"We do what we want" - CNN




Kill the Messenger, Gary Webb, and The Myth Of The Free Press

Spengler tells us that government in 19th- and 20thcentury Europe reflects the culture’s general decline into civilization, that parliamentarism in France and England has actually been in full corruption throughout this period of transition to Totalitarian Caesarism.

That democratic institutions of government merely mask the real political power of Babylonian Satanism, whose aim for the last 10,000 years has been the Decline and Fall of every Civilisation ever to have existed, to increase Poverty, to create a failed Fellahin state where every citizen is degenerated and corrupt through that Poverty for ultimate control of all humanity; and Babylonian Satanism's tools, Finance Capital and it's major agent, the Press.

In the same way that Spengler charted the, "inevitable" stages of civilisational decay, so Orlov has created, "The Five Stages of Collapse"...

Spengler's Fellahin Society, the last phase of collapse.. "All of the data indicates that nations at war suffering mortality rates exceeding 25% are permanently traumatized and destroyed, for they are incapable of ever recovering their pre-war integrity. They become for all practical purposes ghost societies." - United States Air Force Manual on War and Counter-Insurgency, Washington, spring 1983

Once you understand that the Mad Psychopathic followers of the Satanic Religion have been created by Satanic Ritual as a tool of Policy, by the real Rulers to destroy all Civilisations, to control all Humanity, then everything falls into place...

I watched a documentary off the Fan website about the dark side...

I suppose there are many different ways to encourage people into that dark practice, and it's seeping through all times of TV e.g late night comedy, even food e.g. Pepsi using aborted chopped up fetuses as one of their flavour ingredients, Meat is Satanic Murder, all sorts...But! I'd love to see the light side, but cannot tell where all the angels work is...I assume Energy Enhancement is the culmination of all the Angels work on this planet. I'd love to try and see their work in other things.

Reporter Why do they do such wicked things in these covens?

Interviewee: Because they're pleasing Satan, the lower you become, the more vile you become, the more pleased Satan is with you, and therefore the more power you'll get when you die.

Reporter: And they believe this?

Interviewee: They believe it. They absolutely believe it.

Rituals creating perversion and degeneration are Satanism.


Ritual Homosexuality and Pedophilia are symptoms of the Satanic Religion and the Satanic Sex Addiction Blockage in Society. It was the arrest of the notorious Jewish born child serial killer Mr Dutroux in August 1996 that brought the Belgium Paedophile scandal to light. The rescue of the last Two young girls he kidnapped lead to an investigation of Dutroux. Five women who testifies anonymously in Belgium under the code name ”X” described a generational family underworld of Satanism, where Satanic Families pimped out their children for rape, pedophilia, sadomasochism, torture, cannibalism, snuff movies, and murder. They said that Satanic politicians, Bilderbuggers and other high placed members of society were involved.


 Decay is Only inevitable as long as Satanism is Occulted, Hidden. Decay is Only inevitable as long as no one believes in the Universal Presence of Satanism and its Mad Psychopathic followers in all Civilisations, in all Cities, in all the World. 


The aim of writing about problems of the World as apart from individual problems is that both of these problems are totally solved by Energy Enhancement Meditation!!

We should not be afraid, we should practise the Energy Enhancement solution - Meditation - and Free both ourselves and the World from misery and pain towards a new future of Peace and Plenty - Inner and Outer Wealth, Richness, Abundance, Wealth!!

The Elite push the fear of Scare-City of commodities, water and food but human genius is such that all these problems have solutions -

Infrastructure, Irrigation, Fusion Power Generation, the Fusion Torch, Space Exploration.

Oh, and Energy Enhancement Meditation!!




Kill the Messenger details the control of the "Free" Press in the USA.

This "Free" Press Control of Society has been in force for 10,000 years in every country in the World but as the control increases, as liberties are lost, as Nazi Totallitarianism increases, so the control of the press increases...

Now in Russia, China, India, Brazil, Europe, Great Britain...

Then in Ancient Greece with the death of Socrates, Rome with its Totalitarian, Satanic and homosexual Caesar Emperors, Constantinople, Persia, Ottoman Empire, China's  Han Fei and the Qin dynasty, and those of the Han, Wei, Shu Han, or Sui Dynasties with their Satanic Totalitarian Legalists and its Satanist created 70,000 bureaucrat castrati..

As the Satanic Control increases, so genocide occurs..

Totalitarian States of the Reichstag Fire of Satanic Nazi Hitler - 25 Millions Murdered, Genocided, Euthenised!!

The Russian Revolution and Soviet Union of Stalin and Lenin - 65 Millions Murdered!!

The French Revolution of Robespierre and Napoleon - Europe destroyed, povertised.

The Maoist Revolution in China - 85 Millions Dead.


The Controlled Press Presstitutes are Corporate Media and Also the Alternative Press

Lenin, the first Communist dictator and MI6 Secret Agent, after the takeover of Russia in 1917, is widely credited with the following quotation, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

Controlled opposition uses a number of identifiable tactics to maximise their efficacy:

1. Mix truth with lies to provide a world view which is flawed and can be discredited. Predominantly truth can be presented with a few lies or outrageous lies can be presented with a few truths.

2. Gatekeepers provide only a portion of the truth, which creates a "limited hangout" and prevents followers from getting all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole.

3. Deliberately frighten people by presenting information in an alarming fashion, which creates an overly melodramatic following and limits the appeal to newcomers.

4. Have a Straw Man - a person of dubious credibility, who is later on discredited - present the truth so everyone disbelieves all the truth he has presented. For example people who say the Queen is an Alien Annunaki Reptile, or talk about UFO's, or are Racist, totally discredits everything else, the Truth, which 90% they are giving.

5. Create a "movement" within which only the consensus view is acceptable, enabling leaders to hold people within a "limited hangout".

For example.. build a schizm into any religion in order to attack the majority Religion and create mad warriors to create War, poverty and chaos.

One such schism was Martin Luther who worked for Cardinal Contarini of Venice who was in charge of the Council of Trent and who thus also created Reform Protestantism with Luther and Calvin who was Coen a marrano Jew and at the same time at Trent, its opposite, The Jesuits and the Inquisition. 

Another was British MI6 Agent Hempher who paid Agents Salafi and Abdul Wahhab to create the Schism in Islam and thus create Saudi Wahhabism, The Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS. Key to this strategy was the creation of the Salafi movement, which was an outgrowth of the emergence of the Egyptian Freemasonry of Cagliostro, which today is closely aligned to the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia. Protestantism, Wahhabism and Salafism hinge upon the badness of Saints, religious images and shrines being against God!! Thus the destruction of thousands of the Shrines of Saints throughout the Middle East and also the blowing up of the Buddhas of Babyan in Afghanistan by the Taliban.

Another was Marxism created by paid British Agent Karl Marx who wrote Das Capital from his MI6 office in the British Museum in London, managed by Engels under the aegis of Ambassador Urquhart, in order to take down the Czars of Russia and create a controlled opposition in every country, Worldwide..

The other was completely controlled Freemasonry - the Ancient Egyptian Religion - entered into every country to infiltrate the Elite and take it over. This is Freemasonic Salafism, the Muslim Brotherhood and the upper levels of Freemasonry - at the top level of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient Scottish Rite and the Palladian Rite it is pure Luciferianism - in every country of the World.

The Anglo-American Establishment Controls Saudi Arabian Wahhabism and Satanic ISIS



7. Ironically the best information is available from controlled opposition websites because 90% of that they say is the Truth!!  The Vigilant Citizen, provides the very illuminating article "The 25 Rules of Disinformation". The Vigilant Citizen, The 25 Rules of Disinformation, 24 May 2011,

It is reasonable to assume that in addition to controlling corporate media the Illuminati also control the vast majority alternative media. Based on experience I assume that any media organisation (website, radio station or TV station) is controlled until proven otherwise.



It is always sad to lose trust in the authorities in any country yet the fight for freedom, richness and Wealth for all humanity continues with people of good will Worldwide.

“If we assume responsibility for our self or the world around us we will be harmed by the permanently raised and threatening arm of authority. And so, to avoid this danger, we learn to become servile and dependent victims who are acted upon, or who act at the command and initiative of others.” - Victor Frankl, Psychologist and Nazi Holocaust Survivor

Countries and Media contain a mixture of psychopaths and people of good will.

Yet, only when the psychopaths take over the asylum do we see death.

From being the Beacon of Truth and Democracy we see the reigns of the reign tighten into total Totalitarianism and Satanic Nazification.

The Satanic Fascist "Free" Presstitutes laud and promote the myth of American democracy - even as we are stripped of civil liberties and money replaces the vote. The Constitution is cancelled by the, "Patriot Act". The Satanic Fascist "Free" Presstitutes pay deference to the leaders of Satanic British Wall Street (Wall Street, New York, was the old Slave Market) and in Washington, no matter how perfidious their crimes.

The Satanic Fascist "Free" Presstitutes slavishly venerate the military and law enforcement in the name of patriotism. The Satanic Fascist "Free" Presstitutes select the specialists and experts, almost always drawn from the centers of power, to interpret reality and explain policy.

The Satanic Fascist "Free" Presstitutes usually rely on press releases, written by corporations, for their news. And The Satanic Fascist "Free" Presstitutes fill most of their news holes with celebrity gossip, lifestyle stories, sports and trivia." The role of the satanic mass media is to entertain or to parrot official propaganda to the masses.

There is more truth about American journalism in the film “Kill the Messenger,” which chronicles the Satanic media’s discrediting of the work of the investigative journalist Gary Webb, who stated that the American Government was importing Cocaine and Heroin into the USA to sell it and use the funds to support CIA Black Ops.

Zbignew Brezinski had already admitted in his book "The Technotronic Era" that all Crime Drug networks were run at the top by Government and anyone not made, not paying their cut would be jailed by the Government but the purpose of Satanic Presstitutes is to obfuscate the truth.

Just as the American and British Governments increase the production of Opium/Heroin in Afghanistan - since the invasion of Afghanistan Heroin production has increased massively so that  now 90% of World Heroin is supplied by Afghanistan. More, the Nato and United Nations planes are used to transport the Heroin to Albania and Kosovo for distribution by UN trucks throughout Europe.

There is more truth about American journalism in the film “Kill the Messenger,” than there is in the movie “All the President’s Men,” which celebrates the exploits of the reporters who uncovered the Watergate scandal.

The Satanic Fascist Press mass media which has been bought out so thoroughly that twenty media corporations in the 1970's have been reduced to only four in 2014. There is CIA representation on all the boards of these media companies. Editors and journalists also are paid by the CIA to blindly support the ideology of fascist corporate/government capitalism.

Satanic Babylonian Secret Services have for 10,000 years infiltrated every Secret Agency in every country in the world. This is the Deep State. This is the Secret Compartmentalised Government.



SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART FOUR - The Satanic Inter-Alpha Group Corporatist Fascism is Globalization One Hundred and Eight City of London Satanic Anglo-Dutch Admiralty Law Masonic Lodge Livery Companies political and military tool of the Empire which the Satanic Generational Gang Families from Babylon Venice and Vatican Rome Jesuit Masonic, Knights of Malta, Control

THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Gang Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment

THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SECRET KNOWLEDGE OF LUCIFERIANISM AND SATANISM BY THE NEOPLATONIC ELITE  Satanism, Luciferianism, Paganism, The Old Religion from Nimrod and Babylon and the Generational Family Gangs  who created the Slave trading, Drug Smuggling Roman Empire, Venetian Empire, Dutch Empire, British Empire, Anglo-American Empire, Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, New World Order... "The Principle of Poverty" and their creation, the Religion of Satanism, it's work of the Degeneration of Humanity, it's Ritual Human Sacrifice,  "Lives for Satan", "The Blood is the Life" - it's War as it's Agent for this - 280 millions of people dead in the 20th century through war and torture!!

Satanic Fascist Press laud and promote the myth of American democracy - even as we are stripped of civil liberties and money replaces the vote. Satanic Fascist Press pay deference to the leaders on Wall Street and in Washington, no matter how perfidious their crimes. Satanic Fascist Press slavishly venerate the military and law enforcement Homeland Security in the name of patriotism. The Patriot act, based on False Flags, has superceded the Constitution.

What is left is the Satanic take over Totalitarian State.

Satanists select the media specialists and experts, almost always drawn from the centers of power, to interpret reality and explain policy. They usually rely on press releases, written by corporations, for their news. And they fill most of their news holes with celebrity gossip, lifestyle stories, sports and trivia. They push Bill Gates Frankenstein GMO. They push Bill Gates poisoned vaccinations. They pervert education, for instance pushing homosexuality and pederasty in sex education sessions with five year olds, schools and Universities.

The role of the Satanic Fascist mass media is to entertain or to parrot official propaganda to the masses. The Satanic Fascist CIA/NSA corporations, which own the press and who started, funded and now own Google, hire journalists willing to be courtiers to the elites, and they promote them as celebrities. These journalistic courtiers, who can earn millions of dollars, are invited into the inner circles of power. They are, as John Ralston Saul writes, hedonists of power.



When Gary Webb, writing in a 1996 series in the San Jose Mercury News, exposed the Central Intelligence Agency’s complicity in smuggling tons of cocaine for sale into the United States to fund the CIA-backed Contra rebels in Nicaragua, the press turned him into a journalistic leper. And over the generations there is a long list of journalistic lepers, from Ida B. Wells to I.F. Stone to Julian Assange to Snowden.

The attacks against Webb have been renewed in publications such as The Washington Post since the release of the film earlier this month. These attacks are an act of self-justification. They are an attempt by the mass media to mask the collaboration between themselves and the power elite. The Satanic Fascist mass media, like the rest of the liberal establishment, seek to wrap themselves in the moral veneer of the fearless pursuit of truth and justice. But to maintain this myth they have to destroy the credibility of journalists such as Webb and Assange and Snowden who shine a light on the sinister and murderous inner workings of empire, who care more about truth than news.

The country’s Satanic Fascist news outlets—including The New York Times, which wrote that there was “scant proof” of Webb’s contention—functioned as guard dogs for the CIA.

Soon after the 1996 exposé appeared, The Washington Post devoted nearly two full pages to attacking Webb’s assertions.

The Los Angeles Times ran three separate articles that slammed Webb and his story.

It was a seedy, disgusting and shameful chapter in American journalism. But it was hardly unique. Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, in the 2004 article “How the Press and the CIA Killed Gary Webb’s Career,” detailed the dynamics of the nationwide smear campaign.

Webb’s newspaper, after printing a mea culpa about the series, cast him out.

He was unable to work again as an investigative journalist and, fearful of losing his house, he was suicided in 2004.

We know he committed suicide with two bullets in the head. Two taps to the head the sign of a professional hit.

We know, in part because of a Senate investigation led by then-Sen. John Kerry, that Webb was right.

But truth was never the issue for those who opposed the journalist.

Webb exposed the Satanic Fascist CIA as a bunch of gunrunning, drug-smuggling thugs.

He exposed the mass media, which depend on official sources for most of their news and are therefore hostage to those sources, as craven handmaidens of power. He had crossed the line.

And he paid for it with his life.

If the CIA was funneling hundreds of millions of dollars in drugs into black inner-city neighborhoods to pervert the evolution of humanity, to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua, what did that say about the legitimacy of the vast covert organization? What did it tell us about the so-called war on drugs? What did it tell us about the government’s callousness and indifference like when they put Typhoid on blankets which they then gave to the Indians to genocide the Native American Indians, like the weaponised Aids and Ebola made in the USA, they sent drug indian blankets to the poor, especially poor people of color at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic? What did it say about rogue military operations carried out beyond public scrutiny?

These were questions the power elites, and their courtiers in the press, are determined to silence.

Eugenics and the Nazi Fascist Holocaust - and Satanic Agents Dawkins, Darwin, Huxley, Wells, Lord Bertrand Russell, Prince Bernhard, Prince Phillip

How Satanic Lord Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man

What does this say about Coleman's Committee of 300 Lords who have controlled the Trillion Dollar a year International Drug Trade since the three Chinese Opium Wars from 1845 when Britain and Europe went to war against China over "Free Trade" importing Opium from British Raj India into China and Britain won, and Hong Kong drug center was given by China to the British for 200 years.

What does this say about Bush's real reason for invading Afghanistan whence from no Opium - Opium under Fatwah under the Taliban, 90% of all opium now comes from Afghanistan, distributed on UN planes to Albania for distribution in Europe and Russia.

Where, in the USA "Bush" is another name for Marihuana because there is only one gang over the border from Mexico.

Where Las Vegas is the money laundering capital of the USA.

Where Nazi Agent "Open Society, Colour Revolution - Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ukraine" Soros wants to "fuck up" humanity with free "Brave New World" Legal and illegal drugs.

Satanic Drugs fuck society up.

Illegal Drugs are Satanic Fascist Government Run Worldwide.

Satanic Fascist Big Pharma Legal Drugs fuck you up - with side effects of violence and suicidal depression on the drug inserts.

30% of American use Satanic Fascist Big Pharma Legal Drugs.

All the shooters in all the shootings like Columbine or Sandy Hook since the beginning of shootings have been on legal drugs, varieties of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs based on Fluoride.

Many shooters have been participants in the Satanic Fascist CIA MKUltra Delta Model James Bond Program.

Satanic degradation and perversion of society is caused by Satanic Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll.

John Hinckley (1981) John Hinckley, age 25, took four Valium two hours before shooting and almost killing President Ronald Reagan in 1981. In the assassination attempt, Hinckley also wounded press secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy and policeman Thomas Delahanty.
Laurie Dann (1988) In 1988, 31-year-old Laurie Dann went on a shooting rampage in a second-grade classroom in Winnetka, IL, killing one child and wounding six. She had been taking the anti-depressant Anafranil as well as Lithium, long used to treat mania.
Patrick Purdy (1989) Patrick Purdy went on a schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton, CA, in 1989, which became the catalyst for the original legislative frenzy to ban "semiautomatic assault weapons" in California and the nation. The 25-year-old Purdy, who murdered five children and wounded 30, had been on Amitriptvine, an anti-depressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine.
Joseph T. Wesbecker (1989) In another famous case, 47-year-old Joseph T. Wesbecker, just a month after he began taking Prozac in 1989, shot 20 workers at Standard Gravure Corp. in Louisville, Ky., killing nine. Prozac maker Eli Lilly later settled a lawsuit brought by survivors.
Kurt Danysh (1996) Kurt Danysh, 18, shot his own father to death in 1996, a little more than two weeks after starting on Prozac. Danvsh's description of own his mental-emotional state at the time of the murder is chilling: "I didn't realize I did it until after it was done." Danysh said. "This might sound weird, but it felt like I had no control of what I was doing, like I was left there just holding a gun."
Michael Carneal (1997) In Paducah, KY, in late 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, son of a prominent attorney, traveled to Heath High School and started shooting students in a prayer meeting taking place in the school's lobby, killing three and leaving another paralyzed. Carneal reportedly was on Ritalin.
Kip Kinkel (1998) Kip Kinkel, 15, murdered his parents in 1998 and the next day went to his school, Thurston High in Springfield, Ore., and opened fire on his classmates, killing two and wounding 22 others. He had been prescribed both Prozac and Ritalin.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (1999) Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox. Like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of anti-depressant drug called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs. Harris and fellow student Dylan Klebold went on a hellish school shooting rampage in 1999, during which they killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 24 others before turning their guns on themselves. Luvox manufacturer Solvav Pharmaceuticals concedes that during short-term controlled clinical trials, 4 percent of children and youth taking Luvox - that's one in 25 - developed mania, a dangerous and violence-prone mental derangement characterized by extreme excitement and delusion.
Larry Gene Ashbrook (1999) On Sept. 15, 1999, Larry Gene Ashbrook murdered seven people and injured a further seven at a concert by Christian Rock group Forty Days at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas. Ashbrook then committed suicide. A doctor had prescribed the anti-depressant drug Prozac for Larry Gene Ashbrook, but investigators are unsure whether he was taking it when he killed seven people and then himself in a Fort Worth church last week, police said on Monday. Fort Worth's Lt. Mark Krey, who is heading the investigation into the largest mass shooting in the city's history, said police have found a Prozac vial in Ashbrook's name and want to ask doctors why it was prescribed.
Michael McDermott (2000) The hulking computer technician accused of gunning down seven of his co-workers at a Wakefield high tech firm this week suffered from a host of mental illnesses - including schizophrenia - for which he was taking a trio of anti-depressants, a source told the Herald yesterday. "He's got some serious psychological issues and a long (psychiatric) history," the source said of 42-year-old Michael "Mucko" McDermott. McDermott, a divorced Navy veteran from Marshfield who lived most recently in Haverhill, suffered from severe depression, paranoia and schizophrenia, and had been in psychiatric treatment for some time, according to the source who spoke on condition of anonymity. To cope with his mental disorders, McDermott was prescribed several Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs are designed to increase brain serotonin. Low levels of brain serotonin can lead to depression and anxiety disorders.
Christopher Pittman (2001) 12-year-old Christopher Pittman struggled in court to explain why he murdered his grandparents, who had provided the only love and stability he'd ever known in his turbulent life. "When I was lying in my bed that night,' he testified, "I couldn't sleep because my voice in my head kept echoing through my mind telling me to kill them." Christopher had been angry with his grandfather, who had disciplined him earlier that day for hurting another student during a fight on the school bus. So later that night, he shot both of his grandparents in the head with a .410 shotgun as they slept and then burned down their South Carolina home, where he had lived with them. "I got up, got the gun, and I went upstairs and I pulled the trigger," he recalled. "Through the whole thing, it was like watching your favorite TV show. You know what is going to happen, but you can't do anything to stop it." Pittman's lawyers would later argue that the boy had been a victim of "involuntary intoxication" since his doctors had him taking the antidepressants Paxil and Zoloft just prior to the murders. Paxil's known adverse drug reactions according to the drug's FDA approved label include mania, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, confusion, amnesia, depression, paranoid reaction, psychosis, hostility, delirium, hallucinations, abnormal thinking, depersonalization and lack of emotion, among others.
Andrea Yates (2001) Andrea Yates, in one of the most heartrending crimes in modern history, drowned all five of her children - aged 7 years down to 6 months - in a bathtub. Insisting inner voices commanded her to kill her children. She had become increasingly psychotic over the course of several years. At her 2006 murder re-trial (after a 2002 guilty verdict was overturned on appeal), Yates' longtime friend Debbie Holmes testified: "She asked me if I thought Satan could read her mind and if I believed in demon possession?” And Dr. George Ringhoiz, after evaluating Yates for two days, recounted an experience she had after the birth of her first child: ''What she described was feeling a presence ... Satan ... telling her to take a knife and stab her son Noah," Ringhoiz said, adding that Yates' delusion at the time of the bathtub murders was not only that she had to kill her children to save them, but that Satan had entered her and that she had to be executed in order to kill Satan. Yates had been taking the anti-depressant Effexor.

In November 2005, more than four years after Yates drowned her children, Effexor manufacturer Wyeth Pharmaceuticals quietly added "homicidal ideation" to the drug's list of "rare adverse events." The Medical Accountability Network, a private nonprofit focused on medical ethics issues, publicly criticized Wyeth, saying Effexor's "homicidal ideation" risk wasn't well-publicized and that Wyeth failed to send letters to doctors or issue warning labels announcing the change. And what exactly does "rare" mean in the phrase "rare adverse events?" The FDA defines it as occurring in less than one in 1.000 people. But since that same year 19.2 million prescriptions for Effexor were filled in the U.S., statistically that means thousands of Americans might experience "homicidal ideation" - murderous thoughts -as a result of taking just this one brand of anti-depressant drug. Effexor is Wyeth's best-selling drug, by the way, which in one recent year brought in over $3 billion in sales, accounting for almost a fifth of the company's annual revenues.

And it is not as if the drugs are pure.

Like Indian blankets, all are cut with poison - like fluoride which is a rat poison.

Like the water, cut with poison, added rat poison fluoride to reduce IQs by 20% and give cancer (Harvard University Study) plus extra added monsatan glyphosate to grow breasts and burn out ovaries!!

Like the food, cut with poison, pesticides and monsatan genetically modified organisms.

Like the air, cut with poison, geo-engineering chemtrails heavy metal poisoning with aluminium and barium, dioxins from incinerators which are as poisonous as plutonium, voc's - volatile organic compounds and then the lung destroying particles.

Like the eugenocidalist Bill Gates vaccines - "if you kill granny then we can afford more teachers!!" - with extra added mercury to destroy neurons and chemically lobotomise children and extra added green monkey sv40 cancer virus.



It's not just, "they don't care about us" - Michael Jackson, all eugenocidalist elite publications call for a 99% reduction in population - they actively want to kill us!!


Kill the Messenger - There are Only Four media companies in the USA - and they are All CIA Controlled!!

Now there are only four media companies in the USA all of them privately owned by Oligarchs with CIA/NSA Government Agents on their Boards. The mass media are plagued by the same mediocrity, corporatism and careerism as the academy, universities, labor unions, the arts, the Democratic Party and religious institutions. They cling to the self-serving mantra of impartiality and objectivity to justify their subservience to power.

The press writes and speaks—like the totally controlled Universities academics with CIA/NSA Controlled boards and interlinking directorates that chatter among themselves in arcane jargon like medieval theologians—to be heard and understood by the public.

And for this reason the press is just as powerful and just as closely controlled by the state, and has been for thousands of years.

The first profession was said to be Prostitution but Presstitution, Politics and the Police come close second.

Serpico is a movie with Al Pacino about a real story where Serpico is the only policeman in New York not taking bribes from the Mafia. Serpico is shot by the police, leaves the police force and goes to live in Italy.

Alex Jones says that the police are the drug pushers, selling drugs in their areas.

Alex Jones says that many policemen are the professional killers who take contracts and we have the movie, "Killer Joe" about the very subject.

There is a joke about politicians - the only problem with them is that they don't stay bought.


Worldwide, all journalists work for the CIA..

German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, adding that noncompliance ran the risk of being fired.

“I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service,” “One day the BND (German foreign intelligence agency) came to my office at the Frankfurter Allgemeine in Frankfurt. They wanted me to write an article about Libya and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi...They gave me all this secret information and they just wanted me to sign the article with my name,”

“That article was how Gaddafi tried to secretly build a poison gas factory. It was a story that was printed worldwide two days later.”

Ulfkotte reveals all this and more in his book 'Bought Journalists,' where he mentions that he feels ashamed for what he has done in the past.

“I was a journalist for 25 years and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.”

“I was bribed by the Americans not to report exactly the truth...I was invited by the German Marshall Fund of the United States to travel to the US. They paid for all my expenses and put me in contact with Americans they'd like me to meet,” he said.

“I became an honorary citizen of the state of Oklahoma in the US just because I wrote pro-American. I was supported by the CIA. I have helped them in several situations and I feel ashamed for that too.”

“Most of the journalists you see in foreign countries, they claim to be journalists and they might be. But many of them, like me in the past, are so-called 'non-official cover.' It means you work for an intelligence agency, you help them if they want you to. But they will never say they know you.”

The journalists selected for such jobs usually come from big media organizations. The relationship with the secret service starts as a friendship.

“They work on your ego, make you feel like you're important. And one day one of them will ask you 'Will you do me this favor?'" Ulfkotte explained.

If all the journalists throughout the world are compromised, bought, corrupt then what of the authors of books like David Icke, Hallet, Eustace Mullins, ex MI6 Coleman?

What of Radio Shock Jocks like Alex Jones and Mike Savage.

Disinformation is 90% truth and 10% total lies.

Webster Griffin Tarpley says that the disinformers are promoted, advertised, popular - he was talking about limited hangouts, about Assange and Snowden.

The real Truth is the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth.

The only way you can get to that truth is through Meditation.

All the Satanic Ways to attain truth, like Ritual Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll, are compromised.



The Four P's - Prostitution, Presstitution, Politics and the Police which have all been corrupt for 10,000 years.

Presstitution plays an essential role in the dissemination of official propaganda. But to effectively disseminate state propaganda the press must maintain the fiction of independence and integrity. It must hide its true intentions like all spies, to gain Trust of the people.

Social Control.. The mass media, as C. Wright Mills pointed out, are essential tools for conformity. They impart to readers and viewers their sense of themselves. They tell them who they are. They tell them what their aspirations should be. They promise to help them achieve these aspirations. They offer a variety of techniques, advice and schemes that promise personal and professional success. The mass media, as Wright wrote, exist primarily to help citizens feel they are successful and that they have met their aspirations even if they have not. They use language and images to manipulate and form opinions, not to foster genuine democratic debate and conversation or to open up public space for free political action and public deliberation. We are transformed into passive spectators of power by the mass media, which decide for us what is true and what is untrue, what is legitimate and what is not. Truth is not something we discover. It is decreed by the organs of mass communication.

“The divorce of truth from discourse and action—the instrumentalization of communication—has not merely increased the incidence of propaganda; it has disrupted the very notion of truth, and therefore the sense by which we take our bearings in the world is destroyed,” James W. Carey wrote in “Communication as Culture.”

Bridging the vast gap between the idealized identities—ones that in a commodity culture revolve around the satanic egotistic acquisition of status, money, fame and power, or at least the illusion of it—and actual identities is the primary function of the mass media. And catering to these idealized identities, largely implanted by advertisers and the corporate culture, can be very profitable. We are given not what we need but what we want. The mass media allow us to escape into the enticing world of entertainment and spectacle. News is filtered into the mix, but it is not the primary concern of the mass media. No more than 15 percent of the space in any newspaper is devoted to news; the rest is devoted to a futile quest for satanic self-actualization. The ratio is even more lopsided on the airwaves.

“This,” Mills wrote, “is probably the basic psychological formula of the mass media today. But, as a formula, it is not attuned to the development of the enlightened human being. It pushes Satanic money and power!! It is a formula of a pseudo-world which the media invent and sustain.”

At the core of this pseudo-world is the myth that our national institutions, including those of government, the military and finance, are efficient and virtuous, that we can trust them and that their intentions are good. These institutions can be criticized for excesses and abuses, but they cannot be assailed as being hostile to democracy and the common good. They cannot be exposed as criminal enterprises, at least if one hopes to retain a voice in the mass media.

Those who work in the mass media, are acutely aware of the collaboration with power and the cynical manipulation of the public by the power elites. It does not mean there is never good journalism and that the subservience to corporate power within the academy always precludes good scholarship, but the internal pressures, hidden from public view, make great journalism and great scholarship very, very difficult. Such work, especially if it is sustained, is usually a career killer. Scholars like Norman Finkelstein and journalists like Webb and Assange who step outside the acceptable parameters of debate and challenge the mythic narrative of power, who question the motives and virtues of established institutions and who name the crimes of empire are always cast out.

The press will attack groups within the power elite only when one faction within the circle of power goes to war with another. When Richard Nixon, who had used illegal and clandestine methods to harass and shut down the underground press as well as persecute anti-war activists and radical black dissidents, went after the Democratic Party he became fair game for the press. His sin was not the abuse of power. He had abused power for a long time against people and groups that did not matter in the eyes of the Establishment.

Nixon’s sin was to abuse power against a faction within the power elite itself.

The Watergate scandal, mythologized as evidence of a fearless and independent press, is illustrative of how circumscribed the mass media is when it comes to investigating centers of power.

“History has been kind enough to contrive for us a ‘controlled experiment’ to determine just what was at stake during the Watergate period, when the confrontational stance of the media reached its peak. The answer is clear and precise: powerful groups are capable of defending themselves, not surprisingly; and by media standards, it is a scandal when their position and rights are threatened,” Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky wrote in “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.” “By contrast, as long as illegalities and violations of democratic substance are confined to marginal groups or dissident victims of U.S. military attack, or result in a diffused cost imposed on the general population, media opposition is muted and absent altogether. This is why Nixon could go so far, lulled into a false sense of security precisely because the watchdog only barked when he began to threaten the privileged.”

The righteous thunder of the abolitionists and civil rights preachers, the investigative journalists who enraged Standard Oil and the owners of the Chicago stockyards, the radical theater productions, such as “The Cradle Will Rock,” that imploded the myths peddled by the ruling class and gave a voice to ordinary people, the labor unions that permitted African-Americans, immigrants and working men and women to find dignity and hope, the great public universities that offered the children of immigrants a chance for a first-class education, the New Deal Democrats who understood that a democracy is not safe if it does not give its citizens an acceptable standard of living and protect the state from being hijacked by private power, are no longer part of the American landscape. It was Webb’s misfortune to work in an era when the freedom of the press was as empty a cliché as democracy itself.

“The Cradle Will Rock,” like much of the popular work that came out of the Federal Theatre Project, addressed the concerns of the working class rather than the power elite. And it excoriated the folly of war, greed, corruption and the complicity of liberal institutions, especially the press, in protecting the power elite and ignoring the abuses of capitalism.

Mister Mister in the play runs the town like a private corporation.

“I believe newspapers are great mental shapers,” Mister Mister says. “My steel industry is dependent on them really.”

“Just you call the News,” Editor Daily responds. “And we’ll print all the news. From coast to coast, and from border to border.”

Editor Daily and Mister Mister sing:

O the press, the press, the freedom of the press.
They’ll never take away the freedom of the press.
We must be free to say whatever’s on our chest—
with a hey-diddle-dee and ho-nanny-no
for whichever side will pay the best.

“I should like a series on young Larry Foreman,” Mister Mister tells Editor Daily. “Who goes around stormin’ and organizin’ unions.”

“Yes, we’ve heard of him,” Editor Daily tells Mister Mister. “In fact, good word of him. He seems quite popular with workingmen.”

“Find out who he drinks with and talks with and sleeps with. And look up his past till at last you’ve got it on him.”

“But the man is so full of fight, he’s simply dynamite, why it would take an army to tame him,” Editor Daily says.

“Then it shouldn’t be too hard to tame him,” Mister Mister says.

“O the press, the press, the freedom of the press,” the two sing. “You’ve only got to hint whatever’s fit to print; if something’s wrong with it, why then we’ll print to fit. With a he-diddly-dee and aho-nonny-no. For whichever side will pay the best.”


Jeremy Renner made Kill the Messenger.

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Without Jeremy Renner Kill the Messenger would never have been made.

Previously Jeremy Renner made, "The Town", and "The Bourne Legacy" where he is a super soldier created by drugs and locked in by genetic engineering. Like Lucy, this is the Luciferian wet dream, a lie which can never be achieved instead creating Orcs, "a ruined and perverted form of life" - Lord of the Rings. See..


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Jeremy Renner also made, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol with freedom fighter Tom Cruise as Brandt, and The Avengers as Clint Barton / Hawkeye.

In the future he is scheduled to make, The Bourne Betrayal as Aaron Cross, Mission: Impossible 5 as William Brandt,  and 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron as Clint Barton / Hawkeye.

So we shall see if his transgression gets him onto the blacklist after that..

Already he has been fired from the Avengers project.

One elite insider - Steve Jobs - sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" (2012) of Mars.

Purposely failed movies like...

1.  "Citizen Kane" 1941 universally known as the greatest picture - where Randolph Hearst, the gazzillionaire who thought that Kane was written to give out bad information about him, immediately bought RKO Radio Pictures who owned Citizen Kane and stopped its distribution, then sent Orson Welles to Brazil to get him out of the way then cut, "The Magnificent Ambersons" to shreds, and then blacklisted Orson so he almost never worked in movies again.

2. Heaven's Gate (1980) by Cimino shows how during the Range Wars a death list was created by the Satanic Elite and turned over to paid assassins, the genocide stopped by the people, and the Elite pardoned by the State Governor and the President of the U S of A. The picture was destroyed at the Box Office, the production company bankrupted and Oscar Winner Cimino - for "The Deer Hunter (1979)" - was blacklisted together with all the actors.

3. "The Last Samurai" 2003 showed how countries were taken over by the elite. Through the long tongued liars writing 100% bad reviews - about one of the best movies ever to have been made!! it was made to fail at the box office. Tom Cruise  actor and producer received much bad publicity and was fired by Viacom head honcho, Sumner Redstone, almost destroying his career.

4. "The Saint" 1997 was about how Fusion Electric Power could save the world. Fusion Power could have been brought on line by the 1980's if the derisory budget of 5 billion dollars per year had been increased, providing almost free electrical power for 10,000 years with Helium 3 mined at the Moon. Again, made to fail and its stars, Val Kilmer and Elizabeth Shue,  blacklisted.

5. "The Golden Compass" 2007 was about cutting children off from their Souls, - "Just a little snip" Zombification, with obvious reference to the Lobotomy of "Man of Steel" Zack Snyder's, "Sucker Punch". 100% bad reviews for one of the best movies ever to hit the screens. Future movie trilogy wastebasketted. Stars blacklisted. New Line and its head Robert Shayler who had just produced The Lord of the Rings Trilogy making 3 Billion Dollars in the process - also a black mark - were disbanded and fired. The Weinsteins were fired from Disney.

5. "The Last Airbender" 2010 Click for my review.. Again, 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie. The Best!! Director Shyalmalan blacklisted. Future movie trilogy wastebasketted.

6. "Green Lantern" - "Forget the pessimism of the Intellect, instead focus on the Optimism of the Will" - Gramsci.

Fear overcome by Courage and the Will!!

In brightest day,
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight,
For those who worship evil`s might,
Beware my power!
Green Lantern's light

7. "Cloud Atlas" 2012 Click for my review.. 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie.

8.  "The Lone Ranger" 2013 Click for my review.. 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie.

9. "47 Ronin" - disgust at Satanic Shogun society consigning 47 good brave men to death. Corporation cut to death. The start of the consignation of "Matrix" Keanu Reeves to the blacklist.


These movies are always the most interesting because by being opposed, you know there is something in them which is against the elite.


Also, each of these movies, like all Spiritual Movies, has been charged with the highest vibrations of Kundalini energy. For those with sight, no further evidence is necessary than that some great soul has deemed it necessary to project his Life into matter so as to make it Art.


So do the Lords of Light make it known that they exist, and that the long battle for the Hearts and Minds of men continues against Evil.


Steve Jobs initiated the movie "The Lone Ranger" 2013 as a Director at Disney where his vision for the future had not matched that of the elite and thus had created too much trouble - after that, he was given the, "Borgia Cup".

Cancered Steve Jobs also sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" of Mars after he learned of his poisoning and assassination from Cancer. -

It is a well known fact that now, cancer and heart disease is a major Assassination and Eugenocidal Soft Kill tool. All the Presidents of South America seem to have cancer. Castro of Cuba had Cancer as did Lula and Roussef of Brazil, Christina Kirchner of Argentina and of course her assassinated husband Nestor Kirchner who died of a heart attack. Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez died of Cancer. Cancer rates have risen World Wide by as much as 10,000 per cent and the Indian Blanket USA is the cancer capital of the World.

Quote from the amazing "John Carter", 2012 .. of Mars


Steve Jobs - sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" (2012) of Mars...

"So what is your cause? We have none. We are not haunted by mortality as you are. We are Eternal.... This little cause will follow the way we have set, Earthman. And we have chosen Saab Ther to rule next. The Ninth Ray must remain in the hands of mindless brutes we can control. And the infamy of Deja Thoris Wedding Death will seal his Reign.

We have been playing this game from before the birth of this planet (Mars). And we will continue to do so until well after the death of yours (Earth). We do not cause the destruction of your world, Captain Carter. We simply manage it. Feed off it if you like. But on every last Planet it always plays out exactly the same way. Populations Rise. Societies Divide. Wars Spread. And all the while the Neglected Planet Slowly Fades."

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Just look at ISIS and the Middle East..

The Anglo-American Establishment Controls Saudi Arabian Wahhabism and Satanic ISIS

It is interesting that Steve Jobs has managed to awaken parts of the Elite to the current dangers and the proof is, "The Lone Ranger"


Armie Hammer who takes the part of, "The Lone Ranger", is the grandson of Elite Operative Armand Hammer who hob-nobbed with Lenin and Stalin - a Gazzillionaire!!









Kill the Messenger and the freedom of the press continued..

Just before the French Revolution, Satanic British Agent Choderlos de LaClos wrote "Dangerous Liasons" - negative propaganda about the French Aristocracy, please see the movie..



Satanic British Agent LaClos had been put in charge of the Estate of the Duke of Orleans by Private Bankers through the Duke's overwhelming debts.

Satanic British Agent LaClos was responsible for inviting Satanic British Agent Cagliostro to France and thus Freemasonry and the Case of the Queens Necklace was his and British Intelligences doing.

The Duke of Orleans was also in charge of Satanic British Freemasonic Cult implanted into French Cult-ure by the Satanic British Secret services which was responsible for the French Revolution.

The British Empire's Satanic British Lord Shelburne Prime Minister of Great Britain, head of the Bankstering, Slave Trading, Drug running British East India Company and Head of MI6 Satanic Jeremy Bentham started the French Revolution by these means. Satanic Jeremy Bentham wrote the speeches of Robespierre from London. These guys were also responsible for the accession of Napoleon Bonaparte to the throne afterwards, to destroy Europe so Britain could control Europe. So also WWI and WWII!!

THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment

Agent Marx wrote Das Kapital, created communism the cause of the Russian Revolution, from his MI6 office in the British National Library in London. Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky were also Agents.

The Media have ALWAYS worked for the Government and National interests - For 10,000 years!!

Making this known and destroying the trust of the people in Institutions is always a forerunner of Revolution.

Yet Revolution. The French Revolution which ushered in Napoleon and the destruction of Europe. The False Flag Reichstag fire which ushered in the Hitler Nazi Satanic State which murdered 25 millions of people.  The Russian Revolution threw up Satanic British Agents Lenin and Stalin who genocided 65 millions of people. The Chinese Revolution which Satanic British Agent 33rd Degree Freemason Mao killed 85 millions of people.

