanist Politicians cherry picked in Ivy League, Rhodes Scholarship Universities in every country, and the image destruction and assassination of all good political people like MLKing, FDRoosevelt and JFKennedy by James Bond assassins.

x. The Satanic Banker - Privately owned Vatican Owned, Swiss, Rothschild, Rockefeller Central Banks - The Swiss Mercenaries protect the Pope. All Swiss Banks are Vatican Banks. Rothschild and Rockefeller funded by the Vatican. Total Control of Austerity, creation of inflation, bubbles, all depressions, stock markets through the plunge protection team, and gold prices and bond prices and foreign exchange markets - all fixed and corrupt.

See The Wolf of Wall Street - Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand

The Wolf of Wall Street - Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand


x. Imago Viva Dei - "Man is made in the Image of God" with innate Human Rights given by God at birth, denied by the Satanic Psychopathic empathyless conscienceless "Old Religion" which declares man is a beast, a meat machine, a Hitler Jew, cattle, to be done with as we wish and We are the New Satanic Species, Real Humans, Imago Viva Lucifer  or Satan - the Foundations of Genocide and the Holocaust.

Image of God, "Imago Dei" and Energy Blockages

Nicholas of Cusa, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Concept of Natural Law - Imago Dei or Image of God - and the concept of Energy Angel Talents

Confucianism and "Imago Viva Dei" in China - Liebniz, Mencius, Chu Hsi, Christ, Taoism, Buddhism


xi. Genocide by Satanic Eugenics and Darwinism - the satanic survival of the fittest - the reduction of population of the Planet through War, the promotion of abortion and through poisoning of vaccinations - sv40 cancer virus, mercury and aluminium, air - chemtrails and fuctories, water - glyphosate and fluoride and food - pesticides and GMO.


xii. Satanic Think Tanks like Oxford's All Souls College created by the Cecil family, the Lords of Salisbury in 1348 as a Foreign Policy creation tool, superceded by the Royal Institute of International Affairs RIIA founded by King Edward the Seventh who was responsible for the first world war and then superceded by the Council on Foriegn Relations CFR responsible for the second world war and the cold war then Bilderberg founded by fascists Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip to create a totalitarian Britain and EU Europe.

Fascist Policy Foundations like the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations who write the policies of all Satanically infiltrated Presidents and who assassinate those not infiltrated to create a totalitarian USA. See book, "Against Oligarchy" at,



The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA

c. Satanic Control of the one trillion a year illegal drug business by the Committee of 300 - see Coleman, controlling US, UK, NATO, Aghanistan and its mirror image pharmaceutical drug business to create profits and drug addict degenerate humanity - see "Brave New World" by Satanist Aldous Huxley.

d. Satanic control of all Secret Services, Intelligence Services - MI6, OSS, CIA, Mossad and the creation of the Internet, Fascist IBM, NSA and its offshoots Microsoft, Apple and Google - see Snowden - to create surveillance states, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, fascism - see "1984" by George Orwell - "A boot stamping in your face forever"

e. Satanic Control of all propaganda through buying all media companies, film, television, newspapers, and infiltration of alternative media creation of conspiracy theories - 90% truth, 10% lies to overwhelm with information, create fear, impotentise through fearful actions, and misdirect away from the PURPOSE - who talks about purpose? - of all this Matrix production - The science of the creation of implant energy blockages is a technology which vampirises all humanity, turning humanity into a spiritual battery whose energy is used by the ancient families who control this technology in order to live forever, to become immortal.

As the Earth is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings and Karma is the method of refinement - as you give, so you receive.. many people are not yet ready for Enlightenment.


However once the student gets hold of the idea that Energy Enhancement Meditation can Ground Karma he understands that passing through Evil Karma is not necessary, that a New Method of Evolution is in place.... To Speed up the Process of his Enlightenment.


Ground Karma, Sparkle the World

Remove Energy Blockages, Fill the World with Light...


The Buddha said that, "if I talk, I will be mis-understood", "if I write what I write will be altered and new verses added", "If I create an organisation it will be infiltrated and taken over by psychopaths". He said, "There is Nothing I can do here!!" and he prepared to withdraw from the body and consciously ascend to heaven...


But all the Gods came to see him and said, "There are few who are ready, just on the point of Enlightenment, and just a word from you could be sufficient to cause Enlightenment in them". And the Buddha was satisfied and resolved to stay. And for another 40 years he spoke in the Purple Grove...


As Dante said at the gates of hell, "Abandon hope all ye who enter here!!"


This Satanic Program has been in force for 10,000 years before the time of Satanic Babylon and has been the cause of the degeneration and destruction of seventy-three empires and civilisations. The aim is destruction of human potential and evolution. Stopping this is a large task whose start is individual Enlightenment, the Right Hand Path, the Energy Enhancement Removal of Mind Control Energy Blockages.


Ground Karma, Sparkle the World

Remove Energy Blockages, Fill the World with Light..


Only Energy Enhancement, following the Christ, Buddha and Tamil Siddar Patanjali - see  - can remove all Energy Blockages and make you free and independent of Vampirisation of your energy


Buddha and Jesus and all the Saviours and Saints are evidence that real, compassionate, conscience driven enlightenment is possible.
Real Enlightenment only comes through the process of Meditation.


Let me say that again, - Real Enlightenment only comes through the process of Meditation.









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Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca

Black Magic is just another Myth like Perverted Religion, Imaginary Theories of Economics, Dummed down Science, false myths and War which the real controllers of humanity use to manage their livestock.

The field of Black Magic includes Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.

It has always been the myth of choice for thousands of years, to control oligarchs, the rich, the powerful, the politicians, the economists, the scientists, the educators, the Secret Societies, the Foundations.

But that suggests that there is another narrative behind Black Magic, a higher level of Initiate who uses the Black Magician Oligarchs as their field of Prey as the Oligarchs use all humanity as their field of prey.

In the same way Black Magicians create energy blockages to pervert and block the innate human empathy and conscience so the higher level Initiate implants all lower Black Magicians with Implant Addiction Blockages which vampirise the victim of his Spiritual Energy and addict him to Sex, Sex Parties, Sex Ritual, Blood, Drugs and Rock and Roll.

The real Black Magicians create Immortality for themselves by cutting themselves off from the eternal Spiritual Energies of God by energy blockages above the head they become psychopaths who need vampirised Spiritual Energy to live forever.

As previous civilisations have always failed. We have historical records of seventy three previous civilisations. Like the fall of the Roman Empire, all civilisations fail due to Satanic corruption from within - Of course this is the aim of the principle of poverty.

The other side of the failure is a failure of humanity itself, as well as the civilisation to attain its soul possibility, its promise. The old oligarchic, "Principle of Poverty" barefoot and back on the plantation leading to perversion and corruption for all humanity as a means of control by the real owners who propagate but do not subscribe to any Myth - "The Ten Myths which control the World"

The end phase of corruption of the civilisation comes as the previously hidden rituals are externalised as in the Externalisation of the Hierarchy. So the end of civilisation comes with externalised corruption of the Satanic Rituals becoming performed in public. BDSM, Piercing and Tattoos as pain and torture become externalised. Sex as recreation and hedonism. Pederasty and homosexuality taught in schools. More and more pharmaceutical and illegal drugs. The dumming down of education. Surgical mutilation and Human sacrifices as premature deaths due to raging cancer and heart disease because of eugenics poisoning of nuclear air testing, vaccines, air, water and food.

The field of Black Magic which comes out into the open includes the country being invaded by Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll also perversion of sex, ritual sex and human and animal sacrifice.



Previously the Ottoman Empire had the best genetics. By breeding the Sultan with a Harem of many intelligent wives, then educating the progeny and choosing the best to be the next Sultan the Ottoman Empire defeated the rest for hundreds of years. However by infiltrating the Harem with Satanic Female Agents, Europe perverted the original breeding rules, degenerated the Sultanate, assassinated the Ottoman leaders like Enver Pasha and put a Sabbatean Satanist on the throne who was responsible for the Armenian Genocide.

Satanic Eugenics using Satanic Human Sacrifice was created by the British families, Huxley, Wedgewood, Galton and Darwin who interbred using the genetic axiom that incestial interbreeding (Spice is Nice, but Incest is Best) will create a mixture of high intelligence monsters and cretinous idiots. By culling the idiots and promoting the monsters one can create a ruling elite which can outcompete all other ruling classes.

The Satanic Eugenic and psychopathic idea of culling the Sacrificial, "Useless Eaters" - Henry Kissinger, was propagated by Hitler who was the first to poison the population with fluoride. The Eugenic Fascist Rockefeller funded Kaiser Willhelm Institute Mengele did much research in concentration camps.

Eugenic German Hitler Doctors culled 250,000 people of below 100 IQ and six million "not fit to live" Jews, Gypsies, Communists, homosexuals.

Eugenics now promotes abortion as a primary method of birth control.

Eugenicists are promoting the culling of babies under the age of three, "Babies are Mackerel"

Eugenicists are aiming for a 99% reduction in human population from 7 billions to 100 millions as a Sacrifice to Gaia.

Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands were Fascist Nazi SS.

This is today's best-known of the hard-core, British-based Satanist cults. Like the Lucis Lucifer Trust, the OTO is a direct off-shoot of the work of Britain's leading twentieth-century Satanist, Theosophy leader Aleister Crowley.

OTO enthusiasts claim this organization is an offshoot of Templar freemasonry, and hint at very influential protection from among Templars very high in British Freemasonry.

The WICCA cult came to the surface early during the post-war period, as a legalized association for the promotion of witchcraft. It is the leading publicly known international association of witches in the world today.

In the United States, WICCA's outstanding sponsor is the New York Anglican (Episcopal) diocese, under Bishop Paul Moore. Officially, New York's Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine has promoted the spread of WICCA witchery through its Lindisfarne center.

The late Gregory Bateson conducted such an operation out of the Lindisfarne center during the 1970s.

No later than the 1970s, and perhaps still today, the crypt of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, is the headquarters for solemn ceremonies of the British (Venerable) Order of Malta. Key figures, such as Gregory Bateson's former spouse, Dame Margaret Mead, associated with that British order, have been associated with projects in support of the Satanist "Age of Aquarius" cause.

For obvious reasons, U.S. witches have chosen Salem, Massachusetts, as their national center. One of the most important operations of these witches is their coordination of the hardcore of U.S. astrology rackets.



The "Age of Aquarius," or "New Age," is the generic name adopted by the modern Satanist movement. The best-publicized among the founders of the Age of Aquarius movement include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alex Muenthe (of Capri notoriety), and Aleister Crowley. Most Aquarians trace the origins of modern Satanism to Nietzsche and Crowley.

Anti-Christ cultist Nietzsche announced that the twentieth century would see the end of the Age of Pisces, which Aquarians associate with the figures of Socrates and Christ; Nietzsche prophesied that the New Age would be the Age of Aquarius, which he identified with the Satanic figure Dionysos.

Crowley announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche's New Age cult in his Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of this century, and indicated as his preferred choice of name for Satan.

Among hard-core insiders, the New Age models its dogma on the Magis' cult of Mithra, as Nietzsche did. The cult has notable affinities to the Bulgarian-Cathar Bogomil cult from which the slang term "buggery" is derived.

Aleister Crowley, Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering were among the notable figures who followed this cult.

Buggery is common in all Pagan Religions where male passive homosexual Dog Priests and female, "Whores of Babylon" have ritual sex.

The New Age's most celebrated historical figure, its choice for the original "incarnation" of the Anti-Christ, is the Roman Emperor Tiberius who ordered the execution of Christ. Some Roman emperors, most notably Nero and Caligula, became possessed by being initiated without being suitably prepared.

The best-known coordinating-center for the Age of Aquarius project in the U.S.A. today is Palo Alto, California's Stanford Reasearch Institute, whose Willis Harman is the relevant leading personality. See Harman disciple Marilyn Feruguson's 1980 Aquarian Conspiracy for a popular exposition of Harman's views and program for subversion of the United States. Ferguson is accurate when she reports that the Fabian
Society's H.G. Wells (World War I boss of British intelligence) is a key figure of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Also key are Wells' ally, Lord Bertrand Russell, and such Russell cronies as Robert M. Hutchins (Chicago University, Ford Foundation, Fund for the Republic, Aspen Institute, and the project).

Both Margaret Mead and her husband Gregory Bateson were close collaborators of Lord Russell and Hutchins from no later than 1938. The brothers, Aldous (Hollywood) and Julian (UNO) Huxley were collaborators of H. G. Wells, and were recruited to Crowley's Satanist cult during the late 1920s.

Russell was one of the 300 families in the USA and the 100 families in England who were on the Board of the British Drug running, Slave Trading, East India Company - see Coleman - "The Committee of 300" and "Dope Inc."

The Russell Trust funded the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University where Alumni perform Homosexual Rituals in faeces; the Bushes and Kerry are members.



Since the launching of the Beatles as an international project, via TV's , in 1963, "rock" has been the most influential recruiter to Drugs and Satanism and was intentionally pushed by the British East India Company Committee of 300 creating the new western market after the Two Hundred Years Project - China and its Opium Wars - supplied by the Tea Clippers from India and Afghanistan had become saturated.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is LSD but Cocaine and Heroin have always been the drugs of choice. Brown Sugar by their Satanic Majesties.

All bands of the 1960's had to profess to be drug takers before they were promoted. Like the drug infiltration of China for 200 years, America was taken over in the 1960s forming a one trillion black dollars per year illegal drug business and the Banks are founded to launder and invest the money in businesses which have no customers but high profits.

Theodore Adorno of the Frankfurt School was recruited to infect America, creating, "Music to Suicide by".

In Satanist Theodore Adorno's Philosophy of Modern Music, elaborated on how modern music—which, to him, meant Stravinsky and Schönberg—had a role in destroying society. The destruction of modern society, according to Adorno, was necessary because it was a hotbed of evil. So, the solution was to drive the population insane: “It is not that schizophrenia is directly expressed therein; but the music imprints upon itself - through energy blockage implants - an attitude similar to that of the mentally ill. The individual brings about his own disintegration.... He imagines the fulfillment of the promise through magic, but nonetheless within the realm of immediate actuality.... Its concern is to dominate schizophrenic traits through the aesthetic consciousness. In so doing, it would hope to vindicate insanity as true health.”

Rap has now become, "Music to Suicide by"

With externalisation comes legal drugs which 35% of humanity take regularly. Lots of pharmaceuticals contain 10% heroin.

Clubs and Dionisian Dance Rock venues are primarily places to sell drugs. Rock selling illegal drugs was created, and is still coordinated by Crowley's followers and by the OTO network, in cooperation with WICCA. It is, not so incidentally, also the Satanist's Secret Services biggest money-maker, and believed to provide the chief logistical black money support for deployments and other activities of the OTO-WICCA-Secret-Services efforts world-wide.

There is nothing spontaneous or accidental about "rock." It is a product of classical studies of the ancient Phrygian terrorist cult of Satan-Dionysos, the model for the Roman Bacchic cults of similar characteristics. Crowley's control of the "rock industry" has been documented by a team of [private] investigators, who have also noted, that in addition to the Satanist lyrics, Satanist messages embedded sublimally in rock recordings are a key feature of this subversive operation.

The "rock rythm" itself is copied from the old Dionysian-Bacchic cults. Even without the drugs and sexual orgies which are characteristic features of hard-core rock affairs, repeated, frequent, hours-long exposure to constant repetition of "rock rythms" produces lasting, drug-like effects on the mind of the victim.

Reducing sexual practices to the level of bestiality, is a crucial feature of Satanism in all historical periods studied, from Phrygian Cybele-Dionysos cult-period onward.

From western continental Europe, among the threats to the U.S. from this quarter, the two leading open centers for hard-core Satanism today, are Turin, Italy (where actress Elizabeth Taylor's "Live AIDS" project attempted to sponsor an aborted Satan-rock festival), and Lausanne, Switzerland.


The Satanist Mind
Satanists already have numerous victims. Most of the sexual and related atrocities perpetrated upon "disappeared" infants and breeder children, are done as part of the rituals outlined in manuals of Satanist organizations. A leading police association has received expert estimate, that of all known murders, one in five is a ritual murder, like the ritual London assassination of Italy's Roberto Calvi, perpetrated by members of Satanist cults. The "Son of Sam" murders in New York, and the Cobb County-based cult operations in the so-called "Atlanta child-murders," fit into this pattern.

Satanism is not "just another nutty occult fad."
It has been the, "Old Religion" since the beginning of time.

The mind of the Satanist is pure evil; the Satanist is a former person who has been transformed into something no longer human. It begins like drug-addiction; the prospective recruit to Satanism "gets into something" on a playful impulse, but then finds himself or herself gripped by compulsions - through psychic implantation of addiction energy blockages - which he or she can no longer control.

Drugs and other special circumstances may be significant collateral features of the initiation, but not necessarily. The key is "letting oneself go," into the depths of acting-out impulses which combine sexual impulses and rage as a unity, and expressing this form of "pleasure" in the form of an act which violates an important precept of one's own conscience.

This perversion through acts which violate an important precept of one's own conscience, from sex parties to ritual sex to homosexual ritual to torture to pederasty to animal then human sacrifice, this corruption occurs through the implantation of energy blockages into the heart center to remove empathy and blockages above the head to remove energy flowing in from God from the chakras above the head to remove conscience - the definition of a psychopath..

The removal of empathy. There is a Satanic Ritual where 12 psychic daggers - psychic created energy blockages - are implanted around the heart center. A sacrifice is performed and the heart removed from the sacrifice and put into a canopic jar. The energy of the heart removed from the dagger implanted heart and put into the canopic jar together with the heart removed from the sacrifice. The canopic jar is then placed in the earth in a Heart Site, somewhere in the country.

Similarly with the child sacrifice at the Bohemian Grove Ritual, "The Cremation of Care" burning up of empathy.

In the same way that British Satanic Secret Service controlled Saudi Arabian Wahabist and Salfist Sects create armies to attack and destabilise (911, Libya, Syria), Black Magic is also a created myth, a methodology for the creation of a psychopathic army to rule and then destroy civilisation at the behest of the Real Rulers.

Nietzsche's writings, especially toward the last period of life preceding his mental breakdown, address these special sorts of emotions, and refer implicitly to terrible obscene acts as the prospective fulfilment of such impulses. Nietzsche recognized these impulses as Satanic --Dionysiac-- in quality. Dionysiac activity, or wild abandon, by itself leads to non-demonic possession. Becoming demonically possessed requires killing, torturing, or tormenting someone with a neutral or positive attitude.

Ordinarily we think of the criminal mind as representing a person whose goals are based on "normal human impulses," but whose choice of means is immoral. Doing something illegal is not necessarily immoral; the useful definition of the criminal mind, is the person inclined to prefer immoral means as short-cuts to some goal usually not inconsistent with normal human impulses. In the case of the Satanist, we touch upon something way beyond such a mere criminal mind into the psychopathic criminal mind.

Imagine a criminal mind which has undergone a curious transformation. Perhaps, formerly, this fellow was an habitual thief, even of that sort of twisted mind which delighted in occasions he might have imagined he had pretext to exert the power of life or death over some chance victim on the scene of his crime. Yet, up to that point, robbery or kindred results were always the prompting of his criminal activity.

Now, he has changed. Crime is no longer motivated by the impulse to employ cruel means for personal gain. Instead, the pleasure of the sense of power realized in employing viciously cruel means, becomes an end in itself. This form of criminal pleasure becomes a blend of rage and sexuality. Jaded appetites create the mental state in that man, that he must do something more monstrous than he has done before,
to realize the desired level of orgiastic pleasure from the evil deed. Evil for the purpose of doing evil, has become for him, a goal in and of itself. This man has become a beast, a psychopath, a Satanist.

