Meditation Course Testimonial - Jo-Ferris - Special teacher of abused children, Southern India

My journey to India was not only a journey halfway round the world, it was also a journey deep within myself. Each ashram had a powerful energy which had a sometimes intense effect on my emotions.
At Ramana Maharshi Ashram I felt as though layers of protection that I had used defensively were being taken away and my heart felt more open.
At father Bede Griffiths Ashram I remembered past traumas and worked through the pain. I gained a deeper insight into myself and my relationships with others.
At Sai Babas ashram I felt a gentle heart energy. The time spent there was a time of reflection. It enabled me to really focus on what I need from my life and relationships and how I can expand myself and grow further.
During the tour I found that having time to meditate every day was invaluable. I was able to be more in contact with my Inner self. A space where peace reigned and where wisdom and guidance can pour forth.
At times I was able to write down this guidance to help me in the future. The meditations and Energy Work gave me an insight into my emotional and physical wellbeing, how the two things are interconnected and which areas I need to work on. I now have a range of practises to take to England.
I feel as though I have grown through my experiences in India. In particular I feel more comfortable with my femininity and can now see how a women can be a powerful person without having to be like a man.
Devi Dhyani has been an important role model for me. During the tour Devi and Satchidanand were always available to talk to and healing was freely given when I needed it. I felt supported, safe, and looked after by both Devi and Satchidanand during the tour.

The tour has been a time for releasing the pain, introspection, and self realisation. I feel as though it has been a vital part of my growth. I wouldn't have missed one minute of it !