Revolution has never led to a beneficial change.

And Totalitarianism always leads to Poverty and Genocide.

Happy the people who left Germany before its borders were closed and WWII started.

At the moment the rest of the World is in a similar state or even worse than the west.

The BRICS, Russia, China, India, Brazil have similar competing elites like schizophrenia inhabiting the body politic.

Yet the guy at the top is always the place where the buck stops.

Like assassinated Lincoln, Sun Yat Sen, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy and Chavez who all aimed to increase wealth and Economic Human rights for their people. All fought against the psychopaths inhabiting their country.

We all know that left and right, and capitalism and socialism are akin to emotional religions, yet socialism was created by Satanic British Agent Marx from his office at the British National Library in London, and capitalism usually justifies oligarchic tyranny.

Capitalism and Socialism now push collectivism - "The nail which stands up, always gets hammered down" - which failed totally in Soviet Russia, its opposite is Individualism.

Yet both left and right can support the right policies - a Human Right to Wealth.


The duty of every Government to sponsor policies which will increase wealth and therefore happiness. The Nationalisation of the Fed and other private, Rothschild owned, Central Banks - the Rothschild's control and own 80% of the Worlds Banks. The use of the Government Central Banks to raise credit and instead of propping up the zombie banks, raise trillions of money at zero percent interest over one hundred years to build infrastructure, build irrigation and power generation dams, irrigate the deserts, fund fusion power generation, roads, a world superfast maglev train network, silk roads, space exploration - full employment in high pay jobs - Worldwide!!


Speaking one day after Bush addressed the same session of the United Nation's General Assembly, Chávez announced, "The devil came here yesterday, and it smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of." At that point, Chávez made the sign of the cross, positioned his hands as if praying, and looked briefly upwards as if invocation of God. He continued "Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the President of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world."

Chávez also said that President Bush "...came [to the U.N. General Assembly] to share his nostrums to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world." Chávez began his talk by recommending Noam Chomsky's "Hegemony or Survival": "It's an excellent book to help us understand what has been happening in the world throughout the 20th century, and what's happening now, and the greatest threat looming over our planet." Citing Chomsky's book, Chávez explained, "...the American Empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated." The speech was delivered in Spanish with voice-over U.N. interpretation.

Chavez was cancered and thus cancelled.

Presently the heads of the BRICS, Russia's Putin, China's Xi Jinping, Brazil's Rouseff, India's Modi are all increasing their economies, increasing wealth, investing in infrastructure, creating development banks,  buying gold, creating currency swap facilities, leaving the dollar.

Thus the Propaganda Work of whistleblowers David Icke, Alex Jones, Coleman, Eustace Mullins, Fritz Springmeier, Assange, Snowden, Gary Webb et al is functioning well - but not for an armed uprising - For Wealth!!

We can still come back from the brink, as long as democracy continues.






In, "1066 and all that" a Bad King is always followed by a Good King.

Indeed this change of heads, "The King is Dead, Long live the King!!" The change of Empires from the Satanic Babylonian Empire to the Slave Trading, Bankstering Roman Empire, to the Phoenician Empire, to the Venetian Empire, to the British Empire, to the Anglo-American Empire - different Empires, Same Rulers - is part of the Theater provided by the real Rulers of the World.

The real aim is the fooling of, the parisitisation of, the vampirisation of Humanity both physically and Spiritually.

The povertisation of humanity in order to control humanity so as to Rule humanity for 10,000 years..




Competition always leads to struggle and big changes... as the economies of the BRICS exceed the economies of the Anglo American Establishment - there will be trouble ahead.

Behold the Accession of the Satanic Chinese Empire!!

Same Families, Same Rulers!!


Thus I recommend increasing your internal Wealth as well as your external Wealth - it being the only thing you can take with you when you die!!










The Satanic Freemasonic Muslim Brotherhood Worship the Goddess Isis - The ISIS Arc of Crisis and the Demon Choronzon Khorason



Enlightenment Only comes from Addiction to the Samadhi Meditation State


The Suppression of Fusion Power Generation by the Oligarchic Satanic, "Principle of Poverty"





The Earth is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings and Karma is the Method of their Refinement



The Satanic Science for the Creation of Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, Mind Control Energy Blockages Sexual and Drug Addiction Energy Blockages for the Removal of Conscience






How Satanic Lord Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man

BaruchOld Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands created Austrian Economics and the Libertarian-Communist dialectic













The Antahkarana, the Watchtowers of Dee's Enochian Keys and the Chakras above the Head - The Perverted Kundalini Key

WEALTH - THE NEW HUMAN RIGHT Russell Brand and Satchidanand on Wealth and Inequality


The Satanic Anglo American Establishment Ebola/ISIS Pincer movement against Europe/Russia and Arabia vs the Rise of the BRICS and the BRICS Infrastructure Bank

UW fusion reactor HIT-SI3 clean power concept is cheaper than coal

Eugenics and the Nazi Fascist Holocaust - and Satanic Agents Dawkins, Darwin, Huxley, Wells, Lord Bertrand Russell, Prince Bernhard, Prince Phillip

The Anglo-American Establishment Created Saudi Arabian Wahhabism and Satanic ISIS




THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerton, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment


The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA


Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca










The Wolf of Wall Street - Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand




The Satanic World has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years



THE SATANIC INFILTRATION OF RELIGIOUS CULTS TO CREATE POVERTY AND CONTROL HUMANITY The Witchcraft of Christians Who Are Not Christians and the Satanic Infiltration of Isis, Horus, Osiris and Dionysius.

Satanic Secret Agents, Aristotle; Contarini, Pomponazzi and Giorgi; Sarpi, Galileo and Kepler; Conti, Newton and Leibniz - The Satanic Corruption of Science by the Satanic, Slave Trading, Drug Running, Bankster run Venetian Empire

The True History of The Satanic Venetian Empire's Secret Agent Fra. Paolo Sarpi and his Operation against Liebniz to create Worldwide Poverty by Sabotaging Scientific Development with Satanic Scientific and Economic Empiricism











Image of God, "Imago Dei" and Energy Blockages

Nicholas of Cusa, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Concept of Natural Law -Imago Dei or Image of God - and the concept of Energy Blockage Talents

Confucianism and "Imago Viva Dei" in China - Liebniz, Mencius, Chu Hsi, Christ, Taoism, Buddhism




Spiritual Energy and Enlightenment, the Economics of Human Extinction Events and the Principle of Progress

THE ANTAHKARANA AND EVOLUTION - it is the projected future which defines the present.

THE ANTAHKARANA AND EVOLUTION - We can only be that which we are willfully committed to become.

Energy Blockages Create the Matrix


The Wolf of Wall Street - Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand


Directed by Martin Scorsese, Produced by Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio, Riza Aziz, Joey McFarland, Emma Tillinger Koskoff

Based on The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort

Budget $100 million

Box office $375,591,788

The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American black comedy film directed by Martin Scorsese, based on Jordan Belfort's memoir of the same name. It was released on December 25, 2013. The screenplay was written by Terence Winter, and the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, a New York stockbroker who runs a firm that engages in securities fraud and corruption on Wall Street in the 1990s.

The film also features Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Chandler, Rob Reiner, Jon Favreau, and Jean Dujardin. It is the fifth collaboration between Scorsese and DiCaprio, and the second between Scorsese and Winter following Boardwalk Empire.

The film received positive reviews from critics, but was also controversial for its moral ambiguity, sexual content, presence of drugs, vulgarity, and use of animals. The film has grossed over $375 million worldwide, and was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, as well as Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor for DiCaprio and Hill respectively, but failed to win in any category. It is historically significant as the first major film to be distributed entirely digitally.

This is the real history of Jordan Belfort from his autobiography written in prison. Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) narrates the film showing his monstrous success with his firm complete with ribaldry at work, a sumptuous home on the Gold Coast of Long Island and a trophy wife who is a former model. He then flashes back to 1987, where he began a low-level job at an established Wall Street firm.

Working for Satanic N. M. Rothschilds, his boss (Matthew McConaughey) Initiates him and addiction blockage implants him into a lifestyle of prostitutes, masturbation, casual sex, quaaludes and cocaine which is taught to all Qualified Stockbrokers as the Satanic culture they want you to take up in order to succeed which is taught by every Satanic Corporation on the Planet, - Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Lloyds, RBS, Standard Chartered, and UBS etc.


The field of Black Magic is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

Addiction to Casual Sex, Alcohol, quaaludes and cocaine will so degenerate you so that you will become a Psychopath which is necessary in order to rape and pillage your clients laughing at their stupidity whilst sucking all their wealth as they addiction gamble their money at every turn of the cards, throw of the dice of the stock market.. because you get commission on every trade!! Because you can advertise them, prompt them, sell them on worthless stocks which will then rise so you can sell them at the top of the market and make hundreds of millions on every scam - the Classic Pump and Dump Scheme. These offerings are normal and are learnt at daddies knee in every Stock broking company. Later Jordan Belfort was associated with twenty of these IPO's - offerings of new companies on the market.


However, shortly after he passes his exam to become a certified stockbroker, he loses his job on account of the firm's bankruptcy as a result of Black Monday.

Now unemployed in an economy that is unaccommodating to stockbrokers and sufficiently discouraged to consider a new line of work, Jordan's wife Teresa (Cristin Milioti) encourages him to take a job with a Long Island boiler room dealing in penny stocks, which are also largely ignored by regulators. Belfort impresses his new boss with his Satanic N. M. Rothschilds, aggressive pitching style, and earns a small fortune for the boiler room and himself as penny stocks have a much higher commission than blue chips.

Jordan also befriends Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill), a salesman living in the same apartment complex and they decide to go into business together. To facilitate this, his accountant parents are recruited as well as several of Jordan's friends, some of them experienced marijuana dealers. The basic method of the firm is a pump and dump scam and the Satanic N. M. Rothschilds lifestyle of prostitutes, masturbation, casual sex, quaaludes and cocaine which is taught to all Qualified Stockbrokers as the Satanic culture they want you to take up in order to succeed.

To cloak this, Belfort gives the firm the respectable name of Stratton Oakmont. An article in Forbes dubs Jordan the "Wolf of Wall Street", and soon hundreds of ambitious young financiers flock to his company.

A decadent satanic lifestyle of lavish parties, sex and drugs follows.

It is amazing that Leonardo de Caprio is also associated with the Great movie, "The Great Gatsby" Directed by Baz Luhrman - in this movie he takes the same part as the front man of a Stock Company using the same Pump and Dump schemes. He is in charge of the same Satanic Parties of Sex, Alcohol and Drugs used to degenerate the stockbrokers of the, "Raging Twenties". In both Movies, the Blue Bloods, the Satanic Elite, are responsible for his downfall - in both Gatsby and Wolf.

Jordan regularly uses prostitutes and becomes addicted to cocaine and Quaaludes. FBI Agent Patrick Denham (Kyle Chandler) begins investigating Stratton Oakmont.


In the meeting with the Agent he says that the other firms employ blue bloods whereas Belfort employs dumb as a box of rocks pizza delivery boys and drug dealers.



When Jordan meets Naomi Lapaglia (Margot Robbie) at one of his parties, he begins an affair with her, resulting in his divorce from Teresa. Jordan makes Naomi his second wife in an extravagant wedding and gives her a yacht aptly named Naomi, and soon they have a daughter, Skylar. Meanwhile, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission works jointly with the FBI to intensify the Stratton Oakmont investigation.

Jordan instantly makes US$22 million on his securing the IPO of Steve Madden Ltd. To hide his money, Jordan opens a Swiss bank account with the corrupt banker Jean-Jacques Saurel (Jean Dujardin) in the name of Naomi's aunt Emma (Joanna Lumley), who is a British citizen and outside the reach of American authorities. He uses friends with European passports to smuggle cash to Switzerland. When Donnie gets into a public fight with Brad Bodnick (Jon Bernthal), who is one of their money couriers, and Brad is arrested, their scheme is nearly exposed.

Donnie offers Jordan a powerful brand of Quaaludes, hoping to ease the sting of the bad news. The pills are old and seem to have lost their potency, so they take huge doses to compensate. Jordan then receives a call from Bo Dietl, his private investigator, who insists Jordan call him back from a payphone. Jordan drives to a country club to phone Bo, who warns Jordan of Brad's arrest and that his house phone has been wiretapped. At this point, the Quaaludes finally kick in with overwhelming effect. Severely debilitated, Jordan drives back home to prevent Donnie from using his phone. When Jordan arrives home Donnie (who is also intoxicated) is on the phone with Saurel. Jordan fights Donnie to make him get off the phone and tells him he found out what happened between him and Brad. Donnie starts choking on ham and nearly suffocates. Jordan snorts cocaine to counteract the effect of the Quaaludes in order to help save Donnie's life.

With the shadow of law enforcement hanging over them, Jordan's father Max (Rob Reiner) attempts to convince his son to step down from Stratton Oakmont and escape the large amount of legal penalties. However, during his leaving party at the office, Jordan changes his mind and to the great acclaim of his employees vows to stay on - to Psychopathically Scam, Rape and Pillage even more money before being forced to retire..

Jordan, Donnie and their wives on a yacht trip to Italy learn that Emma has died of a heart attack. Over his grieving wife's objections, Jordan decides to sail to Monaco so they can drive to Switzerland without getting their passports stamped at the border and settle the bank account, but a violent storm capsizes their 162 ft yacht once owned by Coco Channel. After their rescue, the plane sent to take them to Geneva is destroyed by a seagull flying into the engine, exploding and killing three people. Witnessing this, Jordan considers this a sign from God and decides to sober up.

Two years later, Denham arrests Jordan during the filming of an infomercial. Saurel, arrested in Florida over an unrelated charge, has told the FBI everything. Since the evidence against him is overwhelming, Jordan agrees to gather evidence on his colleagues in exchange for leniency.

Jordan is optimistic about his sentencing and expresses this to his wife. The encounter turns violent when Naomi tells Jordan she will divorce him and wants full custody of their children. Jordan throws a violent tantrum, gets high, and ends up crashing his car in his driveway during an attempt to abscond with their daughter.

The next morning, Jordan wears a wire to work. Jordan silently slips Donnie a note warning him about the wire. The note finds its way to Agent Denham, who arrests Jordan for breaching his cooperation deal. The FBI raids and shuts down Stratton Oakmont.

Despite this one breach, Jordan receives a much reduced sentence for his testimony and is sentenced to 36 months in a minimum security prison in Nevada playing tennis. After his release, Jordan makes a living hosting seminars on sales technique in New Zealand.


Satanic Stock Broker Culture

Yards from Satanic Goldman Sachs's headquarters in downtown Manhattan, bankers invited to a preview of the film cheered Belfort's every move. They laughed as the Wolf - Leonard DiCaprio in an Oscar-nominated turn - snorted drugs from a prostitute's naked body, and applauded when he ripped open a sofa to find a stash of cocaine. 

In London, Satanic culture City firms glorify Belforts exploits and have attended fancy-dress screenings, with staff posing as their new folk hero, complete with pastel-coloured jackets and brick-like mobile phones. Cinemas have trebled the price for private bookings, such is demand.

So the question is, Why should this guy only involved in hundreds of millions of dollars of Pumping and Dumping be sent to prison??



Thousands of Trillions of Dollars are being scammed by the Satanic Blue Blood Elite
We know that thousands of Trillions of Dollars are being scammed by the Satanic Blue Blood Elite in firms like Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Citigroup, Deutche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Lloyds, RBS, Standard Chartered, and UBS and the answer comes from Psychopath Genghis Khan who said, "It is not that I succeed, everyone else should Fail" which is another re-telling of the thousands of years old Oligarchic, Satanic, "Policy of Poverty" which means Austerity for the peasants and destruction for the competition.


"Competition is a sin." - John D. Rockefeller - and now we know why!! - another re-telling of the thousands of years old Oligarchic, Satanic, "Policy of Poverty" which means Austerity for the peasants and destruction for the competition.

Police Protection for Authorised drug Dealers

In the same way that authorised drug dealers who pay off the Police in every City of the World. In the same way that the Police in every city are the Assassination Bureau for the Satanic Elite. Drug Dealer competition is punished by the Police. All Drug Dealers who are just starting off, Competition to the thousands of Years Satanic Old Committee of 300 who have managed the Worldwide illegal drugs business forever, are reported to the police for prosecution or murder whilst the protected drug dealers are allowed to continue their business. In the same way that the Sinaloa Cartel is run by the American Department of Justice. In the same way that Obama advisor, totalitarian Brzezinsky said that for control, all crime must be run by the state.

In this movie, Belfort is reported to the FBI as competition to the Satanic Elite of Goldman Sachs, UBS, The Bank of England, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland etc etc, is given a slap on the wrist and loses his license to work on Wall Street, the Old Slave market of New York - and is allowed to keep his ill-gotten gains.


The whole of Las Vegas built to launder Drug Profits! 

It is also interesting that Scorsese made his bones with movies like, "Goodfellas", "The Departed" and "Casino" set in Las Vegas where we see money laundering of drug and pedophile, white slave, prostitution profits was called skimming at the Casinos where many people are paid to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars per day of drug money each in the Casinos and the money is then laundered.

We also see the same "Wolf of Wallstreet" Psychopathic Satanic Culture of drugs and sex in both Gangster Mafia and Bankster Stockbrokers.

We have all seen the movie "Bugsy" produced by scion of the Rothschilds Warren Beatty blacklisted for "Bulworth" where we learn that Las Vegas was built by Bugsy Seigel and Meyer Lansky - Capo di Capi of all Mafias and head of the Jewish Mafia - in order to launder drug profits. And the people who are paid to go to Las Vegas statistically lose 2000 dollars each whereas they are given special offers, free food, free accommodation, and fantastic shows by the Worlds elite of artists in order to pack them in.


"Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones" is a science fiction short story by homosexual satanist Samuel R. Delany. It won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story 1970, and the Nebula Award for Best Novelette in 1969 and it describes the life of any upwardly mobile criminal, like Belfort.

Belfort is still satanically addicted to drugs and sex having been given and activated the sex and drug addiction blockages.

He is now moving on into relationships with higher level satanists and the next step is obviously Ritual.

Listening to youtube videos on Belmont we find he is now friends with Sir Richard Branston whose company parties - like Belmont's - are still legendary. He gives get rich quick talks on the same stage as satanic pedophile war criminal Lord Tony Bliar.




"The point is this: the most effective means of curtailing dissent and creating a cautious conforming population isn’t the spying itself. It’s letting people know the spying is happening all the time."


Because although he has moved out of Stock Broking he still actively searches other scams like pump and dump Bitcoin - who is behind Bitcoin? in order to increase his wealth.

Why was Belfort punished when all the Satanic, Ancient, too big to fail, too big to jail banks are not prosecuted after all these cases have been proven in court, derisory fines given, and no-one sent to jail?


WACHOVIA - 378 Billion Dollar Drug Money Laundering Scam
HSBC - The 200 Trillion Dollar HSBC Drug and Terrorist Money Laundering
LIBOR - The 200 Trillion Dollar LIBOR Fixing
FOREX - The 20,000 Trillion Dollar FOREIGN EXCHANGE, FOREX Fixing SCANDAL
GOLD MARKET FIXED Gold price rigging fears put investors on alert By Financial Times Reporter, Madison Marriage. - Global gold prices may have been manipulated on 50 per cent of occasions between January 2010 and December 2013 - always!! - according to analysis by Fideres, a consultancy. The findings come amid a probe by German and UK regulators into alleged manipulation of the gold price, which is set twice a day by Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Bank of Nova Scotia and Société Générale in a process known as the “London gold fixing”.
Stock Market FIXED - Obama's Plunge Protection Team and computer trading

Genocidal Poverty though Austerity over only 17 Trillions of Debts to Private Federal Reserve Banks.

All a matter of Record..

Wachovia, now part of the giant Wells Fargo laundered Billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs

On 10 April 2006, a DC-9 jet landed in the port city of Ciudad del Carmen, on the Gulf of Mexico, as the sun was setting. Mexican soldiers, waiting to intercept it, found 128 cases packed with 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100m. But something else – more important and far-reaching – was discovered in the paper trail behind the purchase of the plane by the Sinaloa narco-trafficking cartel.

During a 22-month investigation by agents from the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and others, it emerged that the cocaine smugglers had bought the plane with money they had laundered through one of the biggest banks in the United States: Wachovia, now part of the giant Wells Fargo.

Of special significance was that the period concerned began in 2004, which coincided with the first escalation of violence along the US-Mexico border that ignited the current drugs war in which 70,000 people have been killed - more than the American soldiers who died in Vietnam, although 3.5 million Vietnamese did die too.

"For the time period of 1 May 2004 through 31 May 2007, Wachovia processed at least $$373.6bn in CDCs, $4.7bn in bulk cash" – a total of more than $378.3bn.

The deferred prosecution is part of this "cop-out all round", he says. "The regulatory authorities do not have to spend any more time on it, and they don't have to push it as far as a criminal trial. They just issue criminal proceedings, and settle. The law enforcement people do what they are supposed to do, but what's the point? All those people dealing with all that money from drug-trafficking and murder, and no one goes to jail?"


The 200 Trillion Dollar HSBC Money Laundering

HSBC Report Should Result in Prosecutions, Not Just Fines, Say Critics

Lord Green, Head of HSBC during this period of the emergence of trillions of Dollars of Money Laundering has since been made a special advisor to Cameron's British Government.

For at least half a decade, the storied British colonial banking power helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars for drug mobs, including Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel, suspected in SEVENTY thousands of murders just in the past 10 years – people so totally evil, jokes former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, that "they make the guys on Wall Street look good." The bank also moved money for organizations linked to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and for Russian gangsters; helped countries like Iran, the Sudan and North Korea evade sanctions; and, in between helping murderers and terrorists and rogue states, aided countless common tax cheats in hiding their cash.

"They violated every goddamn law in the book," says Jack Blum, an attorney and former Senate investigator who headed a major bribery investigation against Lockheed in the 1970s that led to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. "They took every imaginable form of illegal and illicit business."

That nobody from the bank went to jail or paid a dollar in individual fines is nothing new in this era of financial crisis. What is different about this settlement is that the Justice Department, for the first time, admitted why it decided to go soft on this particular kind of criminal. It was worried that anything more than a wrist slap for HSBC might undermine the world economy. "Had the U.S. authorities decided to press criminal charges," said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer at a press conference to announce the settlement, "HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking license in the U.S., the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabilized."

It was the dawn of a new era. In the years just after 9/11, even being breathed on by a suspected terrorist could land you in extralegal detention for the rest of your life. But now, when you're Too Big to Jail, you can cop to laundering terrorist cash and violating the Trading With the Enemy Act, and not only will you not be prosecuted for it, but the government will go out of its way to make sure you won't lose your license. Some on the Hill put it to me this way: OK, fine, no jail time, but they can't even pull their charter? Are you kidding?

Also known as the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, British HSBC has always been associated with drugs. Founded in 1865, HSBC became the major commercial bank in colonial China after the conclusion of the Second Opium War. If you're rusty in your history of Britain's various wars of Imperial Rape, the Second Opium War was the one where Britain and other European powers basically slaughtered lots of Chinese people until they agreed to legalize the dope trade (much like they had done in the First Opium War, which ended in 1842).

A century and a half later, it appears not much has changed. With its strong on-the-ground presence in many of the various ex-colonial territories in Asia and Africa, and its rich history of cross-cultural moral flexibility, HSBC has a very different international footprint than other Too Big to Fail banks like Wells Fargo or Bank of America. While the American banking behemoths mainly gorged themselves on the toxic residential-mortgage trade that caused the 2008 financial bubble, HSBC took a slightly different path, turning itself into the destination bank for domestic and international scoundrels of every possible persuasion.

Three-time losers doing life in California prisons for street felonies might be surprised to learn that the no-jail settlement Lanny Breuer worked out for HSBC was already the bank's third strike. In fact, as a mortifying 334-page report issued by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations last summer made plain, HSBC ignored a truly awesome quantity of official warnings.

In April 2003, with 9/11 still fresh in the minds of American regulators, the Federal Reserve sent HSBC's American subsidiary a cease-and-desist­ letter, ordering it to clean up its act and make a better effort to keep criminals and terrorists from opening accounts at its bank. One of the bank's bigger customers, for instance, was Saudi Arabia's Al Rajhi bank, which had been linked by the CIA and other government agencies to terrorism. According to a document cited in a Senate report, one of the bank's founders, Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi, was among 20 early financiers of Al Qaeda, a member of what Osama bin Laden himself apparently called the "Golden Chain." In 2003, the CIA wrote a confidential report about the bank, describing Al Rajhi as a "conduit for extremist finance." In the report, details of which leaked to the public by 2007, the agency noted that Sulaiman Al Rajhi consciously worked to help Islamic "charities" hide their true nature, ordering the bank's board to "explore financial instruments that would allow the bank's charitable contributions to avoid official Saudi scrutiny." (The bank has denied any role in financing extremists.)

For more than half a decade, a whopping $19 billion in transactions involving Iran went through the American financial system, with the Iranian connection kept hidden in 75 to 90 percent of those transactions. HSBC has been headquartered in England for more than two decades – it's Europe's largest bank, in fact – but it has major subsidiary operations in every corner of the world. What's come out in this investigation is that the chiefs in the parent company often knew about shady transactions when the regional subsidiary did not.

By that time, numerous agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, had crawled all the way up HSBC's backside, among other things examining it as part of a major international narcotics investigation. In one four-year period between 2006 and 2009, an astonishing $200 trillion in wire transfers (including from high-risk countries like Mexico) went through without any monitoring at all.

The 200 Trillion Dollar LIBOR Fixing

The so-called LIBOR scandal, which is at the heart of the UBS settlement, makes Enron look like a parking violation. Many of the world's biggest banks, including Switzerland's UBS, Britain's Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland, got together and secretly conspired to manipulate the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR, which measures the rate at which banks lend to each other. Many, if not most, interest rates are pegged to LIBOR. The prices of hundreds of trillions of dollars of financial products are tied to LIBOR, everything from commercial loans to credit cards to mortgages to municipal bonds to swaps and currencies.

If you can imagine executives at Ford, GM, Mitsubishi, BMW and Mercedes getting together every morning to fix the prices of aluminum and stainless steel, you have a rough idea of what the LIBOR scandal is like, except that in the car-company analogy, you'd be dealing with absurdly smaller numbers. These are the world's biggest banks getting together every morning to essentially fix the price of money. Low LIBOR rates are an indicator that banks are strong and healthy. These banks were faking the results of their daily physicals. In banking terms, they were juicing.

But the Justice Department wasn't finished handing out Christmas goodies. A little over a week later, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer was back in front of the press, giving a cushy deal to another huge international firm, the Swiss bank UBS, which had just admitted to a key role in perhaps the biggest antitrust/price-fixing case in history, the so-called LIBOR scandal, a massive interest-rate­rigging conspiracy involving hundreds of trillions ("trillions," with a "t") of dollars in financial products. While two minor players did face charges, Breuer and the Justice Department worried aloud about global stability as they explained why no criminal charges were being filed against the parent company.

Also known as the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, British HSBC has always been associated with drugs. Founded in 1865, HSBC became the major commercial bank in colonial China after the conclusion of the Second Opium War. If you're rusty in your history of Britain's various wars of Imperial Rape, the Second Opium War was the one where Britain and other European powers basically slaughtered lots of Chinese people until they agreed to legalize the dope trade (much like they had done in the First Opium War, which ended in 1842) of bringing colonial Indian Opium on British Lord's Satanic Dynastic Family clippers into China.


The Forex scandal (also known as the forex probe) is a financial scandal that involves the revelation, and subsequent investigation, that the world's largest currency trading banks colluded for
at least a decade to manipulate and rig the daily foreign exchange rates for at least 20,000 Trillions of Dollars.

Market regulators in Asia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States began to investigate the $2000 trillion-a-year foreign-exchange market after Bloomberg News reported in June 2013 that currency dealers said they had been front-running client orders and rigging the foreign exchange benchmark WM/Reuters rates by colluding with counterparts and pushing through trades before and during the 60-second windows when the benchmark rates are set. The behavior occurred daily in the spot foreign-exchange market and went on for at least a decade according to currency traders.

At the center of the investigation are the transcripts of electronic chatrooms in which senior currency traders discussed with their competitors at other banks the types and volume of the trades they planned to place. The electronic chatrooms had names such as “The Cartel,” “The Bandits’ Club,” “One Team, One Dream” and “The Mafia”. The discussions in the chatrooms were interspersed with jokes about manipulating the forex market and repeated satanic culture references to alcohol, drugs, and women.

Regulators are particularly focusing in on one small exclusive chatroom which was variously called the The Cartel or The Mafia. The chatroom was used by some of the most influential traders in London and membership in the chatroom was highly sought after. Among The Cartel's members were Richard Usher, a former Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) senior trader who went to JPMorgan as head of spot foreign exchange trading in 2010, Rohan Ramchandani, Citigroup’s head of European spot trading, Matt Gardiner, who joined Standard Chartered after working at UBS and Barclays, and Chris Ashton, head of voice spot trading at Barclays. Two of these senior traders, Richard Usher and Rohan Ramchandani, are members of the 13-member Bank of England Joint Standing Committee's chief dealers group.

At least 15 banks including Barclays, HSBC, and Goldman Sachs disclosed investigations by regulators. Barclays, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase all suspended or placed on leave senior currency traders. Deutsche Bank, continental Europe’s largest lender, was also cooperating with requests for information from regulators. Barclays, Citigroup, Deutche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Lloyds, RBS, Standard Chartered, and UBS as of February 2014 had suspended, placed on leave, or fired 21 traders. Citigroup had also fired its head of European spot foreign exchange trading, Rohan Ramchandani, who was a member of the 13-member Bank of England Joint Standing Committee's chief dealers group. Reuters reported hundreds of traders around the world could be implicated in the scandal.

(Reuters) - March 2014 - Bank of England (BoE) Governor Mark Carney faces a grilling from UK lawmakers on Tuesday about what Bank officials knew about allegations that currency traders colluded to manipulate key exchange rates in the 2000 Trillions of dollars Per year Forex business.

The unfolding scandal has so far seen more than 20 traders placed on leave, suspended or fired by some of the world's biggest banks.



THE SATANIC SPECIES ARE LOWER MANAGEMENT who are given money and power. Stockbrokers are introduced into Satanism through the Company Cultures of sex and drugs which start the degeneration process towards psychopathy.

The Satanic World has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years

The Wolf of Wall Street shows how all the banks promote the satanic culture of sex, drugs and lying to sell, hatred of the client in order to create the psychopathic mindset so necessary to rape and pillage.

The Satanic Species has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years, using the Policy of Poverty to maintain control..
Since Babylon, Generational Dynastic families have created Myths and Pagan Satanic Religions to control their Human Herd.
They created all religions to Mind Control Humanity.. Lucifer, Satan, Mithra, Sofia, Apollo, Set, Isis, Osiris, Horus, Marduk, Gnostics.
“We will of course not let them know about Wotan [Odin].” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels-
Himmler told his SS Army that the Valkyries of Wotan will choose only those who die in battle to go to Heaven..
Psychically they use implant addiction blockages to Addict all Humanity to porn, masturbation, sex, drugs and Rock and Roll - Hip Hop, to degenerate humanity and recruit new cadre.

Whilst all the essential Meditation techniques - The Kundalini Key, Energy Blockage Removal - are removed from Traditional Meditations
Luciferian and Satanic religions use RITUAL. Ritual Drugs, Sex, Polyamory, homosexual, pedophile Ritual. Murderous Human and Animal Sacrifice Ritual. They are Genetically bred over thousands of years for psychopathy. They are Trained for War, Religion, Banking, Money Laundering, Slave Trading and Drug Running.

Ritual Homosexuality and Pedophilia are symptoms of the Satanic Religion and the Satanic Sex Addiction Blockage in Society. It was the arrest of the notorious Jewish born child serial killer Mr Dutroux in August 1996 that brought the Belgium Paedophile scandal to light. The rescue of the last Two young girls he kidnapped lead to an investigation of Dutroux. Five women who testifies anonymously in Belgium under the code name ”X” described a generational family underworld of Satanism, where Satanic Families pimped out their children for rape, pedophilia, sadomasochism, torture, cannibalism, snuff movies, and murder. They said that Satanic politicians, Bilderbuggers and other high placed members of society were involved.

Satanists create all political parties. Marx worked for the British Secret Service. After Democrats and Republicans, Libertarianism is next.
Long tonged liars like Nelson Rockefeller funds Von Mises and Von Hayek to create Genocidal Austrian Economics - THE POLICY OF POVERTY WORLDWIDE!! Austria where Satanic Fascist Hitler came from. Austrian Economics creates Austerity Worldwide.
Libertarian Satanic Ron and Rand Paul and their minion Alex Jones support Austrian Economics and the genocidal elimination of food stamps in this recession. They want you to use the guns so they can kill you - just another cull of humanity.
280 millions of the most intelligent and beautiful people tortured and killed in the 20th century by Government - Sacrifices for Satan!!




They seek to find Initiates into their satanic secret societies represented by Lord Tony Bliar and Sir Richard Branston where they Ritually degenerate themselves and further and further degenerate themselves in order to maintain their energy which at every stage is vampiristically harvested by the Luciferian Watchtower elite who live outside the body.



These Satanists are victims of a religion which believes in human sacrifice.

Lives for Satan through War, Soft kill pollution in air, water and food, Eugenocide, genocide, Stalin, Hitler, Mao.  280 millions of people murdered by Governments in the 20th century. And more projected for the 21st if the already written plans to sacrifice 7 billion people - to protect the earth!! - are put into operation.


So these guys, - Satanists - are quite mad.
They Want War.
They want Death.
They want to kill YOU!!


Satanism is not "just another nutty occult fad." It has been the, "Old Religion" since the beginning of time.

The mind of the Satanist is pure evil; the Satanist is a former person who has been transformed into something no longer human. It begins like drug-addiction; the prospective recruit to Satanism "gets into something" on a playful impulse, but then finds himself or herself gripped by compulsions - through psychic implantation of addiction energy blockages - which he or she can no longer control.

Drugs and other special circumstances may be significant collateral features of the initiation, but not necessarily. The key is "letting oneself go," into the depths of acting-out impulses which combine sexual impulses and rage as a unity, and expressing this form of "pleasure" in the form of an act which violates an important precept of one's own conscience.

This perversion through acts which violate an important precept of one's own conscience, from sex parties to ritual sex to homosexual ritual to torture to pederasty to animal then human sacrifice, this corruption occurs through the implantation of energy blockages into the heart center to remove empathy and blockages above the head to remove energy flowing in from God from the chakras above the head to remove conscience - the definition of a psychopath..

The removal of empathy. There is a Satanic Ritual where 12 psychic daggers - psychic created energy blockages - are implanted around the heart center. A sacrifice is performed and the heart removed from the sacrifice and put into a canopic jar. The energy of the heart removed from the dagger implanted heart and put into the canopic jar together with the heart removed from the sacrifice. The canopic jar is then placed in the earth in a Heart Site, somewhere in the country.

Similarly with the child sacrifice at the Bohemian Grove Ritual, "The Cremation of Care" burning up of empathy.

In the same way that British Satanic Secret Service controlled Saudi Arabian Wahabist and Salfist Sects create armies to attack and destabilise (911, Libya, Syria), Black Magic is also a created myth, a methodology for the creation of a psychopathic army to rule and then destroy civilisation at the behest of the Real Rulers.

The Satanic Freemasonic Muslim Brotherhood Worship the Goddess Isis - The ISIS Arc of Crisis and the Demon Choronzon Khorason

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..

Yet throughout history from the time of the Old Religion of Satanic Babylon, Pagan, Satanic, Luciferian Generational Families have controlled Humanity through Myth, Money, Mind Control Propaganda, Slavery, Drugs and Sex.

From Babylon to the Slave Trading, Drug Running Empires; The Roman Empire, Venetian Empire, British Empire, Anglo-American Empire Generational Families have infil-traitored every Government, every Politician, Every Ministry, every International Company, every Bank, every University, every Think Tank, every Secret Society.

Satanic Psychopathic Religions and Myths (The Ten Myths which control the World) have been specifically created to maintain the Generational Family control of society. To exacerbate Implant addiction blockages of sex, drugs and rock and roll through Pagan, Satanic sex, drugs and music in order to divert, pervert and degenerate humanity in order to rule them. More than anything, to keep Humanity Austere; Poor, barefoot and back on the reservation and away from the Meditational Superpowers which alone can free Humanity from their chains.

It is symbolised by the Black Magician, Necromancer, "Sauron" Of, "The All Seeing Eye" like the NSA SNOWDEN PRISM - "Lidless, Wreathed in Flame" of Tolkien's, "Lord of the Rings" who lives outside the body and waits to return into physical life with the help of the power of the One Ring. Sauron, like Lucifer, thinks he knows better than God. His aim is to pervert and degrade humanity into Orcs and Rule the World Totalitarian style, FOREVER!!


THE LUCIFERIAN SPECIES are humans who have meditated and learned, perhaps many, many tens of thousands of years ago, how to cut off from god by using energy blockages to block chakras above the head so they can live outside the body in private universes - so they seem like psychopathic aliens to us - then they download into their mind weakened sons - throwing their sons out - on their 21st birthday so as to become the Head of their Baron, Lord or Crown families and control their multi trillion dollar, thousands of years old families wealth, to manage the human herd.

They use the, "Policy of Poverty" or Austerity to control the human herd for tens of thousands of years. Because they live outside the body and only want to vampirise human spiritual energies in order to live forever they will consider any solution to problems. See for example movie Dr Strangelove where upon exploding Fusion Bombs and making the Earth uninhabitable for hundreds of years they are eager to live down in mines to survive.

Dr. Strangelove: I would not rule out the chance to preserve a nucleus of human specimens. It would be quite easy...heh, the bottom of ah...some of our deeper mineshafts. Radioactivity would never penetrate a mine some thousands of feet deep, and in a matter of weeks, sufficient improvements in drilling space could easily be provided.

President Muffley: How long would you have to stay down there?

Dr. Strangelove: ...I would think that uh, possibly hundred years...It would not be difficult Mein Fuehrer! Nuclear reactors could, heh...I'm sorry, Mr. President. Nuclear reactors could provide power almost indefinitely. Greenhouses could maintain plant life. Animals could be bred and slaughtered. A quick survey would have to be made of all the available mine sites in the country, but I would guess that dwelling space for several hundred thousands of our people could easily be provided.

Muffley: Well, I, I would hate to have to decide...who stays up and...who goes down.

Dr. Strangelove: Well, that would not be necessary, Mr. President. It could easily be accomplished with a computer. And a computer could be set and programmed to accept factors from youth, health, sexual fertility, intelligence, and a cross-section of necessary skills. Of course, it would be absolutely vital that our top government and military men be included to foster and impart the required principles of leadership and tradition. Naturally, they would breed prodigiously, eh? There would be much time, and little to do. Ha, ha. But ah, with the proper breeding techniques and a ratio of say, ten females to each male, I would guess that they could then work their way back to the present Gross National Product within say, twenty years.

Muffley: Wouldn't this nucleus of survivors be so grief-stricken and anguished that they'd, well, envy the dead and not want to go on living?

Dr. Strangelove: When they go down into the mine, everyone would still be alive. There would be no shocking memories, and the prevailing emotion will be one of nostalgia for those left behind, combined with a spirit of bold curiosity for the adventure ahead! [involuntarily gives the Nazi salute and forces it down with his other hand]Ahhh!

General Turgidson: Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?

Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious...service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.

Russian Ambassador: I must confess, you have an astonishingly good idea there, Doctor.


To further continue the "Policy of Poverty" To stop human evolution, so that the Satanists can continue to control an impoverished humanity. To the degree that probably 100 Million people might be lucky to survive—or unlucky enough to survive under those conditions as explained in Kubrick's "Dr Strangelove".



Satchidanand's Review of - Existentialism and Kubrick's Satanic Psychopaths, in the Movies of Stanley Kubrick


The whole process here, look at it. What is the nature of this satanic hatred against human beings? What's the expression of that? It's the Satanic Green policy which directs people back to living in caves. This was done by the Satanic Roman Empire and others, as the, "Policy of Poverty" to reduce the population; that is, to have a small Satanic oligarchy which dominates the planet, or parts of the planet, and kill off the "excess" population, which is the rest of the people. This is what the Satanic Elite's policy is, and that is what she says it is. CONTROL.

Depending how many chakras above the head they block off, the more power they have. They need a lot of energy as they receive no energy from God, so they have learned how to create Implant addiction energy blockages for drugs, sex, and rock and roll so as to parasitise, vampirise their slave populations and create their satanic psychopathic managers.

Everyone is implanted with every Addiction Blockage Implant from birth like having diseases, but depending how much we enter into the path of the disease there are many stages of that disease whose end is Psychopathy.

With the Sexual Addiction Implant Blockage the Energy from every orgasm is channeled back to the Luciferians through energy connections from their Sex Addiction Implants.

The Luciferians or their minions send out energy every morning to raise the salute of the penis, around the horn, a proud tumescence in every red blooded man to promote masturbation or initiate sex and they vampirise the energy of every orgasm. The prostitution, white slave and pedophile industry is traditionally under their control.