That is the state of mind which Satanism seeks to develop in it's initiates. It might begin with an ordinary sexual act performed under the influence of an ugly state of mind. Soon, something much more degraded becomes a need for the prospective initiate's rapidly jaded appetites.

In contrast to the healthy mind, which seeks always to become better in what is being mastered, for the initiate to Satanism, a sense of need develops, to seek to muster oneself to do something much worse than one has ever done before. Satanic cults organize that degraded scene  process of self-degeneration from normal sex to BDSM  to homosexuality to sex with children to human sacrifice and drinking or bathing  in blood (see Bathory).

See the awe and reverence given by fellow Satanists to Brezinski when he talks of how he managed Pol Pot and thus was responsible for the deaths of three million people in the killing fields. Of how he (Brezinski) created Al Quaeda, a mercenary army he created to carry out his false flags, destabilise Russia - Chechnia, Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt. To create terror, massacre Christians, saw heads off alive with a bread knife, eat the still beating hearts of their victims.

The potential for endemic incidence of individual bestiality within society, is transformed into an organized, institutionalized form of social behaviour.

The tradition of the "Black Mass," points to the mechanisms of Satanism as such. Nietzsche's instruction is much to the point. Perform some really monstrous act of blasphemy, and associate that blasphemous doing with some sort of degraded, orgiastic pleasure.

Go back to ancient Mesopotamia, whence Satanism was transmitted to western Europe. The relevant figure of Satanism is not a male, but a female figure. The male figure --Satan, Baal, Lucifer, and so on--is a subordinate figure; the female principle of evil is pre-dominant. Hence, Satan's mother, the "Whore of Babylon," known otherwise as the Chaldean Ishtar, the Caananite Astarte, Isis, Venus, or the Phrygian

The ritual of the priestesses of Ishtar was an obscene "religious service" which concluded with the priestesses' fornicating with the congregation. Hence, "Whore of Babylon," and the associated position of Ishtar, Athtar, Astarte, Isis, and Venus as the patron goddess of prostitution.

This Satanic cult-practice was introduced to Mesopotamia from pre-Aryan India which was Inanna/Ishtar's assigned domain - see Sitchin's Wars of Gods and Men.

The so-called "Harrappan" culture, featuring the Earth-Mother and fertility goddess Shakti and her satanic male figure Siva, established a set of colonies in the Middle East. The Sumer established as a colony by what the local semites named "the black-headed people" (Dravidians), was a Harrapan colony. There, among the semites, Shakti became known as Ishtar. In the Harrapan colony of Sheba-Ethiopia, Shakti became known as Athtar.

In the Caananite ("Phoenician") offshoot of Harrapan colonizing, she became known as Astarte. The Hellenic cults of Isis and Osiris, were offshoots of the Harrapan cult of Shakti-Siva, by this route.

When the same cult spread to an Indo-European people, the Phrygians, Shakti-Siva assumed the Indo-european forms of Cybele and Dionysos (day-night). Apollo and Lucifer are variants of the name for Satan-Osiris-Dionysos. [Ishtar was ambitious.]

Among the Caananites, for example, Satanism expressed itself in such forms as the worship of Moloch, with the included custom of making a human sacrifice of the first-born of each marriage.

Notably, that Caananite tradition is featured in the modern Satanists' ritual sexual and homicidal rituals upon infants and children used as human sacrifices.

By combining the means by which men and women are degraded into potentially satanic forms of beasts, as rituals associated with Satanism practised as an "anti-religion," large-scale Satanic movements are developed through systematic proselytzing.

The result of this initiation, as we have already stressed, is no human being, but a former human being transformed into something which is not human, lacking empathy and conscience; Sociopathic, Psychopathic.

In the same way that British Satanic Secret Service controlled Saudi Arabian Wahabist and Salfist Sects create armies to attack and destabilise (911, Libya, Syria), Black Magic is also a created myth, a methodology for the creation of a psychopathic army to rule and then destroy civilisation at the behest of the Real Rulers.

Modern liberals and others frown on reports of savage witch-hunts from earlier centuries. Usually, the special British COINTELPRO operation, run in Salem Massachusetts as a covert operation against the independence of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is commonly referenced. A better comparison is the proliferating of Satanist movements during the fourteenth century; these witches were actually sub-human, Satanist beasts, who represented that sort of mass threat to the population of that period. So, the population, as its only defense against a genuine Satanic force of that sort, hunted them down and sought to wipe them out. Not for nothing, does the Old Testament warn, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

The witches of the old Middle East and fourteenth-century Europe were very real, very evil witches, no longer human, but murderous beasts.


Modern Witchcraft and Satanism
The modern spread of witchcraft in English-speaking nations, began during the sixteenth century, in the setting of imported cabalist and rosicrucan cults built up around Oxford and Cambridge.

Francis Bacon and his secretary Thomas Hobbes were part of this movement.

The endemic inculcation in Satanism which this prompted in seventeenth-century England, exploded after the accession of King George I, in the form of the Hell-fire Clubs which proliferated among degenerate English nobility during the long Liberal prime ministry of Hugh Walpole.

During the Stuart Restoration period, the pro-satanic rosicrucean and cabalist cultism around the Stuart court siezed upon the case of Robert Bruce to reorganize the cult in a new form.

Robert Bruce had been the leader of a group of Satan-worshipping (Baphomet) Templars, who had fled to Scotland, away from the angered justice of the Papacy and the King of France.

What they brought with them, was the Templars' exploitation of the Cathar (Bogomil Buggery) tradition in the region of Toulouse and Albi, to build up the syncretic sort of Satanic worship the Templars had acquired in the Middle East.

The Papacy had enough of this, and the King of France acted to shut down Templars by the means customary in those times. A group of Templars under Bruce fled to Scotland, and after some initial difficulties, made themselves the lords of the place.

The character of the Stuart court is illustrated by the characterization of one Stuart government of that period as the "Cabal." In his history, Macauley offers an amiable description of the affair.

During this century, when the chest of Isaac Newton's laboratory papers was opened and examined, the content of Newton's actual "scientific work" turned out to be a selection of lurid and rather insane experiments in "black magic."

The circles around Francis Bacon and Hobbes were, as we say today, "a prize collection of real kooks."

So, the Templar mish-mash of Bogomil Gnosticism blended into Hashishin Satanism, caused Bruce's Templar credentials to be viewed as suitable myth-building material for the taste of the Stuart kooks of the period.

The Liberal aristocracy of Britain became a principal concentration of this filthy stuff.

When the Liberals came to full power, under Walpole, this Liberal stuff came out in such form as the proliferating Hell-Fire Clubs. That tradition was cultivated under Petty, the Second Earl of Shelburne's puppet prime minister, William Pitt the Younger, with Satanic figures such as the head of the Secret Services, powerful Jeremy Bentham - who was responsible for the French Revolution and wrote the speeches of  Robespierre from London - who when he died was stuffed with his head under his arm and exhibited in his favourite tavern - in the fore.

Many famous false Economists like Adam Smith, "Private Vices make Public Virtue" and the, "Free Drug Trade" were employed by the British International Satanic Drug Dealing, Slave Trading East India Company to create controlling, to the benefit of the company, false economic myths which now control the World. 

Satanism gained new ground under the protection of Liberalism and Romanticism during the nineteenth century. In England, the more virulent new forms surfaced around Oxford University's John Ruskin and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

Out of this came Theosophy, British "guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Lord Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley -- Satanists all.

This spilled over into the United States, notably in the circles of putative "Great Awakening" evangelist Johnathan Edwards, and his protege, Princeton Hell-Fire Club activist and British Agent, Aaron Burr.

During the late nineteenth century, the sort of spoon-bending kookery associated with such figures as Oliver Lodge and A. Conan Doyle spilled generously among the wealthy anglophile liberals of the United States.

In the same way that British Satanic Secret Service controlled Saudi Arabian Wahabist and Salfist Sects create armies to attack and destabilise (911, Libya, Syria), Black Magic, Satanism and Luciferianism are also created myths, methodologies for the creation of a psychopathic army to rule and then destroy civilisation at the behest of the Real Rulers.

In short, this sort of witchery has been endemic over the centuries. The difference is, that what was endemic has now become epidemic.

The best-organized Satanist forces operating presently include the following prominent organizations:

This is the leading, putatively respectable Britain-based Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The Lucis Lucifer Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the New York United Nations headquarters, The Temple of Understanding, was originally founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1923. The Lucis Trust associated with the UNO is the New York affiliate of the British organization.

The name was changed from Lucifer Trust, to Lucis Trust in 1935 to make the nature of the organization less conspicuous.

33rd Degree Freemason infil-traitor, LUCIFERIAN, General Albert Pike..

General Albert Pike - Freemason of the 33rd Degree to British Agent Mazzini, Creator of the Young Turks Moslem Brotherhood, on World War III before even WWI and WWII had even started

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash Al CIAda, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement, which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

-A quote attributed to Albert Pike, August 15th 1871



The Lucifer Trust's leading sponsors include the following prominent figures:

Henry Clausen, Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons
Norman Cousins
John D. Rockefeller IV
Julian Huxley
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Marshall Field family
Robert McNamara
Thomas Watson (IBM, former US Ambassador to Moscow)
The United Lodge of Theosophists of New York City
U. Alexis Johnson, former Undersecretary of State
Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, American Jewish Committee
Prominent front-organizations sponsored by the Lucis Trust, include the following:
The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in1908)
The Theosophical Society (founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875)
The United Nations Association
The World Wildlife Fund UK
The Findhorn Foundation
Greenpeace International
Greenpeace USA
Amnesty International
The Nicholas Roerich Society (chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality)
The Anthroposophs of Rudolf Steiner
The Rudolf Steiner School [these could not be genuine followers of Steiner]
The American Friends Service Committee




THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerton, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment



The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA


Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca






The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.





The Black Magician, Aleister Crowley, Secret Agent of British Intelligence MI6, friend of Winston Churchill, took on the Avatar of, "Alastor of the Waste" and like The Frankenstein Monster, existed after all his evil deeds in a Wasteland of ice and snow - Cocaine and Heroin.

Alastor of the waste, or The Spirit of Solitude strangely, because Frankenstein written by his wife and by him, is the first major poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

The Left (Sinister) Hand Path of Initiation. Satan or Lucifer is the father of lies. Satan lies when he says that a, "Made Man" is one who has, "earned his bones" by killing another human being in for example a Ritual Sacrifice of a human being which all the Pagan Religions before Judaism, Christianity and Sufi Islamism contained as part of their religion.


Crowley, Satanist, Magus of Masonry, Egyptian Religion and all the Pagan Religions did Rituals every day where he sacrificed the unborn baby - Sperm - to his partner, "The Whore of Babylon" because Satanic Pagan Religions have Temple Prostitutes who partake of every Satanic Ritual.

Crowley, Satanist, Magus of Masonry, Egyptian Religion and all the Pagan Religions did Rituals every day where he sacrificed the unborn baby - Sperm - as a passive homosexual partner, because Satanic Pagan Religions have Egyptian, "Dog (Anubis) Priests" who act as the passive homosexual partners in Satanic Rituals.

A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to their implanter - the higher Initiate who implanted them, ever so carefully, with the "Stealer on the Doorstep" Sex and Drug Addiction Blockages - so they can burn out and be discarded early.

Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates"  are the victims of Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

 These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.



Edited and Introduced by FRANCIS KING


New York




The Secret Instructions of the Seventh, Eight and Ninth Degrees66


A Secret Instruction of the Eighth Degree


De Nuptiis Secretis DEORUM cum HOMINIBUS
Baphomet X° O.T.O. from the Throne of Ireland, Iona, and All the Britains that are in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis to the Perfectly Illuminated Adepts of the Secret Areopagus of the Eighth Degree, Pontiffis and Epopts of the Illuminati, Greeting and Peace.


Of Chastity

Dearly Beloved, in that war of the Brethren of the Left Hand Path against the Gnosis whose first phase ended in the establishment of that tyranny and superstition which is called Christianity, much Truth was stolen by the Black Lodge, and perverted to its vile uses. And most noxious in its corruption is that castration of man called Chastity, the atrophy of those noblest parts of the body which are the proper organs of Redemption both Gaian and Ouranian.

We then who in the Seventh Degree were sworn most solemnly to Chastity in the Inmost as in the Outermost, who have now as Epopts of the Illuminati beheld with our eyes, and as Perfect, Pontiffs of our noble Order administered with our members, the Initiation whose name is Resurrection unto the Light, we therefore are able to lighten the darkest places of the Earth, and to consider wisely what lieth in the empire of the Evil Ones. Read therefore these passages in the forgery called the Epistle of Paul to the Romans:

Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey the lusts thereof: Neither present your members unto sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves unto God, as alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye presented your members as servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity, even so now present your members as servants to righteousness unto sanctification. For when ye were servants of sin, ye were free in regard of righteousness. What fruit then had ye at that time in the things whereof ye are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end eternal life.

(Romans VI, 12-13 and 19-22) Consider also these passages of the Old Testament:
And the LORD said unto me, Take thee a great tablet, and write upon it with the pen of a man, For Maher-shalal-hash-baz; And I will take upon me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest and Zechariah the Son of Jeberechiah. And I went unto the prophetess and she conceived and bare a son. Then said the Lord unto me, Call his name Maher-shalal- hash-baz.
(Isaiah VIII, 1-4) When the Lord spake at the first by Hosea, the LORD said unto Hosea, Go, take unto thee
a wife of whoredom and children of whoredom: for the land doth commit great whoredom,
departing from the LORD. So he went and took Goher the daughter of Diblaim; and she conceived and bare him a son.
(Hosea I, 2-3) And the LORD said unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend and an
adulteress, even as the LORD loveth the children of Israel, though they turn unto other
gods, and love cakes and raisins. So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days; thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be any man’s wife: so will I also be toward thee.

(Hosea III, 1-3)

It is then certain even out of the mouth of the enemy that there is a sacred use, even as an abuse, of the Sanctuaries of Life, and although there be rites so sacrosanct and so secreted that even to the Perfectly Illuminated Adepts of the VIII° they may not be disclosed, yet to them is due a full declaration of many Mysteries almost surpassing speech.



Of the Rites of Blood

It is said that there is a sect of the Jewish Brethren called Chassidim whose practice is the sacrifice of man. Thus preferably a child, but also an adult, is taken from among the Gentiles, and ceremonially slain so that not a drop of blood is lost, lest the spirit of the victim, taking refuge in that drop, escape the Exorcist. This blood is then consumed as a sacrament, or employed for talismanic purposes. For once the spirit of the slain one is sealed up into the spilt and gathered blood, it is multiplied in every part thereof, even as in the Mass the Body of Christ is said to be equally in all the myriad consecrated hosts, and His Blood in every drop of consecrated wine, everywhere and for all efficacious.

Consider this.


Of Certain Rites Secretly Practised in Russia

There is a body within the Greek Church which holds an esoteric doctrine and practises a Secret Rite. At the meetings of this body the lights being extinguished, the worshippers, led by the Priest and a chosen and consecrated Priestess, seek out each other by touch and by subtle attraction; then they consummate the pure charity of their hearts in holy zeal.

If by the favour and indwelling of the Holy Ghost the Priestess (that is unto this Rite espoused, and else virgin) do conceive and bring forth, then is the child baptized by its father the Priest for the Purification by water, and for the Consecration by fire is roast and divided among the worshippers for use as a sacrament, as a talisman and as a medicine against all diseases. This also is said of the Knights of our own Holy Order of the Temple, that the offspring of any one of them by a virgin was roast and an unguent made of its fat wherewith to anoint the Magian and Ineffable figure of BAPHOMET.

Consider this.


Of the Black Mass

Within the Roman Church have been found ever from the beginning to this day, persons and societies conforming outwardly to that base and materialistic cult, inwardly revolting against it; yet often are such so ignorant of our Light and of our Truth, that to them the attainment of Life, Liberty and Love seemed only possible through a profanation of their own Mysteries. For they knew not that these Mysteries were themselves but profanation and corruption of the true and perfect Mysteries of the Adepts.

They established therefore a cult whose fundamental formula was the defilement of the consecrated Host.

The Priest therefore having made the bread into the Body of Christ (as he could theoretically do by virtue
of his Apostolic power) did, as he thought, defile that Body by using it as the object and vehicle of lust.

Heroic children of Liberty, but thrice blind! Samsons that perish with the Philistines!

For if the ecclesiastical theory be true, in fact they do incur damnation, if false, verily they lose their labour. But at least they set up Man against the foul demon of the Christians, and let this be accounted unto them for righteousness. But see, my Brethren Perfectly Illuminated Adepts, how great is their error, that they revolt who should be Kings. For it is in truth not the apish antics of the Priest that consecrate the bread, but his male power that should make holy all his deeds.

Consider of this.


Of the Sabbath of the Adepts

In the black hours of earth, when the Christian superstition with fell blight withered most malignantly the peoples of Europe, when our own Holy Order was dispersed and the sanctity of its preceptories lay violate, there were yet found certain to hold Truth in their hearts, and, loving Light, to bear the Lamp of Virtue beneath the Cloak of Secrecy. And these at certain seasons went at night by ways open or hidden to heaths and mountains, and there dancing together, and with strange suppers and spells diverse, did call forth Him, whom the enemy called ignorantly Satan, and was in truth the Great God Pan, or Bacchus, or even that Baphomet whom the Templars worshipped secretly, and yet worship as in the VI°
all Illustrious Knights of the Holy Order of Kadosch, all Dame Companions of the Holy Grail are taught to do, or BABALON the Beautiful, or even Zeus Apollo of the Greeks.


And each when first inducted to the revel was made partner of that Incarnate One by the Consummation of the Rite of Marriage.

Consider of this.


"I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, bum, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus."


Last month, police in Thailand arrested a British citizen after six roasted fetal corpses were found in his luggage. The bodies were believed to be between two and seven months old, according to the Guardian. Some were plated in gold leaf, apparently for use in black magic rituals.

Infowars Alex Jones Believes Bilderberg Attendees Ship in Gold Covered Roasted Babies to Eat
Image source: Reuters

Outside the annual Bilderberg meeting in Virginia on Thursday, Alex Jones of Infowars accused attendees of possessing the same thing — to eat.

Video posted online captured Jones shouting into a bullhorn outside the meeting place, claiming Bilderberg members “ship in roasted babies wrapped in gold foil for them to eat” — and making it clear he wasn’t kidding.

“Every week they catch them shipping little babies wrapped in gold foil for these guys to eat. They admit that’s where it goes to, I’m not making this up,” Jones said.



"Sex by will, Love by will -no caring and no sharing -no feelings ... Sex is the route to power. Scarlet women! They are the secret to the doorway. Use and consume. Feast. Drink the power through them. Waste and discard them." L Ron Hubbard, Snr.

"Scarlet [means the] blood of their bodies; the blood of their souls ... bend their bodies; bend their minds; bend their wills -beat back the past." L Ron Hubbard, Snr's advice to his son, L Ron Jr., on the use and abuse of a "Scarlet Women": or how to enslave minds, bodies and souls. Bent Corydon & L Ron Hubbard, Jr. L. Ron Hubbard, Messiah or Madman? (1987)

"The explanation is sort of long and complicated. The basic rationale is that there are some powers in this universe that are pretty strong ... an example, Hitler was involved in the same black magic and the same occult practices that my father was. The identical ones. Which, as I have said, stem clear back to before Egyptian times. It's a very secret thing. Very powerful and very workable and very dangerous. Brainwashing is nothing compared to it. The proper term would be 'soul cracking.' It's like cracking open the soul, which then opens various doors to the power that exists, the satanic and demonic powers. Simply put, it's like a tunnel or an avenue or a doorway. Pulling that power into yourself through another person and using women, especially is incredibly insidious. It makes Dr Fu Manchu look like a kindergarten student. It is the ultimate vampirism, the ultimate mind fuck. Instead of going for blood, you're going for their soul. And you take drugs in order to reach that state where you can, quite literally, like a psychic hammer, break their soul, and pull the power through." L Ron Hubbard, Jr. describing how "soul-cracking" worked.