Drugs and sex burn the candle at both ends and the energy of that charging candle is sent back from the Implant Addiction Blockage through energy connections to the Luciferians. They traditionally, through the Committee of 300 (see Coleman) and the Pharma Companies, own the legal and Illegal Trillion Dollar Drug industries. They pay politicians to keep drugs illegal so as to make more profit. They conquer countries in order to grow more drugs - Afghanistan from growing no opium with the Taliban who placed a Fatwa on its cultivation, now supplies 90% of the World's opium to the Bush crime family.

Although they promise to tell their higher managers like the Rockefellers how to become immortal like them, they never do. So they promise Transhumanism.. Ray Kurzweil and Robert Heinlein (Heinlein, like Elron Hubbard and Campbell were Agents of American Naval Intelligence charged with implanting the memes of Science Fiction, satanic free love - "Stranger in a Strange Land" and drugs into the noosphere) are their propagandists here. Satanic Free love, Immortal medical care, perfect genetics, cyborg brain chip enhancements, upload into the machine so as to live forever.



Intelligent commentators are presently more and more commenting on the coming Third World War flashpoints which are recklessly occurring in the Middle east, Syria and now in the Ukraine and they can not believe just how MAD the foreign policy is. They can not Believe the risks of starting World War Three which they are taking.

One commentator below laughs at the total idiocy of their foreign policy actions but also with the tension of the contemplation of the risks of Thermonuclear War and the Extinction of the Human Race which that represents.

They point out historical precedent between now and the start of World Wars One and Two. They point out the historical precedents between the founding and funding of Hitlers Nazi, National Socialist, Fascist State, the founding and funding of Lenin's and Stalin's Totalitarian Communist, Collectivist Soviet and what is happening now with the National Stazi Agency NSA and Snowden's Big Brother is watching you in  USA and Europe.

A Thousand Year Reich of control, transhumanism, eugenics, genetic engineering, merging with the machine, living forever.. Covering all the World in Darkness..

Eugenics and the Nazi Fascist Holocaust - and Satanic Agents Dawkins, Darwin, Huxley, Wells, Lord Bertrand Russell, Prince Bernhard, Prince Phillip



Because this commentator does not understand Satanism and its infiltration into the highest levels of power.

Because this commentator has a rational mind he can not believe that other people in power are not rational - That they are MAD, PSYCHOPATHIC, LIVES FOR SATAN, SATANISTS!!




The removal of the Heads of the Thirteen Satanic Families - not by assassination - as they can move from body to body - but as in the removal of Energy Blockages in the Energy Enhancement removal of Blockages. Also information, the teaching of Wolf-Child Humanity in real Science and History as well as the Science of Meditation - Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.

The solution?


Solution? - The Science of Meditation - Which will increase the only thing you can take with you - Lifetime to Lifetime - when you die..


With the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.




Just by meditation and energy blockage removal, you can find the truth for yourself, increase your energy, access incredible quantities of Kundalini Energy, become Enlightened.

And that's the only way, I think, you can actually make a practical, actually practical indication of how we might be able to save humanity from its degenerate Satanic predators.




Energy Enhancement Meditation is Meditation as it was originally meant to be..

 "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..



Pure.. Away from all perversion, the fastest and most advanced way to commence Kundalini Activation of the Base Chakra is through Energy Enhancement Meditation - Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key given in Initiations Three and Four of Energy Enhancement Level One.

Being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...











Every year since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

Moloch, the God of a Pagan Religion, is well written about as a burning idol where babies were sacrificed to the fire. The Bible asserts that children were sacrificed at a place called the Tophet ("roasting place") to the god Moloch - represented by the Owl of Bohemian Grove...

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement at Bohemian Grove. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual. Alex Jones took this photograph and took videos when he entered into Bohemian Grove in California where every year Presidents and the banking elite worship at the Ritual, "The Cremation of Care" - designed to extinguish empathy and conscience and create psychopaths - ENERGY BLOCKAGES IMPLANTED INTO THE HEART - EMPATHY - AND ABOVE THE HEAD - CONSCIENCE -  as a child is sacrificed to the Fire in front of a carved 40ft Owl representing Moloch and thousands of the elite watching, worshipping.

You have to be invited to get in.. and out..

For an example of Human Sacrifice in Satanic Pagan Religions from 8000 years ago - from Babylon itself, in the Book of Ruth in the Bible we have Ruth who as a Moabite has participated in Human Sacrifice. As she forswears this evil satanic Moabite religion and cleaves to Judaism, she is allowed to marry Boaz, ancestor of King David.

Leviticus 18:21
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 20:2
Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.

Leviticus 20:3
And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.

Leviticus 20:4
And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:

Leviticus 20:5
Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.

1 Kings 11:7
Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.

2 Kings 23:10
And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

Jeremiah 32:35
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.




Breakfast at Owls Nest Camp, Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1967. Around the table, left to right: Preston Hotchkis, California Governor Ronald W. Reagan, Harvey Hancock (standing), Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Glenn Seaborg, Jack Sparks, (unidentified individual), (unidentified individual), and Edwin Pauley. Courtesy of Edward W. Carter (deceased).

Lawrence Berkeley reporting on the Manhattan Project to create the Atomic bomb, lunching with future president Eisenhower and past president Hoover at Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1950.




As in the Last Samurai, 100% of Reviews were against the Lone Ranger..

Bloated, violent and dumb are just a few of the critical impressions

Hi-yo ouch.

Critics are lighting a match to "The Lone Ranger," the mega-budget western that has built up a heap of savage early reviews criticizing everything from its violence to the nutso performance of Johnny Depp as Tonto.

Critics have branded the film a "must miss" with a doleful 25 percent "rotten" rating on critics aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. As it currently stands the film ranks as a critical dud.

With a reported budget of more than $200 million, Disney will now have to rely on a marketing blitzkrieg rather than critical raves to herd audiences into theaters. The origin story follows lawyer John Reid's (Armie Hammer) ambush and transformation into the mask-wearing vigilante. It reunites Depp with "Pirates of the Caribbean" director Gore Verbinski and producer Jerry Bruckheimer.

In TheWrap, Alonso Duralde bemoaned Depp's latest entry in his gallery of oddballs, writing that the A-list star's presence is a distraction.

Also read: 'The Lone Ranger' Review: Hi-Yawn, Silver, Awaaaay!

"Depp lands the occasional one-liner, but his presence in the movie actively undercuts our investment in the Lone Ranger as a character, much less as a hero," Duralde wrote. "Imagine Christopher Nolan casting Joan Rivers as Alfred in the 'Dark Knight' movies so she could follow around Batman and make jokes about his ridiculous outfit."

Drew McWeeny was even less amused. The HitFix critic suggested euthanizing the bloated tentpole picture.

"Someone needs to drag this thing out behind the barn and put a silver bullet in its brain," McWeeny wrote. "It's the only kindness this movie deserves."

Also read: Why Johnny Depp Quit Drinking

He added a word of warning to parents who might be inclined to bring their tykes to the theater over the Fourth of July holiday.

"This is an R-rated movie that has somehow managed to squeak by with a PG-13.," he wrote. "It is startlingly violent, and it seems unaware of just how upsetting much of the imagery is."

Tim Grierson of Screen Daily placed the blame for the film at the feet of its director, writing that Verbinski stages action sequences that defy logic and drama.

"Repeating the mistake of his Pirates films, Verbinski also overdoes his set pieces, creating such elaborate, effects-heavy sequences that they cease being even remotely believable, substantially limiting audience investment in what’s happening," Grierson wrote. "If, on paper, a finale involving two runaway trains — including characters swinging from one to the other while a separate character rides a horse atop one of the trains — sounds dynamic, on screen it’s simply numbing because of the filmmakers’ unwise decision to keep increasing the stakes without much thought to the laws of gravity or the limits of the human body."

The production spared no expense and therein lies the problem, wrote Variety's Peter Debruge.

"This team builds things just to blow them up, and by the film’s climax — which juggles several high-peril situations aboard two criss-crossing locomotives, including the sight of Reid riding his 'spirit horse,' Silver, atop a train — what began as an elegantly epic, potentially realistic retelling of the Lone Ranger legend has devolved into Wile E. Coyote-style cartoon shenanigans," he wrote.

The Hollywood Reporter's Todd McCarthy echoed Debruge's sentiments, complaining that the pictures suffers from bloat and delusions of franchise-dom.

"Floated conceptually and commercially by another eccentric comic characterization by Johnny Depp, this attempt by Verbinski and producer Jerry Bruckheimer to plant the flag for another Pirates of the Caribbean-scaled series tries to have it too many ways tonally, resulting in a work that wobbles and thrashes all over the place as it attempts to find the right groove," McCarthy wrote.

Finding a positive review may prove to be Tonto and the Lone Ranger's greatest challenge..


One elite insider - Steve Jobs - sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" (2012) of Mars.

Purposely failed movies like...

1.  "Citizen Kane" 1941 universally known as the greatest picture - where Randolph Hearst, the gazzillionaire who thought that Kane was written to give out bad information about him, immediately bought RKO Radio Pictures who owned Citizen Kane and stopped its distribution, then sent Orson Welles to Brazil to get him out of the way then cut, "The Magnificent Ambersons" to shreds, and then blacklisted Orson so he almost never worked in movies again.

2. Heaven's Gate (1980) by Cimino shows how during the Range Wars a death list was created by the Satanic Elite and turned over to paid assassins, the genocide stopped by the people, and the Elite pardoned by the State Governor and the President of the U S of A. The picture was destroyed at the Box Office, the production company bankrupted and Oscar Winner Cimino - for "The Deer Hunter (1979)" - was blacklisted together with all the actors.

3. "The Last Samurai" 2003 showed how countries were taken over by the elite. Through the long tongued liars writing 100% bad reviews - about one of the best movies ever to have been made!! it was made to fail at the box office. Tom Cruise  actor and producer received much bad publicity and was fired by Viacom head honcho, Sumner Redstone, almost destroying his career.

4. "The Saint" 1997 was about how Fusion Electric Power could save the world. Fusion Power could have been brought on line by the 1980's if the derisory budget of 5 billion dollars per year had been increased, providing almost free electrical power for 10,000 years with Helium 3 mined at the Moon. Again, made to fail and its stars, Val Kilmer and Elizabeth Shue,  blacklisted.

5. "The Golden Compass" 2007 was about cutting children off from their Souls, - "Just a little snip" Zombification, with obvious reference to the Lobotomy of "Man of Steel" Zack Snyder's, "Sucker Punch". 100% bad reviews for one of the best movies ever to hit the screens. Future movie trilogy wastebasketted. Stars blacklisted. New Line and its head Robert Shayler who had just produced The Lord of the Rings Trilogy making 3 Billion Dollars in the process - also a black mark - were disbanded and fired. The Weinsteins were fired from Disney.

5. "The Last Airbender" 2010 Click for my review.. Again, 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie. The Best!! Director Shyalmalan blacklisted. Future movie trilogy wastebasketted.

6. "Green Lantern" - "Forget the pessimism of the Intellect, instead focus on the Optimism of the Will" - Gramsci.

Fear overcome by Courage and the Will!!

In brightest day,
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight,
For those who worship evil`s might,
Beware my power!
Green Lantern's light

7. "Cloud Atlas" 2012 Click for my review.. 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie.

8.  "The Lone Ranger" 2013 Click for my review.. 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie.

9. "47 Ronin" - disgust at Satanic Shogun society consigning 47 good brave men to death. The start of the consignation of "Matrix" Keanu Reeves to the blacklist.


These movies are always the most interesting because by being opposed, you know there is something in them which is against the elite.


Also, each of these movies, like all Spiritual Movies, has been charged with the highest vibrations of Kundalini energy. For those with sight, no further evidence is necessary than that some great soul has deemed it necessary to project his Life into matter so as to make it Art.


So do the Lords of Light make it known that they exist, and that the long battle for the Hearts and Minds of men continues against Evil.


Steve Jobs initiated this movie as a Director at Disney where his vision for the future had not matched that of the elite and thus had created too much trouble - after he was given the, "Borgia Cup".

Steve Jobs sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" of Mars after he learned of his poisoning and assassination from Cancer. -

It is a well known fact that now, cancer and heart disease is a major Assassination and Eugenocidal Soft Kill tool. All the Presidents of South America seem to have cancer. Castro of Cuba had Cancer as did Lula and Roussef of Brazil, Christina Kirchner of Argentina and of course her assassinated husband Nestor Kirchner who died of a heart attack. Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez died of Cancer. Cancer rates have risen World Wide by as much as 10,000 per cent and the USA is the cancer capital of the World.

Quote from the amazing "John Carter", 2012 .. of Mars


"So what is your cause? We have none. We are not haunted by mortality as you are. We are Eternal.... This little cause will follow the way we have set, Earthman. And we have chosen Saab Ther to rule next. The Ninth Ray must remain in the hands of mindless brutes we can control. And the infamy of Deja Thoris Wedding Death will seal his Reign.

We have been playing this game from before the birth of this planet (Mars). And we will continue to do so until well after the death of yours (Earth). We do not cause the destruction of your world, Captain Carter. We simply manage it. Feed off it if you like. But on every last Planet it always plays out exactly the same way. Populations Rise. Societies Divide. Wars Spread. And all the while the Neglected Planet Slowly Fades."

It is interesting that Steve Jobs has managed to awaken parts of the Elite to the current dangers and the proof is, "The Lone Ranger"

Armie Hammer who takes the part of, "The Lone Ranger", is the grandson of Elite Operative Armand Hammer who hob-nobbed with Lenin and Stalin - a Gazzillionaire!!






The removal of the Heads of the Satanic Families - not by assassination - as they can move from body to body - but as in the removal of Energy Blockages in the Energy Enhancement removal of Blockages. Also information, the teaching of Wolf-Child Humanity in real Science and History as well as the Science of Meditation - Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.

The solution?


Solution? - The Science of Meditation - Which will increase the only thing you can take with you - Lifetime to Lifetime - when you die..


With the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.




Just by meditation and energy blockage removal, you can find the truth for yourself, increase your energy, access incredible quantities of Kundalini Energy, become Enlightened.

And that's the only way, I think, you can actually make a practical, actually practical indication of how we might be able to save humanity from its degenerate Satanic predators.




Energy Enhancement Meditation is Meditation as it was originally meant to be..

 "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..



Pure.. Away from all perversion, the fastest and most advanced way to commence Kundalini Activation of the Base Chakra is through Energy Enhancement Meditation - Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key given in Initiations Three and Four of Energy Enhancement Level One.

Being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...










Psychic Protection Armour and the Ego-Death of the Holy Grail



The Legend of the Lone Ranger

“A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty “Hi Yo Silver!” The Lone Ranger. “Hi Yo Silver, away!” With his faithful Indian companion Tonto, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains led the fight for law and order in the early west. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. “The Lone Ranger rides again!”

Many people would not have considered the Lone Ranger a superhero, but let’s look at the facts. He had a secret identity, a sidekick, a special mode of travel (a great white stallion with “the speed of light”) and a special utility belt (two six shooters and silver bullets—which were made from his own secret silver mine).

In addition his background story was one of loss like Batman, another masked vigilante. He suffered the loss of his older brother Daniel Reid who had helped raise him after their parents died and the loss of his friends—his fellow Texas Rangers.

After the ambush of the Rangers by Butch Cavendish’s ruthless outlaw gang, a forgotten childhood friend by the name of Tonto finds the sole survivor and nurses him back to health. Tonto makes a black mask from Daniel Reid’s vest for his friend. So begins the legend of the masked man, the lone ranger of the Old West.

The Lone Ranger had a creed:

“I believe that to have a friend, a man must be one.

That all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world.

That God put the firewood there but that every man must gather and light it himself.

In being prepared physically, mentally, and morally to fight when necessary for that which is right.

That a man should make the most of what equipment he has.

That ‘This government, of the people, by the people and for the people’ shall live always.

That sooner or later… somewhere…somehow… we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken.

That all things change but truth, and that truth alone, lives on forever.

In my Creator, my country, my fellow man.”

The above was written by Fran Striker who created the Lone Ranger in 1933 for radio. Striker would also create The Green Hornet (the Lone Ranger was his great uncle), and Sergeant Preston of the Yukon.

In the 1930s the Great Depression had robbed millions of their economic security. From the fertile imaginations of a few writers, superheroes were introduced to the American public; they fought for the common man and the ideals of American justice.

Woodie Guthrie's,
This Land is your Land,
This Land is my Land..
.. This Land was made for you and me..

These heroes on the radio, comics and the motion picture serials gave renewed hope that life could be different. Here were men and women, dressed in disguises, who risked their lives daily to foster and to keep alive the ideals of what it meant to be a true American.

The Lone Rangers of the past are gone. Those characters, who embodied a sense of right and wrong, honor, friendship, patriotism, equality, truth and justice, seem to be fading from our society.

Disney’s The Lone Ranger lives up to the vision of Fran Striker in 1933 and more!! The Disney of the golden era with Zorro, the Scarecrow Of Romney Marsh, Davy Crockett, William Tell, Robin Hood, fighting evil oligarchs worldwide will treat The Lone Ranger with dignity and respect.

For me, Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels of the television series gave us weekly lessons of friendship, courage, and hope that good would triumph over evil. The Lone Ranger of television never smoked, drank, cursed or said an unkind word.

Perhaps in the 1950s and early 60s this was the kind of superhero we needed to remind us of who and what we were—the generation descended from fathers and mothers who had lived through the Great Depression and the second World War against Fascist Totalitarian Satanist Hitler and Japan with the help of ally, "Uncle Joe" Stalin.

Our generation was facing a very uncertain future as Communism sought world dominion after the war, and it was good to be reminded that no matter how bleak the day looked, there was always a Lone Ranger and Tonto riding to the rescue with a “Hi-Yo Silver! Away” and “Ke-mosabe” to the music of The William Tell Overture by Gioachino Rossini.

Now we have the rise of Fascist Totalitarian - Orwell's 1984 and now Snowden's, "Big Brother is Watching You!!" - States arising in every country, Worldwide.

We know that Satanism is the, "Old Religion" predating Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Since Satanic Babylon, Satanic Generational families have infil-traited and destroyed the Drug Running, Banking, and Slave Trading Roman Empire, the Drug Running, Banking, and Slave Trading Venetian Empire, the Drug Running, Banking, and Slave Trading British Empire and are in the process of destroying the Drug Running, Banking, and Slave Trading Anglo-American Empire.

We know that Satanic Elite dynastic families of every race are responsible for corruption, stealing and genocide of every race they come across.

But the old methods, the Roman, "Divide and Conquer" means that Satanic Elite dynastic families put the blame on the, "Whites" "Old White Men" for Banking, Slavery, and Drugs.

We know that infil-traition occurs through marrying into the elite families of every nation and through the "Cuckoo" implanting of elite bastard babies into elite families and then assassinating the parents - see movie, "Anonymous" by Roland Emmerich as the British have done in India and China. See my series of Articles on the Satanic Oligarchic Elites.


Satanism is firmly implanted into the Old Elite Families in every Nation in the World!!

The Legend of the Lone Ranger - Never Take Off the Mask



In the latest version of the Lone Ranger we start off with a young boy in 1933 - in the middle of the depression, consciously created like that even worse one started in 2008 and still continuing - to drive America to War against Aunt Sally Satanic Germany funded by the Anglo American Elite of Brown Brothers Harriman, Bush and Head of the Bank of England Montegu Norman, and to use that war to destroy German Science created to create wealth Worldwide. The German Universities of Carnot, Gauss, Riemann, Humboldt and Einstein, and steal those scientists through Operation Paperclip and totally cull and impoverish all of central Europe - the ancient, "Policy of Poverty" in order to control.

The Kid, dressed as a cowboy with capgun and mask he enters a carnival tent to view exhibits. He sees the mighty buffalo, now all genocided. He sees the native American Indian, now all genocided and the guy who is in the exhibit is the now ancient Tonto!! complete with a display sign that says ironically, considering the genocide, “The Noble Savage.” Addressing the boy emotionally as “Kemosabe,” Tonto begins telling his story – which begins with the Lone Ranger and Tonto robbing a bank. “But they were good guys!” says the boy. Tonto explains that good men must occasionally do these things to fight evil.

Tonto means "fool, idiot!!" in Spanish. In this movie, he is The Soul, The Fool of the Tarot. He is Kikaha the Trixter of the Native Indians. He is Loki of the Norse Gods. "Fools step in where Angels Fear to Tread!!" He seems Foolish, but in reality he embodies Dharma, the Shaman, the true path of the Soul.

In this we have the juxtoposition, the pun, the word with two meanings which provides the true meaning and significance of this movie.

Depp’s interpretation of Tonto is genuinely great. Tonto constantly “feeds” a dead bird that sits on top of his head. He loots corpses but “trades” with them by leaving a small item on the body in the same way that we bought Manhatten with glass beads..

Because Tonto is an idiot but also the Fool of the Tarot and his funny lines seem funny, but when we review them later we find infinite wisdom.

Because the Lone Ranger is Kemosabe!! or in Spanish, "Quien no sabe!!" or He who does not know!! or he who knows nothing!! Again the pun. The word with two meanings. Because at first the Lone Ranger is a Fool - He who does not know!!. But he has also been touched by God, awoken from Death, Touched - another word for a madman, a fool of God - he who knows nothing!! or as the Zen Masters say, "I know nothing" as a joke which means, "I know God!!"

At first the Lone Ranger knows nothing of the true evil of this world, but all men have their Rite of Passage, their awakening to the true nature of evil on this planet, but awakened from death, chosen by the Spirit Horse, he can do nothing wrong.
Everything he does is good.

We also have to have our Rite of Passage, our awakening to learn of the source of true evil in this World.

Back in the day, around 1850, we have the bad guys, two evil brothers Butch Cavendish and Latham Cole who find the Mother Lode of Silver from Tonto - Spanish: Tonto, Translation: Idiot - an idiot because he thinks that only these two brothers are evil and that by killing only them his Indian world will be saved - when he was a boy. The two brothers kill Tonto's family, his whole tribe and the crow Spirit of the tribe to protect the secret of the location of the Silver Motherlode.

Tonto swears undying enmity and revenge on these two bad guy brothers who he calls Windigo - the Spirit of Evil. He takes the Crow totem, the dead Spirit of his genocided tribe and wears it on his head.


The head Ranger brother, Dan Reid, of John Reid his idiot brother - the Lone Ranger to be - finds a railroad track over the desert to the Mother Lode Silver mine. He swears to the Commanche chief that he will protect their ancestral lands from depredation by the white people who have entered their ancestral lands, given to them in treaty from the United States of America, signed by the President himself.

We meet District Attorney John Reid coming in to on a train filled with singing Presbyterians. Prim, proper, and bumbling, he is the stereotypical spoiled “college boy.” When asked to join in prayer, he raises a copy of Satanic John Locke’s Two Treatises on Government and explains “This is my Bible.” The idiot lawyer brother John Reid is just out of University with his Law Degree and as with all graduating students, he is a little mind controlled to beleive in all that nonsense they teach. He has no knowledge of the real World.
Thus he is a fool, a real Kemosabe He who knows nothing!! his idiot brother - the Lone Ranger to be - Kemosabe - Spanish: Quien no sabe!! - Translation: He who knows nothing!! - prevents Tonto from killing the evil brother Butch Cavendish because he wants him to get a fair trial.

Tonto is imprisoned on the train along with Butch Cavendish, a disfigured villain plotting his escape. When Cavendish makes his move, Tonto attempts to foil him. Cavendish’s accomplices raid the train to free him but not before Tonto has a chance to kill him. However, Reid stops Tonto, putting his faith in the judicial process. Of course Butch Cavendish is then rescued, escaping with his gang.

Most of the train’s passengers are eventually saved by John’s brother Dan, the very picture of a grizzled Western lawman. It’s also revealed that John is still in love with Dan’s wife Rebecca, and she is still in love with John. Dan and his posse ride out to apprehend Cavendish, and John tags along. Though he refuses to carry a gun, and wears a civilian style white hat, he is deputized an official Texas Ranger.

Dan Reid, the head Ranger brother takes a posse of seven Rangers plus his idiot lawyer brother who has not yet woken up to the real evil which surrounds him, who he swears in as a ranger, to follow and arrest the evil brother who the Lone Ranger to be - He who knows nothing - allowed to escape.

Dan Reid asks Tonto, "So why are you in jail?" Tonto answers, "Indian!"

Jonny Depp was made a member of the Commanche Nation for his performance in this movie.

However, this is a trap by the other evil brother, Latham Cole who is in charge of building the railways across America, this is an evil ruse to assassinate all the Rangers. One of the Rangers betrays them. All the Rangers are shot.

The evil brother, Butch Cavendish cuts out the heart of the Dan Reid head ranger, alive, and eats it in front of the wounded Lone Ranger to be who then dies.

This is a Satanic Act. He hopes thereby to absorb the energy of his opponent. Very much like the act of the Al Qaeda captain cannibal who recently ate the heart of his Syrian enemy on video.

Tonto finds the dead bodies and discovers that the idiot brother - Quien no sabe - is still alive.

Mystical elements enter as the Lone Ranger is chosen by a white spirit horse - Silver. Was he already alive, or was he brought back to life by the Spirit Horse? The God chosen, instrument of vengeance, The fool who steps in where Angels fear to tread.

Tonto tries to convince the animal that the “great warrior” Dan is who he needs, but the horse is insistent. John is brought back from the dead and told he is a spirit walker – a man who cannot be killed in battle. Though John keeps his faith in the law and the judicial process, he joins with Tonto to hunt down Cavendish, though Tonto has no confidence in him.

First the Lone Ranger needs to understand the true depth of the evil. It's source. It's spread.

Though he would much prefer Dan Reid, his brother as an ally. Tonto melts the silver badges of the dead rangers and creates Silver bullets. Silver is the only metal, traditionally, which can kill evil satanic vampires.

Tonto creates the Black Mask of the Lone Ranger from the shot holes in his brothers clothes created by his murderer who ate his heart and gives them to John Reid, the Lone Ranger!! Remember!! Don't Forget!!

The obvious criminal baddies are only a smokescreen for the true villain – a rogue official within a powerful corporate interest that the hero ostensibly serves. We also understand that the railway is owned by members of the, "Finest Families" of the Satanic Dynastic Elite.

Here, it’s the railroad that is trying to build across Comanche territory. The peace treaty is supposedly breached by Indian raids on white settlements, and we even see an “Indian” raid on Rebecca’s house, as the tough frontier woman fires a rifle in defense of her son and the “Indians” kill and scalp the family’s black slave.

It’s revealed that it was actually Cavendish’s gang disguised as Indians. Furthermore, the gang is being supported by the railroad’s villainous owner, Mr. Cole the brother of Butch Cavendish, who is also interested in taking Dan’s widow and son for his own.

Thus, capitalism, patriarchy, and Elite satanism are all united in a triumphant trinity of villainy.

Cavendish’s gang disguised as Indians have attacked and killed many others in the hopes of starting an Indian war, genociding the Commanche Nation, obtaining, stealing, the ancestral lands of the Indians of the Commanche Nation, obtaining, stealing, all the Silver from the Motherlode mine.

Yes, that is how it's done, throughout all history. It's Real!!

The Lone Ranger fires a Silver Bullet at two of the Gang. It bounces off many things including the Crow at the top of Tonto's head, hits a wooden beam and the wooden beam falls on the top of the two bad men, killing them instantly.

"Good Shot!!" says Tonto; "I meant only to warn them" says the Lone Ranger, God's Spirit of Vengeance.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are captured by the Comanche. A relieved Reid thinks that Tonto’s people will help him, but instead he is told Tonto’s story. Tonto found two white men and took them back to the village to be nursed to health. When the men heal, they notice Tonto has a rock of silver, and trade a cheap pocket watch for the location of the silver.

Tonto returns to his village to find that the whites have slaughtered his tribe. His mind breaks, and he concludes that the men are evil spirits. He can not come to terms with his gruesome mistake. Tonto enters into a world of magic, fantasy, and religious imagination. Though the film shows that he does possess a kind of deep wisdom and terrible power, it’s also clear that he reached that power through madness. "We are God's Madmen" - Copola's, "Dracula"

Tonto repeatedly expresses his contempt for the Lone Ranger when angered, calling him a “white coward” when he puts his faith in the law when the Law is in the charge of corrupt officials..

They follow a horse across the desert, across the indian lands, to the Silver Mine. There they capture Butch Cavendish. The Lone Ranger prevents Tonto from killing him instantly, again. When Reid knocks out Tonto to prevent him killing Butch Cavendish, Reid eventually breaks with Tonto, saying “I have a tribe.”

Instead, trusting in the Law and Justice the Lone Ranger takes Butch Cavendish in a scene reminiscent of the movie, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" when Il Bruto takes Clint Eastwood across the desert - straight back into the hands of Latham Cole, the brother of Butch Cavendish.

Tonto awakes to find Chinese laborers staring at him. “Stupid white man,” he mutters and the Chinese nod sagely.

Whites practically start a riot when Tonto enters a town, calling him a “heathen,” Army soldiers savagely berate “Chinamen,” and railroad officials are quick to praise drunken white workers that we rarely see doing any work, unlike the Chinese who as Foreign Workers never received a Green Card and had to return to China..

On bringing back Butch Cavendish to Latham Cole the Lone Ranger learns that he has been betrayed yet again. Another Rite of Passage in his effort to, "Wake Up!!" Once he realizes the corruption of Latham Cole of the railroad and his brother Butch Cavendish and the US Army, being all together against him and the Commanche to take the train into the Commanche lands to take 65 million dollars worth of Silver - he comes back to Tonto's side.

He learns that Latham Cole has captured the widow of Dan Reid, childhood sweetheart of the Lone Ranger. He has called in the Army and the Army have sorted out the Indian Problem taking a revenge ten times greater than the spurious indian attacks done by Butch Cavendish and his gang.

As for the Army, Barry Pepper plays a Custer-like officer who leads the genocide against the Indians. When he is informed that he has killed Indians for no reason - for which he could be court martialed - Not!! - and upon being offered a massive bribe of silver by Latham Cole he quickly determines to save his skin by aligning with the railroad and Cavendish and going along with the lie.

He decides to genocide the rest of the Indians.

The Lone Ranger is a prisoner!!

Whilst we initially think he will be rescued by the Commanche, the film features an Indian attack on Army troopers that begins almost exactly like the downhill charge at Helm’s Deep in The Two Towers.

The pseudo-Custer cries “For God and Country!” as the Army prepare to defend themselves - with machine guns!! Gatling Guns!!

The Indians are mown down, defeated, genocided.

Every one of them killed, genocided just as the Commanche Chief said to the Lone Ranger, "We are all Ghost Walkers" condemned to a death which has not yet arrived at the hands of the American Army by the traitchery of being falsely accused of attacking the settlers, not through martial valor but through Gatling guns, just like the Samurai are defeated by the Satanic Elite controlled Japanese Army in The Last Samurai.

Instead it is Tonto who rescues the Lone Ranger and together they plan to solve the situation.

In the meantime, Latham Cole is talking to the board of the railway consisting of "Representatives of the Finest Families from the East". He tells them of the 65 Million dollars of silver, and that he is going to takeover the Railway Company by a hostile takeover. He shoots the Chairman in the Ass - a real Badass!!

Very much like Faulkner's "The Great Gatsby" we have the methodology of new money wanting to join old money. Gatsby became the front man in a Wall Street scam in order to marry his sweetheart and join the old money club he had grown to love as the boyfriend of a millionare.

Faulkner was talking to Hemmingway saying that rich people are different from normal people, "Yes!", said Hemmingway, "They have lots of Money!!" But I think that Faulkner was referring to the Old Religion of Old Money. That Generational, Dynastic, Satanic families do have a different point of view mainly because they have been brought up to be psychopaths as well as genetically; for thousands of years they have been bred to be psychopaths.

We watched Latham Cole's designs on the widow of Dan Reid. We watched Latham Cole instruct her son on Railways, and how they were the key to ruling the USA - until jets made that obsolete. In the same way that his brother satanically ate the heart of her husband because he admired his strength, Latham Cole wants to satanically eat his family for the same reason, very much like the Argentines raped the women terrorists, fighting against the tyranny back in 1975 when the Satanic Generals took over at the behest of the Satanic CIA, then placed their babies in army families. Afterwards of course, the women were tortured, killed, and thrown out of aero planes over the Atlantic.

The old Venetians, scions of the old Satanic Roman Empire families, had the reputation of being very polite, urbane and amusing. They would laugh and joke with you whilst sliding a knife into your back. They also had, "The Italian way of loving" homosexuality following them like a cloud. As the Saudis say, "Women for babies, men for love!!"

The Old money of the Kennedys came from prohibition, The big money only coming because alcohol was illegal. The Prohibition Law was paid for by the Irish, Jewish and Italian Mafias from which they made billions. Now, drugs are again the trillion dollars a year business. 95% of the heroin comes from Afghanistan and the business is controlled Worldwide by the Committee of 300 of mainly British Aristocratic Satanists or like Bush, related to the Queen. Another name for marijuana in the USA is, "Bush" because it all comes in via Texas and there is only one gang, the Bush gang, in charge. All the politicians in favour of prohibition are paid for by the Mafias.

Further back we have the China drug profits of the Russell and the Perkins families, the Chinese Opium Wars and the importation of Opium from British Empire India into China under, "Free Trade" laws. In order to join the club you have to prove yourself fit in the Satanic, Eugenic, Fascist, Darwinian, "Survival of the fittest"

So then we have the Lone Ranger and Tonto riding to the rescue when we finally hear that famous overture of William Tell by Rossini.

They steal the train called the, "Constitution" which has the silver ore, as separate from the other Train, the, "Republic", run it over a wooden bridge and then blow up the bridge with the dynamite they stole from the bank. We see the train falling though the air into the waters. We see Latham Cole going to the bottom of the river with thousands of tons of silver ore falling on top of him to create his burial mound.


The Romans fought for the Old Republic too, against the onslaught of Homosexual, Pedophile, Satanic Emperors like Caligula, Commodus and Zerobama and his Eugenic Zerocare.

As Tonto kills the bad guys he says, "At first I thought that if I killed you two the problem would be over. But now I see that you are just two more white men"

But in this Tonto is wrong.

To the Satanists, genocide of a people is a Satanic Ritual Sacrifice.

It is a cull of the, "Beautiful and Gallant" because only these people are a fit sacrifice. All wars are just methods to cull the brave, "Troublemakers" the leaders who could wrest control from the Satanic Masters.

Churchill complained that the Second world War was too short, as he firebombed ancient cities like Dresden, killing all their innocent inhabitants. Worldwide, armies of millions of people were sacrificed. Eventually the Atomic Bomb was demonstrated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, millions of Gallant and Beautiful people Sacrificed on the Satanic Altar of the, "Policy of Poverty" in order to maintain Satanic control over All the World for thousands of Years.

The German people were fooled by Satanic Fascist Hitler and Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 25 millions of people. The Spanish people were fooled by Satanic Fascist Franco and it was he who was responsible for genociding one million Spaniards. The Chinese people were fooled by Satanic, 33rd Degree Freemason, Mao, and it was he who was responsible for the genocide of eighty millions of people. Kissinger supported Pol Pot in Cambodia as he sacrificed three million middle class people on the Satanic Killing Fields. And on. And On!!

And all these leaders were only front men, like Faulkner's, "The Great Gatsby" - see the wonderful movie by Baz Lurman with Leonardo de Caprio!! - to hide the real Evil of Satanic, Babylonian Dynastic Families who want to maintain their Ten Thousand year control over this Planet.

"Put you on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places."

At the end of the movie Tonto throws a Silver Bullet at the astonished Kid, "Kemosabe" and he says, "Never take off the Mask".

That Kid, Quien no sabe, He who knows Nothing, is you!!

As in the Last Samurai YOU have been handed the Sword, the Soul of the Samurai Warrior.

What are you going to do?


At the end Tonto removes his native clothes and redresses as the White Man. The living Crow Totem leaves him. The White American Race, Godless, Detroited, Third Worlded, De-industrialised, Ruined; walks off with his suitcase into the dry, dead, wilderness to die.

That Man is You!!

What are you going to do?



The removal of the Heads of the Satanic Families - not by assassination - as they can move from body to body - but as in the removal of Energy Blockages in the Energy Enhancement removal of Blockages. Also information, the teaching of Wolf-Child Humanity in real Science and History as well as the Science of Meditation - Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.

The solution?


Solution? - The Science of Meditation - Which will increase the only thing you can take with you - Lifetime to Lifetime - when you die..


With the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.




Just by meditation and energy blockage removal, you can find the truth for yourself, increase your energy, access incredible quantities of Kundalini Energy, become Enlightened.

And that's the only way, I think, you can actually make a practical, actually practical indication of how we might be able to save humanity from its degenerate Satanic predators.




Energy Enhancement Meditation is Meditation as it was originally meant to be..

 "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..



Pure.. Away from all perversion, the fastest and most advanced way to commence Kundalini Activation of the Base Chakra is through Energy Enhancement Meditation - Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key given in Initiations Three and Four of Energy Enhancement Level One.

Being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...









Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - CULT OF THE ALL SEEING EYE

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists, also referred to as the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye are everywhere. Everywhere where there is power. Infil-tration is their modus operandi.

Jacob Frank (1726-1791), the leader of the Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Sabbatean/Frankists, proclaimed himself to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi the living Messiah.

If it is possible to have evil personified, Jacob Frank represented evil at its absolute worst. Not even Sabbatai Zevi was as evil as Frank and his disciples.

It was the Satanic Kabbalistic leadership that handpicked Jacob Frank to develop the teaching begun by Sabbatai Zevi and to indoctrinate Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt. This alliance of Frank-Rothschild-Weishaupt formed an unholy trinity.

1. THEOLOGY: Jacob Frank was in charge of creating a Satanic theology that would be the foundation for revolutions.
2. BANKING: Mayer Amschel Rothschild was in charge of world banking.
3. REVOLUTION: Illuminati Jesuit Adam Weishaupt was in charge of the Satanic revolutionary political development in the world. The infil-Traition of the Freemasons, the creation of the Young Turks by Mazzini, The Muslim Brotherhood for MI6, Saudi Wahabist, Salafist Al-Qaeda for the CIA, an investment of five billions of dollars over one year for fascist revolutionaries, Rent-a Mob for the Ukraine.

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Sabbatean/Frankists have infil-traited the upper levels of Judaism, Cathoicism, and Islam  worldwide.

This same Frankist hetero or Sodomic hierogamy or Ritual Sex, existed in Pagan fertility worship and was also popular in the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, which led to their downfall and eventual captivity.

Frank reworked the concept of Tzvi's Sabbatean " Messiah who sins" in encouraging adherents of the movement to engage in sin, with the logic that if salvation could be attained through holiness from sin, it could also be achieved through indulging in sinfulness. Thus, the practices of the Frankists consist of orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rituals.

Jacob Frank taught "holiness through sin" and that "good" would come through the triumph of Evil.


What was prohibited would be allowed including adultery, incest and pedophilia.

Witchcraft and satanic rituals were introduced with animal and human sacrifices.

Jacob Frank reversed the truth. "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners."

"To ascend one must first descend. No man can climb a mountain until he has first descended to its foot. Therefore we must descend and be cast down to the bottom rung, for only then can we climb to the infinite. No region of the human soul can remain untouched by this struggle."

"I did not come into this world to lift you up but rather to cast you down to the bottom of the abyss…The descent into the abyss requires not only the rejection of all religions and conventions, but also the commission of ‘strange acts,’ and this in turn demands the voluntary abasement (degradation) of one’s own sense of self, so that libertinism (no morality) and the achievement of that state of utter shamelessness which leads to a tikkun of the soul are one and the same thing.”

Inspired by Satan, he wrote the doctrine of the Antichrist which permitted orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rites – incest, rape and sexual intercourse with children, including sodomy on young boys. Lucifer was declared the “true god”. Witchcraft and satanic rituals were introduced with animal and human sacrifices.



Monty Python's, "Life of Brian" got it right when the reply to, "Why do you do that" is always, "It is written..."

But understand that these creations are created for both good and evil. A good man will interpret evil in the best way possible. But trauma, damage, the splitting of the mind requires much healing.

Sabbatean Frankism is an example of Satanism growing through the creation of new religions and myths.

Satanism grows through the perversion of Religions and through the creation of new Religions. After having seen them grow up. After having seen if they have legs. They are then let go, or infil-traited, funded and supported.

New religions like Protestantism, Calvinism, Mormonism with their polygamy, Pentecostals, Jehovaha's Witnesses, Children of God whose most famous stars are River and Joaquin Phoenix, and of course Sabattean Frankists are tested, and then used by the Satanists as seen fit..

In "Wise as Serpents" by Springmeier he details the Satanic creation of this new religion, the Masonic background of Jehovaha's Witnesses founder William Taze Russell and the fact that Russell is a bloodline (See, "The Thirteen Bloodlines of the Illuminati" by Springmeier) of the British Russell Illuminati making their money from Drug running to Hong Kong and China, a Russell creating the Sodomic Skull and Bones Society at Yale University and having Satanist Lord Bertrand Russell amongst their alumni.

Calvin's previous name was Cohen as a Frankist Marrano Jew.

Protestants were founded as a countervailing force against Catholicism, after the Siege of Cambrai in 1507, by the Satanic Venetians whose Drug Running, Banking and Slave trading Venetian Empire is in a direct line from the Satanic Babylonian Empire to the Drug Running, Banking and Slave trading Roman Empire. Venetian Agent Luther was under the aegis of Venetian Cardinal Contarini, who also was responsible for the founding of the Jesuits under Venetian Agent Loyola.

Christianity created by the Roman Piso Family? There are many Religions prior to Christianity which use the same Myths as Christianity. The aura of Christ is the aura of the Sun, Mithras. "Not the Spanish Inquisition!!" - Monty Python.

Another example is the creation of older religions like Judaism and Islam. When the Satanic Babylonians created Judaism and Islam they added pain in order to split the minds of the adherents at birth. The genital mutilation of babies will accomplish that sub personality split off from the normal mind at the age the trauma was performed.

Circumcision is the key to this Trauma Based mind control. Monty Python's, "Life of Brian" got it right when the reply to, "Why do you do that" is always, "It is written..." The technology of Trauma Based mind control with the addition of drugs and hypnotism to infil-trait the trauma split minds of those who must be controlled further, later, and more completely, is a Satanic secret from before the time of Babylon - see, "The Illuminati formula to create a completely mind controlled slave" by Springmeier. 

Originally Judaism was invented to create a group of hard head terrorists to protect the right flank of the Babylonian Empire. Today it is the, "Arc of Crisis" maintaining control of the petroleum riches for the British and Anglo-American Empires.

Islam was created "During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) circumcision was done for boys at the time of their Aqiqah (It's a traditional celebration for the birth of a child which involves the sacrifice of an animal in thanks to Allah.) as reported in al-Bayhaq."

Rent-a mob utilises mind split armies to follow the Arab Spring destabilising countries like, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Russia, Uighur China,  after which Rockefeller (a branch of the Rothschilde family) funded NATO  and UN finish them off. The technology of Trauma Based mind control with the addition of drugs and hypnotism to infil-trait the trauma split minds of those who must be controlled further, later, and more completely, is a Satanic secret from before the time of Babylon - see, "The Illuminati formula to create a completely mind controlled slave" by Springmeier. 

In my HOMOSEXUALITY IN SATANIC RITUAL AND THE PERVERSION OF BASE CHAKRA KUNDALINI AWAKENING - HOMO-OCCULTISM, FORCED PEDERASTY AND CHILD SACRIFICE  I mention another common method of splitting the mind which is the sodomy of babies. Together with genital mutilation these two techniques are the most common methods of splitting the mind and creating an underlying rage which is ideal for the creation of clone armies.

However, generational dynastic families for 10,000 years have used sophisticated mind control techniques as detailed in, "The Illuminati formula to create a completely mind controlled slave" by Springmeier, in order to completely control every member of their very important families. Using trauma, drugs - now there is an amazing pharmacopeia from which to choose the appropriate drug, but these drugs have been studied since Ancient Egypt - and hypnotism, the mind is split by experts - Mengele after his research in concentration camps became the worlds expert on splitting the mind by trauma; physical, emotional and mental torture - into a three dimensional matrix of Sub-personalities accessed by hypnotic codewords by the handler. The engaging front personality is controlled by the satanically evil back personality in every important function in the world..

The healing of these trauma-formed sub-personalities whose symptoms include unstoppable emotions like rage or fear and amazingly illogical gaps in the intellect are removed and healed in Energy Enhancement Level 3

Breeding for psychopathic intelligence is the trick which allowed Europe to outbreed the harem breeding tactics of the Ottoman Empire and Genghis Khan. 20% of Mongolia now has Genghis Khan genes from his harem of 700 wives. The Ottomans highly educated their many harem sons then chose the most intelligent to rule.

However inbreeding creates idiots and a few incredibly intelligent psychopathic monsters.

When the Darwins, Galtons, Wedgewoods and Huxleys decided only to breed within their own families they did create a few cretins as all inbreeding does, but they also created psychopathic genius. The Satanic Eugenics of Hitler was created by Galton and Darwin then funded by the Rockefellers. Later it was continued by Sir Julian Huxley at the UN where he obfuscated the name of Eugenics into Family Planning and Transhumanism. Aldous Huxley helped with the MI6 operation to corrupt America with the introduction of illegal drugs there as a prior attack before further destabilisation, however using conversations with his brother, Sir Julian, he completely exposed the Eugenic plan for the world in, "Brave New World", a vision of the future of totalitarian control he considered superior to Eton taught Orwell's (Eric Blair's), "1984".

The genealogies of all Elite Families Europe are completely known as much as are as are the great horses, and they are all completely inbred.



Al-CIAda - Utilising the Jihadist mind split mercenaries to attack and take over sovereign states protected by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 when Europe consolidated its long transition from the Middle Ages to a world of sovereign states. It is an old trick of the powers that be to utilise mercenaries - rent-a-mob - as opposition in a civil war against "bad" government supported by the, "responsibility to protect". An ideology which would now support the take over of "bad" governments like, Ukraine, Russia and China. And Iraq, "But Saddam Hussein was a bad man" Tony Bliar. Iraq - One million dead, impoverished - The Policy of Poverty - women back in the Burka, country split in three.





Empires - Since the Fall of the Roman Empire it has been known that holding together a vast empire is difficult as it provides a huge target easily attacked. Far better to release parts of the Empire whilst maintaining control through the intermarriage of Oligarchs with the ruling Empire Dynastic Families.

With Control of Oligarchical families in the British Commonwealth, USA, China and India. Then the sending of the children of all countries Oligarchic families to Public Schools like Eton and Rugby and then on to Ivy League Universities where they can be cherry-picked, corrupted, mind controlled and sent back to rule - Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Oxford, Cambridge...

Intellectually we know that force-wise the British should have held on to the USA when the Americans won the war of Independence in 1776. But when the Lord Milner Group who founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) From All Saints College of Oxford University founded in 1346 by the Venetian controlled Cecil Family, Lords of Salisbury, (See movie,  "Anonymous" by Emmerich) as the Think Tank of the British Foreign Office for all those years, brought the USA in on the side of Britain in the 1st and 2nd World wars!! But when Kissinger gave his speech at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London and mentioned that his Foreign Policy was based mainly on the white papers of the RIIA!!

Intellectually we know that Britain gave up India in 1946 but see for example, Sir Ratan Tata (Knight of the British Empire) -

"When you asked whether I'd ever been in love, I came seriously close to getting married four times and each time it got close to there and I guess I backed off in fear of one reason or another," he said. He replied in the affirmative when asked whether he had ever been in love. When asked how many times, he replied, "Seriously, four times." Ratan Tata, 73, heads one of the country's biggest business empires which comprises nearly 100 firms with revenues totaling about $67 billion.

Ratan Tata, KBE (Born Ratan Naval Tata on 28 December 1937) is an Indian businessman of the Tata Group, a Mumbai-based conglomerate. He was the chairman of the group from 1991-2012. He stepped down as the chairman on 28 December 2012 and now holds the position of Chairman Emeritus of the group which is an honorary and advisory position. He will continue as the chairman of the groups charitable trusts.

Tata is the adoptive great-grandson of Tata group founder Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. His father, Naval Tata, had been adopted from the family of a distant relative by Jamsetji's childless younger son, also named Ratan Tata, and his wife Navajbai. See Director Emmerich's movie, "Anonymous" where we see that the bastards of the Queen of England were carefully cuckoo placed in oligarchical families and then promoted. Tata's parents (Naval and his first wife Sooni) separated in the mid-1940s when Ratan was seven and his younger brother Jimmy was five years old. Both he and his brother were raised by their grandmother Lady Navajbai. Many years later, Naval Tata took a second wife, Simone, and fathered another son, Noel Tata.

Tata began his schooling in Mumbai at the Campion School and the Bishop Cotton School in Shimla, and finished his secondary education at the Cathedral and John Connon School. He completed his B.S. in architecture with structural engineering from Cornell University in 1962, and the Advanced Management Program from Harvard Business School in 1975. Tata is a member of the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity.


Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists

Sabbateanism was a 17th-century Jewish Messianic movement in which its leader, Shabbetai Tzvi, claimed to be the Messiah. Tzvi maintained that the Messiah would have to sin before he could bring redemption of the Jewish People.

The sultan permitted Sabbatai to associate with other Jews and preach in their synagogues. He succeeded in bringing over a number of Muslims to his Satanic Kabbalistic views. Whether through his efforts or their willingness to follow in his latest steps, about 300 families of Sephardic Jews converted to Islam, becoming known as the Dönmeh (also spelled Dönme). The followers adhered to a combination of their Satanic practices as well as Islam.

"By the 1680s, the Islamic Dönme had congregated in Salonika, the cosmopolitan and majority-Jewish city in Ottoman Greece. For the next 250 years, they would lead an independent satanic communal life — intermarrying, doing business together, maintaining their own shrines, and following their secret sexual satanic traditions." Kemal Attaturk was born in Salonica.

Jacob Frank is believed to have been born as Jacob ben Leiba (or Leibowits) in Korolivka, in Podolia of Eastern Poland (now in Ukraine), in about 1726. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to Czernowitz, in the Carpathian region of Bukovina in 1730, where the Sabbatean influence at the time was strong.

As a traveling merchant he often visited Ottoman territories, where he earned the nickname "Frank", a name generally given in the East to Europeans, and lived in the centers of contemporary Sabbateanism: Salonica and Smyrna. In the early 1750s, Frank became intimate with the leaders of the Sabbateans. Two followers of Sabbatian leader Osman Baba (d. 1720) were witnesses at his wedding in 1752. In 1755 began to preach the "revelations" which were communicated to him by the Dönmeh in Salonica.


Frank reworked the concept of Tzvi's Sabbatean " Messiah who sins" in encouraging adherents of the movement to engage in sin, with the logic that if salvation could be attained through holiness from sin, it could also be achieved through indulging in sinfulness. Thus, the practices of the Frankists consist of orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rituals.

Jacob Frank taught "holiness through sin" and that "good" would come through the triumph of Evil.


What was prohibited would be allowed including adultery, incest and pedophilia.

Witchcraft and satanic rituals were introduced with animal and human sacrifices.

Jacob Frank reversed the truth. "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners."

"To ascend one must first descend. No man can climb a mountain until he has first descended to its foot. Therefore we must descend and be cast down to the bottom rung, for only then can we climb to the infinite. No region of the human soul can remain untouched by this struggle."

"I did not come into this world to lift you up but rather to cast you down to the bottom of the abyss…The descent into the abyss requires not only the rejection of all religions and conventions, but also the commission of ‘strange acts,’ and this in turn demands the voluntary abasement (degradation) of one’s own sense of self, so that libertinism (no morality) and the achievement of that state of utter shamelessness which leads to a tikkun of the soul are one and the same thing.”

Going against your Soul Path induces shame and guilt and their Karmic consequences. The Perversion of your Soul Path induces degeneration of the energies of enlightenment leading to the psychopathy of Satanism.

Inspired by Satan, he wrote the doctrine of the Antichrist which permitted orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rites – incest, rape and sexual intercourse with children, including sodomy on young boys. Lucifer was declared the “true god”. Witchcraft and satanic rituals were introduced with animal and human sacrifices.



In 1755, Jacob Frank formed an official body of believers in the Kabbalah, who became known as Zoharists. Their sacred writing is the Zohar - the most important writing among the 550 books of the Kabbalah. In 1756, Jewish Rabbis and leaders who had not been converted to the Kabalistic teachings of Sabbetai rejected Jacob Frank and his followers and declared them heretics.

Frank led his followers into the Roman Catholic Church where he was baptized. By 1760, the Roman Catholic Inquisition discovered that Frank and his followers were using Catholicism as a cover for their evil ends. Frank was arrested and imprisoned for the next 13 years.


Upon his release from prison, Jacob Frank traveled to Frankfurt, Germany where the Rothschild banking family were headquartered. Frank was granted the title of Baron, lived the life of a wealthy German nobleman and attracted a large following of Jews in Germany and in other European countries including the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The city of Prague became a center for Frankists Jews and played a major role in the beginning of the Zionist movement.

Frankists have now infil-traited the highest levels in commerce, media, religion, and government, especially in the United States. The Frankists, Sabbateans (another Apostate Jewish cabal ) and the Illuminati, among other esoteric groups, represent what is called the "Rich Men" in the Bible because of their great wealth.

The Roman Catholic Church directly pressured the formation of this cabal known as the Illuminati in Conspiracy Literature, by persecuting Jews in the Middle Ages and beyond, particularly in the Spanish Inquisition, by forcing them to accept Catholic Christianity.

It was the wish of some Jews to overcome the yoke of cruel Catholic anti-Semitic persecution that led them to initially embrace Sabbatianism from which Frankism evolved. These Jewish "Conversos," are also called "Marrano" Jews.

Famous Marrano Jews are the Rockefeller Family and Jacob Weishaupt, a Catholic Jesuit Jewish Theologian (who also founded/reformed the Illuminati ), and the followers of Jacob Frank, now in turn, exhibit clandestine control in, and collaboration with, the Catholic Church.

Rulers and Emperors, like Joseph II of Austria were subverted by Frank's own daughter, a beautiful woman known as Eva Frank and by the process of hierogamy (sex with a goddess, or representative or prostitute - Crowley's, "Whore of Babylon" or the Sodomic, "Dog Priest" with his bottom in the air, of Egypt - dedicated to a pagan deity or demon, which is what Eva Frank was represented to be) was initiated into Frank's cult.

Indeed, after Jacob Frank (shown left ) was on the scene long enough to espouse his "mystery religion," what was known as the "Hell Fire Club" sprang up in conjunction to Frank's "sacred sexuality" practices in the 18th-century. American Revolutionary Patriot and Freemason, Benjamin Franklin was a frequent guest to this Club in England.

Franklin was the leading Freemason in the very place where the War of Independence was organised; he was a member of British run Freemasonic networks in France, like the Nine Sisters and the San Juan Lodges, which started and manipulated the French Revolution in 1789; he was an initiate of the highly exclusive Royal Lodge of Commanders of the Temple West of Carcassonne; he was also a member of the Satanic Hellfire Club with his close friend, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Francis Dashwood, 15th Baron le DeSpencer (Princess Diana was a Spencer) who was linked to many esoteric groups, including the Druid Universal Bond.

Dashwood had a huge cave dug at his West Wycombe (Wicca) estate for their Satanic rituals and sexual magic ceremonies. They understood and worked with the Satanism while condemning it in public and hiding behind Christianity.

Another Hellfire Club member at this time was Frederick, the Prince of Wales, and so were the Prime Minister, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and the Mayor of the City of London. This was the company kept by Benjamin Franklin, the man who would pretend to lead a rebellion against the same British Crown! In truth he was Agent 72 of British Intelligence, the very same organisation created by people like Francis Bacon and Dr John Dee (Agent 007) during the reign of Elizabeth I.

In 1998 excavations under Franklin's former home at 36 Craven Street, near Trafalgar Square in London, found the remains of ten bodies, six of them children, and they have been dated to the time that Franklin lived there. The cover story appears to be that he and his house mate must have been into grave robbing or buying bodies for medical research. Given that Franklin was a member of a group involved in ritual sacrifice, in line with the ancient rituals of the Satanic Babylonian Brotherhood, does anyone seriously believe that?

Jacob Frank, who claimed to be a Messiah of the very spirit of Tzvi, taught his followers to convert to another religion and hide behind that religion to practice their Satanism, hence the Frankists converted to Catholicism en masse in 1759 amid a great deal of fanfare. This action also meant that Frankists would integrate with existing Sabbatean elements in the Roman Catholic Church to facilitate eventual takeover of the Vatican. Many of the Catholic Priests found to be involved in pederasty are infil-traitored Sabbattean Frankists.

Another one of Frank's prominent teachings was the accumulation of wealth and riches, even by the most devious and criminal actions, thus this is why the Bible calls such the formation of "The Rich Men."

Frank lived out his life supported by his large following and subsidized by European nobility. Frank nominated his daughter Eva or Eve, to continue the work of his movement until her own death in 1816. She became the object of a devotional subcult herself, with some followers keeping small statues of her in their homes or pictures of her portrait. A copy image of her portrait is a very rare find.

ONLY A THUMBNAIL IMAGE of Eva Frank is available of an portrait commissioned by her father in the late 18th Century. Eva Frank was regarded as a very beautiful, intelligent, and charming woman. The official portrait of her is a well guarded relic available only to practicing Frankists. A priest profiled in Lucifer's Lodge showed his devotion to her when he went back into his burning house to retrieve her portrait. Supreme Court Justice Lewis Brandeis, a known Frankist, was also a Eva Devotee and kept a framed portrait of her on his very desk.


It was the Kabbalistic leadership that handpicked Jacob Frank to develop the teaching begun by Sabbatai Zevi and to indoctrinate Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt. This alliance of Frank-Rothschild-Weishaupt formed an unholy trinity.

1. THEOLOGY: Jacob Frank was in charge of creating a Satanic theology that would be the foundation for revolutions.
2. BANKING: Mayer Amschel Rothschild was in charge of world banking.
3. REVOLUTION: Illuminati Jesuit Adam Weishaupt was in charge of the Satanic revolutionary political development in the world.

This same hetero or Sodomic hierogamy existed in Pagan fertility worship and was also popular in the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, which led to their downfall and eventual captivity.

Jewish scripture blames the division of Solomon's kingdom on Solomon's "sins." Though scripture states that Solomon was the wisest of all men, it nevertheless faults him with foolishness when it came to three things. 1. He gathered too much gold. 2. He took too many wives. 3. He acquired too many horses. These three things were expressly forbidden to Jewish kings in scripture.

It God Himself who, through Moses, set this warning before the future kings of Israel. What was Solomon thinking? Too make a long story short, the prophesy of a "messiah" promised to restore the glory of Israel and took hold over the minds of the Jewish people. The messiah would be a man, with Divine authority, who would take over where Solomon left off.

The Davidic royal dynasty would be restored with Jerusalem at the center of their ever-lasting Kingdom. This time, however, Davidic dynasty would establish rule over the entire Earth. The messiah would be a Jewish king, a descendent of David who would pick up where Solomon left off and establish a messianic dynasty upon the entire world. Solomon had taken a lot of heat for his sins but were they sins? Perhaps Solomon was in the process of fulfilling the role of the messiah?

Let's look at his "sins": In Deuteronomy 17:16-17, a king is commanded not to multiply horses or wives, neither greatly multiply to himself gold or silver.

1. Greatly multiply gold or silver: Was Solomon attempting to establish a World central bank?

2. Multiply horse: Was Solomon attempting to assemble the world's greatest army?

3. Multiply wives: Solomon had 700 wives. 700 is a metaphor. According to Jewish tradition, the world is comprised of 70 nations. 10 is a kabbalistic metaphor for completeness. 700 denotes that Solomon was married to all the princesses of the known world, from the daughter of Pharoah on down. He was son-in-law to the lesser kings and noblemen of the known world. This act of massive polygamy united the nations of the world into one family.

In short, Solomon's sin brought global solidarity. Solomon turned all nations into allies through mass marriage and allies don't fight allies. Family doesn't war with family.

Solomon was indeed wise. He married into the tribes of his surrounding neighbors. This is what enabled him to offer his subjects 40 years of uninterrupted peace. Scripture doesn't relate just how many children Solomon fathered as a result of his relationship to those 700 princesses and 300 concubines.

He had 40 years to create an international spy ring if you will. You can do the math. Yes, I said spy ring. Solomon's immense family became fused with the tribes and nations from whence his wives and concubines came. Over the course of 40 years children were born. Many naturally became ambassadors and infil-trating agents of the Solomonic kingdom insuring peaceful diplomatic relations between Solomon and their mother's country of origin.

Others became spies, infil-traitors, mingling among the same lands. In essence, Solomon's wives over time provided Solomon with a far-reaching and often times clandestine intelligence network. A network loyal to the king who also happened to be father. There is no loyalty stronger than filial loyalty.


The wisdom of Solomon was not lost on Shabbatai Tzvi or his children.

Yes. Shabbatai Tzvi had children. The children of Shabbatai Tzvi however are all around you.

Remember Solomon's network. The children of Shabbatai Tzvi are your leaders and heroes. They are also your villains and your bad guys.

Shabbatai Tzvi knew that he needed to multiply his seed on a scale more efficient than monogamy allowed. Although he had several wives he did not accomplish many children through them. He did surround himself at times with "virgins." Sometimes up to seventy at a time.


The sex rituals of Jacob Frank and his movement enabled Shabbatai Tzvi's seed to be propagated even in a seemingly "monogamous" culture. One male descendant of Shabbatai Tzvi can impregnate any number of women during a sex ritual. Obviously, a female descendant can not match that kind of messianic reproductive activity. Over time, using Solomon's breeding model, Shabbatai Tzvi's children and followers were able to secretly multiply the sacred seed of the messiah.

Beginning within the Donmeh sect the descendants of Shabbatai Tzvi began to multiply. Through the efforts Jacob Frank, as well as other Shabbatean sects, Shabbatai Tzvi's seed spread across Europe, across the Atlantic and into Asia. Wherever there were Jews, there were secret infil-traitor Shabbatean-Frankists.

When Jacob Frank converted to Christianity in Poland, along with hundreds of his followers , the seed of Shabbatai Tzvi followed.

Wait a minute...Poland? Is the Pope a Catholic? Was Hitler a Rothschild? Was Stalin a Rothschild? Was Mao a 33rd Degree Freemason of the Orient Lodge? Is Bill Clinton a Rockefeller? Are ex head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Khan, and French politicians and Presidents Hollande and Sarkosy, Frankists?

In short, modern Shabbatean-Frankism is no longer associated with Judaism alone. That is why the war of the last two hundred years appeared to be fought by gentiles and financed by Jewish bankers. In truth, they were instigated by, led by, and financed by Shabbatean-Frankists to accomplish the One World government of Shabbatai Tzvi.

Infiltration is the key word here. While we are on the subject of Sabbatean Frankist breeding programs. Have you ever wondered why the Shabbatean-Frankist banking house of Kuhn-Loeb financed the Mormons? Apparently, the Mormons approached Kuhn-Loeb for financing.

Did the Shabbatean-Frankists create Mormonism so that they can rapidly multiply the seed of Shabbatai Tzvi more effectively? Were they experimenting with the Solomonic model? Is Utah a whole state of people who don't realize that they are the product of a successful Shabbatean-Frankist breeding experiment? Is Utah some kind of polygamous model for the future? Does anyone know how babies are going to be made in the New World Order? I'll bet the Shabbatean-Frankist calling the shots in the world do. How sure are you about anything anymore? The pope is Catholic, right? That is still a certainty, right?

Shabbatai Tzvi,the "Mystical Messiah" and Jacob Frank, the "Militant Messiah" and their dynasty, the Rothschilds. The result of Shabbatean-Frankist messianic efforts have acheieved what David and Solomon had initiated. As regards:

1. Multiply Gold & Silver: The value of gold, Libor and Forex (ten trillions $ a day)  is fixed everyday in the offices of the Rothschilds in London.
2. Multiply Horses: The Rothschild's Shabbatean-Frankist messianic cult operates the worlds largest peacekeeping force through the United Nations and NATO.
3. Multiply Wives: The sex rituals of the Shabbatean-Frankists have exponentially multiplied the group in a hidden manner providing politicians with no apparent link to the cult that can operate on either side of a given political party or conflict of war. Bastards are spares like Stalin, Hitler and Bill Clinton and many more who can be used in all situations.

The United Nations envisioned by David and Solomon have been realized through the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye a.k.a. Shabbatean-Frankists. This realization occurred on a global scale. There was more blood shed than David shed in battle with Canaan. "They created a desert and called it Peace" - Tacitus, Peace has been achieved, or rather, will soon be achieved across the Earth rather than within the regional kingdom of ancient Israel.

Hetero or Sodomic Hierogamy also exists in Satanic rites as "everyone in the Craft" is aware of "when one has sex - Hetero or Sodomic - with a Satanist, demons - "or evil spirits, such as lust and sexual bondage" which are Implant Energy Blockage Sexual Addiction Blockages which are always injected absorbed transmitted into the other partner, as that person ' becomes one flesh' with the seducing Satanist" or Satan, in which the Satanist is standing in for!



One of the stories of Satanism in world history is also a story of the introduced Pagan element of Tantric Ritual Sex (with the Whore of Babylon) and Ritual Homosexual Anal Intercourse into any Religion - in a way, turning every Sacred Symbol upside down - thus the ability to turn any Religion into its perverted Satanic opposite.

Whilst these satanic practises activate the Kundalini; because they are against the Will of the Soul, they also convert your pure positive spiritual energy which has been stored, thus reducing your good energy stored to enable Enlightenment, thus perverting and degenerating those who practise these rituals into psychopathic satanists, - which is their purpose.


THE MOVIE, EYES WIDE SHUT is said to be about Frankist sexual rites and based on a 1926 novella Dream Story by Arnold Schnitzler. Schnitzler was either a Jewish Frankist himself or quite familiar with Frankist practices as shown in this feature film remake of his work by Stanley Kubrick. Schnitzler was an outrageous philanderer in his lifetime and kept a detailed diary of his multiple sexual trysts and, ...even his orgasms. Kubrick apparently had some Frankist connections to want to remake this novella, also but did not live long enough to see the film released... Perhaps he revealed too much...




The words, "eyes wide shut," is a mystical phrase used in Monarch Mind Kontrol (MK Ultra) Programming and Satanic Cults meaning "whatever you see, don't reveal," which was the theme of the movie. It should be noted, that the sexual rituals and activities featured in this film go back 10,000 years to before Babylon, thus showing that this is NOT a new phenomenon... and that Frankism was alive and well in that era as well as today in the Catholic Church.

The movie, "The Da Vinci Code" starring Tom Hanks attempts to normalise the Satanic Sexual Ritual of Hieramos Gamos - Sex with the Goddess or the "Whore of Babylon" which it portrays on film.




The Sexual Addiction Implant Blockages in Ritual Sex

The "Stealer on the Doorstep" is an Implant Blockage implanted into the Anus and the Coccyx with branches going to the tip of the Penis, the abdomen to create the food implant, the spleen and then into the head to create the blockage which dreams.

Yes, when you dream, unless its a purely spiritual dream, you are sending all that dream energy back to the implanter.

And its the same with sex.

Energy Connections between similarly implanted partners are very strong.

Unless you can remove the, "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, the energies of Sex, of sexual stimulation, of the orgasm itself, will be sent back to the person who implanted you.

And the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, will addict you to sex; depending on your evolution you will..

1. Be a Gourmand who eats himself to death by digging his grave with his teeth.

2. Or you will be a Gourmet who will learn everything about Sexual Tantra.

3. You will be perverted by stimulation as a child. Pederasty is passed on from generation to generation.

4. You will be perverted by Sexual Ritual where everything goes in order to pervert and debase the original soul and you will still send all your energy back to your implanter. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his, "Whore of Babylon" every day. Aleister Crowley had ritual sex with his Dog Priest Male partner where he took the submissive role.

And the amount of sex will depend also upon your evolution.

A sensible person will restrain himself.

A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!

But no matter how you react to the "Stealer on the Doorstep" sexual implant blockage, if you have it, and don't remove it with Energy Enhancement, you will still be addicted to sex.

Hyperstimulated by sex.

Totally fucked!!


energy vampires

The Aldobrandini Family

This has got to be one of the most powerful and richest families of the world: The surname literally translates to Satan, after you figure out the riddle. Because Aldebaran is the morning star and falling angel. Why would they have a name like this and be POPES. They are Satanists, PERIOD! I have eaten many dinners in their palace in Frascati, Italy close to Rome in the Castelli Romani hills.

The Aldobranidini's are the distant cousins of the Breakspear's and are married to the Rothschilds - the Rothschilds marrying in to the family.

These people have the big massive orgies. We know that Stanley Kubrick was present at this Castle for many orgies. He got the inspiration of Eyes Wide Shut there. There is a portait of Kubrick inside the main hall with his autograph giving thanks to the Aldobrandini family for supporting his films, although he was assassinated after Eyes Wide Shut.

Aldobrandini = Al Debaran

They have an Egyptian lineage from Ptolemy Egypt. There name is Arabic, which means they are also Moorish converts to Catholicism, but came from Egypt as well they married into the Venetian Este Family

Theres a lodge called Al-dabaran.

It is to put respect to Taurus. Have you ever wondered WHY, Picasso did all of those orgy paintings with Taurus as giving orgies to many women.? It is not only because Picasso was funded by the Aldobrandini's, he had many orgies in Rome.

The Taurus in Picasso's paintings is the POPE!

Picasso is a Jesuit as well. A Co-Adjutor

Energy Enhancement Student experience of Sexual Addiction Implants and the Energy Connections between them

Oh boy! I have gotten what I asked for! I am really struggling to cut the connections with xxx. Today I have felt so much fear come through (some must be mine) and now in the last few minutes I know she has either fallen asleep or smoked a joint and she is over 65 miles away. Yesterday, she did some coke and I was wired all day. I was very high and to begin with thought it was somebody from above giving me light and energy. But for the most part I cant concentrate or stand still - it's too painful to feel all of her stuff all the time. It's like being in perpetual fear. Yes, I might well have bitten off more than I can chew.

The night before I managed to cut the ties with xxx as per my previous email, I dreamt that amidst a whole load of fear experiences, 2-3 crows gathered around my neck and comforted me. Their black feathers rubbed against my face. For some reason I believe that this event was connected to help I was given to release me from ties with xxx last Friday. And maybe now this is why it is not working for me cos I no longer have this help.

The energy connection is so strong between us; I have never experienced anything like this.

Recently xxx took the initiative to redefine our relationship, which meant that none of us were going to "fall" in love. Feeling her break the energy connections with this decision, I felt fear sadness and loss and dreams took me back to prep school when I was home sick all the time missing my mom when i first went there - crying every morning. Until this redefining of our relationship I was not aware of all her stuff, but now I feel it all the time and cant get her out of my mind to do daily tasks easily. I cant find peace. So, I see that I have created the same strong attachments with xxx as existed with my mum, which when broken and denied me, make me feel fear and loss, sadness. On top of this I get her stuff too. Right now I am feeling grounded and comfy cos I know shes stoned or asleep.

Is this because of implants do you think or is it due to simple energy ties?"...

"The only solution is to end the relationship for now. She is linked to a source of bad energy, from which I am suffering. It goes straight out of my solar plexus, leaving me in fear all the time. I work on it most sits, and try to get the connector implants that make it all possible, as you have pointed out"

chakra yoga holistic health life management spiritual psychology

Transmitting and Receiving Communication in a shared and balanced way but also the way of the implanting energy vampire.

What is the intent, to heal or harm?










Energy Enhancement and Third Law of Thermodynamics


Energy Blockages tend to move from one person to another according to the Third Law of Thermodynamics - Energy flows from areas of high concentration to low concentration. This means...

1. Positive energy flows from Saints at a high energy level into people of low levels, thus raising them up and making them higher. Another byproduct is that Blockages tend to get thrown out by this raising of energies and in the process making their blockages really upset. Thus the attributes of Kundalini Energy. A feeling of Awe and Fear or Anger. Shaking and heat and cold in the presence of the Enlightened.

2. The Blockages of the unenlightened flow into the enlightened - and into YOU!!! Negative energy flows from High concentrations to low concentrations.  So, if you hang around people with blockages, they will percolate into you!!

"Bringing an unformed man into the presence of the wise is like throwing a dead dog into a pool of rosewater." Sufi saying. This has the effect of healing the people who come into the presence of the wise, but unless they are coming to learn, rather than being just curious, the unenlightened will soon come back to their previous state.

Thus, protection is very necessary to prevent Energy Enhancement students from picking up the blockages of others, giving out too much spiritual energy or receiving too much positive energy, except when they want to....




Meditation to Remove Lilith the Energy Vampire

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course to remove Lilith the Energy Vampire, Succubus and Scarlet Woman Seductor Energy Blockage


Implant Addiction Blockages, which transmit the added energy aroused by the addiction back to the implanter can be stopped by psychic protection put around the blockage.

Every member of humanity has been already implanted from our childhood and youth in the company of the evil in every gathering place, through pornography, traumatic sexual experiences, rapes, school, hospital, university and and also from previous lifetimes by all manner of blockages including Implant Addiction Blockages - Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise etc - This means YOU!


Everyone instinctively knows about Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages and the necessity to resist them, in order to have a long, unblackmailed  and productive life. Everyone knows of the downward path, the descent into perversion, corruption, disease and an early death.

Now, as well as knowing about this instinctive resistance to addiction desire, Energy Enhancement teaches WHY!! - about the drainage of your life energy by anyone who gives in to an implant addiction energy blockage desire and addiction through the vampiric drainage if the aroused life energy energy back to the implanter.


As I say in my review of the Movie, "Limitless" - All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise, instead of using Energy Enhancement Level One to connect to an infinite stream of free energy from the Chakras above the head ending with God.


It is going against your soul path, the shame, the guilt, which that provokes which gives rise to Karma and the results of Karma.



All arousal of the system into ravaging its own internal energies in Sex, Drugs, Food or unnecessary Excercise will result in the, "Burnout of the Binge" as your life energy is sent back to the vampire implanter and you the implanted are stoned, burnt out, anaesthetised, recuperating, ill, cold, influenza, ME, medical intervention, surgical intervention, ghosted, on the verge of death, Dead before your natural time...


By Surrounding all these blockages in Energy Enhancement Protection, Pyramid Protection or Merkaba Protection, it will cut off that energy blockage from its support, from the people who are draining your energy along energetic connections from the energy blockage back to them.

So Psychic Protection stops the vampiric drainage even though the Implant Blockages still remain.

Stopping the vampiric drainage and energetic support of the blockage through the use of Energy Enhancement Psychic Protection which can even help in removing the blockage is a necessary preliminary to the Seven Step Process of Energy Enhancement Level Two - Remove Energy Blockages.


The Lahu and Akha Tribes in Thailand traditionally use silver plates and silver buttons to psychically protect against energy connections and being implanted.

The silver disk plates above are made to protect the chakra they are placed over.

Lahu belt of silver buttons to protect the base sexual chakra and the second, relationship chakra.

Akha Hat with silver buttons to protect against energy connections into the head chakras

Akha Hat with silver buttons to protect against energy connections into the head chakras and the silver chains around the neck to protect vishuddhi chakra


Satanism is a Religion which has been, "Designed to Fail" Which has been put in charge of every civilisation, "Designed to Fail"

We have the histories of seventy-two civilisations infil-traited by the Satanists - all failed!!

In Energy Enhancement we understand that this Planet is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings as we learn to manage disasters caused by 99% of humanity who are learning they only have the Free Will to do the right thing.

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here" from Inferno by Dante

Place not your hope in money, car, house, family, friends, country, civilisation.


Instead only evolve. Learn to master the system through your own Evolution. In the end, only Enlightenment is the way out. The final accolade of maximal evolution as you gain the Certificate of Mastery of this World.


The solution?


Solution? - The Science of Meditation - Which will increase the only thing you can take with you - Lifetime to Lifetime - when you die..


With the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.




Just by meditation and energy blockage removal, you can find the truth for yourself, increase your energy, access incredible quantities of Kundalini Energy, become Enlightened.

And that's the only way, I think, you can actually make a practical, actually practical indication of how we might be able to save humanity from its degenerate Satanic predators.




Energy Enhancement Meditation is Meditation as it was originally meant to be..

 "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..



Pure.. Away from all perversion, the fastest and most advanced way to commence Kundalini Activation of the Base Chakra is through Energy Enhancement Meditation - Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key given in Initiations Three and Four of Energy Enhancement Level One.

Being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...










Psychic Protection Armour and the Ego-Death of the Holy Grail



Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists are not real Jews


In 1988, Gunther Plaut, a prominent Canadian Rabbi, published a book implying that Frankist Jews were responsible for the holocaust. The idea was endorsed by no less an authority than the Jewish Nobel Laureate - Elie Wiesel.

"The Man Who Would be Messiah" is a novelized biography of Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who led a Satanic heresy against orthodox Judaism. He claimed to be the Messiah and reincarnation of another Satanic impostor, Shabbetai Zvi (1626-1676). Their aim was to destroy the social order (nation, family, race, religion, property) and turn the morality of the Jewish Torah on its head.

Jacob Frank taught "holiness through sin." Good would come through the annihilation of Western civilization and the triumph of Evil. What was prohibited would be allowed including adultery, incest and pedophilia.

The Rothschilds were Sabbatean-Frankists. This Satanic movement gave birth to the Illuminati Luciferian Satanic, Communism and the NWO. It controls the world today. But ironically, while many Illuminati Luciferian Satanic pretend to be Jews, they actually wish to destroy Jews who earlier had excommunicated and vilified them. Thus, there is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism. Yet, due to the anti-Semitism that the Illuminati Luciferian Satanic Jews are causing and organizing, the Jewish population are mistakenly clinging to their leadership.

The Nazi hierarchy was probably of Frankist origin, killing only non-Frankist Jews. Rabbi Plaut, who was President of the Canadian Jewish Congress, talks about the holocaust plan in his book, "The Man Who Would be Messiah".

The Frankists cover their tracks. Biographies of Jacob Frank are out of print and very expensive ($300). Nevertheless Gunther Plaut researched Jacob Frank thoroughly and drew a portrait of him as a consciousless con-artist who sought power for its own sake. According to Plaut, Frank regarded Jews as a barrier to the "new order."

Frankists achieved power by pretending to subscribe to every religion and ideology, and by intermarriage with generational Satanists. Frankist/Sabbateans pretend to be Christians, Muslims and Jews. Behind the scenes, they advance their kinsmen, manipulate events and have gained covert control of governments and economies.

Blaming "the Jews" for the NWO is an Luciferian Satanic Illuminati trap. The Jewish people, and indeed all religions and nations, are led by Frankist (Luciferian Satanic Illuminati) Satanists, their lackeys and dupes. The Frankists (Luciferian Satanic Illuminati) take charge of both sides of wars and revolutions with the goal of destroying Western civilization. They incite war for its own sake and exterminate those who oppose them.



The aim of Satanism is to corrupt, pervert and degenerate humanity into worshippers of Satan, - very much like Sauron in the Lord of the Rings saying that the Satanic Orcs are Elves, "Tortured and perverted", - Psychopathic Satanic Animals without empathy or conscience using Energy Blockages to cut off the psychic body of the victim from God.

The famous document known as the "Protocols of Zion" can be paraphrased as The Protocols of Zionism and most likely it was a secret Sabbatean Frankist document. Sabbateans had many writings which due to the secretive and revolutionary nature of their cult were kept hidden. The original Protocols seems to have been one of those that was no longer secret after parts of it was printed as minutes of a covert meeting in Paris in 1901, minutes that were later published in Russia by Nilus.

"It must be noted that people with corrupt instincts are more numerous than those of noble instinct. Therefore in governing the world the best results are obtained by means of violence and intimidation, and not by academic discussions." The violence cited here would include a World War III. In the other hand the concept that humans are basically evil are reflected also in Sabbatean beliefs that state: "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners."

Also the Talmud emphasizes that humans are basically brute beasts; for this same reason the Protocols opens its chapter II with the phrase "What restrained the wild beasts of prey which we call men? " Their solution of course is despotism and rulership by fear; fear being one of the main characteristics of the animals. Protocol 3.14 "The word 'liberty' brings society into conflict with all the powers, even with that of Nature and of God. That is why, when we come into power, we must strike the word 'liberty' out of the human dictionary, as being the symbol of bestial power, which turns the populace into blood-thirsty animals."

Brilliant, wealthy people addicted to power, anxious to assimilate (if they were born Jewish), to destroy religions, to indulge in radicalism, to live cryptic two-faced lives sometimes posing as religious Jews, Catholics, or Protestants but indulging their revolutionary radicalism in secret."

"It should be pointed out that when [in 18Th Century] Luciferian Satanic Illuminati, Jacobins and Frankists infil-traitored the Masons that their infil-traitoring did not mean that they harbored any particular love for Freemasonry. On the contrary, they hated it with a passion and only wished to utilize the cover of Freemasonry as a means of spreading their satanic revolutionary doctrines and to provide a place where they could covertly meet without arousing suspicion."

Protocol 5.4 "The only society known to us which would be capable of competing with us in these arts, might be that of the Jesuits. But we have managed to discredit these in the eyes of the stupid mob [the people] as being a palpable organization, whereas we ourselves have kept in the background, reserving our organization as a secret."

"The Frankists today [1971] no longer call themselves by that name. The Organization has grown into an international group labeled by outsiders as the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye."

In Protocol 1.8 we read: "Politics have nothing in common with morals. A ruler governed by morals is not a skilled politician, hence he is not firm on his throne. He who wants to rule must have recourse to cunningness and hypocrisy. The great human qualities of sincerity and honesty become vices in politics. They dethrone with more certainty than the bitterest enemy. These qualities have to be the attributes of the Gentile countries, but we are not in the least forced to be guided by them."


How Labor Zionists Sacrificed Europe's Jews In WWII Kerry, Gaza And The New Sabbatean Holocaust


Rabbi Antelman in his books To Eliminate The Opiate Volumes I and II. focussed on the false messiah Shabtai Zvi, and the continuation of his evil ministry through the Turkish sect called the Donmeh.

In the eighteenth century, Jacob Frank brought the Donmeh ideology to Europe and joined a fateful alliance. This was described in the article as: Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Luciferian Satanic Illuminati, as well as Rothschild Brothers' financial empire. This is worth repeating: Frankfurt was the birthplace of both the Luciferian Satanic Illuminati and the Rothschild empire. When Jacob Frank entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun.

Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money. What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Luciferian Satanic Illuminati and that the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic worlds. Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy because he was given a nice handout by the Rothschilds of Frankfurt.

There is no other explanation. And from this starting point, Rabbi Antelman gave us a blueprint for the war against Judaism and all its good, and indeed against humanity and all its moral treasures. A movement of complete evil now took hold.

The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind.
The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet.

And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions.