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are victims of higher Initiates who are in the process of degenerating them in all ways into psychopaths so they will follow any orders.

They are draining them of their life energy, vampirising them like normal humanity because higher Initiates think of these lower Initiates in the same way that they think of normal humanity... as if they were livestock or a slave.

If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave.

No matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.

Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!


Implant Blockages are programmed to use Energy Connections between people which are naturally formed between every human being in order to drain their energies back to the person who implanted them, either in this lifetime or in any previous lifetime, no matter how far they are away.

We have seen in meditation that the implanters have thousands of energy connections coming to them from the thousands of people whom they vampirise, rather like a telephone exchange.

They manage to get so many connections by implanting people who act as their helpers, their collaborators, their fellow Initiates, to implant people they meet. Any energetic psychic connection between the victim helper and the victim - the sacrifice - is channeled back to the original implanter.

Usually implant is implanted upon implant as many people have already been implanted in previous lifetimes. These people already addicted and are easier to recognise by the helper/collaborator and to implant over the original implant.

There are many young ladies and young men who act as the helper/collaborator of the implanter. These many evolved helpers unconsciously even implant and vampirise their own children, the mothers and fathers sending the energy of their own children back to the original implanter.

The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.

Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates"  are the victims of Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

 These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are victims of higher Initiates who are draining them of their life energy, vampirising them like normal humanity because higher Initiates think of these lower Initiates in the same way that they think of normal humanity... as if they were livestock or a slave.

If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave.

..a sacrificial slave whose death is the ultimate sacrifice to Satan.

The only way in which a slave can free herself or himself is to first recognize one's bondage.

If you have not been informed about consciously used eugenocidalist chemical brain gelding policies in every country .. then you too are a slave.. a sacrificial slave whose death is the ultimate sacrifice to Satan.

1. Poisoning the air with unfiltered dioxin and xeno-estrogenous fuctory outputs.

2. Poisoning Water with cancerous and mind gelding fluoride.

3. Poisoning Food with cancerous GMO Frankenstein food, Aspartame and Pesticides like Monsatan Glyphosate.

4. Poisoning Vaccines with SV40 Cancer viruses and mercury adjuvants..


In general everyone is the victim of these Implant Addiction Energy Blockages.

Every member of humanity has been already implanted from our childhood and youth in the company of the evil in every gathering place, through pornography, traumatic sexual experiences, rapes, school, hospital, university, rituals and also from previous lifetimes by all manner of blockages including Implant Addiction Blockages - Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise etc - This means YOU!


Everyone instinctively knows about Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages and the necessity to resist them, in order to have a long, unblackmailed  and productive life. Everyone knows of the downward path, the descent into perversion, corruption, disease and an early death.

Now, as well as knowing about this instinctive resistance to addiction desire, Energy Enhancement teaches WHY!! - about the drainage of your life energy by anyone who gives in to an implant addiction energy blockage desire and addiction through the vampiric drainage if the aroused life energy energy back to the implanter.


As I say in my review of the Movie, "Limitless" - All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise, instead of using Energy Enhancement Level One to connect to an infinite stream of free energy from the Chakras above the head ending with God.


All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise will result in the, "Burnout of the Binge" as your life energy is sent back to the vampire implanter and you the implanted are stoned, burnt out, anaesthetised, recuperating, ill, cold, influenza, ME, medical intervention, surgical intervention, ghosted, on the verge of death, Dead before your natural time...


By Surrounding all these blockages in Energy Enhancement Protection, Pyramid Protection or Merkaba Protection, it will cut off that energy blockage from its support, from the people who are draining your energy along energetic connections from the energy blockage back to them.

So Psychic Protection stops the vampiric drainage even though the Implant Blockages still remain.

Stopping the vampiric drainage and energetic support of the blockage through the use of Energy Enhancement Psychic Protection which can even help in removing the blockage is a necessary preliminary to the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement Level Two - Remove Energy Blockages.


The field of the dark side is also poison and fear and war.

Poison in food, water and air arouses the energy of the body to overcome the poison which is then sent back to the implanter through the Food Implant.

Eventually when the body's energy system cannot overcome the poison, disease is the result, cancer is the result, medicines, operations, death before time, wisdom reduction, pharmaceutical profits, medical profits. There has been a 5000% increase in cancers over the past 50 years.

War and democide killed 280 million people - Sacrifices - in the last, 20th, Century.

Fluoride poison in the water was first put in by Hitler and Stalin, there is a 20 year Harvard study available if you Startpage it which says Fluoiride gives 20 IQ point reduction and it gives you cancer.

Pesticide poison like Monsatan glyphosate in food and water give cancer.

Pesticides in food. A few drops of vinegar in the water used to scrub and wash vegetables will remove most pesticides.

Reverse osmosis water filters remove fluoride and fluoro-silicic acid at the molecular level. Activated carbon water filters remove pesticides.

Air conditioning removes most toxins from the air except dioxin. Activated carbon air filters remove incinerator, foundry and ceramic factory dioxin toxins from the air.

Satanic Eugenicists think that there are too many people, "You are the disease and we are the cure!" Eugenicist Jonas Salk put the SV40 cancer virus in vaccinations given to 100 millions of people by 1970. Mercury and aluminium adjuvants put into all vaccinations chemically lobotomise the young. Autism has risen since 1950 from one in twenty five thousand to one on fifty, and its heading higher. Japan bans vaccinations for pregnant mothers and for the young.

Genetically modified Frankenstein food fed to rats sterilises rats totally after the third generation. A two year French study has pictures of rats after being fed GMO food covered in cancerous tumours. Europe bans GMO food. After seeing the rat pictures Putin banned GMO food in Russia. GMO food is banned in India.

Pictures of Cancerous rats from the French Study

Lead pipes for water and lead lined wine bottles where lead poison was consciously used by the Roman Empire for 600 years from 200 BC to 400 AD. Lead pipes and lead paint were used endemically up to the present day. Lead poisoning symptoms include IQ reduction, cancer and rage.

Alcoholic drinks have traditionally been used to poison by the elites in every society. By itself, alcohol will not give a headache. The additional poisons put into the alcohol give the headache. My friend said, "This is a good wine, I can drink three bottles and not get a headache!!" Poison is addictive.


Saturn is the origin of Satan and Moloch which is the origin of human sacrifice - your first born child, usually. Here he is devouring his children - like the elite devour Enron, housing bubbles, pension funds and You - like the other part of the dark side vampirises the energies of their sons and brothers and You through energy blockage implants - mentioned by Dante in the Inferno of the Comedia - painted by Goya.


Implant blockages and the people who implant them congregate any public place where people go - like walking down the street, Malls, supermarkets, plays, concerts and bars, also in clubs, churches and workshops. 

Bad people, implanters or their workers congregate in schools as teachers or in children's hospitals as doctors where the helpless are implanted for a life of addiction just by looking or even in rituals at the dead of night. Thus Jimmy Sa vile worked in Broadmoor and children's hospitals.

Implant blockages can be programmed to be implanted from web sites.

Sexual implant blockages from sex sites or pornographic books and magazines and videos, or from Sexual groups or clubs or prostitutes or from any partner who has already been implanted - really from anything in that milieu.

Pornographic videos which spread the sex stimulant implant virus. Sexual congress radiates sexual energy as well as sexual implant blockages. As the actors in these pornographic videos get drained, so they radiate less sexual energy, require more stimulation, more drugs to get the same response. The purveyors know this. They know their product. They know what radiates sexual energy the most. They know who radiates the most. They cut the stimulation parts together to get people wanting more. They cut climaxes together for the connoisseur. They implant, implant, implant!!

Bars and public houses contain alchohol and nicotine implant viruses as well as sexual implant viruses.

The helper/collaborators spreading the sexual implant virus are usually beautiful sexual partners although the suppliers of drugs for drug addiction implants - the man - are also complicit.

As the amount of implants grow, as the need for stimulation due to an inherent lack of energy - because it has all been vampirised - grows, so the subject is coarsened and perverted. There is always more energy in the undrained innocent. As the disease progresses, more and more stimulation is needed to provide the same response. Thus sex, drugs, bondage and sado masochism, homosexuality, pederasty. Vampirism - Chinese sexual tantra teaches how to steal sexual energy from your partners. The drained die easy. Early death.

"If there had been two things like sex, I never would have become Enlightened!" - Gurdjieff






The Right Hand Myth of Devotion through Burne-Jones and the Myth of King Arthur and the Holy Grail - "The Ten Myths which Control the World"


The Rose or any Religious Symbol is always taken in the Two ways of the Left or Right Hand Paths.

Symbols are like a knife - used to kill by an assassin or heal by a surgeon.

All symbols are used for bad or good purposes depending on the intent.

The true path of Bhakti or Devotion functions because it does not involve being Implanted by Sexual Addiction Blockages which always happens in Sexual Tantric Ritual. In any group it takes only one bad person to Implant all the Others.

Indeed the practise of True Devotion removes all Blockages.

Devotion is a White Created Myth which has true Truth at its Heart.

"And the Beast looked upon the Face of Beauty and from that time it was as one Dead" - as King Kong Ego, red in tooth and Claw falls from great height.. The Ego Death of Enlightenment.

"We must Roast, Burn up the Seeds of Desire so  that they cannot Germinate" Swami Satchidananda

"When we have overcome desire then we can put our tongue on a heap of sugar, and when we take it away, not one grain sticks to it."

Just tripping over the form of Shiva was enough to change Kali back into a True Lover of God, a True Devotee. And then she married Shiva!! White Hindu Myth

"SHE CHOSE HER HUSBAND!!" - Mira, Rajastan Saint

"The sight of God in a woman is the most beautiful of all" - Al Arabi

But it can be Corrupted, Perverted..


The Sexual Addiction Implant Blockages in Ritual Sex

The "Stealer on the Doorstep" is an Implant Blockage implanted into the Anus and the Coccyx with branches going to the tip of the Penis, the abdomen to create the food implant, the spleen and then into the head to create the blockage which dreams.

Yes, when you dream, unless its a purely spiritual dream, you are sending all that dream energy back to the implanter.

And its the same with sex.

Energy Connections between similarly implanted partners are very strong.

Unless you can remove the, "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, the energies of Sex, of sexual stimulation, of the orgasm itself, will be sent back to the person who implanted you.

And the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, will addict you to sex; depending on your evolution you will..

1. Be a Gourmand who eats himself to death by digging his grave with his teeth.

2. Or you will be a Gourmet who will learn everything about Sexual Tantra.

3. You will be perverted by stimulation as a child. Pederasty is passed on from generation to generation.

4. You will be perverted by Sexual Ritual where everything goes in order to pervert and debase the original soul and you will still send all your energy back to your implanter. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his, "Whore of Babylon" every day. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his Dog Priest Male partner where he took the submissive role.

And the amount of sex will depend also upon your evolution.

A sensible person will restrain himself.

A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

But no matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.

Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!


energy vampires

The Aldobrandini Family

This has got to be one of the most powerful and richest families of the world: The surname literally translates to Satan, after you figure out the riddle. Because Aldebaran is the morning star and falling angel. Why would they have a name like this and be POPES. They are Satanists, PERIOD! I have eaten many dinners in their palace in Frascati, Italy close to Rome in the Castelli Romani hills.

The Aldobranidini's are the distant cousins of the Breakspear's and are married to the Rothschilds - the Rothschilds marrying in to the family.

These people have the big massive orgies. We know that Stanley Kubrick was present at this Castle for many orgies. He got the inspiration of Eyes Wide Shut there. There is a portait of Kubrick inside the main hall with his autograph giving thanks to the Aldobrandini family for supporting his films, although he was assassinated after Eyes Wide Shut.

Aldobrandini = Al Debaran

They have an Egyptian lineage from Ptolemy Egypt. There name is Arabic, which means they are also Moorish converts to Catholicism, but came from Egypt as well they married into the Venetian Este Family

Theres a lodge called Al-dabaran.

It is to put respect to Taurus. Have you ever wondered WHY, Picasso did all of those orgy paintings with Taurus as giving orgies to many women.? It is not only because Picasso was funded by the Aldobrandini's, he had many orgies in Rome.

The Taurus in Picasso's paintings is the POPE!

Picasso is a Jesuit as well. A Co-Adjutor

Energy Enhancement Student experience of Sexual Addiction Implants and the Energy Connections between them

Oh boy! I have gotten what I asked for! I am really struggling to cut the connections with xxx. Today I have felt so much fear come through (some must be mine) and now in the last few minutes I know she has either fallen asleep or smoked a joint and she is over 65 miles away. Yesterday, she did some coke and I was wired all day. I was very high and to begin with thought it was somebody from above giving me light and energy. But for the most part I cant concentrate or stand still - it's too painful to feel all of her stuff all the time. It's like being in perpetual fear. Yes, I might well have bitten off more than I can chew.

The night before I managed to cut the ties with xxx as per my previous email, I dreamt that amidst a whole load of fear experiences, 2-3 crows gathered around my neck and comforted me. Their black feathers rubbed against my face. For some reason I believe that this event was connected to help I was given to release me from ties with xxx last Friday. And maybe now this is why it is not working for me cos I no longer have this help.

The energy connection is so strong between us; I have never experienced anything like this.

Recently xxx took the initiative to redefine our relationship, which meant that none of us were going to "fall" in love. Feeling her break the energy connections with this decision, I felt fear sadness and loss and dreams took me back to prep school when I was home sick all the time missing my mom when i first went there - crying every morning. Until this redefining of our relationship I was not aware of all her stuff, but now I feel it all the time and cant get her out of my mind to do daily tasks easily. I cant find peace. So, I see that I have created the same strong attachments with xxx as existed with my mum, which when broken and denied me, make me feel fear and loss, sadness. On top of this I get her stuff too. Right now I am feeling grounded and comfy cos I know shes stoned or asleep.

Is this because of implants do you think or is it due to simple energy ties?"...


"The only solution is to end the relationship for now. She is linked to a source of bad energy, from which I am suffering. It goes straight out of my solar plexus, leaving me in fear all the time. I work on it most sits, and try to get the connector implants that make it all possible, as you have pointed out"


chakra yoga holistic health life management spiritual psychology

Transmitting and Receiving Communication in a shared and balanced way but also the way of the implanting energy vampire.

What is the intent, to heal or harm?







Energy Enhancement and Third Law of Thermodynamics


Energy Blockages tend to move from one person to another according to the Third Law of Thermodynamics - Energy flows from areas of high concentration to low concentration. This means...

1. Positive energy flows from Saints at a high energy level into people of low levels, thus raising them up and making them higher. Another byproduct is that Blockages tend to get thrown out by this raising of energies and in the process making their blockages really upset. Thus the attributes of Kundalini Energy. A feeling of Awe and Fear or Anger. Shaking and heat and cold in the presence of the Enlightened.

2. The Blockages of the unenlightened flow into the enlightened - and into YOU!!! Negative energy flows from High concentrations to low concentrations.  So, if you hang around people with blockages, they will percolate into you!!

"Bringing an unformed man into the presence of the wise is like throwing a dead dog into a pool of rosewater." Sufi saying. This has the effect of healing the people who come into the presence of the wise, but unless they are coming to learn, rather than being just curious, the unenlightened will soon come back to their previous state.

Thus, protection is very necessary to prevent Energy Enhancement students from picking up the blockages of others, giving out too much spiritual energy or receiving too much positive energy, except when they want to....




Meditation to Remove Lilith the Energy Vampire

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course to remove Lilith the Energy Vampire, Succubus and Scarlet Woman Seductor Energy Blockage


Implant Addiction Blockages, which transmit the added energy aroused by the addiction back to the implanter can be stopped by psychic protection put around the blockage.

Every member of humanity has been already implanted from our childhood and youth in the company of the evil in every gathering place, through pornography, traumatic sexual experiences, rapes, school, hospital, university and and also from previous lifetimes by all manner of blockages including Implant Addiction Blockages - Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise etc - This means YOU!


Everyone instinctively knows about Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages and the necessity to resist them, in order to have a long, unblackmailed  and productive life. Everyone knows of the downward path, the descent into perversion, corruption, disease and an early death.

Now, as well as knowing about this instinctive resistance to addiction desire, Energy Enhancement teaches WHY!! - about the drainage of your life energy by anyone who gives in to an implant addiction energy blockage desire and addiction through the vampiric drainage if the aroused life energy energy back to the implanter.


As I say in my review of the Movie, "Limitless" - All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Addiction to - because of psychic addiction implants - Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise, instead of using Energy Enhancement Level One to connect to an infinite stream of free energy from the Chakras above the head ending with God.


All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise will result in the, "Burnout of the Binge" as your life energy is sent back to the vampire implanter and you the implanted are stoned, burnt out, anaesthetised, recuperating, ill, cold, influenza, ME, medical intervention, surgical intervention, ghosted, on the verge of death, Dead before your natural time...


By Surrounding all these blockages in Energy Enhancement Protection, Pyramid Protection or Merkaba Protection, it will cut off that energy blockage from its support, from the people who are draining your energy along energetic connections from the energy blockage back to them.

So Psychic Protection stops the vampiric drainage even though the Implant Blockages still remain.

Stopping the vampiric drainage and energetic support of the blockage through the use of Energy Enhancement Psychic Protection which can even help in removing the blockage is a necessary preliminary to the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement Level Two - Remove Energy Blockages.


The Lahu and Akha Tribes in Thailand traditionally use silver plates and silver buttons to psychically protect against energy connections and being implanted.

The silver disk plates above are made to protect the chakra they are placed over.

Lahu belt of silver buttons to protect the base sexual chakra and the second, relationship chakra.

Akha Hat with silver buttons to protect against energy connections into the head chakras

Akha Hat with silver buttons to protect against energy connections into the head chakras and the silver chains around the neck to protect vishuddhi chakra



Psychic Protection Armour and the Ego-Death of the Holy Grail








Usually, when there is a strong connection between a mother and her son(s) then the sexual connection chakra is shared and the son has no possibility of another sexual connection with another woman, therefore he only has the possibility of a male sexual connection. One reason for homosexuality. Usually the mother is a helper/collaborator of the implanter

Also, when there is a strong connection between a father and his daughter(s) then the sexual connection chakra is shared and the daughter has no possibility of another sexual connection with another man, therefore she only has the possibility of a female sexual connection. One reason for lesbianism.  Usually the father is a helper/collaborator of the implanter.

And if the father, as is usual in these cases of the Dark Side, also sexually abuses his daughter, the daughter also becomes promiscuous, split by DID and MPD and sometimes becomes a drug addict with suicidal tendencies, even a prostitute and becomes another helper/collaborator of the implanter.

"The sins of the Father will be passed unto the Sons unto the 9th Generation" - Bible





Energy Connections between people, between chakras were originally used as a means of energetic support.

This energetic support is explained by the circle of energy between two people and their chakras which give and receive energy equally; the right side of the chakra giving and the left side of the chakra receiving, thus the energetic support. If one person is using a lot of energy, the connected pair of people and their chakras acts as a reservoir of energy to support the efforts of the active person in the couple. Thus the truism in the sanctioned couple pairs in marriage, “Behind every good man is a good woman”.