When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted and it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment. Rabbi Antelman traces the means of the worldwide reach of this ugliness.

By the 1770s, the Luciferian Satanic Illuminati was exposed and banned in Germany and then throughout Europe. Weishaupt made a strategic change that worked miracles for the international spread of his goals. He infil-traitored agents into the Freemasonic lodges of America, England and Scotland, changing their highest 33rd Degree Initiations to Luciferianism, until every lodge in every nation accepted them.

Thus, the Luciferian Satanic Illuminati now had three centers of activity, America, Germany and Britain.





Every year since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

Moloch, the God of a Pagan Religion, is well written about as a burning idol where babies were sacrificed to the fire. The Bible asserts that children were sacrificed at a place called the Tophet ("roasting place") to the god Moloch - represented by the Owl of Bohemian Grove...

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement at Bohemian Grove. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual. Alex Jones took this photograph and took videos when he entered into Bohemian Grove in California where every year Presidents and the banking elite worship at the Ritual, "The Cremation of Care" - designed to extinguish empathy and conscience and create psychopaths - ENERGY BLOCKAGES IMPLANTED INTO THE HEART - EMPATHY - AND ABOVE THE HEAD - CONSCIENCE -  as a child is sacrificed to the Fire in front of a carved 40ft Owl representing Moloch and thousands of the elite watching, worshipping.

You have to be invited to get in.. and out..

For an example of Human Sacrifice in Satanic Pagan Religions from 8000 years ago - from Babylon itself, in the Book of Ruth in the Bible we have Ruth who as a Moabite has participated in Human Sacrifice. As she forswears this evil satanic Moabite religion and cleaves to Judaism, she is allowed to marry Boaz, ancestor of King David.

Leviticus 18:21
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 20:2
Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.

Leviticus 20:3
And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.

Leviticus 20:4
And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:

Leviticus 20:5
Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.

1 Kings 11:7
Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.

2 Kings 23:10
And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

Jeremiah 32:35
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.




Breakfast at Owls Nest Camp, Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1967. Around the table, left to right: Preston Hotchkis, California Governor Ronald W. Reagan, Harvey Hancock (standing), Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Glenn Seaborg, Jack Sparks, (unidentified individual), (unidentified individual), and Edwin Pauley. Courtesy of Edward W. Carter (deceased).

Lawrence Berkeley reporting on the Manhattan Project to create the Atomic bomb, lunching with future president Eisenhower and past president Hoover at Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1950.

Satan, the father of lies, says a Made Man is an associate of the mafia or another organized crime group who kills a person, thus graduating to "made man" or "soldier" status. Only by killing under the orders of a ranking mob officer can the prospect become a "made man". "I just drove up and knocked him off, one in the body and two in the head to make sure he was dead. The boss will be pleased. I'm a made man now."

The purpose of the satanic movie Baby Boy (2001) Director and writer John Singleton, is to say that you will remain a child, a baby until you have killed another human being, this being the initiation into adult life.

Elmore Leonard has created characters who exemplify the Existentialist Psychopath - see..

Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.

Where Psychopath Don Juan is made into the Nietzschian Superman. Movies made from his books include, Get Shorty (1995) with John Travolta, Jackie Brown (1997) by Quentin Tarantino, and Out of Sight (1998) with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez.

Satan, the father of lies creates perverted Rituals of Initiation where the only person who can pass these initiations, the Satanic, "Made Man", the Satanic Luciferian Illuminist, is a Psychopath, a person without the higher parts of empathy and conscience and real Genius... who just doesn't care - because they have a screw loose!!

And of course the purpose of all these Satanic illuminati Initiations is to create another Psychopathic Black Magician...


Psychopath Directory



Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.

George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith, and Psychopaths

ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND Trauma, Pain, Relationships, Divorce, Piercings, Tattoos, BDSM, Sex, Sex Addiction, Tantra, Gambling, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drugs and Addiction, Bad backs, Heart Disease, and Cancer.

The Energy Enhancement Commentary on the Baghavad Gita Chapter 16 - THE QUALITIES OF THE SELFISH COMPETITIVE PSYCHOPATHIC EGO....

The Psychopath and the Buddhist Icchantika



The higher the chakra the higher the power or energy. Lucifer, the "Light Bringer" creates Illumination only from the Star Sirius, cut off from God above, from the, "Black Lodge of Sirius", alas a light cut off from God by implant blockages implanted in the Antahkarana above Sirius thus cutting himself off from conscience. This is symbolised by Gods or statues of Gods at the top of a column without any higher connection - the Enochian Watchtowers of Doctor Dee, Secret Agent of Queen Elizabeth the First, code name 007.


The Antahkarana, the Watchtowers of Dr Dee's (Dr Dee was the Elizabethan British Secret Service Agent codename 007 - really!!) Enochian Keys and the Chakras above the Head - The Perverted Kundalini Key

The Star Sirius and the Watchtowers upon which the "Gods" or Black Magicians live without any connection with the higher energies of the one true God like statues live on top of Antahkarana columns - disonnected by implant blockages above the head. Fallen angels are disconnected from God together with their Master, Satan.

The Dee Watchtower System necessitates the creation of more restriction through the creation of Addiction - through Drugs and Sex - where you absorb Implant energy blockages - implanted into the bodies of all humanity for thousands of years - which steal energy from everyone and sends that energy back to the implanter since Watchtower students, having blockages above the head, cannot absorb the energy of God.

The hypersexualisation of humanity, pornography, perversion, homosexuality, paedophilia raises tremendous energy for vampiric false Gods who steal that energy from their livestock slave sacrifices.





There also exists a, "White Lodge of Sirius" connected to the chakras higher than Sirius and to God and this also has the Path of Illumination, of Enlightenment - Initiations which create trusted Initiates, permanently fused with their Souls, Conscience, Intuition, Goodness and Mercy.. and God..

So, we have a World filled with human, "Monsters" or "Unmade Men" and it is against their egos to tell them that. That they need perhaps one hundred lifetimes of experience of entering into every type of evil, and its judicial return, Karma, before they can freely choose to fuse with their Souls and God and become Enlightened.


A person who is just not ready to become enlightened is like a wolf cub brought up by humans.

The wolf cub can only grow up to become a wolf.

"How can the leopard change his spots?" the spots being Energy Blockages - and as you know, only Enlightened Masters can remove Energy Blockages.

Such a person can only complain at the return of his Karma.

Like Coppola's Dracula (1992) he can complain to God about the suicide of his wife and then, "How could you do this to me?" "Now I am against you" and he turns into a Vampire Black Magician Psychopath to suck the blood out of God's creation, "The blood is the life!" However the story shows that even a Black Magician Psychopath can be Redeemed by Love.


Like Salieri in Amadeus (1984) he can complain about not being given by God the Genius of Mozart, "I will harm, I will hinder, I will Kill, your incarnation" as he burns the statue of Christ in the Hearth.

"One complaint and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart" - From the Third Zen Patriarch Sosan, from, "The Enlightened Mind of Sosan"


Yet the Sufis say,

"When a Parrot and a Black Crow are put into the same cage, do you think it a only an accident when the Parrot escapes" - Idries Shah

The Parrot is you, the Crow is the Black Magician Psychopath, the escape is Enlightenment.

This is the plan of God on this Planet.

There are 200 billions of Souls attached to this planet and every one requires one hundred lifetimes before the can be fully made.


You can weep. You can wail. But you cannot change your spots quickly unless you choose Energy Enhancement, NOW!!



The Satanic World has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years




As of Dec. 28, 1.4 million Americans lost their extended unemployment benefits, leaving them without any source of income. This number will greatly increase in the next several months, unless Congress and the President reinstate the extended benefits. The Satanic Sodomite O, the Big Zero, has the Satanic "Policy of Poverty". It has allowed the infrastructure to fail such that it will cost five trillion dollars to repair.

It has exported the factories and their jobs to China at a cost of 20 billions of dollars causing the bankruptcy of Detroit. It has consciously planned to fail to create any new real jobs. A majority of the so-called "new jobs" created since Satanic Sodomite O, the Big Zero, arrived are either part-time or temporary. Looking from the standpoint of the entire working-age population, as opposed to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' labor-force measure, real unemployment is well over 25%. In short, these are depression conditions. How do you see the U.S. economy in the remainder of the Satanic Sodomite O, the Big Zero's time, and what options are there to foster genuine economic growth?"

There will never be a survival of the United States within the nominal time of Satanic Sodomite The Story of O, the Big Zero. What you have, is you have many people—probably 60% of the voters in the United States are opposed to Satanic Sodomite Story of O, the Big Zero, and wish he would go away. The problem is, they're terrified.


And Edward Snowden's case gives you partly a good illustration of what the fear is. So, therefore, they hate Satanic Sodomite Story of O, the Big Zero who created ZeroCare very much like eugenic NeroCare.

But many people hated Satanic Sodomite Hitler—and remember that. The ability of Satanic Sodomite Hitler to do what he did, did not depend upon the issue of what a majority of people thought they wanted to see. They gave in to Satanic Sodomite Hitler, under a reign of terror, and the history of that is well-known to some of us—even of your age.

No 'Solution' with Satanic Sodomite Story of O, the Big Zero.

So, therefore we have to eliminate all these cheerful things, and trying to put a cheerful note on it, and talk about a possible solution. There is, and are solutions, but none of them are forthcoming, now.

What's the situation? Under Satanic Sodomite Story of O, the Big Zero, continued under the present policy, Satanic Sodomite Story of O will not keep his job. He is on the end of this thing. He's unimportant. This is not an election campaign. The election campaign was a long time ago, when people came in with the Satanic Green policy which says that people should live in caves. A zero growth policy is the Satanic "Policy of Poverty". It is the path of Genocide for the human race.

It came in, actually, with Satanic Babylon. A Satanist is a new species which is less than human. In ritual he has consciously blocked his heart and his crown chakra. Without empathy and without conscience he is a psychopath, less than human. An intra species parasite. A Predator.

We are Meat on the table for Psychopathic Cannibal Predators - Anyone for Vegetarianism?


The Satanic World has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years from well before Alexander the Great.

We can start with the ouster of Bismarck, because when Bismarck was kicked out, from that moment on the world in general, especially the trans-Atlantic region, has been engaged in off-again, on-again continuation of world war. That's what the truth has been.

Just think of the history. Very shortly: How do wars start? Well, the war that we're talking about started with the Satanic assassination of the President of France [Sadi Carnot, in 1894]. Then it came to another one. And then you had the war involving China, Japan, and so forth. It kept coming, and coming, and coming. And then, in 1914, the Guns of August: We had a world war. But it didn't end there. There was a peace of a certain kind, but it was temporary.

The United States shot back, with President Kennedy, later, as they had done earlier, but all these things didn't stop. For example, Kennedy's success, supported and boosted by Eleanor Roosevelt wife of assassinated Franklin Delano Roosevelt actually turned the tide in a certain direction. When the tide began to turn, Satanists killed him; they murdered him, and tried to cover up the assassination, and did so fairly successfully.

What happened then? Well the Satanic Policy of degeneration of humanity where everyone becomes a psychopath starts with sex, drugs and rock and roll!!

On the successful Satanic execution of President Kennedy, we had a war start in Indochina. For the first couple of years, it was considered a war; after that, it was a called a drug orgy.

And the drug orgy then took over the United States or any country targetted for destabilisation with conscious advertising started by the Satanic Secret Services with their License to Kill, poison, cancer, heart attack, suicide, shoot -  From the Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton. Any musician with a drug problem.

And Drug Advertising with Black Sabbath etc. Anyone with a satanic drug problem.

And if you want to take it from the time that Kennedy was assassinated, within that very period, since that time, the United States and its population has been degenerating intellectually and morally. And that's the present condition today.

Now, this condition is leading to what? What's on the table now? Genocide: possibly human extinction; it could come in a matter of weeks now, or it could come in a longer period of time. We're on the edge of a thermonuclear fusion bomb war.

Now, a thermonuclear war is nothing to compare with what had happened in the earlier wars—World War I, World War II. These were minor events compared to what's about to happen right now.

And it's being pushed. Look at the line-up. You have the trans-Atlantic region. Now, the trans-Atlantic as a whole is now in a process of accelerated rates of degeneration. The United States is now economically hopelessly and socially degenerating, and the rate of degeneration is going to accelerate. Everything you thought was bad in recent experience is going to become much worse, and very quickly. It could become so very quickly.

So, you have a line-up of powers. The trans-Atlantic region is the concentration of one side of a world power. The core of that is the British Empire, the Satanic Anglo-Dutch Empire including the Anglo-American Establishment, headed up nominally by the Satanic Queen.

The Satanic Queen's intention has been—as she has made public since the Copenhagen conference



— her conscious intention has been to reduce the human population from 7 billion persons to one hundred millions, which it had been approaching just recently, but is now in a process of accelerated rate of decline.


For population reduction, "War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war

may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors

could procreate freely without making the world too full." - Lord Bertrand Russell


In the case of the United States, in the case of most countries in western and central Europe, most countries, the decline of most of this world is accelerating: it's dying because of policies which plan to make it fail, called Austerity..

Portugal, Spain. France is now in the process of collapsing, degenerating. It's going, too. Southern Italy. The Greek population. The only part of the western and central European part which has an option in that region, is Germany, and they're fussing around on that issue right now. Germany is inclined to disengage itself from the rest of western Europe and join Russia, because the rest of western Europe is dying—except for the Satanic Anglo-Dutch region, which ain't doing too good in terms of their economy there.

All right, now you've got another part of the world; let's call it the Eurasian part of the world. We have to call it Eurasian because it includes Russia and nations associated with it. And it goes all the way to the Pacific Ocean. This is the Eurasian part of the world. The Eurasian part of the world, except for certain areas that we know about in the Near East and so forth, and from the Uighurs and people like that, the entirety of this Eurasian region, as an entirety, with the dominant forces within it, is actually on the way up. It has been increasing its technological power and capabilities.


The Book of Dzyan Sacred Dance by Devi Dhyani

The Book of Dzyan was found by Blavatsky - a text more old than the Vedas- and she commented on the stanzas in 5 books which she called 'The Sacred Doctrine'. These Stanzas were read by Swami Satchidanand for the Sacred Dance Performance in a recording studio in Bhubaneshwar whilst Devi was improving her Odissi Classical Indian Dance with three famous teachers in Orissa, with the addition of Special sounds and music copyright by Swamis Devi Dhyani and Satchidanand.

This video is from a three hour Sacred Dance Performance by Devi Dhyani on the 17th of November 2013 in the Lavarden Theater in Rosario using three full HD cameras and 5.1 surround sound - including Sacred Chants by Devi Dhyani and Swami Satchidanand who Teach Energy Enhancement Meditation - see - The performance includes the Sacred Puja of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Pancharatra Kritis of Thyagaraja, and Jeff Beck from Ronnie Scotts in London and is produced on two DVDs - Sacred Mantra and Sacred Jeff Beck.

It is the Kundalini Energy of the Performance which makes it Sacred, - Devi Dhyani, Channeling the Soul!!

All the rights reserved and registered in SADAIC and in Register of Authors - chants, choreography, presentations, special effects, music, etc.-

Ten years ago I had a lot of fun and superficial joy, parties, friends, and in the bottom of my soul emptiness. And I decided to look for peace and guidance to find my pole guiding star in my life. I search the web and found a lot of courses, methods and I tried some of then without results. So one day I found Energy Enhancement web page and of course I felt doubt about what offer, because my no good experiences with others websites. I bought the 4 Stages DVDs to test what really was this method... After three months of bought and practice the 4 Stages I decided to take the LIVE courses in Spain with Satchi and Devi. FOR ME WAS ONE OF THE BEST COURSES. After a month with them I returned to my country and one year after that my life was going better and surrounding with positive energy. Five years after I did a one week of re enforcement in Rosario and also was great. Full of positive energy. I watched this 28 min dance video and liked very much the story, lights, special effects and the very good vibrations you get. THANKS SATCHI AND DEVI for sharing your knowledge and wisdom.

Click Here..

Or Here..


Designed to Fail

The total takeover by infil-traition of a Nation or World by the Satanic Religion starts with apathy, inadequate education in economics, finance, and science, everyday pressures, and ample distractions. Instead of focussing on football, you could all have trained yourself in meditation and history..

There was a Monty Python movie called, "Erik the Viking". Erik had the vision that he didn't want to rape and pillage any more. His whole family was appalled - breaking the tradition - what's the matter with you? The Viking Nation lives through rape and pillage!!


Just substitute Satanic Religion for Viking and you will get the picture..

80% of the mainstream media news stories are lies, or contain deep deceptions to support the power structure, while 80% of the alternative media is truth, with its fair share of exaggerations and lesser journalist quality.

Many identifiable solutions can be cited if the people are determined to work toward a solution for the United States of America, for its return to health and strength, for its restoration as a cradle of capitalism and a beacon of freedom. Obviously it is too late, but from an idealist point of view, many solutions do exist and could have been pursued following the 2000 market bust and tech telecom chapter. They also could have been pursued following the 2008 market bust and Lehman chapter.

They could have been pursued following the Black Money 1987 event, which was the original quintessential signal of dire conditions. The 1987 event was a seminal signal in response to a decade of moving US industry offshore to the Pacific Rim. Each breakdown has resulted in deeper commitment in the wrong direction, deeper devotion to the financial sector, deeper involvement in criminal behavior. Each breakdown resulted in an even greater dependence upon asset bubbles for wealth creation, instead of work. Each bust leads to deep Satanic corruption and a further looting, rape and pillage, of the economy, not a pursuit of solutions.

The climax error was the Most Favored Nation status granted to China, which led to the departure of a significant core of US industry, along with its legitimate core income. National treason, both political and corporate, became touted as expedient, with veiled cries of patriotism heard. The dependence grew acutely in the last 2000 decade, where the great asset bubble was the housing market and mortgage finance twin bubble. The current greatest asset bubble is the USTreasury Bonds complex, the final chapter before financial ruin and systemic breakdown.

The hidden satanic objective is to preserve power, to continue the rape and pillage, not to reinstate conditions for a viable future, "The Policy of Poverty".

Evidence is seen in the QE to Infinity for monetized bond purchase, and the Zero Interest Rate Policy forever. Both monetary policies are blessed as necessary, prudent, even urgent today, in a grotesque display of Satanic leadership which presides over the continuing catastrophe.

The bitter fruit of the Satanic Fascist Business Model is being witnessed today. It began twelve years ago with a Fascist Manifesto. Let this list serve as Popular Manifesto that addresses the broken parts, the criminal elements, and the deep rot, with cries for effective process, equitable function, and justice.

Consider the following solutions. The first is demonstrated proof that the satanic political and banking leadership are not pursuing a solution at all, and never have been. They avoid the big bank liquidation as a start. They instead have promoted the Too Big to Fail Falloon, which has morphed into the Too Big to Manage Mantra, and later into the Too Big to Jail Jabber.

The objective of the satanic intra-species parasites is always rape and pillage, to kill the host through the destruction of the wealth and civilisation of the host country whilst preserving the power structure and retaining the privilege to print wealth to their own satanic camp in the banking sector.

The satanic objective has not been to pursue solutions, to order reform, or to work in reconstruction. The result has been degradation and continued collapse, while every major financial market is controlled, and the entire housing market is charred wreckage.

The people used to enjoy protection from the managed inflation by home ownership. No longer. They used to have a backup pension fund, but it is now at great risk of being looted.

They used to have a vote, but the entire voting process has been subverted by direct fraud - Bush owned voting machine companies and their corrupt Diebold software controls, even bussed aliens lined up at the voting centers.

Notice how each element of the proposed manifesto of solutions has no chance whatsoever of being installed as policy. They go against the heart of the satanic power structure and controlled markets. They outline what the officials would deem sedition, if not revolt. Recall that the Occupy Wall Street movement was dealt with like a terrorist organization.

Nevertheless, consider this list which was written in 2004 and chew over their themes, while reviewing the many policy directives in the last ten years that have remained in a dedicated and committed manner off the trajectory toward solution, while maintaining the primary official objective of retaining power.

The satanic policy answers of free money, ample controls, lost rights, and fresh socialist programs are the bitter fruit of failure. A failed state lies before us.

1)Liquidate the big broken insolvent banks, since they are crime centers, then follow through with RICO asset seizures with a team of special prosecutors answering to the states, not the federal government.

2)Halt all USGovt security agency narcotics business which runs the Sinaloa Mexican cartel and is directly responsible for 75,000 deaths as they force the other cartels to drug money launder in elite banks. See DEA drug seizures going into inventory, and Coast Guard escorts of incoming shipments, even usage of the presidential yacht through the Panama Canal, and eliminate the usage of NATO airbases for narcotics distribution, finally jailing Wall Street bankers for money laundering of narcotics funds instead of the derisory fines for laundering 750 billion dollars as Wells Fargo, Bank of America and HSBC have been prosecuted for and found guilty.

3)End a foreign war after the first six months, after which the cost & benefit is openly analyzed in a public forum, along with defense contractor - Military Industrial Complex - gains, while giving full debate to the War Powers Act in returning them to the Congress, and instead engaging in peace talks.

4)Eliminate all revolving door Companies - satanic former Wall Street bankers - Monsanto - etc - from participating in any federal financial regulatory body, using instead regional bankers from the many states and corporate heads.

5)Eliminate all financial contributions to Congressional members, and all private contributions to legislation, with prosecution and disclosure of all large past donations and their effects, using a portion of IRS tax receipts instead for political campaigns.

6)Force divestiture of all conglomerate corporations in the news media organizations, including television, newspaper, magazine, radio, and online sites with encouragement by the FCC for small private media businesses alongside regional and village voices.

7)Limit the advertisement and financial support for financial media by the banking sector and managed fund centers, due to conflict of interest.

8)Conduct full audits with powerful prosecution on Pentagon procurements and appropriations for the last 30 years, including the $2.2 trillion USArmy Accounting report that was discussed the day before 911. Recall that over 80% of Pentagon victims from the 911 attack were accountants working in or near that office.

9)Return the majority of off-shore manufacturing to the US, by means of tax credits and regulatory waivers, even industrial parks, with further credits on worker training programs, in order to restore idle plants, rather than to permit China to do the same on US soil.

10)Eliminate all financial sector computer generated buy programs, the so-called High Frequency Trading, with private sector investigations into insider trading from private state prosecutors.

11)Force total complete full disclosure of the extensive financial derivatives that support the vaporous financial foundation, including foreign financial subsidiaries, which extend to the corrupt and fixed LIBOR, FOREX, and Gold markets.

In Germany, Bafin’s investigation of Price manipulation is being run by higher levels of the German Government who want an excuse to turn to Russia and China. Elke Koenig, the president of Germany’s top financial regulator, claimed last week that foreign exchange and precious metals manipulation “is worse than the Libor-rigging scandal“ and his view on the significance German manipulation probe as well as Deutsche Bank exiting the Price Manipulation fixing business:

-Unlike the SEC & CFTC, German BAFIN is not run by banker harlots and placed insiders. It is rather reputable.

-BAFIN has a history of not dropping an investigation once begun, and seeing it to end.

-German financial legal authorities are working closely with Interpol Serious Fraud Division.

-Germany is prosecuting Western bankers, while turning its alliances East to Russia & China and away from Europe and the USA..

-The London LIBOR fraud - 500 Billions corrupt profit - has finally reached both the FOREX Price Fixing - 10 trillion dollars gross per day - and Gold Price Fixing markets

-Entire high level markets on cash, currency, gold are all hopelessly corrupted

-Deutsche Bank has been exposed for massive sovereign accounting fraud related to EMU Maastricht - Several nations falsified their debt accounting with Goldman Sachs and Deuchbank Bank collusion, for common Euro entry, as we have known since the Greece failure and is the cause of all EU country failures.

-Risk DBank to start a strict accounting, legal scrutiny, and possible sequence of bank failures. My German banker source indicates DBank will be broken up into about five parts. Impact of DBank breakup cannot be accurately gauged or anticipated, except disruptions

12)Halt all further home foreclosures, rescind all foreclosures in process, conduct full national investigations into the mortgage bond fraud, the mortgage bond fraud by Fannie Mae et al, the mortgage contract fraud by Wall Street banks, the MERS title database fraud, and work a national program to enable dispossessed citizens to win back their homes, during restitution lawsuits of the big banks and financial firms responsible.

13)Force total complete full disclosure of the USDept Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund, and all its tentacles, including to foreign financial markets.

14)End taxation on ex-patriots who leave the United States after a three-year period, following a submission of a financial statement, with a suggestion box on how to improve life in our once great nation.

15)Install tougher math and science requirements for graduation from US high schools, and designate poor high school districts for property tax sharing from some wealthy districts in order to fund the poor ones.

16)Shut down the COMEX for contract fraud, which has extended to a stack of naked shorts in precious metals, evergreen gold contracts, and lately refusal to deliver on PM contracts, even forced cash settlement.

17)Enforce the Freedom of Information Act, and shut down the Utah NSA center, otherwise called the Big Brother Fortress, then grant high priority to protection to all whistle blowers at the corporate and national level, followed by elimination of all coordinated projects with Intel, Microsoft, Google, FaceBook, and other processor designers and social media firms.

18)Rescind the Patriot Act and restore the Constitution with Bill of Rights, while conducting an investigation of all Supreme Court justices for bribery, coercion, and conflict of interest.

19)Remove illegal aliens from the United States after a 90-day warning, unless they pursue a newly designed fast track citizenship program for integration.

20)Return to the Gold standard for a new Global Dollar, and encourage barter systems that reduce the payment streams, while encouraging other nations to construct regional currencies backed by their own ample resources, then tying them to the Global Dollar flagship in a tributary development system.

21)Nationalise the Federal Reserve and use it to fund infrastructure, the return of industry, fusion etc.

Dream on, folks! Idealism has its place in the town halls, college dorms, bar rooms, and man caves. Satanic rape and pillage continues in the USA as it has done Worldwide for well over 10,000 years. The techniques are the same in every country.. Kill the men, rape and marry the women, take the land..


So do the Lords of Light make it known that they exist, and that the long battle for the Hearts and Minds of men continues against Evil.

Steve Jobs initiated "John Carter of Mars" as a Director at Disney where his vision for the future had not matched that of the elite and thus had created too much trouble. After that he was given the, "Borgia Cup".

Steve Jobs sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" of Mars after he learned of his poisoning and assassination from Cancer.

- It is a well known fact that now, cancer and heart disease is a major Assassination and Eugenocidal Soft Kill tool. All the Presidents of South America seem to have cancer. Castro of Cuba had Cancer as did Lula and Roussef of Brazil, Christina Kirchner of Argentina and of course her assassinated husband Nestor Kirchner who died of a heart attack. Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez died of Cancer. Cancer rates have risen World Wide by as much as 10,000 per cent and the USA is the cancer capital of the World.

Quote from the amazing "John Carter", 2012 .. of Mars

"So what is your cause? We have none. We are not haunted by mortality as you are. We are Eternal.... This little cause will follow the way we have set, Earthman. And we have chosen Saab Ther (The Big O, The Big Zero) to rule next. The Ninth Ray must remain in the hands of mindless brutes we can control. And the infamy of Deja Thoris Wedding Death (Ocare or ZeroCare and The Pension Fund Rape) will seal his Reign.

We have been playing this game from before the birth of this planet (Mars). And we will continue to do so until well after the death of yours (Earth). We do not cause the destruction of your world, Captain Carter. We simply manage it. Feed off it if you like. But on every last Planet it always plays out exactly the same way. Populations Rise. Societies Divide. Wars Spread. And all the while the Neglected Planet Slowly Fades."

The solution?


Solution? - The Science of Meditation - Which will increase the only thing you can take with you - Lifetime to Lifetime - when you die..


With the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.


In the meantime invest in Gold & Silver bars and coins, and store your booty outside the US borders. The threats to personal wealth have never been so great. As Drudge said recently, have a RAF - Running Away Fund - and a RAP - Running Away Plan - Be a RAPPER - as was needed in Germany before everyone was sent to the FEMA camps for sedition. Do it well in advance... before the borders are closed.

This entire tract should be regarded as a warning and wake-up call that bonafide physical solutions are not on the table and are actually considered unpatriotic if not laden with sedition. The Only Solution is Meditation..

No outside solutions are coming, only a slam of non-linear adjustments and painful resets. The only response to unsound money, hidden wealth confiscation, and obstacles to secure true savings should be urgent investment in Gold & Silver and defiance of spouted propaganda.

The destruction solution is coming, and it comes from the East like a sledge hammer.

A cause for War...

The Only Solution is Meditation..

The centers for global financial reform are the BRICS nations, the G-20 Forum, the Shanghai Coop Organization, and GATA. If and when the solution is imposed from entities outside the parasitised nation, then the result will be a rapid decline, a sudden shock, and a vast elimination of paper wealth inside the United States.

The USA is heading for a slide into the De-Industrialized Third World (DI3W) for refusal to pursue proper just solutions. The slide will occur when the USDollar is no longer widely accepted for trade payments. The slide will occur when the USTreasury Bond is no longer widely used for banking system reserves. The global financial hegemony, whereby the USDollar in recent years has openly been supported by the USMilitary with flank support by numerous agencies, is coming to an end.

Watch your home equity, pension funds, life savings, and income sources go down the drain as the global reset occurs.

The Satanic Elite are furiously hypothecating, buying and stealing all the Gold, sometimes under cover of war. All has been turned upside down, as satanic communist has converted to capitalist, and satanic capitalist has converted to fascist.

The United States is the obstacle and solution for the final implementation of the satanic global takeover - instituting the New World Order.

II The Chinese Moon Landing

The Moon landing, the latest one, goes to the conscious plan of the best Chinese people to mine helium-3 there to power thermonuclear fusion power generation. There is enough Helium 3 on the moon to give free energy to humanity for 10,000 years. And not just energy, energy at a much higher quantity and temperature that the heating of ore will give us metals from much poorer ore!! All commodities will come down in price. All humanity will become rich!! Food, housing, electricity, education - all cheap - providing a firm foundation for Meditation. More people learning how to remove their blockages, roll back the mind control, free their minds, become more creative, access their Souls. We will reach the Stars!!

And that means that suddenly we have a major power, China, which has a major capability, which is not merely a tickle of the type the United States did on the Moon before. This is a really serious business. They set up an operation, for an extended operation into space, and for other kinds of things. And they are working what had been known before as the helium-3 potential of the Moon. If they exploit the helium-3 potential of the Moon, suddenly China and nations cooperating with it are going to have a source of power available to them which would be a revolution—a planetary revolution. On that basis, mankind would get its feet out of the ditches of Earth itself. Because once you go to a helium-3 operation, milking the Sun regularly to get more helium-3, you use that, which is an equivalent of what we've wanted to do here on Earth.


If we do that, then we have a source for high-speed—really high-speed, relative to anything we've done now—moving around inside the area of the Solar System we're close to, such as the area with Mars and so forth; that area becomes open to us. Then the natural tendency, the natural ability of mankind, as our potential, will now begin to take over, not just sitting on Earth and grunting and groaning about what's going on, but actually mankind not living away from Earth, but actually controlling things out of Earth, such as some of these asteroids. And we will use them—we'll not only defend ourselves against them; we'll use them to mine commodities.

So, therefore mankind will be moving off the surface of the Earth—not in terms of where he lives, though some of that may occur, but in terms of what mankind is able to reach and control, and develop for the benefit of mankind. And also we'll begin to get more worried about building up the Solar System. We'll begin to think about the long-term question of: Can we maintain the Solar System, which has been in a long period of decline over the recent times? Mars collapsed because the Sun was running down. That's why it collapsed. The Moon collapsed; it has been collapsing, because the Sun was running down.

So, therefore, by our developing—not only utilizing, but developing—these resources, like helium-3, into a higher form of organization, mankind will become able, if he chooses to do so, to actually take action against the continuing decline of a Sun which is about to go dead in about 2 billion years, or something like that, and then go into an explosion which ends everything.

So, therefore, we have to have a different perspective than the poor idiots who are whimpering and whining about this and that. Because this is where we're going.

But the Satanic System can not allow this...

Another cause for War.

III Wars of the Satanic Oligarchical System

Now, in this context, what's the military situation? The trans-Atlantic region is building up for a war. Propaganga moved away from M.A.S.H. with Band of Brothers, The Sopranos, Dexter, True Blood, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, shoot 'em up games training for drone drivers, - creating more Psychopathy.

Moving towards a thermonuclear war, in the early future. The intention of that war, as the Satanic Elite's actions since the Copenhagen Conference in Denmark and subsequently show, is the accelerated extermination of the human population so as to stop China's plans.



China, like Hitlers Germany before it, has been built up, funded by foreign bankers as an, "Aunt Sally" waiting to be knocked down. As a, "Causus Belli". As an excuse to go to war.

To further continue the "Policy of Poverty" To stop human evolution, so that the Satanists can continue to control an impoverished humanity. To the degree that probably 100 Million people might be lucky to survive—or unlucky enough to survive under those conditions as explained in Kubrick's "Dr Strangelove".



Satchidanand's Review of - Existentialism and Kubrick's Satanic Psychopaths, in the Movies of Stanley Kubrick

The whole process here, look at it. What is the nature of this satanic hatred against human beings? What's the expression of that? It's the Satanic Green policy which directs people back to living in caves. This was done by the Satanic Roman Empire and others, as the, "Policy of Poverty" to reduce the population; that is, to have a small Satanic oligarchy which dominates the planet, or parts of the planet, and kill off the "excess" population, which is the rest of the people. This is what the Satanic Elite's policy is, and that is what she says it is. CONTROL.



So, who's the key? Well, the key of this is the Satanic Anglo-Dutch-American Establishment system. The center of this whole operation that I just talked about, is the Satanic Anglo-Dutch-American Establishment initiative, which is really a Satanic Empire which dominates, directly and indirectly, the world, not only in its physical practice, but in its cultural extension: the Satanic Greenie policy. How many Greenies are there in the United States and in Europe? They're all brainwashed. They're condemned to extinction by the things they believe.

This is what happened to the Satanic Roman Empire. The Satanic Roman oligarchy got tired of trying to feed all these people, and began mass-killing them with experiments like in the arenas, and the killing of the Christians. The mass-killing of the Christians was largely an extinction process.

And then the Satanic Roman Empire collapsed upon itself as all civilisations infil-traited by the Satanists fail.


Satanic Nero destroys Rome


The remnants existed, and the wealthy Satanic Romans picked up their property, their jewels and gold and so forth, moved up to the northern part of the Adriatic, sat around there in the mud for a while, and then became known as Banking, slave trading, drug running Venetian Empire who funded Gengis Khan and then utilised his protection for their monopoly trading along the Silk Road to India and China. Venice who then took over Britain and founded the new Satanic Roman empire as the Satanic Banking, slave trading, drug running British Empire . Well, this is the new meaning for "Venetian blind," and we have a lot of people who are Venetian blind in that sense.

So, this is what we're up against. We're up against a phenomenon which is not uncommon in human history, and that is in known human history. And the story of Prometheus, as against Zeus, is a real story, it's a true story, the typification of the kind of policy which we are faced with right now. The determination is centered in the Satanic Anglo-Dutch-American Establishment Empire, which is not limited to the British and the Dutch: It's global. Australia. Most of Africa - the British Commonwealth. All the top families in the old colonies, India and China, have interbred with the Satanic families. America. The Middle East, the Saudi Kingdom, for example. These are all extensions of this Empire, which is comparable in its intention to be something like the Satanic Roman Empire was.

As well as the soft-kill eugenocide poisoning with fluoride, banned vaccinations like Guardacil which is banned in Japan because it sterilises all the women it is given to, which reduces the IQ of children because of its Aluminium and Mercury adjuvants, xeno-estrogens like bisphenol-A, over use of pesticides, aspartame and fuctory outputs, in human history, we've had periods of large-scale extinction caused by an oligarchical tendency which goes out to kill people in the way that the people of Troy were extinguished. They weren't just killed, they were extinguished. And that's what we're looking at now.

Now, go back to the strategic issue again. What's the reality? The greatest power in the world, right now, lies in the Eurasian area. Why? It is growing. There are some parts that aren't growing. But China is growing. Russia is growing—it's reversed its population collapse. Other parts are growing. We now have a coalition emerging in Eurasia, which is not totally unified, but a very powerful part is there. The economy of that area of the world is improving. The policy of the trans-Atlantic region stinks, it's dying, at an accelerating rate. As you know now, after January 1st 2014, the death rate in this United States is going to accelerate immediately with the stopping of food stamps, unless we stop it.

That's the key part of the story. But part of the answer to the question that was posed to us is, if we don't have the guts to throw a crooked, evil Satanic President out of office to save the United States, and all the Satanic Goldman Sachs infil-traitors out of European Governments, that's the problem. Forget all this about the coming several years, how things are going to work out. There's not going to be a couple of years, several years, unless we change things.

Now as I say, about 60% of the eligible voters in the United States have a rather strong and increasing inkling toward having this guy go away, in the very near future; that's their desire. Even in the knowledge that presidential elections, all elections are false choices both in the past and in the future. Romney would have been worse!! And before that McCain would have been worse!! The Diebold electronic voting machine companies are owned by the Bushes. Cameron against Tonyclone. The big O is insupportable.


But at the same time that this development is occurring, our President, who's the enemy of the people of the United States, his policies are the enemy of the survival of the United States. Look at his frauds; look at his fraud on his Hitler copied, British copied Eugenocidal health-care fraud—he's literally killing people en masse, and they're sitting there, whining, but saying, "We have to work with this, we have to live with this guy." And the others are saying, "I hate him." And some are saying, "Let's get rid of him."

So that's what the situation is. This is the reality. Don't try to explain things by some little explanation, and some source that tells you this fact and that fact—this is nonsense. We're talking of a process which has been long known in the human species, the human populations, has been engaging in these kinds of things, with an oligarchical movement killing off those of lesser power, those who are persuaded to revolt - falling into their trap by paid Agents Provocateurs like Icke, Jones, Beck..

And that's what's happening again. The Satanic Queen has made it plain, her intention, and she has written it at the Copenhagen Conference, and her husband has written it, others have written it; the Satanic Greenie movement entirely is part of that. Every Greenie that exists, pushing the Satanic Green policy, is actually an enemy of the human species, in just exactly that way. And why are we suffering in the United States? The Satanists and their Satanic Green policy killed us. The Satanic Greenie policy is what poisoned the United States.

The people of the United States, as they're born, are becoming dumber and dumber and dumber, and worse than dumber, generation by generation—we call them successful degenerations. Their education stinks. Education in the schools today in the United States virtually does not exist. There's a certain kind of show, manipulation, and cheap old show. But brain development? Mind development? No, it doesn't exist. It's getting worse and worse and worse. And together with that degeneration of our young people in California, for example, with their thumb game—they're insane. They're not just dumb—they are dumb, but their dumbness takes on a quality of insanity with this thumb and related business. The education system which produces this thumb-on-thumb is part of the degeneration.

IV The Problem with the Population

So therefore, what do we do practically? That's the question. You take all of these considerations which I've summarized. What do we do practically? We've got to reverse the Satanic education policy. We've got to tax Wall Street. We've got to eliminate the Satanic Green policy. Without eliminating the Satanic Green policy, the United States can't exist. And most of Europe can't exist; whole nations of Europe are about to disintegrate, disappear from the map.

And how can you stop it? Well, we have a factor in the Eurasian region, including Russia, China, and so forth; a number of powerful nations who are coming together, and forming an aggregation, not as an empire, but as a coalition. Their intention is growth. Their intention is typified by what China did, in landing on the Moon. And when you look a little closer at what is included in the features of that landing, you see here's a nation which has picked up on something as a mission, which could be the salvation of the United States, if we would join in it.

There is no good reason for a war at this time in the world, no good reason.

Destabilisation by the Anglo-American-NATO Establishment with colour revolutions as happened in Egypt, Ukraine, Tunisia.

Destabilisation by the Satanic British created Salafist or Wahabian Rent-a Terrorists of Saudi Arabian or Chechen origin as happened in Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Chechnia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine.

Create a war between two trillion Indians and Chinese so they can rub each other out with thermonuclear and related power.

This can also be assembled for a war of most of the world, when you think of in terms of the thermonuclear and related capabilities, of military forces of the opposing forces from the trans-Atlantic and the Russian Eurasian area, the possibility of destruction of human evolution is sitting right before us.

What's the problem? We have an increasingly totalitarian militarised police state which has increasingly been set up for war on its own population. Fema Camps. See something, Say something. 2 billion bullets. 30,000 drones. NSA. TSA. Drone man. "You won't even see it coming". Remember RAF and RAP?



We have people who are like the poor guys who didn't have the authority, who knew they were being, as they say, "screwed," and worse and worse and worse. They know they're losing their jobs, they're losing their health care and pensions, they're losing their education, they're losing their relations with everybody. They're being destroyed. They know it, and they hate it, more and more. But what are they doing to act, to free themselves of that problem? And that's what's lacking.

Now what's a typical person who knows this, who hates these guys, increasingly, but really doesn't act effectively in any way? What's the problem? "Well, I know you're right, but I'm not going to say anything about it, I'm not going to do anything about it, because I've to take care of myself, my opportunities, my family, and so forth. Therefore, I'm not going to resist, I'm going to protest." And will protesting, under those conditions, stop a thermonuclear war? No.

So the problem lies essentially with the man in the street in the United States. Because if the United States were to throw this bum, this so-called President, out of office, there would be a change in the ability of the typical citizen to begin to act to force a change in policy.

The typical citizen does not want to have a part in a thermonuclear war just like they said no to Thermonuclear War over Syria. But what he's going to say is, "I hope it doesn't happen." But this has to be made not to happen. And this requires that the people—I know these American people, I'm very familiar with them, over a longer period of time than most of you—I know them. They have these feelings, a typical American tends to have a generally good tendency somewhere in them, about what they think the future should be. They think in terms of coming generations. They think that their children should somehow be better off or at least more secure, and have opportunities. And they know all this. And they hate that they're accepting that being taken away from them. And from that comes the question of the ability of a small crew of dirty, evil thugs who seized control, as happened right after President Kennedy's death. People caved in, they took it. People who had been at war, who had been warriors in a victorious war, caved in.

And we divided the American people against those who were kissing the butt of one class of people, a smaller number, and doing everything against the really vital interest and future interest of the majority of our people. And that's the weakness, because of the corruption which has occurred with bad Presidents of the United States, with drug dealers, and simply with these characters on Wall Street. We tolerate these people, we allow them to subordinate our people, crush them, cheat them, loot them, kill them through the effects of what they do, and we can do nothing for our cause, the cause of the human species, the common interests of the American people in particular.

And that's what I say. I know what the American people could do if they would throw Satanic Sodomite O - The Big Zero - out of office, and that's the only way that I see that the world can survive, avoid a thermonuclear war: If the American people were to throw Satanic Sodomite O out of office, given the lack his popularity, estimating maybe running into 60% of our citizens, voting citizens, we could stop this. We would not allow the war to start. And if the United States would not start the war, like with Syria, it couldn't be pulled off.

V Russian Destabilsation - The Volgograd Bombings

Last week, we emphasized the significance of the initiation of the Eurasian integration with this now-emerging Eurasian Economic Union, which is being established for the mutual benefit of all of the nations involved. But there's been an explosion, literally, of terror attacks against Russia, on Russian soil.

Most especially, as people very well know, there were two fatal suicide bombings within the span of two days in Volgograd, which was formerly known as Stalingrad, which killed over 30 people and wounded around 100. And since then, many people have recalled the implicit threats that Saudi intelligence head Prince Bandar made to Putin over the summer, in which Bandar attempted to extort Putin into a compromise over Syria, in exchange for a mafia-boss-style guarantee for protection of the Sochi Olympics against Chechen terrorism. And of course, Putin refused to be strong-armed by Bandar.

But immediately after these bombings, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying, "We shall not retreat, but continue our tough and consistent battle with a crafty enemy who knows no borders, and can only be stopped by joint efforts. The criminal attacks in Volgograd, like the terrorist attacks in the U.S.A., as in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and other countries, are organized on the same destabilising rent-a-terrorist model, and inspired from the same satanic quarters."

And Kirill Benediktov, who's a regular columnist for Izvestia and an editor of the Terra America publication, identified Saudi Arabia by name, and stated that what we're seeing with these attacks is a "Wahhabite fifth column" that's being deployed to destabilize Russia.

Now, I'd like to point out that these attacks are obviously coming in a much broader context. In the United States, you have a very concerted effort now underway, to force the declassification of the 28 pages of the 9/11 Congressional Joint Inquiry Report that reportedly prove direct Saudi involvement in financing and supporting the 9/11 attacks against the United States.

And in China, we're seeing, as you referenced earlier, a rise in Saudi-supported Uighur terror attacks against, directly, the Xi Jinping government, including a direct attack on Tiananmen Square right before the Third Plenum.

So all three of these countries—Russia, China, and the United States—have actually been victims of the same irregular warfare operation, coming from the exact same satanist sources, and there are several individuals now speaking out on this, saying that we must work together against a common threat, including today a Congressman from New York, Michael Grimm, who's the co-chair of the Russia Caucus, who warns that any failure by the United States to cooperate with Putin in this regard, could lead to a "new Benghazi" on Russian soil.

Push Russia and China too far by terrorist destabilisation and the result will be Thermonuclear War

VI - The Only Solution to Saving Humanity from the continuing Satanic process of War..

The problem is, we live in a society—and this goes to this Zeus problem—where the satanic oligarchical system, as it's called, has dominated the planet in most areas for as long as we know 10,000? 20,000? 400,000 years?? And this is the Zeus question.

Where Satanic Zeus decreed no fire, physical fire, mental fire, Soul fire for zombified humanity. And it needed a Prometheus to bring that fire from the Fusion Sun, from the Fusion Soul - the first chakra above the head, to humanity!!

The Green movement recommends less fire - expensive energy, small 20sqm housing, ban on driving, ban on cars, expensive jet travel, sat in your city unable to move like an old serf slave, everyone poor, hunger games.

To prevent people taking notice of the discovery, all people are mind controlled by means of Energy Blockages which are used to cut them off from their Soul, to amnesify, distract, addict, vampirise and dumb down.

Those with a resistance to the Blockages. Who are not quite so dumb are sent to educational institutions based on Hessian conditioning and are further implanted and blocked. Read whistleblower, Charlotte Iserbyte.

Only psychopaths - specifically blocked in the heart and conscience - the truly mind controlled, - usually from generational dynastic families further implanted sodomically in secret societies like the Skull and Bones - are cherry picked to actually manage society.

And therefore, most people in society, who are educated in our own schools and so forth, in our colleges and our universities, do something which most people don't recognize, but if they understood what the educational system has been—now we don't have an educational system, we have a crap-house—but when we had an educational system, the basis for public education and university education, was that the university, or similar kinds of institutions, or government, would prescribe the principles, as if scientific principles, which must govern what the student must believe.



The student and the professor, as well, are all conditioned, mind controlled, to go through a college process, or something like it, and to be trained to rehearse in a "quote-after-me" attitude. The students are graded successful, get an A or B standard, if they give the right answers that are demanded by the system of education. Therefore, what you have, is you have a general population—and this goes right to the Zeus versus Prometheus issue, the Zeus that people obey—they accept the education of the master. And therefore, they grade themselves, and are graded, on the basis of their ability to conform to a predetermined schedule, which is often totally contrary to truth.

The effect of that kind of education makes these people stupid. They may not be called stupid; they may not look like stupid people, but I know they're stupid, because I know what this educational pattern means.

There are very few people, sometimes called geniuses, you know, great discoverers who are all resisted by the Satanic intitutions, like Einstein, Max Planck, so forth; Nicholas of Cusa is another example of this kind of thing. You had great people, as scientific discoverers, who overturned the crap that most people in educational systems were conditioned to believe. And their grades and their promotions depended upon going through that nonsense. So therefore, there are very few people in society, who really have what we might call an independent intellectual authority.

The average person will argue with you, "Well, you couldn't know what the future is. You couldn't know what's going to happen." But I did, and often. Not that frequently, because nobody does that. There are very few instant geniuses running around, from my knowledge of the world. I'm just a minor one, in this case, but I'm active at it. And therefore, that's the issue.

Most of the people who have been educated, who believe they're educated, who believe their Professors So-and-so and So-and-so, really are so indoctrinated with this doctrine, that they don't realize they're being stupefied. Therefore, they can do things they're trained to do, they're able to play games they're trained to play. And therefore, they play the games they're trained to play, whether it's football, baseball, or mathematics. And that's the problem.

Some are scientific geniuses, like Einstein or Max Planck and so forth; others have the same quality of insight. Einstein who from the Patent Office in Switzerland, not allowed to work from University, out of the system, gave us the Theory of Relativity. It was not peer reviewed by people sitting nodding their heads to other head nodders, because at first only six people in the whole World could understand it. All the other professor peers rejected it. Said it could not be true. Violently.




If you look at the history of mankind, mankind is a very special kind of creature. Mankind does Evolve!!

We know of no other creature existing, which is comparable to mankind. The human species is the only species, which starts out eating a meal which they cooked, or something like that. And proceeding from that, by finding out higher and higher ways, like an evolutionary, an intellectually evolutionary way, they rise to higher and higher levels of behavior. And that's the history of mankind.

I often refer to case of chemistry. You take, not the crap chemistry, but the real chemistry. What does chemistry teach you? It teaches you that the human species goes from a lower energy-flux density, in terms of its capability, to a higher one than before - wood, coal, petrol, gas, fission, fusion, matter/antimatter. And that's the nature of the human being. That's how we got to all the higher energy-flux density capabilities which are characteristic of the progress of the human species, from being some poor lout, sitting down in a cave someplace, and what we achieve as mankind today.

VII - The Meditational Training for The Process of Creative Discovery


There are a few people who do create, who do think in terms of creativity, who don't simply depend upon what they're taught to do and taught to believe, but actually make discoveries of what they should believe. And it's the discovery of what you should believe and should come to believe, which is the proper basis for mankind and mankind's culture.

And you see it, in terms of Alchemy, of chemistry. Because what's the difference? Mankind's mind created organizations of matter, in such a way that mankind was able to increase the productive powers of labor and to raise mankind from a low level, almost like a poor animal, to a higher level, into societies, which have the great scientific achievements which have made human existence, as we know it today, possible.

And you see it, in terms of meditation. Mankind's soul power created organizations of mind, in such a way that mankind was able to increase the productive powers of labor and to raise mankind from a low level, almost like a poor animal, to a higher level, into societies, which have the great scientific achievements which have made rich human existence, as we know it today, possible.

So it's the relatively few enlightened people, out of the total population, in the history of mankind, who actually have been creative, and who break with the common opinion, and go outside the common opinion. Away from the Opinion of the Peer review is where we get real science. And that's where we get creativity, is from the people who actually do make discoveries.

They don't do deductive action. They do intuition, they do hypothesis!! Creativity never comes from deduction, and what is satanically taught in most schools is deduction, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie and all that. Even mathematics. Mathematics is useful in some ways, if you don't let it take you over; but if it takes you over, you become stupid!

And this is what the problem is: We have a population which is victimized by a satanic culture, a dictated culture, a pre-shaped culture, a mind control culture which suppresses the unique ability of the human specimen, to actually make discoveries.

Like the small or large degree of actually scientific discoveries, where you actually make a discovery of a principle—you don't deduce something.
You actually realize there's something missing, in the way you think about society. And you realize that that something missing, is available for you, and you're attracted to it. And you make a discovery. And that's how mankind advances.

Satanic mind control by means of Blockages. Blockages created by meditational powers is what is carefully hidden, destroyed by faint praise, from all humanity. And that is what is missing is the ability to remove these blockages through the advanced science of meditation. Not the dumbed down meditation created by ancient organisations infil-traitored over thousands of years, but the real meditation which includes chakras outside the body, the Kundalini Key, Alchemical VITRIOL, and blockage removal techniques to Free Your Mind!!


The real meditation. Not the dumbed down Meditation. Meditation is a training process to remove blockages, to remove mind control, to quickly garner an improved talent body. It is that which is missing in order to train humanity for more creativity. The problem is, the process of brainwashing, which is what is happening in the school systems today, and in the universities as well—they are becoming worse and worse now. Therefore, the people become more and more stupid, that is, less capable even of understanding the real experiences their parents and grandparents had had, respectively by substituting that experience for false experience, fantasy, television mind control, the Matrix!! That's what's happened.

One student said, "I don't know what is happening. I do all the things from TV program, "Friends" but my life is still failing, going downhill!!"

The problem is, "they are just not Enlightened!!"

So we have to recognize that that is the problem so we can utilise methods and techniques to reverse the problem so as to create enlightened leaders of the future. And you have to count on uninfil-traitored enlightened leaders who actually have a truly creative outlook, the ability to discover what the future is, predicting the future so as to find ways, things which are missing, infinity levers in order to change it for the better, as like making any principle of scientific discovery, same thing.

The practical man is a useless man, when it comes to actually defending the requirements of progress. The practical man is useful only to the extent that he's able to adapt to what he is already capable of knowing, or being trained to do. The enlightened creative person goes beyond learning; the creative person creates.

And therefore, we have to deal with the fact that we have this problem in society, we have a limited proportion of the population which is actually able to get free of this whole big brother, x-factor mind control training program, this preconditioning program sort of thing, and actually rely upon the yearning to discover the truth: the meditational process that carried man from the caves into his greatest scientific achievements.

And that's the issue. That has to be our policy. Our policy is to understand this problem, and to get people who have creativity, or who are at least able to respond to the stimulus of creativity, and bring them on as the inspirers of much of the rest of the population. Because most of the rest of the population is not capable, on their own account, of doing what is needed. But they will respond to something which is presented to them, once they have discovered it because somebody helped them discover it.

Don't try to capitulate to the opinions of people out there. Their opinions are already making prisoners of them, and prisoners of a terrible type. Therefore, you have to have the people who lead, who are leaders, who are discoverers, and turn them loose to educate and inform the rest of the population, just like when we used to have jobs, good jobs, in manufacturing for example, or scientifically related kinds of jobs. The point is, you'd go into a job, say, in a factory, a high-grade factory, where there is technology, and you have a few people there who are the drivers of that factory, or that operation, and those few people become the leaders, the true leaders, or the actual scientific leaders or the enlightened creative meditational elite.

So it's their scientific and meditational role, in conveying scientific progress and advanced meditational progress to the people who are employed in this factory—like a GE factory or something like that. So you have people who are skilled, who want to be skilled, who are responsive to education, responsive to the experience of education, who are led by a few people who actually are capable of opening up the minds of these people to a discovery.

They can not make the discovery themselves, they can not generate it themselves, but they can be led to making the discovery. And what you need is leadership, which inspires the average human being in our society, to actually begin to learn what they can learn from those who are actually making these creative scientific and meditational contributions, to what man's capabilities, and related capabilities must be.


Satanism is a Religion which has been, "Designed to Fail" Which has been put in charge of every civilisation, "Designed to Fail"

We have the histories of seventy-two civilisations infil-traited by the Satanists - all failed!!

In Energy Enhancement we understand that this Planet is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings as we learn to manage disasters caused by 99% of humanity who are learning they only have the Free Will to do the right thing.

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here" from Inferno by Dante

Place not your hope in money, car, house, family, friends, country, civilisation.


Instead only evolve. Learn to master the system through your own Evolution. In the end, only Enlightenment is the way out. The final accolade of maximal evolution as you gain the Certificate of Mastery of this World.


The solution?


Solution? - The Science of Meditation - Which will increase the only thing you can take with you - Lifetime to Lifetime - when you die..


With the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.




Just by meditation and energy blockage removal, you can find the truth for yourself, increase your energy, access incredible quantities of Kundalini Energy, become Enlightened.

And that's the only way, I think, you can actually make a practical, actually practical indication of how we might be able to save humanity from its degenerate Satanic predators.




Energy Enhancement Meditation is Meditation as it was originally meant to be..

 "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..



Pure.. Away from all perversion, the fastest and most advanced way to commence Kundalini Activation of the Base Chakra is through Energy Enhancement Meditation - Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key given in Initiations Three and Four of Energy Enhancement Level One.

Being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...










Jesus says, "Stay away from Evil" and on the path of, "The Mastery of Relationships" be aware that bad people project energy blockages connected with the deepest satanic evil into all who meet with them. Having sex with these evil people, anyone at all evil, with any degree of evil, injects these evil, Addiction, Psychopathic, Energy Blockages even deeper.

In the same way being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...

Don Jan 24 to Sol

Hello Satchi and Devi.

I hope this penning finds you both in excellent spirit and good health. You have been in my thoughts as I have been beavering away over here.
Wanting to share with like minds a recent lovely story and also to hear your views on it.

My own feelings here is that the story is testament to how well you two taught me all those years ago and how much was retained and subsequently put to good use.

Very recently a young man of twenty one was brought to see me by his family in a terrible state. Covered from head to toe in eczema and phoiris and his skin looking like thin stretched leather. All the medics had been there for over six months with every conceivable treatment and had all come to the conclusion that he must undergo very heavy treatment using mega steroids with huge side effects for life. For life. Their proposal was life altering in the extreme for him. A truly frightening prospect for him and the whole family.

He arrived here at 7.30 in the evening and sat with me in the meditation room for two and a half hours. I meditated and talked to him and he left. That's all. His mother had taken before pictures of him the day he came here. They took another photo the following day and it is not the same person. All gone overnight. He came to me last night and you can see no trace of any illness in this fine healthy young man. He thinks I am some sort of magical being.

All I did was free his mind.

I truly treasure the day that I agreed with me that you guys would teach me. Thank you both.






The point of this introductory missive is that 72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within.

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes Emperor President. The Satanist Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly and the society is destroyed.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..


The Satanic myth, like all myths, is something invented by the real Luciferian Elite - The heads of all the thousands of years old generational dynastic families worldwide - in order to control the wanna be elite of society who are attracted by promises of wealth and immortality - They Lie!! - if they take up the Satanic Religion and then perverted and degenerated by Satanism and thus the Purpose of Satanism - following the Policy of Poverty - The whole of society is destroyed and energetically vampirised as the fish rots from the head down in service of the Policy of Poverty, to maintain control of society for thousands of years.. "A boot stamping in your face.. For ever!!" Orwell


The purpose of the thousands of years old heads of generational dynastic families - the creators of the Satanic and Luciferian Religions - is the maintenance of Control through the perversion, degeneration and destruction of all human beings and their societies through their infiltration pillars, Energy Blockage Implants, Addiction, Mind Control, Drugs, Ritual Sex both Hetero and Homo, Ritual Sacrifice, Satanic Corruption and Perversion as worse and worse abominations are performed and more deep drug and sex addiction Implant Blockages absorbed, MI6, CIA, Jesuits, Banking, Propaganda, Drugs, Perverted Homosexual Sex and Rock and Roll (Drugs, Sex and Rock and Roll).


The Babylonian Secret Service of which Aristotle the Poisoner - because he was responsible for the assassination of Alexander the Great - was one of the main Agents, is a Satanic instrument passed on through slave trading and banking Rome then Venice and then through Venetian Agents the Cecils - the Earls of Salisbury - who founded the Foreign Office think tank back in 1450 at All Souls College in Oxford University - founded on Venetian, Babylonian Secret Service principles and Venetian Agent William of Orange who took over England in 1724 and thus into the Venetian-British Empire's MI6 and thus into the fascist CIA.

Dynastic Satanic families gestate Satanism between Empires then infiltrate each Empire to destroy it.

So, who invented the Satanic and Luciferian Religion Myths and why?

The people who invented the myth are the BMs who are the heads of every Dynastic Satanic Family - See Fritz Springmeier, "The Bloodlines of the Illuminati" etc.

And Why?

1. They want to harvest spiritual energy through the vampirism of Sexual Addiction Implants and Drug Addiction Implants. If humanity is Bonsaied through poverty, and perversion then these BMs can be in charge forever.

2. They use Satanism to destroy every Society and Civilisation from within, thus fulfilling the, "Policy of Poverty" which has always been used to maintain control.

3. Satanism and its Pederasty and its use of Trauma are used to Mind Control all Satanists and their families as well as many important people in society - See Fritz Springmeier - "How to create a completely mind controlled slave".

4. Satanic, Luciferian, Pagan Sexual Ritual either Sodomy with the Dog Priests or hetero with, "The Whore of Babylon" injects a stream of evil energy blockage implant demons into the victim which are designed to bestialise, pervert, degenerate and psychopathise the victim, either willing or kidnapped,  so as to degenerate and rape and pillage povertise society eventually creating the fall of that civilisation.

Recorded history only goes back as far as Sumeria, only 10,000 years, yet there are archeological anomalies which go back 400,000 years. Genetically, humanity has been around, unchanged for 500,000 years.

People with access to Ancient Sciences from civilisations before the last ice age including Meditation, Weapons, Destabilisation, War and Politics, also through their major plank - the hidden Mind Control Meditational Science of Implant Blockages or as the Satanists call them, Demons, or as the Alchemists call them, Homunculi, or Archons - they will have a tremendous advantage over those who do not.

So also - those with access to ancient sources of wealth will have a tremendous advantage over those who do not.

For example, one obvious soft target is the Sulzberger family that owns the New York Times. By refusing to write the truth or let their reporters write the truth about murder of close to 3000 New York residents on September 11, 2001, they made themselves criminal accessories to mass murder. Forcing them to start reporting the truth about that event would be one way to break the corporate media denial about this atrocity.

Other media moguls who can be found criminally guilty as accessories to mass murder include Walt Disney chairman Michael Eisner, Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin, Viacom head Sumner Redstone and Washington Post [former] head Katherine Meyer Graham. These people need to be told in no uncertain terms to either start reporting the truth or go to jail; if judicial authorities are too corrupt to act, the extra-judicial action is justified.

Then there is a group of known terrorist masterminds including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski who stated in his book, "The Technotronic Era" that he founded Al Quaeda to use against the Russians, Egypt - as the Muslim Brotherhood, Libya, Syria, USA and Europe, former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle and other top neocons such as William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman and Robert Kagan. These men are a menace to humanity and need to be removed.

These are just a few examples of the sort of people who no decent civilized nation should allow to be free. From a military and strategic point of view, in addition to this, to liberate the United States from Sabbatean mafia fascist control the following actions are required, with the help of NSA evidence, which up to now has found no terrorists and turned America into a Police State. Lets use the NSA to find the real terrorists:

1) Occupy and nationalize the 12 Federal Reserve Board Bank branches, get a first tranche of 100 year zero interest bonds of 5 trilions to upgrade the infrastructure.

2) Audit the Senate and Congress and arrest all who have been bribed

3) Replace the Supreme Court judges who allowed the fraudulent election of George Bush Jr. to take place

4) Shut down the United States of America Corporation and restore the Republic of the United States of America

5) Nationalize any bank that has been carrying out fraudulent derivatives trading

6) Remove all military and agency personnel who have been bribed

7) Write off all debts public and private

8) Start rebuilding the United States with government issue currency (no taxes, no debt needed)

That is all that is needed to free the people of the United States of America from a regime that is run through debt slavery, bribery, blackmail and murder by family Mafia.

So many elites have followed Satanism because of these above advantages. They want the riches which rich Satanic families can deliver to them as they Satanically feast on the riches of others whom they consign to poverty.

More than anything, they want the Eternal Life promised by the Satanic Elite. They are told that by blocking their hearts and conscience and by draining and storing psychic energy from humanity, they can gain sufficient energy to live outside of the body, forever - all they have to do is to join the Satanic, Luciferian, Pagan Religion and take part in its Rituals which will pervert and degenerate them..

They Lie!! Their promises are a Lie!! This is the Satanic Myth!!

But they believe, so If they have to embrace and spread perversion to do it, Then so mote it be!!

One elite insider - Steve Jobs - sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" (2012) of Mars - purposely failed movies like...

1.  "Citizen Kane" 1941 universally known as the greatest picture - where Randolph Hearst, the gazzillionaire who thought that Kane was written to give out bad information about him, immediately bought RKO Radio Pictures who owned Citizen Kane and stopped its distribution, then sent Orson Welles to Brazil to get him out of the way then cut, "The Magnificent Ambersons" to shreds, and then blacklisted Orson so he almost never worked in movies again.

2. "The Last Samurai" 2003 showed how countries were taken over by the elite. Through the long tongued liars writing 100% bad reviews - about one of the best movies ever to have been made!! it was made to fail at the box office. Tom Cruise  actor and producer received much bad publicity and was fired by Viacom head honcho, Sumner Redstone, almost destroying his career.

3. "The Saint" 1997 was about how Fusion Electric Power could save the world. Again, made to fail and its stars, Val Kilmer and Elizabeth Shue,  blacklisted.

4. "The Golden Compass" 2007 was about cutting children off from their Souls, - "Just a little snip" Zombification, with obvious reference to the Lobotomy of Zack Snyder's, "Sucker Punch". 100% bad reviews for one of the best movies ever to hit the screens. Future movie trilogy wastebasketted. Stars blacklisted. New Line and its head Robert Shayler who had just produced The Lord of the Rings Trilogy making 3 Billion Dollars in the process - also a black mark - were disbanded and fired. The Weinsteins were fired from Disney.

5. "The Last Airbender" 2010 Click for my review.. Again, 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie. Director Shyalmalan blacklisted. Future movie trilogy wastebasketted.

6. "Green Lantern" - "Forget the pessimism of the Intellect, instead focus on the Optimism of the Will" - Gramsci.

Fear overcome by Courage and the Will!!

In brightest day,
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight,
For those who worship evil`s might,
Beware my power!
Green Lantern's light

7. "Cloud Atlas" 2012 Click for my review.. 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie.

8.  "The Lone Ranger" 2013 100% bad reviews for an amazingly good movie.

9. "47 Ronin" - disgust at Satanic Shogun society consigning 47 good brave men to death. The start of the consignation of "Matrix" Keanu Reeves to the blacklist.


These movies are always the most interesting because by being opposed, you know there is something in them which is against the elite.

Also, each of these movies, like all Spiritual Movies, has been charged with the highest vibrations of Kundalini energy. For those with sight, no further evidence is necessary than that some great soul has deemed it necessary to project his Life into matter so as to make it Art.

So do the Lords of Light make it known that they exist, and that the long battle for the Hearts and Minds of men continues against Evil.

Steve Jobs initiated this movie as a Director at Disney where his vision for the future had not matched that of the elite and thus had created too much trouble - after he was given the, "Borgia Cup". Steve Jobs sent his message to the future in the movie, "John Carter" of Mars after he learned of his poisoning and assassination from Cancer. - It is a well known fact that now, cancer and heart disease is a major Assassination and Eugenocidal Soft Kill tool. All the Presidents of South America seem to have cancer. Castro of Cuba had Cancer as did Lula and Roussef of Brazil, Christina Kirchner of Argentina and of course her assassinated husband Nestor Kirchner who died of a heart attack. Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez died of Cancer. Cancer rates have risen World Wide by as much as 10,000 per cent and the USA is the cancer capital of the World.

Quote from the amazing "John Carter", 2012 .. of Mars

"So what is your cause? We have none. We are not haunted by mortality as you are. We are Eternal.... This little cause will follow the way we have set, Earthman. And we have chosen Saab Ther to rule next. The Ninth Ray must remain in the hands of mindless brutes we can control. And the infamy of Deja Thoris Wedding Death will seal his Reign.

We have been playing this game from before the birth of this planet (Mars). And we will continue to do so until well after the death of yours (Earth). We do not cause the destruction of your world, Captain Carter. We simply manage it. Feed off it if you like. But on every last Planet it always plays out exactly the same way. Populations Rise. Societies Divide. Wars Spread. And all the while the Neglected Planet Slowly Fades."

The solution? The removal of Satanism through the removal of the Heads of the Satanic Families - not by assassination - as they can move from body to body - but as in the removal of Energy Blockages. Also information, the teaching of Wolf-Child Humanity in real Science and History as well as the Science of Meditation - Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.



Jesus says, "Stay away from Evil" and on the path of, "The Mastery of Relationships" be aware that bad people project energy blockages connected with the deepest satanic evil into all who meet with them. Having sex with these evil people, anyone at all evil, with any degree of evil, injects these evil, Addiction, Psychopathic, Energy Blockages even deeper.

In the same way being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...

Don Jan 24 to sol

Hello Satchi and Devi.

I hope this penning finds you both in excellent spirit and good health. You have been in my thoughts as I have been beavering away over here.
Wanting to share with like minds a recent lovely story and also to hear your views on it.
My own feelings here is that the story is testament to how well you two taught me all those years ago and how much was retained and subsequently put to good use.

Very recently a young man of twenty one was brought to see me by his family in a terrible state. Covered from head to toe in eczema and phoiris and his skin looking like thin stretched leather. All the medics had been there for over six months with every conceivable treatment and had all come to the conclusion that he must undergo very heavy treatment using mega steroids with huge side effects for life. For life. Their proposal was life altering in the extreme for him. A truly frightening prospect for him and the whole family.

He arrived here at 7.30 in the evening and sat with me in the meditation room for two and a half hours. I meditated and talked to him and he left. That's all. His mother had taken before pictures of him the day he came here. They took another photo the following day and it is not the same person. All gone overnight. He came to me last night and you can see no trace of any illness in this fine healthy young man. He thinks I am some sort of magical being.

All I did was free his mind.

I truly treasure the day that I agreed with me that you guys would teach me. Thank you both.


Sent from my iPhone



Energy Enhancement Meditation is Meditation as it was originally meant to be..

 "Traditional meditations are designed to fail!!"

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Dynastic Families, Politics, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics - Worldwide, censoring Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program..



Pure.. Away from all perversion, the fastest and most advanced way to commence Kundalini Activation of the Base Chakra is through Energy Enhancement Meditation - Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key given in Initiations Three and Four of Energy Enhancement Level One.

Being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...










Jesus says, "Stay away from Evil" and on the path of, "The Mastery of Relationships" be aware that bad people project energy blockages connected with the deepest satanic evil into all who meet with them. Having sex with these evil people, anyone at all evil, with any degree of evil, injects these evil, Addiction, Psychopathic, Energy Blockages even deeper.

In the same way being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...

Don Jan 24 to Sol

Hello Satchi and Devi.

I hope this penning finds you both in excellent spirit and good health. You have been in my thoughts as I have been beavering away over here.
Wanting to share with like minds a recent lovely story and also to hear your views on it.

My own feelings here is that the story is testament to how well you two taught me all those years ago and how much was retained and subsequently put to good use.

Very recently a young man of twenty one was brought to see me by his family in a terrible state. Covered from head to toe in eczema and phoiris and his skin looking like thin stretched leather. All the medics had been there for over six months with every conceivable treatment and had all come to the conclusion that he must undergo very heavy treatment using mega steroids with huge side effects for life. For life. Their proposal was life altering in the extreme for him. A truly frightening prospect for him and the whole family.

He arrived here at 7.30 in the evening and sat with me in the meditation room for two and a half hours. I meditated and talked to him and he left. That's all. His mother had taken before pictures of him the day he came here. They took another photo the following day and it is not the same person. All gone overnight. He came to me last night and you can see no trace of any illness in this fine healthy young man. He thinks I am some sort of magical being.

All I did was free his mind.

I truly treasure the day that I agreed with me that you guys would teach me. Thank you both.




The Satanic Homosexual practice of Anal intercourse is the Dark Tantric equivalent of such white Kundalini activating Hatha Yoga practices as Mulabandha (anal sphincter lock), and Asvini Mudra alternating relaxation and contraction of the anus) and Kundalini activating Energy Enhancement practices of the Kundalini Kriyas deepened by Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key.

The Satanic dark secret tradition of magical Tantra teaches that the anus is an ultrasensitive erogenic and psychic zone directly linked the Muladhara, the basal Chakra. Hidden within Muladhara, Boiled and compressed like a spring, lies the primal power of the nervous system manifest as the Snake Goddess, Kundalini.

The terminus for the "pipe of flesh" is the anus, composed of an internal anal external sphincter, rings of muscle surrounding a body orifice. The word "sphincter" means a "knot" or a "band" and is derived from the same Greek base as "Sphinx," the mythological beast epitomizing occult mysteries. The master of Tantric sex magic opens the anal sphincters of his Shakti, thus solving the riddle of the Sphinx.

Reference to Gray's Anatomy reveals the existence of an irregular, oval-shaped gland between the rectal wall and the tip of the tailbone, or coccyx, called the "coccygeal body.'' Although the function of this gland is unknown to Western physiologists, it is established in Tantra as the "Kundalini gland." Yoga has devised a wide variety of techniques to irritate and awaken this gland into activity, including Mula Bandha, Asvini Mudra, Maharishis Yogic flying is in reality called Tada Mudra (knocking the buttocks upon the ground, sending rhythmic shock waves rippling up the spine), and rolling on a cotton ball placed under the tip of the tailbone.


More advanced Right hand practises are Kundalini activating Energy Enhancement Techniques of the Kundalini Kriyas deepened by Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key. These advanced Energy Enhancement Techniques activate Kundalini by connection with Chakras outside the body - Kundalini Chakra in the center of the earth  and The central Spiritual Sun above the Crown Chakra - More Powerful than Any Other Technique!! -  connecting the student with the higher Kundalini Powers of the Universe which is the real aim of Kundalini activation..

Anal intercourse is a specific Satanic Left hand path of Kundalini arousal method which activates the Kundalini but which also injects a stream of Satanic Energy Blockages into the student which perverts and eventually bestialises and psychopathises their mind.

Satanic Left Hand Tantric activation of the gland is direct and swift through the dilation of the anal sphincters, with a consequent reflex effect upon the two branches of the autonomic nervous system. These two branches, terminating in the anus and rectum, are the parasympathetic (Ida, or braking influence) and the sympathetic (Pingala, or accelerating influence).

As well as altering the state of the involuntary nervous system, anal intercourse, according to traditional Satanic belief, results in the ejaculation of semen into the rectum which they advertise, nourishes the "Kundalini gland" much as the white of an egg feeds the fertilized yolk or embryo. The Satanic Left Hand Tantrist, sustaining his Shakti or Goddess with sexual intercourse anal or otherwise, facilitates the arousal of his/her internal fire. However the belief is a lie, as previously stated - Anal intercourse is a specific Satanic Left hand path of Kundalini arousal method which activates the Kundalini but the Satanic Tantric Initiate also injects a stream of Satanic Energy Blockages into the student - male or female - which perverts and eventually bestialises and psychopathises their mind. Sexual Congress with evil leads to evilisation as you absorb addiction implant energy blockages from evil people.. "Stay away from evil" Jesus Christ.

The Occidental mentality is conditioned to look upon the anus as unclean. The Hindu, on the other hand, is scrupulous in hygiene at both ends of the "pipe of flesh," having a firm tradition of rinsing the anus after bowel activity, using copious quantities of water and the left hand (the right hand being reserved for handling food when eat­ing!). Certain schools of Hatha Yoga consider washing the bowel daily with water through a system of natural enemas (Basti) as much a necessity as cleaning the mouth and teeth.

Satanic Left Hand Tantric practices may be viewed by some as "pervert" or "deviate," and in terms of the inner meaning of words, they are. "Pervert" means "to overthrow the soul," "to turn around from the right hand path," while "deviate" (de and via, the way or path) suggests "off the road of the Path of the Soul," "out of the way."

“Like the sharp edge of a razor, the sages say, is the path. Narrow it is, and difficult to tread!” Immediately we think of Jesus words: “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13, 14)

Not only is Anal intercourse a specific Satanic Left hand path of Kundalini arousal method which activates the Kundalini but which also injects a stream of Satanic Energy Blockages into the student which perverts and eventually bestialises and psychopathises their mind, but this movement of the student away from the "Dharma" Soul Path also burns up specific energies already stored whose purpose is to aid the Enlightenment process of the student. 

Jesus says, "Stay away from Evil" and on the path of, "The Mastery of Relationships" be aware that bad people project energy blockages connected with the deepest satanic evil into all who meet with them. Having sex with these evil people, anyone at all evil, with any degree of evil, injects these evil, Addiction, Psychopathic, Energy Blockages even deeper.

In the same way being in the presence of good people who can project Angel Talents into your psychic body and who can dissolve your Evil Energy blockages is a very good thing...


The Satanic Homosexual practice of Anal intercourse and of Tantric Ritual Sex (with the Whore of Babylon) whilst raising Kundalini degenerates the student the most because the Satanic Sodomiser and the Satanic Tantric is always connected with Demon Energy Blockages which he injects with every Satanic Initiation.

This degeneration, this psychopathation, of the student and its movement into the perverting and degeneration of society, stopping the Evolution of Humanity as part of the, "Policy of Poverty", is the Purpose of the creation of the Satanic and Luciferian Religions.


White Kundalini activating Hatha Yoga practices as Mulabandha (anal sphincter lock), and Asvini Mudra (alternating relaxation and contraction of the anus) Yogic Flying, and white Kundalini activating Angelic - connected to goodness and the thousand years old Traditions of the ENLIGHTENED Spiritual Masters - Energy Enhancement practices of the Agnisar Kriya, Pranayama and the Energy Enhancement Meditative practises of the Kundalini Kriyas deepened by Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key which do not pervert and degenerate, which connect you to the Energies of the Universe itself instead allowing you to increase the storage within you of pure positive spiritual energy, thus accelerating - Speeding Up!!- the true path of Enlightenment.


In the House of the Strong Man, Satanic Sodomy is the Key - The Ritual Implantation of Energy Blockages

- Interview with Marion Knox by Elana Freeland


The doctors of the law, too, who had come down from Jerusalem, said, ‘He is possessed by Beelzebub’ and ‘He drives out devils by the prince of devils.’ So he called them to come forward, and spoke to them in parables: ‘How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand; if a household is divided against itself, that house will never stand; and if Satan is in rebellion against himself, he is divided and cannot stand; and that is the end of him.

‘On the other hand, no one can break into a strong man’s house and make off with his goods unless he has first tied the strong man up; then he can ransack the house.’ (Mark 3:22-27, NE)

E: Marion, where I want to start is with your statement that the presence of Elohim spirits usually indicate Implant Freemasonic programming that is installed, implanted by sodomy. Does that ring a bell?

M: Yes, it does, and I would like to broaden that a little bit. Ron Patton once did an article on Monarch programming. Based on what you might call research or what I have discovered in maybe 500 people over a period of ten years -- I’m just guessing because I don’t keep records -- this is my impression: the most vulnerable age for preparing a person for mind control is between two and four years of age because of the development of the child’s mind at that age. Traumatic things can damage them worse than if they were younger or older. Also, in order to be programmable there needs to be a change in the way their mind works between two and four. That change can only be achieved by sodomy.

E: What is it about sodomy that does that?

M: It attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain. It also has a spiritual, Implant demonic component to it that affects the person’s mind in a way that nothing else will, as near as I can tell. In other words, I would state it this way: for a person to be able to develop multiple personalities, they would have to be sodomized between two and four.

E: For all multiple personality disorders?

M: As far as I know. It’s not commonly told this way because sodomy puts in a deaf and dumb spirit and causes memory loss so that some people may remember occult rituals but won’t remember the sodomy. But sodomy is the foundation of the whole thing. It is called “The Key of David” by the Rothschild Illuminati.

E: When you say Rothschild Illuminati, you’re not talking about just the Rothschild family?

M: No, I’m talking about all of the occult people all over the world. This goes back to Nimrod. This is the Egyptian initiation of the child to open the third eye.

E: Are you saying that back in Egypt in 3000 B.C.E., when the priesthood was at its peak, they were using sodomy for their initiations?

M: As far as I know, sodomy is always used in the occult going clear back before the Flood. Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age.

E: The third eye meaning the pineal gland between the eyes?

M: Yes. I have traced migraine headaches from anal sex. It comes up the spine, over the back of the head right into the forehead.

E: All migraines, or --

M: No, I’m not saying all migraine headaches are from sodomy because I had one once that was put on me by a retired chiropractor and he did not sodomize me. But I think he was a sodomite. Basically, Satan cannot sodomize someone on his own, but he can influence somebody to sodomize someone else and then it’s like having Satan sodomize them and put the sodomy power implant blockage within them. Sodomy is spiritual. I get intense about this because it is so clear, and the Bible is the best source for discovering this.

E: Regarding Illuminati and Rothschild --

M: Let’s leave Rothschild out of this. Not everybody is Rothschild unless you are using Rothschild as a loose term like Illuminati. With Illuminati referring to the wider spectrum, there is a Rothschild element, a Jesuit element and a Masonic element, but probably as sinister as any is the Jesuit element. I cannot prove this, I wish I could, but I believe that to become a full-fledged Jesuit you would have had to have been sodomized by the time you were three years of age. I believe they’re all sodomites.

E: The entire Society of Jesus?

M: I don’t think you can become powerful in the Society of Jesus without being involved in sodomy at some point in time.

E: Marion, when you say the third eye, I think of the ability to see visions, to see things we normally can’t. Is that what you’re talking about?

M: To make a mystic with those capabilities requires sodomy because sodomy changes the way the mind works; it opens the mind up to the spirit world.

E: So it’s the same effect on male or female children?

M: Absolutely, and you never know what the effect is going to be. One might be one way and one another, but to be able to become a mystic, whether it’s a Catholic mystic or any other kind of mystic, that is the route to go. I call that the Legion mindset.

E: Let’s go back to the Elohim and Legion. What are the differences?

M: The Legion implant mindset has the Strong Man spirit in it. It’s like the House of the Strong Man: its foundation can develop into a mystic, or into multiple personalities. The Legion mindset would be what Alice in Wonderland is all about. The Elohim spirit is just one small item.

E: But the implants are inserted through sodomy, as well?

M: Yes. I think the spirit called Elohim in people who have gone through Masonic ceremonies enters with sodomy.

E: But the word Elohim in the Old Testament is actually a good word --

M: Not always, because the word means “spirit.” I think if you check the original, when Samuel came up, the witch of Endor said she saw the Elohim coming up. So she saw the spirit coming up, not God Almighty. In the occult world, they have many Elohim. Why do you think that Wicca’s magic circle has the name Elohim and Adonai? Do you think that’s God Almighty? I don’t think so.

E: So they may have spirits that are stand-ins for other --

M: Basically, the sodomy spirits would call themselves the I AM spirits. When you have someone who has a sodomy spirit, that sodomy spirit claims to be God. So then it’s just the next step to use the names that we associate with God. Mormonism says that Elohim had sex with Mary to birth Jesus. Do you think that was Almighty God? I don’t think so. Joseph Smith was a peepstone gazer; he had the third eye open. He was a molester, had been a Mason and copied Masonic ceremonies for the Temple ceremonies.

E: From what you have learned from the people you have deprogrammed -- you don’t like that word, do you?

M: You can use the word deprogramming, but it is used in circles that are not Christian, and basically a lot of what they call deprogramming is reprogramming. I like to think of it as changing a mindset. But go ahead and ask your question.

E: I’m trying to establish a relationship between the Illuminati and Freemasons.