Energy blockages on either of these connections stop the giving, making you into an energy vampire or stop the receiving, making you into a person permanently drained. In these circumstances the couple fails as the blockage cuts off the pairing and the lack of energy sharing will destroy the health of the relationship usually making it very unhappy or ending in failure and divorce. People who have many relationships all of which fail, – serially monogamous – are usually people who have these types of energy blockage problems which Energy Enhancement, with its Elimination of Energy Blockages in Level 2 can heal as part of its Mastery of Relationships program taught in Level 4.

Energy Blockages stopping the flow of energy on energy connections are usually formed through pain, caused by abuse or loss. Pain caused by that which should not happen changes, perverts the natural energy of a human being into a dense dark energy which stops the flow of natural energy through it, indeed it forms a major part in the formation of energy blockages. We call it Negative Karmic Mass or NKM. NKM can be grounded into the center of the earth where it can be burnt and purified back into its natural state.

The Sexual Addiction Implant Blockage in Ritual Sex

The "Stealer on the Doorstep" is a Sexual Addiction Implant Blockage which vampirises the implanted and sends the energy of the orgasm back to the implanter. It is implanted into the Anus and the Coccyx with branches going to the tip of the Penis, the abdomen to create the food implant, the spleen and then into the head to create the blockage which dreams.

Yes, when you dream, unless its a purely spiritual dream, you are sending all that dream energy back to the implanter.

And its the same with sex.

Energy Connections between similarly implanted partners are very strong.

Unless you can remove the, "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual addiction implant blockage, the energies of Sex, of sexual stimulation, of the orgasm itself, will be sent back to the person who implanted you.

And the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual addiction implant blockage, will addict you to sex; depending on your evolution you will..

1. Be a Gourmand who eats himself to death by digging his grave with his teeth.

2. Or you will be a Gourmet who will learn everything about Sexual Tantra.

3. You will be perverted by stimulation as a child. Pederasty is passed on from generation to generation.

4. You will be perverted by Sexual Ritual where everything goes in order to pervert and debase the original soul and you will still send all your energy back to your implanter. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his, "Whore of Babylon" every day. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his Dog Priest Male partner where he took the submissive role.

And the amount of sex will depend also upon your evolution.

A sensible person will restrain himself.

A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

But no matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.

Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!



Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting, although it began as a legal and theological methodology governing the application of civil law, or canon law.

Derived from a Greek word connected with the name of the god Hermes, the reputed messenger and interpreter of the gods. So here we have a possible Satanic or Godly intent behind the interpretation.


As Father Bede Griffiths said to me, "It is all in the interpretation" Thus the hermeneutics of Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" the Use of the interpretation of the Law by the Satanic Venetians and their chosen one, Pomponazzi, who wrote at length on the imaginary nature of the Soul, at  the Venetian Aristotelian University at Padua, - Portia studied at Padua and referenced Padua in the interpretation of the Law with reference to Shylock, - in order to Control society, Portia, using interpretation in order to Control her easy to control husband - Portia chose from the Gold Prince, the Silver Duke and Lead, her very Venetian Lead Gay husband!!  Because he could be Controlled. Because he was easy to Control. Because his Implants made him controllable, unlike the Prince or the Duke - The Venetian ability to Control. Thus CONTROL!!

Slightly different from Meera, the Rajastan Saint who chose God, "She chose her husband!!"

I have written previously how Aristotle, "the poisoner" was a secret agent for the Babylonians, who was sent to tutor Alexander the Great when his father was working for the Babylonians to develop an army to take over Europe. When Alexander renaged on the deal and instead attacked and took over Babylon, the revenge was that Alexander died of the Borgia cup, the poisoned chalice.

So The University of Padua under Pompo Nazi was the place chosen for the tutoring of the Venetian nobility after the Seige of Cambrai in 1507 when Venice was almost destroyed by a coalition. The Venetian secret services took up likely lads from Padua University, tutored by Satanic Pomponazi  like Cardinal Contarini who created the Jesuits who eventually took over the papacy and who employed Agent Martin Luther thus creating a protestant opposition to the Catholic Church.

See * below for more detail on Venetian/Babylonian/Roman Empire Secret Agents during the time of Henry VIIIth

As with
historiography, the upper level is why a historical event was interpreted in that way, and not in another, and the Satanic or Godly intent behind the interpretation..

In a nutshell, historiography is the history of history. Rather than subjecting actual events - say, Hitler's annexation of Austria - to historical analysis, the subject of historiography is the history of the history of the event: the many ways it has been written, the the different spins and objectives pursued by those writing on it over time, and the way in which such factors shape our understanding of the actual event at stake, and our understanding who is behind history itself.

"The Victors write the History books" Stalin

"History is bunk" - Henry Ford

Questions of historiography include the following: who writes history, with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends?

It is interesting to note that all Professors - like Satanic Professor Pomponazzi - and Intellectuals and Scientists (Global Warming, the Flat Earth Theory, Polls as a substitute for reality) for all history have been chosen by one side or another for the particular spin they will impart within their writings.

Yet to me the important point is why? which must be addressed!! with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends? And it is these ends which can be assessed much more easily than the facts.

Damn the original intent of the text. What did they make of it? What was the point?

And this is the nub of Gramsci's, "
philosophy of praxis"; of divine discontent..

"what defines the realization of “hegemony”
(Hegemony - Domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by one political group over a society or by one nation over others) is the dominance of one form of praxis against others. Processually, this means that contests for hegemony are, by definition, struggles between historically situated praxes. Hence, the importance that Gramsci affords the intellectual as a sort of social “amplifier” in the production of a hegemonic praxis, or one aspiring to be such." -

Swap praxis or Myth - see "The Ten Myths which Control the World"  in the paragraph above for the words "conspiracy theory" and we get...

"What defines the realization of “hegemony” is the dominance of one form of conspiracy theory against others. Processually, this means that contests for hegemony are, by definition, struggles between historically situated conspiracy theories
(like those which created the Saudi Arabian Wahabists and the Salafist armies for the use of the Secret services in Libya and Syria). Hence, the importance that Gramsci affords the intellectual as a sort of social “amplifier” in the production of a hegemonic conspiracy theory, or one aspiring to be such."

Therefore we are also talking about the cultural mind control of nations through a conspiracy theory point of view or Praxes or Myths.

The point is, who was responsible for the fall of the Two Towers in New York in 2003? was it an attack on American Imperialism by twenty-four guys with box cutters or was it the Government wanting a causus belli to institute an internal Orwellian Big Brother "1984" authoritarian state in order to go to War and to overcome the projected effects of a sixty year process of City of London/Wall Street created World Poverty and Economic Depression and thus what was the aim of all the other identified False Flags throughout history?

Answer, The Babylon Satanic, "Principle of Poverty". War destroys culture, infrastructure and creates more poverty.

Eugenic Population Reduction "Death solves all problems - no man, no problem" - Joseph Stalin.

Agent Smith: "Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure".


Who, is responsible and WHY?

Why are we at this point in history? What or who put us here? And what is preventing us from getting where we want to go?

Economic progress through Liebnizian power increase of flux density from wood to coal to oil to nuclear to fusion to matter/antimatter power generation. Increase in infrastructure through economists Carey and List credit system. Human Evolution, Richness, no pollution, free electric power, houses, good food, Education, "Going where no man has gone before", Star Trek exploration of the Universe in matter/antimatter powered Star Ships, happiness and goodness for all.

Who writes history, with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends?

And this is the point of all Conspiracy theories.

What is the real reality behind history?

And here, meditation and the reality of psychic phenomena point to a different direction than all conspiracy theories

Once we have the reality, then all questions of historiography and hermeneutics become obvious.

Yet that, "reality" is the whole point of the many interpretations available. All religions are like this - different understandings of the one reality.

Historiography and Hermeneutics then become the problem..
But if we have not the reality, then all the historiography and hermeneutics in the world can not give us that reality. In fact historiography and hermeneutics then become the problem, the prepared conspiracy theories, the multitudinous religions - The SPIN which is used to control society.

For example the British Secret Service founded the Morsi Muslim Brotherhood in 1920 and their aim of a North African Caliphate and the British Secret Service founded Saudi Arabian Salafist and Wahabist interpretations of Islam whose members are the majority of the Al Quaeda guerillas - an army used to attack, destabilise, destroy infrastructure, create poverty and take over Libya and Syria, Iraq, Tunisia and Yemen, thus aiming at a North African Caliphate.

Thus Pomponazzi believes that we do not have a Soul, Scientists believe in Global Warming, Scientists prove that the Earth is flat, and people pay attention to what others believe in Polls or not proven Computer Weather Models or not proven Computer Economic Models of discredited Economic philosophies or in corrupt polling machine elections.

If Meditation and specifically Energy Enhancement Meditation can give us an amazing experience and knowledge of the Soul then why should we believe in any Venetian, in the line of Babylon and Nimrod, Satanic Philosopher with no experience but merely playing with ideas and proofs like, "a child playing with toys" - Pomponazzi.

Swami Sivananda said, "I do not believe in belief!!" I believe in Knowledge and experience as a foundation for Wisdom.

And knowing through experience of the Soul, of Negative Karmic Mass, of Alchemic VITRIOL which burns up all negative energy in the psychic body, of the seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages which cut us off from our Souls, which create all disease, which cut us off from our emotions and intellect, which create negative emotions like manicism, fear, depression, anger and seeking attention, which create the Poor Me, the Black Star and the Violator, which ensure the return of Karma and Bad Luck. Removal of "All That" through Energy Enhancement is what creates Enlightenment!!


It is only that Energy Enhancement Meditational Experience which can give us the True Knowledge which can reveal the truth out of all these conflicting theories, which can lead us out of, "All this".


Historiography and Hermeneutics then become the problem..

Solved by Cantor and his Mathematical Proof of Enlightenment

Thus mathematician Cantor and his different levels of understanding, Transfinites as developed by Cantor, in the sense of chakras above the head increasing in energy flux density and complexity as they go higher. Like increasing generations of intel microprocessors the chakras above the head increase in the number of transistors, the fineness of the wires and thus in frequency.. The higher level transfinites explains all the lower levels, but it is impossible to get from the lower levels to the higher levels by mere intellectual striving. Language, spin, historiography and hermeneutics are not going to get you there...

..Instead a projection of energy is necessary, a quantum leap of understanding, like that of Enlightenment. The necessary Energy to get there can best come from Energy Enhancement Meditation.


See The Scientific Secrets of Cantor and Reimann and the Chakras above the Head



Venetian/Babylonian/Roman Empire Secret Agents during the time of Henry VIIIth

"Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair" - Shakespeare on Spin

*Half of warfare is the Principle of poverty in ones enemies through myth creation and spin - taking the attention from wealth creation and science - and focusing only on Rent Seeking Parasitism and a totalitarian state and it was to this that Satanic Babylonian Secret Agent Aristotle "The Poisoner" because he poisoned - gave the, "Borgia Cup" to Alexander the Great next bent his mind, in joining the school of genuine genius Plato and then spinning Platos lectures later in order deflect from Plato's aim.

The Venetian deployment into England around Henry III's divorce reveals the nature of the cultural warfare directed from Venice against the influence of the Golden Renaissance. From every nook and cranny popped out-and-out Satanic Venetian agents, ready to assist Henry. Another likely lad was Pompo Nazi Padua trained Abbe Giorgi who became the advisor to Henry VIII on how to remove Queen Catherine of Aragorn as his wife. Right behind--in a classic display of the Venetian maneuver known as "playing both sides against the middle"--followed Venice's candidates to enter the lists on the side of Queen Catherine.

And with them came everything bad Venice wished to impose on humanity: Aristotelianism, occultism, gnosticism, and other forms of mysticism and irrationalism. In short order, this invading force was to deal a mortal blow to English humanist circles led by Thomas More and Erasmus, which had struggled to build institutions to uplift society to the level befitting each individual human being's identity as man made in the image of God. England, a strong outpost of the Renaissance Christian cultural tradition in Europe, was to be turned into a new Venice of the north.

Venetian Agents Abbe Giorgi and Agrippa were two sides of the same coin. They were both political-intelligence agents.... They were also agents of cultural warfare, propagating the Venetian currency of antiscientific irrationalism.

De occulta philosophia delved at length into the so-called Jewish Cabala. Cabalists like Agrippa asserted that God revealed his law in a literal form for the masses, but in an elaborated form for the inner elite. To this was added the study of other ancient secret knowledge, passed from the Egyptians, through the Greece of Plato and transmitted to the West during the middle of the fourteenth century with the Greek texts brought to Florence by Gemisthos Plethon. Among these texts were those attributed to Hermes Trigmegistus, the probably fictional Egyptian high priest whose writings are known as hermeticism. With this Giorgi started the first Freemasons straight from the playbook of the Venetian/Babylonian Secret Service.

Like the Wahabists and the Salafists, Freemasonry was used to destabilise and take over France during the French Revolution and the speeches of Robespierre were written from London by Jeremy Bentham, "M" of the British Secret Services at the behest of Lord Shelburne prime minister of England previously head of the slave trading, drug running East India Company.

Henry VIII had thrown open the door for the cultural, political, and financial takeover of England by agents of the city-state of Venice. By the middle of the 1530s, Henry's government was in the hands of Venetian agents, and being shaped into a model of police-state political terror. By the end of Henry's reign, Venetian bankers were in control of a burgeoning English foreign debt, and dictating terms to the English throne. Within slightly over a century following Henry's death, England had been transformed into the usurious, ship owning, slave-trading, drug running imperial power of Great Britain, under the dictatorship of a Venetian party, which had been transplanted directly from the lagoons of Venice.

Under the influence of Venetian agent Thomas Cromwell's Aristotelian "might makes right" philosophy of government, and the occultism spewed by such as Giorgi and Agrippa, it is no wonder that Henrican England descended toward a new dark age, both culturally and economically, after Thomas More's death in 1535. The country which, on the occasion of Henry VIII's coronation in 1509, Erasmus had hailed as a new opportunity to develop a society based on the dignity of man, was set on the downward path toward slave-trading, drug-dealing, British Empire imperialist conquest. So today, those same Venetian energies are striving to take over the world.

Afghanistan now provides 90% of the world's heroin for the American/British Establishment and the money is laundered by HSBC and Wells Fargo Banks. When taken to Court for this HSBC and Wells Fargo Banks were fined 1% of their profits and no-one went the jail. Too big to fail!! Too big to jail!!






The Meaning and Significance of Frankenstein

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelley about eccentric scientist Victor Frankenstein, who creates a Monster in an unorthodox scientific experiment.

READ MORE - CLICK HERE!! ON Frankenstein (1994) - Prometheus Unbound and its Relationship to Paganism and Luciferian Satanism

For more See..

Human beings have been created as the image of god - Imago Dei - with knowledge of both good and evil. In the Bible, if you know a person then you have merged with them, had sex with them.

All Humanity has partaken of good energy talents and evil energy blockages.

We have absorbed good energy talents and evil energy blockages into our psychic bodies over many lifetimes of evolution.

The evil energy blockages have created All Humanity as Monsters.

The ability to transmute evil energy Blockages (through Viveka - from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process within these Monsters creates Enlightenment.

A made man, an Enlightened man, has transmuted all of his Energy Blockages.

A Monster is a person who is not yet whole, who still has energy blockages, who in some way is ugly, not beautiful. Unmade men can be intelligent, courageous, witty, funny but they can turn in an instant and shoot to kill or torture. The Satanic, Slave trading, Banking, Homosexual, existential, Venetians in the line of Babylon, the Roman Empire and the current British and American Establishment, could tell you jokes as they slid the knife into your back.

Something is missing in an, "Unmade Man". Whether that missing part or talent is lower does not matter, the important part is the higher parts of empathy and conscience and real Genius are blocked off, are missing.

"A made man only has the ability to do the right thing"

When we see the Marvel Comics Superheroes onscreen we marvel at their Superpowers showing and preordaining the Satanic New Man. Yet all of them lack the higher parts of empathy and conscience and real Genius.

They all have the ability to kill.

This is the, "Unmade Man".

Unmade Men are humanity who have not yet fused with their Soul in Enlightenment

with a clear unblocked column of energy above the head to God.

Those who have fused with their Soul in Enlightenment with a clear unblocked column of energy above the head to God are the real, "Made Men".


The Left (Sinister) Hand Path of Initiation. Satan or Lucifer is the father of lies. Satan lies when he says that a, "Made Man" is one who has, "earned his bones" by killing another human being in for example a Ritual Sacrifice of a human being which all the Pagan Religions before Judaism, Christianity and Sufi Islamism contained as part of their religion.


The Black Magician, Aleister Crowley, Secret Agent of British Intelligence MI6, friend of Winston Churchill, took on the Avatar of, "Alastor of the Waste" and like The Frankenstein Monster, existed after all his evil deeds in a Wastland of ice and snow - cocaine and heroin.

Alastor of the waste, or The Spirit of Solitude strangely, because Frankenstein written by his wife and by him, is the first major poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Crowley, Satanist, Magus of Masonry, Egyptian Religion and all the Pagan Religions did Rituals every day where he sacrificed the unborn baby - Sperm - to his partner, "The Whore of Babylon" because Satanic Pagan Religions have Temple Prostitutes who partake of every Satanic Ritual.

Crowley, Satanist, Magus of Masonry, Egyptian Religion and all the Pagan Religions did Rituals every day where he sacrificed the unborn baby - Sperm - as a passive homosexual partner, because Satanic Pagan Religions have Egyptian, "Dog (Anubis) Priests" who act as the passive homosexual partners in Satanic Rituals.

A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.

Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates"  are the victims of Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

 These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.

These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are victims of higher Initiates who are draining them of their life energy, vampirising them like normal humanity because higher Initiates think of these lower Initiates in the same way that they think of normal humanity... as if they were livestock or a slave.

If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave.

No matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.


Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!





Every year since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

Moloch, the God of a Pagan Religion, is well written about as a burning idol where babies were sacrificed to the fire. The Bible asserts that children were sacrificed at a place called the Tophet ("roasting place") to the god Moloch - represented by the Owl of Bohemian Grove...

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement at Bohemian Grove. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual. Alex Jones took this photograph and took videos when he entered into Bohemian Grove in California where every year Presidents and the banking elite worship at the Ritual, "The Cremation of Care" - designed to extinguish empathy and conscience and create psychopaths - ENERGY BLOCKAGES IMPLANTED INTO THE HEART - EMPATHY - AND ABOVE THE HEAD - CONSCIENCE -  as a child is sacrificed to the Fire in front of a carved 40ft Owl representing Moloch and thousands of the elite watching, worshipping.

You have to be invited to get in.. and out..

For an example of Human Sacrifice in Satanic Pagan Religions from 8000 years ago - from Babylon itself, in the Book of Ruth in the Bible we have Ruth who as a Moabite has participated in Human Sacrifice. As she forswears this evil satanic Moabite religion and cleaves to Judaism, she is allowed to marry Boaz, ancestor of King David.

Leviticus 18:21
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 20:2
Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.

Leviticus 20:3
And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.

Leviticus 20:4
And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:

Leviticus 20:5
Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.

1 Kings 11:7
Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.

2 Kings 23:10
And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

Jeremiah 32:35
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.




Breakfast at Owls Nest Camp, Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1967. Around the table, left to right: Preston Hotchkis, California Governor Ronald W. Reagan, Harvey Hancock (standing), Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Glenn Seaborg, Jack Sparks, (unidentified individual), (unidentified individual), and Edwin Pauley. Courtesy of Edward W. Carter (deceased).

Lawrence Berkeley reporting on the Manhattan Project to create the Atomic bomb, lunching with future president Eisenhower and past president Hoover at Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1950.