M: Okay. In the true sense of the word, Illuminati is a class of people that have illumination in common. In the political sense, you might have people who have joined an organization called the Illuminati -- like being a Democrat or a Republican. But in the true sense of the word, the Satanic Illuminati refers to people who receive the Light of the Morning Star or Satan, and not anything higher like God.

E: And they can be from any brotherhood or organization?

M: Yes.

E: And they have gone through some sort of initiation for that?

M: In a spiritual sense, they have been illuminated or initiated into the illumination of Lucifer. The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by sodomy of the three year old. However, if that person does not follow through, he can become a dud -- he doesn’t go anywhere, so he hasn’t really risen to any rank within the movement of the body of the Illuminati. They have certain degrees associated with being a high-level Illuminati -- you wouldn’t get there simply by being initiated as a three year old. The initiation of the three year old is the beginning requirement of someday rising up into the ranks of a group that is considered to be the Illuminati. A lot of people think of the Illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family.

E: When you say ‘like family,’ are some blood related and most not?

M: I’m saying sodomites feel a family bond, whether related or not.

E: Sodomites -- Illuminati or otherwise. Is sodomy ritually continued after three years old?

M: Let me try to explain it this way. Who is the Bride of Christ or who is the Church? Everybody who is truly born again is in the kingdom or family of God, right?

E: Uh-huh.

M: That is THE Church, right? But then you’ve got Methodists, Baptists, Nazarenes and all these different groups. The Illuminati is Lucifer’s church, the mystical body of Satan.

E: Is sodomy like communion for them?

M: No, sodomy is like being born again.

E: Do they do it over and over?

M: Yes, but especially in intense programming, like Monarch or mind control programming, sodomy is used over and over and over. Those who have programmers or keepers, they’re using sodomy all the time to keep the person in line.

E: Is sodomy a threat or is it pleasurable to the sodomized?

M: Those who have been programmed have a locked-in three-year-old mindset which is the core of the programming. Say they’re eighteen or twenty years old and somebody comes up and knows the signal or says the code word to call out the three-year-old core. The person then goes into the hypnotised three-year-old mind control state to be sodomized, then the sodomites program into their minds what they want to program in, and when that person wakes up they probably don’t even remember that anything happened. Basically, a person reverts back to the three year old to be a total victim to the sodomy.

There are many ramifications of this. If you read the book by Cathy O’Brien, she says that a high-level politician gave her messages to take to the King of Saudi Arabia. The politician would access her sex alter, repeat the message, bring her out of that sex alter, ship her overseas, and when she got there the King would access her sex alter and get the message word for word from the high-level politician and return an answer. That basically is a picture -- she didn’t say it was sodomy but that’s what they do. Sodomy puts them into a trance where you can program in directly to the subconscious memory file without any interference of the conscious mind. Sodomy is what puts the person into that state where you can do it. They might even get them so highly programmed that they can just say the word or repeat the code.

E: Can you use sodomy for programming after childhood?

M: You can program a 50-year-old person with sodomy.

E: But would you have had to have done it at least once when they were small?

M: To get a mind control slave, yes. You can’t take a 20-year-old person and make a mind control slave out of them by waiting until they’re 20 years old to do it. To program them like TV and movies do -- you could not make a Monarch programmed person if you hadn’t started with them as a child.

E: Have victims actually used the word Monarch to describe their programming?

M: One of the people I worked with came up with the idea that the wings of the monarch butterfly are actually the pelvic skeletal shape. Then if you add sodomy, you add the abdomen of the butterfly. The other thing about Monarch would be that these people are told they are royalty or “chosen ones,” given that a lot of bloodline families in power in the United States claim to be descendants of European royalty or descendants of monarchs. You could look at it that way. I say that Monarch programming is basically sodomy programming.

Some people are being kept in bondage by sodomizing themselves -- [Here the telephone turns into static that takes several minutes to rectify.] -- sodomy is used to re-boot the computer and reactivate the programming.

E: Do you think this is at all behind the big push to accept homosexuality as normal?

M: Of course.

E: Do you think all homosexuals are sodomized early?

M: I don’t think that very many homosexuals become homosexual without being sexually abused early. They may not all have been sodomized, but a large portion were.

As far as religions go, Catholics and Masons are at the top of the list. It’s possible that the Catholic hierarchy may even have an unofficial doctrine to sodomize three year olds so as to bind them to the Church. They say, “Give us a child until he’s five and he’ll always be Catholic,” but they don’t start any religious training with the children until they’re five. I recently freed a guy who was sodomized by a priest when he was probably three and then at thirteen was put in Boys Town in Nebraska, and the priest there would take him into a room, lock the doors, and make him do whatever he wanted him to do. A first-hand witness of the corruption at Boys Town.

E: What about Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key -- fraternities of elite sons -- do you suppose they’re using sodomy as well to make deep bonds for the sake of money and power in the families?

M: I can’t imagine they haven’t. What is Skull and Bones anyway but the order of death? Why are they doing things connected with the dead? Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is, so how did they get their power without it? I was not there, I was never invited to go there, I could not have gone there because I was never a victim of sodomy as a child. Now, the Masons do recruit people who are innocent bystanders just for the image and the dues. But the real driving force of the Masons are the sodomites, just check the de Molay thing.

E: Tell me a little more about the deep bond that forms among men because of sodomy.

M: Let me tell you a little story. I have been trying to help a woman for the last five years to get free of the bondage and victimization that began when she was a child. She was married to a guy who’s wealthy and works for Nike, and is also a cross-dresser. I even met with the cross-dresser and uncovered that his grandpa was a Mason who treated him like a little girl and sodomized him. This was from his mind, not mine -- but he didn’t want to believe it and get right. They have four children, and she’s been sitting there with the damage to the children.

She’d been trying to get something to pin on him, like his pornography on the internet, but he always lied his way out of everything. I called her out of the blue the other day and she had filed for divorce but still didn’t have anything on him. So I said, “Do you suppose you might have a spirit of his, like the Strong Man?” So I checked it out and the answer that came from her mind was that the spirit of her husband had entered her on her wedding night by sodomy. All she can remember is that the wedding night was a bad night. I cast it out. She had a bright red rash on her when we were talking about this, but when I cast out the Strong Man spirit with her husband’s name, put in with sodomy, within minutes the rash was completely gone.

Within the week, she happened to be at her husband’s new house where the daughter was, and the daughter said, “Let me show you something.” They went into a big walk-in closet where there was a suitcase with another locked suitcase in it. The daughter got the key, opened up the little suitcase, and there were women’s paraphernalia, lingerie, even the tool to sodomize himself. She could not find any evidence on that guy until I got rid of that spirit of sodomy from him. Her eyes and the daughter’s eyes were opened.

Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public. But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself.

E: I’m convinced you’re right that for both mind control and male bonds of power, sodomy is somehow key. What about another brotherhood, the Special Forces -- Navy SEALS, Green Berets -- elite cadres?

M: From what I can gather, I believe they are chosen because the men start out as victims as three year olds. I worked to help get a guy free whose mother ran a topless bar down in California and he had a tremendous internal rage. He didn’t do very well in school and he had his problems with drugs, but a guy came along and got him a full ride of four years at West Point. He should never have gotten in there. He went in on a football scholarship, but when they got him in there they switched him to a boxing scholarship because when he got into boxing, the rage could be turned on. He heard that some of the initiations coming up in the second West Point year included sodomy. I don’t know that they subjected him to sodomy, but he quit before he went more than one year.

Just like in war, where traumatic things happen that soldiers can’t remember, this is what sodomy does to the child. The denial system that kicks in produces at least in some people the ability to compartmentalize. When you compartmentalize, you can be in a certain compartment of your mind without detracting from other compartments of your mind. If you’re in the pure rage compartment, you don’t have any kindness or love diluting it.

E: So in the profiling that the military might use in order to find a man who fits the untapped rage pattern --

M: I could make a profile! I could take a few victims that are healed and sit them down beside me and we could bring the people through an interview and we could profile them.

E: Why do I think this programming through sodomy acts so much more powerfully on males than on females?

M: It doesn’t, but males and females are different. Females are best for becoming programmed computers or human recorders. Most women are more capable of creating multiple personality systems because of the way their minds work. But the fact is that men are more aggressive, so the percentage of women who are sodomized and become perpetrators is far lower than the percentage of men who become perpetrators. They’re all victims to start with, but women just go on being victims, they don’t tend to turn into Predators themselves. I’ve worked with men who did not become perpetrators and remained victims, just like the women; and I’ve seen evidence of women who became perpetrators. Witches are perpetrators and just like men, they’re molesters. I’ve worked with people who had women sodomizing them with objects, molesting children. But the percentage is lower with women than it is men. A higher percentage of men will transition from victim to perpetrator. And I’m convinced that there are some men who compartmentalize in such a way that they do not, on the average, remember acts of molesting; they will only remember if they get into that compartment. Otherwise, they have amnesiac barriers between the different compartments of their minds. Women are that way, too. A perpetrator with an amnesiac barrier is a sad, sad case because they can switch into that compartment and go out and molest, then switch out and not remember. This is the kind of person they use in Special Forces for their assassination teams because they can activate the hidden compartment that has been programmed for assassination and send them out on a mission. A man who claimed to have been in the South African Special Forces told me of two cases where he was sent to assassinate, one in a national park in South Africa, and another in London, like in the Bourne Trilogy.

E: So sodomy doesn’t need to be used; the trigger word can just be used to activate that compartment.

M: I don’t know. I think that they could use sodomy and make them forget the whole thing. People have been sodomized and they couldn’t remember for three or six months after it had happened. We didn’t know what was wrong with them, and then later found out somebody took them out and sodomized them.

Sodomy is a spiritual thing. Let’s say Ben sodomizes either a man or woman. When he does that, that person has a spirit by the name of Ben that changes the way that person relates to things. This can even be as an adult. You can’t put the Legion mindset in when they’re 40 years old, but you can put Ben in when they’re 40 years old and it will change the way that person thinks. I’ve had different women who separated from abusive husbands and for some reason couldn’t break loose of the soul tie to their husband, but when we cast out the sodomy spirit by their husband’s name, their feelings about their ex-husbands changed. The most classic example is the lady who had slept with her husband before they were married, committed adultery at 40 years of age, and when I commanded the Strong Man to give its name it was her husband’s name that entered at 40 when he sodomized her. That spirit of sodomy was more damaging to her than the spirit of adultery or fornication.

E: What is the relationship between sodomy and the House of the Strong Man?

M: If a person is sodomized, the Strong Man spirit that Jesus spoke of will be the spirit of the sodomy. It’s actually an unclean spirit and a familiar spirit with the name of the person who did the sodomy. So when you sodomize a three year old, you build the doll house with the three year old trapped inside, and every time that person is sodomized from that point on a Strong Man enters. So let’s just say Joseph sodomized the child -- now Joseph and the three-year-old child are in the house locked in the core of the mind. Along comes Jack and sodomizes the girl later -- now, there’s Joseph, the child, and Jack. Then comes Ben later, then comes Sterling, then comes Red, then comes this guy and that guy -- you’ve got a whole legion of sodomites and every one of them has a name, which means that you’ve got many spirits of the sodomites in the House of Joseph the Strong Man, the original sodomizer.

E: You’re being literal when you say spirit -- that the dissociation that creates multiples is the entry of one spirit after another.

M: Well, some people would like to say that multiple personalities are not spirits. I would like to say that the whole multiple mindset is a demonic mindset, basically a Legion-style mindset of many, the same as the man in Mark 5 said: “My name is Legion, for we are many,” and Jesus released them all at once. For the benefit of anybody who was looking on, two thousand pigs went crazy and drowned while the man was again clothed and in his right mind. So basically all of his legion of spirits, multiple personalities, or anything you want to call them, all were gone and his mind was right. The whole multiple mindset is a wrong mindset. It’s a fantasy world mindset.

E: But it’s not necessarily possession by demonic spirits?

M: If you got rid of every demon that multiple personality people have, they would no longer be multiple.

E: So therapists who allow certain helpers or child alters to remain, they’re not doing a service to the person?

M: The person can’t get free as long as they have any of that left because their mind is not working like God intended it to work.

E: So with each sodomy the House of the Strong Man gets stronger and stronger?

M: That’s right.

E: With a believer who can accept that Jesus Christ can deliver them all at once, you have been able to free people from the House of the Strong Man?

M: I’ve had it happen on quite a number of occasions, not every time. There’s some times that I never did get them to leave.

E: With non-believers or believers as well?

M: Well, people who said they were believers. But it’s possible to have a compartment of your mind that’s a believer and another compartment that is a sodomite. So what are you? A lot of people do not believe me when I say that you can cast out the Strong Man, the child, and all of the multiple system at once. But I’ve done it, by the grace of God -- Jesus did it, and others have done it. So why would I spend my time with some lesser kind of benefit if I already know that the ultimate goal is to achieve what I just described?

I had a man once who was crazy. He had worked for twelve years to try to get free but was ready to kill his wife. He couldn’t work, his marriage was on the rocks, he was at the point of being committed. Somebody told him about me and I finally found a spot for him to come. I didn’t know anything about him. I met with him one day, uncovered that Joseph was the Strong Man, that he was Rothschild bloodline and they had used him as a male prostitute, sodomized him as a boy in rituals to get the power of the bloodline. I cast the whole thing out in one day. He didn’t talk to me again for two years. He got well, he’s still well. Two years later he and his wife came and told me the good things that had happened. He went to his 6,000-member church to give his testimony of getting well and they wouldn’t even let him use my name because they had believed negative propaganda about me. He could give his testimony but all he could say was he met with a man -- couldn’t use my name. I asked him, “What’d I do different from the rest?” He said, “They went after the stronghold, you went after the Strong Man.”

E: When you find out that the name of the Strong Man is Joseph, are you thinking it’s Mengele?

M: No. Joseph Mengele was an expert in Mind Control - he was THE biggest Joseph in the last half of the 20th century, but the name Joseph came out of the Jesuits and has been around since the 1500’s. It started with devotion to the husband of Mary, whom they call St. Joseph, and it became a symbol of the father of this system, the sodomizing father that cares for his children. When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when he’s a man of the cloth, of the Church, the child bonds to the Church, too. This sodomy thing has been around for hundreds of years. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, was a Catholic mystic; he had to have been a sodomized one. He was the guy who headed up the Inquisition to persecute those who didn’t adhere to the tenets of the Catholic faith. Terribly cruel! How could you be that cruel if you didn’t have the sodomy rage? The torture they put people through! Later, Joseph Mengele developed the programming and brought it up to another level. He was a Catholic alter boy. I think he was also a Rothschild and a Jesuit. The founder of the Illuminati was Adam Weishaupt, trained as a Jesuit.

E: Sodomy stands behind multiplicity --

M: I haven’t found anybody who was just sexually fondled and became multiple, and I’ve never found anybody who went through occult rituals without sodomy. So I can’t tell you whether being put through a sacrifice ritual without sodomy makes a multiple. People are trying to say that would be the case -- that the ritual murders and sacrifices are traumatic enough to produce MPD -- but I’ve never found a case out there that only had sacrifice. They’ve always had the sodomy. They don’t always remember it, but when push comes to shove, they’ve got the symptoms. The occult groups know -- and they think all Christians are stupid and can’t catch on -- they know that sodomy is required to achieve what they want to achieve.

If you check this thing out, you’ll find that all the idolatry going clear back to the days of the children of Israel in Egypt have sodomy in it. Jesus said:

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. (Luke 17:26-30, KJV)

Nothing wrong with marrying, buying and selling; every civilization does it. What’s the common denominator of these three times? We have more sodomy now out in the open than we’ve ever had. Lot was in Sodom -- that’s where the word sodomy comes from. It meant anal sex, or as they’re calling it now anal intercourse. What other kind of sex do you think they could produce on those angels that they tried to break the door down to get to? They wanted to get their supernatural power. The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy.

By the way, I’ve found that a lot of people’s hemorrhoid problems came from their sodomy.

E: So sodomy is a lot more common than people give it credit for.

M: Now they’re putting sodomy pornography on the internet. I met a lady who had a web cam set up in her home for the internet and would sodomize herself in the nude for the guys out there to watch. She had been a church secretary.

E: Is sodomy the connecting link between satanism, Freemasonry, and other groups, including Jesuits?

M: You remember Aleister Crowley. He was a 33rd degree Mason. I talked to Bill Schnoebelen one time and asked him, “Where did the Masons get the sodomy?” and he said, “It came by Aleister Crowley from tantra black magic Hinduism.” Well, that isn’t the only place it came from (the Jesuits).

E: Have you run across more satanic stuff now? It seems rife, or has it always been around about the same amount?

M: As far as American society is concerned, it’s increasing. As far as Masonry and a certain element they call Black Masonry, it’s been around all the time. I don’t use the term Satanism quite as much because the Masons would be more Luciferian rather than Satanist.

E: What is the difference between Satan and Lucifer?

M: Same person, but Jesus said Satan comes either as an angel of light or as a roaring lion. Satanism is the roaring lion principle, Luciferianism is the angel of light principle. Basically, in Masonry the white and black checkered floor is the light and dark balancing factor.

In the Bible, sodomy is translated as “uncleanness.” In Job 36:13-14, it says that hypocrites in heart die young and live among the unclean. If you take what’s in the margin of the King James or New King James and re-read the verse, it would read like this: The hypocrites in heart, their souls die and they live amongst the sodomites. Sodomy kills the soul, destroys the soul. Romans 1 describes the route to having a reprobate mind. It’s a progression:

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves...

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity: whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (Rom. 1:24, 28-32, KJ)

So all kinds of things happen when they go into perversion.

E: People talk about aliens. What is their relationship with demons?

M: I had a guy working for me whose brother-in-law works at Area 51. Top secret, can’t talk. This guy who worked for me asked his brother-in-law, “What about the alien thing?” He said, “The Stealth bomber is our most advanced technology that the American public is aware of and it was developed 30 years ago. What do you think they have now?”

I think the alien thing is a cover scheme made up by these Area 51 people. The second thing I notice is that most of the people who believe in aliens say that their first abduction occurred around three years of age. There are so many similarities to occult ritual abuse that -- Whenever you put together sodomy and ritual abuse, the demons are going to be layered in. They give you a new mindset at three years of age, the fantasy world. This is what the whole alien thing is all about. There’s no such thing as aliens from other planets. There’s demons.

E: How do you picture where demons live?

M: The demon is a figment of your mind, it lives in your mind.

E: Is its origin in your mind as well?

M: You take a three-year-old child, untouched. Somebody sodomizes the child, the guy’s name is Joe. Now, all of a sudden the child has a sodomy implant demon called Joseph riding with him. That thing was conceived or reproduced from the Joseph demon that the man had who sodomized that child. Where’d it come from? It was birthed, implanted, in the child’s mind by the act. It didn’t have to come from anywhere; it just was birthed, implanted, reproduced right there. The child was given a copy, a clone of the implant. Joe is like a copy machine that can reproduce another implant copy. I don’t feel all demons are that way, but that kind are. They don’t live in the bloodstream, they don’t live in the genes; they live in the mind.

E: Is sodomy worse than incest?

M: A lot of the incest that’s occurring is sodomy. I’ve heard that in Mexico Mexican fathers sodomize their daughters to be able to control them and bond them to the family, but they don’t give them vaginal sex so they can preserve them as virgins for their husbands. What a crock of bull! I’m convinced that Muslim hatred for non-Muslims comes from sodomy. Their rage has to come from sodomy.

E: I’ve heard that sodomy is rampant among Muslims, but I thought it was because of the laws that support revenge against men who make advances on women -- that this Muslim law is what makes them turn to boys. But you think it’s more than that?

M: Of course. Why would any normal man turn to boys? Even with those laws, I wouldn’t turn to boys.

E: So men are conditioned because they’re sodomized as children?

M: I think so. One guy I know knew a Saudi who said that over there women are for children and men are for love. The violence and hatred in that kind of stuff is produced by sodomy; it produces the internal rage.

The massive buildup of Star Wars-type technology way beyond anything that they’re using for international policing is being developed in order to defeat Jesus Christ so the sodomites can take over the world. Satan can’t do it, so he’s using men to come up with the idea to try and do it. I know that what I’m saying is tremendously radical, but in the end the Lord Jesus Christ will win (Revelations 19 and 20).


1. Key of David: The Illuminati claim sodomy is the Key of David and they use this scripture to prove it: “I will lay the key of the house of David on his shoulder; what he opens no man shall shut, and what he shuts no man shall open. He shall be a seat of honour for his father’s family; I will fasten him firmly in place like a peg. On him shall hang all the weight of the family, down to the lowest dregs -- all the little vessels, both bowls and pots. On that day, says the Lord of Hosts, the peg which was firmly fastened in its place shall be removed; it shall be hacked out and shall fall, and the load of things hanging on it shall be destroyed. The Lord has spoken.” (Isaiah 22:22-25)


It is crucial to understand something of how the occult works, given that the founding of America and the struggle to maintain it is steeped in it (e.g. Freemasonry, Theosophy, Satanism, etc.).

Kenneth Grant. The Magical Revival. London, England: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1972.

In Aspects of Occultism, [Dion] Fortune mentions the vibrations detected in sand. She attributes Egypt's strange influence to "the electricity generated by the ever-moving sands of the great Sahara desert, which so changes the normal rate of vibration, that an extension of consciouness is the result." The Ajna chakra, commonly called the third eye, has been found to consist of particles of very fine substance resembling sand, or the crystals in a wireless receiving set.

The affinity between the secretions of the endocrine glands and the vibrations radiating from the subtle chakras explored by yogins, forms the basis of sexual magick which utilizes these vibrations in a way as yet unknown to science. All the so-called phallic cults originally possessed the true knowledge of these matters before it was lost or perverted by improper use. What remains of the ancient wisdom is the remnant only of debased and phallic rites...

The Consciousness-Current is twofold: magical and mystical. The former operates in the lower chakras, the latter in the higher. That which ejaculates as semen is unabsorbed energy (prana or ojas), and it always contributes to the creation of material forms, whether lodged in a womb or not. If not, the overflow (as in masturbation, sodomy, fellatio, etc.), is taken up by the astral and quphotic entities and built into organisms already existing upon the subtle planes. Paracelsus refers to homunculi implants (artificially generated creatures) made from sperm independent of the female organism, and to implants - astral larvae and parasitic monsters built out of the substance of voluptuous imaginings...

The Work that lies ahead may be described symbolically as the marriage of the Beast and the Woman, the formula of which I have attempted to explain. Its hieroglyph is the Eleventh Key of the Book of Thoth. In the union of electrochemical and stellar vibrations represented by Babalon and the Beast, lies the key to the next stage in the advancement of evolution upon this planet. It will be achieved by a willed congress with extra-terrestrial entities of which, in a sense, Aiwaz is the immediate messenger to humanity...

We are on the threshold of profound and far-reaching change. The Aeon of Horus is the Aeon of Magick, which is Change; but unlike all previous changes in the history of the race this Change will be of cosmic magnitude and it will occur in conformity with will, or, alternatively, it will terminate abruptly in chaos and disaster... Crowley illumined and exalted this simple yet radiant rite [the Ritual of the Pentagram] to a cosmic formula, merely by interpreting it in terms of New Aeon potencies. To the East, the place of the rising Power, he attributes the Phallus (the Beast), which represents the active terrestrial currents as they impregnate the earth. This activity stirs the sleeping Fire of the infernal regions (the subconsciousness) in the South [Ed.: the first chakra via the anus?], the abode of Set or Teth, and the phallic lion-serpents are set in motion. These are the electromagnetic lightnings that permeate Space; they are concentrated symbolically in the sphere of Sirius, the Sun in the South. The terrestrial and celestial vibrations are fused and polarized by Babalon (the Dragon of the Western Deep), to be transmitted by her and later transformed into regenerate Man, represented in the North by the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac (Aquarius) whose elemental attribute is Air or Space. Through regenerated Man flows the influence of Nuit - the sky-goddess - a symbol of the cosmic energies of Infinite Space.

In this simple circular process - more properly spiral, for it includes Height and Depth - is contained the entire formula of Magick in its new and cosmic mode. With very slight variation, the formula can be made the engine for invoking those extra- terrestrial energies with which Crowley had intermittent intercourse.

The spiritual movement of Theosophy presently works internationally through Lucis Trust formerly the Lucifer Trust, umbrella for a variety of endeavors, including a publishing house, consultative status to the United Nations via the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like World Goodwill and Triangles in Education. Robert Muller, former assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and winner of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 1989 for his World Core Curriculum, espoused theosophical teachings: "The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul.”


Bielek also said that Reich, during the time in the late 40s when he was doing research on human sexuality for the CIA, is said to have conducted orgies as part of the research, though Al B. makes it clear that he never witnessed it, personally, and of course Bielek's time at Montauk started probably much later. He also said that Reich tried to sabotage the research data when he realized what the CIA was going to do with it: MK Ultra mind conditioning for young boys through sexual trauma. --Don Croft

Al told us that Reich was one of the first scientists employed by the CIA in mind control research. When he realized what the aims of the CIA were in the late 1940’s Reich quit the program after sabotaging the research, but it was too late to stop them from using his work. The Montauk Boys Program was based on Reich’s findings and the researchers forced the boys to engage in sodomy in order to get psychic control over them. Carol told me that the reason I was particularly uncomfortable at Montauk is because I had been one of the early recruits as a child. Al told us that many of the boys died before he was able to get the programmers to stop forcing their cooperation. This would help explain my hatred for this kind of activity. Al says that as he travels around the country he now recognizes many men who had been recruited in the program. The first few hundred were taken from the immediate vicinity. After it became apparent that this would lead to exposure of the program.

When you see those pics and films from the prisons of Iraq, you are witnessing the exact procedures and protocols of the MKultra programming, right in your face. See, they need to BREAK YOU DOWN SEXUALLY. Then build you back up, gay, angry, soulless, and willing to do anything YOUR HANDLER TELLS YOU TO DO OR ELSE. Cbswork - June 2004

Hitler was a sexual deviant who would do anything to hide his sexual proclivities from the public. This made him a puppet to any foreign country or ideology with the knowledge on him. This is known as "the wood" on a person and anyone with 'the wood' has control over that person. ......Hans Mend: "In 1915 we were billeted in a brewery and slept in the hay. Hitler was bedded down at night with Schmidtl, his male whore. We heard a rustling in the hay. Then someone switched on his electric flashlight and growled 'look at those two faggots'.....Many of the highest-placed leaders in the Nazi party, including Hitler, Roehm, Forster, von Schirach and almost all of his bodyguards were gay.

Hitler surrounded himself with homosexuals and even retrieved Roehm from Bolivia, making him Deputy Fuhrer. This knowledge enabled outside countries like Britain and ideologies like the Freemasons to control Hitler, his high command and his bodyguards. Hitler and his band of merry bandits became puppets with wooden strings.

In this way, any foreign society can be destroyed with a leader hiding their sexuality. Hitler, Roehm, Forster and von Schirach took part in destroying their own societies while enjoying the power it gave them. Hitler was a double agent prime minister. He worked for a foreign country (Britain) and a foreign ideology (the Freemasons). The formula proved so effective it is still used today, in politics and the media, especially with TV personalities, radio announcers, prime ministers and presidents, both male and female. Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett p.65

My sexual exposure to Bill Clinton was extremely limited because I witnessed Bill Clinton involved in homosexual activity. I know that Bill Clinton is bisexual, leaning far more towards the homosexual end. Consider what's been done to our society since he's been in office. Just this past year, he ordered that we have "gay celebration month" in our school system. That's not gay "awareness" day. This is gay celebration month and Bill Clinton ordered it. It was Hilary Clinton that accessed my sex programming. It was Hilary that I was sexually exposed to. It is my experience that she, too, is bisexual, leaning far more towards a homosexual end. Sex, Lies, and Mind Control by Cathy O'Brien

The famous German Jewish homosexual sex “scientist," Magnus Hirshfeld, reported that roughly 20,000 boys and youths were prostituted to Germany’s flourishing “gay” population....... The authors present a reasonable body of evidence to the jury of public opinion, including the possibility that Hitler earned extra cash as a youthful Viennese prostitute, serving a male clientele.
.....The Pink Swastika reports that while Hitler and his Gestapo chief, Heinrich Himmler methodologically annihilated all German and European Jews via mass deportations to death camps, beyond political homophobic rhetoric after the Rohm murders, and a demand that men produce children for the Aryan race, Hitler refused to attack “homosexuals.”
Adolf Brand, a pederast-child pornographer was one of many prominent “butch” advocate homosexuals who continued to live, write and entertain in Germany, untouched by the Nazis. Other homosexual and bisexual leaders cited by these and other authors included Bladur von Schirach, Hitler Youth Leader; Hans Frank, Hitler’s Minister of Justice; Wilhelm Bruckner, Hitler’s adjutant; Walther Funk, Hitler’s Minister of Economics; friend and advisor Hermann Goering, Hitler’s second in command (who dressed “in drag and wore camp make-up”), Hans Kahnert, who founded Germany’s largest “Gay rights organization (Society for Human Rights) which counted “SA Chief Ernst Rohm among its members," Edmund Heines, a pederast sadist, Dr. Karl Gunther Heimsoth, a homosexual Nazi who coined the term “homophile,” and Julius Streicher, an infamous pornographer and pederast who was very close to Hitler.
......Our own research on Heterosexual v. Homosexual Partner Solicitation Language (The Advocate v. The Washingtonian), as noted earlier, regularly finds men and boys pictured in naked Fascist chic, strutting the black Luftwaffe cap, boots, whips and black leather--Fascist sadism.. While Lively and Abrams cite at least 160 ex-gay organizations nationwide which identify sex abuse, neglect and authoritarian trauma as triggering homosexual conduct, on the evidence, a post-World War II Fascist model is afoot in American schools under the protective cover of “AIDS Prevention” and “gay youth” protection, controlled largely by adult homosexual activists. THE PINK SWASTIKA AND HOLOCAUST REVISIONIST HISTORY by Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.

Well, every darksider I ever met was either gay or lesbian, at the highest levels or in government. When you choose anti-life, everything becomes backward. A dookey-boy is a person who has sex with other men, for the sole purpose of destroying the inner spirit of the victim. A dooker, or dookey-boy. Most catholic priests are dookey-boys. CIA, is the creation center of these types. Top of Hollywood? Cruise, Kidman, and all the rest? Gays and lesbians, CIA them all. Illuminist, all. Mulholland Drive, dude. Cbswork - June 2004

The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim's "third eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this vile act, a demonic system called, "Legion" is installed. In the King James Bible, Legion is refered to as an, "unclean spirit". This is systematically done to have complete control over the child, like creating a programmed robot. THE MASTER PLAN OF THE ILLUMINATED ROTHSCHILDS: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox

When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when he’s a man of the cloth, of the Church, the child bonds to the Church, too. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

Sodomy puts them into a trance where you can program in directly to the subconscious memory file without any interference of the conscious mind. Sodomy is what puts the person into that state where you can do it. They might even get them so highly programmed that they can just say the word or repeat the code. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

A perpetrator with an amnesiac barrier is a sad, sad case because they can switch into that compartment and go out and molest, then switch out and not remember. This is the kind of person they use in Special Forces for their assassination teams because they can activate the hidden compartment that has been programmed for assassination and send them out on a mission. A man who claimed to have been in the South African Special Forces told me of two cases where he was sent to assassinate, one in a national park in South Africa, and another in London. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

the Nazis were not Right-Wing Conservative Creationists; they were Left-Wing Darwinian Eugenic Evolutionary Socialists. As a principle, an increase in pederasty and homosexualism parallels a militaristic Hellenic revival. History discloses that the most warlike nations are those whose male leaders were the most addicted to sexual relations with young boys...... The Pink Swastika documents how, from their beginning, the National Socialist revolution and the Nazi Party were animated and dominated by militaristic homosexuals, pederasts, pornographers and sado-masochists......As Igra explains in Germany’s National Vice, “the criminals who wreaked such astounding horrors on innocent civilian populations were not acting as soldiers drunk with the fury of battle, nor as patriotic fanatics, but as chosen instruments of a satanic religion to the service of which they had been dedicated by the systematic teaching and practice of unnatural vice”

A pederast is defined as a physically mature man who engages in or desires to engage in sex with boys around the age of puberty,..... Self-defined “boy-lovers” who have formed “children’s rights” organizations such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in this country, and who formed the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen in Germany, generally seem to focus their sexual attention on boys roughly between the ages of 8 and 18 years, with an apparent preference for boys about 12 years old. The Pink Swastika

Another way of using electricity for torture is to use directed energy. With skillful use of directed energy they can simulate a rape of a man or woman. Artificial sodomy via directed energy was first tested in male prisons. ELF waves will place thoughts into the men’s mind as the directed energy make them feel sodomized, vampirising their energy, using them up. - The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronic




One of the stories of Satanism in world history is also a story of the introduced Pagan element of Tantric Ritual Sex (with the Whore of Babylon) and Ritual Homosexual Anal Intercourse into any Religion - in a way, turning every Sacred Symbol upside down - thus the ability to turn any Religion into its perverted Satanic opposite. Whilst these satanic practises activate the Kundalini; because they are against the Will of the Soul, they also convert your pure positive spiritual energy which has been stored, thus reducing your good energy stored to enable Enlightenment thus perverting and degenerating those who practise these rituals into psychopathic satanists, - which is their purpose.

As well as altering the state of the involuntary nervous system, anal intercourse, according to traditional Satanic belief, results in the ejaculation of semen into the rectum, which nourishes the "Kundalini gland" much as the white of an egg feeds the fertilized yolk or embryo. The Satanic Left Hand Tantrist, sustaining his Shakti or Goddess with sexual intercourse anal or otherwise, facilitates the arousal of his/her internal fire. However the belief is a lie, as previously stated - Anal intercourse is a specific Satanic Left hand path of Kundalini arousal method which activates the Kundalini but the Satanic Tantric Initiate also injects a stream of Satanic Energy Blockages into the student - male or female - which perverts and eventually bestialises and psychopathises their mind. Sexual Congress with evil leads to evilisation as you absorb addiction implant energy blockages from evil people.. "Stay away from evil" Jesus Christ.

Satanic Left Hand Tantric practices may be viewed by some as "degenerating", "perverted" or "deviating," and in terms of the inner meaning of words, they are. "Pervert" means "to overthrow the soul," "to turn around from the right hand path," while "deviate" (de and via, the way or path) suggests "off the road of the Path of the Soul," "out of the way." Not only does male or female sexual congress with any evil person cause degeneration but Anal intercourse is a specific Satanic Left hand path of Kundalini arousal method which activates the Kundalini but which also injects a stream of Satanic Energy Blockages into the student which perverts and eventually bestialises and psychopathises their mind, but this movement of the student away from the "Dharma" Soul Path also burns up specific energies already stored whose purpose is to aid the Enlightenment process of the student. 

This degeneration, this psychopathation, of the student and its movement into the perverting and degeneration of society, stopping the Evolution of Humanity as part of the, "Policy of Poverty" is the Purpose of the creation of the Satanic and Luciferian religions

The Satanic Homosexual practice of Anal intercourse and of Ritual Sex (with the Whore of Babylon) whilst raising Kundalini also degenerates the student because the tantric or sodomiser is always connected with Demon Energy Blockages which he injects with every Satanic Initiation.

White Kundalini activating Hatha Yoga practices as Mulabandha (anal sphincter lock), and Asvini Mudra (alternating relaxation and contraction of the anus) Yogic Flying, and white Kundalini activating Angelic - connected to goodness and the thousand years old Traditions of the ENLIGHTENED Spiritual Masters - Energy Enhancement practices of the Agnisar Kriya, Pranayama and the Energy Enhancement Meditative practises of the Kundalini Kriyas deepened by Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key which do not pervert and degenerate, which connect you to the Energies of the Universe itself instead allowing you to increase the storage within you of pure positive spiritual energy, thus accelerating - Speeding Up!!- the true path of Enlightenment.


The Satanic Homosexual practice of Anal intercourse and of Ritual Sex (with the Whore of Babylon) is the Dark Tantric equivalent of such White Kundalini activating Hatha Yoga practices, Maharishi Yogic Flying and white Kundalini activating Energy Enhancement practices of the Kundalini Kriyas deepened by Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key which do not pervert and degenerate, instead they increase the pure positive spiritual energy stored, thus accelerating - Speeding Up!!- the true path of Enlightenment.

In a spiritual sense, Satanic Pederastic Sodomites have been illuminated or initiated into the illumination of Lucifer. The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by sodomy of the three year old. However, if that person does not follow through, he can become a dud -- he doesn’t go anywhere, so he hasn’t really risen to any rank within the movement of the body of the Illuminati. They have certain degrees associated with being a high-level Illuminati -- you wouldn’t get there simply by being initiated as a three year old. The initiation of the three year old is the beginning requirement of someday rising up into the ranks of a group that is considered to be the Illuminati. A lot of people think of the Illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family.

Satanism infiltrates and takes over every genuine religion, it takes the symbols of that religion, turns them upside down and uses them in its own rituals. Satanism takes the philosophy and symbols of every religion, inverts it and thus perverts that philosophy.

By Satanic occult, we mean the perversion of formalized religious expression of pagan culture using, for example, the philosophical ideas - Homosexuality and Paedophilia - of Hellenic paganism.

In Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys, homosexualist historian Parker Rossman writes, In Central Europe...there was another effort to revive the Greek ideal of pedagogic pederasty, in the movement of Wandering Youth [Wandervoegel]. Modern gay homosexuality also can trace some of its roots to that movement of men and boys who wandered around the countryside, hiking and singing hand-in-hand, enjoying nature, life together, and their sexuality. Ultimately Satanic Hitler used and transformed the movement — much as the Romans had abused the paiderastia of the ancient Greeks — expanding and building upon its romanticism as a basis for the Nazi Party (Rossman:103).


In, "The occult Roots of Nazism", historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke identifies the roots of Satanic occultism in western history: Satanic occultism has its basis in a perverted religious way of thinking, the roots of which stretch back into antiquity....Its principal ingredients have been identified as the satanic perversion of Gnosticism, the Hermetic treatises on alchemy and magic [rooted in Satanic Gnosticism], Neo-Platonism, and the Cabbala.... Real Gnosticism properly refers to the beliefs of certain heretical sects among the early Christians that possessed Gnosis, or the connection of man with the chakras above the head and thus with God....

The Gnostic sects disappeared in the fourth century, but their ideas inspired the dualistic Satanic Manichaean religion of the second century (Goodrick- Clarke:17) Since occultism is associated primarily with Satanic Gnosticism, the association of the Satanic Gnostics with homosexuality and with the Ritual homosexuality of the Dog - Priest is of primary relevance to this study. Thus we found an obscure reference to Hitler as a Manichaean in Steven Katz’s The Holocaust in Historical Context, Volume 1, of interest. Arthur Evans’ Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture provides some illumination here.

Mani, for whom Manichaeism is named, was a third century Prince of Satanic Babylon who devised his own form of Gnosticism. Satanic Manichean Gnostics blended pagan sex rituals and Gaia Mother Goddess worship with elements of New Testament Christianity and “rejected Jehovah God as an evil demon.”

Manichaeism imposed on Gnosticism a caste system of leaders (elect) and followers (hearers).

A Manichaean sect called the Bogomils (later called the Cathars) arose in Bulgaria and spread across Europe. Homosexuality became so closely associated with these Bulgarian heretics that the practice be came known as “buggery.”

Indeed, “the word for Cathar in most European languages came to be the word for homosexual: in German, Ketzer, in Italian, Gazarro, and in French, Herite....Heresy and homosexuality became so interchangeable that those accused of heresy attempted to prove their innocence by claiming heterosexuality” (Evans:51ff).

We probably all take for granted the fact that to day our modern world culture is dominated by the religions based on the Mosaic law (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

In their orthodox forms each of these religions regards homosexuality as an abomination because of their knowledge that Pagan Sex Rituals always turn Satanic..

But pagan cultures have no such prohibition. (By definition, pagans are people who are not Jews, Christians or Moslems). In pagan cultures, homosexuals as a group often hold an elevated position in religion and society because the dark Satanic practices of Anal Sex artificially raise Kundalini and give psychic powers. When pagan civilizations ruled the world, homosexuality and pederasty were widely practiced and accepted.

The Satanic Perversion of all Ancient Religion, spanning all continents is written about by Homosexualist author Judy Grahn who writes, "Many aspects of shamanism had homosexual content, and many of the gods, spirits, and divinities of the world have been associated with Gayness. In Tahiti there were special divinities for homosexual worship. The ancient Shinto temples of Japan display scenes of sexual ritual orgies similar to those of the Bacchanalia of the Romans... the Great Mother Goddess of ancient China, Kwan - Yin, was worshiped with sexual rites that included homosexuality.

When the Spanish conquistadores reached Central America and the Yucatan, they found a prevalence of Gay priests and sacred statues and stone sculpture depicting the homosexual union as a sacred act. In the Yucatan the god Chin is said to have established sacred homosexuality and a Gay priesthood serving in the temples just as was true of the temples of ancient Babylon and Sumeria" (Grahn:129).

Romosexual... Christian writer George Grant concurs. He writes that “Rome was a perpetual satyricon. Egypt, Persia, Carthage, Babylon, and Assyria were all steeped in the pederastic tradition. And the ancient empires of the Mongols, Tartars, Huns, Teutons, Celts, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Nubians, Mings, Canaanites, and Zulus likewise celebrated depravity, degradation and debauchery” (Grant, 1993:24).