Satan, the father of lies, says a Made Man is an associate of the mafia or another organized crime group who kills a person, thus graduating to "made man" or "soldier" status. Only by killing under the orders of a ranking mob officer can the prospect become a "made man". "I just drove up and knocked him off, one in the body and two in the head to make sure he was dead. The boss will be pleased. I'm a made man now."

The purpose of the satanic movie Baby Boy (2001) Director and writer John Singleton, is to say that you will remain a child, a baby until you have killed another human being, this being the initiation into adult life.

Elmore Leonard has created characters who exemplify the Existentialist Psychopath - see..

Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.

Where Psychopath Don Juan is made into the Nietzschian Superman. Movies made from his books include, Get Shorty (1995) with John Travolta, Jackie Brown (1997) by Quentin Tarantino, and Out of Sight (1998) with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez.

Satan, the father of lies creates perverted Rituals of Initiation where the only person who can pass these initiations, the Satanic, "Made Man", the Satanic Luciferian Illuminist, is a Psychopath, a person without the higher parts of empathy and conscience and real Genius... who just doesn't care - because they have a screw loose!!

And of course the purpose of all these Satanic illuminati Initiations is to create another Psychopathic Black Magician...


Psychopath Directory



Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.

George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith, and Psychopaths

ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND Trauma, Pain, Relationships, Divorce, Piercings, Tattoos, BDSM, Sex, Sex Addiction, Tantra, Gambling, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drugs and Addiction, Bad backs, Heart Disease, and Cancer.

The Energy Enhancement Commentary on the Baghavad Gita Chapter 16 - THE QUALITIES OF THE SELFISH COMPETITIVE PSYCHOPATHIC EGO....

The Psychopath and the Buddhist Icchantika



The higher the chakra the higher the power or energy. Lucifer, the "Light Bringer" creates Illumination only from the Star Sirius, cut off from God above, from the, "Black Lodge of Sirius", alas a light cut off from God by implant blockages implanted in the Antahkarana above Sirius thus cutting himself off from conscience. This is symbolised by Gods or statues of Gods at the top of a column without any higher connection - the Enochian Watchtowers of Doctor Dee, Secret Agent of Queen Elizabeth the First, code name 007.


The Antahkarana, the Watchtowers of Dr Dee's (Dr Dee was the Elizabethan British Secret Service Agent codename 007 - really!!) Enochian Keys and the Chakras above the Head - The Perverted Kundalini Key

The Star Sirius and the Watchtowers upon which the "Gods" or Black Magicians live without any connection with the higher energies of the one true God like statues live on top of Antahkarana columns - disonnected by implant blockages above the head. Fallen angels are disconnected from God together with their Master, Satan.

The Dee Watchtower System necessitates the creation of more restriction through the creation of Addiction - through Drugs and Sex - where you absorb Implant energy blockages - implanted into the bodies of all humanity for thousands of years - which steal energy from everyone and sends that energy back to the implanter since Watchtower students, having blockages above the head, cannot absorb the energy of God.

The hypersexualisation of humanity, pornography, perversion, homosexuality, paedophilia raises tremendous energy for vampiric false Gods who steal that energy from their livestock slave sacrifices.





There also exists a, "White Lodge of Sirius" connected to the chakras higher than Sirius and to God and this also has the Path of Illumination, of Enlightenment - Initiations which create trusted Initiates, permanently fused with their Souls, Conscience, Intuition, Goodness and Mercy.. and God..

So, we have a World filled with human, "Monsters" or "Unmade Men" and it is against their egos to tell them that. That they need perhaps one hundred lifetimes of experience of entering into every type of evil, and its judicial return, Karma, before they can freely choose to fuse with their Souls and God and become Enlightened.


A person who is just not ready to become enlightened is like a wolf cub brought up by humans.

The wolf cub can only grow up to become a wolf.

"How can the leopard change his spots?" the spots being Energy Blockages - and as you know, only Enlightened Masters can remove Energy Blockages.

Such a person can only complain at the return of his Karma.

Like Coppola's Dracula (1992) he can complain to God about the suicide of his wife and then, "How could you do this to me?" "Now I am against you" and he turns into a Vampire Black Magician Psychopath to suck the blood out of God's creation, "The blood is the life!" However the story shows that even a Black Magician Psychopath can be Redeemed by Love.

Like Salieri in Amadeus (1984) he can complain about not being given by God the Genius of Mozart, "I will harm, I will hinder, I will Kill, your incarnation" as he burns the statue of Christ in the Hearth.

"One complaint and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart" - From the Third Zen Patriarch Sosan, from, "The Enlightened Mind of Sosan"

Yet the Sufis say,

"When a Parrot and a Black Crow are put into the same cage, do you think it a only an accident when the Parrot escapes" - Idries Shah

The Parrot is you, the Crow is the Black Magician Psychopath, the escape is Enlightenment.

This is the plan of God on this Planet.

There are 200 billions of Souls attached to this planet and every one requires one hundred lifetimes before the can be fully made.


You can weep. You can wail. But you cannot change your spots quickly unless you choose Energy Enhancement, NOW!!

You can speed up your process to Enlightenment..









For more Movie Reviews by Satchidanand See..


Here is the experience of one of our energy enhancement students in the grounding of these negative energies, Negative Karmic mass, NKM,

“This is a sincere request. I am fully aware that all my problems are my own energy blockages. I don’t feel like victim particularly but I am a bit confounded by the overwhelming force with which my own blockages appear to be deterring me. I’m sure your emails are standard and sent out to everyone in general but the last two made me laugh out loud:

"You Know, Removing all your Energy Blockages is a Really Good Thing" – Satchidanand

India Meditation Course - Pain is the Problem.. Ground It!!




Truer words were never spoken! .... “

“What I mean is, I believe I mentioned the searing back pain that came on suddenly a couple weeks ago. Well, I thought it was subsiding but it appears instead to be getting worse. I believe there is some connection with the XXXX group that I am a bit leery of that ties into my experiences with YYYYY —none of which I’m saying to blame them because I know this is my own crap but the similarities seem to be the catalyst for my energy blockages to have a field day.

Pain I’m pretty good at handling. But this pain is preventing me from doing my work by which I need to earn my living (fortunately my boss is understanding and not angry with me) and it also prevents me to from doing my spiritual work once I get home. I am embarrassed to admit but have to tell you that I am sleeping more than any normal human being should. I go to work, come home, watch a bit of your video, go to bed and read a bit of your EE book that I got from Amazon, fall asleep easily by 9:00 p.m. and don’t wake up until 6:30 the next morning! Then, for the last two days, I left work about 11:00 a.m., fell asleep by 1:00 then slept till 5:30 or so, went back to sleep at 8:00 and slept through again until 6:30! This is insane! My energy blockages are everything you mention—pain, sleep and too much negative emotion….”

And after giving our student a pre Energy Enhancement method of Grounding Negative energies….

“As for my painful back, I did my best with the counterclockwise movement of my body as I understood it from Devi Dhyani and it was fascinating. I went out to my rental house’s little backyard (which unfortunately is mostly concrete) and found a patch of dirt to stand on barefoot. As I moved my body counterclockwise I felt the magnetism of Mother Earth drawing out the negativity—like a whirlpool (or a flushing toilet!). I pretty much let my body move the way it wanted to and a couple of times it stopped and went into spontaneous Tadasana pose which felt like all the negativity was shooting down to the center of the Earth where it could be instantaneously transmuted by the Fire. There was corresponding relief to the physical pain in my lower back/right hip as well. Such a blessing!

The next day the pain seemed to return, although not as strong so I tried the counterclockwise movements again, this time inside on my hardwood floor because it was raining and cold outside. I was surprised that the effect was the same—very powerful. Afterwards I had that “spongy” feeling (don’t know how to describe it) like I’d been meditating or in a high process for some time. I did a long soak in a tub of hot water with sea salt, baking soda and white vinegar that also seemed to calm the energy and alkalize the physical body, removing just about all the pain. The difference in my mental state without the constant fierce pain is remarkable. I want to learn how to do this grounding the proper way because I can see it will be a lifelong practice”


There is an evil class of Energy Blockage which can be created by another human being called an Implant Energy Blockage.

White magicians exist. There are Ancient White Spiritual Sciences were passed on generation to generation by word of mouth using chanting techniques which pre – date even Raja Yoga, written down after thousands of years as an oral tradition as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which itself contains the Science of Samadhi and Illumination, Enlightenment.

There is also an Ancient Dark Spiritual Sciences also pre – dating even our written history of ten thousand years.

As Henry Ford said, “History is Bunk!”

As Stalin said, “It is the victors who write the History Books”, and who also destroy them.

These Ancient Dark Spiritual Sciences - The Dark Side - come from before the first written history from before the 6000 years old Old Religion Pagan Babylonian civilization - Have you ever wondered why recorded history only goes back 6000 Years? - stretching back more than 40,000 years to the time of the Cave Paintings, Toltec Sorcerers and the Dream Time Shamen Aborigines of Australia.


This science which stretches back more than 40,000 years through dark individuals and Secret Societies gives the methodology of creating Implant Energy Blockages which if implanted in previous lifetimes will remain with you to the present day (unless removed by Energy Enhancement Techniques like the “Seven Step Process” of
Energy Enhancement Level 2), thus setting the stage for societal control over thousands of years. As Implant Blockages form part of the mind, so by using them we have a form of almost perfect, "Mind Control"

Implant Energy Blockages can be programmed to control the minds of the people in whom they are implanted in many different ways and intensities of control - usually programming the pessimism of the intellect - you can't do that!! The higher intensities of control being reserved for the more intelligent and even more for the intelligent people publicly controlling society, the original controllers and their families remaining anonymous.

The methods of Control by different types of Energy Blockage involve control over the emotions and the will - control over The Optimism of the Will!! by blocking soul contact - thus making intellect impotent. Thus making them unaware that they are being vampirised, lifetime after lifetime, over thousands of years.

Only those people, one in a million, if that, who are ready after many lifetimes of experience and energy body growth, are able to break the bonds of their Implant Blockages can choose a Spiritual Path which works - there are many, run by the elite which don't - "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

Usually, but not always, they require the help of, "One who has walked the path"

Buddha himself said that he was only there for the Souls who were ready, who were just on the verge of Enlightenment.

The only reply to the sound of one hand clapping and the Hossu striking, and this is not intellectual, is to have sufficient evolutionary forgiveness to turn the other cheek.

The Evolution of people is towards goodness. But some people are not sufficiently good for them to be able to take a genuine path. People are made up of a Council of Implant Dark Angels and White Angels and they are always voting.

Really, there is no reason to answer and give all of the above spoon feeding.

The essential thing I can tell you is that people are not stupid.

In alignment with Sosan, the Third Zen Patriarch I can say with full knowledge, "They Know!"

And if they say they do not know it is because their dark energy implant blockages are too great for them at this time.

That in this lifetime they themselves are allowing the Energy Blockages to win because they themselves are complicit with them and the dark Forces which control them..

Their Blockages have already prompted them to make their decision. They have already made their decision - Like Neo - and by complaining about anything - They are not taking the cookie from the Oracle this time.

Remember, "One Complaint and Heaven and Earth are set Infinitely apart" - Sosan - From "Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing" - The Enlightened Mind of Sosan, which can be found by anyone in touch with their Soul, On this site..

The above is another Open Secret.

There are many paths and the most popular are those which can not work and are even controlled by the Dark Side. And the people know this. And that is why, prompted by their Implant Control Blockages, they choose these paths.

Christianity, Buddhism, Zen, Sufism - all the current religions as they currently are, are popular because they can not work other than as a foundation for the people who choose them.

But for those who seek the true path, the path which works, the path which will lead them to Enlightenment, Illumination, Integration, Atman, - They know that only The One who has successfully walked the path can really bring them to that which they seek.

People are searching all over the planet for a Genuine Master, but me, I have been searching all my life for a Genuine Student.

And it is in their choice of Master that the Evolutionary Heart of the Student is known…


The Buddhafield of the Master is Death to the Energy Blockage Demons.

On your left shoulder is a black evil angel whispering into your left ear.

On your right shoulder is a sparkly white pure angel whispering into your right ear.

And inside you is a congregation of dark and white angels and they are holding a Parliament, a Congress and they are voting on what you will do next.

The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process of Level Two's purpose is to purify the dark angels of their Negative Karmic Mass by Grounding it into the nuclear fires in the center of this Planet by an Alchemical Process, known for thousands of years, called VITRIOL and burning it up, Purifying the dark angel and re-forming it as a white pure angel. This process is the purification of your Psychic Body of all negativity, of All Dark, Negative, Evil, Angels.

The evil angels are voting to go from the Buddhafield of the Master - "Don't walk, RUN!!.

Because the Buddhafield of the Master is Death to the Energy Blockage Demons.

"The Center of the Cyclone" A Tornado of Circulating Energies Spiral around a Master of Wisdom, purifying the bad and shining out the Good into the Rod of the Antahkarana, connecting with the external chakras, the chakras above the head and the sweeping the negative to be burnt up in the Nuclear Fires in the chakras below the base - Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth.

The pure white angels are voting to stay and learn Energy Enhancement.

And this dialogue between the two sides is fulminating inside every prospective student of Energy Enhancement.

The Dark, Evil, Angels will use any excuse to go.

The White, Pure Sparkly Angels will sit and perceive the Truth in complete Faith.

Because I am in alignment with the Third Zen Patriarch, Sosan, who said, "They Know!!"

Yes, everybody knows this.. EVERYBODY KNOWS!!

And the Evil Angels don't care!!

If your guys can vote to stick around then do not expect the evil angels to stop until with energy enhancement, you stop them, remove them with the 7steps..

Your evil angels are on the look out for any problem to bring to your attention, to make you go!!

But if you can stick around the results can be spectacular..

The Results are Enlightenment - When all the dark angels are purified, the result is Enlightenment.

The Results are Happiness, Joy like a twenty-Four hour Orgasm.

The Results are the Removal of your negative karma - the removal of your Bad Luck.

The results are Soul Contact, the ability to follow the path of your Soul.

The ability to ignore the Pessimism of the Intellect and the re-enforcement of the Optimism of the Will.

Thy Rod and thy Staff Art with you.

And you can dwell in the House of the Lord, Forever!!


Here is the perception of a prospective Energy Enhancement Student which exemplifies this dialogue between good and evil..

I wanted to email you again because this time I want to be REALLY honest with you. I want you to see the real me (or more likely...the various fragments of admiration and fear which comprise my many ego's!)

So let me attempt to be honest! I will try my best. You deserve my respect.

I stumbled across your websites, the one (there is also an one) by chance (if there really is such a thing as chance? Hell no!).

some years ago I prayed, I prayed an awful lot for several things. Slowly life started to give me these things. I prayed for a speed up in spiritual development. I prayed for the most 'powerful' energy training methods and to get them and practice them.

I gradually got drawn intuitively towards tai chi, then qigong, then taoist alchemy's orbit practice. I was able to raise my kundalini. I have used EFT, reiki, all very good method for removing some energy blockages. They help me to remove emotional energy blockages. I am now in process of removing the unconscious negative belief structures inside me.

I was then drawn to higher level yogic methods, such as master choa kok sui and shengong practice (ricardo b serrano). These are helping speed up my soul evolution and awareness. They work and they work Well! But alas, working towards enlightenment is a challenging goal, not for the faint of heart.

I have emailed you recently as you know, but after more thoughts , I realise that it is reasonable.

You asked me what part of me was avoiding it (or something similar) such as my lower ego.

...It is my deepest heart goal to keep working, doing my inner work until I reach the enlightenment. This is an unquestionable truth within me.

I was drawn to the work of jon peniel, who explains in his book the children of the law of one - how he felt about his master Zain. Zain caused a mixture of awe, attraction but also repulsion and fear in jon. Zain's buddhafield was so powerful it was pulling out blockages and attacking jon's lower selfish ego which made his ego feel very threatened. (I could 'feel' the soft, compassionate shen energy flowing out of the pages of the book so I know it's the real deal). (the past months I really 'feel' and 'sense' the aura and energy of masters in videos and text online. So it's easier to see who is the 'real deal'.)

THIS is the exact effect YOU have on me. Your energy I can feel from your website...and videos on youtube. I also checked the video on youtube of your master - he emits the same, unbelievably high frequency...soft, wonderful energy! You guys have the most marvelous, high frequency, soft, aura's.

The energy field doesn't lie. I am fortunate I can detect this stuff.

I feel a mixture of extreme awe, rapture and...fear...when dealing with you.

You make something inside me squirm, wriggle and do ANYTHING to avoid you. Another part of me...thinks about you every day. I know. I know that every day I will be reminded of you and your energy, because it's what I need.

I thought about it. After thinking about it, it is Well Worth It. I believe it's better than anything else that can be gotten, faster and better, if one is prepared to put in the hard work.

Honestly? I live with my parents. I do not have a full time job, I am in and out of part time work. ....this whole situation makes me very uncomfortable, torn.

I will get a full time job :) I am going to get one 'somehow. somewhere'. and when I do. I will earn enough money, and buy your courses. I want to practice the higher level methods.

I feel in my heart, that you can change my life.

I know you can change my life.

The energy which flows out of you is incredible. More soft, loving, and intense than any energy I have felt from any other master's material online so far. I believe you are not only the 'real deal', but of the highest frequency. Top quality!

But enough with my compliments. It would be easy to throw compliments while casually 'avoiding doing the course at all costs', what a wonderful ego trick.

Like I said, and this may well be my ego's excuse, I struggle Right now.

I do not 'have' and I don't feel at all comfortable about this.

I WILL get in future, for the sake of my dream. This is just what I want to do.

But the Universe won't let me forget you. I'm going to be reminded of you each and every day until I can safely get the courses and it's my own spending. Do people really think I'm going to try to buy a car, or some kind of electrical appliance first? I won't.

What the heck???

I care so deeply and profoundly about my inner work. About my enlightenment and about helping others when I am ready to do so.

I have been doing my current meditations many hours per day for several years. I feel that from what you said (and I understand and agree with what you said about energy blockages - it all fits with my experience, it all makes sense), YOUR methods I believe are more powerful.

Certain things which I believe are very potent, such as the content in level 2 and level what I am attracted to the most. Removal and grounding of karmic energy blockages, resolving 'inner children' issues. This is what I need so very badly.

They allow you to more directly and quickly connect to higher frequency love energies, which are capable of dissolving or removing blockages right? The soul infusion of higher chakra's PARTICULARLY interests me. I want to connect to this incredibly high frequency energy and speed up my soul evolution. I WANT to remove these inner children or fragmented selfish ego's (and boy, are they fighting inside telling me to AVOID the heck out of you).

I'm going through a serious inner-battle with this!

Does everyone go through this? I'm assuming they do.

So why do I send this message? Especially since I am NOT buying your course right now?

I don't know. I send it to let you know what's going on with me.

I send it to say 'expect me soon...' and when I get a full time job I'll tell my parents

'look I have researched this site a lot for many months, I earn my own money...I will spend it how I like', and they'll agree..if not maybe I just do it anyway. I'll just do it because it's my money which I earnt and I don't care, I'll do it.

WOW do I want to remove those energy blockages inside me? EFT, Reiki and meditation so far are MY LIFE.

It is the most important thing ever for me. Your methods I believe are Better, Faster.

I want to be like you,

I want to have an energy field like you.

I want to destroy my pathetic selfish, confused ego's and just submit to the higher universe.

Your site says that, it's submission to the higher plans of the universe. This is what I am going for. I'm looking to get to the highest possible frequency and level I can obtain in my current human incarnation. Despite a bit of ego-wobble and self-doubt, I can't forget you and I know already that I'm going to do this.

I want to submit to that unconditional love and reach the higher levels THEN when I am very, very extremely high in frequency, or just after I remove karmic blockages and finally get enlightened and 'hooked up' to god's love. I'll do anything.

I'll perform the role that is expected of me by the Universe.

I want to help people. I want to remove those pesky alien implant blockages. I want to Help people. I want to teach them...(but only if I am qualified). I just want to spread the most intense love that I am able to.........!

This is my powerful wish. I mean it.

I will do your course, but I need some preparation time to gather the funds. When the money comes in, there will be nowhere left for me to hide. No excuses, I'll do it, one foot in front of the other.

Now do you start to get an idea of my journey? I love you, but I also hate you (am afraid of're scary, your energy field is incredible, my ego is afraid...)

Sorry if this is a bit haphazard email. I'm not in the clear state of mind. But I try to blast you with some truth of my inner you can see how it is.

The summary is;

-your energy/you is incredible.....

-I can't stop thinking about you and what you can do for me, every day now, think it's trying to tell me something?

-my ego squirms and wriggles to try to escape you. I feel it now!

-I can't afford the course right now...but before long I feel like I WILL be able to!

-later in my future I wish to teach this type of stuff and help others. Help them to remove energy blockages and do some serious inner work.

I want to channel love to people. I got told I am going to be able to do this in future, by unity. It told me I was to act as a wide open channel for 'divine frequencies'.

I had several intense unity/enlightenment experiences already the past one of them it tells me with soft love surrounding from all directions... 'it is in the plans for you to succeed in meditation', and that the world is currently transforming energetically from 'mostly dark' to 'balanced and harmony between light and dark' wants me to experience ego loss and joyfully serve and submit to the overall plans. Upon doing so I will be a very happy bunny. I know I will.

OKAY this is all for now. I say this so you can know more about who I really am, and some of my inner conflict.

As soon as I get the finances there will be no excuses left for me to run from, it's become my ....almost like my 'life plan' or mission, or follow your energetic methods to reach the highest level. I don't care how long it takes, if it's the best I want to do it! And I want to do it fast and intense, I want to sort through this murky internal junk over and over until I'm done. I want to do it in this lifetime.

Thankyou for putting your courses up...

PS: I wrote in to what I think was one of your blogs because I thought it was a student of yours...I was actually hoping to get free/cheap stuff, doh. Honestly how I feel now is? I can't look you in the eye (speak to you on email?) unless I proudly pay you the full amount which you deserve.

Okay. This is my spilling out of feelings about all this. RIght now I feel the squirming inside my stomach, it's similar to the feeling of about to jump off a cliff into the sea. Butterflies, nervous feelings. Intimidation. (I bet you get that reaction a lot from people, they either love you or hate you...or a bit of both? Such is probably the life of an enlightened...).

Anyway I am following you in my heart.

The universe will not let me forget about you.

Even if my ego does. It's not going to win in the end.

My little ego's got so scared I would repeatedly remove your websites from my favorites, and I deleted your last email because i was scared of it in my inbox!

But then I get drawn back to you. What a weird scenario? No one on earth has EVER got me so worked me feeling so intense....Wow.

You are important.


Best wishes!

Your future student.

Please Understand that you, the people reading this article Right Now!! are all the same as our prospective student above.

You perceive the Energy of the Buddhafield.



And your Angels are voting right now..



The Right Hand Myth of Devotion through Burne-Jones and the Myth of King Arthur and the Holy Grail - "The Ten Myths which Control the World"


The Rose or any Religious Symbol is always taken in the Two ways of the Left or Right Hand Paths.

Symbols are like a knife - used to kill by an assassin or heal by a surgeon.

All symbols are used for bad or good purposes depending on the intent.

The true path of Bhakti or Devotion functions because it does not involve being Implanted by Sexual Addiction Blockages which always happens in Sexual Tantric Ritual. In any group it takes only one bad person to Implant all the Others.

Indeed the practise of True Devotion removes all Blockages.

Devotion is a White Created Myth which has true Truth at its Heart.

"And the Beast looked upon the Face of Beauty and from that time it was as one Dead" - as King Kong Ego, red in tooth and Claw falls from great height.. The Ego Death of Enlightenment.

"We must Roast, Burn up the Seeds of Desire so  that they cannot Germinate" Swami Satchidananda

"When we have overcome desire then we can put our tongue on a heap of sugar, and when we take it away, not one grain sticks to it."

Just tripping over the form of Shiva was enough to change Kali back into a True Lover of God, a True Devotee. And then she married Shiva!! White Hindu Myth

"SHE CHOSE HER HUSBAND!!" - Mira, Rajastan Saint

"The sight of God in a woman is the most beautiful of all" - Al Arabi

But it can be Corrupted, Perverted..




Now we are in Goa  in a beautiful Apartment with swimming pool for a few months - waiting for more students - get in Touch!! and also waiting for the start of our All India Tour with One Level of Energy Enhancement Free!! and concentrating on the Energy Enhancement Course with our Student from Haridwar and Rishikesh - Removing, Healing, Purifying, Bringing back to their purified and blockageless state - Nirodha, all the Vrittis - Energy Blockages and samskaras on the Path of Yoga Integration, Enlightenment.

Speed up Your Process with Energy Enhancement..

Get Experienced - as do all Energy Enhancement Students and this indeed is the only answer to the intellectual Mind which knows not and can never know Anything!! Only Direct Spiritual Experience is the answer.

And here we are with our Student, Graham, in Rishikesh. He came to see us in 2002 for an Energiser and again in 2007 in Palamos in Spain where he and his wife were given Initiations in Level 1 and level 2.

His wife at that time who is a complete natural at meditation and has been dragged on Zen retreats with Zen Masters by her husband and also other Meditation Courses and comes from Siberia where shamanism and BMs are a part of Normal life, had a Grandfather who was a great healer and spiritual force in that area. She said that, "Devi Dhyani and Satchidanand are two of the most Spiritual People I have ever met"

To become Enlightened all she needs is a little more of, "After All That" which is from the first Sutra of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The bit where is says that you have to have, "Done That, Been There and Got the T Shirt" You must have seen through the Hollywood dreams which say you will be happy with Children, Fulfilling Job, Wife and Husband, Money, Power, Big Houses, Rolls Royces and a Hareem. Of course this can never be true. She needs to know that only Enlightenment will suffice in Eternity. That Only Enlightenment can assuage her need for Complete and Utter Fulfillment in this moment, Now!! When she can "Dwell in the House of the Lord for Ever"

And here is our student again with us in Goa, India for more Ego Blockage Busting!!


All those people who know of us in England, America, Australia - everywhere in the World - They are the Outpatients. And our Student here with us now - He is the impatient Inpatient. For the Operation of the Egodectomy!!

And this is what he wants having had experience of our power previously.

And Energy Enhancement gives the Meditative Tools, the Seven Step Process, The Kundalini Kriyas, The Supra- Galactic Orbit - Ancient Techniques from 5000 years of Effective Spiritual technology to allow this to happen.

So, we set him clearing out his Antahkarana and Sutrama. Clearing out all the blockages in the chakras of the body and the Chakras below the Body and the Chakras above the body.

The Chakras above the Crown contain many control implants from the Dark Side cutting him off from the Light of the Soul, creating Despair and Cynicism which are truly great weapons of the Dark Side. And when he finds them and Grounds these controls he always finds that they are connected with the net of blockages inside his body which he must Ground also.

The Chakras below the base are usually Blocked with Implant Blockages in our students having been De-Feeted in previous spiritual encounters in lifetimes long ago. These blockages below the base create the slave mentality of having wonderful thoughts and ideas, "You're living in a Dream World, Neo" but having no Base Chakra Power to implement Any of them.

But these blockages are simple and the work includes using the simple exercises to find the deeper Blockages called Sub- Personalities so, "Ask and ye shall receive" Our student found one. He found the Big Fish, the Selfish!! A part of the selfish competitive ego.

According to our student he saw his sub-personality, more accurately described as an Alter-Ego. We have many of these Alter-Egos and they are sometimes created by bad events like your mother dying when you were three. You can imagine the pain of the unprotected child at this time, and when this happens, shit happens, sometimes an inner child alter-ego is formed with the pain of the event as its power. the alter-ego is sometimes called an, "Inner Child" and its function is always to, 'Get Attention"

It is only the Soul Infused personality which can notice these Alter Egos because they are usually limited in their selfish little aims and they do not act in a logical manner. Only the Soul Infused Personality can heal these Inner Children by Grounding all of their Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass and then by integrating the purified parts of the sub-personality into the Soul Chakra. A Process called Resurrection by Alice Bailey in the "Rays and the Initiations"

As The "Complete Instructions on Enlightenment", The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, say in Book Four, Sutra 6.. TATRA DHYANAJAM ANASAYAM - "Only the Alter Ego minds, grounded and resurrected, born of meditation, are free from Karmic Impressions or Energy Implants".

He Saw this Sub-Personality he called the "Resistor", the Intellectual, the guy who decides what to do, the guy who manages and directs everything. The guy who, subtly violatorish, rejects everything and insists on his own path. The guy who rejected the life his parents wanted for him, a Doctor like his father or a lawyer. The one who wanted to know the truth, the one who rejected many paths because he wanted to know it for himself. The one who went for the philosophy course at University and eventually became a Doctor of Philosophy.

This Alter-Ego had many ideas of what might work but always came to the Soul Infused Personality for decisions and the Soul Infused Personality always knew, Yes or No!!

And the Soul Infused Personality found it very easy to allow this Alter-Ego to manage his life because he was doing, in General, a good job but now he saw in the Energy Enhancement meditations that the Alter-Ego was based in pain and thus resists too much, is afraid and in General is now too much of a drag!!

The Resistor Alter-Ego is seen needing to be purified and Integrated into the Soul Infused Personality - The One, "There can only be One" And Energy Enhancement gives the Meditative Tools, the Seven Step Process, to allow this to happen.

Many people, Psychologists like Eric Berne who wrote million seller and now standard work, "The Games People Play"  have seen these Alter Ego Inner Children but have no way of resolving them except by talking about them. Using the Intellect to dwell on their Illogicalities.

The Alter-Ego Inner Children and Strategies spit on these methods. They have no effect on them because these Inner Children have been built and Programmed by YOU to only GET ATTENTION!! They are only doing their job. And they do not care what happens to you.

The Poor Me Alcoholic can die in the process of getting attention. I think it was the Star Footballer George Best who said, "I spent nearly all of my money on Booze and Beautiful Women, the rest I wasted!" He died from drinking alcohol after his Liver transplant.

I think it was one psychologist who admitted to his colleague, "You know and I know that working with Alcoholics is like chipping ice from the Antarctic!" Only Energy Enhancement has the tools to provide real inner change in All Humanity!

"The Technique of the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process is the only Enlightenment process outside of expensive Scientology  which can dissolve Energy Blockages. Without it Buddhism, Hinduism, Ramana Maharshism, Ekhard Tollism, Sri Niscardattaism, any Enlightenment process other than Energy Enhancement depends on the Master to remove the energy blockages" - Satchidanand

So our student Grounded and Resurrected the "Resistor" Sub-Personality and when he absorbed it into his Soul he noticed that he felt more Solid. His Antahkarana instead of being thin with no Base expanded and became a, "Fat Pipe" able to channel more energy from the Soul to all his projects on this planet.

Because he noticed that the "Resistor" Alter was based on anger to fuel its resistance we decided to focus on the "Violator" Strategy and to Ground all the Anger Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass which was powering it.

After a lot of hard work he finally grounded all the Violator, and in the process of resurrecting all of its parts he noticed that it split into many bits, some bigger than others.

The small bits went into the Soul Chakra, but the big bits went higher into the Monad or the Logos or the Sirius Chakras. He presumed the bigger bits were more evolved Function Angel Colonies which could help crystallise the functions of those higher chakras.

We need bigger and more complex chakras to help channel the increased energies of the Higher Chakras we will need to channel, in order to do our spiritual work in future. We can use the spare parts of the Angel Colonies from the blockages we heal to add to our Spiritual Bodies.

In a way it is another use of the, "Black Gold" "Texas tea" I talk about in my Youtube Video on VITRIOL on how to Ground all negative energies for purification in Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth

You can see the Video here..



Or Here

Kundalini Chakra VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Chakra 1 to 5
Kundalini Chakra Parts 1 to 5 VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Chakra - Swami Satchidanand on Kundalini Chakra giving the Five Parts sequence of talks about Kundalini Chakra Energy Enhancement about Kundalini Chakra. Kundalini Chakra is in the Center of the Earth. A mass of Uranium 5 Kilometers in Diameter! which has heated this earth for 4 billion years!! Energy Enhancement Meditation VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem - A guided meditation from the alchemists and the alchemical taoists of China to transmute Trauma, Negative Energies, - Visit the Center of the earth, there you will find the hidden Stone, the Philosophers Stone which transmutes Base metal or Negative karmic mass or Negative energies in Energy Blockages, into pure positive Spiritual Gold Energy. More Videos like this about the Kundalini Chakra in the center of the earth, Heart Sutra - All sages and saints live from the Highest Heart, Prajna Paramita from the chakras, like the Soul chakra, above the head, Search youtube for tag.. Swamisatchidanand If you like to watch the whole talk Kundalini Chakra VITRIOL - Visita Interiore Terrae- five parts in One! go to: /TheGroundingOfNegativeEnergies/flv6.html Search youtube for tag.. swamisatchidanand for more information on the Advanced Techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation.. Increase Energy, Remove Energy Blockages, Clean Karma, Master Fantastic Relationships, Improve IQ. 1. The Energy Enhancement Chakras above the head.. How man connects with the Center of the Universe through the Soul Chakra, Monad Chakra, Logos Chakra and the Kundalini Chakra. 2. The Energy Enhancement Antahkarana Tower, rainbow bridge, A Column of Energy which stretches from the center of the earth through every human being through all the chakras and upwards through chakras outside the body into the Center of the Universe. A Connection between heaven and Earth. 3. The Energy Enhancement Energy Blockage Removal Process and Karma Cleaning Process. Psychic Energy Blockages which block your connections between your chakras and between you and other people. Psychic Energy Blockages create disease in the Body, Negative Emotions and bad thoughts which this energy enhancement meditation removes. The Advanced Techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation,


After the Violator and its Anger I said, "Just check" and when he checked he found another Alter Ego, an Implant Blockage which was just filled with Anger. More Anger. Free Anger. And he tried to Ground it. Tried to Contain it. It was almost too much!!

As he meditated on it over the next day I thought I would give him a hand without saying anything about it, because he looked a little overwhelmed. And when your whelm is overed!!

So I connected him to my hundreds of helpers in the Avatar of Synthesis whose job is to help with the process of World Integration and to an Ascended Master much higher than that and I started to use the techniques of the seven step process on the Anger Blockage.

He complained to me bitterly before the course that I would not use as he called them, "Visual Techniques" on his Energy Enhancement course because all he could do was "Feel" what was happening.




Of course, since then my student had spent a day or two clearing out his Antahkarana which is the first thing we always do in Level 2 of Energy Enhancement. This opens the channels to the higher chakras and enables vast amounts of energy to power the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and psychic bodies.

Energy Enhancement connects you up with higher energies. It removes your blockages to the flow of energies. The psychic machinery exists perfectly, within everyone. The problem is it is connected to the little Five Volt Battery of the Chakras where what it really needs is to be connected in to the, as Gurdjieff called it, "The Big Generator!" or the energy of the Soul and Kundalini Chakras.

When given more energy from Advanced Energy Enhancement Initiations, all Energy Enhancement students gain the ability to, "See" what is going on as their Psychic Powers reach fruition. Of Course the Psychic Machinery is not just, "Psychic Vision. It also includes, "Intuition" and "Wisdom" where without any intellectual functioning, we just, "Know".

My student of course, made sensitive by the Energy Enhancement processes was now able to garner much experience and information from this occurrence of the opening of his psychic vision.

He, "Saw" the blockage react to the energy I sent to it and how it resisted the Seven Step process and just how strong it was, what it was and what was its function. He said  he had never seen so much energy. he did not know that it was possible to channel so much energy. He did not know that it was possible for Blockages to be so strong.

He, "Saw" that this blockage was a strong Implant Blockage input into his system many lifetimes ago to Vampirise his energy system. These strong types of Implants have the ability to control your intellectual thoughts and lower types of Alters like the "Resistor" we had already grounded.

The Resistor Alter was a Front for the Implant Blockage to distract attention from its presence. The major weapon of these implants is invisibility, because as soon as we know of  their existence in Energy Enhancement, they are on the way out!!

Seeing its strength. Seeing how it had resisted my initial blast of energy towards it, my student became afraid that he would remain implanted for all of his life and future lifetimes. Usually, the purpose of such a strong blockage is to act as a Vampire to channel the Psychic Energies of the Client to the Implanters. To keep its client distracted so that it can never regain its psychic powers. And especially, never to allow the client to become Enlightened.

Over many years these sophisticated yet programmed Implant Blockages become a part of the emotional and intellectual mind of the client. They actually gain the ability to affect the emotions of the client and even to "talk" to the client and the words appear in the mind of the client as their own thoughts!! (SEE "REVOLVER" BY GUY RITCHIE)

So, having been discovered this Powerful Implant Blockage went into overdrive to increase its major power, Despair. They are all the same these Big Blockages. They say, "You Can't get rid of me. I am more powerful than you" and time after time we say nothing and we do the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process and they fall; they go; and their spare parts, "Coat our Higher Being Bodies" Gurdjieff  - at least they are that much use.

"The ability to ignore the Pessimism of the Intellect and to re-enforce the Optimism of the Will" - Gramsci

They do the same in the World creating all cynicism and despair, as most human beings, 99%, are implanted in this way, "Look upon my works Ye People and Despair!" Yet this world is performing its function, perfectly, as a factory for the production of Enlightened Beings as it provides different races and different evolutions of people in order for us to make our mistakes on the path of learning, "That we only have the Free Will to do the Right Thing"

The wrong thing always brings Its Own Karma, "I was down when I began to crawl. If I didn't have Bad luck, I wouldn't have No luck at All!"

The Buddha was Right, "Right Mind, Right Job, Right Meditation" as he says in the Dhammapada.

The end result of Doing the Right thing is to be in Perfect Alignment with the Purpose of God on this Planet, Enlightenment.

Overnight the blockage talked to our client and in the morning he was in despair. I said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself", and he thought that we could not remove the blockage because it was so strong. "I saw your energy hit the Blockage", he said, "And I saw how strongly it reacted to protect itself"

I said that I had only blasted it a little while and that, "No protection can ever hold" It can only give us a little time to react and remove the attacker. "We will remove the Blockage. No Blockage can stand against us because we are connected to the higher frequencies of the Light, to a source of infinite power, whereas the energies of the dark side are necessarily connected to the source of their prey at very much lower frequencies, you!! What chance do  they have"

Positivity is a major weapon we all need to work with and to enhance.

So we sat together and Devi Dhyani and I helped and at the end of the meditation the Blockage was gone and its spare parts were coating the Higher Being Bodies of our Student, "Pain Gone! Blockage Gone!!"

There were more blockages like this as we proceeded further on the course, one was found in the middle of a Reiki Mastery Initiation given by Devi Dhyani, yet the process is the same. "Seek and Ye shall find" and when found, the blockage goes and all its bad luck goes with it. These blockages are control blockages designed to distract you and take your attention away from spiritual success. With these blockages in the system The Initiation of Enlightenment is impossible because how can the Ascended Masters of Initiation trust you as you will always be taking your advice from the control blockages. Always you can fall...