In Sexuality and Homosexuality, historian Arno Karlen writes of homosexual cults through out the ancient world: The Egyptian, Dog Priests or "male temple prostitutes" —existed among the devotees of Ishtar and Astarte in Syria, the Albanians and Babylonians, the Canaanite neighbors of the ancient Hebrews, and in Cos, Crete and Ephesus in the Greek world” (Karlen:6).

The ancient religion of Baal, familiar to students of the Bible as the set of beliefs and practices which so often corrupted Hebrew society in history, was one such cult. Worshippers of Baal “‘built for them selves high places and pillars, and Asherim (phallic poles used to honor the goddess of fertility) on every high hill and under every green tree; and there were also male cult prostitutes in the land’” (quotation from 1 Kings 14 in Karlen:9). Reference to these practices is found in several places in the Bible, notably Deuteronomy 23:17-18: “There shall be no ritual harlot - Crowley's "Whore of Babylon" - of the daughters of Israel, or a perverted one of the sons of Israel. You shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog priest [male prostitute] to the house of the LORD your God for any vowed offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God” (NKJ).

The Baal cult survived into Roman times and figured prominently in the infamous debaucheries of the Roman emperors in the first centuries after Christ. Karlen writes, It was in association with such cults that emperors’ deviance be came most flagrant.

Just reading the Bible you can come across stories such as the Daughters of Lot - of Sodom and Gomorrah - sleeping with their father so they could have children. The first daughter founded the Moabites and the second daughter founded the Caananites. The story of Ruth who was born a Moabite and who married into Judaism who renounced the Moabite practise of the human sacrifice of Babies to Molech.

Fourteen out of the last fifteen Roman Emperors were homosexual.

Commodus, who took the throne in AD180, appeared in public dressed as a woman and was strangled by a catamitic [homosexual] favorite; Hadrian deified his homosexual lover Antious.

But neither matched Implanted Sexually and addicted with the Sexual addiction blockage, Roman Emperor Elegabalus, who began his rule at the age of fourteen in AD218, after having been raised in Syria as a priest of Baal. He entered Rome amid Syrian priests and eunuchs, dressed in silks, his cheeks painted scarlet and his eyes made up. Various Roman historians say that he assembled the homosexuals of Rome and addressed them garbed as a boy prostitute; put on a wig and solicited at the door of a brothel; tried to get doctors to turn him into a woman; offered himself for buggery while playing the role of Venus in a court mime; kissed his male favorites’ genitals in public and, like Nero, formally married one of them... Elegabalus erected in Rome the great phallic asherim which the Hebrew kings had kept trying to purge from their land (Karlen:62).

Roman Emperor Heliogabalus in Homosexual Heaven

How does this occur? 'These crimes were committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of all" - TACITUS

It is relevant to point out that this time period in the Roman empire can be considered the Christians’ Holocaust. In 64 A.D. Christians were blamed by Nero for the burning of Rome and were targeted for extermination. Many Christians suffered unimaginable tortures as entertainment for the sadistic homosexual emperors of Rome.

“Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal,” by Gustave Dore, Old Testament Bible illustration depicting the purging of the Baalist priests from Israel after their defeat in a contest with the Prophet Elijah.

Though Rome was less homosexually oriented than Greece, Roman society was nevertheless heavily influenced by homosexual and Satanic Human Sacrifice practices. Nero used to dress up as a vampire or as a wolf at his parties. He regularly used to rush up on a Slave Boy and rip out his throat with his teeth.

In Homosexuality, the Torah and Grace, Dwight Pryor reports that 14 of the first 15 Roman emperors were homosexual.

In The Construction of Homosexuality, historian David F. Greenberg writes that “Roman homosexual tastes were so taken for granted that when Antony asked Herod to send his younger brother-in-law Aristobulus to the Roman court, Herod refused be cause ‘he did not think it safe to send him... to the principal man of the Romans, that would abuse him in his amours’” (Greenberg:154f).

While there are many differences between the treatment of Christians in Pagan Rome and Jews in Nazi Germany, the prominence of homosexuality among the chief perpetrators of both atrocities can not be ignored. As we seek to understand Nazism, it is important to remember that Judaism and its Christian and Islamic offshoots are fundamentally opposed to homosexuality.

As we begin to grasp the relationship between homosexuality and satanic occult ritual on one hand, and between homosexuals and Nazism on the other, the hatred of the Nazis for Jews and Christians may be more easily explained. The Jews were the people responsible for the demise of pagan world domination. Their theology (especially in its Christian form) banished pagan practices, including homosexuality, to a hidden and often reviled sub culture. This is not to say that anti-Semitism is strictly a result of occult or homosexual influences. But at its very root there is a spiritual element to the Holocaust that suggests that it was, in some respects, vengeance against the people whose moral laws had relegated pagan sex-religions to obscurity and ignominy.

Yet, while Christianity, Judaism and Islam made great strides in limiting pagan practices, they were not eliminated. Under Judeo-Christian cultural pressure, surviving pagan beliefs and practices, including sexual perversion, were forced from public life, reemerging in secretive and mystical Satanic occultic societies.


It is important to our study that we recognize that the Nazis - another failed Empire - were strongly influenced by pagan occult and Satanic beliefs and, additionally, that homosexuality is fundamental to many Satanic pagan belief systems.

As noted by Greenberg this is especially true in relation to “aristocratic warrior societies” (ibid.:111). Indeed, this was true even of the Greeks, whose homosexuality was forced upon them by the Dorian invaders of the twelfth century B.C. “Plutarch (Erotikus, 761 D) states: ‘it was chiefly warlike peoples like the Boeotians, Lacedemonians and Cretans, who were addicted to homosexuality’” (Flaceliere:64ff). Author Brian Pronger notes that even the ancient Egyptians exhibited this tendency; their warriors raped enemy soldiers after defeating them in battle (Pronger:138).

It is also important to recognize that homosexual Satanic Occultism has remained a part of pagan cultures throughout the centuries to the present, even though the global predominance of the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic has limited its acceptance in most modern pagan societies such as China and Japan. When Jesuit missionaries arrived in sixteenth century China, for example, they found widespread pederasty (Spence:220) which they quickly moved to erase. And Rossman compares “the institutionalized pederasty of the privileged warrior class of medieval Japan’s pederastic military structure” to “Nazi society” (Rossman:23).

Greenberg reports on dozens of mostly primitive modern pagan societies which practice ritual homosexuality, usually pederasty. These societies are found through out the world, in countries such as Brazil, New Guinea, Morocco, sub-Saharan Africa and Malaysia. Greenberg writes, In many societies, male homosexual relations are structured by age or generation: the older partner takes a role defined as active or masculine; the younger, a role defined as passive or female... The homosexual practices are justified by the belief that a boy will not mature [with out these attentions] (Green berg:26ff).

Such modern societies are profiled in The Sambia, by anthropologist Gilbert Herdt, who studied homosexuality in primitive cultures. He writes that “ritual homosexuality has been reported by anthropologists in scattered areas around the world [revealing a]...pervasive link between ritual homosexuality and the warrior ethos....

We find these similar forms of warrior homosexuality in such diverse places as New Guinea, the Amazon, Ancient Greece, and historical Japan” (Herdt:203). The process of a boy’s homosexual initiation in these societies is horrific: he is deprived of sleep, starved, beaten and raped over several days until he is completely “resocialized” as a homosexual (ibid:179f).

Thus homosexuality in paganism is not a relic of antiquity but an ongoing phenomenon. And the prevalence of homosexuals as occult leaders continues today. In the context of Western culture this may simply be because homosexuals gravitate to philosophies which oppose Judeo- Christian morality. But this would not explain the wide occurrence of homosexual rituals in primitive and pre-Christian pagan cultures.

Homosexualist Laurence J. Rosan writes that “the priests of polytheistic or spirit religions...[are] expected to be ‘different’-- un worldly, even eccentric, given to visions, dramatic pronouncements and so on -- an ideal opportunity for both male and female homosexuals!” (Rosan:268f). The Bible, however, offers its own explanation, defining an individual’s homosexuality not as an incidental factor in pagan religion but, at least in some cases, as the consequence of “worshiping the creation rather than the Creator.” The Book of Romans, Chapter 1, Verses 18-27 reads as follows:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and un righteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are with out excuse, be cause, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but be came futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man — and birds and four footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Like wise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one an other, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due (NKJ).

Ironically, the Biblical event which marks the beginning of homosexual practices in the post-flood world is the same one that is misinterpreted by pseudo-Christian white supremacists to justify their racial theories. Christian researcher Dwight Pryor gives the following interpretation (which we have summarized) of a familiar Biblical passage. In Genesis 9, Noah fell unconscious from drinking too much wine and while he was thus incapacitated Ham “saw [or uncovered] his nakedness.” This term, used primarily in the book of Leviticus, is a Hebraic euphemism for sexual intercourse. “And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him.” As a result of his sexual attack on his father, Ham is cursed by Noah. (In Call of the Torah Rabbi Elie Munk cites Hebrew scholars who also interprets Ham’s violation as “an act of pederasty”) - (Munk:220). Thus Ham be comes Canaan, for whom the land of Canaan is named. Some generations later the Canaanite cities of Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed by God be cause of homosexuality. White supremacists refer to Ham as the father of the colored races which they call “mud people.” But it is Satanic homosexual perversion, and child sacrifice (see the story of Ruth) not skin color, which is associated with the curse of Canaan.

 “Noah Cursing Caanan,” by Gustave Dore.


Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society An examination of the homo-occultic influences on the Nazis must begin with the Russian-born mystic Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), founder of the Theosophical Society and a figure who looms large behind some of the defining actions and beliefs of the Nazi Party. Blavatsky was probably a lesbian, but we have no proof that she actually engaged in lesbian sexual activity. She is described as a very “masculine” woman who dominated her many followers, both male and female (Cavendish:250). She was married twice and maintained a long association with Theosophical Society co-founder Henry Olcott, but these were relationships of convenience. Blavatsky insisted she had never had sex with either husband (Me ade:137) and wrote, “There is nothing of the woman in me. When I was young, if a young man had dared to speak to me of love, I would have shot him like a dog who bit me” (ibid.:50).

A world famous occultist, Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in 1875 in New York, but soon moved her operation to India where she wrote an influential occult book called The Secret Doctrine in 1888. In The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky expounds the Theosophical theory of creation; a seven-step progression of human evolution in which successive “races” evolve from a lower to a higher form of life. She calls these stages “root races” and identifies our current “root race” as the fifth of seven -- the Aryan race -- which follows the fourth race, known as the Atlantean. Blavatsky used a variety of esoteric symbols in the book, including triangles and swastikas. She claimed to be the Madame Blavatsky (above) and the title page of her book which based Aryan supremacy on occultic fantasies.

Chosen spokes person for two “exalted masters” who communicated telepathically with her from their secret dwelling place in Tibet (Goodrick- Clarke:18ff). In 1884 the first German Theosophical Society was established. Despite its ludicrous tenets, Theosophy became extremely popular in Germany and Austria. Its Aryan racist elitism appealed to the growing number of ethnic Germans whose voelkisch, or nationalist, sentiments demanded a reunited Germany. According to Blavatsky, the Aryans were the most spiritually advanced people on earth, but the Jews had a “religion of hate and malice to ward everyone and everything outside itself.” This was a message tailor-made for Nazism.

Before she died in 1891, Blavatsky chose her British disciple Annie Besant to be her successor. Besant, who had once been a devout Christian, be came a dedicated occultist after meeting Blavatsky. James Webb writes, Mrs Besant’s extraordinary transformations from Anglican minister’s wife through birth-control propagandist and labor leader to Theosophist ...are...well known...Arthur Nethercot, her biographer, suggests an element of the lesbian in the rapid domination of Mrs Besant by H. P. Blavatsky (Webb:94).

“She addressed Annie in suspiciously fulsome and endearing terms,” writes Nethercot, “‘Dearest,’ ‘My Dearest,’ ‘Dearly Be loved One,’ and signing her self ‘Very adoring.’” Nethercot also reports that “she dispatched missives to Annie...and addressed them to ‘My Darling Penelope’ from ‘Your...female Ulysses’” (Nethercot:306). Besant’s “mentor and partner” in running the Theosophical Society was Charles Leadbeater, whom Webb describes as “that type of mildly homosexual clergyman who is as familiar now as he was then” (Webb:95). But Leadbeater’s homosexuality was not “mild” enough to keep him out of trouble. “From his early days as a Hampshire curate until the close of his life,” writes Webb, “he seems to have had an incurable taste for young men” (ibid.:95). At one point Lead beater claimed to have discovered the new Messiah -- the returned Christ -- in the person of a young Indian named Jiddu Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti gained international acceptance among followers of Theosophy as the new Savior. The boy’s father nearly ruined the scheme for the Theosophists, however, when he accused Leadbeater of corrupting his son. “There was...small doubt that Leadbeater had been up to his old tricks again” (ibid.:102). Under Besant and Leadbeater, Theosophy attracted an even



Pederast Charles Leadbeater, Annie Besant plus Cult figure and author Jiddu Krishnamurti as an adult.

greater following. The writings of both Besant and Leadbeater, as well as Blavatsky, were translated and published in Germany. An 1892 periodical, Lotus Blossoms, featured Blavatsky’s writings and “was the first German publication to sport the theosophical swastika upon its cover” (Goodrick- Clarke:25). As time went on numerous other Theosophy- based occult groups formed in Germany and Austria. Several of these groups would provide the philosophical frame work for Nazism. Guido von List and the Armanen Order Guido von List (1848-1919) was the first to combine German nationalism with the occult teachings of Theosophy. A bitter critic of Christianity, especially Catholicism, List had converted to Wotanism (worship of Wotan, the ancient German god of storms) as a young teenager. Years later List “became a cult figure on the eastern edge of the German world. He was regarded by his readers and followers as a bearded old patriarch and a mystical nationalist guru whose clairvoyant gaze had lifted the glorious Aryan and German past of Austria into full view from beneath the debris of foreign influences and Christian culture” (Goodrick-Clarke:33).

Although twice married, List was al most certainly homosexual. His closest associates included occultists Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Harald Gravelle, the former very probably, the latter avowedly, homosexual. Gravelle, a leading Theosophist in Germany, also contributed to the pederast journal, Der Eigene. List was also known as the Aleister Crowley of Vienna be cause he was deeply involved in Hindu Tantrism, a form of black magic that incorporated deviant sexual rituals (J.S. Jones:124). In The Magical World of Alister Crowley, biographer Francis King states that as part of his occultic rituals, Crowley “deliberately humiliated himself on his path, "Against the Will of the Soul"  by being... the passive partner in act[s] of buggery” (King in Tompkins:421).

In 1908 List formed the Guido von List Society in part to promote his Ariosophist research and writings, which by this time had be come viciously anti-Semitic (ibid.:43). List’s occult activities ranged across a wide spectrum. He was an expert on the Rune alphabet and wrote several books on the subject. He was particularly infatuated with the dual lightning bolt symbol that would later be come the designation for the SS. (J. S. Jones:125). (The single lightning bolt would be adopted by the Hitler Youth.) He was also a self-styled occult master, claiming to be “the last of the Armanist magicians who had formerly wielded authority in the old Aryan world” (Goodrick-Clarke:33). In 1911, List formed an elitist occult organization called the Hoeher Armanen-Orden (“Higher Armanen Order”). The HAO was a hierarchical priest hood in which he was Grand Master. List claimed this cult was the surviving remnant of an ancient order of priest-kings called the Armanenschaft. This group was the source of List’s greatest influence on the Nazis. Goodrick-Clark writes,

List’s blueprint for a new pan-German empire [based upon a revival of the Armanenschaft] was detailed and unambiguous. It called for the ruthless subjection of non-Aryans to Aryan masters in a highly structured hierarchical state. The qualifications of candidates [for positions in the new social order]...rested solely on their racial purity...But List went further still, anticipating the mystical elitism of the SS in Nazi Germany...List’s ideal was a male order with an occult chapter (Goodrick- Clarke:64f). Not only is List’s design strikingly similar to the later plans of Heinrich Himmler for the SS-controlled state, but it is also reminiscent of the Brand/Fried lander philosophy of militaristic male supremacy.

Although the Armanen Order was never a large organization, its membership included high-ranking members of Austrian society (ibid.:233n). One devotee of List’s writings would be come the hub of the Nazi movement: the young Adolf Hitler. After the fall of the Third Reich, a book written by Guido von List was found in Hitler’s Bugle corps flies the banner of the single lightning bolt, the occultic symbol of the Hitler Youth. On the inside cover was written the in scription: “To Adolf Hitler, my dear brother in Armanen,” although this is in sufficient evidence to conclude that Hitler be longed to the order itself (J.S. Jones:124; Waite, 1977:90).

Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Ariosophy

If any occultist can be said to have had more influence on Hitler and the Nazis than List it would be Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels (1874-1954). Lanz was a former Cistercian Monk who had been thrown out of the order “for carnal and worldly desires” (Sklar:19). Since the Cistercian Order was a closed, all-male monastery, it is assumed that Lanz's indiscretions were of a homosexual nature. German writer Friedrich Buchmayr noted the following about Lanz Following his ordination in 1898, as a priest, Lanz was put to use as a teacher of choir boys. In April of 1899, the 24-year-old left the order, stating his reason for this step as “increasing nervousness” and “irritation.” In the Chapter Book his departure was accounted to “carnal loves.” His later radical hatred of women suggests a failed relationship with women (Buchmayr, Biographisch- Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon , Vol. XVI, 1999)

It was through Lanz that Hitler would learn that many of his heroes of history were also “practicing homosexuals” (Waite, 1977:94f). After being expelled from the monastery, Lanz formed his own occultic order called the Ordo Novi Templi or the Order of the New Temple (ONT). The ONT was related to the Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East, which, like List’s organization, practiced tantric sexual rituals (Howard:91).

Hitler was aware that Lanz was a homosexual, according to Frau Elsa Schmidt-Falk of the Nazi Genealogy Office of Munich, as reported by Daim. Schmidt-Falk frequently spoke with Hitler personally in her role as a genealogical researcher whose task was to verify the racial purity of highly-placed Nazis. She did not conclude from her discussions that Hitler was personally as sociated with Lanz (although he may have been) but she reported that Lanz was also mentioned once in the following connection: a convicted homosexual had addressed a plea for clemency to Hitler, in which he designated [Lanz] as a homosexual. Hitler allowed this man to disappear...immediately.... [ At an other time] Hitler mentioned Roehm, Heines, etc. and also Lanz von Liebenfels and his group, about which (group) he (Hitler) at least accepted that it was actively homosexual (Daim:41).

Both List’s and Lanz’ organizations were modeled on the Teutonic Knights and the Knights Templars, militaristic monastic orders founded in 1118 A.D. to fight in the Crusades (Goodrick- Clarke:60). Following the crusades, the Templars returned to Europe, but did not demobilize. Instead the members established monasteries which became centers of trade and influence. In the early 1300s the Knights Templars were condemned by Pope Innocent III for homosexual perversion and occultic practices. They were brought to trial and disbanded by King Philip the Fair of France. Igra writes, [Homosexuality’s] morbid history in the German blood dates from the time of the Teutonic Knights...Their personal lives were as infamous as the more widely publicized infamies of their brother Knights, the Templars. These latter be came so corrupt that they raised the practice of their cardinal vice [homosexuality] into a religious cult...There were in numerable public trials where the most re volting details were brought to light (Igra:18).  

Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, “The Man Who Gave Hitler His Ideas.” Others have confirmed the prevalence of homosexuality among the Teutonic Knights. Adolf Brand, writing in Der Eigene, said of the Teutons (from whom the Teutonic Knights take their name), that “the Edda [Norse my thology] extols it [homosexuality] as the highest virtue of the Teutons (Brand in Oosterhuis and Kennedy:236f). Nazi leaders, especially Himmler, were infatuated with the Teutons. Sklar writes that “Like List and Lanz, Himmler was obsessed with...the Order of the Teutonic Knights” and that he “saw his Black Guards [the S.S.] as an elite cadre of Teutonic warriors” (Sklar:14ff). Like wise, Frederick the Great, Hitler’s personal hero, “revived the vices of the Teutonic Knights” in his army (Igra:19).

Hitler’s Ordensburgen (“Castles of the Order”) were “the highest residential academies for the training of the Nazi elite” and “received their name from the medieval fortresses built by the Teutonic Knights” (Sny der:261). It was fitting, then, that the swastika flag would first be flown over one of these fortresses. On Christmas day, 1907, many years before the swastika would be come the symbol of the Third Reich, Lanz and other members of the ONT raised a swastika flag over the castle which Lanz had purchased to house the order (Goodrick- Clarke:109). Lanz chose the swastika, he said, be cause it was the ancient pagan symbol of Wotan (Cavendish:1983). Wotanism, incidentally, was claimed by List to have been the national religion of the Teutons (Goodrick-Clarke:39).

The journal of the ONT was called Ostara, named for the female counterpart to Wotan in the pagan Germanic pantheon. Some of the titles of Ostara pamphlets included “The Dangers of Women’s Rights and the Necessity of a Masculine Morality of Masters,” and “Introduction to Sexual-Physics, or Love as Odylic (Kundalini) Energy.” Lanz claimed homosexuality was the result of “Odylic” influences (Waite, 1977:93f). Lanz hated women, writing that “the soul of the woman has some thing pre-human, some thing demonic, some thing enigmatic about it” (Rho des:108). “Nature herself,” wrote Lanz, “has ordained women to be our slaves” (Lanz in Daim:31). He blamed Aryan racial impurities on promiscuous women who were copulating with “men of lower races.”

Lanz’s occult philosophies, which he dubbed Ariosophy (Aryan Theosophy), were an enlargement upon the ideas of Guido von List. To the foundation of Theosophy and German nationalism, Lanz added the popular theme of social Darwinism, as promoted by Ernst Haeckel and the Monist League. Haeckel is famous to day for his debunked theory that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny,” the idea that the unborn young of all species pass through distinct embryonic stages that recapitulate the evolution of successive phyla. But in pre-Nazi Germany, Haeckel was famous for his application of Darwin’s concept of “survival of the fittest” to human society. Cambridge historian and London Times journalist Ben Macintyre writes, The German embryologist Haeckel and his Monist League told the world, and in particular, Germany, that the whole history of nations is explicable by means of natural selection: Hitler and his twisted theories turned this pseudo-science into politics, at tempting to destroy whole races in the name of racial purity and the survival of the fittest...Hitler called his book Mein Kampf, “My Struggle,” echoing Haeckel’s translation of Darwin’s phrase “the struggle for survival” (Mac in tyre:28f).

Lanz’s Ariosophy would fuel the imaginations of the Nazi elite, de spite (or perhaps be cause of) its lunatic qualities. “Lanz fulminated,” writes Goodrick- Clarke, “against the false Christian tradition of compassion for the weak and inferior and demanded that the nation deal ruthlessly with the under privileged” (Goodrick-Clarke:97). Waite re ports that Hitler was an avid fan of Ostara and developed his anti-Semitic philosophy with the help of racist pamphlets published and distributed by Lanz and Guido von List. [Hitler] bought some anti- Semitic pamphlets for a few pennies. These pamphlets, which were so important to the formation of Hitler’s political thinking, were distributed by a virulently anti-Semitic society called the List-Gesellschaft. The tracts were written by two now-forgotten pamphleteers, Georg Lanz von Liebenfels (1872-1954) and Guido von List (c. 1865-1919). Of all the racist pamphlets available to Hitler during those years, only those written by Lanz and List set forth in explicit detail the ideas and theories that became unmistakably and characteristically Hitler’s own. Only they preached the racial theory of history which proclaimed the holiness and uniqueness of the one creative race of Aryans; only they called for the creation of a racially pure state which would battle to the death the inferior races which threatened it from without and within; and only they demanded the political domination of a racial elite led by a quasi-religious military leader. Hitler’s political ideas were later developed and reinforced in racist circles of Munich after the war in 1919-1923, but their genesis was in Vienna under the influence of Lanz and List (Waite, 1977:91).

In 1958 Wilhelm Daim, an Austrian psychologist, published a study of Lanz entitled Der Mann der Hitler die Ideen gab (“The Man Who Gave Hitler His Ideas”). In the book, Daim recounts that Lanz had met Hitler in Vienna when the latter was 20 years old. Hitler often visited occult bookstores and he used his contacts in some of them to locate Lanz after having trouble finding back issues of Ostara. While he was destitute in Vienna, Hitler “hotly defended Liebenfels’ ideas against skeptics” writes Snyder (Snyder:211). In 1932, twenty-three years after that fateful meeting, Lanz wrote, “Hitler is one of our will one day experience that he, and through him we, will one day be victorious and develop a movement that makes the world tremble” (Cavendish:1983). This proclamation, however, did not sit well with der Fuehrer, and he had Lanz’s writings banned in 1933 (Snyder:211).

Lanz’s Ostara was a focal point for racist and occult figures in Germany. In Ostara, Lanz proposed that “unsatisfactory” racial types be eliminated by abortion, sterilization, starvation, forced labor and other means. He also recommended Aryan breeding farms where a master race, destined to control the world, could be hatched (Cavendish:1983). Heinrich Himmler would later create such a breeding program (called Lebensborn) during the Third Reich. The close similarity of Lanz’s prescription for the elimination of “inferiors” to the views of Benedict Fried lander suggests the possibility of a relationship between The ONT (Order of the New Temple) and the Community of the Elite. One link was Harald Gravelle, a homosexual member of the Guido von List Society who wrote for both Ostara and Der Eigene (Steakley:67n.34). Gravelle was “the principle theosophist of Lanz’s acquaintance, with the exception of Guido List” (Goodrick-Clarke:100).

Although not directly connected to the ONT, the astrologist, Dr. Karl Gunther Heimsoth was an other link between the Community of the Elite and the occultists. Heimsoth, a homosexual, was “a close friend and Freikorps comrade of Roehm” and maintained “close contact with several future Nazi big wigs” (Machtan:108f). He wrote a book titled Charakter Konstellation, which was devoted entirely to the horoscopes of homosexuals (Rector:81); he was also a contributor to Der Eigene. Heimsoth is remembered for coining the term “homophile” (Oosterhuis and Kennedy:188), which was a common American synonym for homosexual in the early de cades of the “gay” movement here.  

The Thule Society In 1912, various followers of List and Lanz formed an organization called the Germanen Order. Diverging radically from the purely philosophic and spiritual focus of the groups that the two “masters” had formed, the Germanen Order was to take an active role in fulfilling the goals of Ariosophist teachings. “The principle aim of the Germanen Order,” writes Goodrick-Clarke, “was the monitoring of the Jews and their activities by the creation of a center to which all anti-Semitic material would flow for distribution” (Goodrick-Clarke:128). Only Aryans of pure descent were allowed to be come members. The first World War disrupted the organization, but in the after - math of the war the chapters of the Order began to engage in direct action against those they considered to be their enemies.

after the war the Order began to be “used as a cover organization for the recruitment of political assassins” (ibid.:133) who revived the practices of the Vehmgericht, a medieval vigilante society whose only sentence was death (Waite 1969:216ff). Prominent among these assassins were Gerhard Rossbach, Edmund Heines and other “Butch” homosexuals who would later help to shape the Nazi Party (Snyder:92, Waite:222f).

Some 354 enemies of the nationalists were killed over several years in the campaign of Vheme murders, the most prominent being Walther Rathenau, Foreign Minister of the German Republic during World War I. Ironically, many of the victims were killed for sexual and not political reasons. Waite writes, The Feme [ Vheme] was often directed against former comrades of post- Free Corps organizations. The very multiplicity of Bunds and secret societies led to competition, quarreling and death....Competition and conflict was intensified by the fact that many of the Freebooters were homosexuals and hence prone to jealousy and “lover’s quarrels.” The Mayer-Hermann case will serve as an example.

Oberleutnant Mayer was Kreisleiter of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rossbach.” He was also, as court testimony euphemistically put it, “an enemy of women,” as was his Leader, Gerhard Rossbach and, supported by a wealthy tobacconist, one Kurt Hermann, he founded his own “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mayer.” But Oberleutnant Mayer soon be came jealous of a certain Gebauer, a former Baltic fighter, who was also court ing Herr Hermann. Mayer charged Gebauer with treason and sent two of his men to Hermann’s home. They found the traitor in bed with Herr Hermann -- Frau Hermann was away at the time -- and carried out the sentence of the Feme (Waite 1969:222f).

In 1917, because of the association of the Germanen Order with political terrorism, its Bavarian chapter changed its name to the Thule Society “to spare it the attentions of socialist and pro-Republican elements” (ibid.:144). The Thule Society retained many of the bizarre occult theories originated by Blavatsky and “had close ties to Crowley’s organization” (Raschke:339). Historian Wulf Schwarzwaller writes, Briefly, the creed of the Thule Society inner circle was as follows: Thule was a legendary is land in the Far North, similar to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost, high level civilization. But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out. Those that remained were being guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings... The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings...[who could] endow the initiated with supernatural strength and energy. With the help of these ener gies of Thule, the goal of the initiated was to create a new race of super men of “Aryan” stock who would exterminate all “inferior” races (Schwarzwaller:66f).

The leader of the Thule Society was a man named Rudolf von Sebottendorf but its chief organizer was Walter Nauhaus, a former member of the Wandervoegel movement (Goodrick-Clarke:143). Members of the Thule Society who figure prominently in the rise of Nazism included Hans Kahnert, Dietrich Eckart and Rudolf Hess. In 1919 Kahnert founded Germany’s largest “gay rights” organization, the Bundfuer Menschenrecht (“Society for Human Rights”) which counted SA Chief Ernst Roehm among its members (J. Katz:632n94). Eckart, meanwhile, was a founding member of the German Worker’s Party and became Adolf Hitler’s mentor (Shirer:65). Like Hitler, Eckart was a subscriber to Ostara (J. S. Jones:301n91).

Dietrich Eckart adopted Hitler as his student in 1920. He later stated that he felt “drawn to his [Hitler’s] whole being” and that he and Hitler developed an “intimate” relationship in which he referred to the younger man as “my Adolf” (Machtan:117). Eckart never confessed to being a homosexual, but the evidence suggests that he was. He is alleged by some to have been involved in Tantric occult sex rituals “similar to Crowley’s,” and even to have initiated Hitler into such activities (Raschke:399). We do know that Eckart was one of the most enthusiastic follow ers of Otto Weininger, a leading homosexual supremacist whose theories denigrated women (Igra:100). Alfred Rosenberg characterized Eckart as an inveterate misogynist whose “exclusively male company” destroyed his short and childless marriage in 1920 (Machtan:118f).

There is no question at all that Eckart was instrumental in Hitler’s early successes. “With Eckart as his men tor,” writes Schwarzwaller, “the gauche and inhibited Hitler -- the unsuccessful painter, for mer PFC, who had not even been promoted to corporal be cause of ‘lack of leadership qualities,’ quite suddenly...became an outstanding organizer and propagandist” (Schwarzwaller:68).

Like Roehm and Lanz, Eckart claimed credit for “creating” Hitler. In 1923, shortly before his death, Eckart wrote to a friend, “Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it will be to my tune. We have given him the means to maintain contact with them (meaning the “masters”). Don’t grieve for me for I have influenced history more than any other German” (Schwarzwaller:69). Though he would later ridicule many of the occultists and their ideas, Hitler dedicated his book, Mein Kampf, to Eckart, and at one time called Eckart his “John the Baptiser” (ibid.:70).

Hitler’s next spiritual mentor was Karl Haushofer, who later be came Germany’s leading theorist on the subject of geo-politics (the scientific study of the influence of geography on political events). A secret member of the Thule Society, Haushofer is credited with training Hitler to think in terms of world conquest and is believed to have virtually dictated Chapter 16 of Mein Kampf, which outlines Hitler’s foreign policy (Sklar:63f). Haushofer’s Lebensraum (“living space”) theory was later used to justify German expansion, while his familiarity with the Orient al lowed him to forge Hitler’s alliance with Japan (ibid.).

There is evidence to suggest that Haushofer was homosexual as well. In Hitler’s Cross, Erwin Lutzer accuses Haushofer of taking Hitler through the deepest levels of occult transformation until he became a thoroughly demonized being. Hitler was even transformed sexually; he be came a sado-masochist, practicing various forms of sexual perversion (Lutzer:61).

More persuasive is the testimony of Ilse Hess, wife of Rudolf Hess, the Thule Society member who would rise the highest in Nazi circles. Hess, a homosexual (his marriage notwithstanding) was one of Hitler’s closest friends and a fellow student of Haushofer. Machtan reports that “Ilse Hess...complained that she had gotten no more out of her marriage than a ‘girl confirmand’ and she even compared herself, where ‘the pleasures of matrimony are concerned,’ to a ‘convent school girl’” (Machtan:149).

He adds the following: Hess had developed a close relationship with Haushofer, who was twenty-five years older than himself. The two of them often spent whole nights sitting together in Haushofer’s home, and they also made joint excursions. “He’s a wonderful person,” Hess enthusiastically told his parents, and Haushofer dedicated to his “young friend Rudolf Hess” a hymn reminiscent of Stefan George a well-known pederast], which spoke of “his eyes festively illuminating closed doors” just as “a sunset is reflected in a spring.” Ilse Hess later confessed in a restrained fashion, that she had “long been almost a trifle jealous” of Haushofer, who seemed to have positively “absorbed” her boy friend (Machtan:144f).

Hess eventually became the Deputy Fuehrer of the Nazi Party. Both Hess and Alfred Rosenberg had “an immense influence on Hitler to whom they preached the gospel of the Thule Society” (Angebert:172). In addition to his involvement with the Thule Society, Hess belonged to yet an other off shoot of the Theosophical cult. It was an organization called the Anthroposophical Society, formed in 1912 by Rudolf Steiner. Steiner was a former leader of the German Theosophical Society who split with the group following their “discovery” of the new “messiah.” Hess was also a firm believer in astrology (Howe:152).

Hitler was also influenced by other members of the Thule Society. Waite writes, In describing his initiation into politics at Munich in 1919, Hitler stressed the importance of a little pamphlet entitled “My Political Awakening” ...[written by] a sickly fanatic called Anton Drexler...Drexler was an adjunct member of the Thule Society, the most influential of the many racist anti-Semitic groups spawned in Munich during the immediate post war period...By the time of the revolution of 1918, the society numbered some 1500 members in Bavaria and included many of Hitler’s later supporters. Hitler himself, it is reported “was often a guest of the Society”...The actual German Worker’s Party — which was to become the mighty Nazi movement...differed very little from the discussion groups and activities of the Thule Society or the other racist groups to which all the founders belonged. (Waite, 1977:115). Homosexual Rudolf Hess be came Deputy Fuehrer of the Nazi Party. SS Chief Hein rich Himmler was the leading occultist of the Nazi Party and may have been a homosexual as well. Yad Vashem

Yet an other prominent Nazi who was strongly influenced by the German occult movement was Heinrich Himmler. Himmler maintained a close relationship with a prominent occultist named Karl Maria Wiligut, who became known as the “Rasputin of Himmler” (Goodrick-Clarke:177). It is not clear if this designation is meant to imply that Wiligut shared the infamous Russian’s penchant for sexual licentiousness. Wiligut claimed to have a gift of clairvoyant “ancestral memory,” certainly quite useful to the racial purists of the Nazi Party who were concerned with proving their own Aryan heritage. Wiligut was responsible for designing the Death’s Head ring worn by members of the SS.

Un der Himmler, the SS became a veritable occultic order. Christian names of SS soldiers were replaced with Teutonic names, and all members were required to maintain the strictest secrecy and detachment from the rest of society (Sklar:100). In later years Himmler spent vast sums of money on esoteric research projects such as an expedition to Tibet “to look for traces of a pure Germanic race which might have been able to keep intact the ancient Nordic mysteries” (ibid.:102). (This little-known aspect of Nazi history is, of course, the inspiration for the Steven Spielberg movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark.)

Himmler may well have been a homosexual (two sources are cited later), however, his intense obsession with secrecy largely shielded him from disclosure of his private life. He did, how ever, foster the cult of the maennerbund among his men. Some report that SS special forces training required recruits to soap each other’s bodies during showers to establish mutual dependency (Reisman, 1994:3). Later, Himmler would make empty threats against homosexuals in public pronouncements, but it is clear that he was completely comfortable being part of Adolf Hitler’s clique of pederasts.

In any case, we can see that the occult roots of the Nazi Party ran deep into German history. It is also apparent that many of the leading occult figures responsible for this legacy were homosexuals. From ancient pagan roots through Blavatsky to List and Lanz, and to Hitler himself, the evolution of homo-occultism gave the Nazis their theories of an Aryan Master Race and their justification for the vicious extermination of “inferior” life. See "The Pink Swastika" Book, online.

 For the BM's these satanic religion myths are just traps for humanity to increase their harvest of spiritual energy, and to control the societies of the World - "A boot stamping in your face forever and ever" Orwell 1984

Satanism is a Religion which has been, "Designed to Fail" Which has been put in charge of every civilisation, "Designed to Fail" We have the histories of seventy-two civilisations infil-traited by the Satanists - all failed!!

In Energy Enhancement we understand that this Planet is a Factory for the production of Enlightened beings as we learn to manage disasters caused by 99% of humanity who are learning they only have the Free Will to do the right thing.

"Abandon hope all ye who enter here" from Inferno by Dante

Place not your hope in money, car, house, family, friends, country, civilisation.

Instead only evolve. Learn to master the system through your own evolution. In the end, only Enlightenment is the way out. The final accolade of maximal evolution as you gain the certificate of Mastery of this World.



Just by meditation and energy blockage removal, you can find the truth for yourself, increase your energy, access incredible quantities of Kundalini Energy, become Enlightened.

And that's the only way, I think, you can actually make a practical, actually practical indication of how we might be able to save humanity from its degenerate Satanic predators.


Pure.. Away from all perversion, the fastest and most advanced way to commence Kundalini Activation of the Base Chakra is through Energy Enhancement Meditation - Alchemical VITRIOL and the Kundalini Key given in Initiations Three and Four of Energy Enhancement Level One.








This is my Series about the Effects of the, "Dark Side" on the Last Tens of Thousands of years of Modern Society..

It is a Dark Vision, not unlike The Buddha's, "Pain, Sickness, Old Age and Death" But as we Both Say...

"There is a Path" -

Energy Enhancement Meditation...


The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.


The issue is as follows:
The essence of Christianity, and of Mosaic Judaism, is identified historically first, by Philo of Alexandria in his commentary on the first chapter of Genesis, that is, the account of Creation given by Moses. The point to be emphasized, is that man is defined in the image of God, Imago Viva Dei: not by virtue of any outward physical attributes of form, but rather by the fact that man, unlike all animals, contains that spark of creativity which places the human species apart from and above the animals in general.

That spark is the crucial thing...


Image of God, "Imago Dei" and Energy Blockages

Man is the image of god.
If you go back in time and look at history, some of the most loved leaders in the past have only said this.
And that is that man is the image of god, because if otherwise men would be like monkeys and if we think
of men as monkeys, all you would do would be to kill each other and fight to survive and preserve your
species and that’s what fascism and imperialism is, just like the Satanists.




THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerton, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment


The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA

Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca










The Satanic World has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - CULT OF THE ALL SEEING EYE



Frankenstein (1994) - Prometheus Unbound and its Relationship to Paganism and Luciferian Satanism



Cloud Atlas (2012) – Movie Review - A Spiritual Esoteric Analysis by Satchidanand

"Blade Runner" by Ridley Scott - Esoteric Analysis by Satchidanand 

The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.






Image of God, "Imago Dei" and Energy Blockages

Nicholas of Cusa, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Concept of Natural Law -Imago Dei or Image of God - and the concept of Energy Blockage Talents


Confucianism and "Imago Viva Dei" in China - Liebniz, Mencius, Chu Hsi, Christ, Taoism, Buddhism



Spiritual Energy and Enlightenment, the Economics of Human Extinction Events and the Principle of Progress

THE ANTAHKARANA AND EVOLUTION - it is the projected future which defines the present.

THE ANTAHKARANA AND EVOLUTION - We can only be that which we are willfully committed to become.

Energy Blockages Create the Matrix

The Antahkarana, the Watchtowers of Dee's Enochian Keys and the Chakras above the Head - The Perverted Kundalini Key









THE SATANIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD -  PART ONE - The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerton, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment


The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA

Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca










The Satanic World has been at war against the Human species for over 10,000 years

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - CULT OF THE ALL SEEING EYE



The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.

All Satchidanands Articles in Order

All Satchidanands Articles on The Satanic Elite in Order











The Wolf of Wall Street - Esoteric Movie Review by Satchidanand






The Grounded


Apocalypse Now, ego, Kurtz, Brando, DID, MPD blockages, soul, psychopaths,


King Kong











Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths,
Society and Human Nature in the Films, Movies of Stanley Kubrick




Energy Enhancement and the Lord of the Rings.

More on the Lord of the Ring and Energy Blockages




The Matrix And Antahkarana Hyperdimensional Predatory Energy Blockage Forces


"Blade Runner" by Ridley Scott - Esoteric Analysis by Satchidanand 

I ROBOT ENLIGHTENMENT AND ILLUMINATION Isaac Asimov and Alex Proyas Movie Review, Analysis of I Robot


George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith











Director: Tom Tykwer



Director: Tom Tykwer








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Ong Bak 2 and 3 by Director Tony Jaa - The Movie Review by Satchidanand

Frankenstein (1994) - Prometheus Unbound and its Relationship to Paganism and Luciferian Satanism




Cloud Atlas (2012) – Movie Review - A Spiritual Esoteric Analysis by Satchidanand




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