As we removed all the blockages so our student had the vision of a sail being unfurled. The mast of the sail stretched up through the antahkarana to infinity and as the sail unfurled he felt the movement forward, with a good wind, in his evolution. At this point he saw a group of Masters including my Master, Swami Satchidananda, taking an interest in him. When all the blockages are gone, then at this point these group of Masters will become the group of Initiating masters for the Initiation of Enlightenment.

And just as we got to the airport on his way home from India I felt another control blockage!! I felt the negative energy triggered by our conversation and I saw at the back of Graham's neck the edge of the control blockage and I said, "meditate on it!" because these control blockages will distract you, distract you from your path, and plug you back into the Matrix. And what did our student say at this moment? "Not now, later"

This is one of the reasons of coming to visit an Enlightened Master. The blockages will distract you, distract you from your path and happily plug you back into the Matrix. Only a Master can stay centered sufficiently to stay still and say, "Meditate on this!" despite all the protestations of the student. Because it is not the student who is talking, it is the Implant Control Blockage which is talking.

Implant control blockages are implanted into the body in this lifetime and also in past lifetimes and it is these Implants which are more dense, more heavy, more controlling because they were implanted in rituals where you helped the process because you wanted to enter into the Dark Side. As these Implant control blockages are removed one by one, know that they can never come back. And every one of these ancient control blockages removed is another degree of freedom for you and for your life..


On the path of Illumination, Enlightenment with Energy Enhancement where Enlightenment is Not Enough! because we Facilitate the Higher Cosmic Initiations above Enlightenment. We provide the Techniques to Speed Up the Path of Enlightenment for Every Path extant on this World as All the religions and Spiritual Paths on this planet come together through the use of the Most Advanced and Effective Energy Enhancement Techniques to Create Evolution, Enlightenment and World Peace.



Like the Black Star, Poor Me and the Violator, the Connector sub-personality exists in everyone. The Connector Sub-Personality exists to connect and has the power of connection and vampirism over everyone.

The Connector Sub-Personality connects to form a relationship. To have sex. To get married. Usually it is a little childish and falls for the biggest idiots.

And then the childish Connector Sub-Personality gets upset at the least offense and stops the connection. And we then cannot form any sexual  connection ever again and the relationship breaks up in acrimony and divorce.

The cherished little old lady who exists at the heart of many families until she dies has learnt to connect and take her tithe of energy from every member of the family, over many lifetimes.

The solution of course is to learn that we do not need to take energy ever again from the people around us by connecting with a source of energy from the chakras above our heads which can never fail every day in meditation using Energy Enhancement Initiation Four.

But even this is not enough. To take back our power of connection, we need to purify the Connector Sub-Personality and then integrate the Connector with our Soul as taught in Energy Enhancement Level 3, the Purification of Talents.

Only then can we regain the power of connection so that we can decide to connect and to disconnect, when we want to. The Connector Sub-Personality can never decide for us again.

Who is in charge?




The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.


The issue is as follows:
The essence of Christianity, and of Mosaic Judaism, is identified historically first, by Philo of Alexandria in his commentary on the first chapter of Genesis, that is, the account of Creation given by Moses. The point to be emphasized, is that man is defined in the image of God, Imago Viva Dei: not by virtue of any outward physical attributes of form, but rather by the fact that man, unlike all animals, contains that spark of creativity which places the human species apart from and above the animals in general.

That spark is the crucial thing...






It is inherent in the Purpose of God as exemplified in the Nature of Humanity that Humanity Evolve, become

My point is, that the purpose of breeding human individuals, and, indeed, the very essence of the true purpose
for the existence of those persons, is the role of mankind, as distinct from all lower expressions of life, in
the creation of the kind of future which can come into being only as the means of creating the purpose for the
existence of mankind in this universe.

The expression of that intended mission, is to be read from the evidence of the specific distinction of all
persons from all other presently known forms of life. That is to say, that the distinction of mankind is the
creative powers of the human individual which exist in no other known species of living creature. This
distinction is also expressed by the fact of the efficient immortality inherent in those qualities of
discovered ideas which live on, efficiently uplifting the human potential of society, even long after the
author of the discovery is deceased.

The fact of history is, that whereas the other living species reproduce their own biological likeness, the
human mind's standard function is the production of discoveries of efficient universal principles, which
successively discover and use higher and greater flux densities of energy both physically and Spiritually.
From the energy of fire discovered by Prometheus to the greater and more intense fires of Nuclear Fission and

From the Prometheus Fire burning of food within the body to the access to Kundalini Electric Fire which is
similar to Fission and the access to the Central Spiritual Sun which is like Solar Fusion.

Principles of the type whose embedded intention is typified Physically by man's leap from Earth to the extended
development in nearby space and Spiritually through access through spiritual projection to the chakras outside
the body of the Antahkarana. All progress in physical science, spiritual science and in great Classical
artistic compositions attests to this fact.

We breed people because their development is a key to the intention of that universe which we inhabit.

So, the human sexual act's ultimate implication is the perpetuation and advancement of an intention whose
assigned consequence is the production of new people, whose existence will perpetuate the specific work of the
human species, which is the work of qualitative progress of mankind's condition and progress, and, thus, the
advancement of the specifically unique creative-mental powers of the human individual's ability to serve a
yearning intention consistent with mankind's leap from the bounds of our Earth, to colonize within our Solar
System and betond, to play a part in the giving and receiving of higher and higher levels of spiritual energy
which embodies the evolution of the Universe.

It is not the relevant sexual act which is the purpose, but only an essential means. It is an act which is
sustained by the commitment of persons to joy in the fulfillment of that embedded intention of our species.

Once that much is stated, a further point of insight should have overtaken us.

The customary depravity which dominated most of the human cultures with which we are familiar from known
history, is the tendency for "zero growth" in most European, and also other cultures known to us from the past from Babylon to Ancient China - all ruled by the Dark Side.

This feature of such depraved sorts of cultures, is commonly expressed consciously as the assertion that the
universe is entropic or that it cannot evolve, at least implicitly so, and that man has no special powers of
creation, but rather must be content to live, as the fabled Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' drama of Prometheus,
or, the notorious Aristotle who forbade God Himself to continue to create, once the initial act of creating a
universe were done.

To make this point clearer, take the case of a frankly Satanic belief in "zero technological growth," as
illustrated by the image of the Satan-like Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, who bans the use of
"fire" by mankind, in order to ensure mankind's degradation to the likeness of those who are condemned to live
as like creatures, created to be vampirised, without actually manifest human souls, who remain committed to do
as their fathers and grandfathers before them.

Contrary to what are thus defined as the pro-Satanic devotions of the so-called "environmentalists," the
existence of mankind is locked up within the notion of mankind as a species distinguished, in nature, by a
creative impulse mustered to fulfilment of future missions for improvement of our existence in our universe.
Whether expressed directly, or by relevant contributions to that ultimate effect, the life of the individual
has an inherently implicit mission, to fulfill the mission of development of the universe.

Thus, all types of moral depravity expressed by societies, have their root in the avoidance of the obligation
of a creativity which is eternally hostile to a policy of zero growth. It is the acceptance of the practice of
that evil which is the worship of the notion of anti-evolutionary perpetual entropy, which is the essential
root of evil within societies and their cultures in known history of the world thus far.

Thus a lack of creativity. The failure to promote economic growth. The Elite, "Principle of Poverty". Rockefeller promoted Austrian Economics Austerity. It is that depravity of such a public policy which engenders evil in the practice of mankind, and thus turns the intention of man's
destiny into a force of depravity in such included ways as the the promotion of the Paganism of the, "Old Religion" including Sexual Rituals, Whore Priestesses, Homosexual "Dog" Priests,  Human Sacrifice to Moloch, sexual abuse of children.

For thousands of years there has been a scientific battle between the reductionist modelers who plagiarise and
debase, in order to stifle progress, the work of the original scientists whose aim is human progress and

The real scientists know that this planet can support more human beings only through advanced science which
exponentially increases, through desalination of water the food and industrial capability of humanity and through fusion plasma physics the ability to transmute elements into metallic and elemental commodities necessary to produce technology allowing humanity to live and evolve in plenty and not in poverty and need, on this planet.

The most convenient illustration of this sort of method, modeling without any physical basis, consciously
debasing science, is the comparable case of the use of that fraud by Dark Side Agent of the Persian Oligarchy -
who poisoned Alexander the Great - Aristotle, and his follower Euclid, in crafting what the great Bernhard
Riemann exposed, from the outset of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, as a physically fraudulent tradition in
the popular teaching of mathematics. Such was the ancient origin of modern positivism.

Similarly, it was intended to use mere mathematics as an alternative to actual physical science, as used by
modern, anti-science, mathematical positivists, which has, in strict truth, no intrinsic competence for
defining the principles of physical science, a corrupt notion of physical science which has been elevated to
the reputation of science's being considered as merely a matter of mathematics, as has been done by, among
others, positivists in the train of Ernst Mach, David Hilbert, and the unspeakably evil Bertrand Russell and
his tribe.

The positivists have modeled using mere mathematical and comparable formulas, which contain no actual
principle, but only mathematical descriptions, as a substitute for physical science, as the case of Agent
Bertrand Russell and his present followers typifies such an intentionally deceitful practice most luridly.

The Venetian Oligarchy secret agent Sarpi's fraudulent prank of modelling without any physical basis is the
root of all currently leading trans-Atlantic, systemically moral corruption in the matters of science, and
social policy more broadly. At its bottom, positivism has been a method of corrupting social control of
targeted species of entire societies, such as that first installed in England under King James I

(See Anonymous by Emmerich and the Venetian bought Cecil family).

That King James was, ironically, the emblematic, if essentially half-witting figure of an official royal,
empiricist theology, a theology of sorts which has administered the corrupting tradition of those high priests
such as the hoaxster Galileo Galilei. After the swindler Galileo, and his follower, the swindler Descartes,
there was a "perfected" succession of expressions of the alleged "principles" underlying imperial theology, a
body of evidence supplied by such cases as that of the science-hating, Venetian Oligarchic Agent hoaxster Abbé
Antonio S. Conti. In hindsight, this Conti is to be regarded, otherwise, according to rare copies of portraits,
as the ugliest face known to contemporaries of his apprentice, Oligarchic Agent Voltaire.

Depraved creatures such as Oligarchic Agents philosophers and economists John Locke, Adam Smith, and Head of Intelligence under Lord Shelbourne, Jeremy Bentham, are typical of the kindred human refuse to be listed in the same collection.

The common, a-prioristic commitment of the crude materialists, the Aristoteleans, and the modern mathematical
positivists, for example, is that they deny the existence of the universe itself, demonstrating that fact by
the means of substituting actual or merely fancied appearances, such as mere sense-certainties, for the reality
of the universe, thus excluding the existence of any actually universal principles.

The discovery of the geometry of Bernhard Riemann, for example, led to the recognition of the systemic nature
of the fraud expressed by any attempted separation of space, time, and matter into separate, fixed dimensions,
That discovery led to the recognition of a modern physical science premised on the experimentally validated
notion of physical chemistry, rather than mere physics, and to the notion of physical space-time developed by
the circles of Genius Albert Einstein.

For example: the notion of Euclidean geometry premised on Aristotelean a-priorism, had always been an anti-
scientific hoax, as had been the same hoax represented by such frauds as Newton who plagiarised and debased the
Integral Calculus of Liebniz, and the post-Leibniz frauds of de Moivre, D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Euler's
dupe Lagrange, Laplace, and the caught-out plagiarist of a crucial discovery by Niels Abel, Augustin Cauchy.

Truth is what both the implicit and actual positivists, such as the Aristoteleans, the "materialists"
generally, and the modern positivists, prohibit.

A materialist's world-view, like that of any Aristotelean or modern positivists, is the denial of a higher
purpose for mankind's existence, the process of generation of an achievement of a higher goal than had existed
in practice earlier. The effort of the individual for the purpose of achieving that contribution to the
universe we experience, is the one and only proof of a true human morality. Essentially, nothing truly an
achievement of an individual life lived is accomplished in any different way.

Mathematics without any physical basis, sheer imagination, is the fantasy of Computer modelling of real systems
of the world which because the model cannot be accurate, and indeed is designed not to be accurate, as it makes
false predictions which are designed to fool and steal from humanity.

The areas of recent fantasy Computer Modeling which have been proven to be intentionally falsified are:

1. The Oligarchic Agents "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" models supported by,"Peer Reviewed" false science whose almost achieved aim is to reduce, in a sort of Genocide, the technology of humanity so that the world can support less people. Where terawatts of Nuclear Electricity are needed to de-salinate water, grow food in the deserts, and through air conditioning and heating allow humanity to live and work in the tropics as well as in Siberia.
Instead we have the aim of the elite to Zero Population Growth and a constant world population of 2 Millions -
the population to be reduced by starvation, false flag rent-a-mob terrorism, rent-a-mob politics, war, and
laboratory grown diseases.

2. The Computer Modeling of the intentionally created false science of Economics, whose aim is the stealing of
wealth from ordinary humanity, thus stopping their evolution and reducing their level to the forelock tugging
"Yes Sir" of the feudal serf or slave.

Where the false use of money in the Gambling Casino of wall Street and service industries - calling the money
made in these industries as profit, instead of the real profit of the physical production of food and useful
technology to enhance the lives and purpose of all humanity.

The false tenets of the "Science of Monetary Economics" and its consequent Modelling in the Computers of every
Government in the world - certified by the believed fantasy of peer reviewed professors of Keynsianism and
Monetarism, as well as Rockefeller funded Austrian Austerity Economics as David Rockefeller paid the bills of Von Mises and Von Hayek as well as the Lew Rockwell Ludwig von Mises Institute as well as Ron Paul Austerity who wants to genocidally cut food stamps - relied upon by 50 million Americans to live on by 65%. Austrianism where where economic crash comes before the rise of the economy as specified by the Austrian Rockefellers which has never happened in all human history!! These knaves have allowed the intentional corruption of stealing of trillions of dollars from the worlds economies through the clever corrupt trick of Bubbles, which are Ponzi Schemes which since the South Sea Bubble of 1720 have been a regular yearly event culminating in the recent housing derivatives bubble of 2006 - 2007.

Some families and individuals in control of the economy, through having the power to remove the Glass-Steagal Act, this time have stolen 50 trillions of dollars out of the economy through as always, knowing when to invest and when to get out of the mortgage industry, boosted and bubbled by toxic derivatives. The bubbles are due to continue because nothing has been done to remove the intentionally corrupt banking industry through the normal method of bankruptcy as the aim is to continue to steal everything.

I want to define "psychopath": a person who manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of the ability to love, extreme egocentricity, & failure to learn from experience. If that don't define our central banking criminals, words cannot.

In the end, you have to ask the News outlet, the person propagandising, what is the solution?

Which solutions to the problem is that News Outlet person propagandising; intellectually discern through his solutions whether he is a good person or Corporation Whore or Secret service Controlled Opposition, because that informs you of whether the problems are being propagandised in a good or bad way.

The New World Order rules only through fear and the propagation of fear.

Solutions which do not solve the problem or which make the problem worse, are what the The New World Order wants.

Discern the good solutions of Glass Steagall, of Economic Growth through taxing Wall Street as main street is taxed. The nationalisation of the central banks like the Fed to create Trillions in investment in infrastructure, irrigation, Agriculture. The production of 30 millions of well paid new jobs. Freedom, education, human evolution, good morality - "There are too few friends and good people on this Planet!!" Lets have more!!

Rather than protection against economic collapse - guns, gold, and food storage.

Saturn devouring his children - like the elite devour Enron, housing bubbles and pension funds and rent seeking - nothing new created, no growth, only the vampirisation of that which already exists - like the other part of the dark side vampirises the energies of their sons and brothers through energy blockage implants - mentioned by Dante in the Inferno of the Comedia about Count Ugolino eating his sons.


The real intention of human existence, as distinct from other living species, is the continuity of progress of man's development and work on behalf of works which partake of a notion akin to "the greater glory of God." It is a glory which depends in large degree, in particular, on men and women who have grown old, but also specially matured in their creative powers through Energy Enhancement. It is the production of the development of the intellectual and Spiritual powers of creativity in the human individual which is the mission which expresses the purpose of the conception of the birth and development of the new human individual.



The quotes below from David John Oates mentions that originally all humanity was powered by the energy of God through the crown chakra. However, due to absorbing energy blockages into and above the crown chakra, all humanity became cut off from God and could only survive by stealing energy from the rest of humanity. All humanity became Energy Vampires.


Some families passed on this information to their family generation to generation and began to look upon the rest of Humanity, "Fresh Meat" as their cattle, Animals who could be slaughtered for their energy. All the ills of Humanity spring from this knowledge. These families over thousands of years have created the perfect power of Oligarchicly controlled societies to continue this vampirisation process.

The Dumming Down of humanity via pollution, The Oligarchic Policy of Pollution means that energy is put into health instead of evolution and throwing off the chains of slavery. People die many years before their time and are unable to become wise. For humanity to grow, we need a pure environment free from Fuctories which have been designed from the start only to produce pollution in every town and city in the World.

Every ache and pain is caused by pollution of the environment of Air, Water, pesticides, irradiation of food including microwaves which destroy high energy food components, also Frankenstein Food which in every experiment has killed every rat within three months. Now, 50% die from Heart disease, 30% die from Cancer.

We don't need more pills from Elite created Big Pharma. We need to stop the cause of the aches, pains and disease. We need to stop pollution!!

Oates gives his personal experience with polluted Egoic Energy Blockage Implants becoming purified talents through the process of evolution in the Psychic Body, "Whirlwind".

You may remember a book, "The Center of the Cyclone" This is the psychic Body, The Antahkarana which streches from the center of the Earth through our seven chakra bodies out into the Central Spiritual Sun in the Center of the Universe, God. The One God with 10,000 names.

These unpurified talent blockages can be absorbed, can be passed on, virus like, from person to person, psychic body to psychic body.

Together with Energy Connections chakra to chakra these aspects of Energy Blockage and Energy Connection are the hidden aspects of every relationship and to Master Relationships, you need to learn, with Energy Enhancement Level Four, how to Master Energy Blockage absorbtion and Transmutation and Energy Connections in every Relationship.

The Blockages we absorb from others in every interaction in every relationship can be unpurified or Evil, or Purified Angelic Energy Blockage Talents and these two types of energy spring from evolved people of the evil demonic kind or the enlightened good kind. So, you have to judge your company and the company you keep. "Stay away from evil" - Jesus.

The Oates Unconscious metaphors are Energy Blockages residing in the whirlwind psychic body. These Energy Blockage metaphors are either egoic and unpurified or are purified angelic talents. Usually unpurified energy blockage talents have to be purified through the Energy Enhancement seven step process or must wait for Karma, the action of these energy blockages on Karmic Relatiionships so that the Lie of the blockage can be seen through its evil action.

Quotes From The Light of Collective Creation By David John Oates (Additions by Satchidanand)

"A primarily central theme in these metaphors is the operation and function of "The Whirlwind." ... an energy field which surrounds the body. This energy field interacts with a larger field that permeates our physical world. In its simplest form, The Whirlwind operates as a giant communications link. This link relays our unconscious messages to the larger Whirlwind which then travels out and connects with other people’s own personal Whirlwinds. This attracts and creates those situations which our unconscious had learned that we need to operate. ...


"… humans were fighting for dominance and control of the Whirlwind within and its interaction with the Whirlwind without. It described this process as the exchange and theft of Sex (Energy) in the form of emotional transfers. Humans were constantly having psychic Sex with each other. Life situations provided the necessary sexual energy to enable the psyche to continue functioning. Psychic Sex could be healthy and uplifting, making love; it could superficial, screwing or fucking; or it could be totally damaging, farting, shitting, etc.

...there was an ultimate source for this psychic sexual energy and this source came from God. However, we had lost contact with God eons ago and now sourced each other and life situations instead. (All are energy vampires)


Separate from these personal interactions, a higher collective intelligence was also operating. This intelligence used the operations of the Whirlwind to structure the process of human evolution and historical events so that a higher consciousness could evolve. At times, it seemed to structure life events so that people operating common reversed metaphors (Talents created through Karma and later purified into Angelic Thoughtforms) would find each other. ..similar unconscious metaphors attracted each other through interactions in the Whirlwind. When these people met, they would exchange further personal metaphors (Talent Chakras, Psychic presents) that would unconsciously combine with other metaphors during the process of conversation and energy exchange. (Note these exchanged presents can be unpurified demonic energy blockages or purified Angelic talents)

The result would be a strengthened metaphoric structure, (A psychic Body increased in size, function and talent) and another piece of consciousness would be etched onto the psyche. In effect, some metaphors were evolving, approaching maturity like grapes on the vine. The pictures of the movie collectively and individually continued to unravel and grow"

Unconscious metaphors are Energy Blockages residing in the whirlwind psychic body. These Energy Blockage metaphors are either egoic and unpurified or are purified talents. Usually unpurified energy blockage talents have to be purified through the Energy Enhancement seven step process or must wait for Karma, through interaction in Relationships. The action of these energy blockages on Karmic Relationships so that the Lie of the blockage can be seen through its evil action.

There is a constant absorption and transmutation of energy going on in every meeting, every energy interaction, every bad person, every relationship, as the easy energy blockages are broken down and purified or stored in the psychic body to affect, waiting for an increase in evolution to enable the transmutation of the present untransmutable energy blockages..

"Separate from these personal interactions, a higher collective intelligence was also operating. This intelligence used the operations of the Whirlwind to structure the process of human evolution and historical events so that a higher consciousness could evolve. At times, it seemed to structure life events so that people operating common reversed metaphors would find each other.

Through the process of Oral Tradition, similar unconscious metaphors attracted each other through interactions in the Whirlwind. When these people met, they would exchange further personal metaphors that would unconsciously combine with other metaphors during the process of conversation and energy exchange.

The result would be a strengthened metaphoric structure, and another piece of consciousness would be etched onto the psyche. In effect, some metaphors were evolving, approaching maturity like grapes on the vine. The pictures of the movie collectively and individually continued to unravel and grow.

...the secrets of the universe and evolution were in the pictures (These are visions created by energy blockages) and they were now coming together, reaching critical mass. It was how we thought and acted and created, and it was how we evolved. The new pictures became new scenes, and new behavior became the new life plots. Collective knowledge continued to grow, collective intelligence expanded and, according to the hidden small voice of the spirit that I heard everyday, human consciousness was about to explode.

This process of evolution seemed to be leading mankind towards an inevitable and unshakable confrontation with itself....The unconscious mind was rising to consciousness and was calling for a unification of the whole. It was leading us back to ourselves, to the Light that lay within, and eventually humanity would begin to discover the source of energy that was contained within this Light.

From .. my Christian upbringing, I understood this energy to be the Light of God that came from the deepest recesses of the mind, from an area even deeper than the collective unconscious in the timeless void beyond the Mist .. called Heaven.

The Light began in the Holy of Holies in the very center of Heaven or the most sacred area of consciousness. It was the source of metaphor or the image that created all other images. It was a single conscious intelligence of Love that filled all and connected all. It was the energy that bound all together that resided within and without. .. the Light was, is and always will be, perfect Sex, or the power of connection and creation.

We were all designed to have Sex with God, (this is the perfect energy exchange of enlightenment - The twenty four hour a day orgasm) but had forgotten how to do so. We worshipped the images of beasts and demons in the unconscious instead. We had allowed these images to create our world of dysfunction and disharmony. Because they were not the Light, we were now required to source Sex externally rather than internally. Even the Christ metaphor, forever resident in total consciousness, that enabled us to bypass the beasts had been ignored. The only way we could now have Sex was to exchange personal resources with those around. This allowed the dysfunctional metaphors to have even more control and dominance in the world as the pictures within created the pictures without.


With the arrogance of conscious blindness, we had given demons permission to reside in the Whirlwind that the light of collective intelligence had used to reflect Himself upon the world. And so the Light of collective intelligence was restructuring the historical events of human history through the pictures in the wind so the demons of the mind could be exposed.

What was once unconscious would begin to be seen by the conscious. Then humanity would be forced to face the demons. Many would scream in pain, shielding their eyes from the torment that fell upon them. Some would stand firm though. If they could banish the demons from the winds of the mind, then the Light could be completely reflected out and physical reality would literally shift to one of harmony and paradise as the picture within created the picture without.

.. the ultimate purpose of human history was to manifest the Light onto the world once more. As it had been in the beginning in the Garden before the great unconsciousness came, so would it become again. The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the forwards and the backwards…."

Quotes From The Light of Collective Creation By David John Oates (Additions by Satchidanand)


Evolution is the creation of a bigger and bigger and more pure and purified psychic body. Metaphors are the talents and the energy blockages. There is a constant absorption of energy in each interaction, in each relationship. Afterwards Karma is the result of this absorption and later still purification of that which has been absorbed.

There is a constant process of energy blockage absorbance, transmutation by Energy Enhancement or you get the action of karma if you don't use Energy Enhancement Transmutative Techniques, experience and the creation of a bigger, more talented Psychic body.

Those who cannot transmute the evil energy blockages become more evil and psychopathic. There is a continuous battle between good and evil, a continuous Armageddon!!

Energy Presents absorbed from the enlightened are pure and are seed gifts for your benefit. The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process is a technique where all the energy we have ever absorbed over many thousands of lifetimes can be transmuted without the necessity of going through the evil karma. Where we can purify our whole Energy Body to the level of Illumination, The Creation of the Vajra Diamond body, fast!! In this lifetime.

You need to gain talent evolution and energy to be enabled to transmute the deepest energy blockages.

That is why people come to meet the Enlightened to be healed of that which they cannot transmute.

That is why people come to stay with Enlightened masters to learn the techniques of transmutation. To be helped to transmute that which as yet, they cannot transmute.

To create a bigger more talented and purified energy body. To become enlightened.




These words cover a building technique or a process of energy manipulation which brings into being a rapport between the Monad and a human being who is aspiring towards full liberation and is treading the Path of Discipleship and Initiation; it can create a channel of light and life between the higher and the lower divine aspects and can produce a bridge between the world of spiritual life and the world of daily physical plane living. It is a technique for producing the highest form of dualism and of eliminating the threefold expression of divinity, thereby intensifying the divine expression and bringing man nearer to his ultimate goal. Disciples must always remember that soul consciousness is an intermediate stage. It is also a process whereby - from the angle of the subhuman kingdoms in nature - humanity itself becomes the divine intermediary and the transmitter of spiritual energy to those lives whose stages of consciousness are below that of self-consciousness. Humanity becomes to these lives - in their totality - what the Hierarchy is to humanity. This service only becomes possible when a sufficient number of the human race are distinguished by the knowledge of the higher duality and are increasingly soul-conscious and not just self-conscious. They can then make this transmission possible, and it is done by means of the antahkarana.

1. Intention. By this is not meant a mental decision, wish or determination. The idea is more literally the focusing of energy upon the mental plane at the point of greatest possible tension. It signifies the bringing about of a condition in the disciple's consciousness which is analogous to that of the Logos when - on His much vaster scale - He concentrated within a ring-pass-not (defining His desired [487] sphere of influence) the energy-substance needed to carry out His purpose in manifesting. This the disciple must also do, gathering his forces (to use a common expression) into the highest point of his mental consciousness and holding them there in a state of absolute tension. You can now see the purpose lying behind some of the meditation processes and techniques as embodied in the words so often used in the meditation outlines: "raise the consciousness to the head center"; "hold the consciousness at the highest possible point"; "endeavor to hold the mind steady in the light"; and many similar phrases. They are all concerned with the task of bringing the disciple to the point where he can achieve the desired point of tension and of energy-focusing. This will enable him to begin the conscious task of constructing the antahkarana. It is this thought which really lies unrecognized behind the word "intention," used so often by Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholics when preparing candidates for communion. They indicate a different direction, however, for the orientation they desire is not that towards the Monad or spirit, but towards the soul, in an effort to bring about better character equipment in the personality and an intensification of the mystical approach.

In the "intention" of the disciple who is consciously occupied with the rainbow bridge, the first necessary steps are:

The achievement of right orientation; and this must take place in two stages: first, towards the soul as one aspect of the building energy, and second, towards the Triad.

A mental understanding of the task to be carried out. This involves the use of the mind in two ways: responsiveness to buddhic or intuitional impression and an act of the creative imagination.
A process of energy gathering or of force absorption, in order that the needed energies are confined within a mental ring-pass-not, prior to the later process of visualization and projection. [488]
A period of clear thinking anent process and intention, so that the dedicated bridge-builder may clearly perceive what is being done.
The steady preservation of tension without undue physical strain upon the brain cells.

When this has been accomplished there will be found to be present a focal point of mental energy which previously had been non-existent; the mind will be held steady in the light, and there will also be the alignment of a receptive attentive personality and a soul oriented towards the personality and in a state of constant, directed perception. I would remind you that the soul (as it lives its own life on its own level of awareness) is not always constantly aware of its shadow, the personality, in the three worlds. When the antahkarana is being built, this awareness must be present alongside the intention of the personality.

2. Visualization. Up to this point the activity has been of a mental nature. The creative imagination has been relatively quiescent; the disciple has been occupied within the mind and upon mental levels, and has "looked neither up nor down." But now the right point of tension has been reached; the reservoir or pool of needed energy has been restrained within the carefully delimited ring-pass-not, and the bridge-builder is ready for the next step. He therefore proceeds at this point to construct the blue print of the work to be done, by drawing upon the imagination and its faculties as they are to be found upon the highest level of his astral, or sensitive vehicle. This does not relate to the emotions. Imagination is, as you know, the lowest aspect of the intuition, and this fact must be remembered at all times. Sensitivity, as an expression of the astral body, is the opposite pole to buddhic sensitivity. The disciple has purified and refined his imaginative faculties so that they are now responsive to the impression of the buddhic principle or of the intuitive perception - perception, apart from sight or any recorded possible vision. According to the responsiveness of the astral vehicle to the [489] buddhic impression, so will be the accuracy of the "plans" laid for the building of the antahkarana and the visualizing of the bridge of light in all its beauty and completeness.
The creative imagination has to be stepped up in its vibratory nature so that it can affect the "pool of energy" or the energy-substance which has been gathered for the building of the bridge. The creative activity of the imagination is the first organizing influence which works upon and within the ring-pass-not of accumulated energies, held in a state of tension by the "intention" of the disciple. Ponder upon this occult and significant statement.

The creative imagination is in the nature of an active energy, drawn up into relationship with the point of tension; it there and then produces effects in mental substance. The tension is thereby increased, and the more potent and the clearer the visualization process, the more beautiful and strong will be the bridge. Visualization is the process whereby the creative imagination is rendered active and becomes responsive to and attracted by the point of tension upon the mental plane.

At this stage the disciple is occupied with two energies: one, quiescent and held within a ring-pass-not, but at a point of extreme tension, and the other active, picture-forming, outgoing and responsive to the mind of the bridge-builder. In this connection it should be remembered that the second aspect of the divine Trinity is the form-building aspect, and thus, under the Law of Analogy, it is the second aspect of the personality and the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad which are becoming creatively active. The disciple is now proceeding with the second stage of his building work, and so the numerical significance will become apparent to you. He must work slowly at this point, picturing what he wants to do, why he has to do it, what are the stages of his work, what will be the resultant effects of his planned activity, and what are the materials with which he has to work. He endeavors to visualize the entire process, and by this means sets up a definite rapport (if successful) between the buddhic intuition and the creative imagination [490] of the astral body. Consequently, you will have at this point:

The buddhic activity of impression.
The tension of the mental vehicle, as it holds the needed energy-substance at the point of projection.


The imaginative processes of the astral body.
When the disciple has trained himself to be consciously aware of the simultaneity of this threefold work, then it goes forward successfully and almost automatically. This he does through the power of visualization. A current of force is set up between these pairs of opposites (astral-buddhic) and - as it passes through the reservoir of force upon the mental plane - it produces an interior activity and an organization of the substance present. There then supervenes a steadily mounting potency, until the third stage is reached and the work passes out of the phase of subjectivity into that of objective reality - objective from the standpoint of the spiritual man.


3. Projection. The task of the disciple has now reached a most critical point. Many aspirants reach this particular stage and - having developed a real capacity to visualize, and having therefore constructed by its means the desired form, and organized the substance which is to be employed in this later phase of the building process - find themselves unable to proceed any further. What then is the matter? Primarily, an inability to use the Will in the process of projection. This process is a combination of will, further and continued visualization, and the use of the ray Word of Power. Up to the present stage in the process, the method for all the seven rays is identical; but at this point there comes a change. Each disciple, having successfully organized the bridge substance, having brought into activity the will aspect, and being consciously aware of process and performance, proceeds now to move the organized substance forward, so that from the center of force which he has succeeded in accumulating there appears a line of light-substance or projection. This is sent forward upon a [491] Word of Power, as in the logoic creative process. This is in reality a reversal of the process of the Monad when It sent forth the thread of life which finally anchored itself in the soul. The soul, in reality, came into being through the means of this anchoring; then came the later process, when the soul in its turn sent forth a dual thread which finally found anchorage in the head and the heart of the lower threefold man, the personality. The disciple is focused in the center which he has constructed upon the mental plane, and is drawing all his resources (those of the threefold personality and the soul combined) into activity; he now projects a line towards the Monad.

It is along this line that the final withdrawal of the forces takes place, the forces which - upon the downward way or the involutionary path - focused themselves in the personality and the soul. The antahkarana per se, completed by the bridge built by the disciple, is the final medium of abstraction or of the great withdrawal. It is with the antahkarana that the initiate is concerned in the fourth initiation, called sometimes the Great Renunciation - the renunciation or the withdrawal from form life, both personal and egoic. After this initiation neither of these aspects can hold the Monad any more. The "veil of the Temple" is rent in twain from the top to the bottom - that veil which separated the Outer Court (the personality life) from the Holy Place (the soul) and from the Holy of Holies (the Monad) in the Temple at Jerusalem. The implications and the analogies will necessarily be clear to you.

In order, therefore, to bring about the needed projection of the accumulated energies, organized by the creative imagination and brought to a point of excessive tension by the focusing of the mental impulse (an aspect of the will), the disciple then calls upon the resources of his soul, stored up in what is technically called "the jewel in the lotus." This is the anchorage of the Monad - a point which must not be forgotten. The aspects of the soul which we call knowledge, love and sacrifice, and which are expressions of the causal body, are only effects of this monadic radiation. [492]

Therefore, before the bridge can be truly built and "projected on the upward way, providing safe travelling for the pilgrim's weary feet" (as the Old Commentary puts it), the disciple must begin to react in response to the closed lotus bud or jewel at the center of the opened lotus. This he does when the sacrifice petals of the egoic lotus are assuming control in his life, when his knowledge is being transmuted into wisdom, and his love for the whole is growing; to these is being added the "power to renounce." These three egoic qualities - when functioning with a measure of potency - produce an increased activity at the very center of soul life, the heart of the lotus. It should be remembered that the correspondences in the egoic lotus to the three planetary centers are as follows:

Shamballa - The jewel in the lotus.
Hierarchy - The three groups of petals.
Humanity - The three permanent atoms within the aura of the lotus.

Students should also bear in mind that they need to rid themselves of the usual idea of sacrifice as a process of giving-up, or renunciation of all that makes life worth living. Sacrifice is, technically speaking, the achievement of a state of bliss and of ecstasy because it is the realization of another divine aspect, hidden hitherto by both the soul and the personality. It is understanding and recognition of the will-to-good which made creation possible and inevitable, and which was the true cause of manifestation. Ponder on this, for it is very different in its significance to the usual concepts anent sacrifice.




When the disciple has gained the fruit of experience which is knowledge and is learning to transmute it into wisdom, when his objective is to live truly and in reality, and when the will-to-good is the crowning goal of his daily life, then he can begin to evoke the Will. This will make the link between the lower and the higher minds, between spirit and matter and between Monad and personality a definite and existent fact. Duality then supervenes upon [493] triplicity, and the potency of the central nucleus in the egoic vehicle destroys - at the fourth initiation - the three surrounding expressions. They disappear, and then the so-called destruction of the causal body has taken place. This is the true "second death" - death to form altogether.

This is practically all that I can tell you anent the process of projection. It is a living process, growing out of the conscious daily experience and dependent upon the expression of the divine aspects in the life upon the physical plane, as far as is possible. Where there is an attempt to approximate the personality life to the demands of the soul and to use the intellect on behalf of humanity, love is beginning to control; and then the significance of the "divine sacrifice" is increasingly understood and becomes a natural, spontaneous expression of individual intention. Then it becomes possible to project the bridge. The vibration is then set up on lower levels of divine manifestation and becomes strong enough to produce response from the higher. Then, when the Word of Power is known and rightly used, the bridge is rapidly built.

Students need feel in no way discouraged by this picture. Much can happen on the inner planes where there is right intention, as well as occult intention (purpose and tension combined), and the bridge reaches stages of definite outline and structure long before the disciple is aware of it.









Student experience of sexual Implants


"Satchidanand seems to be talking of a reality once written about by many Sages of the past but now forgotten in the West!"




"Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!!"

"Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!! Every day was a Miracle on my Course as my Ego Blockages bit the dust! I remember one day just after removing one of the most difficult Implant Control Blockages I ended up prostrating at the feet of Satchidanand in Tears of Gratitude.

The Power of Satchidanand when focused on the Blockage was beyond my comprehension, and yet the blockage was resisting. With steady application from Satchidanand even that blockage was dissolved and Grounded. No-One Else could have removed that blockage as it was too strong!! And yet up to that point Satchidanand allowed me remove every other blockage we found by myself. He only entered into the fray when it was absolutely necessary and this built up a steady body of Confidence that I could handle everything which the course threw at me!!

From a guy who could barely feel the energy blockages at the start of the course, I have grown into a Healer who not only can "See" every Energy Blockage, but my Intuition has grown to the extent that I "Know" every what why and wherefore about them.

Satchi uses Spiritual Movies to teach and he channels energy to emphasise the spiritual points being made. One night, we were watching the movie, "Constantine" where Keanu Reaves is playing the Cynical Wizard who curses the "Gift" of Psychic Vision he has been given and who is using the Poor me/Violator Strategy of committing slow suicide through smoking 30 a day for 15 years in revenge to God. Satchi felt the energy of one of my blockages and he held it for me whilst I felt into it and healed it by myself.

The blockage was one where I complained bitterly to God for everything which happened which I did not like - which was almost everything. The blockage was powered by the most bitter hatred such that everything in my life felt like shit and this Hate filled Blockage was just confirming that my life was Shit!!   Satchi said, "everything on this course has happened perfectly, and joked, "I am the Hand of God on this Planet" and indeed everything on the course did happen perfectly and just at the right time.

Directly after watching this film, I had a powerful healing-teaching experience: I realised that the blockage Satchi was holding for me was a powerful energy-blockage within me which thinks it knows best all the time. This blockage caused great anger and frustration in my life. I experienced a wondeful healing and teaching when I understood the nature of this blockage and released it back to God. This teaching was all about letting go of all the selfish expectations in my life and being more appreciative and grateful for the life which is given to me.

Thank you Swamis Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani for your perfect care and blessings. Miracles and yet more Miracles!!" -

 Graham Smith on his Energy Enhancement Course in Goa, India November 2009